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In this paper, we introduce a novel stochastic model for the permeability tensor associated with stationary random porous media. In the light of recent works on mesoscale modeling of permeability, we first discuss the physical interpretation of the permeability tensor randomness. Subsequently, we propose a nonparametric prior probabilistic model for non‐Gaussian permeability tensor random fields, making use of the information theory and a maximum entropy procedure, and provide a physical interpretation of the model parameters. Finally, we demonstrate the capability of the considered class of random fields to generate higher levels of statistical fluctuations for selected stochastic principal permeabilities. This unique flexibility offered by the parameterization of the model opens up many new possibilities for both forward simulations (e.g. for uncertainty propagation in predictive simulations) and stochastic inverse problem solving. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Reza Jamshidi Chenari Hassan Kamyab Farahbakhsh 《Georisk: Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems and Geohazards》2015,9(2):96-108
This paper emphasises the true realisation of Cone Penetration Test (CPT) profiles considering non-stationary nature of the data. Formulation of stationary random field theory has been modified and adapted to non-stationary state in order to take into account the mean and variance variability for soil properties. Multi-variance correlation matrix along with the Cholesky decomposition technique was employed to produce realisations of non-homogenous and non-stationary random fields of CPT profiles. A piecewise and segmental data realisation according to the lithology and site class specifications acquired directly from CPT data is adopted in this study so as to render an accurate data simulation. For validation of proposed method 8 CPT test profiles collected from Urmia Lake site have been introduced and simulated by the stationary and non-stationary algorithms. The mean correlation coefficient between the actual CPT data profiles and related realisations along with some other important statistical parameters and their coefficients of variation strongly demonstrate that non-stationary random field generation technique gives quite better accuracy, by comparison to the conventional stationary random field generation scheme. 相似文献
Johannes Bruining Diederik van Batenburg Larry W. Lake An Ping Yang 《Mathematical Geology》1997,29(6):823-848
Random field generators serve as a tool to model heterogeneous media for applications in hydrocarbon recovery and groundwater
flow. Random fields with a power-law variogram structure, also termed fractional Brownian motion (fBm) fields, are of interest
to study scale dependent heterogeneity effects on one-phase and two-phase flow. We show that such fields generated by the
spectral method and the Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT) have an incorrect variogram structure and variance. To illustrate
this we derive the prefactor of the fBm spectral density function, which is required to generate the fBm fields. We propose
a new method to generate fBm fields that introduces weighting functions into the spectral method. It leads to a flexible and
efficient algorithm. The flexibility permits an optimal choice of summation points (that is points in frequency space at which
the weighting function is calculated) specific for the autocovariance structure of the field. As an illustration of the method,
comparisons between estimated and expected statistics of fields with an exponential variogram and of fBm fields are presented.
For power-law semivariograms, the proposed spectral method with a cylindrical distribution of the summation points gives optimal
results. 相似文献
The Fourier Integral Method: An efficient spectral method for simulation of random fields 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
