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Two common volume experiments were conducted in August 1996 and July 1997 between the Durham meteor wind radar (43.1°N, 70.9°W) and the Millstone Hill incoherent scatter radar, (42.6°N, 71.5°W) to compare the techniques in measuring neutral winds at an altitude of 100 km. For this comparison the vertical winds are assumed to be zero and only the horizontal components of the radar line of sight velocities are used. Analysis of the data reveals overall general agreement, but some large deviations in the wind components are observed at specific times and these are examined closely. Error analysis of the radar measurements is presented here, and emphasis is placed on the careful delineation of the effect of spatial variations in the wind field observed by the two radars. Since the spatial resolution of both radars is<3 km both horizontally and vertically, some of the three dimensional properties of the horizontal wind component can be estimated. For the incoherent scatter radar with its narrow steerable beam, the spatial location of the sampling points could be chosen; however, finer sampling of the wind field results in more temporal smearing due to the fixed measurement time for each point. For the meteor radar the spatial sample points occur randomly within the system beam since they depend on the chance location of observed meteor trails. Both systems spatially undersample the wind field in most cases, but with careful consideration of the system errors for both radars, it is shown that small scale (∼10 km) wind variations must exist at these altitudes with rms velocity differences of ∼25 m/s.  相似文献   

We present a study of ionospheric and thermospheric response during a November 9–10, 2004 major geomagnetic storm event (DsT ~?300 nT). We utilize the North American sector longitude chain of incoherent scatter radars at Arecibo, Millstone Hill, and Sondrestrom, operating as part of a coordinated international mesosphere/lower thermosphere coupling study experiment. Total electron content (TEC) determinations from global positioning system (GPS) ground receivers, ground magnetometer traces from the Canadian CANOPUS array, Defense Meteorological Satellite Platform (DMSP) topside data, and global convection patterns from the SuperDARN radar network are analyzed to place the detailed radar data in proper mesoscale context. The plasmaspheric boundary layer (PBL) expanded greatly in the dusk sector during ring current intensification to span more than 25° of magnetic latitude, reaching as far south as 30° invariant latitude. Strong sub-auroral polarization stream velocities of more than 1 km/s were accompanied by large upwards thermal O+ fluxes to the overlying magnetosphere. The large PBL expansion subsequently exposed both Millstone Hill and Sondrestrom to the auroral convection pattern, which developed a complex multicell and reverse convection response under strongly northward IMF conditions during a period of global interplanetary electric field penetration. Large traveling atmospheric and ionospheric disturbances caused significant neutral wind and ion velocity surges in the mid-latitude and tropical ionosphere and thermosphere, with substorm activity launching equatorward neutral wind enhancements and subsequent mid-latitude dynamo responses at Millstone Hill. However, ionosphere and thermosphere observations at Arecibo point to significant disturbance propagation modification in the post-dusk sector PBL region.  相似文献   

In an effort to study the interannual variation of mesospheric (65–90 km altitude) mean winds, 10 years (1986–1995) of wind data collected with the MU radar at Shigaraki, Japan (34.9°N, 136.1°E) have been analysed. The analysis reveals that the mean zonal wind circulation in the mesosphere is dominated by an annual variation. The summer westward flow in the mesosphere shows a smooth variation with a peak value in the range 40–60 m/s in June/July. In contrast to the summer westward winds, the winter eastward winds exhibit much more variability. In some years it is found that the winds exceed even 60 m/s and the peak value may occur in any one of the winter months. Scrutiny of the duration of the summer westward winds reveals a two-year periodicity, which has been compared with the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) phases at the equator. The search for a dependence of the mean wind on solar activity does not reveal any indications of it. Ten-year averaged winds are compared with the model atmosphere, CIRA-86, values and certain agreements and disagreements are pointed out.  相似文献   

