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Longitudinal variation in E- and F-region ionospheric trends   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A novel technique is used to examine northern hemisphere midlatitude longitudinal variations in ionospheric long-term trends. Differences in hour-by-hour monthly median ionospheric parameters between equilatitudinal observatory pairs are analysed for long-term trends, thus eliminating at source the large solar cycle and geomagnetic variability that normally hinders ionospheric trend calculations. The results confirm the finding of Bremer [1998. Trends in the ionsopheric E- and F-regions over Europe. Annales Geophysicae 16, 698–996] that there are longitudinal variations in the F-region altitude trend across Europe, but suggest the influence of a stationary wave-like feature between 3°W and 104°E. Possible causes such as scaling errors, insufficient account of changes in ionisation underlying the F-region, varying gravity wave fluxes, and secular change in the geomagnetic field are ruled out. The data suggest that the longitudinal variation may reflect long-term changes in a large-scale stationary feature induced via non-migrating tides induced by latent heat release in the troposphere.Significant differences in the long-term trend of E-region peak plasma frequency between observatories were also found. These E-region differential trends varied with solar zenith angle reaching over 0.3 MHz per decade between Juliusruh and Moscow at midday in summer.  相似文献   

Lacuna on ionograms indicate conditions where the usual ionospheric reflections of vertically propagating radio waves transmitted from and subsequently received by an ionosonde are missing over a range of frequencies. Reflections from the lowermost E-region should still be observable contrary to the more usual cases where absorption processes in the underlying D-region removes the low-frequency part of the ionospheric reflections appearing in ionograms. It is emphasized below that lacuna cases related to E-region processes should be distinguished from lacunae related to processes in the F1 and F2 regions. This distinction appears to have been neglected in a recent paper.  相似文献   

During the MLTCS (Mesosphere-Lower Thermosphere Coupling Study) campaign the EISCAT UHF radar was continuously operated over 7 days (30 July-5 August 1992) in the CP-1 mode. The long time series obtained of the fundamental ionospheric parameters field-aligned ion velocity (Vi), ion and electron temperature (T and Te), and electron density (Ne) are useful in investigating tidal variations in the E- and F-region since the geomagnetic activity was particularly low during the time of measurement. Maximum entropy spectra of the parameters were calculated for the relatively quiet interval from 1 August to 4 August 1992 and indicated dominant variations with harmonics of 24 hours. In the electron density spectrum especially, harmonics up to the sixth order (4-h period) are clearly visible. The phase and amplitude height profiles (100-450 km) of the diurnal, semidiurnal, and terdiurnal variations were determined by Fourier transform for a 24-h data set beginning at 12:00 UT on 3 August 1992 when the contaminating influences of electric fields were negligible. The tidal variations of the ion temperatures are compared with the corresponding variations of the neutral temperature predicted by the MSISE-90 model. A remarkable result is the dominance of terdiurnal temperature oscillations at E-region heights on 3–4 August 1992, while the measured diurnal and semidiurnal variations were negligible. The finding was confirmed by the analysis of further EISCAT data (2-3 August 1989, 2–3 July 1990, 31 March- 1 April 1992) which also showed a dominant terdiurnal temperature tide in the E-region. This is different from numerous observations of tides in the E-region at mid-latitudes where the diurnal and especially the semidiurnal temperature oscillations were dominant.  相似文献   

The new LIMA/ice model is used to study interhemispheric temperature differences at the summer upper mesosphere and their impact on the morphology of ice particle related phenomena such as noctilucent clouds (NLC), polar mesosphere clouds (PMC), and polar mesosphere summer echoes (PMSE). LIMA/ice nicely reproduces the mean characteristics of observed ice layers, for example their variation with season, altitude, and latitude. The southern hemisphere (SH) is slightly warmer compared to the NH but the difference is less than 3 K at NLC/PMC/PMSE altitudes and poleward of 70N/S. This is consistent with in situ temperature measurements by falling spheres performed at 69N and 68S. Earth's eccentricity leads to a SH mesosphere being warmer compared to the NH by up to approximately 85 km and fairly independent of latitude. In general, NH/SH temperature differences in LIMA increase with decreasing latitude and reach at 50. The latitudinal variation of NH/SH temperature differences is presumably caused by dynamical forcing and explains why PMSE are basically absent at midlatitudes in the SH whereas they are still rather common at similar colatitudes in the NH. The occurrence frequency and brightness of NLC and PMC are larger in the NH but the differences decrease with increasing latitude. Summer conditions in the SH terminate earlier compared to NH, leading to an earlier weakening and end of the ice layer season. The NLC altitude in the SH is slightly higher by 0.6–1 km, whereas the NLC altitudes itself depend on season in both hemispheres. Compared to other models LIMA/ice shows smaller interhemispheric temperature differences but still generates the observed NH/SH differences in ice layer characteristics. This emphasizes the importance of temperature controlling the existence and morphology of ice particles. Interhemispheric differences in NLC/PMC/PMSE characteristics deduced from LIMA/ice basically agree with observations from lidars, satellites, and radars.  相似文献   

