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The Lesser Himalaya in central Nepal consists of Precambrian to early Paleozoic, low- to medium-grade metamorphic rocks of the Nawakot Complex, unconformably overlain by the Upper Carboniferous to Lower Miocene Tansen Group. It is divided tectonically into a Parautochthon, two thrust sheets (Thrust sheets I and II), and a wide shear zone (Main Central Thrust zone) from south to north by the Bari Gad–Kali Gandaki Fault, the Phalebas Thrust and the Lower Main Central Thrust, respectively. The Lesser Himalaya is overthrust by the Higher Himalaya along the Upper Main Central Thrust (UMCT). The Lesser Himalaya forms a foreland-propagating duplex structure, each tectonic unit being a horse bounded by imbricate faults. The UMCT and the Main Boundary Thrust are the roof and floor thrusts, respectively. The duplex is cut-off by an out-of-sequence fault. At least five phases of deformation (D1–D5) are recognized in the Lesser Himalaya, two of which (D1 and D2) belong to the pre-Himalayan (pre-Tertiary) orogeny. Petrographic, microprobe and illite crystallinity data show polymetamorphic evolution of the Lesser and Higher Himalayas in central Nepal. The Lesser Himalaya suffered a pre-Himalayan (probably early Paleozoic) anchizonal prograde metamorphism (M0) and a Neohimalayan (syn- to post-UMCT) diagenetic to garnet grade prograde inverted metamorphism (M2). The Higher Himalaya suffered an Eohimalayan (pre or early-UMCT) kyanite-grade prograde metamorphism (M1) which was, in turn, overprinted by Neohimalayan (syn-UMCT) retrograde metamorphism (M2). The isograd inversion from garnet zone in the Lesser Himalaya to kyanite zone in the Higher Himalaya is only apparent due to post-metamorphic thrusting along the UMCT. Both the Lesser and Higher Himalayas have undergone late-stage retrogression (M3) during exhumation.  相似文献   

The paleogeography during Early Cretaceous of the northern margin of the Ligurian Tethys is poorly constrained because of deformation and erosion during Pyrenean and Alpine orogenic phases. The present-day limit between Lower Cretaceous sediments in the South–East basin, located at the northwestern margin of the Ligurian Tethys, and basement rocks is the consequence of a protracted erosion history. Lower Cretaceous sediments observed today in the basin, even close to the present-day outcropping border, are characteristic of pelagic environments. A larger extent of a Lower Cretaceous cover on the basement must then be considered. This study focuses on the western part of this margin (the Causses basin), in the South of the Massif Central (France), using several thermochronometers and geothermometers to decipher the former extent of the sedimentary cover. Apatite fission track thermochronology on basement rocks surrounding the Causses basin suggests that these rocks cooled from temperatures higher than 110°C during the mid-Cretaceous. Average fluid inclusion homogenisation temperatures between 94°C and 108°C are recorded in calcite veins from outcropping Toarcian and Aalenian shales. In the shales, Tmax values, temperature obtained by Rock–Eval pyrolysis of organic matter, are in agreement with these elevated temperatures. Different explanations for these relatively high temperatures, which cannot be explained by the present-day sedimentary serie in the basin, have been tested using a 1D thermal modelling procedure (Genex). For a 95±10-mW/m2 paleoflux, thick sedimentary deposits (2.5±0.3 km) including 1.3±0.3 km of Lower Cretaceous sediments cover the South of the Massif Central; these formations have been subsequently eroded from mid-Cretaceous time onwards. This study confirms that the South of the Massif Central was a site of marine sedimentation during the Early Cretaceous where a thick sedimentary sequence was once deposited.  相似文献   