Based on the horizontal winds measured using SKiYMET meteor wind radar during the period of June 2004–May 2007, the seasonal and interannual variability of the diurnal and semidiurnal amplitudes and phases in the mesospheric and lower thermospheric (MLT) region over a low-latitude station Trivandrum (8.5°N) are investigated. The monthly values of amplitudes and phases are calculated using a composite day analysis. The zonal and meridional diurnal tidal amplitudes exhibit both annual and semiannual oscillations. The zonal and meridional components of semidiurnal tide show a significant annual oscillation. The phase values of both diurnal and semidiurnal tides exhibit annual oscillation above 90 km. The effect of background wind in the lower atmosphere on the strength of diurnal tidal amplitudes in the MLT region is studied. The effect of diurnal tides on the background wind in the lower thermosphere is also discussed.  相似文献   

The extended Canadian Middle Atmosphere Model (extended CMAM) is a general circulation model, which extends from the surface to about 210 km. Spatial complex spectral analysis is applied to horizontal winds simulated by the extended CMAM to obtain semidiurnal tidal amplitudes and phases (from e5 to w5) in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) region. The dominant w2 migrating component and the presence of eight nonmigrating tides (w3, w4, w5, e1, e2, e3, e4 and e5) in the mid-latitudes are identified. Components w1 and s0, which tend to maximize at high latitudes, will be discussed separately in a later paper. The migrating semidiurnal tide (w2) has amplitudes reaching over 20 m s−1 for both zonal and meridional winds in the mid-latitude region. Its form compares well to the published results. The amplitudes of nonmigrating semidiurnal tides are non-negligible compared with the migrating semidiurnal tides. The amplitudes for w3 and e2 exceed 12 and 8 m s−1, respectively.Comparisons are made with four nonmigrating semidiurnal components (w3, w4, e1 and e2) derived from the TIMED Doppler interferometer (TIDI) wind measurements between 85 and 105 km altitude and between 45°S and 45°N latitude. Overall, the basic CMAM and TIDI latitudinal structures of the amplitudes agree well and the agreement between the annual mean amplitudes varies with component. Relative to the TIDI results, the CMAM seasonal variations of w4 are in good agreement, of e2 are in reasonable agreement, of w3 are in partial agreement and of e1 are in poor agreement.The 11 semidiurnal components from the model are superimposed to generate the total semidiurnal winds at Jakarta (6°S, 106°E) and Kototabang (0°, 100°E) and are compared with measurements from two equatorial meteor radar stations at these sites. The relative contributions of components to the reconstructed amplitude vary from month to month. The CMAM reconstructions are generally larger than the radar results by a factor varying between one and two. The phases in the radar data are typically stationary with respect to height, whereas they generally decrease with height in the CMAM reconstruction.  相似文献   

Part 2 of the present paper is focused on the planetary wave coupling from the stratosphere to the lower thermosphere (30–120 km) during the Arctic winter of 2003/2004. The planetary waves seen in the TIMED/SABER temperature data in the latitudinal range 50°N–50°S are studied in detail. The altitude and latitude structures of the planetary wave (stationary and travelling) clearly indicate that the stratosphere and mesosphere (30–90 km) are coupled by direct vertical propagation of the planetary waves, while the lower thermosphere (above 90–95 km altitude) is only partly connected with the lower levels probably indirectly through in-situ generation of disturbances by the dissipation and breaking of gravity waves filtered by lower atmospheric planetary waves. A peculiar feature of the thermal regime in the lower thermosphere is that it is dominated by zonally symmetric planetary waves.  相似文献   

