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Despite over a century of geological investigation, the Ordovician evolution of South Mayo, western Ireland, is still imperfectly understood. An example of this is the supposed lateral equivalence of two formations within the succession, the Rosroe and Derrylea Formations of Arenig age, exposed on opposite limbs of a major east–west syncline. These formations exhibit characteristics which suggest that they were not deposited in the same basin. Both formations contain tuff horizons. Geochemical analysis of these tuffs shows that each formation contains chemically distinct volcanic signatures suggesting deposition in separate sub‐basins. Previously the Rosroe Formation on the south limb of the syncline was considered the coarse‐grained proximal equivalent of the finer‐grained Derrylea Formation, both being deposited in a deep‐water fan environment. Previously published palaeocurrent data together with new data show the Rosroe Formation to have been derived from the northeast and therefore it cannot be the proximal equivalent of the Derrylea Formation. Additionally, the two formations show different and distinct associations of heavy mineral assemblages. It is suggested that one explanation for these data is that both formations were deposited in separate sub‐basins controlled by oblique slip sinistral faults, similar in some respects to the Cenozoic basins of the Gulf of California. In the Irish case these faults would have been largely buried by later Ordovician sedimentation. Some models for the Ordovician evolution of this area postulate the presence of an initial oceanic arc situated above a southward directed subduction zone. The presence of thick proximal submarine tuffs derived from an arc environment in the Rosroe Formation suggest that at least by this time the subduction zone was in fact northward directed and outboard of the arc. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Brossasco‐Isasca subunit (BIU) of the Dora Maira massif is currently the only known continental crustal ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) unit in the Western Alps. The peak pressure/temperature conditions are 3.5–4.5 GPa/~730 °C; exhumation from ~3.5 GPa to ~1 GPa occurred within 2.2 ± 1.8 Ma, but the exhumation mechanism is incompletely understood. We present a conceptual model for the buoyancy‐driven exhumation of the BIU inside a low‐viscosity, dense mantle shear zone weakened by increased strain rates due to simultaneous strike‐slip and subduction (oblique‐slip) of the European plate. Two‐dimensional thermo‐mechanical models simulate such a buoyant uprise of an ellipse inside an inclined layer. Simulations (i) show the feasibility of the conceptual model, (ii) fit the pressure/temperature/time record and (iii) constrain effective viscosities. The model is compatible with the (i) small volume of continental crustal UHP rock in the Western Alps, (ii) minor erosion during exhumation and (iii) strike‐slip deformation during the exhumation period.  相似文献   

In Venezuela, kimberlites have so far only been found in the Guaniamo region, where they occur as high diamond grade sheets in massive to steeply foliated Paleoproterozoic granitoid rocks. The emplacement age of the Guaniamo kimberlites is 712±6 Ma, i.e., Neoproterozoic. The Guaniamo kimberlites contain a high abundance of mantle minerals, with greater than 30% olivine macrocrysts. The principal kimberlite indicator minerals found are pyrope garnet and chromian spinel, with the overwhelming majority of the garnets being of the peridotite association. Chrome-diopside is rare, and picroilmenite is uncommon. Chemically, the Guaniamo kimberlites are characterized by high MgO contents, with low Al2O3 and TiO2 contents and higher than average FeO and K2O contents. These rocks have above average Ni, Cr, Co, Th, Nb, Ta, Sr and LREE concentrations and very low P, Y and, particularly, Zr and Hf contents. The Nb/Zr ratio is very distinctive and is similar to that of the Aries, Australia kimberlite. The Guaniamo kimberlites are similar in petrography, mineralogy and mantle mineral content to ilmenite-free Group 2 mica kimberlites of South Africa. The Nd-Sr isotopic characteristics of Guaniamo kimberlites are distinct from both kimberlite Group 1 and Group 2, being more similar to transitional type kimberlites, and in particular to diamondiferous kimberlites of the Arkhangelsk Diamond Province, Russia. The Guaniamo kimberlites form part of a compositional spectrum between other standard kimberlite reference groups. They formed from metasomatised subcontinental lithospheric mantle and it is likely that subduction of oceanic crust was the source of this metasomatised material, and also of the eclogitic component, which is dominant in Guaniamo diamonds.  相似文献   

