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An overturned angular fold in the Currabubula Formation at Tulcumba Ridge has a north‐south axial trace exposed along the western side of this ridge. The geometry and position of this fold adjacent to the Mooki Thrust is consistent with its formation as a fault‐propagation fold involving a thrust step‐up angle of ~ 30° from a décollement. Overturned strata also occur adjacent to the Mooki Thrust near the Rocky Creek Syncline to the north and to the south on Gunnan Ridge and in the Werrie Syncline. Overturning of strata in these areas may be the result of fault‐propagation folding. It is suggested that folding in the Tamworth Belt involves thin‐skinned deformation that is dominantly fault‐related.  相似文献   

The Kuqa and the Southern Junggar foreland thrust belts, which lie to the southern and northern Tianshan, respectively, were formed under a strong compressional tectonic setting. Due to the differential propagation and deformation under the control of the décollement horizon, the structural deformation styles differ in the Kuqa and Southern Junggar thrust belts. Imbricated stacking is developed in the Kuqa thrust belt, forming a piggyback imbricated pattern of faulted anticline and fault-block structural assemblage dominated by salt structures. In contrast, wedge-shaped thrusts are developed in Southern Junggar, mainly forming vertical laminated patterns of multi-wedge-structure stacks strongly influenced by the décollement horizons. The different deformation patterns and structural styles of the north and south of Tian Shan control the contrasting characteristics of hydrocarbon accumulation in the foreland thrust belts of the Kuqa and the Southern Junggar thrust belts, including the variance in the hydrocarbon trap types, pathway systems and hydrocarbon-bearing horizons. Proven by the hydrocarbon accumulation research and exploration achievements, recent exploration targets should focus on sub-salt piggyback imbricated structural patterns in the Kuqa and the deep laminated patterns in the Southern Junggar thrust belt.  相似文献   


From the early Late Permian onwards, the northeastern part of the Sydney Basin, New South Wales, (encompassing the Hunter Coalfield) developed as a foreland basin to the rising New England Orogen lying to the east and northeast. Structurally, Permian rocks in the Hunter Coalfield lie in the frontal part of a foreland fold‐thrust belt that propagated westwards from the adjacent New England Orogen. Thrust faults and folds are common in the inner part of the Sydney Basin. Small‐scale thrusts are restricted to individual stratigraphic units (with a major ‘upper decollement horizon’ occurring in the mechanically weak Mulbring Siltstone), but major thrusts are inferred to sole into a floor thrust at a poorly constrained depth of approximately 3 km. Folds appear to have formed mainly as hangingwall anticlines above these splaying thrust faults. Other folds formed as flat‐topped anticlines developed above ramps in that floor thrust, as intervening synclines ahead of such ramp anticlines, or as decollement folds. These contractional structures were overprinted by extensional faults developed during compressional deformation or afterwards during post‐thrusting relaxation and/or subsequent extension. The southern part of the Hunter Coalfield (and the Newcastle Coalfield to the east) occupies a structural recess in the western margin of the New England Orogen and its offshore continuation, the Currarong Orogen. Rocks in this recess underwent a two‐stage deformation history. West‐northwest‐trending stage one structures such as the southern part of the Hunter Thrust and the Hunter River Transverse Zone (a reactivated syndepositional transfer fault) developed in response to maximum regional compression from the east‐northeast. These were followed by stage two folds and thrusts oriented north‐south and developed from maximum compression oriented east‐west. The Hunter Thrust itself was folded by these later folds, and the Hunter River Transverse Zone underwent strike‐slip reactivation.  相似文献   