Continuous MF and meteor radar observations allow detailed studies of winds in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) as well as temperatures around the mesopause. This height region is characterized by a strong variability in winter due to enhanced planetary wave activity and related stratospheric warming events, which are distinct coupling processes between lower, middle and upper atmosphere. Here the variability of mesospheric winds and temperatures is discussed in relation with major and minor stratospheric warmings as observed during winter 2005/06 in comparison with results during winter 1998/99.Our studies are based on MF radar wind measurements at Andenes (69°N, 16°E), Poker Flat (65°N, 147°W) and Juliusruh (55°N, 13°E) as well as on meteor radar observations of winds and temperatures at Resolute Bay (75°N, 95°W), Andenes (69°N, 16°E) and Kühlungsborn (54°N, 12°E). Additionally, energy dissipation rates have been estimated from spectral width measurements using a 3 MHz Doppler radar near Andenes. Particular attention is directed to the changes of winds, turbulence and the gravity wave activity in the mesosphere in relation to the planetary wave activity in the stratosphere.Observations indicate an enhancement of planetary wave 1 activity in the mesosphere at high latitudes during major stratospheric warmings. Daily mean temperatures derived from meteor decay times indicate that strong warming events are connected with a cooling of the 90 km region by about 10–20 K. The onset of these cooling processes and the reversals of the mesospheric circulation to easterly winds occur some days before the changes of the zonal circulation in the stratosphere start indicating a downward propagation of the circulation disturbances from the MLT region to the stratosphere and troposphere during the stratospheric warming events. The short-term reversal of the mesospheric winds is followed by a period of strong westerly winds connected with enhanced turbulence rates and an increase of gravity wave activity in the altitude range 70–85 km.  相似文献   

The zonally averaged UK Meteorological Office (UKMO) zonal mean temperature and zonal winds for the latitudes 8.75°N and 60°N are used to investigate the low-latitude dynamical response to the high latitude sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) events that occurred during winter of the years 1998–1999, 2003–2004 and 2005–2006. The UKMO zonal mean zonal winds at 60°N show a short-term reversal to westward winds in the entire upper stratosphere and lower mesosphere and the low-latitude winds (8.75°N) show enhanced eastward flow in the upper stratosphere and strong westward flow in the lower mesosphere during the major SSW events at high latitudes. The mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) zonal winds acquired by medium frequency (MF) radar at Tirunelveli (8.7°N, 77.8°E) show a change of wind direction from eastward to westward several days before the onset of SSW events and these winds decelerate and weak positive (eastward) winds prevail during the SSW events. The time variation of zonal winds over Tirunelveli is nearly similar to the one reported from high latitudes, except that the latter shows intense eastward winds during the SSW events. Besides, the comparison of daily mean meridional winds over Tirunelveli with those over Collm (52°N, 15°E) show that large equatorial winds are observed over Tirunelveli during the 2005–2006 event and over Collm during the 1998–1999 events. The variable response of MLT dynamics to different SSW events may be explained by the variability of gravity waves.  相似文献   

An inter-hemispheric asymmetry is found in the characteristics of polar mesosphere summer echoes (PMSE) and upper mesosphere temperatures at conjugate latitudes (~69°) above Antarctica and the Arctic. The second complete mesosphere–stratosphere–troposphere (MST) radar summer observation season at Davis (68.6°S) revealed that PMSE occur less frequently, with lower strength and on average 1 km higher compared with their northern counterparts at Andenes (69.3°N). We consider the thermodynamic state of the mesosphere for conjoining hemispheric summers based on satellite and ground-based radar measurements, and show the mesopause region near ~80–87 km of the Southern Hemisphere (SH) to be up to 7.5 K warmer than its Northern Hemisphere (NH) counterpart. We show that this is consistent with our observation of asymmetries in the characteristics of PMSE and demonstrate how the mesosphere meridional wind field influences the existence and strength of the echoes in both hemispheres.  相似文献   

An updated empirical climatic zonally averaged prevailing wind model for the upper mesosphere/lower thermosphere (70/110 km), extending from 80°N to 80°S is presented. The model is constructed from the fitting of monthly mean winds from meteor radar and MF radar measurements at more than 40 stations, well distributed over the globe. The height-latitude contour plots of monthly mean zonal and meridional winds for all months of the year, and of annual mean wind, amplitudes and phases of annual and semiannual harmonics of wind variations are analyzed to reveal the main features of the seasonal variation of the global wind structures in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Some results of comparison between the ground-based wind models and the space-based models are presented. It is shown that, with the exception of annual mean systematic bias between the zonal winds provided by the ground-based and space-based models, a good agreement between the models is observed. The possible origin of this bias is discussed.  相似文献   

