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A scimitar‐toothed cat (Homotherium serum) and stag moose (Cervalces sp.) are described from Tyson Spring Cave, Fillmore County, Minnesota. These specimens represent the first records of both species in the state, and the first record for H. serum in the Great Lakes region. Although the Cervalces specimen remains undated, it shares features with pre‐Wisconsin specimens from the eastern Great Plains. The H. serum individual dates to c. 26.9 ka, when the Wisconsin ice margin was less than 60 km away. Genetic analyses support the identity of the Homotherium specimen as conspecific with Homotherium serum found in older Beringian deposits, as well as both the early divergence of tribes Homotherini and Smilodontini within Machairodontinae and the early divergence of this Machairodontinae from the lineage that produced extant cats.  相似文献   

The end of the Pleistocene in North America was marked by a wave of extinctions of large mammals, with the last known appearances of many species falling between ca. 11,000–10,000 14C yr BP. Temporally, this period overlaps with the Clovis Paleoindian cultural complex (11,190–10,530 14C yr BP) and with sudden climatic changes that define the beginning of the Younger Dryas chronozone (ca. 11,000–10,000 14C yr BP), both of which have been considered as potential proximal causes of this extinction event. Radiocarbon dating of enamel and filtered bone collagen from an extinct American Mastodon (Mammut americanum) from northern Indiana, USA, by accelerator mass spectrometer yielded direct dates of 10,055 ± 40 14C yr BP and 10,032 ± 40 14C yr BP, indicating that the animal survived beyond the Clovis time period and into the late Younger Dryas. Although the late survival of this species in mid-continental North America does not remove either humans or climatic change as contributing causes for the late Pleistocene extinctions, neither Clovis hunters nor the climatic perturbations initiating the Younger Dryas chronozone were immediately responsible for driving mastodons to extinction.  相似文献   

Investigation of the sedimentology, stratigraphy and deformation structures of an exposed sedimentary sequence associated with an isolated large ridge along the eastern shore of Lake Michigan reveals that it is part of a broad grounding-line fan complex that was subjected to extensive glaciotectonic deformation. It is concluded that the sequence formed following melting back of the margin of the Lake Michigan lobe and was subsequently overridden and deformed during advance of the ice margin probably to the Port Huron moraine. The lack of reported major glaciotectonic structures in the Lake Michigan basin compared to that in the North Sea and Baltic Sea basins is most likely due to paucity of soft and incompetent bedrock and/or lack of continuous permafrost conditions during deglaciation.  相似文献   

The Great Lakes Basin is a large, complex, diverse system of highly connected social, biological, and physical components. Its long history has culminated today in a variety of environmental, economic, and social problems and efforts to solve them. The idea of sustainability — meeting societal needs and desires without impairing the ability to meet them in the future — is gaining widespread acceptance as an appropriate goal for management of such systems. This paper shows that nonequilibrium systems theories dealing with chaotic and self-organizing behavior can provide some insight into the dynamics of complex sociobiophysical systems such as the Great Lakes Basin, and their prospects for sustainability. A methodology for describing and analyzing sociobiophysical systems is outlined, and used to focus on change, critical variables and transformations in the history of the Great Lakes Basin. Nonequilibrium systems theories are used to develop links between system characteristics and sustainability, ecosystem redevelopment, impact assessment and monitoring, and management of Great Lakes resources. An indicative framework for monitoring change, restructuring, and transformation by assessing the nature of change, evaluating system responsiveness, and monitoring the Basin sociobiophysical system, is presented.  相似文献   

Directly dated Cucurbita from archaeological sites near Lake Huron expand the range and human usage of adventive, cultivated wild gourds or squash into the Great Lakes region, USA, by 4000 14C yr BP. The data also show that domesticated C. pepo squash was cultivated there by 3000 14C yr BP. Although milder Hypsithermal climate may have been a contributing factor, squash and gourds expanded northward during the mid-Holocene mainly by human agency and may be the first human-introduced adventive plant in temperate North America. Even after 3000 14C yr BP, when domesticated squash generally replaced wild varieties at northern sites, squash stands were probably informally managed rather than intensively cultivated.  相似文献   

