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潮间带周期性淹水区域水深、流速的变化过程是潮滩水动力过程的基本组成部分,也是潮流与泥沙相互作用的基础。通过2002年4月至2003年1月4个季节的野外实测,获得了平静天气条件下,崇明东滩滩面潮流水深、流速与流向的变化过程数据。结果表明,崇明东滩盐沼和邻近光滩处涨潮历时均小于落潮历时,水深过程变化呈现出“陡涨缓落”的特点。光滩与盐沼交界处光滩一侧流速过程呈“双峰型”特征,涨落潮均出现流速峰值;盐沼(植物生长期)流速过程具有“单峰型”特点,仅在涨潮初出现峰值。研究区潮流不对称性明显,主要表现为涨潮优势,且由光滩向盐沼上部不断增强,潮沼植物和地形变化是加强盐沼区涨潮优势的主要原因。流速变化过程的差异和潮流不对称性使盐沼区域发生稳定的泥沙淤积,盐沼前缘光滩则会出现较频繁的冲淤变化,平静天气条件下,它们是控制崇明东滩泥沙输移和潮滩动力地貌过程的动力基础。  相似文献   

Dedolomitization of a dolocrete profile hosted in Mio-Pleistocene siliciclastic deposits in the area of Kuwait City, Arabian Gulf was investigated. Dolocrete dolomite crystals vary considerably in size, shape and internal structure; however, they are mostly zoned. Zonation is usually due to the alteration of cloudy and clear zones. The cloudy zones, which are mostly formed of disordered metastable dolomite, are more susceptible to dedolomitization than the stable, well ordered clear zones. Two modes of dedolomitization were recognized; the first involves complete dissolution of the metastable dolomite followed by precipitation of intracrystalline cavity-filling calcite. The second is a pseudomorphic replacement of dolomite by calcite. This replacement takes place by the simultaneous dissolution of dolomite and precipitation of calcite in such a manner that the original dolomite fabrics are inherited in the dedolomite. Exposed and near-surface dolocrete profile (less than 5 m deep) are almost completely dedolomitized and altered to secondary calcrete whereas subsurface profiles are slightly dedolomitized. Dedolomitization of the sub surface dolocrete profiles may indicate the effect of flushing by fresh groundwater; which flows from west to east, whereas the alteration of the exposed dolocrete profile could be attributed to be an effect of meteoric water. A new mode of calcrete genesis by dedolomitization and/or complete calcitization of precursor dolocrete is suggested.  相似文献   

In comparison to their temperate counterparts, sediment processes in tropical estuaries are poorly known and especially in African ones. The hydrodynamics of such environments is controlled by a combination of multiple processes including morphology, salinity, mangrove vegetation, tidal processes, river discharge, settling and erosion of mud and by physico-chemical processes as well as sediment dynamics.The aim of this study is to understand the sediment processes in this transitional stage of the estuary when the balance between river discharges and marine processes is reversing. Studying the hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics of the Konkouré Estuary has recently been made possible thanks to new data on bathymetry, sedimentary cover, salinity, water elevations, and current velocities. The Lower Konkouré is a shallow, funnel shaped, mesotidal mangrove-fringed, tide-dominated estuary, well mixed during low river discharge and stratified during high river discharge. The Konkouré Estuary is turbid despite the small amount of terrestrial input and its residual velocity at the mouth during low river discharges, landwards for two of the three branches, suggests a landward migration by tidal pumping of the suspended particulate matter. A Turbidity Maximum Zone (TMZ) is identified for typical states of the estuary with regard to fluvial and tidal components. Suspended sediment transport during a transitional stage between the rainy and dry seasons is known thanks to current velocity and Suspended Sediment Concentration (SSC) measurements taken in November 2003. The Richardson layered number calculation assesses that turbulence is the major mixing process in the water column, at least during the flood and ebb stages, whereas stratification occurs during the slack water periods. Tidal currents generate bottom erosion, and turbulence mixes the suspended sediment throughout the water column. As a result, a net sediment input is calculated from the western Konkouré outlet for two consecutive tidal cycles. Despite the net water export, almost 300 tons per tide reach the estuary through this outlet, for a moderate river flow.  相似文献   

