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桥梁作为交通系统中的生命线工程,其抗震性能问题尤为重要。桥梁减隔震技术主要通过减隔震装置来降低结构的地震损伤,目前已发展成为提高强震区桥梁抗震能力的重要措施。为促进减隔震技术在中国桥梁工程领域的进一步发展,首先总结减隔震桥梁的设计方法,归纳其地震反应和震害情况,对采用不同减隔震装置桥梁的非线性动力性能、减隔震效果、地震随机响应、易损性及性能优化方法等研究情况进行梳理;其次,概述减隔震技术在斜交桥、曲线桥及铁路桥梁中的应用情况与研究进展,并介绍新型韧性抗震设计理念在桥梁工程领域中的应用情况和发展前景;最后,总结减隔震桥梁的试验研究情况,指出目前减隔震桥梁研究中的不足和发展趋势。  相似文献   

介绍一种测震台站智能隔离防雷系统的设计实现。其电源部分设计为步进电机控制双电瓶交换充电、放电,保证设备与交流市电完全隔离;信号传输部分设计为通过无线局域网(WLAN)将测震信号传输到网关,再通过有线网络进行数据传输。此设计的优点是使测震核心设备与市电和外线完全物理隔离以达到最好的防雷效果。同时制作先进的NEMS传感器用于检测空间电磁场的变化,根据相应算法判断当地是否发生雷电,在附近有雷电发生时可控制断开信号线、市电等达到保护相关仪器的目的。  相似文献   

Seismic events that occurred during the past half century in the Tellian Atlas, North Africa, are used to establish fundamental seismic empirical relations, tying earthquake magnitude to source parameters (seismic moment, fault plane area, maximal displacement along the fault, and fault plane length). Those empirical relations applied to the overall seismicity from 1716 to present are used to transform the magnitude (or intensity) versus time distribution into (1) cumulative seismic moment versus time, and (2) cumulative displacements versus time. Both of those parameters as well as the computed seismic moment rate, the strain rate along the Tellian Atlas strike, and various other geological observations are consistent with the existence, in the Tellian Atlas, of three distinct active tectonic blocks. These blocks are seismically decoupled from each other, thus allowing consideration of the seismicity as occurring in three different distinct seismotectonic blocks. The cumulative displacement versus time from 1900 to present for each of these tectonic blocks presents a remarkable pattern of recurrence time intervals and precursors associated with major earthquakes. Indeed, most major earthquakes that occurred in these three blocks might have been predicted in time. The Tellian Atlas historical seismicity from the year 881 to the present more substantially confirms these observations, in particular for the western block of the Tellian Atlas. Theoretical determination of recurrence time intervals for the Tellian Atlas large earthquakes using Molnar and Kostrov formalisms is also consistent with these observations. Substantial observations support the fact that the western and central Tellian Atlas are currently at very high seismic risk, in particular the central part. Indeed, most of the accumulated seismic energy in the central Tellian Atlas crust has yet to be released, despite the occurrence of the recent destructive May 2003 Boumerdes earthquake (M w = 6.8). The accumulated seismic energy is equivalent to a magnitude 7.6 earthquake. In situ stress and geodetic measurements, as well as other geophysical field data measurements, are now required to practically check the validity of those observations.  相似文献   

为有效提高建筑中屋盖的抗震性能、节约建筑施工成本,深入研究大跨度钢、木混合结构屋盖的抗震性能。基于一个工程实例对该问题进行研究。分析从基本周期与抗侧刚度比、地震作用估算、承载力设置、抗震变形验算、连接与基础设计五个测试参数展开,在此基础上确定预应力拉索的地震响应及张拉控制应力。设计的混合屋盖是使用4道X形布置的屋面预应力主索与外柱斜拉索结构,这样是确保屋盖结构在地震下能够有效工作,根据该结构结合一工程实例展开大跨度钢、木混合结构屋盖抗震性能测试。实验结果表明,大跨度钢、木混合结构屋盖相对单一结构屋盖而言,抗震性能更强;同时实例分析表明,在多向地震输入下大跨度钢、木混合结构屋盖的各个构件中,内柱是抗震性能较弱的部位。  相似文献   