Supergene manganese deposits commonly contain K-rich Mn oxides with tunnel structure, such as cryptomelane, which are suitable for radiometric dating using the 39Ar–40Ar method. In Africa, Mn deposits have been dated by this method for localities in western and southern parts of the continent, whereas only some preliminary data are available for Central Africa. Here we present new 39Ar–40Ar ages for Mn oxide samples of the Kisenge deposit, in southwestern Katanga, Democratic Republic of the Congo. The samples represent supergene Mn oxide deposits that formed at the expense of primary Paleoproterozoic rhodochrosite-dominated carbonate ores. Main phases of Mn oxide formation are dated at c. 10.5 Ma, 3.6 Ma and 2.6 Ma for a core that crosses a mineralized interval. The latter shows a decrease in age with increasing depth, recording downward penetration of a weathering front. Surface samples of the Kisenge deposits also record a ≥ c.19.2 Ma phase, as well as c. 15.7 Ma, 14.2 Ma and 13.6 Ma phases. The obtained ages correspond to distinct periods of paleosurface development and stability during the Mio-Pliocene in Katanga. Because Katanga is a key area bordered to the North by the Congo Basin and to the East by the East African Rift System, these ages also provide constraints for the geodynamic evolution of the entire region. For the Mio-Pliocene, the Kisenge deposits record ages that are not systematically found elsewhere in Africa, although the 10.5–11 Ma event corresponds to a roughly simultaneous event in the Kalahari Manganese Field, South Africa. The rest of the Katanga paleosurface record differs somewhat from records for other parts of Africa, for which older, Eocene ages have been obtained. This difference is most probably related to the specific regional geodynamic context: uplift of the East African Plateau, with associated erosion, and the opening of the East African Rift System at c. 25 Ma are events whose effects, in the study area, interfere with those of processes responsible for the development of continent-wide paleosurfaces.  相似文献   

This paper presents a summary of the seismicity and its relation to stress and geologic structures in the Eastern Great Lakes Basin (EGLB) and compares it with that of other regions in the central and eastern North America (CENA). The earthquakes scattered throughout the EGLB are occurring at a rate somewhat less than that of the Appalachians and along the Atlantic Seaboard. Paleoseismology studies suggest that the lower seismicity rate may be characteristic of the EGLB since the Late Wisconsin. North of the EGLB, earthquakes have primarily thrust mechanisms, while to the south of the EGLB, most earthquakes are strike-slip. Throughout the region, including the EGLB, the average P axes of the earthquakes are oriented NE–SW and are aligned with the direction of the current plate driving stress. On a regional basis, earthquakes are centered primarily in the Precambrian basement beneath the Paleozoic cover. Many of the earthquakes in the EGLB have occurred in areas of preexisting faults, at least some of which may have been active during past episodes of continental rifting. For individual faults that have been studied in some detail, however, it is not clear whether earthquakes represent reactivations of local preexisting structures or nucleation of new ruptures in or near the old fault zones.  相似文献   

西藏阿里地区盐湖浮游生物生态调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
袁显春  郑绵平  赵文  王海雷 《地质学报》2007,81(12):1754-1763
2006年8~10月对西藏阿里地区21个湖泊的浮游生物作了初步调查,采得44个浮游生物样品和22个水化学样品。经鉴定分析得浮游植物105种(变种),分属5门49属,其中硅藻门19属63种(变种),占总种数的60%;浮游动物14种,分属3门11属,其中亚洲后镖水蚤(Metadiaptomus asiaticus Uljanirs)为西藏首次记录。有螺旋藻、盐藻、西藏拟溞、卤虫等经济种分布的湖泊数分别为8、3、5、12个。浮游生物物种多度随盐度升高而降低,统计分析表明,在0.31~300.71g/L盐度范围内,浮游生物物种多度与盐度存在不显著负相关关系(r2=-0.05,p>0.05)。文章讨论了西藏拟溞与桡足类之间存在的季节性种群更替现象,以及硅藻在这一现象中可能存在的重要作用。最后对盐湖生物资源特别是西藏拟溞的开发利用提出了设想。  相似文献   

The mountain province of East Siberia, which includes the Baikal Rift system, is a zone of high tectonic and seismic hazard. Earthquakes and coseismic faulting are dangerous not only by themselves but also as far as they initiate rock collapse and downslope movement of unconsolidated deposits, which may block river valleys and produce rockfall-dammed lakes. Within some rifts of the rift system, evidence of past dammed lakes was discovered that arose instantly, in a geological sense, and flooded large areas of forest. In mountains around some rift basins, small living dammed lakes were encountered, as well as traces of catastrophic debris flows that may have accompanied breaching of earlier collapse-produced dams. Analysis of geomorphological setting in the region, especially in the Muya Rift Basin, revealed conditions favourable to hazardous origination of rockfall-dammed lakes. A large dammed lake may come into existence due to the collapse of bedrock over the narrow antecedent valley of Vitim in the Muya Rift. Preliminary estimates based upon data on the Vitim River discharge showed that the lake might form in as short as 27 days, though the rapidity of its formation, and hence the degree of the risk, can vary as a function of the highly variable amount of summer discharge of the river. Rockfall-dammed lakes may also originate in the floors of Chara and Tunka Rift Basins. Due to their rapid formation, lakes will bring about extensive flooding and cause danger to the taiga, railways and constructions in this populated developing area, and will cause degradation of the permafrost.  相似文献   

