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High alpine karst plateaus are recharge areas for major drinking water resources in the Alps and many other regions. Well-established methods for the vulnerability mapping of groundwater to contamination have not been applied to such areas yet. The paper characterises this karst type and shows that two common vulnerability assessment methods (COP and PI) classify most of the areas with high vulnerability classes. In the test site on the Hochschwab plateau (Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria), overlying layers are mostly absent, not protective or even enhance point recharge, where they have aquiclude character. The COP method classifies 82% of the area as highly or extremely vulnerable. The resulting maps are reasonable, but do not differentiate vulnerabilities to the extent that the results can be used for protective measures. An extension for the upper end of the vulnerability scale is presented that allows identifying ultra vulnerable areas. The proposed enhancement of the conventional approach points out that infiltration conditions are of key importance for vulnerability. The method accounts for karst genetical and hydrologic processes using qualitative and quantitative properties of karst depressions and sinking streams including parameters calculated from digital elevations models. The method is tested on the Hochschwab plateau where 1.7% of the area is delineated as ultra vulnerable. This differentiation could not be reached by the COP and PI methods. The resulting vulnerability map highlights spots of maximum vulnerability and the combination with a hazard map enables protective measures for a manageable area and number of sites.  相似文献   

A simplified methodology for mapping groundwater vulnerability and contamination risk is proposed, and the first application of the methodology, in a mountainous tropical karst area, is presented. The test site is the Tam Duong area, one of the poorest and remotest regions in northern Vietnam. The methodology requires a minimum of input data, which makes it particularly useful for developing countries. Vulnerability is assessed on the basis of two factors, which take into account the duality of recharge processes in karst aquifer systems: the overlying layers (O) and the concentration of flow (C). The risk map is obtained by putting together the vulnerability map and a simplified hazard assessment. The resulting maps provide a basis for groundwater protection zoning and land-use planning. Tracer tests and microbiological data confirmed the vulnerability and risk assessment in the test site.  相似文献   

Karst groundwater: a challenge for new resources   总被引:38,自引:12,他引:26  
Karst aquifers have complex and original characteristics which make them very different from other aquifers: high heterogeneity created and organised by groundwater flow; large voids, high flow velocities up to several hundreds of m/h, high flow rate springs up to some tens of m3/s. Different conceptual models, known from the literature, attempt to take into account all these particularities. The study methods used in classical hydrogeology—bore hole, pumping test and distributed models—are generally invalid and unsuccessful in karst aquifers, because the results cannot be extended to the whole aquifer nor to some parts, as is done in non-karst aquifers. Presently, karst hydrogeologists use a specific investigation methodology (described here), which is comparable to that used in surface hydrology.Important points remain unsolved. Some of them are related to fundamental aspects such as the void structure – only a conduit network, or a conduit network plus a porous matrix –, the functioning – threshold effects and non-linearities –, the modeling of the functioning – double or triple porosity, or viscous flow in conduits – and of karst genesis. Some other points deal with practical aspects, such as the assessment of aquifer storage capacity or vulnerability, or the prediction of the location of highly productive zones.
Resumen Los acuíferos kársticos tienen características originales y complejas que los hacen muy diferentes de otros acuíferos: alta heterogeneidad creada y organizada por el flujo de agua subterránea, espacios grandes, velocidades altas de flujo de hasta varios cientos de m/h, manantiales con ritmo alto de flujo de hasta algunas decenas de m3/s. Diferentes modelos conceptuales que se conocen en la literatura tratan de tomar en cuenta todas estas particularidades. Los métodos de estudio usados en hidrogeología clásica- pozos, pruebas de bombeo y modelos distribuidos- son generalmente inválidos y no exitosos en acuíferos kársticos, debido a que los resultados no pueden extenderse a todo el acuífero ni a alguna de sus partes, como se hace en acuíferos no kársticos. Actualmente los hidrogeólogos kársticos usan una metodología de investigación específica, que se des cribe aquí, la cual es comparable con la que se utiliza en hidrología superficial. Puntos importantes permanecen sin resolverse. Algunos de ellos se relacionan con aspectos fundamentales tal como la estructura de espacios- solo una red de conductos, o una red de conductos más una matriz porosa-, el funcionamiento-efectos threshold y no-linealidades-, el modelizado del funcionamiento-porosidad doble o triple, o flujo viscoso en conductos- y génesis del karst. Algunos otros puntos se relacionan con aspectos prácticos, tal como la evaluación de la capacidad de almacenamiento del acuífero o la vulnerabilidad, o la predicción de la localización de zonas altamente productivas.

