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一、利用国外铁矿资源的成本急剧增长已经成为当前我国钢铁工业发展的突出矛盾 据世界钢铁协会统计,2009年全球粗钢产量12.2亿吨,同比下降8%,其中中国粗钢产量5.68亿吨,同比增长13.5%。中国粗钢产量占世界的份额快速增长,由2000年的16%增长到2009年的47%,我国钢产量在世界粗钢产量中所占比例增长迅速。  相似文献   

2013年,世界钾盐总储量下调较多,多数钾盐生产国的产量增加,钾盐贸易和消费量微增,全球钾肥供应潜在过剩近940万吨K2O。2014年,潜在过剩将保持在930万吨K2O。近期全球钾盐消费呈增长趋势。  相似文献   

数字1565万吨中国海关总署公布的数据显示,中国8月份共进口1565万吨原油,相当于平均每日进口原油370万桶。成品油进口334万吨,1-8月中国成品油进口2872万吨,同比增长18.3%。  相似文献   

2005年我国煤炭进出口情况   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2005年中国经济呈现持续高速增长态势,GDP比上年增长9.9%。全年电力、冶金、建材、石化等主要耗煤行业生产增势不减,煤炭需求旺盛,抑制了煤炭出口,刺激了进口增长。据海关统计资料,2005年我国进口煤炭2 622.57万吨,比上年增长了37.6%,出口煤炭8 462.74万吨,同比减少17.9%。煤炭净出口量5 840.17万吨,同比减少29.4%。  相似文献   

数字51.2%商务部5月4日发布的监测显示,今年"五一"小长假,城乡消费品市场繁荣兴旺,销售较快增长。4月30日—5月2日,重点零售企业销售额同比增长19.7%,日均销售额比节前(4月29日)增长51.2%。83万吨5月5日发布的《中国2010年上海世博会绿色出行报告》称,上海实施的绿色交通战略,在去年世博会举办期间,共减排二氧化碳83万吨,相当于少燃烧3.5亿升汽油。  相似文献   

中国海关总署公布的数据显示,中国8月份共进口1565万吨原油,相当于平均每日进口原油370万桶。成品油进口334万吨,1—8月中国成品油进口2872万吨,同比增长18,3%。  相似文献   

江苏省无锡新区在历经20年改革创新的实践,逐步实现了由工厂林立向公司林立转变、由"制造人群"向"智造人群"转变、由文化资源向文化产业转变的全方位跨越式发展,连续6年蝉联江苏省开发区科学发展综合评价第二名,自主创新、集约水平等指标均位居全省前列。2011年,全区实现地区生产总值超过1100亿元,同比增长13%;一般预算收入104.5亿元,同比增长25.6%;万元GDP能耗同比下降5.3%;规模工业总产值首次突破3000亿元大关;全社会固定资产投资507亿元,  相似文献   

2013年,中国矿产品供应能力不断增强,矿产品需求继续保持增长。全国一次能源生产总量为34.0亿吨标准煤,增长2.4%;消费总量37.5亿吨标准煤,增长3.7%;能源自给率为90.7%。煤炭产量36.8亿吨,进口量超过3亿吨;原油产量2.09亿吨,原油进口量2.82亿吨;铁矿石产量14.5亿吨,进口量超过8亿吨;黄金产量428.2吨,消费量1176.4吨,首次超过印度居世界第一。  相似文献   

巴西矿业协会预计,到2011年巴西部分金属矿的产量将出现成倍增长,其中,铁矿石产量由2006年的3.17亿吨增长到4.95亿吨;镍产量将由2006年的8.2万吨增加到2011年的28.6万吨,增幅高达248.7%;铜产量将由2006年的14.8万增长到2011年的37.6万吨,  相似文献   

张莓 《国土资源情报》2005,18(11):31-34
一、美国和加拿大2004年国际市场黄金价格比2003年上涨12.6%,可是美国和加拿大两国黄金产量下降,美国生产成本增加(表1)。2003年两国共生产黄金1243.07万盎司(折合386.61t),2004年1107.45万盎司(折合344.45t),同比下降10.9%,成本同比上涨10.5%。表12003~2004年美国和加拿大黄金  相似文献   

