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South China contains many complete sections through the upper Ordovician and lower Silurian. Brachiopod data including 130 brachiopod genera, assigned to 13 orders and 27 superfamilies from mid-Ashgill through late Aeronian intervals reveal that brachiopod macroevolution before and after the latest Ordovician mass extinction shows important changes in the diversity, composition and stratigraphical distribution of the phylum. The following six intervals are recognized: (1) a faunal plateau before the latest Ordovician mass extinction (mid-Ashgill, Rawtheyan); (2) a survival–recovery interval following the first phase of the mass extinction (late Ashgill, Normalograptus extraordinarius Zone and lower Glyptograptus? persculptus Zone; Hirnantian); (3) first survival interval following the mass extinction (latest Ashgill, upper Glyptograptus? persculptus Zone; end Hirnantian); (4) a second survival interval after the mass extinction (earliest Llandovery, Parakidograptus acuminatus Zone; early to mid-Rhuddanian); (5) a recovery interval in the Silurian (early to mid-Llandovery; late Rhuddanian to early Aeronian); and (6) a radiation interval in the Silurian (mid-Llandovery; mid- to late Aeronian). Only near-shore, low-diversity, benthic assemblages (mainly BA2), characterized by Ordovician relicts with a few Lazarus taxa and progenitors, are known from the southern marginal area of the Upper Yangtze epicontinental sea during the early to mid-Rhuddanian. They were replaced by newly established Silurian brachiopod communities (mainly BA2–3) in the late Rhuddanian to early Aeronian. These are marked by many newly evolved endemic forms and new immigrants, expressing a clear recovery within the Brachiopoda, but the recovery interval of the major brachiopod groups was heterochronous. In China the typical Silurian brachiopod fauna was mainly composed of indigenous Atrypida, Pentamerida and Spiriferida with stropheodontids derived from elsewhere, such as Baltica and Avalonia, two apparent refugia in the survival interval. The Atrypida was the first major group of Brachiopoda to diversity in the late Rhuddanian. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A collection of numerous crinoid pluricolumnals from the uppermost Darriwilian (Middle Ordovician) of Tibet were derived from one biological species of crinoid. The specimens were collected from well‐lithified, bioclastic shelf limestones of the upper part of the Lower Chiatsun Group, Pygodus serra Biozone; coeval rocks of similar lithology outcrop at the summit of Everest. A new crinoid morphospecies, Segmentocolumnus (col.) hanshessi, is tentatively considered a ‘stem‐group cladid’, perhaps a dendrocrinid. The proxistele is broad and pentagonal in section with a broad, pentagonal axial canal; the mesistele of similar gross morphology is more slender with a regularly heteromorphic column and a similarly wide axial canal; the dististele is a terminal dendritic radice with a pentastellate axial canal. In the mesistele, the meric sutures correspond to the centres of the sides of the column, but in the dististele they occur in the angles. This range of morphologies would have led to their inclusion in at least two morphogenera if they had not been closely associated; as they belong to a single biological species, they have been ‘lumped’ together herein. This is a rare contribution to our knowledge of the early crinoids from a region outside Europe and North America. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Reworked fossils may be exotic, but more typically are locally derived. Echinoderms have only rarely been identified from beach clasts; most commonly, these are Upper Cretaceous echinoids from the Chalk. A pebble collected from a beach in Estonia has yielded a moderately well preserved specimen of the crinoid stem, Baltocrinus (col.) antiquus (Eichwald). This species is typical of the Baltic region, only being known from the Middle Ordovician (Darriwilian) of Estonia, but is exotic because the local outcrop is Upper Ordovician to Silurian.  相似文献   

Coralla of the solitary coral Talfania calicula gen. et sp. nov. from the Upper Ordovician (Ashgill Series; Katian Stage) of Llanddowror, South Wales, UK, are often coiled around crinoid columnals, suggesting a premortem association between some of the corals and living crinoids. Irregularities within the deepest part of the open calice imply infestation of T. calicula by parasitic worms. Talfania calicula is distinguished from contemporaneous rugose corals by its lack of septa within the calice and its systematic position within Zoantharia is unresolved. Pitted calical grooves are interpreted as attachment scars of desmocytes connecting the soft tissues to the exoskeleton. Coral and crinoid remains in the assemblage are bored by postmortem microendoliths. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The fossil echinoderms of the Lower Carboniferous (Mississippian) of Derbyshire remain understudied, principally due to the nature of the preservation rather than any lack of biodiversity. Echinoids and crinoids are described in float blocks of limestone from near Hurdlow, Derbyshire, which have been etched naturally after many years of being washed by weakly acidic rain. Surface detail is variable, commonly poor, but rare specimens retain enough features for tentative identification. Two species of echinoids are identified from rare disarticulated plates, namely Melonechinus? sp. (ambulacral plates) and archaeocidarid sp. (interambulacral plate); more and superior material will be necessary to confirm this division. Crinoids include a cladid brachial ossicle sp. with a distinctive sculpture; a columnal of a monobathrid camerate platycrinitid sp.; Annulocolumnus (col.) sp. cf. A. annulus Donovan, a columnal morphotaxon with an unusually broad axial canal; and Cyclocyclicus (col.) spp. This is the tenth echinoid site to be recognized from the Mississippian of the White Peak. Examination of etched float blocks provides a further method of investigation of the echinoderm fauna of this and other limestone areas.  相似文献   