Résumé Les aquifères karstiques présentent des caractères originaux complexes qui les distinguent profondément de tous les autres milieux aquifères : forte hétérogénéité créée et organisée par les écoulements souterrains eux-mêmes, vides de très grandes dimensions, vitesses découlement pouvant atteindre quelques centaines de mètres par heure, sources à débit pouvant atteindre quelques dizaines de m3/s. Différents modèles conceptuels tentent de prendre en compte ces particularités. Les méthodes détude de lhydrogéologie classique—forage, essai de pompage et modèles maillés – ne sont en général pas adaptés aux aquifères karstiques, parce que les résultats obtenus ne peuvent pas être étendus à laquifère tout entier, ou à certaines de ses parties, comme cela est fait pour les aquifères non karstiques. Actuellement les hydrogéologues du karst ont recours à une méthodologie détude spécifique décrite ici, comparable à celle utilisée en hydrologie de surface.Des points importants restent à résoudre. Certains concernent des aspects fondamentaux, comme la structure des vides – réseau de conduits uniquement, ou bien réseau de conduits et matrice poreuse –, le fonctionnement – problèmes de seuil et plus généralement les non-linéarités –, la modélisation du fonctionnement – double porosité ou écoulement visqueux en conduits – et de la genèse du karst. Dautres points portent sur des aspects pratiques, comme lévaluation de la capacité de stockage ou de la vulnérabilité de laquifère, et la prédiction des zones à haute productivité.

The ‘COP method’ has been developed for the assessment of intrinsic vulnerability of carbonate aquifers in the frame of the European COST Action 620. This method uses the properties of overlying layers above the water table (O factor), the concentration of flow (C factor) and precipitation (P factor) over the aquifer, as the parameters to assess the intrinsic vulnerability of groundwater. This method considers karst characteristics, such as the presence of swallow holes (C factor) and their catchment areas as well as karstic landforms, as factors which decrease the natural protection provided by overlying layers (O factor). The P factor allows for consideration of the spatial and temporal variability of precipitation, which is considered the transport agent of contamination. Two carbonate aquifers in the South of Spain, Sierra de Líbar (a conduit flow system) and Torremolinos (a diffuse flow system), have been selected for the application and validation of the method and the results have been compared with three methods widely applied in different aquifers around the world (AVI, GOD and DRASTIC). Comparisons with these methods and validation tools (hydrogeological data and tracer test) show the advantages of the COP method in the assessment of vulnerability of karstic groundwaters.  相似文献   

In order to achieve some consistency in the establishment of groundwater intrinsic vulnerability maps in Europe, a new approach is proposed by Working Group 1 of the European COST Action 620 on "Vulnerability mapping for the protection of carbonate (karst) aquifers". A general procedure is offered which provides consistency while allowing the required flexibility for application to a continent and under conditions of varying geology, scale, information availability, time, and resources. The proposed methodology is designed to be clearly more physically based than the existing vulnerability-mapping techniques. It takes the specificity of the karstic environments into account without necessarily excluding the applicability to other geological conditions. Combined "core factors" for overlying layers and for concentration of flow account for the relative protection of groundwater from contamination while taking into account any bypass of the overlying layers. A precipitation factor is distinguished for describing characteristics of the input of water to the system. Differentiation is made between groundwater resource intrinsic vulnerability mapping and source intrinsic vulnerability mapping. For the latter, a factor describing the karst network development is relevant. This short technical note describes a first step in the work program of Working Group 1 of the COST Action 620. Future steps are now in progress to quantify the approach and to apply it in various European pilot areas. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