Wigand Ritter 《GeoJournal》1986,13(3):237-244
Tourism in the Arab Gulf countries is Third-World tourism in a way. Yet the countries do not depend on the cash-flow involved. Manpower needed is provided by expatriates and social or cultural impacts are minimal as society already is international in character. Moreover existing and idle hotel-capacities can be used. In the end introducing international tourism into the Gulf-countries is an organizational problem only.Due to physical limitations and, partially, lacking scenic or cultural attractions it is unlikely that the Gulf Countries shall be flooded by mass-tourism. Therefore the restrictive attitude of some governments is not really justified. With proper management a cautious opening is advocated. It might help for a better understanding of this part of the world.  相似文献   

Although limited in coverage, perched sand dunes situated on high coastal bluffs are considered the most prized of Great Lakes dunes. Grand Sable Dunes on Lake Superior and Sleeping Bear Dunes on Lake Michigan are featured attractions of national lakeshores under National Park Service management. The source of sand for perched dunes is the high bluff along their lakeward edge. As onshore wind crosses the bluff, flow is accelerated upslope, resulting in greatly elevated levels of wind stress over the slope brow. On barren, sandy bluffs, wind erosion is concentrated in the brow zone, and for the Grand Sable Bluff, it averaged 1 m3/yr per linear meter along the highest sections for the period 1973–1983. This mechanism accounts for about 6,500 m3 of sand nourishment to the dunefield annually and clearly has been the predominant mechanism for the long-term development of the dunefield. However, wind erosion and dune nourishment are possible only where the bluff is denuded of plant cover by mass movements and related processes induced by wave erosion. In the Great Lakes, wave erosion and bluff retreat vary with lake levels; the nourishment of perched dunes is favored by high levels. Lake levels have been relatively high for the past 50 years, and shore erosion has become a major environmental issue leading property owners and politicians to support lake-level regulation. Trimming high water levels could reduce geomorphic activity on high bluffs and affect dune nourishment rates. Locally, nourishment also may be influenced by sediment accumulation associated with harbor protection facilities and by planting programs aimed at stabilizing dunes.  相似文献   

Priebe  E. H.  Hamilton  S. M.  Lemieux  A.  Rowan  D. J.  Clark  I. D. 《Hydrogeology Journal》2023,31(3):641-659

Modern, ambient tritium concentrations in precipitation are lower and more temporally consistent now that they have recovered from the historic thermonuclear bomb peak of the mid-1960s. With the bomb peak no longer the overriding influence on atmospheric tritium concentrations, anthropogenic point sources, such as nuclear-generating stations (NGS), have the largest influence, though the extent and temporal variability of this influence remains uncharacterized. The lack of precipitation monitoring locations means that spatial trends in tritium concentrations in precipitation are unknown. To address this data gap, tritium concentrations in shallow modern groundwater are interpolated throughout southern Ontario (Canada), at the center of the Great Lakes Basin, and the interpolation is tested as a precipitation proxy with a statistical comparison that shows good agreement between the shallow groundwater and precipitation datasets. The shallow groundwater tritium interpolation is used to delineate the extent of NGS influence as representing 66% of the study area. Recharge timings in the subcropping bedrock aquifers of the study area are interpreted qualitatively in areas outside of NGS influence to be primarily a mix of pre-bomb and modern recharge, with no indication of peak recharge levels remaining. The influence of drift thickness on the proportion of tritium-dead versus tritium-live samples is observed spatially and confirmed by comparing data distributions. The oldest waters (pre-1953) tend to occur in subcropping bedrock aquifers underlying the thickest sediment packages.