通过对2016年1月14日西藏谢通门震群所在区域的地质构造背景、历史震例、震源机制和震情序列等参数分析,对该震群发震构造和震群序列类型进行判定.认为该震群发生在历史地震相同走向的构造断层上,为前兆性震群,该地区周边发生中强地震发震可能性较大.  相似文献   

Superposed epoch analysis (SEA) was used to examine ionospheric drift velocities measured by a digital ionosonde located at the mid-latitude station Bundoora (145.1°E, 37.7°S geographic), near Melbourne. The control times for the SEA were the times of cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning strokes measured from August 2003 to August 2004 by the World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN). Statistically, regions of concentrated lightning activity migrated from west to east across Bundoora, and the stroke frequency was higher the day prior the activity reached the station, and lower on the day after it passed to the east. For the SEA, CG strokes were separated into four directional quadrants centred on north, south, east and west. No SEA results are shown for the south quadrant due to the relatively low detection frequency of strokes across the Southern Ocean (6% of all events). The strongest downward vertical perturbations in F-region drifts, ?4.5 m s?1, were found for lightning located towards the west during ?30 to ?16 h (i.e., the afternoon prior the activity passed near the station at t=0 h). The downward perturbation decreased in amplitude to ?1.5 m s?1 for lightning located towards the north during ?6–+6 h, and was weakest (?0.7 m s?1) for lightning located towards the east during +16–+28 h (i.e., the next afternoon). There were directionally consistent perturbations in the drift azimuths associated with the lightning located in their respective quadrants; lightning located to the west of the station caused eastward azimuth enhancements, northward lightning caused southward enhancements, and eastward lightning caused westward enhancements. Velocity magnitudes and fluctuations tended to increase during the passage of lightning. The observed responses were stronger when the SEA was performed with data selected using time windows of <2 min on either side of each lightning stroke. However, they persisted at longer time scales and were strong when thunderstorm onsets (instead of lightning times) were used as controls. Our results can be explained by thunderstorm-generated atmospheric gravity waves (AGWs) which subsequently gave rise to medium-scale travelling ionospheric disturbances (MSTIDs), with the lightning strokes acting merely as a proxy for this coupling. The prevailing thermospheric winds were flowing from east to west across the study region, and may have acted as a directional ‘filter’ for the MSTIDs, allowing waves generated in the west quadrant to reach the station and preventing those generated in other quadrants. Displacement of the MSTIDs in the direction anti-parallel to mean neutral wind flow has been observed by (Waldock, J.A., Jones, T.B., 1986. HF Doppler observations of medium-scale travelling ionospheric disturbances at mid-latitudes. Journal of atmospheric and terrestrial physics 48(3), 245–260).  相似文献   

Observations from the special UK EISCAT program UFIS are presented. UFIS is a joint UHF-VHF experiment, designed to make simultaneous measurements of enhanced vertical plasma flows in the F-region and topside ionospheres. Three distinct intervals of upward ion flow were observed. During the first event, upward ion fluxes in excess of 1013 m–2 s–1 were detected, with vertical ion velocities reaching 300 ms–1 at 800 km. The upflow was associated with the passage of an auroral arc through the radar field of view. In the F-region, an enhanced and sheared convection electric field on the leading edge of the arc resulted in heating of the ions, whilst at higher altitudes, above the precipitation region, strongly enhanced electron temperatures were observed; such features are commonly associated with the generation of plasma upflows. These observations demonstrate some of the acceleration mechanisms which can exist within the small-scale structure of an auroral arc. A later upflow event was associated with enhanced electron temperatures and only a moderate convection electric field, with no indication of significantly elevated ion temperatures. There was again some evidence of F-region particle precipitation at the time of the upflow, which exhibited vertical ion velocities of similar magnitude to the earlier upflow, suggesting that the behaviour of the electrons might be the dominant factor in this type of event. A third upflow was detected at altitudes above the observing range of the UHF radar, but which was evident in the VHP data from 600 km upwards. Smaller vertical velocities were observed in this event, which was apparently uncorrelated with any features observed at lower altitudes. Limitations imposed by the experimental conditions inhibit the interpretation of this event, although the upflow was again likely related to topside plasma heating.  相似文献   