Markus Wagner 《GeoJournal》2005,63(1-4):91-113
In semi-arid orographic left tributaries of the Kali Gandaki at the northern and western flank of the Nilgiri Himal, glacio-geomorphological and pedological investigations were carried out on prehistoric moraines. Geomorphological relief analysis was derived from other literature and the own fieldwork of the author. The resulting glacial chronology was used as benchmark to explore the limits of different pedological dating methods regarding the degree of soil development. These methods are based on iron fractionation, total element contents and particle size distribution. In general the different glacial stages are mirrored correctly in the relative graduation of soil development. The ratio of well crystallised pedogenic iron-oxides to the total iron content and the ratio fine clay to total clay are most suitable, because they are almost independent from existing changes in the lithological composition. The total element based weathering indices are less suitable, because they react highly sensitive to the geology dependent shift to higher carbonate content. Most of the grain size based weathering indices are inapplicable because of the typically high textural variability within till deposits.  相似文献   

The Gottero unit of the Northern Apennines, Italy, is representative of the sedimentary cover of the Ligure-Piemontese oceanic lithosphere. This unit consists of a thick sedimentary sequence that includes Valanginian-Santonian pelagic deposits and Campanian-early Paleocene turbiditic deposits. The latter are overlain by early Paleocene trench deposits related to frontal tectonic erosion of the accretionary wedge slope. This sequence is interpreted as recording trenchward motion of the oceanic lithosphere.

The Gottero unit records a pre-Late Oligocene, complex deformation history related to subduction and accretion events. This deformation history has developed through underthrusting (D1a), underplating (D1b and D1c) and later exhumation (D2a and D2b) episodes. The folding phase related to the main underplating sub-phase (D1b) is predated by a sub-phase (D1a) connected to rapid fluid escape and followed by a sub-phase dominated by the development of shear zones (D1c). The D1b sub-phase is characterized by similar folds and a slaty cleavage developed under P/T conditions of 0.4GPa/210°-270 °C. The D1c sub-phase, characterized by west-verging thrusts, is particularly signficative in understanding the dynamics of the Ligure-Piemontese accretionary wedge because it testifies active shortening of the Gottero unit also after its transfer to the prism. In addition, sub-phase D1c represents the transition from the sub-phases connected to accretion and the tectonics dominated by extension, characterized by parallel folds and low-to high-angle normal faults. The gravity driven extension is represented by the D2a and D2b sub-phases and can be interpreted as the result of the thicknening of the Ligure-Piemontese accretionary wedge, produced by continuous underplating at its base but also by shortening of the previously underplated units. These final tectonic events resulted in the exhumation of the Gottero unit to the surface during the Early Oligocene, when this Unit became one of the source areas of the conglomerates deposited in the Tertiary Piedmont basin.

This deformation history suggests the occurrence of a complex sequence of deformations during the transition from accretion to exhumation, even in the intermediate levels of the accretionary wedge.  相似文献   

Acta Geochimica - Siliciclastic sedimentary rocks, including sandstones and associated shales, from the Permo-Carboniferous Kanawar Group of NW Tethys Himalaya, Spiti Region, India were examined...  相似文献   