Complete fossils must be preferred to fragments for most palaeontological studies, but disarticulated specimens are nonetheless potential sources of noteworthy data. Two crinoid pluricolumnals are recorded from the lower Palaeozoic; informed discussion shows each is a basis for palaeobiological interpretation. Both are gracile and are probably belong to disparids. Floricrinus (col.) sp. is from the Silurian of Wenlock Edge, Shropshire, either from the Much Wenlock Limestone Formation (Wenlock) or, more likely, the Lower Elton Formation (Ludlow). This is the first crinoid from the Silurian of the British Isles with a pentapetaloid arrangement of the areola, a geometry common in the Middle-Upper Ordovician and higher in the geologic column. Pluricolumnal gen. et sp. indet. is from the Lower Llanvirn of Powys. One end of the otherwise straight specimen is tightly coiled. This is likely the proxistele, the most flexible region of the column, and the coiling occurred after the crown was lost by autotomy in response to an environmental disturbance.  相似文献   

The Ordovician-Silurian rocks at Garth, 30 km northeast of Llandovery, have been remapped. Within the siltstone-dominated succession, the coarser Cwm Clŷd Formation is regarded as stratigraphically equivalent to the A1 sandstone of Llandovery and has yielded a single specimen of Eostropheodonta hirnantensis from near the base in the northernmost exposures. The Formation rests with a stratigraphical break on fossiliferous Rawtheyan siltstones in the south but is underlain by later Rawtheyan and abundantly fossiliferous Hirnantian sediments (Wenallt Formation) further north where the succession appears continuous. Sedimentary and faunal evidence demonstrates the shallowing of the Ashgill sea before a transgression and deepening started in late Hirnantian times. The implications of the sequence in determining the systemic boundary are discussed.  相似文献   

Pelmatozoans diversified primarily during the Middle and Late Ordovician Period, with Early Ordovician records being much more limited, resulting in many gaps in our knowledge of the early stages of their diversification. Dissociated pelmatozoan ossicles have been found abundantly in one section in the Tonggao Formation (Tetragraptus approximatus Biozone, Floian, Early Ordovician). Most of the ossicles are thecal plates and stem ossicles from hemicosmitoid and glyptocystitoid cystoids. Thecal plates of ‘Cheirocrinus’ sp., Polycosmites sp., and other plates of uncertain affinity are described. A different ossicle type, Pentagonopentagonalis (col.), may represent crinoid remains; this would be one of the earliest occurrences of the class. The thecal ossicles and columnals are all considered, as both sets of data are desirable to determine the most complete estimate of generic diversity. The echinoderm ossicles may have been transported in from shallower water palaeoenvironments and clusters of ossicles may represent coprolites or regurgitates. Estimates of Early Ordovician palaeogeography that place this site at 30°S or near the palaeoequator are supported by the physiological requirements of the primitive echinoderms described herein. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The first monograph of the British Silurian crinoids was published as early as 1839 and identified 14 species; over 120 are now known. The most productive horizon for both diversity of species and numbers of well‐preserved specimens is the Much Wenlock Limestone Formation at Dudley (Lower Silurian, Wenlock), a site of international significance. Other localities have produced fewer, but different species. Herein, we introduce the most important crinoid localities in the Llandovery to Ludlow of the British Isles, and figure some of the many beautiful and significant specimens that they have produced.  相似文献   