An extension to the DRASTIC model is proposed in order to assess aquifer vulnerability to pollution. In contrast to the DRASTIC model, which considers the unsaturated and saturated zones together and computes a global intrinsic vulnerability index, the suggested approach discriminates between the aquifer vertical vulnerability (a concept related to the pollutant percolation) and the groundwater susceptibility (a concept that depends on the behaviour and uses of the groundwater). This approach is applied to the Haouz aquifer (Morocco) that supplies water to the Marrakech area. This aquifer is widely overexploited and there is evidence that the groundwater quality is threatened by various sources of pollution. Evaluation of the vertical vulnerability indicates that the aquifer mainly presents a moderate-to-weak vertical vulnerability. The zones potentially most favourable to pollutant percolation are mainly located in Central Haouz, along or near the surface wadis. The aquifer susceptibility is high in places located near the N’Fis, Baaja and Issil wadis. Everywhere else, low-to-moderate susceptibility is observed. This new approach therefore enables areas of vertical vulnerability and areas of susceptibility to be delineated separately. As a result, it constitutes a valuable decision-making tool for optimising the management of aquifer water resources and land-use planning.  相似文献   

The hydrogeological study of some karst systems in Lebanon shows important storage capacity, up to 27 billions m3 for Zarka system, the spring of Orontes River. Their geological and morphological settings, as well as their hydrodynamic function, show structures developed below the level of present springs, probably up to several hundreds meters at depth. Since Miocene, those carbonate formations were subject to a remarkable instability of their base levels. Variations of sea level, of which the Messinian salinity crisis is the major phase, and effects of the alpine orogenesis, combined with climate variations to develop complex, multiphased karst systems. Karstification occurs frequently in the whole formation, often deeply below sea level or underneath sediment filling of continental basins. The surface karst landscape is often intensely eroded. Those multiple, superimposed karst phases give the carbonate aquifers their large extension and storage capacity. These karst aquifers show the typical easy restoration of storage. They have the ability to bear large interannual recharge variations and support exploitation under high pumping rates. However, these aquifers have some disadvantages for sustainable management. In some regions, successful boreholes, which allow high pumping rates also induce uncontrolled exploitation. Another consequence is natural seawater intrusion, as well as the submarine discharge of fresh groundwater, in coastal aquifers. Those carbonate aquifers are subject to important economical stress which jeopardizes their durability. The systematic study and understanding of carbonate aquifers in Eastern Mediterranean is a preliminary condition to any integrated and sustainable management of water resources. Studies in progress in Lebanon may serve as examples to the whole region.  相似文献   

Karst aquifers represent important water resources in many parts of the world. Unfortunately, karst aquifers are characterised by high contamination risks. This paper presents a travel time based method for the estimation of karst groundwater vulnerability. It considers (1) physics-based lateral flow within the uppermost weathered zone (epikarst) in a limestone-dominated region and (2) high velocities of vertical infiltration at discrete infiltration points (e.g. sinkholes) or lines (e.g. dry valleys, faults). Consequently, the Transit Time Method honours the actual flow path within the unsaturated zone of a karst aquifer system. A test site in Northern Jordan was chosen for the demonstration of the assessment technique, i.e. the catchment area of the Qunayyah Spring north of the capital Amman. The results demonstrate that zones of highest vulnerability lie within valleys and nearby main fault zones. It also reveals that regions, categorised as protected areas by other methods due to thick unsaturated zones, contribute to a major degree to the total risk.  相似文献   

In many regions the use of groundwater for water supply is limited by the increase in contamination of aquifers. The problem of contamination requires the development of new approaches in assessing areas in which groundwater is vulnerable to contamination. A brief analysis of the present day level of methods for regional evaluation and mapping of areas in which groundwater is vulnerable is presented.  相似文献   

