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Beginning with the Swabian Jura earthquake in 1911 the seismic activity in Central Europe is concentrated to this area. A comparison with other events of the same epicentral region shows that the largest earthquake in Germany has the character of a left-lateral horizontal strike slip striking N — NNE. The focal parameters can be assumed within the following intervalls: Seismic moment Mo = 1…8·1017 Nm; focal area Fo = 18…53 km2; average dislocation do = 20…53 cm and stress drop Δpo = 13…19 bar.  相似文献   

Kpienbaareh  Daniel  Luginaah  Isaac 《GeoJournal》2021,86(2):979-992
GeoJournal - Accurate and precise mapping of burnt areas in the fire-prone semi-arid savannah zones is relevant for making decisions on the management of environmental resources. In this study, we...  相似文献   

Moderate resolution remote sensing data, as provided by MODIS, can be used to detect and map active or past wildfires from daily records of suitable combinations of reflectance bands. The objective of the present work was to develop and test simple algorithms and variations for automatic or semiautomatic detection of burnt areas from time series data of MODIS biweekly vegetation indices for a Mediterranean region. MODIS-derived NDVI 250m time series data for the Valencia region, East Spain, were subjected to a two-step process for the detection of candidate burnt areas, and the results compared with available fire event records from the Valencia Regional Government. For each pixel and date in the data series, a model was fitted to both the previous and posterior time series data. Combining drops between two consecutive points and 1-year average drops, we used discrepancies or jumps between the pre and post models to identify seed pixels, and then delimitated fire scars for each potential wildfire using an extension algorithm from the seed pixels. The resulting maps of the detected burnt areas showed a very good agreement with the perimeters registered in the database of fire records used as reference. Overall accuracies and indices of agreement were very high, and omission and commission errors were similar or lower than in previous studies that used automatic or semiautomatic fire scar detection based on remote sensing. This supports the effectiveness of the method for detecting and mapping burnt areas in the Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

为精确查明矿区火烧岩体的分布范围及其富水程度,综合考虑地质体电?磁性特征,组合一套新型火烧区边界及富水性预测勘探手段。采用高精度磁测、瞬变电磁法、高密度电法3种物探方法联合勘探,将其应用于新疆沙吉海一号井田火烧区勘探,并与之前物探结果进行对比。结果表明,火烧区南部边界较原勘探边界发生较小移动;研究区总体富水性较弱,富水区主要集中在火烧区南部边界及以南,在B10煤层附近圈定了9个火烧富水区,编号为Y1—Y9;拟设计钻孔位置均较合理,为下一步钻探施工提供可靠的物探资料依据。多种物探方法相互结合验证性较好,为今后火烧岩地区火烧范围及富水性探查提供实践依据。   相似文献   

