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《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2003,335(6-7):643-656
Despite some controversies, an international consensus on what is sustainable development has emerged, the nature of which is first specified. Then the author explains why the implementation of the measures consistent with this consensus comes up against obstacles, particularly political ones, which makes clear why the topic is still under animated debate. Examples will be taken in the domain of the management of water and soils resources. To cite this article: M. Petit, C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003).  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2005,337(1-2):69-78
Climate models of different complexity confirmed that the long-term variations of the astronomical parameters are driving the climatic variations during the Quaternary (and other geological times) at the timescale of tens to hundreds of thousands of year. An Earth system Model of Intermediate Complexity (LLN 2-D NH) [Gallée et al., J. Geophys. Res. 96 (1991) 13161] was able to simulate long-term climatic variations such as the recurrence of glacial interglacial cycles during the Quaternary. This model is used here to simulate the future climate. In most of the hypotheses, the model simulates an extended present interglacial covering the next 50 000 years. A regional atmospheric model (MAR) [Gallée, Mon. Weather Rev. 123 (7) (1995) 2051–2069; Gallée, Schayes, Bound-Lay. Meteorol. 59 (1994) 141–161] allows the simulation of the climatic changes at a more local scale, in particular in the case of an increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration and of a change in the astronomical forcing. To cite this article: M.-F. Loutre, A. Berger, C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   


Sur l’Ile de la Réunion, l’alimentation en eau constitue un handicap majeur au développement agricole et urbain du versant sous le vent du massif volcanique du Piton des Neiges. En particulier dans les zones d’altitude (supérieure à 900m), les ressources en eau souterraine ne sont pas accessibles par forage. Sur les pentes externes du Piton des Neiges, quatre sites pilotes riches en émergences ont fait l’objet d’investigations hydrogéologiques dans le but d’évaluer la faisabilité de galeries de captage des eaux souterraines dans les hauts de l’île.

Le lever d’une carte géologique au 1/10 000 et la reconnaissance systématique du contexte géostructural des émergences ont permis : - de mettre en évidence la diversité des conditions hydrogéologiques du milieu volcanique,

- de montrer l’existence de sources profondément encaissées dans le massif, qui traduisent la présence de réserves aquifères significatives dont l’exploitation par galeries drainantes serait envisageable.

- de proposer une typologie des nappes d’altitude, appuyée et discutée en fonction des modèles hydrogéologiques existant sur les autres îles volcaniques.