The short-term regional responses of the mesosphere–lower thermosphere (MLT) dynamics over Scandinavia to the exceptionally strong solar storms with their accompanying solar proton fluxes on the Earth in late October 2003 have been investigated using radar measurements at Andenes (69°N, 16°E) and Esrange (68°N, 21°E). Several solar activity storms resulted in solar proton events (SPEs) at this time, but a particularly active period of high proton fluxes occurred between 28 and 31 October 2003. The significant temperature drop (∼25 K), detected by the meteor radar at Andenes at altitude ∼90 km, was in line with the enhancement of the proton fluxes and was caused by the dramatic reduction of the ozone in the high-latitude middle atmosphere monitored by satellite measurements. This exceptionally strong phenomenon in late October 2003 was composed of three geomagnetic storms, with the first one occurring in the daytime of 29 October and the other two storms in the nighttime of 29 and 30 October, respectively. The responses of the prevailing wind and the main tides (24- and 12-h tides) were studied in detail. It was found that the response of the MLT dynamics to the first geomagnetic storm occurring in the daytime and accompanied by solar proton fluxes is very different from those to the second and third geomagnetic storms with onsets during the nighttime. Some physical mechanisms have been suggested in order to explain the observed short-term variability of the MLT dynamics. This case study revealed the impact of the SPEs observed in late October 2003 and the timing of the geomagnetic storms on the MLT neutral wind responses observed over Scandinavia.  相似文献   

Many satellite and ground-based observations from 2–11 November 1993 werecombined in the Assimilative Mapping of Ionospheric Electrodynamics (AMIE) procedure toderive realistic time dependent global distributions of the auroral precipitation and ionosphericconvection. These were then used as inputs to the Thermosphere–Ionosphere–ElectrodynamicsGeneral Circulation Model (TIEGCM) to simulate the thermospheric and ionospheric responseduring the storm period. The November 1993 storm was an unusually strong storm associatedwith a recurring high speed stream of solar plasma velocity in the declining phase of the solarcycle. Significant gravity waves with phase speeds of about 700 m/s caused by Joule heating werepresent in the upper thermosphere as perturbations to the neutral temperature and wind fields,especially on 4 November. The observed gravity waves in the meridional wind and in the height ofthe electron density peak at several southern hemisphere stations were generally reproduced bythe model using the AMIE high latitude inputs. Both model and observed equatorward windswere enhanced during the peak of the storm at Millstone Hill and at Australian ionosondestations. The observed neutral temperature at Millstone Hill increased about 400 K during thenight on 4 November, returning to normal on 9 November, while the model increased 300 K thefirst night at that location but was still elevated on 11 November. Enhanced westward windsduring the storm were evident in the UARS WIND Imaging Interferometer (WINDII) data. Theenhanced westward winds in the model were largest around 40–45° magnetic latitude at night,and also tended to be largest in the longitudes containing the magnetic poles. The peak westwardwind enhancements at 0 LT reached about 250 m/s at 300 km, and about 100 m/s at 125 km thefirst day of the storm at 40° magnetic latitude. At 20° magnetic latitude, the maximum westwardwind enhancements at 125 km at 0 LT appeared 2–4 days after the major part of the storm,indicating very long time constants in the lower thermosphere. The model showed global averageneutral temperature enhancements of 188 K after the peak of the storm that decayed with time,and which correlated with variations 8 h earlier in the Dst index and in the electric potential dropinput from AMIE. The global average temperature enhancement of 188 K corresponded to apotential drop increase of only about 105 kV. The results showed that the TIEGCM usingrealistic AMIE auroral forcings were able to reproduce many of the observed time dependentfeatures of this long-lived geomagnetic storm. The overall global average exospheric temperaturevariation correlated well with the time variation of the cross-tail potential drop and the Dst indexduring the storm period. However, the enhanced westward winds at mid-latitudes were stronglyrelated to the corrected Joule heating defined by the time dependent AMIE inputs.  相似文献   