2013年,世界经济仍处于缓慢复苏阶段,我国地质勘查行业出现重要转折点。全国地质勘查资质数量持续增长,中央财政资金投入稳步增加,但全年地质勘查总投入同比减少9.3%,全国地勘单位总收入与总支出均有不同程度减少,钻探工作量同比减少22.3%,全国地勘单位总收入同比减少10.14%,部分地质勘查单位的收入同比下降20%~30%,全国地质勘查进入调整期。  相似文献   

??The proper management of solid waste (SW) is a global environmental challenge. A major issue is the proper disposal of SW while balancing a wide range of criteria and working with different spatial data. In this study, we used geographic information system as a tool to perform multi-criteria decision analysis with an analytical hierarchy process to develop an environmental impact susceptibility model (EISM) for landfills. The model was applied to the state of California, USA and results are presented herein. In particular, the EISM considers factors such as geology, pedology, geomorphology, water resources, and climate as represented by 13 associated environmental indicators. The results of the EISM indicate that more than 75% of California’s territory is situated in areas with very low, low, and medium environmental impact susceptibility categories. However, in the remaining 25% of the state’s land, 61 landfills are located in the high and very high categories. These results are alarming because during the period from 2000 to 2015, these 61 landfills received approximately 308 million tons of SW, which corresponds to more than 57% of all SW disposed in California. The model results can be used toward mitigating the environmental impacts of these facilities.  相似文献   

Rice crop occupies an important aspect of food security and also contributes to global warming via GHGs emission. Characterizing rice crop using spatial technologies holds the key for addressing issues of global warming and food security as different rice ecosystems respond differently to the changed climatic conditions. Remote sensing has become an important tool for assessing seasonal vegetation dynamics at regional and global scale. Bangladesh is one of the major rice growing countries in South Asia. In present study we have used remote sensing data along with GIS and ancillary map inputs in combination to derive seasonal rice maps, rice phenology and rice cultural types of Bangladesh. The SPOT VGT S10 NDVI data spanning Aus, Aman and Boro crop season (1st May 2008 to 30th April 2009) were used, first for generating the non-agriculture mask through ISODATA clustering and then to generate seasonal rice maps during second classification. The spectral rice profiles were modelled and phenological parameters were derived. NDVI growth profiles were modelled and crop calendar was derived. To segregate the rice cultural types of Bangladesh into IPCC rice categories, we used elevation, irrigated area, interpolated rainfall maps and flood map through logical modelling in GIS. The results indicated that the remote sensing derived rice area was 9.99 million ha as against the reported area of 11.28 million ha. The wet and dry seasons accounted for 64% and 36 % of the rice area, respectively. The flood prone, drought prone and deep water categories account for 7.5%, 5.56% and 2.03%, respectively. The novelty of current findings lies in the spatial outcome in form of seasonal and rice cultural type maps of Bangladesh which are helpful for variety of applications.  相似文献   

新疆罗布泊地区钾盐矿床远景规模的遥感地质研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新疆罗布泊地区的陆地卫星常规假彩色合成图像上有明显的四种不同影像区:白色背景影像区、暗黄红色蘑菇状影像区、耳朵状影像区和弯曲状条带影像区。笔者经分析研究认为,暗黄红色蘑菇状影像是古湖泊干涸区,为钾矿产地,钾盐品位高、埋藏浅,推测储量在1亿吨以上。  相似文献   

