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Observations are providing increasingly detailed quantitative information about the accretion flows that power such high energy systems as X-ray binaries and Active Galactic Nuclei. These observations have been modeled in some detail by a variety of accretion scenarios, but such models rely on unavoidable assumptions such as regular flow geometry and a simple, parameterized stress. Global numerical simulations offer a way to investigate the basic physical dynamics of accretion flows without these assumptions. We are now carrying out fully three-dimensional general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations of time-dependent inflows into Kerr black holes. The results from recent global simulations of black hole accretion disks will be reviewed, and some implications of those results for observations will be discussed.  相似文献   

Taking account of the metallicity dependence of the s-process nucleosynthesis in the AGB stars, we adopted the wind accretion model with the condition of total angular momentum conservation and used the Monte-Carlo method to study the variations and the distributions of the orbital elements of the mild and strong Ba stars. The calculated results show that the level of heavy-element overabundance in a Ba star depends on the orbital period. Since there is a strong dependence of s-process yields on the initial stellar metallicity of the AGB star and a strong increase of the s-process yields in AGB stars with decreasing metallicity, the calculated results strongly suggest that the initial metallicity of the Ba star systems is another important parameter for the level of heavy-element overabundance in a Ba star. The strong Ba stars generally have lower metallicities than mild Ba stars. The masses of AGB progenitor and Ba star are other two parameters which also have some impact on the heavy-element overabundance in the Ba star.  相似文献   

Propagation of ion acoustic solitary waves are studied in e-p-i plasmas containing high relativistic ions, Maxwell–Boltzmann distributed positrons and nonthermal electrons. Reductive perturbation method is used and the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation is derived. The effects of high relativistic ions and nonthermal electrons on soliton characters are studied.  相似文献   

It is shown that some aspects of the accretion disc physics can be experimentally simulated with the use of an array of properly directed plasma jets created by intense laser beams. For the laser energy of 1 to 3 kJ, one can create a quasi-planar disc with the Reynolds number exceeding 104 and magnetic Reynolds number in the range of 10–100. The way of seeding the disc with the magnetic field by using a cusp magnetic configuration is described.  相似文献   

We analyze the superfine structure of the supermaser H2O emission region in Orion KL over the period 1979–1999. The angular resolution reached 0.1 mas, which corresponds to 0.045 AU at a distance to Orion KL of 450 pc. We determined the velocity of the local standard of rest, VLSR = 7.65 km s?1. The formation of a protostar is accompanied by a structure that consists of an accretion disk, a bipolar outflow, and a surrounding envelope. The disk is at the stage of separation into protoplanetary rings. The disk plane is warped like the brim of a hat. The disk is 27 AU in diameter and ~0.3 AU in thickness. The rings contain ice granules. Radiation and stellar wind sublimate and blow away the water molecules to form halos around the rings, maser rings. The radiation from the rings is concentrated in the azimuthal plane, and its directivity reaches 10?3. The relative velocities of the rings located in the central part of the disk 15 AU in diameter correspond to rigid-body rotation, Vrot = ΩR. The rotation period is T ≈ 170 yr. The injector is surrounded by a toroidal structure 1.2 AU in diameter. The diameter of the injected flow does not exceed 0.05 AU. A highly collimated bipolar outflow with a diameter of ~0.1 AU is observed at a distance as large as 3 AU. Precession of the injector axis with a period of ~10 yr forms a spiral flow structure. The flow velocity is ~10 km s?1. The kinetic energy of the accreting matter and the disk is assumed to be transferred to the bipolar outflow, causing the rotation velocity distribution of the rings to deviate from the Keplerian velocity. The surrounding envelope amplifies the emission from the structure at a velocity of 7.65 km s?1 in a band of ~0.5 km s?1 by more than two orders of magnitude, which determines the supermaser emission.  相似文献   

The study of standing accretion shock instability (SASI) in core-collapse supernova cores has been done with three-dimensional (3D) computer simulations. Rotations with various perturbations were introduced from outer boundary of an initial steady accreting flow. We found that one or two armed spiral accreting flow onto the proto-neutron star (PNS) is formed inside the shock wave depending on perturbations. The linear growth of spiral modes are clearly diagnosed by the mode analysis of the shock surface, and the lower m modes grow quickly in the linear regime.  相似文献   