Vulnerability maps illustrate the potential threat of contaminants to groundwater and can be considered as important tools for land-use planning and related legislation. For karst areas with characteristic preferential infiltration conditions, vulnerability maps are also excellent tools for source and resource protection. However, the resulting qualitative maps are often inconsistent and even contradictive and thus might lead to inconclusive vulnerability assessments. The results of a validation of vulnerability maps produced using four different methods, DRASTIC, GLA, PI and EPIK, are reported for a karst area in southwest Germany. By means of measured hydraulic and transport parameters of the geological sequence, numerical simulations were used based on a conceptual model for the area under study. The mean transit time through the unsaturated zone (resource protection) was used as the validation parameter. The study demonstrates that the highest level of accuracy is achieved with the GLA- and PI methods. Both DRASTIC and EPIK are not able to incorporate highly variable distributions and thickness of cover sediments and their protective properties in the respective mapping procedure. Thus, vulnerability maps produced with DRASTIC, EPIK, and related methods should be used with care when employed in vulnerability assessments for land use planning and related decision-making.
Résumé  Les cartes de vulnérabilité illustrent la menace potentielle des contaminants envers les eaux souterraines, et peuvent être considérées comme des outils importants en matière d'aménagement foncier et de réglementation associée. Sur les domaines karstiques, caractérisés par des conditions d'infiltration préférentielle, ces cartes sont également d'excellents outils de protection des sources et des ressources. Cependant, les cartes qualitatives résultantes sont généralement incohérentes voire contradictoires, et peuvent par là-même mener à des évaluations de vulnérabilité peu concluantes. La présente étude expose les résultats de validation de cartes de vulnérabilité produites selon quatre méthodes différentes (DRASTIC, GLA, PI et EPIK), dans le cas d'un domaine karstique du sud-est de l'Allemagne. Par le biais des paramètres de transport et hydrauliques mesurés sur la séquence géologique, des simulations numériques basées sur un modèle conceptuel du secteur d'étude ont été utilisées. Les temps de transit moyens à travers la zone non saturée (protection de la ressource) ont été utilisés comme paramètres de validation. L'étude démontre que le niveau maximum de précision est obtenu par les méthodes GLA et PI. Dans la phase de cartographie, les méthodes EPIK et DRASTIC sont incapables d'intégrer une forte variabilité dans les distributions et les épaisseurs de sédiments de couverture, ainsi que dans leurs potentiels de protection. Aussi, les cartes de vulnérabilité produites par les méthodes DRASTIC et EPIK doivent être utilisées avec précaution dans le cadre des évaluations de vulnérabilité à but décisionnaire pour les aménagements fonciers.

Resumen  Los mapas de vulnerabilidad ilustran la amenaza potencial de contaminantes para el agua subterránea y pueden ser considerados herramientas importantes para planeamiento del uso de la tierra y legislación relacionada. Para áreas cársticas con sus características condiciones de infiltración preferencial, los mapas de vulnerabilidad son también excelentes herramientas para protección de fuentes y recursos. Sin embargo, los mapas cualitativos resultantes son frecuentemente inconsistentes y hasta contradictorios y por lo tanto podrían conducir a evaluaciones de vulnerabilidad no concluyentes. Los resultados de una validación de mapas de vulnerabilidad producidos usando cuatro métodos diferentes, DRASTIC, GLA, PI y EPIK, son presentados aquí para un área cárstica en Alemania suroccidental. Se usaron simulaciones numéricas usando parámetros hidráulicos y de transporte medidos de la secuencia geológica y basándose en un modelo conceptual del área en estudio. El tiempo promedio de tránsito a través de la zona no saturada (protección del recurso) fue utilizado como el parámetro de validación. El estudio demuestra que el máximo nivel de precisión es alcanzado con los métodos GLA y PI. DRASTIC y EPIK no fueron capaces de incorporar distribuciones altamente variables ni espesor de sedimentos de cubierta y sus propiedades protectivas en el respectivo procedimiento de elaboración de mapas. Por lo tanto los mapas de vulnerabilidad producidos con DRASTIC, EPIK y métodos relacionados deberían ser usados con cuidado cuando se usen en evaluaciones de vulnerabilidad para planeamiento del uso de tierra y toma de decisiones relacionadas.

The Supramonte limestone complex, of Jurassic–Cretaceous age, lies within the municipal borders of Urzulei, Oliena and Orgosolo (north-central Sardinia). For the most part, the Supramonte groundwater drains towards the outcrops in the northernmost part of the massif. A minor, almost negligible quantity of water drains towards a series of outcrops along the edge of the carbonate structure, with numerous subaerial and submarine springs. The groundwater in the entire system represents one of the most important water resources in Sardinia, especially for drinking purposes. Taking into consideration the development of karst cavities, permanent groundwater reserves were cautiously estimated to be at least 144 Mm3. Intrinsic vulnerability to pollution has been assessed by means of the EPIK method.  相似文献   