The Fourier Integral Method (FIM) of spectral simulation, adapted to generate realizations of a random function in one, two, or three dimensions, is shown to be an efficient technique of non-conditional geostatistical simulation. The main contribution is the use of the fast Fourier transform for both numerical calculus of the density spectral function and as generator of random finite multidimensional sequences with imposed covariance. Results obtained with the FIM are compared with those obtained by other classic methods: Shinozuka and Jan Method in 1D and Turning Bands Method in 2D and 3D, the points for and against different methodologies are discussed. Moreover, with the FIM the simulation of nested structures, one of which can be a nugget effect and the simulation of both zonal and geometric anisotropy is straightforward. All steps taken to implement the FIM methodology are discussed. 相似文献
Karhunen-Loeve展开在土性各向异性随机场模拟中的应用研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
研究了Karhunen-Loeve(简称KL)展开在土性参数随机场模拟中的应用,分析了KL展开的特点,针对不规则区域和任意类型协方差函数提出了积分方程的Galerkin数值解法,模拟了土壤渗透系数各向异性随机场。分析结果表明:较低阶Karhunen-Loeve展开能够较好描述随机场的空间结构,与转动带法相比,KL展开法在模拟随机场的各向异性特性方面更具优势;与谱展开法相比,KL展开法具有更优的收敛性。 相似文献
Simulation of one-dimensional correlated fields using a matrix-factorization moving average approach
The simulation of one-dimensional stationary correlated fields is of increasing importance in the earth sciences. A new method for repeated generation of independent realizations, which are long and dense relative to the correlation scale of the underlying stochastic process, is examined here. This method is conceptually simple and easy to apply. It consists of a matrix-factorization technique for derivation of moving average coefficients which are used as weights in the construction of successive observations from linear combinations of random normal deviates. The matrix-factorization procedure is fast and need be performed only once for a given correlation function and density of observations. This technique can be used to generate evenly spaced observations in time or a single space dimension for any prescribed correlation function and marginal distribution which is Gaussian with arbitrary mean and variance. Tests of ensemble properties of generation procedures have been developed and results for this method compared with those for a popular generation technique. For correlation functions and generation conditions examined, the matrix-factorization moving average approach more accurately produces ensemble characteristics of the prescribed underlying process. For repeated generation of 2001 observations spaced evenly over realizations with length equal to 100 times the correlation scale, the moving average approach requires only about one fifth the CPU time used by the Shinozuka and Jan method to obtain similar accuracy. 相似文献
根据给定渗透系数、孔隙度以及吸附系数的概率分布,采用顺序高斯模拟生成相关的多参数随机场的实现,作为地下水流和溶质运移模型的输入参数,对污染物浓度进行随机分析。研究结果表明,与仅考虑渗透系数空间变异性相比,考虑相关的多参数空间变异性导致污染羽的扩散程度有显著不同。当孔隙度与渗透系数呈正相关关系时,会减少污染羽的扩散程度,反之,当孔隙度与渗透系数为负相关关系时,会加剧污染羽的扩散程度。吸附系数也是如此。在考虑吸附系数的空间变异性之后,污染羽的分布表现出拖尾现象。同时考虑渗透系数、孔隙度以及吸附系数空间变异性时,孔隙度非均质性对溶质运移的影响较吸附系数非均质性的影响更大。 相似文献
渗流场随机性的随机有限元分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
基于一阶Taylor随机有限元法,推导出相应的渗流场随机分析中渗流响应量(水头和水力梯度)的随机响应公式,进而实现三维稳定渗流场随机有限元分析,并编制了相应的程序。在分析中,将渗流区域材料的渗透张量视为三维各向异性随机场,利用三维可分离向量随机场的局部平均法对随机场进行离散,根据参数选取的不同,可以离散出不同数量的随机变量。最后,给出一个算例,对离散出随机变量数量不同的情况分别进行随机分析,将分析结果和仅仅将渗透张量视为三维随机变量得到的结果对比,验证了所提方法的可行性。 相似文献
A methodology was presented for observation-based settlement prediction with consideration of the spatial correlation structure of soil. The spatial correlation is introduced among the settlement model parameters and the settlements at various points are spatially correlated through these geotechnical parameters, which naturally describe the phenomenon. The method is based on Bayesian estimation by considering both prior information, including spatial correlation and observed settlement, to search for the best estimates of the parameters at any arbitrary points on the ground. Within the Bayesian framework, the optimised selection of auto-correlation distance by Akaike's Bayesian Information Criterion (ABIC) is also proposed. The application of the proposed approach in consolidation settlement prediction using Asaoka's method is presented in this paper. Several case studies were carried out using simulated settlement data to investigate the performance the proposed approach. It is concluded that the accuracy of the settlement prediction can be improved by taking into account the spatial correlation structure and the proposed approach gives the rational prediction of the settlement at any location at any time with quantified uncertainty. 相似文献