Distinguishing between naturally and culturally produced, simply flaked cobbles has been a problem for proponents of a pre‐Clovis occupation in the Americas. Several sites in Alberta have been assigned a pre‐Clovis status based on the presence of simply flaked cobbles found in Late Pleistocene till deposits. Historically, these types of assemblages have been assigned a cultural status based on subjective criteria and appeals to the analyst's expertise. To determine the archaeological status of two such assemblages from Alberta (Varsity Estates and Silver Springs), they were compared to a known natural assemblage and two known cultural assemblages. Chi‐square testing was used to evaluate several lithic attributes. Only those attributes that statistically differentiated between natural and cultural assemblages were used for further analyses. All cobbles were then scored using these attributes. A point was awarded when a statistically significant attribute of human‐manufacture was present. These points were then totaled, providing an aggregate score for each cobble. These scores were plotted to determine whether the test assemblages had closer affinities with the known natural or known cultural assemblages. The results indicate that the proposed pre‐Clovis assemblages have closer affinities to known natural assemblages than to cultural assemblages. Our results suggest that these sites provide no evidence for a pre‐Clovis occupation in the Americas. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Large amounts of fluid, bound up in the hydrated upper layers of the ocean crust, are consumed at convergent margins and released in subduction zones through devolatilization. The liberated fluids may play an integral role in subduction zone processes, including the generation of arc-magmas. However, exhumed subduction zone rocks often record little evidence of large-scale fluid flow, especially at deeper levels within the subduction zone. Basaltic pillows from the high-pressure Corsican and Zermatt-Saas ophiolites show a range of δ18O values that overall reflect seafloor alteration prior to subduction. However, comparison between the δ18O values of the cores and rims of the pillows suggests that the δ18O values of the pillow rims at least have been modified during subduction and high-pressure metamorphism. Pillows that have not undergone high-pressure metamorphism generally have rims with higher δ18O values than their cores, whereas the converse is the case in pillows that have undergone high-pressure metamorphism. This reversal in the core to rim oxygen isotope relationship between unmetamorphosed and metamorphosed pillows is strong evidence for fluid–rock interaction occurring during subduction and high-pressure metamorphism. However, the preservation of different δ18O values in the cores and rims of individual pillows and within and between different pillows suggests that fluid flow within the subduction zone was strongly channelled. Resetting of the δ18O values in the pillow rims was probably due to fluid-hosted diffusion that occurred over relatively short time-scales (<1 Myr).  相似文献   

The reported source rocks for the abundant petroleum in the Tarim Basin, China range from Cambrian to Lower Ordovician and/or Upper Ordovician in age. However, the difference between the two groups of source rocks is not well characterized. In this study, pyrite was removed from eleven mature to over mature kerogen samples from source rocks using the method of CrCl2 reduction and grinding. The kerogen and coexisting pyrite samples were then analyzed for δ34S values. Results show that the kerogen samples from the Cambrian have δ34S values between +10.4‰ and +19.4‰. The values are significantly higher than those from the Lower Ordovician kerogen (δ34S of between +6.7‰ and +8.7‰), which in turn are generally higher than from the Upper Ordovician kerogen samples (δ34S of between ?15.3 and +6.8‰). The associated pyrite shows a similar trend but with much lower δ34S values. This stratigraphically controlled sulfur isotope variation parallels the evolving contemporary marine sulfate and dated oil δ34S values from other basins, suggesting that seawater sulfate and source rock age have an important influence on kerogen and pyrite δ34S values. The relatively high δ34S values in the Cambrian to Lower Ordovician source rocks are associated with abundant aryl isoprenoids, gammacerane and C35 homohopanes in the extractable organic matter, indicating that these source rocks were deposited in a bottom water euxinic environment with water stratification. Compared with the Upper Ordovician, the Cambrian to Lower Ordovician source rocks show abundance in C28 20R sterane, C23 tricyclic terpanes, 4,23,24-trimethyl triaromatic dinosteroids and depletion in C24 tetracyclic terpane, C29 hopane. Thus, δ34S values and biomarkers of source rock organic matter can be used for distinguishing the Cambrian and Upper Ordovician source rocks in the Tarim Basin.  相似文献   

