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丰富的雷达卫星产品是预报服务工作中不可或缺的资料,但是产品数据量大,种类多,数据存放位置不一,给决策气象服务、防灾减灾工作带来不便.为了最大限度地发挥雷达卫星资料的准确和及时性作用,经过调研分析,自主开发了基于毕节雷达、昭通雷达及卫星云图资料的图形图像传输系统,该系统设置简单,操作方便,经过反复调试,投入运行以来,系统稳定,传输及时,在气象防灾减灾工作中发挥了重要的作用;该系统有很好的可移植性,可以根据业务需求进行其它数据传输.  相似文献   

周非非  周毓荃  王俊  何正梅 《气象》2010,36(4):43-50
对主要用FY-2C/D卫星并融合其他观测资料反演的云顶高度与多普勒雷达回波顶高的关系作了初步探讨。通过对20个主要由积层混合云和层状云造成的降水个例总数万个样本的统计分析表明,卫星反演云顶高与SA型号雷达回波顶高存在较好的正相关关系,两者的关系对组合反射率因子的大小不敏感。卫星反演云顶高与小于18 dBz反射率因子对应的回波顶高比与18 dBz回波顶高更接近,这主要是由于FY-2C/D卫星和SA型号雷达探测和反演的原理不同造成,卫星云顶高反映的是积层混合云和层状云顶部云粒子的辐射特性,而回波顶高体现的主要是云中下部较大降水粒子对雷达电磁波的衰减。  相似文献   

天气雷达是目前对强对流、台风、暴雨等天气过程进行精细探测的重要手段之一,其观测数据对天气预报业务起着关键的作用.天气雷达的探测能力会受到雷达所建位置四周地形遮挡影响.因此合理的雷达选址能更大程度地发挥出雷达的探测能力.基于中国科学院计算机网络信息中心地理空间数据云平台获取的SRTM地形数据,利用MATLAB工具开发天气...  相似文献   

风云二号静止卫星上装载有可见光、水汽、中长波红外等探测通道,其中红外通道资料可提供卫星云顶温度数据。基于FY-2F静止卫星云顶温度资料,结合局地实时探空数据对北京南郊和朝阳站点上空云层进行云高反演,并展开与地基毫米波云雷达探测云顶高关系的对比,分析3种不同云厚(薄云、适中、厚云)条件下的云高观测结果。研究结果表明,二者云顶高匹配度受几何云厚的影响,其吻合度呈现出厚云最佳,薄云最差的特征。  相似文献   

闵爱荣  杨洪平  石燕 《气象科技》2007,35(2):209-212
利用合肥、武汉和长沙雷达、云顶亮温TBB等观测资料,对2003年7月8日发生的大暴雨天气过程进行了联合估计。结果表明:联合估算降水很好地再现了这次降水过程;卫星估算降水很大程度上弥补了雷达估算降水在空间分布上的不足,但对特大暴雨在强度上估计不足,对中等强度的降水估计偏大;引入雷达对卫星估算降水进行联合估算,能很好地反映暴雨云团的中尺度结构特征,反演的降水场能很好揭示强降水过程的时空变化特征。  相似文献   

遥感技术能够快速、宏观地获得研究区域的数据,已成为湖泊环境动态变化监测的重要技术手段。但是对于山区的湖泊和河流而言,由于沟壑众多,河道狭窄,水体像元多为混合像元,利用现有方法提取水体遥感影像难度较大。水体与植被、城市和土壤等地物在不同波段的光谱反射率的差异是利用遥感手段提取水体信息的基本原理。本文在水体光谱特征分析的基础上,描述了HJ-1卫星数据特征及所采用的山区水体信息的遥感提取方法,并以南湾水库为例,描述了利用植被指数(NDVI)方法识别水体信息的技巧:首先将HJ-1数据的第3和第4波段经过波段运算得到NDVI图像;再将两种遥感图像中NDVI值小于0的像元判识为水体,NDVI值大于0的判识为水库周围的农田,经过计算像元数量得到水体面积信息;最后在各种专业软件的支持下,结合非监督分类的水体识别效果,将水体与其他地物类型区分开来。结果表明,利用HJ-1卫星数据可有效排除其他地物的干扰,显著提高水体监测的精度。  相似文献   