Par ailleurs, l’intégration de ces résultats dans un modèle conceptuel décrivant les conditions de gisement des nappes d’altitude fournit l’architecture de base utilisable dans le cadre d’une simulation numérique de l’aquifère volcanique à l’échelle globale de l’île.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》1998,11(1):1-11
In order to debate of the early Paleozoic paleogeography, the repartition of the Hercynian blocks, today scattered around West-Mediterranean Sea. should be known. This is the case for the end of the Paleozoic (Fig. 1), but not for the beginning; Fig. 6 is drawn with the supposed repartition in the middle of the Carboniferous.In Central and Eastern Pyrenees and surrounding areas (Fig. 1), Upper Ordovician beds rest unconformably upon a thick (4–6 km), dominantly pelitic series known as Lower Paleozoic in the Eastern Pyrenees or Seo Formation in the Central Pyrenees. The metamorphic lower part of this series often lies over metagranilic orthogneisses, which are best interpreted as a Precambrian basement, Panafriean-Cadomian in age. By correlation with fossiliferous series of other areas, the Pyrenean Lower Paleozoic should be mainly Cambrian in age (ranging from Uppermost Proterozoic to Lowermost Ordovician).For the purpose of this paper, the complex lithostratigraphic succession of the Lower Paleozoic of the Eastern Pyrenees, with two groups and seven formations, could be summarized (Fig. 2) by a threefold division, from bottom to top: (i) a pelile-greywacke and carbonate unit, with a conspicuous plagioclasic component and a sodic composition (Uppermost Precambrian to Lowermost Cambrian?): (ii) a sandstone-pelite unit, with lithic sandstones, ending with a carbonate level, well developped in the Central Pyrenees (Lower Cambrian?): (iii) a mudstone-siltstone unit (Middle-Upper Cambrian?). Fossiliferous Lower Cambrian beds which outcrop at Terrades (south of the Eastern Pyrenees) could be a remnant of an allochthon unit which can be compared with the nappe-thrusts of the nearby Southern Montagne Noire.The pelite-greywacke and carbonate unit (Fig. 3) occurs only in the South-Eastern Pyrenees as a south to north transgressive platform bordering a basin extending southwards; not far south of Eastern Pyrenees, a volcanism of “intermediate” type supplied in plagioclasic clasts the greywackes and volcanoclastic deposits. Near the base of the sequence, a bimodal volcanism and synsedimentary faults reflect the extensional context of the basin initiation, the geochemistry of which has been related to back-arc setting. An acidic volcanism developped higher in the sequence (tufs and hypovolcanic bodies). Carbonate levels are numerous, particularly in the lower part of the unit. The upper part of the sequence is an oslistostrome made of polygenic intraformational conglomerates fed from the south: it outlines the transition to the next unit.The sandstone-pelite unit (Fig. 4) rests conformably on the previous one in the Eastern Pyrenees, and is unconformable upon the Precambrian basement to the north (North-Pyrenean massifs) and to the west (Central Pyrenees). It is characterized by arkosic lithic sandstones with clear quartz grains: they originated in the erosion of a granitic basement and/or acidic volcanic rocks. Coarseness of the sandstones and thickness (up to 2–4 km) of the unit increase from south-east to north and west. A carbonate upper level, well developped in the Central Pyrenees, can be correlated with Lower Cambrian limestones from the surrounding areas.The mudstone-siltstone unit (Fig. 5) is defined by the prevalence of mm- to cm- scale alternations of argillaceous mud and silt of a flyschoid type, representing a more basinal sedimentation. A carbonate level, the highest in the series, is intercalated in Ihe lower part ot the unit: above this level, deposits are very homogeneous and thiek (about 2 km). A poorly known formation with pelitcs and sandstones caps the muddy-silty unit: it could be Lower Ordovician in age.Thus, the Pyrenean domain shows the same depositional history as West-Mediterranean area: (i) first, a volcano-sedimentary platform or basin occurs, as in Central Spain. Eastern Pyrenees. Sardinia and axial zone of the Montagne Noire, but not further north; (ii) second, a silicoclastic platform spreads out. which becomes carbonated at the end: (iii) third. Ihe basin deepens and receives fine silicoclaslies. This evolution is not fully accounted for in recent synthesis of Pre-hercynian France or Spain, and it should appear useful for a better understanding of the south French Massif Central geological history.  相似文献   

Two drainage experiments were carried out to identify the hydraulic parameters of a quartz sand by using inverse modelling. Our results, based on sensitivity and error analyses, show that (i) water content measurements are essential to estimate the parameters of the van Genuchten–Mualem retention curve, (ii) the saturated conductivity (Ks) has a low sensitivity to pressure data and is not sensitive to other measures (water content and measured outflow), (iii) the inverse approach can be verified by comparing the simulated outflow to the measured one. To cite this article: H. Beydoun, F. Lehmann, C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   


En Languedoc central, la cartographie des sédiments formés lors de la crise messinienne et de ceux de la séquence pliocène, ainsi que les données patées paléontologiques nouvelles (Aigues-Vives et Servian) permettent de proposer une reconstitution du tracé messimeli des rivières actuelles (Orb et Hérault) transformées en rias à la suite du relèvement eustatique pliocène. L’Hérault messinien se singularise par une incision beaucoup plus faible que celle des autres rivères. En effet, la nature karstique de l’arinère-pays immédiat permet un enfouissement des eaux météoriques au profit d’aquifères profonds sous-jacents au drainage aérien du réseau hydrographique messinien. Le Languedoc central illustre, entre Roussillon et Rhône, le modèle géodynamique messino-pliocène de Clauzon. © Elsevier, Paris  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2001,14(6):373-385
The Early Cryogenian groups of Sidi Flah, Kelaat Mgouna and Boumalne (Saghro, Anti-Atlas, Morocco) are constituted by turbiditic deposits and interbedded lavas, accumulated in tectonic basins. At Sidi Flah, volcanics are transitional showing initial rift tholeiites (IRT) fingerprint and alkali basalts of oceanic island basalt (OIB) compositions. At Kelaat Mgouna, volcanics consist of low-Nb continental tholeiites. At Boumalne, basalts are of IRT composition. The volcanic and sedimentary formations belong to a nascent rift caused by thermal doming along a SW-NE axis, the Saghro rift. The continental break-up occurred in the early Neoproterozoic and during the Rodinia supercontinent dislocation, within a continent called “Ibero-saharian Craton” which was in front of the West-African Craton located near the South Pole. The Saghro rift is contemporaneous to the opening of an oceanic domain represented by Central Anti-Atlas ophiolites and related to the extension of the Brazialiano Ocean.  相似文献   


