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For some years, the Saxon Academy of Sciences at Leipzig (SAW) is engaged in the research project Contributions to Environmental Research by means of Radiometric-Geochemical Methods in the Vogtland area (Germany). The main goal is to investigate the hydrogeological and hydrochemical parameters of mineral springs in that region and their interrelations. Here, the high CO 2 degassing rates are of particular interest. The isotopic signature of these gases indicates an anomalous high mantle/crust contribution (Weinlich et al., 1999). A further geoscientifically important phenomenon of this region is the high seismicity, in particular the Vogtland/NW Bohemian earthquake swarms. Therefore, we have tried to use the mantle-originated fluids as transport media for information from the seismogenic horizons. The variations of the parameters recorded continuously at the springs for years show a connection to the seismic events of the epicentral area of Nový Kostel in the Czech Republic. In particular, numerous anomalous degassing intervals were recorded at the mineral spring Wettinquelle (formerly: Radonquelle), Bad Brambach, prior to earthquakes occurred in the region of Nový Kostel.  相似文献   

The focal mechanisms of events from three micro-earthquake swarms (swarm in the years 1985/86, swarm of December 1994, and swarm of January 1997) in the epicentral area of Nový Kostel (West Bohemia region) were used as input data for stress analyses. The simple graphical method of Angelier and Mechler (1977) and inversion by the program BRUTE3 (Hardcastle and Hills, 1993) were applied to the data collections. The results of the stress analyses for the 1985/86 swarm and for the swarm of December 1994 are similar. For the January 1997 swarm, the results of the analyses differ from those for older swarms. The axis of maximum extension is oriented in the NE-SW direction and is subhorizontal, the axis of maximum compression is oriented in the NW-SE direction and perspicuously dips towards SE. These results are similar to older results of stress analyses carried out for the 1985/86 swarm (Antonini, 1988; Sonnleitner,1993). They are also consistent with most of other published results of stress analyses conducted at different sites in the western part of the Bohemian Massif. The orientation of the principal stresses confirms the sinistral strike-slip movement along the Nový Kostel-Poátky-Zwota line (the trend is about 355°) defined by the epicentres of the micro-earthquakes. The eastern tectonic limit of the Cheb Basin (and other respective parallel faults ) could be characterised by normal rather than strike-slip faulting.  相似文献   

The gravimetric investigation of the seismoactive area in Western Bohemia started in 1991 with local experimental measurements in a small area around the principal Mariánské Lázn fault close to Nový Kostel. With respect to the aims of the study, the method was designed for complex investigations in combination with GPS measurements, hydrological and geological research starting in 1993. Precise levelling was included into the project to specify vertical displacements with high accuracy in order to eliminate their influence on gravity. Temporal changes of gravity were observed during the initial stage in 1993 - 1995.  相似文献   

¶rt;aam ¶rt;a m¶rt;a amu uaa, u u , u auam u ma mum nuu ¶rt; uau aumma. u n u ama u ma n¶rt; ma m¶rt;a nm a umam u naa u ¶rt; nuu. mm m¶rt; n au auu u aau n¶rt;mam a au nm aum nu m unu a a.  相似文献   

nua ¶rt;u a¶rt;am m aa ¶rt;uaaa . ¶rt;u aam ¶rt; ¶rt; uu umuo au uu m a u a u am mu ma. mu anmau mu ma n¶rt; auumu m a aa u anau nu au. num ma uu nu un u n mu ma n¶rt;mauu n¶rt;um uu m umua. mam ¶rt;umum mu u aua n au muna ma a umua uu un. ¶rt; aauua am na mu ma, m uam ua u.  相似文献   

muu aamuam mauma u¶rt;u, aa uauu n aum n aa , ma n¶rt;mam ¶rt;¶rt; n¶rt;u a. aam, m mam mum au u u ¶rt;a n, a¶rt;am, m a , a¶rt;am n u amm ¶rt;au, ¶rt;a n ( aa um ¶rt;uam). a aamuam u m maua ¶rt;¶rt; aum n a au ¶rt;¶rt; n¶rt; aa. a am uu n Sq auau a m au u u n m mu, m na a, mum a¶rt;a au a¶rt;u mu au u.  相似文献   

Summary The sequence of aurorae, observed at latitudes up to 55° between the years 1001 and 1900 was processed by methods of spectral analysis. The same methods were applied to parts of various duration of this interval. The periods predominant in the time series under investigation were determined. In all the selected parts of the interval, these periods are always located within the same frequency band. Their position is related to the periods corresponding to mutual conjunctions of the large planets.
¶rt; n uu, a¶rt;au a uma ¶rt; 55° nu¶rt; 1001–1900, ama nu nu m¶rt; nma aaua. a n¶rt; ¶rt; am a ¶rt;u m umaa. u n¶rt; na¶rt;au nu¶rt; u¶rt;a ¶rt;a. mu nu¶rt; ¶rt; a am umaa ¶rt;a a¶rt;m ¶rt;ua ¶rt;uaan amm. nu mum nu¶rt;au, mmmuu au u u nam.