The Lake District terrane of northern England comprises Upper Cambrian–Silurian sediments and volcanics accumulated at the northern margin of the Avalonian Plate during growth and demise of the Iapetus Ocean. Ocean closure and suturing resulted in Late Ordovician and Acadian tectonism and were accompanied by emplacement of a large regional batholith. Palaeomagnetic study of intrusive igneous rocks, including application of thermal demagnetization, field tests and principal component analysis, identifies a history of Ordovician to Devonian magnetization. Late plutons (Shap and Skiddaw granites and/or aureoles) record a shallow dipolar (A3) axis (mean declination/inclination (D/I=278/+17°) dating from emplacement in late Early Devonian times (c. 395 Ma). Although this axis is recorded as a sporadic overprint in older rocks, no pervasive remagnetization is attributable to batholith emplacement. Instead, the Carrock Fell Complex Layered Gabbros have a mid- to late Ordovician (A1) remanence (D/I)=17·4/−58·1°, 36 samples, α95=4·8°) predating regional F2 folding. Later events in this igneous complex comprise the Carrock Fell Granophyre with a post-folding Ordovician remanence, and Round Knott Dolerite with a remanence linked to hydrothermal alteration late in the Ordovician magmatic episode. A Late Ordovician (Ashgill) palaeofield is also defined by remanence (A2) in the Threlkeld–St John's Microgranite and aureole (438 Ma, D/I=236·5/63·3°, 41 samples, α95=4·7°). Other intrusions carrying a remanence predating the Acadian deformation include the Great Cockup Picrite (458 Ma, D/I=43·2/−31·8°, 31 samples, α95=7·7°) and basic intrusives in the aureole of the Eskdale Granite (429 Ma, D/I=174·5/25·8°, 32 samples, α95=8·8°). Collectively the palaeomagnetic data from this terrane identify a hairpin in the apparent polar wander path during Late Ordovician (Caradoc–Ashgill) times corresponding to ‘soft’ closure of the Iapetus suture and accompanying deformation. The same motion is recognized in contemporaneous data from the Welsh Caledonides where declinations are rotated by c. 55° relative to contemporaneous results from the Lake District. Adjustment for this (probable late Acadian) rotation beings fold trends of the Paratectonic Caledonides into alignment and identifies a parallel mid- to late Ordovician destructive plate margin comprising forearc (Lake District) and backarc (North Wales). This arc was oriented latitudinally in mid-southerly latitudes during formation and the bulk of the magmatism occurred during a single normal-polarity chron. The relationships between magnetization and folding in both the Lake District and Welsh Borderlands identify the importance of Late Ordovician deformation along this arc during collision of Avalonia and Laurentia. Arc-related volcanism was succeeded in Silurian times by parallel foreland basins embracing the Welsh Basin and southern Lake District as the Laurentian Plate overrode the Avalonian Plate. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of the clay fraction separated from the carbonate rock of the north-eastern Baltoscandian Basin was analysed and interpreted. Increased contents of Rb, Zr, Nb, Ti and their Al2O3-normalised ratios were detected at several stratigraphical levels in the geological sections of the Middle Ordovician–Upper Llandovery. In the weathering areas, Rb, Zr, Nb, Ti and Al are sensitive to moist conditions in the clay-forming process. In the sedimentary basin, the contents of these elements in clay are preserved and allow to infer past climates. Humid events occurred in the Dapingian, Sandbian, early Katian and Hirnantian (Ordovician) and in the Middle and Late Llandovery (Silurian). Juxtaposition with the sea-level curve shows correlation of five humid climate intervals with eustatic transgressions, suggesting global causes for these climatic changes. The warm and humid events, lasting one to two million years, occurred as climaxes between ice ages. An exceptional humid event within the Hirnantian glacial time occurs during mid-Hirnantian transgression, i.e. at a time of relative warming, as well.  相似文献   

This paper presents geochemical analysis of drilled cutting samples from the OMZ‐2 oil well located in southern Tunisia. A total of 35 drill‐cutting samples were analyzed for Rock‐Eval pyrolysis, total organic carbon (TOC), bitumens extraction and liquid chromatography. Most of the Ordovician, Silurian and Triassic samples contained high TOC contents, ranging from 1.00 to 4.75% with an average value of 2.07%. The amount of hydrocarbon yield (pyrolysable hydrocarbon: S2b) expelled during pyrolysis indicates a good generative potential of the source rocks. The plot of TOC versus S2b, indicates a good to very good generative potential for organic matter in the Ordovician, Silurian and Lower Triassic. However, the Upper Triassic and the Lower Jurassic samples indicate fair to good generative potential. From the Vankrevelen diagram, the organic matter in the Ordovician, Silurian and Lower Triassic samples is mainly of type II kerogen and the organic matter from the Upper Triassic and the Lower Jurassic is dominantly type III kerogen with minor contributions from Type I. The thermal maturity of the organic matter in the analyzed samples is also evaluated based on the Tmax of the S2b peak. The Ordovician and Lower Silurian formations are thermally matured. The Upper Silurian and Triassic deposits are early matured to matured. However, Jurassic formations are low in thermal maturity. The total bitumen extracts increase with depth from the interval 1800–3000 m. This enrichment indicates that the trapping in situ in the source rocks and relatively short distance vertical migration can be envisaged in the overlying reservoirs. During the vertical migration from source rocks to the reservoirs, these hydrocarbons are probably affected by natural choromatography and in lower proportion by biodegradation.  相似文献   