Une méthode de cartographie des géosystèmes naturels est exposée. Elle intègre des données fixes dans le temps et l'espace aussi bien que des variables évolutives. Elles permet alors, en accordant ces variables avec des forçages climatiques calculés dans des modèles de réchauffement global, de simuler la répartition nouvelle des géosystèmes, selon l'hypothèse climatique retenue. Un exemple est présenté en Amérique du Nord.  相似文献   


A Madagascar, les morphologies karstiques et leur activité dépendent de l’interaction entre les facteurs climatiques, lithologi-ques et structuraux, en particulier de l’histoire tectonique récente à actuelle. Le rôle des différents facteurs est analysé et quatre cas-types d’activité karstique sont dégagés en fonction de l’importance, variable dans l’espace et dans le temps, des facteurs tectoniques (fracturation et mouvements verticaux) et climatiques (excédent ou déficit pluviométri-que).  相似文献   

The interaction of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge with the North Atlantic Mantle Plume has produced a magmatic plateau centred about Iceland. The crust of this plateau is 30 km thick on average. This abnormal thickness implies that, unlike other slow-spreading ridges, addition of magmatic material to the crust is not balanced by crustal stretching. The thermal effect of the plume also reduces the strength of the lithosphere. Both mechanisms affect the rifting process in Iceland. A structural review, including new field observations, demonstrates that the structure of the Iceland plateau differs from that of other slow-spreading oceanic ridges. Lithospheric spreading is currently accommodated in a 200 km wide deformation strip, by the development of a system of half-grabens controlled by growth faults. Similar extinct structures, with various polarities, are preserved in the lava pile of the Iceland plateau. These structures are identified as lithospheric rollover anticlines that developed in hanging walls of listric faults. We introduce a new tectonic model of accretion, whereby the development of the magmatic plateau involved activation, growth and decay of a system of growth fault/rollover systems underlain by shallow magma chambers. Deactivation of a given extensional system, after a lifetime of a few My, was at the expense of the activation of a new, laterally offset, one. Correspondingly, such systems formed successively at different places within a 200 km wide diffuse plate boundary. Unlike previous ones, this new model explains the lack of an axial valley in Iceland, the dip pattern of the lava pile, the complex geographical distribution of ages of extinct volcanic systems and the outcrops of extinct magma chambers.  相似文献   

Analysis of landscapes and soil covers from the outer to the inner part of a 75km×60km watershed in the South-Cameroon rainforest zone, characterized by important remnants of inherited ferricretes and stable hydrostatic base levels, indicates that the development of present landforms has not involved significant erosion by slope retreat because of the relative preservation of downslope residual ferricrete and that soil covers have vertically decayed under in situ geochemical process. To cite this article: D. Bitom et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung
Géologie des gîtes minéraux