Finite difference simulations of seismic wave propagation are performed in the Niigata area, Japan, for the 2007 Mw 6.6 Niigata-ken Chuetsu-Oki earthquake at low frequencies. We test three 3D structural models built independently in various studies. First aftershock simulations are carried out. The model based on 3D tomography yields correct body waves in the near field, but later phases are imperfectly reproduced due to the lack of shallow sediment layers; other models based on various 1D/2D profiles and geological interpretation provide good site responses but generate seismic phases that may be shifted from those actually observed. Next, for the mainshock simulations, we adopt two different finite source models that differ in the near-field ground motion, especially above the fault plane (but under the sea) and then along the coastline. Each model is found to be calibrated differently for the given stations. For engineering purposes, the variations observed in simulated ground motion are significant, but for seismological purposes, additional parameter calibrations would be possible for such a complex 3D case.  相似文献   

地震巨灾风险的特点是低频高损,历史震害数据缺乏、风险暴露快速变迁等因素导致基于大数定理的费率厘定方法无法针对各区域不同建筑类型的风险暴露进行精细化定价。本文基于“五代图”潜在震源区模型的随机事件集解决观测数据不足的问题;并使用“五代图”所采用的地震动参数衰减关系模型与工程易损性方法计算地震事件对风险暴露造成的损失,从而计算费率厘定、地震风险管理需要的必备参数。本文采用云计算平台的弹性伸缩计算技术,实现动态按需分配计算资源,满足多用户并发使用的业务需求;同时采用以业务数据为单元的数据隔离方案,构建支持多租户的高性能地震保险损失评估SaaS云平台。  相似文献   

本文介绍了“工程结构性态抗震设计和控制研究”项目的立项背景、目标、所开展的主要工作、取得的成果及研究成果的社会效益,并展望了该领域研究的未来工作。  相似文献   

大跨度空间钢结构设计中,合理选取支吊架对建筑的抗震性有着重要的影响,当前设计过程中未考虑支吊架组合后的抗震性能。综合选取适用于大跨度空间钢结构的支吊架结构,使其具有更优的抗震性能。首先给出目前应用较多的三种结构,其次给出一定的抗震约束条件,如承载力、应力应变与拉伸变形等。在条件约束下,给出具有抗震能力的支吊架选取模型并给出具体计算示例,选取和组合具有一定抗震能力的大跨度空间钢结构支吊架。结果表明,相较于传统的随机支吊架选取方式,具有抗震能力的模型下支吊架核心钢结构抗震水平明显提升。  相似文献   

As part of a plant survivability and ground water study in Owens Valley, California, semipermanent installations are used to measure continuous range-land evapotranspiration in the valley's phreatophyte community. A proposed mobile installation also has been designed. The semipermanent micrometeoro-logical station collects continuous data for solution of the Bowen ratio/energy budget equation and the Penman combination equation. Three sites were chosen for this type of installation to provide a representative sampling of Owens Valley. The proposed mobile aerodynamic installation should be capable of calculating evapotranspiration by the eddy correlation method. This instrumentation will be used throughout the valley for short periods of time (up to five days). Many problems with equipment operation, calibration and design have been identified and resolved by means of improved calibration techniques, systematic error-removal techniques, reduced cycle times, modified equipment design and proper observer training. The collected evapotranspiration data will be instrumental in developing a one-dimensional evapotranspiration flux algorithm for a model of valleywide ground water flow.  相似文献   

论行业抗震设防标准的确定原则和依据   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以广播电影电视行业为例,探讨了确定行业抗震设防标准的原则和依据,并对其合理性进行了比较分析。文章不仅论证了为广播、电影、电视行业各类工程所确定的抗震设防标准是可行的,而且对确定其他行业的抗震设设标准也有所裨益。  相似文献   

应用浅层地震勘探法对宁夏吴忠地区北部的浅部地壳结构和隐伏活动断裂进行研究。结果表明,该区存在2条隐伏断裂,分别为银川主断层南段和新华桥断层。推测银川主断层南段为近SN走向的W倾正断层,断层下盘地层界面一般呈近水平状展布,而在断层上盘,T_Q及其以下的地层界面向断面方向倾伏并显示出逆牵引现象,断层向上错断了第四系内部。钻孔联合地质剖面及浅层地震探测结果共同揭示新华桥断层为一条走向NE,倾向SW的正断层,深、浅地震测线控制的新华桥断层延伸长度9 km左右,向上错断了第四系内部的T_(02)界面。  相似文献   

