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Hai Lin  Zhiwei Wu 《Climate Dynamics》2012,39(1-2):303-311
Previous studies have shown that climate anomalies over the North Atlantic–Europe (NAE) can influence the Indian summer monsoon (ISM) variability. It is, however, still an outstanding question whether the latter has a significant impact on the former. In this study, observational evidences indicate that the interannual variability of ISM is closely linked to the climate anomalies over NAE. A strong ISM is often associated with significant above normal precipitation over most of western Europe. Meanwhile, positive surface air temperature (SAT) anomalies are usually observed over the Mediterranean, accompanied by below normal SAT in Western Europe during a strong ISM summer. The situation is just opposite during a weak ISM summer. A global primitive equation model is utilized to assess the mechanism of the above observed connection.  相似文献   

Summary Over the past three decades, the sea-surface temperatures of the lower latitudes of the North Atlantic basin have increased while the lower-tropospheric temperatures show no upward trend. This differential warming of the atmosphere may have a destabilizing effect that could influence the development and intensification of tropical cyclones (TCs). In this investigation, we find that in general, TC intensification (a) is higher during the daytime period and during the later months of the storm season, (b) tends to be higher in the western portion of the North Atlantic basin, and (c) is not explained by current month or antecedent SSTs. Any changes associated with warming of the surface compared to a smaller temperature rise in the lower-troposphere (and resultant changes in atmospheric stability) have not produced detectable impacts on intensification rates of tropical cyclones in the North Atlantic basin.  相似文献   

We present a 1-km2 gridded German dataset of hourly surface climate variables covering the period 1995 to 2012. The dataset comprises 12 variables including temperature, dew point, cloud cover, wind speed and direction, global and direct shortwave radiation, down- and up-welling longwave radiation, sea level pressure, relative humidity and vapour pressure. This dataset was constructed statistically from station data, satellite observations and model data. It is outstanding in terms of spatial and temporal resolution and in the number of climate variables. For each variable, we employed the most suitable gridding method and combined the best of several information sources, including station records, satellite-derived data and data from a regional climate model. A module to estimate urban heat island intensity was integrated for air and dew point temperature. Owing to the low density of available synop stations, the gridded dataset does not capture all variations that may occur at a resolution of 1 km2. This applies to areas of complex terrain (all the variables), and in particular to wind speed and the radiation parameters. To achieve maximum precision, we used all observational information when it was available. This, however, leads to inhomogeneities in station network density and affects the long-term consistency of the dataset. A first climate analysis for Germany was conducted. The Rhine River Valley, for example, exhibited more than 100 summer days in 2003, whereas in 1996, the number was low everywhere in Germany. The dataset is useful for applications in various climate-related studies, hazard management and for solar or wind energy applications and it is available via doi: 10.5676/DWD_CDC/TRY_Basis_v001.  相似文献   

The trend significance and the residual variability of integral atmospheric characteristics in the atmospheric action centers in the Asian-Pacific region in summer in 1950-1979 and 1980-2012 are computed. Basic differences are revealed between trends in circulation and residual variability in the atmo spheric action centers in the surface pressure field and in the field of geopotential H 500 for these time periods. Increase in significant trends for the whole period and decrease in residual variability were found in the area of the Asian low in 1980-2012. A significant trend was observed in June and September in the area of the Hawaiian high. The summer Far Eastern low has intensified in recent years. The Okhotsk high strengthened in May and weakened in June, August, and September in the 2000s.  相似文献   

1. IntroductionChinese agriculture has undergone tremendousstructural changes over the last decades. The averagestaple crop productivity has doubled in 25 yr while thepopulation increased by 25 % [China Statistical Year-book (CSY), 2003]. Winter wheat is one of China'smost important staple food crops, with a total farm-ing area of nearly 24 million hectares and a produc-tion exceeding 92 million ton in 2002 (CSY, 2003).Although China has been the world's largest wheatproducer since 1983 (…  相似文献   