This paper presents 2D and 3D upper bound solutions for the problem of tunnel excavation in soft ground. The solution invokes the use of incompressible flow fields derived from the theory of elasticity and the concept of sinks and sources. Comparison is made with previously published results. For some geometries the current calculation results in lower (better) upper bound values; however, the results were generally close to previously published values. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Ó Cofaigh, C., Evans, D. J. A. & Hiemstra, J. F. 2010: Formation of a stratified subglacial ‘till’ assemblage by ice‐marginal thrusting and glacier overriding. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00177.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. A thick sequence of glaciotectonically stacked till and outwash is preserved in a coastal embayment at Feohanagh, southwest Ireland. The sequence contains a variety of diamicton lithofacies, including laminated, stratified and massive components, but stratified diamictons dominate. Stratification/lamination is imparted by the presence of numerous closely spaced subhorizontal and anastomosing partings, which give a fissile appearance to the diamictons. Many partings are the result of sandy or thin gravelly layers within the diamictons. Some diamictons contain interbeds and lenses of sand, mud and gravel, which still preserve the original stratification. The sequence at Feohanagh is the product of a two‐stage depositional process in which initial glaciolacustrine sedimentation in an ice‐dammed lake was followed by glaciotectonic thrusting and overriding, during which the lake sediments were reworked and variably deformed. Similar late Quaternary sequences of glaciotectonically stacked stratified sediments and till have been described from around the coastal margins of Ireland and Britain, where they constitute glaciotectonite–subglacial traction till continuums rather than true lodgement tills as traditionally implied. Thick stratified diamicton assemblages are likely to occur in areas where steep topography provides pinning points for the glacier margin to stabilize and deliver large volumes of sediment into a glaciolacustrine or glaciomarine setting before proglacial and subglacial reworking of the sediment pile. The resulting geological–climatic unit, often defined as ‘till’, will contain a large amount of stratified and variably deformed material (laminated and stratified diamictons will be common), including intact sediment rafts, reflecting low strain rates and short sediment transport distances.  相似文献   

The creatures that gaze back at us through the binocular microscope are so uniquely well‐preserved and life‐like that had we not known better we would have thought that they were modern. Instead they are half‐a‐billion‐year‐old arthropods extracted from Cambrian rocks of Sweden. The microscopic fossils, colloquially known as the ‘Orsten’ fossils, are now world‐famous and basking in the light of the research catwalk since their discovery in the 1970s. These fossils have provided significant insight into the long lost Cambrian biotas and early animal evolution.  相似文献   

Clive Barnett  David Land   《Geoforum》2007,38(6):1065-1075
This paper questions Geographers debates about ‘caring at a distance’ and the ‘geographies of responsibility’, focussing on the treatment of the theme of partiality in ethics and justice. Debates in Geography often present partial commitments as morally or politically problematic on the grounds that they prioritize self-interest, exclusionary, and geographically restricted ways of relating to others. We outline how debates about caring at a distance and the geographies of responsibility frame partiality as a problem to be overcome. We argue that Geography’s engagements with moral philosophy are premised on faulty assumptions about the sorts of influences people are liable to act upon (one’s that privilege causal knowledge as the primary motivating force), and also flawed assumptions about the sorts of problems that academic reasoning about normative issues is meant to address (the assumption that people are too egoistical and not altruistic enough). We use the theme of generosity as an entry point to argue that partiality and finitude might be the conditions for any ethical–political project that de-centres the motivation of practical action away from the sovereign self towards responsive and attentive relations of encounter with the needs of others. Understanding generosity as a modality of power suggests a revised programme for geographical investigations of the intersection between ethics, morality and politics: one which looks at how opportunities to address normative demands in multiple registers are organized and transformed; at the ways in which dispositions to respond and to be receptive to others are worked up; and how opportunities for acting responsively on these dispositions are organized.  相似文献   

The accurate and precise determination of Li isotopic composition by MC‐ICP‐MS suffers from the poor performance of traditional column chromatography. Previously established chromatographic processes cannot completely remove Na in complex geological samples, which is currently interpreted to be a result of Na breakthrough. In this study, Na breakthrough during single‐column purification was found to differ between simply artificial Na‐containing sample solutions, where a little Na residue was found, and silicate rocks, where a large amount of breakthrough occurred. A revised two‐step column purification for Li using 0.5 and 0.3 mol l?1 HCl as eluents was designed to remove the Na. This modified method achieves high‐efficiency Li purification from Na and consequently avoiding high Na/Li ratio interference for subsequent MC‐ICP‐MS analyses. The proposed method was validated by the analysis of a series of reference materials, including Li2CO3 (IRMM‐016, ‐0.10‰), basalt (BCR‐2: 2.68‰; BHVO‐2: 4.39‰), andesite (AGV‐2: 6.46‰; RGM‐2: 2.59‰), granodiorite (GSP‐2: ?0.87‰) and seawater (CASS‐5, 30.88‰). This work reports early Na appearance prior to the elution curves in chromatography and emphasises its influence for subsequent Li isotope measurement. Based on the findings, the established two‐step method would be more secure than single‐column chemistry for Li purification.  相似文献   

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