In order to better understand the origin and enrichment mechanisms leading to elevated Zn concentrations in Jurassic limestone of the Jura mountain range (JMR) and the Burgundy (B), we investigated four locations of Bajocian age (JMR: Lausen–Schleifenberg, Gurnigel; B: Vergisson–Davayé, Lucy-le-Bois) and two locations of Oxfordian age (JMR: Dornach, Pichoux) for their Zn distribution and speciation. Measurements of the acid-extractable and bulk Zn contents showed that Zn is stratigraphically and spatially heterogeneously distributed, in association with permeable carbonate levels. Up to 3,580 and 207 mg/kg Zn was detected in Bajocian and Oxfordian limestone, respectively, with numerous limestone samples having Zn contents above 50 mg/kg. Using X-ray absorption near edge structure spectroscopy and micro-X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, the speciation and micro-scale distribution of Zn was investigated for selected limestone samples. In Bajocian limestone sphalerite and/or Zn-substituted goethite and a minor fraction of Zn-bearing carbonates were identified. In contrast, Zn-bearing carbonates (Zn-substituted calcite and hydrozincite) were accounting for most of the total Zn in Oxfordian limestone. The micro-scale distribution of Zn for Bajocian and Oxfordian limestone was however similar with localized Zn-rich zones in the limestone cement and at the rim of oolites. The stratigraphic sporadicity and microscale heterogeneity of the Zn distribution together with the Zn speciation results point to a hydrothermal origin of Zn. Occurence of Zn-goethite is probably linked to the oxidative transformation of framboidal pyrite and hydrothermal sphalerite in contact with meteoritic waters. Difference in speciation between Bajocian limestone and Oxfordian limestone may be related to differences in rock permeability and/or to various hydrothermal events. Isotopic dating of the different mineralizations will be needed to decipher differences in Zn speciation and the precise chronology of hydrothermal episodes.  相似文献   

The Late Paleolithic sites existed in cold and dry climat (Ustinovka I, 10–25 ky ago; Ust-Ulma, 19, 360 ± 65 BP) with warmer stages (Suvorovo IV, 15,300 ± 140 BP) and on the Pleistocene/Holocene transition, near 10,000 BP (Suvorovo III). The Final Paleolithic sites existed in Late Glacial time, 10,000–12,000 BP (Gorbatka III, lower level) and in Boreal period, 8,000–9,000 BP (Ilistaya I, 7, 840 ± 60 BP; Timofeevka I). The Developed Neolithic sites existed during the warm and humid Middle-Late Atlantic period, 6,000–8,000 BP; the Late Neolithic sites — 3,000–5,000 BP. The human impact in the Paleolithic-Neolithic was restricted to burning and trampling the vegetation near the sites; the bases of paleoeconomy were hunting, fishing, gathering. The presence of pastoral anthropogenic indicators in pollen spectra of the Neolithic sites may reflect the beginning of cattle breeding.The Bronze Age (end of the 4th-2nd millenia BC) provides the first reliable evidence of cultivated plants (foxtail and Japanese millet) and domestic animals (pig, dog). In the paleoeconomy agriculture and cattle breeding appeared; the first stage of human impact increased (4,000–4,500 BP, ie 2550–3230 cal. BC) is reflected in pollen spectra from cultural layers. From the Early Iron Age to the Middle Ages (end of 2nd millenium BC-13th century AD) agriculture and cattle breeding were the base of paleoeconomy. From the 8th to the 10th centures AD, due to the development of ploughing (arable), the human impact intensified.Paper was presented on the 27th International Geographical Congress, Washington, DC, USA, August 9–14, 1992 (section Human Induced Environmental Change, the Ancient Past)  相似文献   


泥河湾盆地有成效的科学开拓已经整一个世纪,它以早更新世化石哺乳动物群而名扬世界,现今又以盛产早更新世旧石器遗址而令人密切关注。泥河湾盆地越来越多的考古发现表明,人类走出非洲不可能晚于200万年前。鹿角梁是泥河湾盆地新发现的一处早更新世旧石器地点,出土石制品34件,包括修理品2件、石片18件、石核5件和断块9件,还有大量哺乳动物的骨骼和牙齿化石,其中草原猛犸象(Mammuthus trogontherii)和裴氏板齿犀(Elasmotherium peii)特别引人瞩目。鹿角梁地点所在层位略高于小长梁遗址层位,推测其年龄接近于1.5 Ma。鹿角梁地点的发现,不仅填补了泥河湾盆地早更新世人类遗址序列的一个缺环,而且也增加了泥河湾动物群的一些不多见的化石材料,为研究草原猛犸象和裴氏板齿犀在中国乃至东亚地区的出现和演化提供了实物证据。