 Groundwater resources from karst aquifers play a major role in the water supply in karst areas in the world, such as in Switzerland. Defining groundwater protection zones in karst environment is frequently not founded on a solid hydrogeological basis. Protection zones are often inadequate and as a result they may be ineffective. In order to improve this situation, the Federal Office for Environment, Forests and Landscape with the Swiss National Hydrological and Geological Survey contracted the Centre of Hydrogeology of the Neuchatel University to develop a new groundwater protection-zones strategy in karst environment. This approach is based on the vulnerability mapping of the catchment areas of water supplies provided by springs or boreholes. Vulnerability is here defined as the intrinsic geological and hydrogeological characteristics which determine the sensitivity of groundwater to contamination by human activities. The EPIK method is a multi-attribute method for vulnerability mapping which takes into consideration the specific hydrogeological behaviour of karst aquifers. EPIK is based on a conceptual model of karst hydrological systems, which suggests considering four karst aquifer attributes: (1) Epikarst, (2) Protective cover, (3) Infiltration conditions and (4) Karst network development. Each of these four attributes is subdivided into classes which are mapped over the whole water catchment. The attributes and their classes are then weighted. Attribute maps are overlain in order to obtain a final vulnerability map. From the vulnerability map, the groundwater protection zones are defined precisely. This method was applied at several sites in Switzerland where agriculture contamination problems have frequently occurred. These applications resulted in recommend new boundaries for the karst water supplies protection-zones. Received: 27 October 1997 · Accepted: 4 July 1998  相似文献   

The UNSAT-H, HELP3 and MACRO4.3 computer codes, which have been developed for simulating the water balance of the unsaturated zone of soils and unconsolidated sediments, are also capable simulating water flow in low-porosity media such as fractured rock. The codes can be used to model the ability of rocks and overlying soils in the vadose zone to protect the groundwater in the uppermost aquifer. The net infiltration rates simulated by the different codes are compared against recharge determined by the chloride-balance method in Namibia. The dual-permeability code MACRO4.3 was found to produce more realistic estimates of net infiltration than the UNSAT-H and HELP3 codes, which are based on a single-permeability or effective-continuum method. The net infiltration rate together with the water storage in the unsaturated zone and the groundwater depth are used to calculate the residence time of pore water in the unsaturated zone. This parameter determines the intrinsic vulnerability of the aquifer.  相似文献   

The time-input method provides a new approach to evaluating groundwater vulnerability especially in mountainous areas. Its main factors are: (1) the travel time from the surface to groundwater (about 60%) enhanced by (2) the amount of input as groundwater recharge (about 40%). In contrast to other assessment schemes comparable to this method, the vulnerability is expressed in real time and not classified by dimensionless numbers with the advantage that the credibility of results is easier to check and the evaluation process is more transparent. The Index-Method was applied in a well-studied forested dolomitic karst area in the front range of the Austrian Northern Calcareous Alps. The aspect and the dip of the bedding planes towards or away from the groundwater have been included in this method. These are additional to the traditionally chosen investigation layers such as vegetation, slope inclination, thickness of soil, unconsolidated sediment and unsaturated rock, and fault zones.  相似文献   

The importance of groundwater for potable supply, and the many sources of anthropogenic contamination, has led to the development of intrinsic groundwater vulnerability mapping. An Analysis of Co-Variance and Analysis of Variance are used to validate the extensively applied UK methodology, based upon nitrate concentrations from 1,108 boreholes throughout England and Wales. These largely confirm the current aquifer and soil leaching potential classifications and demonstrate the benefits of combining soil and low permeability drift information. European legislation such as the Water Framework Directive will require more dynamic assessments of pollutant risk to groundwater. These results demonstrate that a number of improvements are required to future intrinsic groundwater vulnerability methodologies. The vertical succession of geological units must be included, so that non-aquifers can be zoned in the same way as aquifers for water supply purposes, while at the same time recognising their role in influencing the quality of groundwater in deeper aquifers. Classifications within intrinsic vulnerability methodologies should be based upon defined diagnostic properties rather than expert judgement. Finally the incorporation into groundwater vulnerability methodologies of preferential flow in relation to geological deposits, soil type and land management practices represents a significant, but important, future challenge.
Resumen La importancia de las aguas subterráneas en el abastecimiento de agua potable, y las muchas fuentes de contaminación antropogénica, ha llevado al desarrollo del mapeo de vulnerabilidad a la contaminación intrínseca de aguas subterráneas. Se han utilizado un análisis de co-varianza y análisis de varianza para validar la metodología que se ha aplicado extensamente en UK basada en concentraciones de nitrato de 1108 pozos a través de Inglaterra y Gales. Se confirma ampliamente las clasificaciones actuales de acuíferos y potencial de lixiviación del suelo y se demuestra los beneficios de combinar la información de suelos y derrubios de baja permeabilidad. La legislación europea tal como el Marco Directivo del Agua requerirá evaluaciones más dinámicas del riesgo a la contaminación de agua subterránea. Estos resultados demuestran que se requieren varias mejoras en las metodologías futuras de vulnerabilidad intrínseca a la contaminación de agua subterránea. Tiene que incluirse la secuencia vertical de las unidades geológicas de modo que las unidades que no son acuíferos puedan zonificarse de la misma manera que los acuíferos con fines de abastecimiento de agua, mientras que al mismo tiempo se reconozca el papel que tienen en la influencia de la calidad de agua subterránea en acuíferos profundos. Las clasificaciones de las metodologías de vulnerabilidad intrínseca deberían basarse en las propiedades diagnósticas características más que en el juicio experto. Finalmente la incorporación de flujo preferencial en las metodologías de vulnerabilidad de agua subterránea en relación a las formaciones geológicas, tipo de suelo y prácticas de manejo de la tierra representa un desafío futuro no solo significativo sino que importante.

