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Evolution of electron energy distributions have been studied by combining small-angle scattering with analytical treatment of large-angle collision using the Monte-Carlo technique. By use of these, the distributions and energy loss have been calculated as functions of column density, the heating functions have been calculated at different depths of the solar atmosphere. From the heating functions, an increase in temperature produced by the electrons at different column densities has been computed. It is found that rise in temperature increases with an increase in incident electron energy.  相似文献   

Nonlinear electron-acoustic solitary waves (EASWs) are studied using Sagdeev’s pseudo-potential technique in a collisionless unmagnetized plasma consisting of a cold electron fluid, nonthermal hot electrons and stationary ions. It is shown that the presence of fast nonthermal electrons may modify the parametric region where electron-acoustic solitons may exist. Our investigation is of wide relevance to astronomers and space scientists working on interstellar space plasmas.  相似文献   

Propagation regimes of large-amplitude dust-ion acoustic solitary wave in a dusty plasma with nonthermal electrons are analyzed by employing the Sagdeev potential technique. Two domains of the Mach numbers are defined depending on the nonthermal and plasma parameters. The two types of soliton solution are found to be exited corresponding to certain values of the nonthermal parameter. Numerical solutions are presented that illustrate the dependence of soliton characteristics on practically interesting plasma and nonthermal parameters. The findings of this investigation could be useful in understanding the detected solitary waves in space plasma in the presence of nonthermal electrons such as electrostatic solitary structures observed in Saturn’s E-ring.  相似文献   

The Very Large Array (VLA) has been used at 20 cm wavelength to study the evolution of a burst loop with 4 resolution on timescales as short as 10 s. The VLA observations show that the coronal loop began to heat up and change its structure about 15 min before the eruption of two impulsive bursts. The first of these bursts occurred near the top of the loop that underwent preburst heating, while the second burst probably occurred along the legs of an adjacent loop. These observations evoke flare models in which coronal loops twist, develop magnetic instabilities and then erupt. We also combine the VLA observations with GOES X-ray data to derive a peak electron temperature of T e = 2.5 × 107 K and an average electron density of N e 1 × 1010 cm–3 in the coronal loop during the preburst heating phase.  相似文献   

The problems of large amplitude double layers are discussed using Sagdeev’s pseudo-potential technique for a dusty plasma comprising two temperature isothermal ions and nonextensive nonthermal velocity distributed electron. For different sets of plasma parameter values, the Sagdeev potential V(?) has been plotted. It is found that nonextensive q parameter plays a significant role in determining the shape and size of large amplitude double layers. Also, it is observed that the existence of large amplitude double layers depends on different plasma parameters.  相似文献   

The nonlinear ion-acoustic double layers (IADLs) in a warm magnetoplasma with positive-negative ions and nonthermal electrons are investigated. For this purpose, the hydrodynamic equations for the positive-negative ions, nonthermal electron density distribution, and the Poisson equation are used to derive a modified Zakharov–Kuznetsov (MZK) equation, in the small amplitude regime. It is found that compressive and rarefactive IADLs strongly depend on the mass and density ratios of the negative-to-positive ions as well as the nonthermal electron parameter. Also, it is shown that there are one critical value for the density ratio of the negative-to-positive ions (ν), the ratio between unperturbed electron-to-positive ion density (μ), and the nonthermal electron parameter (β), which decide the existence of positive and negative IADLs. The present study is applied to examine the small amplitude nonlinear IADL excitations for the (H+, O2-)(\mathrm{H}^{+}, \mathrm{O}_{2}^{-}) and (H+,H) plasmas, where they are found in the D- and F-regions of the Earth’s ionosphere. This investigation should be helpful in understanding the salient features of the nonlinear IADLs in either space or laboratory plasmas where two distinct groups of ions and non-Boltzmann distributed electrons are present.  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial distribution of the magnetic field and density of non-thermal electrons in the source of solar microwave bursts are studied by the gyrosynchrotron model, using the observations of the high-resolution spectrometer at the Owens Valley solar interferometer. The general results are consistent with the previous knowledge about these parameters. For example, the magnetic field decreases with increasing radio flux, and the distribution gradually flattens, so that the non-uniformity of the magnetic field decreases gradually, meanwhile the density increases, and the nonthermal electrons propagate from lower to higher levels. It is interesting that the oscillation of the density is detected at lower frequencies, and there is a correlation between the density and the energy index. The main purpose of this paper is to develop a diagnostic method for the basic plasma parameters in solar flares.  相似文献   