Semidiurnal tidal features have been examined in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere (MLT) from the long-term (2002–2007) meteor wind data over Maui (20.75°N, 156.43°W). Amplitude and phase obtained from the harmonic analysis exhibit large day to day variability. Mean amplitude obtained from the monthly mean data over the observation period is found to vary within ~8–28 m/s and 10–32 m/s for the zonal and meridional winds, respectively. The amplitude has revealed clear semiannual oscillation (SAO) pattern with maxima during solstices and altitudinal growth in both wind components. Significant resemblance in its variability with other observations carried out from the low latitude sites all over the globe is obtained. Vertical wavelength estimated from the phase gradients exposes large values (>90 km) in all seasons. Contribution of the semidiurnal tide to the total tidal variability in the MLT is found to vary over wide range throughout the year with generally higher influence during winter season over diurnal and terdiurnal components.  相似文献   

Continuous wind observations allow detailed investigations of the upper mesosphere circulation in winter and its coupling with the lower atmosphere. During winter the mesospheric/lower thermospheric wind field is characterized by a strong variability. Causes of this behaviour are planetary wave activity and related stratospheric warming events. Reversals of the dominating eastward directed mean zonal winds in winter to summerly westward directed winds are often observed in connection with stratospheric warmings. In particular, the amplitude and duration of these wind reversals are closely related to disturbances of the dynamical regime of the upper stratosphere.The occurrence of long-period wind oscillations and wind reversals in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere in relation to planetary wave activity and circulation disturbances in the stratosphere has been studied for 12 winters covering the years 1989–2000 on the basis of MF radar wind observations at Juliusruh (55°N, since 1989) and Andenes (69°N, since 1998). Mesospheric wind oscillations with long-periods between 10 and 18 days are observed during the presence of enhanced planetary wave activity in the stratosphere and are combined with a reversal of the meridional temperature gradient of the stratosphere or with upper stratospheric warmings.  相似文献   

Analyses of hourly values of zonal and meridional wind near 95 km observed by meteor radar at Yambol (42.5°N, 26.6°E) during January 1991–June 1992 indicate the presence of planetary waves with prevailing periods of 1.5–2.5, 4–6, 9–10 and 16–18 days. About 20% of the whole power of atmospheric motions is connected with these waves, so they play an important role in the dynamics of the mesosphere-lower thermosphere (MLT) region. By dynamic spectral analysis applied to the hourly neutral wind and to the calculated hourly values of tidal amplitudes it has been demonstrated that there is considerable modulation of tidal amplitudes by planetary waves in the neutral wind, as this process is better expressed in the semidiurnal tides. The nonlinear interaction between tides and planetary waves is studied by bispectral analysis. The results of these analyses indicate again that the nonlinear interactions between semidiurnal tides and planetary waves with periods 2–20 days are stronger than those of the diurnal tides and planetary waves. A peculiar feature of dynamics in the MLT region above Bulgaria is the presence of strong oscillations with periods of 20 and 30 h, which indicate significant nonlinear coupling between them.  相似文献   

A global numerical weather prediction system is extended to the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) and used to assimilate high-altitude satellite measurements of temperature, water vapor and ozone from MLS and SABER during May–July 2007. Assimilated temperature and humidity from 100 to 0.001 hPa show minimal biases compared to satellite data and existing analysis fields. Saturation ratios derived diagnostically from these assimilated temperature and water vapor fields at PMC altitudes and latitudes compare well with seasonal variations in PMC frequency measured from the aeronomy of ice in the mesosphere (AIM) satellite. Synoptic maps of these diagnostic saturation ratios correlate geographically with three independent transient mesospheric cloud events observed at midlatitudes by SHIMMER on STPSat-1 and by ground observers during June 2007. Assimilated temperatures and winds reveal broadly realistic amplitudes of the quasi 5-day wave and migrating tides as a function of latitude and height. For example, analyzed winds capture the dominant semidiurnal MLT wind patterns at 55°N in June 2007 measured independently by a meteor radar. The 5-day wave and migrating diurnal tide also modulate water vapor mixing ratios in the polar summer MLT. Possible origins of this variability are discussed.  相似文献   