An increase in the cosmogenic beryllium-10 content of the Orca basin sediments due to the flooding of the Gulf of Mexico (GM) by meltwaters during the late Wisconsin interglacial is reported. A strong negative correlation (γ =-0.99) betweenδ 18 O (in the range o f-1.5‰ to +0.5‰) and10Be/Al ratio is seen. During intense flooding reflected by a decrease in δ18O by ∼ 2‰, this correlation may not hold as some of the sediments with low10Be/Al ratio and deposited on the shelf and slope regions of the GM during the earlier glacial period would also be washed into the basin. The deposited sediment would then be a mixture with a10Be/Al ratio lower than expected from the correlation  相似文献   

Modern Guaymas Basin (Gulf of California, Mexico) is a region of high diatom productivity where exceptional preservation factors maintain biannually alternating sediment deposition as annual varves. New sediment cores from Guaymas Basin (MD02‐2512 and MD02‐2515) present the opportunity to construct climate records from below the last glacial period. A low‐resolution age model has been constructed from oxygen isotope analysis, correlation with other dated short piston cores from Guaymas Basin and an estimate of sedimentation rate. MD02‐2512 from eastern Guaymas Basin has an age range from the Holocene to late marine isotope stage 6 (MIS 6); MD02‐2515 from western Guaymas Basin has an age range from ~8000 to 40 000 yr. Shipboard analyses of colour reflectance, magnetic susceptibility and sediment density are combined with continuous X‐ray fluorescence scans to reconstruct a picture of glacial climate in the Gulf of California. Eastern Guaymas Basin is affected by glacial sea level fall, which results in a drastic change in productivity rates and sediment type. The laminated record of MIS 5 allows comparison with the Holocene, showing a similarity of sedimentation patterns during deglaciation and a series of very rapid variations just prior to the last glaciation. In western Guaymas Basin there are a series of Younger Dryas‐like events during the glacial, typified by low productivity and high terrigenous input. Long‐term climate and productivity changes appear to be caused by the southward displacement of the Subtropical High pressure zone. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

泰国湾第四系显示出很好的旋回性。通过高分辨率二维地震(布玛)剖面图及工程钻井资料,共识别出8个准层序。在典型准层序中,沉积物自下而上,从海相泥沉积逐渐过渡为泛滥平原沉积。在每个准层序顶部都发育下切河体系及古土壤层,说明在每个准层序形成之后,都曾暴露过地表并遭受到侵蚀。每个准层序都代表一个海进和海退的过程。这些准层序的厚度为6~22m不等,平均厚度13m左右。通过与第四纪氧同位素曲线对比得出,这8个旋回的形成年代可追溯到距今730~10ka,平均91ka为一个循环周期,表明这些旋回应该是由气候因素所驱使的海平面升降导致的。该频率的气候变化周期相当于Milankovitch旋回中地球围绕太阳运动椭球体偏心率的变化周期,因此,在更早的地质历史时期中,类似的旋回也应该存在,并具有全球可对比性。  相似文献   

The seasonal cycle of temperature—salinity variations in the Bab el Mandab region (southern Red Sea) is described using CTD data collected during four cruises spread over the period May 1995—August 1997. A two layer system exists during early summer, winter and spring while a three layer system exists during summer. During summer, a large amount of the Gulf of Aden water intrudes into the Bab el Mandab region; up to the northern limit (14.5‡N). The quantity of Red Sea water that flows into the Gulf of Aden is maximum during the winter and minimum during the summer  相似文献   