This study introduces a new global climate model—the Integrated Climate Model(ICM)—developed for the seasonal prediction of East Asian–western North Pacific(EA–WNP) climate by the Center for Monsoon System Research at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics(CMSR, IAP), Chinese Academy of Sciences. ICM integrates ECHAM5 and NEMO2.3 as its atmospheric and oceanic components, respectively, using OASIS3 as the coupler. The simulation skill of ICM is evaluated here, including the simulated climatology, interannual variation, and the influence of El Nińo as one of the most important factors on EA–WNP climate. ICM successfully reproduces the distribution of sea surface temperature(SST) and precipitation without climate shift, the seasonal cycle of equatorial Pacific SST, and the precipitation and circulation of East Asian summer monsoon. The most prominent biases of ICM are the excessive cold tongue and unrealistic westward phase propagation of equatorial Pacific SST. The main interannual variation of the tropical Pacific SST and EA–WNP climate—El Nińo and the East Asia–Pacific Pattern—are also well simulated in ICM, with realistic spatial pattern and period. The simulated El Nińo has significant impact on EA–WNP climate, as in other models. The assessment shows ICM should be a reliable model for the seasonal prediction of EA–WNP climate.  相似文献   

Previous studies have indicated that the stratospheric quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) has a global impact on winter weather, but relatively less attention has been paid to its effect in summer. Using ERA5 data, this study reports that the QBO has a significant impact on the tropospheric circulation and surface air temperature (SAT) in the extratropics in Northeast Asia and the North Pacific in early summer. Specifically, a QBO-induced mean meridional circulation prevails from Northeast Asia to the North Pacific in the westerly QBO years, exhibiting westerly anomalies in 20°–35°N and easterly anomalies in 35°–65°N from the lower stratosphere to troposphere. This meridional pattern of zonal wind anomalies can excite positive vorticity and thus lead to anomalous low pressure and cyclonic circulation from Northeast Asia to the North Pacific, which in turn cause northerly wind anomalies and decreased SAT in Northeast Asia in June. Conversely, in the easterly QBO years, the QBO-related circulation and SAT anomalies are generally in an opposite polarity to those in the westerly QBO years. These findings provide new evidence of the impact of the QBO on the extratropical climate, and may benefit the prediction of SAT in Northeast Asia in early summer.摘要本文研究了平流层准两年振荡 (QBO) 对东北亚-北太平洋地区初夏对流层环流和地表气温的影响. 在QBO西风位相年, 东北亚至北太平洋地区存在一支由QBO引发的平均经向环流异常, 该经向环流异常可在东北亚至北太平洋地区激发正涡度, 并形成异常气旋式环流. 气旋左侧出现的异常偏北风导致6月东北亚地表气温下降. QBO东风位相年的结果与西风位相年大致相反. 这些结果为QBO对热带外地区天气,气候的影响提供了新的证据, 并为东北亚初夏地表气温的预测提供了新的线索.  相似文献   

In order to determine the response of the atmosphere to winter sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies in the North Atlantic area, we carried out ensemble runs of 20 years, forced with constant, perturbed, SST patterns using the climate version of the ARPèGE AGCM, at T42 resolution. A Monte Carlo technique was applied, in such a way that the control experiment, forced with observed climatological temperatures, and the four scenario experiments, forced with perturbed SSTs are equivalent to a length of 20 independent winters. Four anomalous winter North Atlantic sea surface temperature (SST) fields have been constructed by considering the observed SST variability in the main basins, namely the Labrador Sea and the Greenland Sea. Two patterns are of the `seesaw' type, while the two others have same the polarity in both basins. The patterns have been reinforced by a factor of 5–6 compared to presently observed multi-annual anomalies, in order to get SST anomalies which may have occurred during periods of the Little Ice Age. The differences between each of the four winter simulations with perturbed SSTs and the control run are analyzed in terms of tropospheric thickness, mean-sea-level pressure and storm activity. The `seesaw' type patterns give a weaker response in the tropospheric thickness fields than the two others. This is expected from simple considerations. In the mean circulation and synoptic activity, it appears that the Labrador Sea SST is important in determining the atmospheric response. This is probably due to enhanced temperature gradients east of New Foundland which enhances the storm activity. Received: 23 September 1998 / Accepted: 17 November 1999  相似文献   