The geologic history of the passive continental margin off the east coast of North America from New England to Newfoundland is described using all available geological and geophysical information. “Rift” and “drift” phases of the margin's evolution are recognized, with rifting initiated in Late Triassic and completed by Early Jurassic. The plate decoupling process created a complex block-faulted terrain as a result of uplift and tensional fracturing. The approximate plane of continental separation is marked by a “hinge zone” characterized by a pronounced steepening of basement gradients. Since the Early Jurassic, the margin has undergone continual subsidence in response to cooling and sediment loading. This “drift” sequence attains its maximum thickness in the vicinity of the continental slope and thins both landward and seaward. On the shelf, this unit consists of Mesozoic evaporites, carbonates, and deltaic deposits. Overlying these sediments is a prograding wedge of Cenozoic elastics. On the rise, the Mesozoic sediments are evaporites, hemipelagic limestones and shales and carbonaceous clays. The Cenozoic is dominantly terrigenous material. Separating these two sedimentary provinces is the continental slope, a site of major facies changes and a Mesozoic reef complex.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The Main Central Thrust (MCT) south of Mt Everest in eastern Nepal is a 3 to 5km thick shear zone separating chlorite-bearing schist in the lower plate from sillimanite-bearing migmatitic gneiss in the overlying Tibetan Slab. The metamorphic grade increases through the MCT zone toward structurally higher levels. Previous workers have suggested that either post- or synmetamorphic thrust movement has caused this inversion of metamorphic isograds. In an effort to quantify the increase in grade and to constrain proposed structural relations between metamorphism and slip on the fault, four well-calibrated thermobarometers were applied to pelitic samples collected along two cross-strike transects through the MCT zone and Tibetan Slab. Results show an increase in apparent temperature up-section in the MCT zone from 778 K to 990 K and a decrease in temperature to ∼850 K in the lower Tibetan Slab, which is consistent with synmetamorphic thrust movement. A trend in calculated pressures across this section is less well-defined but, on average, decreases up-section with a gradient of ∼28MPa/km, resembling a lithostatic gradient. Pressure-temperature paths for zoned garnets from samples within the MCT zone, modelled using the Gibbs' Method, show a significant decrease in temperature and a slight decrease in pressure from core to rim, which might be expected for upper plate rocks during synmetamorphic thrust movement. Samples from the uppermost Tibetan Slab yield higher temperatures and pressures than those from the lower Tibetan Slab, which may be evidence for later‘resetting’ of thermobarometers by intrusion of the large amounts of leucogranite at that structural level.  相似文献   

Many workers have applied thermobarometric methods to better understand the tectonic evolution of the core of the Himalaya in Nepal. Although the pressure and temperature data gathered from this technique have been useful in elucidating some of the tectonic history of the region, caution must be exercised when comparing such data against an absolute scale. The overall goal of collecting thermobarometric data from various locations along the strike of the Himalaya is to better understand the nature of large-scale structures, like the Main Central Thrust, and events, such as metamorphic events and granite formation. To carry out this goal, it is necessary to produce thermobarometric data that are comparable at different locations. Unfortunately, such a complete dataset for Nepal is not yet available, but preliminary findings suggest that the timing and nature of the MCT and a high-temperature, low-pressure metaphoric event vary considerably along strike.  相似文献   