The Wagner basin occupies the northernmost spreading centre in the Gulf of California, located along the Pacific‐North America plate boundary. It is filled with sediments from the Colorado River that obscure its bathymetric expression; therefore it is not as well defined as other basins in the central and southern Gulf of California. To define the geometry and extension of the Wagner basin, a 2D multi‐channel seismic reflection database was used. Data were collected by Petroleos Mexicanos (PEMEX) in 1979–1980. The most important regional structural features identified are the Consag and Wagner normal faults and the Cerro Prieto strike‐slip fault. These structures play an important role in the development of the basin. The Consag fault, described for the first time in this paper, marks the western side of the basin. The eastern and northwest limits are bound by the Cerro Prieto and Wagner faults respectively. The Wagner fault intersects the Cerro Prieto fault at an angle of 130°, bending the depocentre in a NW direction, adjacent to the Cerro Prieto fault zone. The northernmost segment of the Consag fault bends 25° in a NE direction and joins the Cerro Prieto fault at an angle of 110°. Greater subsidence (up to 300 m) takes place along the northern trace of the Cerro Prieto fault, with a downthrown displacement of 400 m. The Consag and Wagner breaks obliquely intersect the Cerro Prieto fault, and, inasmuch as both are normal faults, they have small horizontal slip components which generated oblique displacement. This structural pattern is different relative to the pattern of basins located south of Wagner basin, such as the Upper and Lower Delfin basins. The orientations of the normal faults are perpendicular to the master fault (Ballenas transform fault). The relationship between normal and transform faults in the Wagner basin and the observed ‘S’ shape are typical of a basin that has not yet reached maturity. As a result of this study, the previously uncertain area (~1330 km2) and perimeter (158 km) of the Wagner basin were defined.  相似文献   

We found a characteristic space–time pattern of the tidal triggering effect on earthquake occurrence in the subducting Philippine Sea plate beneath the locked zone of the plate interface in the Tokai region, central Japan, where a large interplate earthquake may be impending. We measured the correlation between the Earth tide and earthquake occurrence using microearthquakes that took place in the Philippine Sea plate for about two decades. For each event, we assigned the tidal phase angle at the origin time by theoretically calculating the tidal shear stress on the fault plane. Based on the distribution of the tidal phase angles, we statistically tested whether they concentrate near some particular angle or not by using Schuster's test. In this test, the result is evaluated by p-value, which represents the significance level to reject the null hypothesis that earthquakes occur randomly irrespective of the tidal phase angle. As a result of analysis, no correlation was found for the data set including all the earthquakes. However, we found a systematic pattern in the temporal variation of the tidal effect; the p-value significantly decreased preceding the occurrence of M ≥ 4.5 earthquakes, and it recovered a high level afterwards. We note that those M ≥ 4.5 earthquakes were considerably larger than the normal background seismicity in the study area. The frequency distribution of tidal phase angles in the pre-event period exhibited a peak at the phase angle where the tidal shear stress is at its maximum to accelerate the fault slip. This indicates that the observed small p-value is a physical consequence of the tidal effect. We also found a distinctive feature in the spatial distribution of p-values. The small p-values appeared just beneath the strongly coupled portion of the plate interface, as inferred from the seismicity rate change in the past few years.  相似文献   

Four times of observation of the ocean tide and groundwater levels in the coastal aquifers near Beihai, China show that fluctuation in the tide-induced groundwater levels follows the tide, with the highest and lowest water levels corresponding to the high water level syzygy tide and the low water level neap tide. The tidal coefficient is less than 0.5, decreasing approximately exponentially with the distance from the coast. The tide can affect the groundwater levels at observation wells as far as about 4,200 and 3,300 m in the southern and northern coasts in Beihai. Observations and spectrum analyses of the time series of the tide and water levels suggest that the tide and water levels have similar changes with complex fluctuations of a long period of 14.37 days and two short periods of 24.7 and 12.5 h. Time lags of water levels to the tide at observation wells last several hours and increases roughly linearly with the distance from the coast. Mathematic models consisting of a periodic term plus a linear term are established to describe the changes in the tide and the groundwater levels. The periodic terms for the tide and water levels are constructed using finite Fourier’s series consisting of 7 to 11 terms other than a single term of a sine function in earlier work. Computed water levels with the models can fit the observed water levels with reasonable accuracy and satisfactory prediction of the changes in the water levels is also obtained.  相似文献   