何心一  陈建强 《地学前缘》2006,13(6):145-152
对扬子区中奥陶世至晚志留世四射珊瑚已发表的属种进行全面清理和厘定。现统计扬子区中奥陶世至晚志留世四射珊瑚约有117个属,其中以晚奥陶世和早志留世珊瑚属数最多。117个属中至少有30个属最早出现在扬子区中、晚奥陶世和早志留世地层。因此,扬子区被认为是奥陶纪、志留纪四射珊瑚起源中心之一。完善和修订扬子区中奥陶世至晚志留世四射珊瑚组合序列,使地层时代划分上均与国际通行标准(统、阶)接轨。尤其对扬子区早志留世Rhuddanian晚期,Aeronian早、晚期以及Telychian早、晚期四射珊瑚组合的重新建立和细分。最新资料表明晚奥陶世观音桥四射珊瑚动物群不但有更多的北欧同期的珊瑚分子,而且还产有北美标准属种Salvadorea,Brachyelasmasubregulare等说明两者也存在一定的联系。扬子区早志留世(Llandovery)的众多四射珊瑚属均为世界广布的,但也有许多地方性属(约有22个,占总数的23·4%)。就珊瑚生物古地理关系,它与同期的西伯利亚、哈萨克斯坦和澳大利亚珊瑚群较密切。  相似文献   

根据在西藏西北部日土县拉竹龙地区重新测量了西藏区调大队1984年所测的两个地层剖面——饮水河北岸剖面和兽形湖北岸剖面,在原来定为上奥陶统兽形湖组的底部发现了一套含笔石和几丁石化石的黑色页岩和炭质板岩,其中笔石Pristiograptus和几丁石Ancyrochitina brevicollis、Conochitina sp.为志留系兰多维列统Tely-chian阶的标准分子。同时在兽形湖组中也发现了大量兰多维列世的腕足类化石Hindella xizangensis和竹节石Gotlandellites sp.。证明了拉竹龙地区饮水河北岸和兽形湖北岸两个剖面均未出现真正的奥陶纪地层。通过所采集到的笔石、几丁石、腕足类、三叶虫、头足类、牙形刺、竹节石、珊瑚、遗迹化石的准确鉴定,重新修订了本地区志留系的划分和地层序列:自下而上依次为以笔石相为代表的兰多维列统饮水河组,以碎屑岩相为代表的兰多维列统兽形湖组,以碳酸盐沉积为主的文洛克统普尔错组和以碳酸盐岩相为主的罗德洛统至普里道利统野牛坡组。本区志留系目前发现的最低层位相当于兰多维列统Telychian阶的笔石带Spirograptusturriculatus带和Streptograptus crispus带,最高层位相当于欧洲和藏南壳相志留系的最高一个头足类化石带Kopaninoceras juncudum带或牙形刺组合Neoprioniodus latidentatus-Ligonodina siluria组合。  相似文献   