Summary Simple linear representation of the components of an approximate plane solution of point mass loading of the Earth's surface in a conveniently chosen coordinate system leads to selection of a 2nd-degree curve which is the best fit of the spherical solution for the given Earth model. The new approximate solution, which, analogously to the plane solution, can be called a parabolic solution, enables the simple input parameters of the plane solution to be used also for substantially larger angular distances. The comparison with the spherical solution is carried out by computing the effects of the M2-wave of ocean tides. The results of the computations for the tidal station Brussels prove the two solutions to be in sufficient agreement for global problems as well.
m nu uau aa nuuum nm u m m au nmu u n¶rt;¶rt; um ¶rt;uam ¶rt;m ma u m mnu, ma auu a n¶rt;¶rt;um u u ¶rt; ¶rt;a ¶rt;u u. nuuum u, m n aauu nm u aam naauu u, nm unam nm ¶rt; ¶rt;a nm u ¶rt;a ¶rt; m u amu. au uu u m uu uu 2 u nuu. mam uu ¶rt; nuu mauu ¶rt;aam ¶rt;mum au u u ¶rt;a ¶rt;a a¶rt;a.

Summary The effectiveness of recording seismic phenomena in the Kruné hory (Mts.) region in NW Bohemia by selected stations in the CSR, GDR and Poland has been estimated. Magnitude isolines of the weakest earthquakes, which can be localized and detected with an 0.9 probability, were calculated on the basis of the level of seismic disturbances at the individual stations and of the empirical dependence of the attenuation of seismic waves with distance.
a a mum umauu uu u amu ¶rt; ana¶rt; uu uau mauu a mumuu , u a a uu n a m¶rt; mau u nuu auumu amau uu m amu u auma uuuu aum¶rt; a a mu, m mm 0.9 auuam u aum.

Summary Among the various dynamic ray tracing systems described by ervený and Hron[1] is one particular linear system of second order that readily provides identical parameters (in the ray centred coordinate system) to those that fall out of the system by Popov and Peník[3, 4]. Hence the initial conditions of the latter system for sources and interfaces can easily be used to provide those for the linear system of second order.  相似文献   

A theoretical model is presented which allows computing the efficiency with which aerosol particles of radius 0.1r10 m are collected by simple ice crystal plates of radius 50a c 640 m in air of various relative humidities, temperatures and pressures. Particle capture due to thermophoresis, diffusiophoresis and inertial impaction are considered. It is shown that the capture efficiency of an ice crystal in considerably affected by phoretic effects in the range 0.1r1 m. For aerosol particles ofr>1 m the efficiency is strongly controlled by the flow field around the crystal and the density of the aerosol material. Trajectory analysis also predicts that aerosol particles are preferentially captured by the ice crystal rim. Our theoretica results are found to agree satisfactorily with the laboratory studies presently available. Comparison shows that for the same pressure, temperature and relative humidity of the ambient air ice crystal plates are better aerosol particle scavengers than water drops.  相似文献   

a mmuu ¶rt; ¶rt;au nm u , a auauu ma mu au u. aamuam m¶rt; a, ma u mua mu ¶rt;au u ¶rt;aa u uma a; m a mu ¶rt;auu m ¶rt;muam 10% m ¶rt;au, a u nuuau m .  相似文献   

We calculated focal mechanisms for 30 of the strongest events (1.5 M L 3.3) in distinct subregions of Vogtland/Western Bohemia between 1990 and 1998. Our investigations are concerned with events of the swarms near Bad Elster (1991), Haingrün (1991), Nový Kostel (1994 and 1997) and Zwickau (1998), two events from a group of earthquakes near Klingenthal (1997) and eight single events. Seismograms were provided by the digital station networks of the Geophysical Observatory of the University of Munich, the Technical University of Freiberg, the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in Prague, the Masaryk University in Brno and some nearby stations of the German Regional Seismic Network (GRSN). To calculate focal mechanisms two inversion methods were applied. The inferred focal mechanisms do not show a simple, uniform pattern of seismic dislocation. All possible dislocation types – strike-slip, normal and thrust faulting - are represented. The prevailing mechanisms are normal and strike-slip faulting. Considerable differences in the fault plane solutions are noted for the individual subregions as well as in some cases among the individual events of a single swarm. For the Nový Kostel area we succeeded to resolve a change in the orientations of the nodal planes for the two successive swarms of December 1994 and January 1997. Besides this we also observe a change in the mechanisms, namely from strike-slip and normal faulting (December 1994) to strike-slip and thrust faulting (January 1997). Based on the inferred focal mechanisms the stress field was estimated. It turned out, that the dominating stress field in the region Vogtland/Western Bohemia does not substantially differ from the known stress field of West and Central Europe, being characterized by a SE-NW direction of the maximum compressive horizontal stress. We conclude that the seismicity in the Vogtland/Western Bohemia region is not predominantly caused by an independent local stress field, but rather controlled by the dominating stress regime in Central Europe.  相似文献   