Compared to the 50-year mean climatological value (1961–2010), the precipitation of middle-eastern Inner Mongolia exhibited a significant decrease during the past 10 years (2001–2010). To identify the climatic causes, a comprehensive investigation was conducted by inspecting climatic factors from this 50-year period, which appear to work together in connecting closely to the precipitation. Significant positive correlations with precipitation were found in sea level pressure (SLP) difference between the area of (30° N–20° S; 50–160° E) and the northeastern Pacific Ocean, between the Northern Atlantic and the northeastern Pacific Oceans, and sea surface temperature difference between the northeastern and northwestern Pacific in the previous year, while negative connections were found in the 500-hPa temperature difference between the Antarctic and the belt region around 60° S. During the period of 2001–2010, East Asia was prevailingly controlled by a huge high, which was regarded as one of unfavorable factors for producing rain or snow. Other factors were the enlarged 500 hPa temperature differences between the Antarctic and the zones around 60° S and the Equator, the negative SLP difference between the East Asia, northern Atlantic, and Pacific Oceans. Finally, the unique wind flows and associated moisture transports also played a key role in the precipitation reduction for the first decade of the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

Annual and seasonal series of temperature values are analyzed using the data of Akhty, Teberda, and Terskol weather stations (the height above the sea level is >1000 m) for 1961-2013 as well as from 1976 to 2013 in order to reveal changes in the mountain climate in the period of contemporary global warming. Mean values, standard deviations, norms, and anomalies of annual and seasonal values of temperature as well as the rate of their variation in the mentioned periods are obtained. It is found that the temperature rise is observed in all seasons and for the year as a whole at the mountain weather stations except Terskol station. According to the results of studying temperature variability, Akhty and Teberda weather stations were united into the group “mountain weather stations” with the subsequent averaging of climatic variables. Terskol weather station was singled out as an independent high-mountain weather station.  相似文献   

For more than a decade climate change has been the focus of much research and analysis. Despite the global implications of the problem, the overwhelming majority of the researchers involved worldwide in studying the problem and its possible solutions are from industrialized countries, and participation of lesser-industrialized countries has been limited. While the wide-ranging implications of this South–North divide are sometimes recognized, there is little analysis on the reasons for this divide, why it continues to exist, and what steps might be required to narrow it. Towards this end, this paper analyzes how climate change research and analysis is performed in India, a major lesser-industrialized country. Based on detailed interviews, it explores the factors that play a role in shaping the capability of India to perform, and respond to, climate-change analyses. Drawing on the Indian case study, the paper examines developing-country participation in the international climate science and assessment enterprise. This allows some reflection on the potential pitfalls for international discussions on climate change and what the international community and countries of the South can do to overcome them in order to address this conspicuous South–North divide.  相似文献   

The interdecadal change in the relationship between the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and atmospheric circulation over the North Pacific is investigated using both observational data and an atmospheric general circulation model. There are two prominent modes of winter mid-latitude atmospheric variability in the North Pacific: the West Pacific (WP) teleconnection and the Aleutian Low (AL). The relationship between ENSO and the WP-AL patterns changed notably around the late 1970s. From 1957 to 1975, during the mature phase of ENSO, significant sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTAs) occurred, mainly in the equatorial eastern Pacific Ocean; the associated atmospheric circulation anomaly pattern resembles the negative phase of a WP teleconnection pattern. In contrast, for the 1978–2011 period, significant negative SSTAs were observed in the western and extratropical Pacific in both hemispheres, with some significant positive SSTAs appearing over the eastern Pacific. This is in agreement with the defined regions of a mega-ENSO, the associated atmospheric circulation anomaly pattern resembles the AL mode. Further analysis suggests that a negative–positive anomaly pattern in the 500?hPa geopotential height throughout the entire North Pacific, possibly enhanced by the SSTAs in the extratropical North Pacific associated with the mature phase of ENSO, is responsible for modulating the relationship between ENSO and the North Pacific atmospheric circulation.  相似文献   