The Carys Mills Formation of NE Maine represents the SW extension of the Matapedia Group and the White Head Formation of southern Gaspé, Quebec. This formation has yielded two main collections, one hitherto considered of Middle Ordovician age (zone 13 of Berry's 1960 Marathon, Texas, zonation) with 7 species referred to 4 genera, and one of the Early Silurian age. A revision of the supposed Middle Ordovician collections reveals that the graptolites are basal Silurian and consist of only one species, Glyptograptus? persculptus. Several hundred specimens, preserved both flattened and in three dimensions, the latter in iron pyrites, allow an analysis of both the rhabdosome changes wrought by diagenetic flattening and those caused by severe tectonic deformation. It is shown that those specimens lying parallel to the bedding plane lineation caused by a high-angle main cleavage have a silhouette appearance close to Glyptograptus tamariscus (Nicholson), whilst those at right angles to this direction superficially resemble robust Amplexograptus spp., or Diplograptus s.s., or Diplograptus s.l. spp., thus explaining the stratigraphic assignment of earlier workers. An analogue video reshaper confirms the above conclusions. This determination assigns the whole Carys Mills Formation to the Lower Silurian, but the possibility that part of the formation is of Late Ordovician age cannot be excluded. This much is suggested by the Matapedia Group and the White Head Formation which are of Late Ordovician to Early Silurian age, and the Honorat Group, which has yielded graptolites of late Middle Ordovician age.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1175-1205
Great variety of lithic facies and abundance of varied faunas makes the Ordivician of this area ideal for study. Numerous detailed sections show that although many kinds of rock are exemplified the great majority are detrital in nature, with limestones constituting a lesser part. In order to conform to local stratigraphic circumstances, the Caradoc stage is redefined to include only the zones of Climacograptus wilsoni and Dicranograptus clingani. Similarly the Ashgill stage is redefined to include the zone of Pleurograptus linearis in addition to the zone of Dicellograptus complanatus. Throughout the section there are conflicts among the brachiopod, trilobite, cephalopod, and graptolite elements of the faunas concerning correct dating. In each case these have been resolved locally. Almost all the Ordovician series or formations overlap Precambrian rocks uncofformably at one place or another. This is particularly true of rocks below the Caradoc. The basal Akshal suite of limestones of questionable Tremadoc age is locally overlain by massive pink limestones which are of possible Arenig age. The Kopaly horizon believed to be of Llanvirn age is richly fossiliferous and composed of approximately 170 meters of detrital rocks with some impure limestones. This unit is considered Middle Ordovician because abundant trilobites and brachiopods resemble closely those of the overlying Karakan horizon believed to be of Llandeilo age. Despite the similarity of shelly faunas the graptolites of these two horizons differ markedly. The Beke series known as the “Green Flysch” overlies the Karakan to a thickness of 650 meters gradationally, and is believed to top the Llandeilo. The Caradoc Anderkenyn beds and the Caradoc and Ashgill Dulan-kara beds constitute sedimentary cycles from basal conglomerates to higher shales and limestones, as does a sequence including Upper Ashgill, Kyzyl-sai “Dark Flysch, ” the Chokpar horizon, and Lower Silurian Ul'kuntas limestone.—R. J. Ross, Jr.  相似文献   

Biostatigraphical significance of trilobites of the Middle and Upper Ordovician in the eastern Baltic area is discussed, based on a new material from numerous outcrops from Leningrad Region. The study of the Middle and Upper Ordovician trilobites in the Mednikovo, Viivikonna, Gryazno, Khrevitsa and Elizavetino formations allows establishing two trilobite interval-zones. The zone of Chasmops odini in the upper part of the Uhaku and Kukruse stages, and the zone of Chasmops marginatus in the lower part of the Haljala Stage (the Idavere Substage). The upper part of the Haljala Stage (J~ohvi Substage) is characterized by the occurrence of Rollmops wenjukowi. Distribution and biostratigraphical significance of some trilobite taxa (Asaphus (Neoasaphus) lepidus, Illaenus intermedius, Toxochasmops maximus) is discussed.  相似文献   

戎嘉余  詹仁斌 《现代地质》1999,13(4):390-394
地史时期大规模的生物群更替与全球大环境的灾难性变化密切相关 ,尽管这种更替在性质、延续时间及等级上各个时期不尽相同。奥陶、志留纪腕足动物群的更替提供了一个重要的实例。全球广布的晚奥陶世较深水叶月贝动物群 ( Foliomena Fauna)和其后浅、凉水的赫南特贝动物群 ( H irnantia Fauna)的灭绝 ,均受控于当时的冈瓦纳大陆冰川活动及其影响效应。志留纪早期 ,以正形贝目和扭月贝目占主导地位的晚奥陶世动物群被一大批新类型 (如无洞贝目、五房贝亚目和石燕目 )所替代 ,组成典型的志留纪动物群。  相似文献   

This preliminary petrographic study of a Paleozoic carbonate section (Upper Ordovician to Silurian) in the Lone Mountain district in east-central Nevada provides new information on its microfacies and dolomitization. The occurrence of diversified microfacies in rocks from this section reveals the complex nature of their depositional history, as well as the subsequent diagenesis. Most microfacies from these rocks fall into two general groups: (1) dolomite facies which predominates in the Hanson Creek Formation (Upper Ordovician to Lowest Silurian) and the Lone Mountain Unit 1; and (2) dolomitized limestone facies which is common in the Lone Mountain Formation (Upper Silurian).The dolomite in the mid-Paleozoic carbonate section of the Lone Mountain is overwhelmingly diagenetic in origin. The early diagenetic dolomite is characterized by its homogeneous texture, uniform medium-to-coarse grain size and poorly preserved fossil impressions. The fossil content in this type of dolomite indicates its original calcareous nature. On the other hand, the late-diagenetic dolomite is characterized by its heterogeneous texture, non-uniform grain-size, detrital-quartz content and the presence of partly or incompletely altered fossil structures.  相似文献   

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