Since 1994 annual campaigns of precise levelling have been performed on the network established in the surroundings of Nový Kostel. The network covers the most dynamic part of the West Bohemia seismoactive region with a total of 70 points in 1999. The measurements are connected to a reference point of the national levelling system and to our GPS-gravity network. It was proved by the error and confidence level of the data that small displacements of three and more millimetres can be recognised. The data analysis showed that all points could be divided into several groups according to temporal changes of height. Mutual comparison of these changes enabled to detect both general and very local short-term movements. It appeared that, in general, the involved part of the mountain block is subsiding relative to the Cheb basin. This is in contradiction to the recent uplift of the Kruné hory Mts. The correlation between vertical displacements and earthquake swarms was examined with the conclusion that during a swarm period the movements have special homogeneous pattern, contrary to inter-periods. The division line of different displacements (a fault zone) for the swarms 1994 and 1997 was determined.  相似文献   

a mam 10-mu u¶rt;au ¶rt;uauu nmu a anam. auum aam mua ¶rt;uu u nu amu uu, a , muu, u auauu n u mmu u uu umaa u ¶rt; nmu uuau.  相似文献   

Summary Localization errors made by approximating a given medium by a homogeneous rectangular block model and due to the approximative solution of two-point ray tracing are estimated for four different structures. The separate influence of the individual characteristics of the medium is discussed. The iterative Geiger method supplemented by a generalized inversion of the damped least-squares and Marquardt algorithm is used for localizating five hypothetical hypocentres using 9 stations. Travel times in the original structures, used as input data for localization, are calculated using a special ray tracing system.
am uu auauu a annuau a ¶rt; ¶rt; ma u ma ¶rt;¶rt; u annuau m a ¶rt; munau nuuum .

u uuuuaumau uu u m, ¶rt;u a mumau nmu a u nmu mau u nmmu. au n¶rt; nuau ¶rt;mam u u m. nua m¶rt; m u m¶rt;a aau (1960) ¶rt; uu .  相似文献   

u¶rt;m mam uu u nu a¶rt;u m¶rt;3 (a na¶rt;u) a amm 1539 a amuu aa a nu¶rt; am 1978 — am 1981. u m nuau nu mma. a¶rt;am u¶rt;aa ma (a aumu) u a auau nu, u u aauu u an u u. numa u am au nu ¶rt; =60° na¶rt;am. au naa, m nu u um a a ¶rt;a ¶rt;m a nu¶rt;, nu a m n u nua nu mma am 1980.  相似文献   

Summary The theory of methods of computing single- and inter-station transfer functions in both the spectral and time domains was developed in paper[1]. Both approaches are applied to the variation data recorded at field stations along two non-simultaneous profiles traversing the eastern margin of the Bohemian Massif, where a zone of anomalous induction seems to mark an important geological boundary of formations with different histories of development. The results of both analyses are found to coincide within reasonable bounds of 20–30% in the principal induction characteristics.
u m¶rt; ama ¶rt;-u -mau n¶rt;am u nma u am a ua am[1]. am nua m am a n¶rt;¶rt;a nu ¶rt; aaua ¶rt;aaum auau aumua a n mau ¶rt; u nu, nau m au aua,¶rt; aa a aa u¶rt;uu. a, u¶rt;u, mamau a¶rt;a ¶rt; ¶rt; ¶rt;uuau au umuu aumu. mam aau nma u am auam a 20–30% ¶rt; u¶rt;u naam.

Summary The CHMI LAOFM is used in the daily routine of the Central Forecasting Office of the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute and some special results are transmitted to the regional offices. The model works in the region of Europe and the North Atlantic, uses conservative finite difference schemes and two types of semi-implicit schemes that allow effective model structurization in terms of programming language. The basic philosophy of the model is described.
¶rt; a zau mumuu unm zumzu umumm () ¶rt; z uz nza. m mam ¶rt;a zu nzam am amuu. z amam amu n u amu mamuz aa, un am , a a aa au. ama aum mu auau z n- , ma cam m nm a auuam mmauau nza. mam nuaa u u auauu.

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