Tides in the Mandovi and Zuari estuaries, Goa, west coast of India   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mandovi and Zuari are two estuaries located in Goa, west coast of India. Variation of water level in the estuaries was monitored for a month at 13 locations using tide-poles during March–April 2003. Analysis of this data has provided for the first time, characteristics of how tidal constituents vary in the narrow and shallow estuaries, typical of those found along the west coast of India. At a distance of 45 km from the mouth the tidal range increased in both estuaries by approximately 20%. The tidal range at the upstream end of the two channels at the stations dropped sharply because of the increase in elevation of the channels.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the concentration levels of heavy metals in different species of the main three marine algal divisions from the Gulf of Aden coastal waters, Yemen. The divisions included Chlorophyta—green plants (Halimeda tuna, Rhizoclonium kochiamum, Caldophora koiei, Enteromorpha compressa, and Caulerpa racemosa species), Phaeophyta—brown seaweeds (Padina boryana, Turbinaria elatensis, Sargassum binderi, Cystoseira myrica, and Sargassum boveanum species), and Rhodophyta—red seaweeds (Hypnea cornuta, Champia parvula, Galaxaura marginate, Laurencia paniculata, Gracilaria foliifere, and species). The heavy metals, which included cadmium (Cd), cobalt (Co), copper (Cu), chromium (Cr), Iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), and vanadium (V) were measured by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAs). The concentrations of heavy metals in all algal species are in the order of Fe >> Cu > Mn > Cr > Zn > Ni > Pb > Cd > V > Co. The results also showed that the uptake of heavy metals by different marine algal divisions was in the order of Chlorophyta > Phaeophyta > Rhodophyta. These heavy metals were several order of magnitude higher than the concentrations of the same metals in seawater. This indicates that marine alga progressively uptake heavy metals from seawater.  相似文献   

Authigenic carbonates were sampled in piston cores collected from both the Tunica Mound and the Mississippi Canyon area on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico during a Marion Dufresne cruise in July 2002. The carbonates are present as hardgrounds, porous crusts, concretions or nodules and shell fragments with or without carbonate cements. Carbonates occurred at gas venting sites which are likely to overlie gas hydrates bearing sediments. Electron microprobe, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and thinsection investigations show that these carbonates are high-Mg calcite (6–21 mol% MgCO3), with significant presence of framboidal pyrite. All carbonates are depleted in 13C (δ13C = − 61.9 to − 31.5‰ PDB) indicating that the carbon is derived mainly from anaerobic methane oxidation (AMO). Age estimates based on 14C dating of shell fragments and on regional sedimentation rates indicate that these authigenic carbonates formed within the last 1000 yr in the Mississippi Canyon and within 5500 yr at the Tunica Mound. The oxygen isotopic composition of carbonates ranges from + 3.4 to + 5.9‰ PDB. Oxygen isotopic compositions and Mg2+ contents of carbonates, and present in-situ temperatures of bottom seawater/sediments, show that some of these carbonates, especially from a core associated with underlying massive gas hydrates precipitated in or near equilibrium with bottom-water. On the other hand, those carbonates more enriched in 18O are interpreted to have precipitated from 18O-rich fluids which are thought to have been derived from the dissociation of gas hydrates. The dissociation of gas hydrates in the northern Gulf of Mexico within the last 5500 yr may be caused by nearby salt movement and related brines.  相似文献   

