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利用东经120°,北纬45°上空的2008年年积日101~150 d时间段内共600个电离层格网TEC数据为时间序列样本,分析了该点上空电离层TEC参数的混沌特性,发现其关联维数为2.2632,嵌入维数为5,最大Lyapunov指数为λ=0.0833,表明该点上空电离层TEC时间序列具有混沌的特征,存在混沌现象.采用加权一阶局域法对TEC时间序列进行预测时,在有效预报尺度内,利用各种度量进行预报得到的中误差都随着预报天数的增加而逐渐增大,但预报的相对误差却是在一定幅度范围内上下波动.采用四种距离度量以及皮尔森相关系数和Jaccard相似系数进行预报,其预测结果或者平均中误差较大,或者平均相对误差较大,结果不理想.其中,采用标准化欧氏距离得到的平均中误差最大,达到5.107TECU,而采用皮尔森相关系数得到的平均中误差最小,为5.078TECU;对于平均相对误差而言,由切比雪夫距离得到的平均相对误差最大,为0.185,而Jaccard相似系数得到的平均相对误差最小,为0.166.而采用余弦相似度得到的预测结果,其平均中误差和平均相对误差都很小,分别为5.079TECU和0.167.因此,在一阶局域混沌预测时,采用余弦相似度作为衡量相空间轨迹的差异性是较为合适的.  相似文献   

A service is described that makes possible the effective construction of a three-dimensional ionospheric model based on the data of ground receivers of signals from global navigation satellite positioning systems (GNSS). The obtained image has a high resolution, mainly because data from the IPG GNSS network of the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (Rosgidromet) are used. A specially developed format and its implementation in the form of SQL structures are used to collect, transmit, and store data. The method of high-altitude radio tomography is used to construct the three-dimensional model. The operation of all system components (from registration point organization to the procedure for constructing the electron density three-dimensional distribution and publication of the total electron content map on the Internet) has been described in detail. The three-dimensional image of the ionosphere, obtained automatically, is compared with the ionosonde measurements, calculated using the two-dimensional low-altitude tomography method and averaged by the ionospheric model.  相似文献   

The longest total solar eclipse during the 21st century occurred in South and East Asia on July 22, 2009. Ionospheric response to this rare total solar eclipse which was observed right from the time of sunrise in the Indian zone, has been studied in terms of the total electron content (TEC) obtained from three global positioning system (GPS) receivers located at Udaipur, Hyderabad and Bengaluru, and electron density obtained using space based GPS-Radio Occultation technique. The study reveals significant reductions in the electron density and TEC that persisted up to 2 h past the last contact even during early morning eclipse. These observations imply that during the early morning eclipse, the production and loss of ionization dominate over the plasma transport processes.  相似文献   

Near-earth plasma parameters were calculated using a global numerical self-consistent and time-dependent model of the thermosphere, ionosphere and protonosphere (GSM TIP). The model results are compared with experimental data of different origin, mainly EISCAT measurements and simultaneous satellite data (Ne and ion composition). Model runs with varying inputs of auroral FAC distributions, temperature of vibrationally excited nitrogen and photoelectron energy escape fluxes are used to make adjustments to the observations. The satellite data are obtained onboard Active and its subsatellite Magion –2 when they passed nearby the EISCAT station around 0325 and 1540 UT on 31 July 1990 at a height of about 2000 and 2200 km, respectively. A strong geomagnetic disturbance was observed two days before the period under study. Numerical calculations were performed with consideration of vibrationally excited nitrogen molecules for high solar-activity conditions. The results show good agreement between the incoherent-scatter radar measurements (Ne, Te, Ti) and model calculations, taking into account the excited molecular nitrogen reaction rates. The comparison of model results of the thermospheric neutral wind shows finally a good agreement with the HWM93 empirical wind model.  相似文献   

While global oceanic surface information with large-scale, real-time, high-resolution data is collected by satellite remote sensing instrumentation, three-dimensional (3D) observations are usually obtained from in situ measurements, but with minimal coverage and spatial resolution. To meet the needs of 3D ocean investigations, we have developed a new algorithm to reconstruct the 3D ocean temperature field based on the Array for Real-time Geostrophic Oceanography (Argo) profiles and sea surface temperature (SST) data. The Argo temperature profiles are first optimally fitted to generate a series of temperature functions of depth, with the vertical temperature structure represented continuously. By calculating the derivatives of the fitted functions, the calculation of the vertical temperature gradient of the Argo profiles at an arbitrary depth is accomplished. A gridded 3D temperature gradient field is then found by applying inverse distance weighting interpolation in the horizontal direction. Combined with the processed SST, the 3D temperature field reconstruction is realized below the surface using the gridded temperature gradient. Finally, to confirm the effectiveness of the algorithm, an experiment in the Pacific Ocean south of Japan is conducted, for which a 3D temperature field is generated. Compared with other similar gridded products, the reconstructed 3D temperature field derived by the proposed algorithm achieves satisfactory accuracy, with correlation coefficients of 0.99 obtained, including a higher spatial resolution (0.25° × 0.25°), resulting in the capture of smaller-scale characteristics. Finally, both the accuracy and the superiority of the algorithm are validated.  相似文献   




Organic matter production and nitrogen fixation in the central Baltic Sea were studied on the basis of high-resolution CO2 partial pressure data that were obtained from an automated measurement system deployed on a cargo ship. The net organic carbon (OC) production was calculated from a surface water CO2 mass balance and used to estimate the nitrogen uptake by organic matter during the period March to August 2005. It was shown that the net OC production continued despite the exhaustion of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) after the spring bloom in April. The nitrogen demand for this production was calculated on the basis of the C/N ratio of organic matter. It was of the same order of magnitude than the winter DIN concentration that fuelled the spring bloom. Since the atmospheric DIN deposition was negligible and no indications of alternative DIN sources were found, it was assumed that N2 fixation had taken place despite the low temperatures (4–8 °C) in April/May. This “cold fixation” amounted to 74 mmol m?2 whereas a value of 99 mmol m?2 was obtained for the summer N2 fixation during June/July. Due to the contribution of the April/May N2 fixation, a total annual rate (173±35 mmol m?2) was obtained for 2005 which is considerably higher than presently accepted estimates. These findings were confirmed by a nitrogen budget based on long-term data (1993–2006) for total nitrogen and total phosphorus concentrations. Furthermore, these data revealed a 30% increase in N2 fixation during the years 1994–2006.  相似文献   

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