The theory of magnetic reconnection has advanced substantially over the past few years. There now exists a new generation of fast two-dimensional models known as almost-uniform reconnection and nonuniform reconnection, depending on the boundary conditions. Also, we are beginning to explore the uncharted region of three-dimensional reconnection, where regimes of “spine reconnection” and “fan reconnection” have been discovered. Furthermore, part of the coronal heating problem appears to have been solved with recent observational support for the Converging Flux Model in which heating is produced by coronal reconnection driven by footpoint motions.  相似文献   

A rigorous theoretical investigation has been made on the obliquely propagating dust-acoustic (DA) waves in a magnetized dusty plasmas consisting of distinct temperature q-distributed electrons with distinct strength of nonextensivities, nonthermal ions and negatively charged mobile dust grains, and analyzed by deriving the Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation. It is found that the characteristics and the properties of the DA solitary waves (DASWs) are significantly modified by the external magnetic field, relative temperature ratio of ions, relative number densities of electrons as well as ions, the nonextensivity of electrons, nonthermality of ions and the obliqueness of the system. The possible implications of the results obtained from this analysis in space and laboratory dusty plasmas are briefly addressed.  相似文献   

Temperature distribution in the cylindrically symmetric coronal magnetic loop, (i) with constant pressure and (ii) with the pressure varying along the radial distance, of the (a) hotter apex and (b) cooler apex than base is investigated analytically by considering the equilibrium between the heat conduction and radiation loss. If the temperature of the loop does not lie within one of the specified temperature ranges, then the distribution is calculated numerically.The effect of the inclusion of heating due to an external source is studied and found that it increases the length of the loop. On the basis of the observed phenomenon, that the magnetic field varies along the loop, the temperature distribution in the loop is investigated for the loop-geometries proposed by Antiochos and Sturrock (1976). It is concluded that for the larger compression in the area of cross section, the height of the loop decreases.Present investigation shows that no loop with equal apex and base temperatures can exist, but a small variation between the two temperatures supports the existence of the loop, which can be observed in nature.  相似文献   

We have modeled the solar coronal active loop heating by discrete Alfvén waves. Discrete Alfvén waves (DAW) are a new class of Alfvén waves which can be described by the two-fluid model with finite ion-cyclotron frequency, or the MHD model with plasma current along the magnetic field line as shown by Appert, Vaclavik, and Villar (1984). We have modeled the coronal loop as a semi-toroidal plasma with the major toroidal radius much larger than the plasma radius. We have shown that the absorption of discrete Alfvén waves by the plasma through viscosity can account for at least 30% of the coronal heating rate density of 10–4 J m–3 s–1.  相似文献   

The mechanism of spatial resonance of Alfven waves for heating a collisionless plasma is studied in the presence of a twisted magnetic field. In addition to modifying the equilibrium condition for a cylindrical plasma, the azimuthal component of the magnetic field gives extra contribution to the energy deposition rate of the Alfven waves. This new term clearly brings out the effects associated with the finite lifetime of the Alfven waves. The theoretical system considered here conforms to the solar coronal regions.  相似文献   

For the November 5, 1980 flare it is investigated how the plasma in a large flaring loop responds to the injection of energetic electrons. Observations are compared with the results of a one-dimensional numerical simulation. For the simulation it is assumed that at the time the injection is started, the plasma is in an equilibrium state with a constant pressure along the loop and conductive heating compensated by radiative losses. Especially important for the evolution of the impulsively heated plasma is the penetration depth of the fast electrons compared to the depth of the transition layer. Both parameters are known from the observations. The injected energy is 2.6 × 1011 ergs cm ?2 in 30 s (as derived from the hard X-ray observations) and computations show that the high temperature plasma of the loop responds to it with upward motions of about 50 km s?1, i.e. with velocities much smaller than the ion sound speed (≈ 500km s?1). The heating of the plasma due to the absorption of beam energy can be understood using a constant density approximation. After the heating phase the plasma returns in about 5 min to its initial state by conductive cooling. The downward conducted energy is radiated away in the transition zone. The numerical simulation shows that impulsive heating by non-thermal electrons only does not explain the observed large increase in the density of the loop during the flare. It is therefore required that continuous energy and/or mass input occur after the impulsive phase.  相似文献   

