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Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth - Abstract—In this work, we study the parameters of microseismic noise in the vicinity of the Chilean subduction zone in order to detect oscillations of...  相似文献   

金沙江地震带强震动及其与现今弱震活动关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
包括川滇菱块及马边-大关,宣威-弥勒地区在内的金沙江地震带记载(录)了川滇两省发生的绝大部分中、强以上地震,为我国西南一主要地震区。本文重点研究了该范围内强震的重复性及现今弱震密集区的强震危险性问题。金沙江地震带强震具有很高的原地重复性,7级以上强震原地重复率达65.4%,平均复发时间157年;6级地震原地重复率达41.8%,平均复发时间为27.2年。川滇地区现今弱震活动密集区在活动期内本身发生6级以上强震的可能性很小。四川地区大多数情况下强震发生在距密集区40-50千米处,云南情况较复杂。但在作今后较长时间危险性分析预测时,现今弱震密集区本身仍有发生6级地震的危险,虽然发生7级以上地震可能性不大。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONManyhlstoric andrecent eaythquakes occurred along the Zhan9lakou-Penglal fanfaut zone situatedIn h。northern part of North China seismic regl()n(Fig.l),Including Sanhe-Pinggu MS.0 earthquakeonseptemberZ,1679 and Tangshan M7.8 eal’thquake on July28,1976.Afterthe Tangshanearthquake,a seismic quiescence along this zone lasted for 20 or more yeas without M 3 6.0eafthquake.Butonjanuary20,1998 theZhangbel M6.2 eafthquake occurred·Then the seismicactivity tends to …  相似文献   

Characterization of Earthquake Strong Ground Motion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
— Some underwater landslides are triggered by strong ground motions caused by earthquakes. This paper reviews current concepts and trends in the characterization of strong ground motion. Improved empirical ground motion models have been derived from a strong motion data set that has grown markedly over the past decade. However, these empirical models have a large degree of uncertainty because the magnitude-distance-soil category parameterization of these models often oversimplifies reality. This reflects the fact that other conditions that are known to have an important influence on strong ground motions, such as near-fault rupture directivity effects, crustal waveguide effects, and basin response effects, are not treated as parameters of these simple models. Numerical ground motion models based on seismological theory that include these additional effects have been developed and extensively validated against recorded ground motions, and used to estimate the ground motions of past earthquakes and predict the ground motions of future scenario earthquakes.  相似文献   

地震强地面运动的特征描述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
描述强地面运动特征的现行观点和发展趋势。过去十几年中,有赖于强地面运动观测数据的积累,得到一些改进的地面运动经验模型。然而,这些模型具有很大的不确定性,因为“震级-距离-土类型“”的参数化相对实际过于简单。其他一些对强地面运动有重要影响的参数,例如:近断层地区的破裂方向性、地壳波导效应、盆地响应等,没有在这些模型中得到反应。建立在地震学理论基础上,并包含了这些附加条件的地面运动数值模型已经得到开发,它们被记录到的地面运动验证是有效的,并且被用来评估过去地震的地面运动,以及对未来地震的地面运动进行预测。  相似文献   

鲜水河—安宁河断裂带磨西—冕宁段的滑动速率与强震位错   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
航片解译及野外地震地质考察结果表明,鲜水河-安宁河断裂带磨西-冕宁段存在明显的晚第四纪活动性,其以左旋走滑运动为主,并伴有显著的垂直滑动分量。晚第四纪以来的平均水平滑动速率在鲜水河断裂磨西以南段为6.0-9.9mm/a,安宁河断裂冕宁以北段为4.7-5.3mm/a。同震位错及地震地表破裂研究表明,A.D.1786年康定-泸定磨西73/4级地震的地表破裂可能南延至田湾以南;安宁河断裂冕宁以北段则具有蕴育71/2级左右地震的构造背景,最晚一次强震的地质记录极有可能是史料记载不全的A.D.1327年一次6级或6级以上地震的证据。  相似文献   

We developed a recipe for predicting strong ground motions based on a characterization of the source model for future crustal earthquakes. From recent developments of waveform inversion of strong motion data used to estimate the rupture process, we have inferred that strong ground motion is primarily related to the slip heterogeneity inside the source rather than average slip in the entire rupture area. Asperities are characterized as regions that have large slip relative to the average slip on the rupture area. The asperity areas, as well as the total rupture area, scale with seismic moment. We determined that the areas of strong motion generation approximately coincide with the asperity areas. Based on the scaling relationships, the deductive source model for the prediction of strong ground motions is characterized by three kinds of parameters: outer, inner, and extra fault parameters. The outer fault parameters are defined as entire rupture area and total seismic moment. The inner fault parameters are defined as slip heterogeneity inside the source, area of asperities, and stress drop on each asperity based on the multiple-asperity model. The pattern of rupture nucleation and termination are the extra fault parameters that are related to geomorphology of active faults. We have examined the validity of the earthquake sources constructed by our recipe by comparing simulated and observed ground motions from recent inland crustal earthquakes, such as the 1995 Kobe and 2005 Fukuoka earthquakes.  相似文献   