杜水生 《第四纪研究》2021,41(1):153-163



Summary The infrared absorption spectrum of amethyst in the region of stretching vibrations of X–OH groups reveals several bands that have been used for the separation of natural from synthetic amethyst. The intensity and shape of these bands have been measured as a function of crystallographic orientation. Using a resolution of 0.5 cm−1 the 3595 cm−1 band is present in all infrared spectra of natural amethyst and in some rare synthetic ones. If present in synthetic amethyst, its full width at half maximum (FWHM) is about 7 cm−1 whereas it is about 3 cm−1 in all natural samples. This new criterion, unlike the previous ones, seems appropriate to separate natural from synthetic amethyst in all cases.  相似文献   

Holocene lake-level fluctuations in Jurassian and French subalpine lakes are reconstructed using sedimentological analysis, and a regional pattern of palaeohydrological changes is put forward. Major transgressive phases culminated at about 8500 BP, 6500 BP, 4800 BP, 3500–2300 BP and 450 BP. (1) The synchroncity of Holocene lake-level changes demonstrated for a large number of lakes, (2) close correlations attested between certain lakes and (3) the coincidence between rises in lake-levels in Jura and French subalpine ranges, and glacier advances in Swiss and Austrian Alps argue for a climatic control of these Holocene lake-level fluctuations.  相似文献   

The Oxfordian sedimentary successions studied in the Swiss Jura, in Normandy, and in the Soria and Cazorla regions of Spain display complex facies evolution and stacking patterns. Based on biostratigraphy and absolute age dating, it is suggested that the shallow-water depositional settings in the Jura, Normandy, and the Soria region as well as the deeper-water environments in the Cazorla region, recorded climatic and sea-level fluctuations in the Milankovitch frequency band. Beds and bedsets corresponding to 20-, 100-, and 400-ka cyclicities can be identified. Facies evolution inside such small-scale sequences and also in the larger sequences of million-year scale is interpreted in terms of sequence stratigraphy. Superposition of high-frequency cyclicity on a longer-term sea-level trend led to multiplication of diagnostic surfaces: sequence-boundary and maximum-flooding zones in the large-scale sequences can thus be defined. These zones are correlated between closely spaced sections, but also from the Swiss Jura to Normandy and to Spain. The narrow time lines given by Milankovitch cyclicity then allow comparison of facies evolution in the different regions on a scale of 100 ka or less. By filtering out local effects of differential subsidence and sediment supply, a long-term sea-level curve valid for the northwestern margin of the Tethys ocean can be reconstructed for the Middle to Late Oxfordian. Differential subsidence is implied from varying thicknesses of the sequences as well as from the distribution of siliciclastics which have been channelized through depressions. Tilted blocks, reduced sedimentation, or increased input of siliciclastics appearing at the same time in all study areas point to a widespread regional tectonic event. Distribution through the sequences of climate-dependent facies components such as corals, ooids, palynomorphs, and siliciclastics indicates that climate changes were dependent on atmospheric circulation patterns and thus on paleolatitude. Rainy periods and related increase of siliciclastics in the Swiss Jura were more abundant during low sea-level stands, whereas in the Soria region they coincided with sea-level highs. Through the combination of high-resolution sequence stratigraphy and cyclostratigraphy, and supported by biostratigraphy and absolute dating, it becomes possible to analyze paleoenvironmental changes in a very narrow time framework.  相似文献   

Tourmaline synthesised in an experiment with low boron excess was analysed in situ by secondary ion mass spectrometry. It revealed significant B isotope zonation with 11B/10B ratios increasing in the growth direction of the crystals. Trend, magnitude and absolute values strongly support results from high-B-excess isotope fractionation experiments. Furthermore, the closed system B-isotopic evolution of the experimental fluid was modelled by Rayleigh fractionation. The model results are in excellent agreement with the measured B-isotope composition of the run-product fluid. Consequently, low-element-excess experiments are proposed as an ideal approach to determine fluid-solid isotope fractionation factors for systems that are characterised by Rayleigh fractionation.  相似文献   

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