Gardner solitons (GSs) and double layers (DLs) of dust ion acoustic (DIA) waves in an electronegative plasma (composed of inertial positive and negative ions, Maxwellian cold electrons, non-thermal hot electrons, and negatively charged static dust) are studied. The reductive perturbation method is employed to derive the Korteweg-de Vries (K-dV), modified K-dV, and standard Gardner equations, which admits solitary wave and DLs solutions for σ around its critical value σ c (where σ c is the value of σ corresponding to the vanishing of the nonlinear coefficient of the K-dV equation). The parametric regimes for the existence of the GSs and DLs, are obtained. The basic features of DIA GSs and DLs (associated with negative structure only) are analyzed. It has been found that the characteristics of DIA GSs and DLs, are different from that of the K-dV solitons and mK-dV (mixed K-dV) solitons. The implications of our results to different space and laboratory plasma situations are discussed.  相似文献   

A new magnetodynamic model for loop flares is proposed to explain the following observational facts obtained from space during the last solar activity maximum: (i) Blueshifted lines of Ca xix and Fe xxv appear in some cases a minute or so before the initiation of impulsive bursts and relax into the unshifted lines with large width by the time of the onset of impulsive bursts, (ii) the hot source is formed by that time at the top of a loop-like structure, and confined there for a considerable time, and (iii) -ray line enhancement occurs at about the same time as hard X-ray spikes.In our model, the supply of energy to the loop top comes from below the chromosphere immediately before the flare (30 s-1 min before the hard X-ray impulsive bursts) in the form of the relaxing fronts of magnetic twist of opposite sign. These packets are thought to be built up in the process of loop emergence, stored at the footpoints of the loop below the photosphere, and released when the part of the feet floats up further. These released packets of magnetic twist drive the mass in the high chromosphere and transition zone into helical flows with pinch heating, and when these collide at the top of the loop, a very hot region appears there with a violent unwinding of the twists, resulting in the rapid dynamical annihilation of the magnetic energy, . Electrons and ions, raised to medium energies in the pinch at the incidence of the packets to the loop, are accelerated further by the Fermi-I mechanism between the approaching fronts of magnetic twist, and when B is weakened by unwinding they are released towards the chromosphere, and cause simultaneous -ray and hard X-ray bursts.  相似文献   

Based on the kinetic theory, Landau damping of dust acoustic waves (DAWs) propagating in a dusty plasma composed of hybrid nonthermal nonextensive distributed electrons, Maxwellian distributed ions and negatively charged dust grains is investigated using Vlasov-Poisson’s equations. The characteristics of the DAWs Landau damping are discussed. It is found that the wave frequency increases by decreasing (increasing) the value of nonextensive (nonthermal) parameter, \(q\) (\(\alpha \)). It is recognized that \(\alpha \) plays a significant role in observing damping or growing DAW oscillations. For small values of \(\alpha \), damping modes have been observed until reaching a certain value of \(\alpha \) at which \(\omega _{i}\) vanishes, then a growing mode appears in the case of superextensive electrons. However, only damping DAW modes are observed in case of subextensive electrons. The present study is useful in the space situations where such distribution exists.  相似文献   

The Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation in unmagnetized plasma having ions and superthermal electrons and positrons has been derived using the reductive perturbation method. The space-time-fractional Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation is formulated applying the Euler-Lagrange variational technique and is solved using the sub-equation method. The effects of space time fractional order and superthermal parameters on the properties of obtained soliton have been investigated.  相似文献   

A theoretical investigation has been performed on the nonlinear propagation of nonplanar (cylindrical and spherical) Gardner solitons (GSs) associated with the positron-acoustic (PA) waves in a four component plasma system consisting of nonthermal distributed electrons and hot positrons, mobile cold positrons, and immobile positive ions. The well-known reductive perturbation method has been employed to derive the modified Gardner (MG) equation. The basic features (viz. amplitude, polarity, speed, etc.) of nonplanar PA Gardner solitons (GSs) have been examined by the numerical analysis of the MG equation. It has been observed that the properties of the PA GSs in a nonplanar geometry differ from those in a planar geometry. It has been also investigated that the presence of nonthermal (Cairns distributed) electrons and hot positrons significantly modify the amplitude, polarity, speed, and thickness of such PA GSs. The results of our investigation should play an important role in understanding various interstellar space plasma environments as well as laboratory plasmas.  相似文献   

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