近年来我国布设的强震动观测结构台阵越来越多,并在数次地震中捕获了一批宝贵的观测记录,这些记录既是对应用日益广泛的结构数值模拟结果的检验和参数标定的依据,也是结构健康监测的重要数据。本文选取昆明防灾减灾中心大楼观测台阵捕获的3次中远场小震记录作为研究对象,对比ANSYS结构数值模拟和观测值之间在时程以及谱特性等方面的响应差别,证明了在弹性范围下二者结果具有较好的一致性。最后,基于观测记录,采用高效简单的经验谱比法进行了结构模态参数快速识别,3次地震下的自振频率计算结果相对稳定,与数值建模计算结果的差值可控制在0.17Hz以内。  相似文献   

利用区域数字强震动台网加速度记录合成场地设计地震波   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用福建数字强震动台网历年各类典型加速度记录的相位谱拟合所在场地设计反应谱,获得具有本地区不同场地、不同分向天然地震记录的非平稳性特征又满足抗震设防要求的场地设计地震波,同时提供了具体的应用算例及可供福建地区建筑结构时程分析时选用的输入地震波。  相似文献   

马尼拉俯冲带热结构数值模拟与地震意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究马尼拉俯冲带地震分布的成因机制,根据马尼拉俯冲带最新的莫霍面深度和地壳厚度等地质与地球物理资料,选取3条典型剖面,模拟俯冲带热结构。结果表明:1俯冲带热结构主要受俯冲角度、俯冲速度和俯冲板块本身地质条件等因素影响;2 BB′剖面和CC′剖面属于热俯冲;3当洋壳俯冲至软流圈边界时,俯冲板块温度迅速升高,容易形成地震活动。BB′剖面的俯冲角度和俯冲速度比CC′剖面小,使得BB′剖面发生地震的深度更浅。俯冲洋壳底部温度比顶部低,地震活动也持续到更大的深度。  相似文献   

It is well known that the quality of gravity modelling of the Earth’s lithosphere is heavily dependent on the limited number of available terrestrial gravity data. More recently, however, interest has grown within the geoscientific community to utilise the homogeneously measured satellite gravity and gravity gradient data for lithospheric scale modelling. Here, we present an interdisciplinary approach to determine the state of stress and rate of deformation in the Central Andean subduction system. We employed gravity data from terrestrial, satellite-based and combined sources using multiple methods to constrain stress, strain and gravitational potential energy (GPE). Well-constrained 3D density models, which were partly optimised using the combined regional gravity model IMOSAGA01C (Hosse et al. in Surv Geophys, 2014, this issue), were used as bases for the computation of stress anomalies on the top of the subducting oceanic Nazca plate and GPE relative to the base of the lithosphere. The geometries and physical parameters of the 3D density models were used for the computation of stresses and uplift rates in the dynamic modelling. The stress distributions, as derived from the static and dynamic modelling, reveal distinct positive anomalies of up to 80 MPa along the coastal Jurassic batholith belt. The anomalies correlate well with major seismicity in the shallow parts of the subduction system. Moreover, the pattern of stress distributions in the Andean convergent zone varies both along the north–south and west–east directions, suggesting that the continental fore-arc is highly segmented. Estimates of GPE show that the high Central Andes might be in a state of horizontal deviatoric tension. Models of gravity gradients from the Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) satellite mission were used to compute Bouguer-like gradient anomalies at 8 km above sea level. The analysis suggests that data from GOCE add significant value to the interpretation of lithospheric structures, given that the appropriate topographic correction is applied.  相似文献   

—The 12 November 1996 M w 7.7 Peru subduction zone earthquake occurred off the coast of southern Peru, near the intersection of the South American trench and the highest topographical point of the subducting Nazca Ridge. We model the broadband teleseismic P-waveforms from stations in the Global Seismic Network to constrain the source characteristics of this subduction zone earthquake. We have analyzed the vertical component P-waves for this earthquake to constrain the depth, source complexity, seismic moment and rupture characteristics. The seismic moment determined from the nondiffracted P-waves is 3–5 × 1020 N·m, corresponding to a moment magnitude M w of 7.6–7.7. The source time function for the 1996 Peru event has three pulses of seismic moment release with a total duration of approximately 45–50 seconds. The largest moment release occurs at approximately 35–40 seconds and is located ~90km southeast of the rupture initiation. Approximately 70% of the seismic moment was released in the third pulse.¶We find that the 1996 event reruptured part of the rupture area of the previous event in 1942. The location of the 1996 earthquake corresponds to a region along the Peru coast with the highest uplift rates of marine terraces. This suggests that the uplift may be due to repeated earthquakes such as the 1996 and 1942 events.  相似文献   