We investigate coronal transients associated with a GOES M6.7 class flare and a coronal mass ejection (CME) on 13 July 2004. During the rising phase of the flare, a filament eruption, loop expansion, a Moreton wave, and an ejecta were observed. An EIT wave was detected later on. The main features in the radio dynamic spectrum were a frequency-drifting continuum and two type II bursts. Our analysis shows that if the first type II burst was formed in the low corona, the burst heights and speed are close to the projected distances and speed of the Moreton wave (a chromospheric shock wave signature). The frequency-drifting radio continuum, starting above 1 GHz, was formed almost two minutes prior to any shock features becoming visible, and a fast-expanding piston (visible as the continuum) could have launched another shock wave. A possible scenario is that a flare blast overtook the earlier transient and ignited the first type II burst. The second type II burst may have been formed by the same shock, but only if the shock was propagating at a constant speed. This interpretation also requires that the shock-producing regions were located at different parts of the propagating structure or that the shock was passing through regions with highly different atmospheric densities. This complex event, with a multitude of radio features and transients at other wavelengths, presents evidence for both blast-wave-related and CME-related radio emissions.  相似文献   

We consider cosmology with the gravitational and cosmological constants generalized as coupling scalars in Einstein’s theory. A general method of solving the field equations is given. We study here the exact solutions for negative pressure models satisfying G=G 0(R/R 0) n .  相似文献   

The distribution of the shocks in the heliosphere and their characteristic variations are investigated using Ulysses observations. The jumps in solar wind velocity, IMF magnitude, and proton density across the shocks and discontinuities are evaluated and used to characterize them. The distribution of these discontinuities with respect to heliolatitude ± 80° and with radial distance 1 to 5 AU are analyzed during solar minimum and solar maximum to understand their global behavior. It is noticed that the jumps in solar wind parameters associated with shocks and discontinuities are more prominent during the second orbit of Ulysses, which coincided with the maximum phase of solar activity.  相似文献   

This paper presents anisotropic, homogeneous two-fluid cosmological models in a Bianchi type I space–time with a variable gravitational constant G and cosmological constant Λ. In the two-fluid model, one fluid represents the matter content of the universe and another fluid is chosen to model the CMB radiation. We find a variety of solutions in which the cosmological parameter varies inversely with time t. We also discuss in detail the behavior of associated fluid parameters and kinematical parameters. This paper pictures cosmic history when the radiation and matter content of the universe are in an interactive phase. Here, Ω is closing to 1 throughout the cosmic evolution.   相似文献   

In this paper, we have considered a model for FRW space-time in the presence of coupled scalar field φ and potential V(φ) with causal viscous fluid and polytropic fluid. We have shown that irrespective of fluid the causality theory provides late time acceleration of the universe. In all cases, the potential always decreases due to evolution of the universe.  相似文献   

This paper pursues former studies of the coronal structures that are associated with radio type III bursts by taking advantage of the new capabilities of STEREO/SECCHI. The data analysis has been performed for 02 and 03 June 2007. During these two days several type III bursts, which were detected in the corona and in the interplanetary medium, occurred during the observing time of the Nançay radioheliograph. Electron beams accelerated in the same active region and producing type III emissions almost at the same time, can propagate in different well defined coronal structures below 15 R. Then, these structures become imbedded in the same plasma sheet which can be tracked up to 0.25 AU. Inhomogeneities travel along these structures; their velocities measured between 15 and 35 R are typical of those of a slow solar wind. Comparison with PFSS magnetic field extrapolation shows that its connection with the IP magnetic field is different from what is suggested by the present observations. These results are consistent with those obtained in the IP medium formerly by Buttighoffer (Astron. Astrophys. 335, 295, 1998) who identified by in situ measurements at 1 AU and beyond, the sites where Langmuir waves, associated with local type III emissions, are excited.  相似文献   

A number of X-ray instruments have been active in observing the solar coronal X-ray radiation this decade. We have compared XSM observations with simultaneous GOES and RHESSI observations. We present flux calibrations for all instruments and compare XSM and GOES total emission measures (TEM) and temperatures (T).  相似文献   