曾奋  莫伟华 《广西气象》1996,17(3):43-46
原始数据集的生成是遥感业务流程的人口,从标准1B数据集格式出发,探求出1B生成并与1A.5格式转换的方法,该方法已投入业务运行,产在地县级森林火情监测系统中发挥出效益。  相似文献   

原始数据集的生成是遥感业务流程的人口,从标准1B数据集格式出发,探求出1B生成并与1A.5格式转换的方法,该方法已投入业务运行,并在地县级森林火情监测系统中发挥出效益。  相似文献   

韩国宇航研究所(KARI)正在研制韩国I号多用途卫星(KOMPSAT-I),这颗卫星的有效载荷包括光电摄像机(EOC),海洋多光谱扫描成像仪(OSMI),以及空间物理传感器(SPS)。卫星重约500kg,沿高度为685km的太阳同步轨道运行,上午10:50过境韩国,卫星预计1999年发射,设计寿命将超过3年。  相似文献   

海底地形对南海海流、海面高度和海温影响的数值试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用美国普林斯顿入学海洋模式(POM)的南海版本(SCS-POM),研究了南海海底地形对南海海流、海面高度和海温的影响。共做了4个数值试验,分别包含陡峭(STP)、光滑(SMT)、平坦(PLT)和中间(MDT)4种地形。在真实的海岸线和1月气候个均风应力的共同强迫下,将模式积分360天,对所得结果进行了比较分析。结果表明,海底地形对海水质量输送和海温分布有重要的影响,对表层和次表层流以及海面自由高度的影响较小,它们的分布主要由海岸线和风应力次定。并对海气耦合模式中海洋模式的选择提出了看法。  相似文献   

介绍了利用AQUA卫星高光谱AIRS资料对FY-1C、FY-1D气象卫星热红外通道进行交叉定标的方法及定标结果。首先利用卫星轨道预报软件预报出AQUA与FY-1C以及AQUA与FY-1D卫星交叉点,再对交叉区域卫星资料进行像元投影和像元匹配,像元匹配包括时间、观测角度、环境均匀性等检验。以AIRS探测结果作为辐射基准,利用其观测值和FY-1卫星热红外通道光谱响应函数进行光谱匹配,最终得到FY-1卫星热红外通道的准真值并与FY-1卫星的业务产品进行比较分析。对FY-1C、FY-1D两年多卫星资料进行多次交叉比对,结果表明FY-1C通道4比AIRS观测亮温低1.3K左右,通道5低3.6K左右;而FY-1D通道4比AIRS观测亮温低0.3K左右,通道5低3.6K左右。这个准真值与FY-1观测的计数值进行再定标得到新的定标系数。  相似文献   

Individual bacterial cells occur in many samples that were collected at Cape Grim, Tasmania and during the Lagrangian “B” experiment of the Aerosol Characterization Experiment 1 (ACE-1) campaign that was conducted above the Southern Ocean. They are present in samples from altitudes as high as 5.4 km. Morphologically, almost all bacteria are rod-shaped, about 1 μm long or smaller, have one polar flagellum, and contain inclusions that are rich in P and K. Their morphological features suggest that these bacteria are motile, marine species. It seems likely that the cells became airborne by the same bubble-bursting mechanism that ejects sea-salt aerosol particles into the atmosphere; however, the bacteria and sea-salt particles are typically not aggregated with one another. The estimated number ratio of bacteria and the dominant aerosol species, sea salt, varies in the samples and averages about 1%. The aerosol bacteria seem to represent an important atmospheric reservoir of P and organic compounds; on the other hand, since they are externally mixed with sea salt, they are unlikely to be effective as cloud condensation nuclei.  相似文献   