Nepal can be divided into the following five east–west trending major tectonic zones. (i) The Terai Tectonic Zone which consists of over one km of Recent alluvium concealing the Churia Group (Siwalik equivalents) and underlying rocks of northern Peninsular India. Recently active southward-propagating thrusts and folds beneath the Terai have affected both the underlying Churia and the younger sediments. (ii) The Churia Zone, which consists of Neogene to Quaternary foreland basin deposits and forms the Himalayan mountain front. The Churia Zone represents the most tectonically active part of the Himalaya. Recent sedimentologic, geochronologic and paleomagnetic studies have yielded a much better understanding of the provenance, paleoenvironment of deposition and the ages of these sediments. The Churia Group was deposited between ∼14 Ma and ∼1 Ma. Sedimentary rocks of the Churia Group form an archive of the final drama of Himalayan uplift. Involvement of the underlying northern Peninsular Indian rocks in the active tectonics of the Churia Zone has also been recognised. Unmetamorphosed Phanerozoic rocks of Peninsular India underlying the Churia Zone that are involved in the Himalayan orogeny may represent a transitional environment between the Peninsula and the Tethyan margin of the continent. (iii) The Lesser Himalayan Zone, in which mainly Precambrian rocks are involved, consists of sedimentary rocks that were deposited on the Indian continental margin and represent the southernmost facies of the Tethyan sea. Panafrican diastrophism interrupted the sedimentation in the Lesser Himalayan Zone during terminal Precambrian time causing a widespread unconformity. That unconformity separates over 12 km of unfossiliferous sedimentary rocks in the Lesser Himalaya from overlying fossiliferous rocks which are >3 km thick and range in age from Permo-Carboniferous to Lower to Middle Eocene. The deposition of the Upper Oligocene–Lower Miocene fluvial Dumri Formation records the emergence of the Himalayan mountains from under the sea. The Dumri represents the earliest foreland basin deposit of the Himalayan orogen in Nepal. Lesser Himalayan rocks are less metamorphosed than the rocks of the overlying Bhimphedis nappes and the crystalline rocks of the Higher Himalayan Zone. A broad anticline in the north and a corresponding syncline in the south along the Mahabharat range, as well as a number of thrusts and faults are the major structures of the Lesser Himalayan Zone which is thrust over the Churia Group along the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT). (iv) The crystalline high-grade metamorphic rocks of the Higher Himalayan Zone form the backbone of the Himalaya and give rise to its formidable high ranges. The Main Central Thrust (MCT) marks the base of this zone. Understanding the origin, timing of movement and associated metamorphism along the MCT holds the key to many questions about the evolution of the Himalaya. For example: the question of whether there is only one or whether there are two MCTs has been a subject of prolonged discussion without any conclusion having been reached. The well-known inverted metamorphism of the Himalaya and the late orogenic magmatism are generally attributed to movement along the MCT that brought a hot slab of High Himalayan Zone rocks over the cold Lesser Himalayan sequence. Harrison and his co-workers, as described in a paper in this volume, have lately proposed a detailed model of how this process operated. The rocks of the Higher Himalayan Zone are generally considered to be Middle Cambrian to Late Proterozoic in age. (v) The Tibetan Tethys Zone is represented by Cambrian to Cretaceous-Eocene fossiliferous sedimentary rocks overlying the crystalline rocks of the Higher Himalaya along the Southern Tibetan Detachment Fault System (STDFS) which is a north dipping normal fault system. The fault has dragged down to the north a huge pile of the Tethyan sedimentary rocks forming some of the largest folds on the Earth. Those sediments are generally considered to have been deposited in a more distal part of the Tethys than were the Lesser Himalayan sediments.The present tectonic architecture of the Himalaya is dominated by three master thrusts: the Main Central Thrust (MCT), the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) and the Main Frontal Thrust (MFT). The age of initiation of these thrusts becomes younger from north to south, with the MCT as the oldest and the MFT as the youngest. All these thrusts are considered to come together at depth in a flat-lying decollement called the Main Himalayan Thrust (MHT). The Mahabharat Thrust (MT), an intermediate thrust between the MCT and the MBT is interpreted as having brought the Bhimphedi Group out over the Lesser Himalayan rocks giving rise to Lesser Himalayan nappes containing crystalline rocks. The position of roots of these nappes is still debated. The Southern Tibetan Detachment Fault System (STDFS) has played an important role in unroofing the higher Himalayan crystalline rocks.  相似文献   

The fact that several half-grabens and normal faults developed in the Lower—Middle Cambrian of Tazhong(central Tarim Basin) and Bachu areas in Tarim Basin,northwest China,indicates that Tarim Basin was under extensional tectonic setting at this time.The half-grabens occur within a linear zone and the normal faults are arranged in en echelon patterns with gradually increasing displacement eastward.Extensional tectonics resulted in the formation of a passive continental margin in the southwest and a cratonic margin depression in the east,and most importantly,influenced the development of a three-pronged rift in the northeast margin of the Tarim Basin.The fault system controlled the development of platform-slope-bathyal facies sedimentation of mainly limestone-dolomite-gypsum rock-saline rock-red beds in the half-grabens.The NW-SE trending half-grabens reflect the distribution of buried basement faults.  相似文献   