The temperatures of electrons and ions in the post-shock accretion region of a magnetic cataclysmic variable (mCV) will be equal at sufficiently high mass flow rates or for sufficiently weak magnetic fields. At lower mass flow rates or in stronger magnetic fields, efficient cyclotron cooling will cool the electrons faster than the electrons can cool the ions and a two-temperature flow will result. Here we investigate the differences in polarized radiation expected from mCV post-shock accretion columns modeled with one- and two-temperature hydrodynamics. In an mCV model with one accretion region, a magnetic field ?30 MG and a specific mass flow rate of ~0.5 g?cm?2?s?1, along with a relatively generic geometric orientation of the system, we find that in the ultraviolet either a single linear polarization pulse per binary orbit or two pulses per binary orbit can be expected, depending on the accretion column hydrodynamic structure (one- or two-temperature) modeled. Under conditions where the physical flow is two-temperature, one pulse per orbit is predicted from a single accretion region where a one-temperature model predicts two pulses. The intensity light curves show similar pulse behavior but there is very little difference between the circular polarization predictions of one- and two-temperature models. Such discrepancies indicate that it is important to model some aspect of two-temperature flow in indirect imaging procedures, like Stokes imaging, especially at the edges of extended accretion regions, were the specific mass flow is low, and especially for ultraviolet data.  相似文献   

Using mainly the 1600 Å continuum channel and also the 1216 Å Lyman-α channel (which includes some UV continuum and C iv emission) aboard the TRACE satellite, we observed the complete lifetime of a transient, bright chromospheric loop. Simultaneous observations with the SUMER instrument aboard the SOHO spacecraft revealed interesting material velocities through the Doppler effect existing above the chromospheric loop imaged with TRACE, possibly corresponding to extended nonvisible loops, or the base of an X-ray jet.  相似文献   

We present initial 3D tomographic reconstructions of the inner heliosphere during the Whole Heliosphere Interval (WHI) – Carrington Rotation 2068 (CR2068) – using Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory (STELab) Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS) observations. Such observations have been used for over a decade to visualise and investigate the structure of the solar wind and to study in detail its various features. These features include co-rotating structures as well as transient structures moving out from the Sun. We present global reconstructions of the structure of the inner heliosphere during this time, and compare density and radial velocity with multi-point in situ spacecraft measurements in the ecliptic; namely STEREO and Wind data, as the interplanetary medium passes over the spacecraft locations.  相似文献   

The cooling of plasmas in closed coronal loops by thermal conduction is important when considering their detectability at X-ray and EUV wavelengths. A non-local formalism of thermal conduction originating in laboratory plasmas is used and it is shown that while the effect is unlikely to be important for loops that are in a steady state, it does play a significant role in loops that are impulsively heated (e.g., by nanoflares). Such loops are “under-dense”, and so hot electrons have a relatively long mean free path. Analytic and numerical models are presented, and it is shown that conduction cooling times are lengthened quite considerably. A comparison of various cooling times with ionisation times is also presented, and it is noted that this conductive physics may enhance the chances of observing hot nanoflare-heated plasma.  相似文献   

Over the last 40 years, X-ray astronomy missions have revealed long-term, superorbital periods in a variety of X-ray binaries. These modulations can provide significant constraints on the physical properties of accretion discs. Some of these modulations are Her X-1-like and are interpreted as irradiation-driven, tilted, precessing accretion discs. Others show more complex light curves, with the period changing on timescales >1000 d, and are interpreted in terms of the Ogilvie and Dubus [Ogilvie, G.I., Dubus, G., 2001, MNRAS 320, 485 (OD01)] disc stability criteria. We suggest a categorisation of superorbital periods into six different types, based on their observed characteristics.  相似文献   

In this work, we consider radiation (thermal) instability in a weakly ionized plasma with continuous ionization and recombination. The situation can be visualized in the case of envelopes of planetary nebulae, which are envelopes of ionized plasmas surrounding red giant stars. Various observations report continuous photoionization of these plasmas by the highly energetic streams of photons emanating from the parent star. Recently, it has been shown that thermal instability can be a probable candidate in such plasmas for the existence of small scale structures (viz., striations) whose kinematic age is much smaller than that of the parent nebula. We therefore report a systematic study of these plasmas with photoionization and determine the instability domain. We have shown that the continuous ionization and recombination may lead to modification of the underlying instability, which may limit the size of the small structures that are believed to form from these instabilities, and may thus provide an explanation of the physical processes responsible for the existence of these structures. We further show that in many cases the system bifurcates to an ovserstable (growing wave) state from a condensation instability (monotonic) and vice versa.  相似文献   

In this paper, the characteristics of ion acoustic solitary waves are studied in plasmas containing warm ion fluid, non-thermally distributed electron and positron. We study the effects of non-thermal electrons and ion temperature on solitons by Pseudo-potential method and show that the parametric region where ion acoustic solitons can exist is modified. We also obtain linear dispersion relation by using the standard normal-modes analysis.  相似文献   

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