Maldive Islands are characterized by a unique coral nature and thus they posses unique tourism resources though in a one-sided way, namely in the submarine and littoral environment of the islands, lagoons and reefs, associated with the year-round tropical climate. Therefore, not only divers and snorklers enjoy the profuse underwater resources, but also beach tourists are attracted by the nature of the beaches and the climatic conditions as well. This environment really guarantees relaxation and recreation. Tourism in Maldives which was introduced in 1972 only, has successfully developed so far. Proof is given by the rapidly growing number of tourists and tourist resorts (islands) over the past 10 year period. On the European market, Maldives today rank among the most attractive tourist destinations in the tropics. Maldives offer large natural resources for tourism to be further developed in the future. The sensitive environment does however call for most considerate measures.  相似文献   

Geolipid compositions of surficial sediments from Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, and from three locations in the Northwestern Atlantic were determined to compare source inputs and alteration processes in different sedimentary environments. Fatty acids, sterols, fatty alcohols, and alkanes were examined in both unbound and bound extracts of these samples. Significant amounts of long chain fatty acids, alcohols, and hydrocarbons are present in the deep ocean station, yet this location contains a proportionally larger amount of short chain geolipids than do marine stations closer to shore. Larger proportions of long chain lipids present in the Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, and Gulf of Maine samples relative to the open ocean samples reflect larger inputs of land-derived lipids to sediments closer to terrigenous sources. Marine samples contain a more complex mixture of sterols than is found in lake sediments, suggesting that sterol inputs and alteration processes in the marine environment are more complex than in lacustrine settings. Ratios of 16:1/16:0 and 18:1/18:0 fatty acids decrease with increasing distance from land, which suggests that fatty acid degradation before and during deposition becomes more extensive in the open deeper ocean stations.  相似文献   

Changes in the climatic conditions during the Late Quaternary and Holocene greatly impacted the hydrology and geochemical evolution of groundwaters in the Great Lakes region. Increased hydraulic gradients from melting of kilometer-thick Pleistocene ice sheets reorganized regional-scale groundwater flow in Paleozoic aquifers in underlying intracratonic basins. Here, we present new elemental and isotopic analyses of 134 groundwaters from Silurian-Devonian carbonate and overlying glacial drift aquifers, along the margins of the Illinois and Michigan basins, to evaluate the paleohydrology, age distribution, and geochemical evolution of confined aquifer systems. This study significantly extends the spatial coverage of previously published groundwaters in carbonate and drift aquifers across the Midcontinent region, and extends into deeper portions of the Illinois and Michigan basins, focused on the freshwater-saline water mixing zones. In addition, the hydrogeochemical data from Silurian-Devonian aquifers were integrated with deeper basinal fluids, and brines in Upper Devonian black shales and underlying Cambrian-Ordovician aquifers to reveal a regionally extensive recharge system of Pleistocene-age waters in glaciated sedimentary basins. Elemental and isotope geochemistry of confined groundwaters in Silurian-Devonian carbonate and glacial drift aquifers show that they have been extensively altered by incongruent dissolution of carbonate minerals, dissolution of halite and anhydrite, cation exchange, microbial processes, and mixing with basinal brines. Carbon isotope values of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) range from −10 to −2‰, 87Sr/86Sr ratios range from 0.7080 to 0.7090, and δ34S-SO4 values range from +10 to 30‰. A few waters have elevated δ13CDIC values (>15‰) from microbial methanogenesis in adjacent organic-rich Upper Devonian shales. Radiocarbon ages and δ18O and δD values of confined groundwaters indicate they originated as subglacial recharge beneath the Laurentide Ice Sheet (14-50 ka BP, −15 to −13‰ δ18O). These paleowaters are isolated from shallow flow systems in overlying glacial drift aquifers by lake-bed clays and/or shales. The presence of isotopically depleted waters in Paleozoic aquifers at relatively shallow depths illustrates the importance of continental glaciation on regional-scale groundwater flow. Modern groundwater flow in the Great Lakes region is primarily restricted to shallow unconfined glacial drift aquifers. Recharge waters in Silurian-Devonian and unconfined drift aquifers have δ18O values within the range of Holocene precipitation: −11 to −8‰ and −7 to −4.5‰ for northern Michigan and northern Indiana/Ohio, respectively. Carbon and Sr isotope systematics indicate shallow groundwaters evolved through congruent dissolution of carbonate minerals under open and closed system conditions (δ13CDIC = −14.7 to−11.1‰ and 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7080-0.7103). The distinct elemental and isotope geochemistry of Pleistocene- versus Holocene-age waters further confirms that surficial flow systems are out of contact with the deeper basinal-scale flow systems. These results provide improved understanding of the effects of past climate change on groundwater flow and geochemical processes, which are important for determining the sustainability of present-day water resources and stability of saline fluids in sedimentary basins.  相似文献   