特提斯喜马拉雅带地热水化学特征与物源机制   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
许鹏  谭红兵  张燕飞  张文杰 《中国地质》2018,45(6):1142-1154
西藏地热资源丰富,特别是其南部特提斯喜马拉雅地热带是一条现今仍然十分活跃的地热带。通过对该地热带10处代表性温泉野外调查及采样分析,讨论了水化学特征及水体中异常富集元素的物源机制。根据热储温度、水化学类型及水体中溶解的典型稀有分散性元素浓度,这些温泉可划分为两大类:一类包括卡乌、曲参岗、查巴曲珍和古堆温泉群,这些温泉热储温度均高于120℃,水化学类型以Na-Cl-HCO3型为主,特征性稀有分散性元素如Li、B和As等显著富集;另一类包括锡钦、哲古和曲果温泉,热储层温度相对较低,变化于60~110℃,水化学类型以CaNa-HCO3和Na-HCO3型为主,Li、B和As等元素浓度较低。第一类温泉系统,水化学成分除与水循环深度大、热储温度高导致更强的水岩作用过程密切相关外,水体中异常富集的Li、B和As等特殊化学成分更可能与演化晚期的残余岩浆流体来源有关。相比之下,第二类温泉系统主要代表了水循环深度较浅、地下水更替频繁、冷水混入比例较大的温泉,水化学成分主要受控于水-岩作用的强弱。因此,特提斯喜马拉雅带地热水体异常富集的稀有分散性元素物源机制主要受控于深部富含这些元素的流体混入过程。  相似文献   

环印度洋周缘被动陆缘盆地油气资源潜力巨大,是当前世界油气勘探的热点地区之一。本文基于IHS商业数据库和前人研究成果等资料,厘定了环印度洋地区被动陆缘盆地构造演化史,分析了构造演化对盆地充填结构和成藏要素的影响,并利用蒙特卡洛模拟法评估了盆地油气资源潜力,优选了有利勘探区带。研究结果表明,环印度洋地区被动陆缘盆地经历了3期构造演化阶段,依次为裂前期、同裂谷期和被动陆缘期。根据盆地演化的主导阶段,研究区内被动陆缘盆地可分为拉张边缘裂前发育型、拉张边缘断坳叠置型、拉张边缘坳陷发育型和转换边缘断坳叠置型。盆地内烃源岩主要发育于裂前期—被动陆缘早期,不同地区的主力烃源岩层系不同;储集岩主要发育于裂前期—被动陆缘晚期;区域盖层则主要发育于被动陆缘期。资源评价结果显示,研究区内重点被动陆缘盆地待发现石油、天然气和凝析油可采资源量(均值)分别为4.49×108 t,15.86×1012 m3和5.23×108 t,折合成油当量137.69×108 t。澳大利亚西北陆架北卡那封盆地裂前中—上三叠统区带、东非地区鲁伍马盆地北部和坦桑尼亚盆地南部中白垩统—新近系三角洲-深水扇区带是最有潜力的勘探区带。  相似文献   

Seismotectonics of the Nepal Himalaya from a local seismic network   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The National Seismological Network of Nepal consists of 17 short period seismic stations operated since 1994. It provides an exceptional view of the microseismic activity over nearly one third of the Himalayan arc, including the only segment, between longitudes 78°E and 85°E, that has not produced any M>8 earthquakes over the last century. It shows a belt of seismicity that follows approximately the front of the Higher Himalaya with most of the seismic moment being released at depths between 10 and 20 km. This belt of seismicity is interpreted to reflect interseismic stress accumulation in the upper crust associated with creep in the lower crust beneath the Higher Himalaya. The seismic activity is more intense around 82°E in Far-Western Nepal and around 87°E in Eastern Nepal. Western Nepal, between 82.5 and 85°E, is characterized by a particularly low level of seismic activity. We propose that these lateral variations are related to segmentation of the Main Himalayan Thrust Fault. The major junctions between the different segments would thus lie at about 87°E and 82°E with possibly an intermediate one at about 85°E. These junctions seem to coincide with some of the active normal faults in Southern Tibet. Lateral variation of seismic activity is also found to correlate with lateral variations of geological structures suggesting that segmentation is a long-lived feature. We infer four 250–400 km long segments that could produce earthquakes comparable to the M=8.4 Bihar–Nepal earthquake that struck eastern Nepal in 1934. Assuming the model of the characteristic earthquake, the recurrence interval between two such earthquakes on a given segment is between 130 and 260 years.  相似文献   