Late Palaeozoic deformation in the southern Appalachians is believed to be related to the collisional events that formed Pangaea. The Appalachian foreland fold and thrust belt in Alabama is a region of thin-skinned deformed Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks ranging in age from Early Cambrian to Late Carboniferous, bounded to the northwest by relatively undeformed rocks of the Appalachian Plateau and to the southeast by crystalline thrust sheets containing metasedimentary and metaigneous rocks ranging in age from late Precambrian to Early Devonian. A late Palaeozoic kinematic sequence derived for a part of this region indicates complex spatial and temporal relationships between folding, thrusting, and tectonic level of décollement. Earliest recognized (Carboniferous(?) or younger) compressional deformation in the foreland, observable within the southernmost thrust sheets in the foreland, is a set of large-scale, tight to isoclinal upright folds which preceded thrafing, and may represent the initial wave of compression in the foreland. Stage 2 involved emplacement of low-angle far-traveled thrust sheets which cut Lower Carboniferous rocks and cut progressively to lower tectonic levels to the southwest, terminating with arrival onto the foreland rocks of a low-grade crystalline nappe. Stage 3 involved redeformation of the stage 2 nappe pile by large-scale upright folds oriented approximately parallel to the former thrusts and believed to be related to ramping or imbrication from a deeper décollement in the foreland rocks below. Stage 4 involved renewed low-angle thrusting within the Piedmont rocks, emplacement of a high-grade metamorphic thrust sheet, and decapitation of stage 3 folds. Stage 5 is represented by large-scale cross-folding at a high angle to previous thrust boundaries and fold phases, and may be related to ramping or imbrication on deep décollements within the now mostly buried Ouachita orogen thrust belt to the southwest. Superposed upon these folds are stage 6 high-angle thrust faults with Appalachian trends representing the youngest (Late Carboniferous or younger, structures in the kinematic sequence.  相似文献   

Fault-slip data are used to reconstruct varying tectonic regimes associated with transverse fold development along the eastern and southern margins of the Jaca basin, southern Pyrenees, Spain. The Spanish Pyrenean foreland consists of thrust sheets and leading-edge décollement folds which developed within piggyback basins. Guara Formation limestones on the margins of the Jaca basin were deposited synchronously with deformation and are exposed in the External Sierra. Within the transverse folds, principal shortening axes determined from P and T dihedra plots of fault-slip data show a shift from steep shortening in stratigraphically older beds to NNE–SSW horizontal shortening in younger beds. Older strata are characterized by extensional faults interpreted to result from halotectonic (salt tectonics) deformation, whereas younger strata are characterized by contraction and strike-slip faults interpreted to result from thrust sheet emplacement. The interpretation of the timing for the shortening axes in the younger strata is supported by the observation that these axes are parallel to shortening axes determined from finite strain analysis, calcite twins, and regional thrusting directions determined from fault-related folds and slickenlines. This study shows that fault population analysis in syntectonic strata provides an opportunity to constrain kinematic evolution during orogeny.  相似文献   

According to the differences of structural deformation characteristics, the southern margin of the Junggar basin can be divided into two segments from east to west. Arcuate thrust-and-fold belts that protrude to the north are developed in the eastern segment. There are three rows of en echelon thrust-and-fold belts in the western segment. Thrust and fold structures of basement-involved styles are developed in the first row, and décollement fold structures are formed from the second row to the third row. In order to study the factors controlling the deformation of structures, sand-box experiments have been devised to simulate the evolution of plane and profile deformation. The planar simulation results indicate that the orthogonal compression coming from Bogeda Mountain and the oblique compression with an angle of 75° between the stress and the boundary originating from North Tianshan were responsible for the deformation differences between the eastern part and the western part. The Miquan-ürümqi fault in the basement is the pre-existing condition for generating fragments from east to west. The profile simulation results show that the main factors controlling the deformation in the eastern part are related to the décollement of Jurassic coal beds alone, while those controlling the deformation in the western segment are related to both the Jurassic coal beds and the Eogene clay beds. The total amount of shortening from the Yaomoshan anticline to the Gumudi anticline in the eastern part is ~19.57 km as estimated from the simulation results, and the shortening rate is about 36.46%; that from the Qingshuihe anticline to the Anjihai anticline in the western part is ~22.01 km as estimated by the simulation results, with a shortening rate of about 32.48%. These estimated values obtained from the model results are very close to the values calculated by means of the balanced cross section.  相似文献   