A global systematic sampling scheme has been developed by the UN FAO and the EC TREES project to estimate rates of deforestation at global or continental levels at intervals of 5 to 10 years. This global scheme can be intensified to produce results at the national level. In this paper, using surrogate observations, we compare the deforestation estimates derived from these two levels of sampling intensities (one, the global, for the Brazilian Amazon the other, national, for French Guiana) to estimates derived from the official inventories. We also report the precisions that are achieved due to sampling errors and, in the case of French Guiana, compare such precision with the official inventory precision.We extract nine sample data sets from the official wall-to-wall deforestation map derived from satellite interpretations produced for the Brazilian Amazon for the year 2002 to 2003. This global sampling scheme estimate gives 2.81 million ha of deforestation (mean from nine simulated replicates) with a standard error of 0.10 million ha. This compares with the full population estimate from the wall-to-wall interpretations of 2.73 million ha deforested, which is within one standard error of our sampling test estimate. The relative difference between the mean estimate from sampling approach and the full population estimate is 3.1%, and the standard error represents 4.0% of the full population estimate.This global sampling is then intensified to a territorial level with a case study over French Guiana to estimate deforestation between the years 1990 and 2006. For the historical reference period, 1990, Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper data were used. A coverage of SPOT-HRV imagery at 20 m × 20 m resolution acquired at the Cayenne receiving station in French Guiana was used for year 2006.Our estimates from the intensified global sampling scheme over French Guiana are compared with those produced by the national authority to report on deforestation rates under the Kyoto protocol rules for its overseas department. The latter estimates come from a sample of nearly 17,000 plots analyzed from same spatial imagery acquired between year 1990 and year 2006. This sampling scheme is derived from the traditional forest inventory methods carried out by IFN (Inventaire Forestier National). Our intensified global sampling scheme leads to an estimate of 96,650 ha deforested between 1990 and 2006, which is within the 95% confidence interval of the IFN sampling scheme, which gives an estimate of 91,722 ha, representing a relative difference from the IFN of 5.4%.These results demonstrate that the intensification of the global sampling scheme can provide forest area change estimates close to those achieved by official forest inventories (<6%), with precisions of between 4% and 7%, although we only estimate errors from sampling, not from the use of surrogate data.Such methods could be used by developing countries to demonstrate that they are fulfilling requirements for reducing emissions from deforestation in the framework of an REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation in Developing Countries) mechanism under discussion within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Monitoring systems at national levels in tropical countries can also benefit from pan-tropical and regional observations, to ensure consistency between different national monitoring systems.  相似文献   

本文给出了北斗三号全球导航卫星系统定位导航授时、星基增强、精密单点定位、区域短报文通信、全球短报文通信和国际搜救共6类服务的测试评估方法,并利用实测数据对各类服务的核心指标进行了评估.结果表明,定位导航授时服务方面,空间信号测距误差0.23 m(RMS),空间信号可用性99.44%,空间信号连续性99.99%,PDOP...  相似文献   

Across many scientific domains, the ability to aggregate disparate datasets enables more meaningful global analyses. Within marine biology, the Census of Marine Life served as the catalyst for such a global data aggregation effort. Under the Census framework, the Ocean Biogeographic Information System was established to coordinate an unprecedented aggregation of global marine biogeography data. The OBIS data system now contains 31.3 million observations, freely accessible through a geospatial portal. The challenges of storing, querying, disseminating, and mapping a global data collection of this complexity and magnitude are significant. In the face of declining performance and expanding feature requests, a redevelopment of the OBIS data system was undertaken. Following an Open Source philosophy, the OBIS technology stack was rebuilt using PostgreSQL, PostGIS, GeoServer and OpenLayers. This approach has markedly improved the performance and online user experience while maintaining a standards‐compliant and interoperable framework. Due to the distributed nature of the project and increasing needs for storage, scalability and deployment flexibility, the entire hardware and software stack was built on a Cloud Computing environment. The flexibility of the platform, combined with the power of the application stack, enabled rapid re‐development of the OBIS infrastructure, and ensured complete standards‐compliance.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the potential of readily available and easily accessible global data sets to understand regional/local level interactions in wetland systems. The biogeographical zones of India were used a base-frame to select three sites. The study well fits the interests of National Wetland Committee of India to investigate and document fundamental information on wetland extent/distribution. The national partnership with SACON represents this interest. SACON commenced the inland wetland inventory module at national scale using geospatial data, although the provincial scale analysis is underway. In addition, the global irrigated area mapping (GIAM-IWMI) project generated multi-scalar spatial outputs for irrigated/rain-fed areas. With the existing information base, a multi-level geospatial analysis using Arc GIS algorithmic modelling was used to derive comprehensive appraisal of wetland systems complementing the data from GIAM and SACON. It was observed that the overlap between the two layers was 58 percent for Gujarat and 10 percent in Tamil Nadu. In Krishna basin the wetland’s cover 1.04 million hectare excluding the rice agro-ecosystem. The difference in the biogeography of the case sites governs the gradient of information derived from both data layers. Additionally, the global lakes and wetlands database (GLWD) database added thematic information on coastal wetlands. In summary we describe the cross-scaling the global data layers to compliment the regional/national level monitoring assignments.  相似文献   

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