Landslide susceptibility zonation mapping is a fundamental procedure for geo-disaster management in tropical and sub-tropical regions. Recently, various landslide susceptibility zonation models have been introduced in Nepal with diverse approaches of assessment. However, validation is still a problem. Additionally, the role of various predisposing causative parameters for landslide activity is still not well understood in the Nepal Himalaya. To address these issues of susceptibility zonation and landslide activity, about 4,000 km2 area of central Nepal was selected for regional-scale assessment of landslide activity and susceptibility zonation mapping. In total, 655 new landslides and 9,229 old landslides were identified with the study area with the help of satellite images, aerial photographs, field data and available reports. The old landslide inventory was “blind landslide database” and could not explain the particular rainfall event responsible for the particular landslide. But considering size of the landslide, blind landslide inventory was reclassified into two databases: short-duration high-intensity rainfall-induced landslide inventory and long-duration low-intensity rainfall-induced landslide inventory. These landslide inventory maps were considered as proxy maps of multiple rainfall event-based landslide inventories. Similarly, all 9,884 landslides were considered for the activity assessment of predisposing causative parameters. For the Nepal Himalaya, slope, slope aspect, geology and road construction activity (anthropogenic cause) were identified as most affective predisposing causative parameters for landslide activity. For susceptibility zonation, multivariate approach was considered and two proxy rainfall event-based landslide databases were used for the logistic regression modelling, while a relatively recent landslide database was used in validation. Two event-based susceptibility zonation maps were merged and rectified to prepare the final susceptibility zonation map and its prediction rate was found to be more than 82 %. From this work, it is concluded that rectification of susceptibility zonation map is very appropriate and reliable. The results of this research contribute to a significant improvement in landslide inventory preparation procedure, susceptibility zonation mapping approaches as well as role of various predisposing causative parameters for the landslide activity.  相似文献   

New stable carbon and oxygen isotope data from an Upper Cretaceous section in Tibet are presented, and compared to carbon isotope records from England, Italy, and Germany. Together with a stratigraphic re-interpretation of published carbon isotope data from a nearby section in Tibet, our data can surprisingly well be correlated with the European sections. This indicates that, similar to the distinct positive carbon isotope excursion at the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary, also the broad positive carbon isotope shift in the middle-late Coniacian and early Santonian reflects a major perturbation of the carbon cycle on a global scale, even though organic-rich sediments related to the OAE3 appear to be mainly restricted to the Atlantic Ocean and adjacent basins. The data further show that, apart from the broad Coniacian-Santonian carbon isotope excursion, also isotopic shifts on a smaller scale in the Turonian and Coniacian, such as the Round Down, Pewsey, and Hitchwood Events, can be correlated over both hemispheres. This demonstrates that the development of global oceanic anoxic conditions and associated burial of large amounts of organic carbon do not constitute a prerequisite for globally reflected carbon isotopic shifts. The data from Tibet support the concept of a relation between main carbon isotope excursions and major sea-level variations. Cyclic fluctuations of geochemical and lithological parameters are likely to be orbitally driven. These cycles appear to be preferably reflected in the sediments during periods of lower or variable sea-level, whereas the ocean-atmosphere system seems to have operated in a different mode during long phases of high, stable sea-level, as during the Coniacian-Santonian OAE3.  相似文献   

特提斯喜马拉雅错那洞穹隆的岩石组合、构造特征与成因   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目前关于新近发现的错那洞穹隆的精细构造、岩石组成、变质变形运动学特征等方面均不清楚,严重阻碍了其演化历程的还原以及成穹与成矿耦合关系的解剖工作.在详实的野外地质调查基础上,补充采集了穹隆中新发现的岩浆岩进行年代学研究.结果表明,错那洞穹隆由上(边部)-中(幔部)-下(核部)3个构造层组成,分别以上、下拆离断层为分界线.核部岩石组合主要为片麻岩、淡色花岗岩以及少量深熔混合岩,可见大量伟晶岩脉穿插;幔部为古生界,岩石组合为一套强变质变形片岩夹碳酸盐岩,从内至外具有蓝晶石+十字石+石榴石+黑云母的蓝晶石带→十字石+石榴石+黑云母的十字石带→石榴石+堇青石+黑云母的石榴石带→绿泥石+黑云母的绿泥石带的巴罗式变质分带特征;边部主要为三叠纪-侏罗纪浅变质沉积岩系,岩石组合为一套砂板岩及少量千枚岩.穹隆内从早至晚经历了南北向逆冲推覆、南北向伸展、东西向伸展3期次的构造运动,穹隆的形成主要与南北向伸展作用有关.穹隆中岩浆活动从早至晚可见有早古生代片麻岩(约500 Ma)、中生代辉绿岩(140 Ma)、渐新世变形二云母花岗岩/伟晶岩(26 Ma)、中新世弱定向二云母花岗岩(18 Ma)、含石榴石电气石花岗岩(16.8~15.9 Ma)5期.综合研究表明,错那洞穹隆的形成是早期伸展拆离核杂岩叠加晚期岩浆底劈热穹隆综合作用的结果,成穹构造的初始阶段与始新世-渐新世藏南拆离系(STDS)的运动密切相关.   相似文献   