Data from meteo radar measurements of the wind in the mesosphere/lower thermosphere region at high latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere (Molodezhnaya station, 68° S, 45° E) and at middle latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere (Obninsk station, 55° N, 37° E) during solar proton events that took place in 1989, 1991, 2000, 2005, and 2012 are analyzed in the paper. In 1989 and 1991, we succeeded in observing the response to solar proton evens at both stations simultaneously. The results show that solar proton events lead to a change in the wind regime of the mesosphere and lower thermosphere. At high latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere, significant changes are observed in the values of the velocities of the meridional and zonal components of the prevailing wind. In the case of powerful solar proton events, the amplitude of the semidiurnal tide grows in the vicinity of the proton flux maximum. The response to these events depends on the season. The reaction of the prevailing wind at middle latitudes shows the same features as the reaction of the wind at high latitudes. However no unambiguous response of the tide amplitude is observed. In the summer season, even powerful events (for example, in July 2000) cause no changes in the wind regime parameters in the midlatitude region of the mesosphere/lower thermosphere.  相似文献   

Long-term tendencies in horizontal neutral wind parameters in the southern polar mesosphere/lower thermosphere are presented. The wind data analyzed were obtained from meteor and MF radars situated at Molodezhnaya (45.9°E, 67.7°S), Mawson (62.9°E, 67.6°S) and Davis (78.0°E, 68.6°S). The composite dataset covers years from 1970 to 2006. A Bayesian approach in the form proposed by Wang and Zivot [2000. A Bayesian time series model of multiple structural changes in level, trend and variance. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 8, 374–386] is used for the trend assessment. This approach allows structural breaks to be identified in the trend parameters (slope, mean or variance of residuals) or demonstrates their absence. The results of our analysis have shown persistence through such structural breaks in trends of the winter and summer prevailing winds and in meridional tidal components. It is demonstrated that the wind parameters exhibit different stable states with transitions between the states. Correlations between the southern polar MLT wind and indices of atmospheric variability (Northern annular mode, Southern annular mode, Multivariate El-Niño/Southern Oscillation Index) were then considered. The results show that statistically significant correlations exist during some periods of observations that do not exist during others.  相似文献   

Resonance lidar observations of sodium density in the upper mesosphere region over Gadanki (13.5°N, 79.2°E) rarely show complex structures with rapid enhancements of sodium density, completely different from normal sporadic sodium structures. The hourly averaged meteor radar zonal winds over Trivandrum (8.5°N, 76.5°E) show an eastward shear with altitude during the nights, when these events are formed. As suggested by Kane et al. [2001. Joint observations of sodium enhancements and field-aligned ionospheric irregularities. Geophysical Research Letters 28, 1375–1378], our observations show that the complex structures may be formed due to Kelvin–Helmholtz instability, which can occur in the region of strong wind shear.  相似文献   

北京MST雷达探测中间层-低热层观测结果初步分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
北京MST雷达是子午工程建设的国内仅有的两部MST雷达之一,为研究其在中间层-低热层MLT区域的探测能力以及数据可靠性,本文应用北京MST雷达2012、2013两年高模式数据,从数据获取率、与廊坊流星雷达测风对比以及风场时空分布特征三个方面进行初步分析.结果是:(1)数据获取率日变化特征为:白天65~100km均可获取数据,数据获取率的高值区主要集中在70~80km,最大值可达80%;夜间主要集中在80~100km,数据获取率在30%及以下.表明该MST雷达白天可以探测到电离层D层和E层低层,夜间D层消失,只探测到E层低层.季节变化特征为:夏季白天可获取数据的时间和高度区间都比较大,春季次之,冬季最小.夏季白天以及日落后1h内可探测到120km.(2)对北京MST雷达与廊坊流星雷达2012年5月份、80~100km高度区间测量的水平风进行对比分析,二者测风结果在时空分布上有很好的一致性,表明MST雷达探测数据是可靠的.(3)2012年和2013年相应月份平均的纬向风、经向风时空分布特征有较高的一致性,并与HWM07模式结果也基本一致.上述初步分析结果表明,北京MST雷达对中间层-低热层60~120km高度区域已具备较强的探测能力,所得结果将可用于MLT过程揭示与驱动因子研究,并可与该高度上其他探测手段作综合研究.  相似文献   

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