The term “folding” encompasses a wide range of processes, most of which are poorly understood. Jura folds, though comparatively simple, have developed by a superposition of different types of instabilities both in space and time. They are never periodic and sinusoidal and are more realistically approximated by kink bands with rounded hinges. Thrusting and kinking instabilities had closely similar thresholds, with kinks usually following and deforming thrusts. An analysis of embryonic folds shows that instabilities in the sedimentary cover were initiated primarily at inherited flaws of the basal décollement layer. They thence spread upward, often following stratigraphically higher incompetent layers in secondary décollement and there nucleating secondary instabilities before reaching the surface (disharmonic folding). Embryonic folds thus are usually narrow, emanating from secondary décollement layers that are connected with the basal décollement zone by thrusts nucleated at inherited obstacles. These are eventually overcome, permitting basal décollement to coalesce with kinking instabilities that grow downward from nuclei in higher décollement intervals. In this way folds centered in the basal décollement layer, and consequently of normal width, may be superposed on the narrow embryonic folds. The sequence and importance of the different elements may vary from place to place to result in a vast catalog of fold shapes.  相似文献   

In many cases, thrust wedges accreted at shallow crustal levels show an across‐strike rheological variability along the basal décollement, notably from brittle to ductile behaviour. In this paper, we illustrate the results of sandbox analogue modelling research devoted to studying the influence of convergence velocity on wedge architecture when laterally juxtaposed frictional and viscous materials occur along the basal décollement of accreting thrust wedges. Our results show that slow convergence favours a near symmetrical distribution of thrust vergence within wedge sectors accreted above viscous décollement material, whereas fast convergence favours vergence asymmetry. In particular, at fast convergence rates the hinterlandward extrusion of viscous décollement material at the toe of the frictional wedge is favoured and contributed to accommodate a significant amount of the total contraction. Terra Nova, 18, 241–247, 2006  相似文献   

In northwest Spain thrust sheets occur in an arcuate fold belt. The fault style consists of an array of thrusts, merging downdip into a single décollement surface. Most of the thrust sheets were initiated as thrusts cutting across flat lying beds. Folds above the hanging-wall ramps and some minor structures indicate that the body of the nappes has been subjected to an inhomogeneous simple shear parallel to bedding (y = 1.15), with slip concentrated along bedding planes. This allows the rocks forming the nappe to remain unstrained. At the base of the nappes a thin zone of deformed rock exists. The thrust sheets die out laterally against an anticline-syncline couple, oblique to the thrust direction. A geometrical analysis shows that if anticline and syncline axes are oblique, the thrust sheet was emplaced with a rotational movement, which can be evaluated. As deformation progressed two sets of folds were formed: a circumferential set, following the arc, and a radial set. An arcuate trace of the thrust structures remains after unfolding the radial folds. With a rotational emplacement, the displacement vector for successive points has a progressively greater length, and forms a progressively lower angle with the thrust. The main thrust units are broken into several slices with rotational movements, so that each unit was curved as it was being emplaced, producing a first tightening of the arc. Later folding increased the arc curvature to its present shape. The palaeomagnetic data available support the above conclusions.  相似文献   

This paper aims to discuss the structural evolution of the Iberian Pyrite Belt during the Variscan Orogeny. It provides new structural data, maps and cross sections from the eastern part of the Iberian Pyrite Belt. Regional geology of the South Portuguese Zone and lithostratigraphy of the Iberian Pyrite Belt are first briefly summarised. Three roughly homoaxial deformation phases are distinguished, and are mainly characterised by south-verging multi-order folds, axial planar cleavages and thrusts. Three structural units are distinguished: the La Puebla de Guzmán and Valverde del Camino antiforms are rooted units related to the propagation of southward-directed thrust systems that may branch onto the lower décollement level of the South Portuguese Zone; El Cerro de Andévalo is a structurally higher unit, mainly composed of allochthonous D1 thrust nappes. No evidence of sinistral transpression has been found in the transected cleavage and the strike of S3 with respect to S2. Better evidence of transpression is the moderately to steeply westerly plunging folds that show S-type asymmetry in down-plunge view. Variscan deformation in the Iberian Pyrite Belt is defined as the combination of a dominant southwards shear and a sinistral E-shear caused by oblique continental collision between the South Portuguese plate and the Iberian Massif.  相似文献   