Résumé Limportance des eaux-souterraines pour lalimentation en eau potable, et les multiples sources de contaminations anthropiques, ont conduit au développement de cartes de vulnérabilité intrinsèque des eaux souterraines aux pollutions. Une analyse de la co-variance et lanalyse de la variance sont utilisées pour valider la méthodologie extensive utilisée en UK, basée sur les concentration en nitrates de 1108 forages en Angleterre et en Ecosse. Ceci confirme les classifications courantes basées sur la nature des aquifères et le potentiel de lessivage des sols, et démontre le bénéfice que lon peut tirer à combiner linformation dérivant des sols et des faibles perméabilités. La législation européenne telle la Directive Cadre Européenne demandera des évaluations plus dynamiques des risques de pollution affectant les eaux souterraines. Ces résultats démontrent quun certain nombre daméliorations sont nécessaires aux futures méthodes de vulnérabilité intrinsèque des eaux souterraines. La succession verticale dunités géologiques doit être pris en compte, de telle manière que les parties non-aquifères puissent être zonées de la même manière que les aquifères pour lapprovisionnement en eaux potables, et reconnaître par la même occasion leur influence sur la qualité des eaux souterraines dans les aquifères profonds. Les classifications utilisées dans les méthodes de vulnérabilité intrinsèque devraient être basées sur les propriétés dun diagnostique défini plutôt que sur un jugement expert. Finalement lincorporation, dans les méthodes de vulnérabilité intrinsèque, des écoulements préférentiels en relation avec les formations géologiques, les types de sol et les pratiques daménagement du territoire représentent un challenge futur significatif et ortant.

The assessment of groundwater vulnerability to pollution aims at highlighting areas at a high risk of being polluted. This study presents a methodology, to estimate the risk of an aquifer to be polluted from concentrated and/or dispersed sources, which applies an overlay and index method involving several parameters. The parameters are categorized into three factor groups: factor group 1 includes parameters relevant to the internal aquifer system’s properties, thus determining the intrinsic aquifer vulnerability to pollution; factor group 2 comprises parameters relevant to the external stresses to the system, such as human activities and rainfall effects; factor group 3 incorporates specific geological settings, such as the presence of geothermal fields or salt intrusion zones, into the computation process. Geographical information systems have been used for data acquisition and processing, coupled with a multicriteria evaluation technique enhanced with fuzzy factor standardization. Moreover, besides assigning weights to factors, a second set of weights, i.e., order weights, has been applied to factors on a pixel by pixel basis, thus allowing control of the level of risk in the vulnerability determination and the enhancement of local site characteristics. Individual analysis of each factor group resulted in three intermediate groundwater vulnerability to pollution maps, which were combined in order to produce the final composite groundwater vulnerability map for the study area. The method has been applied in the region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace (Northern Greece), an area of approximately 14,000 km2. The methodology has been tested and calibrated against the measured nitrate concentration in wells, in the northwest part of the study area, providing results related to the aggregation and weighting procedure.  相似文献   