李雨泽  杨陈 《中国地震》2024,40(1):85-96
国家地震烈度速报与预警工程现已建设世界上规模最大的、总数超过15000个台站的地震烈度速报与预警观测站网。定制软件是预警工程的核心内容之一,将实现我国地震观测领域数据处理系统的全面升级。本文结合定制软件项目建设目标、业务功能需求等情况,从设计思路、总体架构、分系统功能、部署方式、性能指标和关键技术指标等方面对定制软件总体设计进行介绍。定制软件的总体设计契合预警业务功能需求,使得预警工程具备高稳定性、低延时、高可靠度、高处理性能的数据处理、紧急地震信息服务、数据综合服务和技术支持与保障能力,使地震预警和烈度速报两大功能得到落实,使工程项目的防震减灾效能得到切实体现。  相似文献   

《建筑工程抗震生态设计通则(试用)》是一部对我国抗震设计规范修订具有重大指导意义的试用标准。地震作用是抗震设计的首要问题,《通则》中地震作用计算方法与现行规范的差异引人关注。首先分析了《通则》和规范的场地设计谱,然后比较了二者地震作用计算方法,最后引入2个算例计算了水平地震作用的差别。对《通则》的应用,对修订和完善下一代规范有一定的参考作用。  相似文献   

The successful purification of waste waters from the leather and textile industries is possible by flocculation with aluminium sulphate and alkaline-earth chlorides. BaCl2 proved very successful among the applied alkaline-earth chlorides. The removal of oily emulsions and tensides was very effective when the waste waters were treated by a two-stage flocculation process. By an excessive application of BaCl2 also a reduction of sulphate was obtained. Wastewaters treated in the neutral range showed a purification effect of 98 %, so that the effluents were clear and colourless. The time of sedimentation amounted to 1 h only. Segregated oil was successfully removed with the aid of a very absorptive polyurethane foam.  相似文献   

地震快报目录是国家数字地震台网分中心数据服务的重要组成部分之一,为了能够更好地提供服务,我们使用Perl语言,开发了地震快报目录自动网上发布软件QCAT。本文分析了QCAT软件开发的应用需求,阐明了软件的设计思路,描述了软件的功能和结构,并对QCAT软件的各个模块进行了详细介绍,最终对应用QCAT之后,用户访问快报目录的方法做了说明。  相似文献   

针对西昌市某高层钢筋混凝土剪力墙结构进行了橡胶支座隔震设计和抗震性能分析。西昌市抗震设防烈度为9度,历史上曾发生过7.5级地震。该工程场址地质构造较复杂,东侧区域有一条隐伏断层,属则木河断裂带次生断层。则木河断裂带是川西主要发震断裂带之一,至今仍是一条活动较强烈的大断裂。按照《建筑抗震设计规范》(2016版)要求,取近场影响系数1.5,以提高结构的安全度;选取Ⅱ类场地5条天然地震波和2条人工模拟地震波,共计七条符合规范要求的地震波;基于SAP2000软件对结构进行了隔震设计,中震作用下结构层间剪力和倾覆弯矩减震系数最大值为0.24,比非隔震结构地震响应减小显著,罕遇地震下隔震支座的面压、水平位移能够满足规范要求。采用ABAQUS对结构进行了罕遇地震动力弹塑性时程分析,结果表明结构能够满足"大震不倒"的抗震设防目标。  相似文献   

中国地震信息网速报信息实时同步设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
结合中国地震信息网地震速报信息实时发布需求、速报信息源及接收方式,针对现同步系统存在的问题,提出了"双路接收、对比监控"的技术思路,并进行了功能设计与主要功能的实现。新系统不仅提升了网站速报信息服务的可靠性,而且将其与短信功能结合,能自动发现异常状况,便于及时处置故障。  相似文献   

Because of its excellent seismic performance, reinforced soil retaining walls are increasingly used in civil engineering. Although many countries have published corresponding design codes, the differences between them are still relatively large. Using the FHWA Code and the Code for Seismic Design of Railway Engineering (CSDRE), stability calculations of reinforced soil retaining walls were carried out and the similarities and differences between these two design codes were analyzed. According to the comparative analysis, the following conclusions are drawn: the inertia force, the earth pressure and the tensile force of reinforcements calculated from the CSDRE are less than those from the FHWA Code, and the safety factor calculated from the former is larger. Although the M-O method is recommended to calculate the dynamic earth pressure, the FHWA Code suggests a higher action point as compared to the CSDRE.  相似文献   

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