Abstract The metamorphic history of the Archaean Superior Province crystalline basement in the Palaeoproterozoic Ungava Orogen attests to the importance of structural and geohydrological controls on a retrograde amphibolite-granulite transition. Two distinct metamorphic suites, separated in age by nearly one billion years, are recognized in extensively exposed tonalitic to dioritic metaplutonic gneisses. The older suite comprises c. 2.7-Ga granulite facies assemblages (orthopyroxene-clinopyroxene-hornblende-plagioclase-ilmenite ± biotite ± quartz) that record moderate pressures (±5 kbar) and high temperatures (±800° C). A younger, c. 1.8-Ga suite resulted from amphibolitization of the granulites and is characterized by regionally extensive amphibolite facies mineral zones that broadly parallel the basal décollement of the overlying Proterozoic Cape Smith Thrust Belt. Deformation/mineral growth relationships in the amphibolitized basement indicate that extensive hydration and re-equilibration of the Archaean granulites occurred during thrust belt deformation. The transition from granulite facies to amphibolite facies assemblages is characterized by the growth of garnet-hornblende-quartz ° Cummingtonite coronas between plagioclase and orthopyroxene-clinopyroxene, as well as titanite coronas on ilmenite. Multi-equilibrium thermobarometry on the coronitic assemblages documents re-equilibration of the granulitic gneiss to 7.7 kbar at 644° C in the south and 9.8 kbar at 700° C in the north. The variably deformed, amphibolite facies domain sandwiched between the coronitic garnet zone and the basal décollement is marked by significant metasomatic changes in major element concentrations within tonalite. These changes are compatible with equilibrium flow of an aqueous-chloride fluid down a temperature gradient. The source of fluids for basement hydration/metasomatism is interpreted to be dehydrating clastic rocks in the overlying thrust belt, with fluid flow probably focused along the basal décollement.  相似文献   

The Siwalik Group which forms the southern zone of the Himalayan orogen, constitutes the deformed part of the Neogene foreland basin situated above the downflexed Indian lithosphere. It forms the outer part of the thin-skinned thrust belt of the Himalaya, a belt where the faults branch off a major décollement (MD) that is the external part of the basal detachment of Himalayan thrust belt. This décollement is located beneath 13 Ma sediments in far-western Nepal, and beneath 14.6 Ma sediments in mid-western Nepal, i.e., above the base of the Siwalik Group. Unconformities have been observed in the upper Siwalik member of western Nepal both on satellite images and in the field, and suggest that tectonics has affected the frontal part of the outer belt since more than 1.8 Ma. Several north dipping thrusts delineate tectonic boundaries in the Siwalik Group of western Nepal. The Main Dun Thrust (MDT) is formed by a succession of 4 laterally relayed thrusts, and the Main Frontal Thrust (MFT) is formed by three segments that die out laterally in propagating folds or branch and relay faults along lateral transfer zones. One of the major transfer zones is the West Dang Transfer Zone (WDTZ), which has a north-northeast strike and is formed by strike-slip faults, sigmoid folds and sigmoid reverse faults. The width of the outer belt of the Himalaya varies from 25 km west of the WDTZ to 40 km east of the WDTZ. The WDTZ is probably related to an underlying fault that induces: (a) a change of the stratigraphic thickness of the Siwalik members involved in the thin-skinned thrust belt, and particularly of the middle Siwalik member; (b) an increase, from west to east, of the depth of the décollement level; and (c) a lateral ramp that transfers displacement from one thrust to another. Large wedge-top basins (Duns) of western Nepal have developed east of the WDTZ. The superposition of two décollement levels in the lower Siwalik member is clear in a large portion of the Siwalik group of western Nepal where it induces duplexes development. The duplexes are formed either by far-travelled horses that crop out at the hangingwall of the Internal Décollement Thrust (ID) to the south of the Main Boundary Thrust, or by horses that remain hidden below the middle Siwaliks or Lesser Himalayan rocks. Most of the thrusts sheets of the outer belt of western Nepal have moved toward the S–SW and balanced cross-sections show at least 40 km shortening through the outer belt. This value probably under-estimates the shortening because erosion has removed the hangingwall cut-off of the Siwalik series. The mean shortening rate has been 17 mm/yr in the outer belt for the last 2.3 Ma.  相似文献   