Eastern Venezuela is divided into three geologic-geographic provinces: The Guayana shield in the south; the Eastern Venezuelan basin in the central part; and the mountains of the Serranía del Interior and Cordillera de la Costa (Caribbean Cordillera) in the northern part. The stratigraphy and geological history are discussed, as reflected by rocks of presumably pre-Cambrian, ? Triassic-Jurassic, Cretaceous, Tertiary and Quaternary ages. From the Cretaceous onward, Eastern Venezuela north of the Guayana shield and east of the El BaÚl swell, forms part of a geosyncline, the axis of which shifted southward during its history. The position of this axis governed deposition and character of the sediments, which become more marine from south to north and from west to east. Orogenic and epeirogenic movements, particularly during Miocene and Pliocene time, transformed the Eastern Venezuelan sedimentary basin into two structural basins, namely the Maturín basin on the east and the Guárico basin on the west.  相似文献   

Causes of large-scale landslides in the Lesser Himalaya of central Nepal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Geologically and tectonically active Himalayan Range is characterized by highly elevated mountains and deep river valleys. Because of steep mountain slopes, and dynamic geological conditions, large-scale landslides are very common in Lesser and Higher Himalayan zones of Nepal Himalaya. Slopes along the major highways of central Nepal namely Prithvi Highway, Narayangadh-Mugling Road and Tribhuvan Highway are considered in this study of large-scale landslides. Geologically, the highways in consideration pass through crushed and jointed Kathmandu Nappe affected by numerous faults and folds. The relict large-scale landslides have been contributing to debris flows and slides along the highways. Most of the slope failures are mainly bechanced in geological formations consisting phyllite, schist and gneiss. Laboratory test on the soil samples collected from the failure zones and field investigation suggested significant hydrothermal alteration in the area. The substantial hydrothermal alteration in the Lesser Himalaya during advancement of the Main Central Thrust (MCT) and thereby clay mineralization in sliding zones of large-scale landslide are the main causes of large-scale landslides in the highways of central Nepal. This research also suggests that large-scale landslides are the major cause of slope failure during monsoon in the Lesser Himalaya of Nepal. Similarly, hydrothermal alteration is also significant in failure zone of the large-scale landslides. For the sustainable road maintenance in Nepal, it is of utmost importance to study the nature of sliding zones of large-scale landslides along the highways and their role to cause debris flows and slides during monsoon period.  相似文献   

In Nepal, people live in widely spread settlements in the fragile Himalayan terrains, and suffer more from landslides than from any other type of natural disaster. The small-scale rainfall-triggered landslides in the Lesser Himalaya of Nepal are generally shallow (about 0.5 to 2.5 m) and are triggered by changes in the physical property of soil layers during rainfall. The relation between landslides and slope hydrology has received little attention in Himalayan landslide research. Thus, this paper deals with the probability of slope failure during extreme rainfall events by considering a digital elevation model (DEM)-based hydrological model for soil saturation depth and an infinite slope stability model. Deterministic distributed analysis in a geographic information system (GIS) was carried out to calculate the probability of slope failure. A simple method of error propagation was used to calculate the variance of the safety factors and the probability of failure. When normally distributed failure probability values were checked against existing landslides, it was found that more than 50% of the pixels of existing landslides coincided with a high calculated probability of failure. Although the deterministic distributed analysis has certain drawbacks, as described by previous researchers, this study concluded that the calculated failure probability can be utilised to predict the probability of slope failure in Himalayan terrain during extreme rainfall events.  相似文献   