The field-aligned neutral oscillations in the F-region (altitudes between 165 and 275 km) were compared using data obtained simultaneously with two independent instruments: the European Incoherent Scatter (EISCAT) UHF radar and a scanning Fabry-Perot interferometer (FPI). During the night of February 8, 1997, simultaneous observations with these instruments were conducted at Tromsø, Norway. Theoretically, the field-aligned neutral wind velocity can be obtained from the field-aligned ion velocity and by diffusion and ambipolar diffusion velocities. We thus derived field-aligned neutral wind velocities from the plasma velocities in EISCAT radar data. They were compared with those observed with the FPI (=630.0 nm), which are assumed to be weighted height averages of the actual neutral wind. The weighting function is the normalized height dependent emission rate. We used two model weighting functions to derive the neutral wind from EISCAT data. One was that the neutral wind velocity observed with the FPI is velocity integrated over the entire emission layer and multiplied by the theoretical normalized emission rate. The other was that the neutral wind velocity observed with the FPI corresponds to the velocity only around an altitude where the emission rate has a peak. Differences between the two methods were identified, but not completely clarified. However, the neutral wind velocities from both instruments had peak-to-peak correspondences at oscillation periods of about 10–40 min, shorter than that for the momentum transfer from ions to neutrals, but longer than from neutrals to ions. The synchronizing motions in the neutral wind velocities suggest that the momentum transfer from neutrals to ions was thought to be dominant for the observed field-aligned oscillations rather than the transfer from ions to neutrals. It is concluded that during the observation, the plasma oscillations observed with the EISCAT radar at different altitudes in the F-region are thought to be due to the motion of neutrals.  相似文献   

In November 1995 a campaign of satellite radiotomography supported by the EISCAT incoherent scatter radar and several other instruments was arranged in Scandinavia. A chain of four satellite receivers extending from the north of Norway to the south of Finland was installed approximately along a geomagnetic meridian. The receivers carried out difference Doppler measurements using signals from satellites flying along the chain. The EISCAT UHF radar was simultaneously operational with its beam swinging either in geomagnetic or in geographic meridional plane. With this experimental set-up latitudinal scans of F-region electron density are obtained both from the radar observations and by tomographic inversion of the phase observations given by the difference Doppler experiment. This paper shows the first results of the campaign and compares the electron densities given by the two methods.  相似文献   

During August 1998, the UK EISCAT special programme SP-UK-CSUB, which combines operation of both the mainland VHF and Svalbard UHF incoherent scatter radars, was run for several hours around magnetic midnight on four consecutive days. The CUTLASS Finland HF coherent scatter radar was, at these times, operating in a discretionary mode, sounding on all 16 beams, one at high-time resolution. This study presents a comparison of the velocities measured by coherent and incoherent techniques during the SP-UK-CSUB experiments. Agreement, particularly between the ion velocities measured by the EISCAT Svalbard radar and irregularity drift measurements by the Finland radar, is remarkable, thereby validating the scientific integrity of both data sets. This work highlights the substantive contribution to our understanding of the solar-terrestrial environment which can be made by use in concert of incoherent and HF coherent scatter radars.  相似文献   

2010年1月24日山西河津-万荣Ms4.8地震特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析2010年1月24日山西河津-万荣Ms4.8地震序列特征,利用P波初动及振幅比和波形反演CAP两种方法计算震源机制解,结合本次地震的地质构造和历史地震活动背景、震源机制、余震分布、极震区长轴方向等分析,结果表明,隐伏的西辛封断裂为发震构造的可能性较大.  相似文献   

Non-Maxwellian ion velocity distribution functions have been theoretically predicted and confirmed by observations, to occur at high latitudes. These distributions deviate from Maxwellian due to the combined effect of the E×B drift and ion-neutral collisions. The majority of previous literature, in which the effect of ion self-collisions was neglected, established a clear picture for the ion distribution under a wide range of conditions. At high altitudes and/or for solar maximum conditions, the ion-to-neutral density ratio increases and, hence, the role of ion self-collisions becomes appreciable. A Monte Carlo simulation was used to investigate the behavior of O+ ions that are E×B-drifting through a background of neutral O, with the effect of O+ (Coulomb) self-collisions included. Wide ranges of the ion-to-neutral density ratio n i /n n and the electrostatic field E were considered in order to investigate the change of ion behavior with solar cycle and with altitude. For low altitudes and/or solar minimum (n i /n n \leq10?5), the effect of self-collisions is negligible. For higher values of n i /n n , the effect of self-collisions becomes significant and, hence, the non-Maxwellian features of the O+ distribution are reduced. For example, the parallel temperature T i\Vert increases, the perpendicular temperature T i decreases, the temperature anisotropy approaches unity and the toroidal features of the ion distribution function become less pronounced. Also, as E increases, the ion-neutral collision rate increases, while the ion-ion collision rate decreases. Therefore, the effect of ion self-collisions is reduced. Finally, the Monte Carlo results were compared to those that used simplified collision models in order to assess their validity. In general, the simple collision models tend to be more accurate for low E and for high n i /n n .  相似文献   