MAIN CENTRAL THRUST ZONE IN THE KATHMANDU AREA, CENTRAL NEPAL, AND ITS TECTONIC SIGNIFICANCE1 AritaK ,LallmeyerRD ,TakasuA .TectonothermalevolutionoftheLesserHimalaya ,Nepal:constraintsfrom 4 0 Ar/3 9AragesfromtheKathmandunappe[J].TheIslandArc ,1997,6 :372~ 384. 2 RaiSM ,GuillotS ,LeFortP ,etal.Pressure temperatureevolutionintheKathmanduandGosainkundregions ,CentralNepal[J].JourAsianEarthSci ,1998,16 :2 83~ 2 98. 3 SchellingD ,KArita .…  相似文献   

Triangle zones,generally found in foreland fold-and-thrust belts,serve as favorable objects of petroleum exploration.Taking the Dabashan foreland belt as an example,we studied the formation and development of triangle zones,and investigated the effect of decollements and the mechanical contrast of lithology by employing the method of physical modeling.Four experimental models were conducted in the work.The results showed that ’sand wedges’ grew episodically,recorded by deformational length,height and slope angle.The height versus shortening rate presented an S-shape curve,and uplifting occurred successively in the direction of the foreland belt.During the formation of the triangle zone,layer-parallel shortening took place at the outset;deformation decoupling then occurred between the upper and lower brittle layers,divided by a middle-embedded silicone polymers layer.The upper brittle layers deformed mainly by folding,while the lower sand layers by thrusting. As shortening continued,the geometry of a triangle zone was altered.We consider that the triangle zone in the Dabashan foreland belt was modified from an early one based on available seismic profiles and the experimental results.In addition,decollements and mechanical contrast impose significant influence on structural development,which can directly give rise to structural discrepancies.More decollements and obvious mechanical contrast between brittle layers can promote the coupling between the upper and lower brittle layers.Basal decollement controls the whole deformation and decreases the slope angle of the wedge,while roof decollement determines whether a triangle zone can be formed.  相似文献   

The Val-de-Ruz syncline is a northeast-southwest trending, rhomb-shaped synclinal basin in the internal part of the central Jura Mountains. The Mesozoic sediment succession is decoupled from the basement by a décollement horizon in Middle Triassic evaporite-bearing layers at depth and folding is associated with southeast-dipping thrust splays rooting into this décollement. The folds and thrusts also interfere with a system of N-S striking, sinistral strike-slip faults. A 3D model was constructed from the following input data: A digital elevation model, the 1:25,000 geological map of Switzerland, published contours of the top of basement based on drilling and seismics, and nine newly constructed cross-sections. The latter are based on surface geology and published seismic data. Cross-sections parallel to the northwestward transport direction, i.e. perpendicular to the overall strike, are line balanced. Anticlines are interpreted as faulted detachment folds, which initiated by buckling and associated flow of evaporites from synclinal to anticlinal areas. Anticlines were later broken by northwest-vergent thrusts and subsequently developed into fault-propagation folds during décollement from the basement and northwestward translation. The model assumes no faulting in the pre-Mesozoic basement and no hidden flat-ramp tectonics in the subsurface in order to account for structurally high positions. As a consequence, the modelled cumulative, post-deformation thickness of Triassic strata locally exceeds 1500 m, which we find in accordance with regional observations. From the geological 3D model, new cross-sections in any desired orientation and tectonic thickness variations of the layers can be extracted. The three output cross-sections presented are in excellent agreement with published reflection seismic data. The most important features of our model are (1) large thickness variations due to lateral flow of evaporites, and (2) new and plausible explanation of structural highs in terms of accumulation of Triassic strata by lateral flow.  相似文献   