简要介绍了2011年3月24日缅甸勐帕亚M7.2地震发生后,云南强震动台网中心55个台站接收到的强震动记录及其初步处理结果,并对地震动衰减关系拟合、频谱随震中距的震域变化及地震动持时特征进行了分析.结果表明:由云南地区强震动记录资料拟合的地震动衰减关系相对于大陆区域的地震动衰减关系,与此次强震动记录具有更好的相关性.地震动加速度卓越频率依Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ类场地及楼房结构而依次变低,且随着震中距加大,强震动记录主频值呈变小趋势.场地类别对地震动水平分量持时的影响比竖向分量更明显一些.最后对仪器触发范围、方式、响应半径问题进行了探讨.  相似文献   

大姚6.2级地震的强地震动观测研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
2003年7月21日23时16分30秒,云南大姚发生Ms6.2级强震。震后,云南省地震局与中国地震局工程力学研究所在震区联合开展强震动观测,取得了多次小震源距强余震地震动记录,为研究近源区地震动的特征以及震源过程提供了有价值的基础数据。  相似文献   

唐山丰南M4.1级地震强震记录分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
2010年4月9日唐山丰南发生M4.1级地震,津冀地区共有36个强震台站获取到强震记录,记录的最大加速度为58.92cm/s2,通过对比强震记录的峰值,发现该地震竖向峰值比水平向大,在三个分量上加速度傅氏谱谱型以多峰为主。通过对强震记录频谱特征进行分析,得出随着震中距的增大,反应谱高频成分衰减快于低频成分,竖向与水平向加速度比值与常规认为的1/2—2/3差别较大。通过对本次强震动记录反应谱标定并结合唐山地区3.5级以上地震记录,获得唐山地区土层场地反应谱谱型参数。  相似文献   

通过对2007年6月3日宁洱M_S 6.4、M_S 5.1两次地震的强震动台站观测记录的谱分析,估算了两次地震的辐射能量、地震矩、矩震级等震源参数.结果表明,虽然对拐角频率、应力降等参数各台站的估算结果离散性较大,效果不甚理想,但利用近场强震动观测记录,可以对地震辐射能量、地震矩、矩震级3个参数作出较好的估计.  相似文献   

前言 (强震观测事业的历史 )1 955年 1月 3 1日 ,科学技术厅资源调查委员会向内阁总理大臣提交“关于强震测定计划的建议”,并以此为契机开始了强震观测。为了使建议从组织上得到落实 ,1 956年 1 2月在东京大学地震研究所设置了强震测定委员会。1 958年 1 1月 ,资源调查委员会又向科学厅长官提出了促进观测计划实施的请求。1 964年 1 1月 1 7日 ,日本学术会议向内阁总理大臣提交的“加强抗震工程研究的报告”中提出 :希望增设强震计并充分利用所获取的记录资料。 1 965年在东京大学地震研究所设置了强震观测中心 ,经费由国家财政拨款。 1 96…  相似文献   

2017年8月8日发生的九寨沟MS 7.0地震,是中国近10年来发生的强震之一,造成了大量建筑破坏、人员伤亡和经济损失,强震台网记录到的最大峰值加速度为0.19g。本文采用Wang等(2015)提出的改进有限断层法模拟了这次地震中部分台站的加速度时程。首先,选取合适的震源模型和输入参数,通过对比模拟结果和地震记录,估计这次地震的应力降大约为4.0MPa,与王宏伟等(2017)的分析结果基本一致。与EXSIM(Motazedian等,2005)方法相比,Wang等(2015)的方法得到的结果在频域上与实际地震记录更相符。同时,合成了强震台站以及断层附近网格点的加速度时程,模拟结果的时程和反应谱与实际记录整体上较为符合,震中附近的PGA分布与震中烈度区基本一致,验证了本文结果的有效性。本文合成的地震动可以为该地区的灾后抗震设计提供一定依据。  相似文献   

利用2008年5月12日汶川8.0级地震的远场强震动记录,研究太原盆地厚覆盖土层对长周期地震动的影响,并将其结果与地震安全性评价工作中的土层反应分析结果进行比较。结果表明:厚覆盖土层对长周期地震动有很强的放大作用,覆盖层厚度越厚,峰值出现的周期越大,而相对于基岩最大放大可达9倍左右。另外,对于厚覆盖层的场地,观测结果与场地地震安全性评价计算结果在一定的长周期范围内差别相当大,相对于基岩,观测结果的放大系数至少高于场地地震安全性评价计算结果的2倍以上,最大达到近9倍。  相似文献   

In this paper, ground motion during the Independence Day earthquake of August 15, 1950 (Mw 8.6, Ben-Menahem et al., 1974) in the northeastern part of India is estimated by seismological approaches. A hybrid simulation technique which combines the low frequency ground motion simulated from an analytical source mechanism model with the stochastically simulated high-frequency components is used for obtaining the acceleration time histories. A series of ground motion simulations are carried out to estimate the peak ground acceleration (PGA) and spectral accelerations at important cities and towns in the epicentral region. One sample PGA distribution in the epicentral region encompassing the epicenter is also obtained. It is found that PGA in the epicentral region has exceeded 1 g during this earthquake. The estimated PGA’s are validated to the extent possible using the MMI values. The simulated acceleration time histories can be used for the assessment of important engineering structures in northeastern India.  相似文献   

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