溶地下水脆弱性评价“二元法”及其在重庆金佛山的应用   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
岩溶地下水脆弱性评价是基于保护岩溶含水层从而有效地管理和利用地下水提出的有效方法和手段。我国西南岩溶区极大多数地区缺少应有的地下水保护带,地下水比较容易受到污染。本文论述了一种脆弱性的评价的简单方法— —基于径流特征和覆盖层厚度的二元法,并利用该法对重庆金佛山典型岩溶区进行了地下水脆弱性评价。结果表明,药池坝洼地和生态石林区脆弱性较高。究其原因,尽管药池坝洼地底部土壤层覆盖较厚,但存在地表径流集中排向落水洞,生态石林分布区地表裂隙、溶沟发育,可直接接受雨水入渗,因而污染物极易通过降雨和地表径流过程进入含水层。这一方法输入数据量小,对岩溶含水层普遍适用,为地下水资源可持续利用和土地利用管理提供了强有力的工具。   相似文献   

This study outlines an improved method, DIVERSITY, for delineating and rating groundwater sensitivity. It is an acronym for DIspersion/VElocity-Rated SensitivITY, which is based on an assessment of three aquifer characteristics: recharge potential, flow velocity, and flow directions. The primary objective of this method is to produce sensitivity maps at the county or state scale that illustrate intrinsic potential for contamination of the uppermost aquifer. Such maps can be used for recognition of aquifer sensitivity and for protection of groundwater quality. We suggest that overriding factors that strongly affect one or more of the three basic aquifer characteristics may systematically elevate or lower the sensitivity rating. The basic method employs a three-step procedure: (1) Hydrogeologic settings are delineated on the basis of geology and groundwater recharge/discharge position within a terrane. (2) A sensitivity envelope or model for each setting is outlined on a three-component rating graph. (3) Sensitivity ratings derived from the envelope are extrapolated to hydrogeologic setting polygons utilizing overriding and key factors, when appropriate. The three-component sensitivity rating graph employs two logarithmic scales and a relative area scale on which measured and estimated values may be plotted. The flow velocity scale ranging from 0.01 to more than 10,000 m/d is the keystone of the rating graph. Whenever possible, actual time-of-travel values are plotted on the velocity scale to bracket the position of a sensitivity envelope. The DIVERSITY method was developed and tested for statewide use in Kentucky, but we believe it is also practical and applicable for use in almost any other area.  相似文献   

This paper refers to the development of a conceptual model for the management of a coastal aquifer in northern Greece. The research presents the interpretation and analysis of the quantitative (groundwater level recordings and design of piezometric maps) regime and the formation of the upcone within the area of investigation. Additionally it provides the elaboration of the results of chemical analyses of groundwater samples (physicochemical parameters, major chemical constituents and heavy metals and trace elements) of the area which were taken in three successive irrigation periods (July–August 2003, July–August 2004 and July 2005), in order to identify areas of aquifer vulnerability. The study identifies the areas where ion exchange phenomena occur, as well as the parts of the aquifer where the qualitative degradation of the aquifer system is enhanced. The paper, finally, assesses the lack of any scientific groundwater resources management of the area by the local water authorities, as well as the current practices of the existing pumping conditions scheme as applied by groundwater users.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Groundwater vulnerability and risk mapping is a relatively new scientific approach for facilitating planning and decision making processes in order to protect this valuable resource. Pan European methodology for aquifers vulnerability has recently been developed by assessing all the existing relevant techniques and emphasizing on karstic environments. In the particular study, state-of-the-art methods and tools have been implemented such as remote sensing, isotopic investigations and GIS to map the groundwater vulnerability and pollution risk in a geologically complex area of W. Greece. The updated land use map has been developed from a Landsat 7+TM image elaborated with image analysis software, while the detailed hydrogeologic properties of the area have been recorded with an intensive isotopic study. The local groundwater vulnerability map has been produced following the aforementioned Pan European method, in a GIS environment while the risk map, which was the final product of the study, has been developed after combining the vulnerability and the land use maps. The results indicated that the areas comprised of highly tectonized calcareous formations represented high vulnerability and risk zones while forested areas away from the karstic aquifer illustrated moderate to low vulnerability. Moreover, human activities increase the pollution risk in lowland areas consisting of sedimentary deposits that have been classified as moderate vulnerability. The particular methodology operated efficiently in this study and due to its accuracy and relatively easy implementation can be used as a decision support tool for local authorities.  相似文献   

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