The east and west coasts of Pembrokeshire (SW Wales) provide two sections through the Variscan fold and thrust belt. The evolution of these structures is interpreted in terms of a thin-skinned tectonic model. Balanced cross-sections are constructed for the high-level imbricate sequences, and these allow reasonably accurate estimates of shortening to be made. Basement control on structures developed in the Upper Carboniferous cover rocks is minimal, though some thrust ramp positions may be determined by the location of earlier normal faults.The thrust belt may be divided into two parts, according to the depth to the décollement horizon. In the north, imbricate fans developed from a shallow-level detachment (<1 km) which dips gently south. In the southern part, a deeper level of décollement and thicker sedimentary pile gave rise to large-amplitude folds.Shortening is heterogeneous, and both thrust periodicity and fold style are partly determined by rheology. Cumulative tectonic displacement increases to the west across Pembrokeshire, resulting in a net clockwise rotation of about 40°.  相似文献   

The Tafilalt is one of a number of generally unexplored sub‐basins in the eastern Anti‐Atlas of Morocco, all of which probably underwent a similar tectono‐stratigraphic evolution during the Palaeozoic Era. Analysis of over 1000 km of 2‐D seismic reflection profiles, with the interpretation of ten regional seismic sections and five isopach and isobath maps, suggests a multi‐phase deformation history for the Palaeozoic‐aged Tafilalt sub‐basins. Extensional phases were probably initiated in the Cambrian, followed by uniform thermal subsidence up to at least the end of the Silurian. Major extension and subsidence did not begin prior to Middle/Upper Devonian times. Extensional movements on the major faults bounding the basin to the north and to the south took place in synchronisation with Upper Devonian sedimentation, which provides the thickest part of the sedimentary sequence in the basin. The onset of the compressional phase in Carboniferous times is indicated by reflectors in the Carboniferous sequence progressively onlapping onto the Upper Devonian sequence. This period of compression developed folds and faults in the Upper Palaeozoic‐aged strata, producing a structural style characteristic of thin‐skinned fold and thrust belts. The Late Palaeozoic units are detached over a regional décollement with a northward tectonic vergence. The folds have been formed by the process of fault‐propagation folding related to the thrust imbricates that ramp up‐section from the décollement. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The External Sierras of the southern Pyrenees represent the frontal thrust complex of a south Pyrenean thrust sheet which was active from the late Eocene to early Miocene. Triassic, Cretaceous and Eocene limestones, sandstones and mudstones involved in this thrusting can be divided into eight mappable units. Mapping and the construction of serial sections across the Western External Sierras show that the amount of southward translation of the thrust sheet increases eastwards from the thrust tip. There is an increased slip of at least 5km along 30km of the External Sierras. Structures show a progressive development from a “primitive” form in the west to a more complex thrust and fold geometry in the east. The general pattern is one of thrust and fold development in response to compression from the north. Backthrusting has occurred on the forward side of the frontal thrust complex. These backthrusts cut up section towards the north and form triangle zones where they intersect thrusts which cut up sections towards the south. The latest thrust movements deformed early Miocene fanglomerates and were out-of-sequence reactivations of earlier thrusts.  相似文献   

论述了西非被动大陆边缘下刚果盆地重力滑脱构造的发育特征及演化规律。下刚果盆地早白垩世至今的被动大陆边缘阶段主要发育重力滑脱构造,可分为上陆坡的重力滑脱伸展构造、中陆坡和下陆坡的重力滑脱底辟构造、下陆坡-深海平原转换区的重力滑脱冲断构造。一期完整的重力滑脱构造演化模式为从早到晚由陆向海逐渐发育的前展式发育模式,即最早发育高部位的重力滑脱伸展构造、其次发育中部的重力滑脱底辟构造、最后发育低部位的重力滑脱冲断构造。下刚果盆地总共发育两期重力滑脱构造,分别是早白垩世阿尔布期(Albian)-渐新世的第一期(早期)重力滑脱构造,中新世至今的第二期(晚期)重力滑脱构造。这两期重力滑脱构造之间呈现出从早到晚由陆向海发育的前展式结构,即晚期的重力滑脱构造位于早期重力滑脱构造的向海一侧。  相似文献   

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