风场对京津冀地区雾霾的产生和消散起着决定性作用。本文利用站点观测数据,研究了京津冀地区冬季风场的年际变化及其影响因素。研究表明,京津冀地区的冬季平均风速为2.0 m s~(-1),每年降幅为0.01 m s~(-1)。大多数情况下,强风年对应热带太平洋东部的负海温异常,而弱风年份相反。此外,京津冀地区冬季风场的年际变化还受到包括北半球中高纬度气压梯度、欧亚大陆地表温度、菲律宾东部热带太平洋海面温度等多重因素的影响。  相似文献   

This paper explores changes in climatic variables, including solar radiation, rainfall, fraction of diffuse radiation (FDR) and temperature, during wheat season (October to May) and maize season (June to September) from 1961 to 2003 at four sites in the North China Plain (NCP), and then evaluates the effects of these changes on crop growth processes, productivity and water demand by using the Agricultural Production Systems Simulator. A significant decline in radiation and rainfall was detected during the 43 years, while both temperature and FDR exhibit an increasing trend in both wheat and maize seasons. The average trend of each climatic variable for each crop season from the four sites is that radiation decreased by 13.2 and 6.2 MJ m?2 a?1, precipitation decreased by 0.1 and 1.8 mm a?1, minimum temperature increased by 0.05 and 0.02°C a?1, maximum temperature increased by 0.03 and 0.01°C a?1, FDR increased by 0.21 and 0.38% a?1 during wheat and maize season, respectively. Simulated crop water demand and potential yield was significantly decreased because of the declining trend in solar radiation. On average, crop water demand was decreased by 2.3 mm a?1 for wheat and 1.8 mm a?1 for maize if changes in crop variety were not considered. Simulated potential crop yields under fully irrigated condition declined about 45.3 kg ha?1 a?1 for wheat and 51.4 kg ha?1 a?1 for maize at the northern sites, Beijing and Tianjin. They had no significant changes in the southern sites, Jinan and Zhengzhou. Irrigation, fertilization development and crop variety improvement are main factors to contribute to the increase in actual crop yield for the wheat–maize double cropping system, contrasted to the decline in the potential crop yield. Further research on how the improvement in crop varieties and management practices can counteract the impact of climatic change may provide insight into the future sustainability of wheat–maize double crop rotations in the NCP.  相似文献   

Changes of Air–sea Coupling in the North Atlantic over the 20th Century   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Changes of air–sea coupling in the North Atlantic Ocean over the 20 th century are investigated using reanalysis data,climate model simulations, and observational data. It is found that the ocean-to-atmosphere feedback over the North Atlantic is significantly intensified in the second half of the 20 th century. This coupled feedback is characterized by the association between the summer North Atlantic Horseshoe(NAH) SST anomalies and the following winter North Atlantic Oscillation(NAO). The intensification is likely associated with the enhancement of the North Atlantic storm tracks as well as the NAH SST anomalies. Our study also reveals that most IPCC AR4 climate models fail to capture the observed NAO/NAH coupled feedback.  相似文献   

Summary We analysed long-term temperature trends based on 12 homogenised series of monthly temperature data in Switzerland at elevations between 316 m.a.s.l. and 2490 m.a.s.l for the 20th century (1901–2000) and for the last thirty years (1975–2004). Comparisons were made between these two periods, with changes standardised to decadal trends. Our results show mean decadal trends of +0.135 °C during the 20th century and +0.57 °C based on the last three decades only. These trends are more than twice as high as the averaged temperature trends in the Northern Hemisphere. Most stations behave quite similarly, indicating that the increasing trends are linked to large-scale rather than local processes. Seasonal analyses show that the greatest temperature increase in the 1975–2004 period occurred during spring and summer whereas they were particularly weak in spring during the 20th century. Recent temperature increases are as much related to increases in maximum temperatures as to increases in minimum temperature, a trend that was not apparent in the 1901–2000 period. The different seasonal warming rates may have important consequences for vegetation, natural disasters, human health, and energy consumption, amongst others. The strong increase in summer temperatures helps to explain the accelerated glacier retreat in the Alps since 1980. Authors’ addresses: Martine Rebetez, WSL Swiss Federal Research Institute, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland; Michael Reinhard, Laboratory of Ecological Systems (ECOS), EPFL Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland.  相似文献   

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