All-weather Arctic cloud analyses primarily derived from a surface-based hemispheric all-sky imager are compared against ISCCP D-1 cloud amount, type, and phase during the sunlit polar season. Increasing surface temperatures and decreasing ice cover over the past decade have altered heat and moisture fluxes around the Arctic, providing conditions more conducive for cloud generation. Shipboard and ice camp measurements from field experiments conducted over an 8-year period show cloudy skies in 70–95% of the record. Most of these occurrences are stratiform or multi-level, multi-form cloud, increasing in amount with time through the season. Collocated ISCCP retrievals underestimate cloud amount at small solar zenith angles and overestimate at large angles, sometimes by as much as 50%. Satellite assessments of cloud form classify 95% of scenes as having multiple cloud types, the majority of which are mid-level ice cloud and low-level liquid cloud. Despite large discrepancies in diurnal cloud amount, regional averages of ISCCP pixel cloudiness over the length of the experiments agree within ±5% of surface observations.  相似文献   

高分一号卫星(GF-1)是中国高分辨率对地观测系统中的重要成员之一,可以提供高空间分辨率的对地观测信息。本文以合肥市为研究范围,根据物候历选择2017年5月下旬和8月上旬的两个时相GF-1影像为研究资料,利用增强型植被指数(EVI)为监测判别指标,并以一季稻成熟期的蓝移现象作为辅助判别条件,构建了种植面积遥感估算模型。结果表明:通过对比验证模型,发现用统计调查数据来验证遥感估算结果的精度为93.2%,用混淆矩阵法来验证的精度和Kappa系数分别为83.7%和0.84。验证精度表明本文构建的遥感估算模型是合理可行的,为安徽省及合肥地区一季稻信息提取和估算提供参考。  相似文献   

As a member of the Chinese modeling groups,the coupled ocean-ice component of the Chinese Academy of Sciences’Earth System Model,version 2.0(CAS-ESM2.0),is taking part in the Ocean Model Intercomparison Project Phase 1(OMIP1)experiment of phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project(CMIP6).The simulation was conducted,and monthly outputs have been published on the ESGF(Earth System Grid Federation)data server.In this paper,the experimental dataset is introduced,and the preliminary performances of the ocean model in simulating the global ocean temperature,salinity,sea surface temperature,sea surface salinity,sea surface height,sea ice,and Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation(AMOC)are evaluated.The results show that the model is at quasi-equilibrium during the integration of 372 years,and performances of the model are reasonable compared with observations.This dataset is ready to be downloaded and used by the community in related research,e.g.,multi-ocean-sea-ice model performance evaluation and interannual variation in oceans driven by prescribed atmospheric forcing.  相似文献   

中国于2019年第35次南极考察中,首次在南大洋布放了锚系实时综合观测浮标(西风带海洋环境监测浮标,WEMB),为深入了解此海区的海洋环境变化提供了宝贵资料.国家海洋技术中心WEMB研究团队基于AVISO公开发布的多颗卫星高度计L3产品,通过数据配对,误差统计和最小二乘线性拟合等方法,对西风带海洋环境监测浮标的有效波高数据误差进行了分析与校正.校正后的浮标有效波高统计显示西风带常年处于大浪以上海况,观测期间内57%处于巨浪海况,并且伴随有高度相关的大风天气.  相似文献   

吴志根 《气象》1987,13(6):25-28
本设备是一种用于控制WT-1卫星接收天线自动跟踪信号的先进装置。它主要由单板计算机,扩充I/O接口,16通道8bitA/D转换器,两个天线角度信号变换器,CRT显示器和显示图形控制板以及功能较强的应用软件等构成。 主要功能有自动定时,自动预置天线到初始信号接收位置。系统可控制天线捕获和自动跟踪卫星信号。在工作中,CRT能够实时显示各种参数和图形,例如时间、天线位置数值以及卫星飞行轨迹、伴有地形图的接收大圆形等。  相似文献   

The data from the Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer (SMMR) sensor on board the NIMBUS 7 satellite in the 18 and 21 Ghz channels are used to derive the Precipitable Water (PW) over the tropical Indian Ocean for the period May–September, 1979. The PW values are derived by using both the horizontal and vertical polarization channels. These PW values along with the satellite-derived sea surface temeprature (SST) and the lower tropospheric wind (UW) data reveal the features of the summer monsoon circulation of the tropical Indian Ocean in 1979. Further, the derived PW values from Nimbus 7 SMMR data agree well with features of PW presented by Cadet (1983) inferred from the TIROS—N soundings and FGGE data.  相似文献   