This paper presents several types of new information including U–Pb radiometric dating of ophiolitic rocks and an intrusive granite, micropalaeontological dating of siliceous and calcareous sedimentary rocks, together with sedimentological, petrographic and structural data. The new information is synthesised with existing results from the study area and adjacent regions (Central Pontides and Lesser Caucasus) to produce a new tectonic model for the Mesozoic–Cenozoic tectonic development of this key Tethyan suture zone.

The Tethyan suture zone in NE Turkey (Ankara–Erzincan–Kars suture zone) exemplifies stages in the subduction, suturing and post-collisional deformation of a Mesozoic ocean basin that existed between the Eurasian (Pontide) and Gondwanan (Tauride) continents. Ophiolitic rocks, both as intact and as dismembered sequences, together with an intrusive granite (tonalite), formed during the Early Jurassic in a supra-subduction zone (SSZ) setting within the ?zmir–Ankara–Erzincan ocean. Basalts also occur as blocks and dismembered thrust sheets within Cretaceous accretionary melange. During the Early Jurassic, these basalts erupted in both a SSZ-type setting and in an intra-plate (seamount-type) setting. The volcanic-sedimentary melange accreted in an open-ocean setting in response to Cretaceous northward subduction beneath a backstop made up of Early Jurassic forearc ophiolitic crust. The Early Jurassic SSZ basalts in the melange were later detached from the overriding Early Jurassic ophiolitic crust.

Sedimentary melange (debris-flow deposits) locally includes ophiolitic extrusive rocks of boninitic composition that were metamorphosed under high-pressure low-temperature conditions. Slices of mainly Cretaceous clastic sedimentary rocks within the suture zone are interpreted as a deformed forearc basin that bordered the Eurasian active margin. The basin received a copious supply of sediments derived from Late Cretaceous arc volcanism together with input of ophiolitic detritus from accreted oceanic crust.

Accretionary melange was emplaced southwards onto the leading edge of the Tauride continent (Munzur Massif) during latest Cretaceous time. Accretionary melange was also emplaced northwards over the collapsed southern edge of the Eurasian continental margin (continental backstop) during the latest Cretaceous. Sedimentation persisted into the Early Eocene in more northerly areas of the Eurasian margin.

Collision of the Tauride and Eurasian continents took place progressively during latest Late Palaeocene–Early Eocene. The Jurassic SSZ ophiolites and the Cretaceous accretionary melange finally docked with the Eurasian margin. Coarse clastic sediments were shed from the uplifted Eurasian margin and infilled a narrow peripheral basin. Gravity flows accumulated in thrust-top piggyback basins above accretionary melange and dismembered ophiolites and also in a post-collisional peripheral basin above Eurasian crust. Thickening of the accretionary wedge triggered large-scale out-of-sequence thrusting and re-thrusting of continental margin and ophiolitic units. Collision culminated in detachment and northward thrusting on a regional scale.

Collisional deformation of the suture zone ended prior to the Mid-Eocene (~45?Ma) when the Eurasian margin was transgressed by non-marine and/or shallow-marine sediments. The foreland became volcanically active and subsided strongly during Mid-Eocene, possibly related to post-collisional slab rollback and/or delamination. The present structure and morphology of the suture zone was strongly influenced by several phases of mostly S-directed suture zone tightening (Late Eocene; pre-Pliocene), possible slab break-off and right-lateral strike-slip along the North Anatolian Transform Fault.

In the wider regional context, a double subduction zone model is preferred, in which northward subduction was active during the Jurassic and Cretaceous, both within the Tethyan ocean and bordering the Eurasian continental margin.  相似文献   

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