Les formations méso-cénozoïques du Djurdjura (Algérie), élément important de la « Dorsale kabyle » de la chaîne des Maghrébides, sont classiquement subdivisées en trois « dorsales » : interne, médiane et externe. Cette subdivision calque, selon ses auteurs, des zones paléogéographiques s’approfondissant du Nord au Sud. Elle est basée sur la présence, l’absence et les variations d’épaisseur des formations allant du Paléozoïque à l’Éocène, considérées comme originelles. Une réinterprétation des levers géologiques existants ainsi que nos nouvelles observations structurales indiquent que les ablations, réductions et épaississements sont causés par des zones de cisaillement verticales. Ces couloirs de cisaillement (ductile à fragile) découpent les formations homogènes de la couverture de plateforme méso-cénozoïque et d’une partie de son substratum en lentilles verticales. Les cisaillements, leurs connections et la nature des déformations qu’ils causent permettent de distinguer la profondeur structurale et les différentes branches qui s’en détachent, délimitant ainsi des unités et sousunités tectoniques. Les unités tectoniques, souvent de forme lenticulaire très effilée en profondeur et vers le NE, s’épaississent vers le haut et le SW, constituant parfois des anticlinaux de rampe décro-chevauchante. Cette hétérogénéité semble être en rapport avec, d’une part, la déformation hétérogène transpressive et, d’autre part la présence de corps carbonatés basiques et éocènes découpés en amandes rigides moulées par les zones de fluage qui, par contre, se localisent essentiellement dans les niveaux marno-calcaires sénono-éocènes. L’ensemble des ces unités forme une structure globale de duplex transpressif en fleur acquise à la suite de la tectonique transcurrente fini-luté-tienne. Cette structure en fleur est le résultat de la lenticularisation d’une couverture méso-cénozoïque déformée dans une zone de collage transpressive dextre entre le cristallin kabyle interne et le domaine tellien externe de la chaîne des Maghrébides. Cette zone transcurrente se localise dans une aire de croûte probablement amincie, longeant le nord de la marge paléoafricaine, qui correspondrait à l’aire de sédimentation des flyschs crétacés.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die quartären tektonischen Bewegungen in Sizilien waren in ihrem Stil und ihrer Amplitude in den einzelnen Zonen unterschiedlich. Diese Zonen decken sich mit bestimmten paläogeographischen Einheiten. Die marinen Ablagerungen des Calabrien sind teilweise schwach gefaltet, teilweise nur geneigt. Die Verstellung des marinen Quartär ist dort am stärksten, wo auch das Pliozän selbst kräftiger disloziert war. Auf dem Plateau von Syracus, einer deutlich abgegrenzten paläogeographischen Einheit, erreicht das Pliozän nur eine Höhe von 150 m, während Calabrien und Sicilien unbekannt sind.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2005,337(1-2):29-38
The climate of the tropics is characterized by a strong interaction between the land surface conditions and the monsoon dynamics controlling the formation of precipitation. The water cycle of these regions is thus both a controlling factor and a depending factor of the climate dynamics. West Africa, which suffered the most extensive and severe drought worldwide in the 20th century, may be viewed as a paradigm for studying this interaction. One major issue when trying to relate climate to the water cycle is the scale gap between the models commonly used for climate simulations and the models used for hydrological studies. To cite this article: T. Lebel, T. Vischel, C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

Paléocène-Early Eocene phosphate outcrop in the Ras-Draâ deposit (Tunisia) comprises alternances of P-rich strata (P2O5 ≥ 18%) and P-poor ones (P2O5 ≤ 2%). In phosphate rich strata, P is concentrated in rounded grains—so-called pellets—(28% ≤ P2O5 ≤ 38%) embedded in a matrix—so-called exogangue—much poorer in P (P2O5 # 7%) than pellets. The study of pellets (whose size lies mainly between 100 and 500 μm), of their surrounding matrix and of poorly phosphatic sediments, interlayered between the phosphatic strata, has been performed by optical microscopy and various chemical analyses, ICP-AES (Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectroscopy) and punctual chemical analyses by EDS (Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy). Mineralogical and chemical studies of the Tunisian phosphatic pellets show that the basic mineralogical component of these grains is carbonate-fluor-apatite, or francolite. The structural formula of a representative specimen of francolite in the basin is as follows: (Ca4.63Mg0.13Na0.22)(PO4)2.51(CO3)0.48(OH0.77F0.23). The mineralogy of the constituents of the sediment surrounding pellets comprises carbonates, clays, silica (opal, quartz). Microscopic observations of Ras-Draâ phosphorites, added to geochemical results, establish that pellets are small bodies, allochtonous to their matrix and whose composition is independent of that of this matrix. Fecal cylindrical bodies and subspherical pellets, the latest being supposed to proceed from the fecal bodies by fragmentation, are considered to have been formed by fishes, as P-rich and organic matter-rich faeces. These faeces turn out to be resistant to mechanical dispersion and to chemical diffusion of soluble elements from and in direction of sea water. This closeness is responsible for the strong reducing conditions having prevailed inside and during the pellets diagenesis.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》1998,11(1):23-31
The St-Etienne area (Stephanian coal-basin and Mt Pilat metamorphic massif) has been taken as one of the examples of late orogenic extension in the Variscan belt. The key structure was the Mt Pilat ductile normal fault which was considered as the southern boundary of the St-Etienne coal basin.We show with precise field observations and taking into account the old subsurface data obtained from coal exploitation that this structural interpretation must be modified.The Stephanian coal-basin is a pull apart basin on a NE-SW strike-slip fault, which is distinct from the Mt Pilat detachment. We compare the latter to the North Himalayan normal fault and we discuss the evolution of this part of the Hercynian belt from the Monts du Lyonnais to the Cévennes al lithospheric scale.  相似文献   

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