1986—1987厄尔尼诺事件的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张荣华 《大气科学》1994,18(Z1):847-855
用高分辨率自由表面热带太平洋环流模式,在观测到的风应力和热量、水汽通量驱动下,对1986—1987厄尔尼诺(E1Nino)事件进行了数值模拟。各种变量场的时空结构及其演变表明,模式成功地模拟出1986—1987厄尔尼诺现象。始于1986年年中,赤道西太平洋的西风异常所推动的向东表层洋流不断向中、东太平洋输送暖水,至11月份,大量暖水在日界线附近堆积,造成海面上升(达32cm)和斜温层(用20℃等温线深度表示)加深。1986年年底的强西风异常激发出赤道Kelvin波,并向赤道东太平洋和南美沿岸传播,使那里的斜温层加深和海面上升,且具有双峰结构;Kelvin波所伴随的垂直冷平流的减弱造成赤道中、东太平洋海表温度上升;1987年春季在中、东太平洋和南美沿岸地区存在强的正海表温度异常,并伴随着整个赤道太平洋斜温层东西方向变平、赤道潜流弱而中心位置变浅。厄尔尼诺相伴随的热带太平洋环流异常首先于1987年年中从东太平洋开始消失,而中、西太平洋则一直维持到1988年初。  相似文献   

We investigate the impact of 1/8°, 1/16°, 1/32°, and 1/64° ocean model resolution on model–data comparisons for the Gulf Stream system mainly between the Florida Straits and the Grand Banks. This includes mean flow and variability, the Gulf Stream pathway, the associated nonlinear recirculation gyres, the large-scale C-shape of the subtropical gyre and the abyssal circulation. A nonlinear isopycnal, free surface model covering the Atlantic from 9°N to 47°N or 51°N, including the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico, and a similar 1/16° global model are used. The models are forced by winds and by a global thermohaline component via ports in the model boundaries. When calculated using realistic wind forcing and Atlantic model boundaries, linear simulations with Munk western boundary layers and a Sverdrup interior show two unrealistic mean Gulf Stream pathways between Cape Hatteras and the Grand Banks, one proceeding due east from Cape Hatteras and a second one continuing northward along the western boundary until forced eastward by the regional northern boundary. The northern pathway is augmented when a linear version of the upper ocean global thermohaline contribution to the Gulf Stream is added as a Munk western boundary layer. A major change is required to obtain a realistic pathway in nonlinear models. Resolution of 1/8° is eddy-resolving but mainly gives a wiggly version of the linear model Gulf Stream pathway and weak abyssal flows except for the deep western boundary current (DWBC) forced by ports in the model boundaries. All of the higher resolution simulations show major improvement over the linear and 1/8° nonlinear simulations. Additional major improvement is seen with the increase from 1/16° to 1/32° resolution and modest improvement with a further increase to 1/64°. The improvements include (1) realistic separation of the Gulf Stream from the coast at Cape Hatteras and a realistic Gulf Stream pathway between Cape Hatteras and the Grand Banks based on comparisons with Gulf Stream pathways from satellite IR and from GEOSAT and TOPEX/Poseidon altimetry (but 1/32° resolution was required for robust results), (2) realistic eastern and western nonlinear recirculation gyres (which contribute to the large-scale C-shape of the subtropical gyre) based on comparisons with mean surface dynamic height from the generalized digital environmental model (GDEM) oceanic climatology and from the pattern and amplitude of sea surface height (SSH) variability surrounding the eastern gyre as seen in TOPEX/Poseidon altimetry, (3) realistic upper ocean and DWBC transports based on several types of measurements, (4) patterns and amplitude of SSH variability which are generally realistic compared to TOPEX/Poseidon altimetry, but which vary from simulation to simulation for specific features and which are most realistic overall in the 1/64° simulation, (5) a basin wide explosion in the number and strength of mesoscale eddies (with warm core rings (WCRs) north of the Gulf Stream, the regional eddy features best observed by satellite IR), (6) realistic statistics for WCRs north of the Gulf Stream based on comparison to IR analyses (low at 1/16° resolution and most realistic at 1/64° resolution for mean population and rings generated/year; realistic ring diameters at all resolutions), and (7) realistic patterns and amplitude of abyssal eddy kinetic energy (EKE) in comparison to historical measurements from current meters.  相似文献   

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