2000年1月15日姚安6.5级地震的震源断层与震源应力场   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
用姚安地震序列前震、主震和余震的 78个震源机制解 ,分析了序列震源断层和震源应力场特征。结果表明 ,姚安地震序列的主破裂面是走向N5 0°W、倾角陡立的构造断裂 ,主震、前震和绝大多数余震都发生在主破裂面上。此外 ,NNE NE向构造断裂在序列发展过程中也参与了活动。序列震源应力场以SSE方位、接近水平的主压应力为主 ,与区域构造应力场一致。在序列发展中 ,震源区应力场出现多方位和多作用方式共存的复杂状态 ,震源破裂出现多方向和多表现形式的复杂性特征  相似文献   

2016年1月21日青海门源MS 6.4地震是甘青地区自2013年7月22日甘肃岷县漳县6.6级地震后发生的最大震级地震,其震中距宁夏边界230 km。通过梳理震前宁夏地区地震活动异常和地球物理观测资料异常发现,震前存在测震学异常2项;地球物理观测资料异常6项,其中,形变异常4项,地下流体异常2项。5项异常为中长期异常,2项测震学异常和甘盐池井水温异常为短期异常,无临震异常出现。  相似文献   

The current state of knowledge of E- and F-region ion chemistry is reviewed. Considerable attention is given to the progress in the chemistry of unexcited N2 +, O2 +, NO+, O+(4S), N+, H+, He+, Fe+, Mg+, Na+, Ca+, and K+ ions and electronically excited O+(2D), O+(2P), O+(4P), and $ {\text{O}}^{ + } (^{2} {\text{P}}^{*} ) $ ions. Achievements in our understanding of the role of vibrationally excited N2 +, O2 +, and NO+ ions in the ionosphere are discussed.  相似文献   

A statistical analysis of F-region and topside auroral ion upflow events is presented. The study is based on observations from EISCAT Common Programmes (CP) 1 and 2 made between 1984 and 1996, and Common Programme 7 observations taken between 1990 and 1995. The occurrence frequency of ion upflow events (IUEs) is examined over the altitude range 200 to 500 km, using field-aligned observations from CP-1 and CP-2. The study is extended in altitude with vertical measurements from CP-7. Ion upflow events were identified by consideration of both velocity and flux, with threshold values of 100 m s–1 and 1013 m–2 s–1, respectively. The frequency of occurrence of IUEs is seen to increase with increasing altitude. Further analysis of the field-aligned observations reveals that the number and nature of ion upflow events vary diurnally and with season and solar activity. In particular, the diurnal distribution of upflows is strongly dependent on solar cycle. Furthermore, events identified by the velocity selection criterion dominate at solar minimum, whilst events identified by the upward field-aligned flux criterion dominated at solar maximum. The study also provides a quantitative estimate of the proportion of upflows that are associated with enhanced plasma temperature. Between 50 and 60% of upflows are simultaneous with enhanced ion temperature, and approximately 80% of events are associated with either increased F-region ion or electron temperatures.  相似文献   

 On 20 April 1988 a landslide of approximately 200,000 m3 occurred on the northeastern flank of the volcano La Fossa on the island of Vulcano. The landslide fell into the sea, producing a small tsunami in the bay between Punte Nere and Punta Luccia that was observed locally in the neighbouring harbour called Porto Levante. The slide occurred during a period of unrest at the volcano that was monitored very accurately. The study of this event is composed of two parts, the simulation of the landslide and the simulation of the ensuing tsunami; the former is studied by means of a Lagrangian-type numerical model in which the landslide is seen as a multibody system, an ensemble of material-deforming blocks interacting together during their motion; the latter is simulated according to the Eulerian view by solving the shallow-water approximation to Navier-Stokes equations of fluid dynamics, with the incorporation of a forcing term depending on the slide motion. Technically, the slide evolution is computed first, and this result is then used to evaluate the excitation term of the hydraulic equations and to calculate the tsunami propagation. Computed wave fronts radiate both toward the open sea, with rapid amplitude decay, and along the shore, in the form of edge waves that lose energy slowly. Comparison between model outputs and observations can be carried out only in a qualitative way owing to the absence of tide-gauge records, and results are satisfactory. Received: 14 September 1998 / Accepted: 18 December 1998  相似文献   

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