Contaminant risk factors in surface soil were evaluated within the urbanized Rouge River watershed in southeastern Michigan, USA, which includes metropolitan Detroit. An analytical risk factor model and Geographic Information Systems overlays were used to quantify and characterize the potential impacts of five categories of contaminants including DNAPLs (dense nonaqueous phase liquids), LNAPLs (light nonaqueous phase liquids), PAHs (polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons), PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), and lead. The results indicate that DNAPL compounds released into sand, moraine, and sandy and silty clay soil types have the greatest potential to affect groundwater, and impact the Great Lakes ecosystem and the public health.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1998,13(1):59-75
Sediment cores were collected from depositional basins in lakes Michigan, Ontario and Superior to assess spatial and temporal variations in Cu accumulation rates and inventories. Sediment chronologies were determined via 210Pb dating, and 210Pb inventories were used to correct for the effects of sediment focusing. Among the lakes studied, Cu loading histories generally decrease to the present, signifying a regional reduction in the anthropogenic release of Cu to the environment. Focusing-corrected Cu accumulation rates in surficial sediments vary significantly within lakes Michigan and Ontario, suggesting that recent inputs of Cu to these 2 lakes may have been dominated by localized sources. Variations in Cu accumulation rates within Lake Superior are interpreted to be insignificant, suggesting either that Lake Superior is well-mixed with respect to copper inputs or that the lake is dominated by a single source for Cu. Recent measurements of atmospheric fluxes of Cu within the Great Lakes region generally indicate that the atmosphere accounts for less than 50% of the Cu accumulating in surficial sediments. Historical Cu accumulation rates from Lake Superior are poorly correlated with Cu production associated with local smelters, but favorably agree with national production rates. Trends in historical Cu accumulation rates within all 3 lakes may indicate that recent declines in Cu loading can be attributed to the enactment of stricter environmental regulations as well as changes in the use of Cu. Focusing-corrected Cu inventories in lakes Michigan, Ontario, and Superior are generally invariant within a given lake, indicating that, historically, these lakes have been dominated either by a single source or were well-mixed with respect to Cu inputs. The disparity between the results from recent accumulation rates and historical inventories may reflect differences in how the Great Lakes respond to contaminant loading on short (e.g. years) versus long (e.g. decades) timescales.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2004,19(7):1157-1175
Environmental legislation has reduced the anthropogenic loadings of Pb and Cd to the Great Lakes region over the past 3 decades. However, the accumulation rates of these metals still remain above background values. Because environmental legislation was targeted at major sources (e.g., Pb in gasoline) whose influence on the environment was on a regional scale, local sources (e.g., watershed scale) for the metals may now play a more significant role. The relative importance of regional versus local scale influences on metal inputs to the environment is poorly understood. In this study, sediment chronologies of Pb and Cd were examined from 12 inland lakes that cover the broad geographic area of the State of Michigan. These chronologies were compared temporally and spatially and to watershed population densities and metal production records to gain an understanding of local and regional influences on metal inputs to the Great Lakes region. Results show that anthropogenic Pb loading during the 1930s and 1970s was dominated by regional sources, such as coal burning and use of leaded gasoline. Current loadings are now more related to local influences such as watershed population densities, rather than atmospheric deposition. Anthropogenic Cd loadings to the Great Lakes region have been dominated by both regional and local sources over time. Lead may also have shown the influence of local sources over time, if the influence of emissions from gasoline had not been present. This work shows that Pb and Cd loadings in the Great Lakes region are strongly related to watershed population densities, however, the specific sources and pathways for the metal cycling are unclear.  相似文献   

Heavy snowfalls can pose natural hazards in the North American Great Lakes region. Maximum annual snowfalls are presented from an extensive data base at 82 long-period-of-record stations. In the absence of site-specific information, these data should be useful to designers, planners, and resource managers in the region. A relationship exists between maximum snowfalls and latitude because the northern Great Lakes climate is cooler and drier than the climate of the southern Great Lakes. A relationship between longitude and maximum snowfalls appears to be based on the longitudinal variation of precipitable water vapor aloft. No apparent relationship exists between maximum snowfall and elevation when station data are analyzed without regard to data from lake-effect zones. However, when one lake-effect region was analyzed in detail, an orographic effect was clearly evident in both maximum and average annual snowfalls.  相似文献   

Chemical Composition of Some Saline Lakes in the Tuva Region(Russia)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正1 Introduction Salt lakes are very interesting natural objects which can be found in different places in the world.Russia is not an exception.Climate conditions are various in Russia,but the climate is not very hot.In Russia there are a lot of places where salt lakes are spread.One of them is the Tuva region where lakes with different compositions are  相似文献   

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