地层特性随机场插值方法应用研究 总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5
地质勘探中钻孔的数量常是有限的,钻孔以外未知的地质特性需要进行插值或推断。实践中一般假定两钻孔之间的地质特性为线性分布,用直线连接。线性连接方法简单,但精度难以保证。因此,有必要进一步研究简便且精度高的插值方法。对常用的空间插值数学方法作一简要评价,认为Kriging法更适用于地质特性随机场的插值。并尝试将Kriging法应用于南水北调穿黄工程砂土地基标准贯入击数及液化范围的空间插值,采用合适的变差函数以反映砂层的空间相关特性,由插值结果得到地基砂层标贯击数及液化范围的沿线分布,从而可以更好地了解地层特征的变化情况。 相似文献
在统计矩点估计法和模糊随机理论的基础之上,提出边坡工程模糊随机可靠性分析的模糊点估计法,将边坡稳定性极限状态方程由模糊随机集向普通随机集转化,然后利用点估计法求解边坡的可靠度指标。鉴于岩土体物理力学参数的近似分布类型,采用区别于梯形模糊数的正态模糊数对随机变量进行模糊随机化处理,使其更趋近于物理力学参数的近似分布类型。该方法考虑了各个力学参数的模糊性,计算结果更能反映边坡的真实工作状态。算例分析结果表明,该法使用简便,计算效率高,结果可靠,避免了传统分析方法的缺点,对复杂边坡或者功能函数为隐式表达的边坡工程可靠性分析具有很大的潜力,为边坡可靠性分析提供了一条新的途径,具有广泛的应用前景。 相似文献
基于CPT资料的土性参数随机场特性研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
通过CPT资料研究土性参数随机场特性是一种比较理想的方法。土性参数随机场的平稳性是后续研究的先决条件之一,可以通过Bartlett统计量进行检验,但采用不同的模型拒绝域相差比较大,这样给实际应用造成困难,新模型LGS由于适应范围广可以解决这一问题。从随机场的基本理论出发,介绍了新相关模型LGS的数值模拟方法。基于LGS相关模型,采用修正的Bartlett统计量对随机场平稳性进行检验,统一了拒绝标准。用两组数据进行了实例分析,通过编制的程序进行计算,结果表明,这种相关模型对不同形式的相关函数有较好的适应性,可以解决拒绝域不统一的问题。 相似文献
Risk may be estimated by multiplying the probability of failure by the consequence. This is acceptable for systems that have a single mode of failure. For systems that have multiple failure modes, such as landslides, the consequences should be assessed individually for each of the failure modes. This paper proposes a new framework of quantitative landslide risk assessment, in which consequences are assessed individually. The framework is generally applicable, and the landslide risk assessments of two typical slopes are presented. 相似文献
为有效模拟裂缝性页岩储层中水力裂缝随机扩展过程,基于单元节点的拓扑数据结构,利用网格节点分裂方式,建立了一种基于有限元网格嵌入零厚度内聚力单元的水力裂缝随机扩展新方法。利用KGD模型解析解和2种室内试验,验证了新方法的准确性和有效性。同时,通过数值算例研究了水平地应力差和储层非均质性对水力裂缝随机扩展过程的影响。研究表明:(1)该方法弥补了ABAQUS平台内置的内聚力单元无法有效模拟水力裂缝随机扩展的不足;(2)在较高水平地应力差下页岩储层非均质性越强,与水力裂缝相交的高角度天然裂缝越容易开启。所建方法能准确地描述复杂水力裂缝的随机扩展行为,可为裂缝性页岩储层的数值模拟提供新手段。 相似文献
晚更新世黄土渗透性的各向异性及其机制研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
非饱和黄土的渗透性是非饱和黄土性质的重要组成部分。研究黄土不同方向的渗透性对确定其湿陷范围和由于水的渗透引起的黄土滑坡具有很重要的理论意义。研究了黄土渗透性的各向异性特征及其机制。以具有明显各向异性的西安Q3原状黄土为研究对象,用TEN型张力计测量了黄土试样不同方向的、不同含水率下的吸力;用变水头渗透试验测量了黄土竖直和水平方向的饱和渗透系数。结果表明,当体积含水率在23%~41%时,张力计沿不同方向插入土样所测吸力相差不大;竖直方向的饱和渗透系数是水平方向的4.02倍。在吸力测量的基础上,根据土-水特征曲线,确定了竖直和水平方向的非饱和黄土的渗透系数。得出在黄土不同方向,随着吸力的增大或减小,渗透系数减小或增大;竖直方向的渗透系数普遍地大于水平方向的渗透系数;当吸力小于57 kPa时,随着吸力的增大,竖向渗透系数与水平向渗透系数的差值减小。通过观测黄土的结构,得出黄土结构对其渗透性有重要影响。 相似文献
高放核废料地下处置、城市供热管道及埋地高压电缆等工程建设的进行,使得考虑温度影响的非饱和土渗透性能越来越受到人们的重视。在考虑温度效应的非饱和土土-水特征曲线研究基础上,结合利用土-水特征曲线预测非饱和土相对渗透系数的方法,建立了一种预测不同温度下非饱和土相对渗透系数的间接方法。所建立的表达式是针对土-水特征曲线的整个吸力范围,从而使得其在应用上更具一般意义。利用MX-80班脱土和黄土土样的试验结果,对不同温度下相对渗透系数随吸力的变化进行了预测,得到了令人满意的结果 相似文献
Marco Alfaro Sironvalle 《Mathematical Geology》1980,12(1):25-32
This paper presents a new geostatistical method to obtain realizations of stationary random functions in the plane. 相似文献
岩土参数随机场离散的三角形单元局部平均法 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
将不确定性岩土参数建模为随机场而非传统意义上的随机变量,基于随机场的局部平均理论,提出了用于二维随机场离散的三角形单元局部平均法。通过面积坐标变换和高斯数值积分,给出了三角形单元局部平均随机场协方差矩阵的解析计算方法和数值计算方法。采用算例再现了所提方法的分析过程和有效性,并与传统二维随机场四边形单元离散法进行了对比。结果表明:提出的二维随机场三角形单元离散法能与有限元三角形单元离散法完美结合,随机场单元与有限元单元的对应关系清晰,易于随机有限元程序的编制;对于随机场单元的均值,传统四边形单元离散法与所提方法的计算结果相同;对于随机场单元的方差,传统四边形单元离散法计算结果偏小,所提方法显得更加科学、合理。 相似文献
This paper presents the analytical layer‐element method to analyze the consolidation of saturated multi‐layered soils caused by a point sink by considering the anisotropy of permeability. Starting from the governing equations of the problem, the solutions of displacements and stresses for a single soil layer are obtained in the Laplace–Hankel transformed domain. Then, the analytical layer‐element method is utilized to further derive the solutions for the saturated multi‐layered soils in the transformed domain by combining with the boundary conditions of the soil system and continuity conditions between adjacent layers. The actual solutions in the physical domain can be acquired by the inversion of Laplace–Hankel transform. Numerical results are carried out to show the accuracy and stability of the proposed method and evaluate the influence of sink depth and anisotropic permeability on excess pore pressure and surface settlement. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献