The coastline constitutes a very sensitive geomorphic domain constantly subjected to dynamic coastal processes. The study of its ever-changing physiography and stratigraphy provides a wealth of information on its history and evolution, in many cases at decadal and annual scales. The present study was carried out on the Modwa beach complex between Rawal Pir and Modwa, about 10 km east of Mandvi on the northern coast of the Gulf of Kachchh. The Modwa spit is a 7-km long WNW-ESE trending prograding amalgamated beach ridge complex that is about 0.5 km wide at its western end and 1.5 km wide at its eastern end. This Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) survey delineated a variety of the radar surfaces and radar facies which reflects not only large scale sedimentary architecture, but depositional facies of the beach ridge complex. These are bounding surfaces separating the radar facies outline beach ridge (br), washover (wo), coastal dune (cd) and swale (sw) depositional environments. The internal sedimentary structures like tangential, parallel, concave and convex upward stratifications could also be visualized from the GPR profiles. The architecture suggests the formation of this complex due to a combined process of eastward littoral drift of locally derived sediments and its onshore deposition by storms and eolian activities.  相似文献   

The magnitude and sources of lead (Pb) pollution in the Gulf of California Ecoregion (GCE) in northwest Mexico were evaluated using various samples collected from urban and rural areas around two typical subtropical coastal ecosystems. Lead concentrations and isotopic compositions (206Pb/207Pb, 208Pb/207Pb, 206Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb) were measured using high resolution inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry (HR-ICP-MS) and thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS). Urban street dust (157 ± 10.1 μg g− 1) was heavily enriched with Pb, compared to the Pb enrichment of agricultural soils (29.0 ± 16.0 μg g− 1) and surface estuary sediments (35.6 ± 15.4 μg g− 1), all of which contained higher Pb concentrations than found in the natural bedrock (16.0 ± 5.0 μg g− 1). Pb concentrations in SPM (> 95% of total Pb) were significantly higher in sewage effluent (132 ± 49.9 μg g− 1) than in agricultural effluents (29.3 ± 5.9 μg g− 1), and river runoff (7.3 ± 4.2 μg g− 1). SPM in estuary water column averaged 68.3 ± 48.0 μg g−1. The isotopic composition of Pb (206Pb/207Pb, 208Pb/207Pb) in rural samples of aerosols (1.181 ± 0.001, 2.444 ± 0.003) and soil runoff (1.181 ± 0.003, 2.441 ± 0.004) was comparable to that of natural Pb-bearing bedrock (1.188 ± 0.005, 2.455 ± 0.008); while urban samples of aerosols, street dust, and sewage (1.190–1.207, 2.452–2.467) showed a significant contribution from automotive emissions from past leaded gasoline combustion (1.201 ± 0.006, 2.475 ± 0.005). The absence of lead from fertilizer (1.387 ± 0.008, 2.892 ± 0.005) suggests that this mixture is not representative of the GCE. A mixing model revealed that the Pb content in the environmental samples is predominantly derived from natural weathering and the past leaded gasoline combustion with the later influence of inputs from a more radiogenic source related with anthropogenic lead of North American origin (1.21 ± 0.02; 2.455 ± 0.02).  相似文献   

Concentrations of total Hg in sediments near six drilling sites in the Gulf of Mexico were elevated well above average background values of 40–80 ng/g. The excess Hg was associated with barite from discharged drilling mud. In contrast with total Hg, concentrations of methylmercury (MeHg) in these sediments did not vary significantly at nearfield (<100 m) versus farfield (>3 km) distances from the drilling sites. Observed variability in concentrations of MeHg were related to local differences in redox state in the top 10 cm of sediment. Low to non-detectable concentrations of MeHg were found in nearfield sediments that were anoxic, highly reducing and contained abundant H2S. At most drilling sites, nearfield samples with high concentrations of total Hg (>200 ng/g) had similar or lower amounts of MeHg than found at background (farfield) stations. Higher values of MeHg were found in a few nearfield sediments at one site where concentrations of TOC were higher and where sediments were anoxic and moderately reducing. Overall, results from this study support the conclusion that elevated concentrations of MeHg in sediments around drilling sites are not a common phenomenon in the Gulf of Mexico.  相似文献   

Trophic resources are an important control governing carbonate production. Though this importance has long been recognized, no calibration exists to quantitatively compare biogenic assemblages within trophic resource fields. This study presents a field calibration of carbonate producers in a range of settings against high‐resolution in situ measurements of nutrients, temperature and salinity. With its latitudinal extent from 30° to 23° N, the Gulf of California, Mexico, spans the warm‐temperate realm and encompasses nutrient regimes from oligo‐mesotrophic in the south to eutrophic in the north. Accordingly, from south to north carbonates are characterized by: (i) coral‐dominated shallow carbonate factories (5–20 m water depth) with average sea‐surface temperatures of 25 °C (min. 18 °C, max. 31 °C), average salinities of 35·06‰ and average chlorophyll a levels, which are a proxy for nutrients, of 0·25 mg Chl a m?3 (max. 0·48, min. 0·1). (ii) Red algal‐dominated subtidal to inner‐shelf carbonate formation (10–25 m) in the central Gulf of California exhibiting average temperatures of 23 °C (min. 18 °C, max. 30 °C), average salinities of 35·25‰, and average Chl a levels of 0·71 Chl a m?3 (max. 5·62, min. 0). (iii) Molluskan bryozoan‐rich inner to outer shelf factories in the northern Gulf of California (20–50 m) with average sea surface temperatures of only 20 °C (min. 13 °C, max 29 °C), average salinities of 35·01‰, and average contents of 2·2 mg Chl a m?3 (max. 8·38, min. 0). By calibrating sedimentological data with in situ measured oceanographic information in different environments, the response of carbonate producers to environmental parameters was established and extrapolated to carbonates on a global scale. The results demonstrate the importance of recognizing and quantifying trophic resources as a dominant control determining the biogenic composition and facies character of both modern and fossil carbonates.  相似文献   

The stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen have been implemented to assess the recharge mechanisms in an area in the UAE bounded to the northwestern part of the Gulf of Oman and the southeastern part of the Arabian Gulf. The conversion of stable isotopes to deuterium excess was utilized as a supportive tool to understand the process of groundwater recharge. The concluding results of this study showed that the origin of moisture is the Mediterranean Sea. The precipitation is the main source of recharge, in which the precipitation having undergone evaporation before recharge occurs. The comparison between regression line for data collected in 1996 and regression line for samples collected in 2006 suggests that the precipitation water which recharged the groundwater, was diluted with groundwater and this dilution is observed from decreasing of the deuterium excess of collected groundwater samples with increasing isotopes of oxygen. The dilution of groundwater with the recharge water suggests modern-day recharge as it is seen from high deuterium excess that exceeded the deuterium excess of LMWL and was close to MMWL.  相似文献   

A laminated sequence (core BAP96-CP 24°38.12′N, 110°33.24′W; 390 m depth) from the Alfonso Basin in Bay of La Paz, southern Gulf of California, contains a record of paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic changes of the past 7900 yr. Radiolarian assemblages and magnetic susceptibility are used as proxies of oceanographic and climatic variability. The records provide a regional scenario of the middle and late Holocene, suggesting two major climatic regimes and several millennial-scale events. Conditions relatively warmer and drier than today occurred from 7700 to 2500 cal yr BP, promoting the intensification of evaporation processes and the prevalence of the Gulf of California water in the Basin. These conditions correlate with strong droughts in the middle Holocene of North America and with minimal incursion of tropical waters into the Gulf of California. Proxies indicate a warm scenario and the dominance of the Equatorial Surface Water in the Alfonso Basin from 2400 to 700 cal yr BP, suggesting the intensification of ENSO cycles. A climatic signal between 1038 and 963 cal yr BP may be correlated with global signal of the “Medieval Warm Period.” Several cooling events are recognized at 5730, 3360, 2700, 1280 and 820 cal yr BP and are associated with intensification of northwest winds leading to upwellings and enhanced productivity in the Basin.  相似文献   

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