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In this study, Møller energy momentum distribution is investigated for the higher dimensional Morris Thorne wormhole (MTW) in general relativity theory (GR) and results are given for the MTW in (4+1) and (5+1) dimensions. In addition, using the MTW, Møller energy and momentum distributions were investigated for 4-dimensional Morris Thorne wormhole, Hyperbolic Morris Thorne wormhole, Zero Tidal wormhole, Zero Density wormhole, Visser–Kar–Dadhich wormhole and (2+1) dimensional Morris Thorne wormhole. Except for the Zero Tidal wormhole model, we obtained the Møller energy distribution as well defined and non-zero in all other wormhole models. Besides, our results are in agreement with Aygün and Yılmaz and support Lesnner’s idea for Møller energy momentum definition.  相似文献   

We consider a spatially homogeneous and isotropic flat Robertson-Walker model filled with a scalar (or tachyonic) field minimally coupled to gravity in the framework of higher derivative theory. We discuss the possibility of the emergent universe with normal and phantom scalar fields (or normal and phantom tachynoic fields) in higher derivative theory. We find the exact solution of field equations in normal and phantom scalar fields and observe that the emergent universe is not possible in normal scalar field as the kinetic term is negative. However, the emergent universe exists in phantom scalar field in which the model has no time-like singularity at infinite past. The model evolves into an inflationary stage and finally admits an accelerating phase at late time. The equation of state parameter is found to be less than −1 in early time and tends to −1 in late time of the evolution. The scalar potential increases from zero at infinite past to a flat potential in late time. More precisely, we discuss the particular case for phantom field in detail. We also carry out a similar analysis in case of normal and phantom tachyonic field and observe that only phantom tachyonic field solution represents an emergent universe. We find that the coupling parameter of higher order correction affects the evolution of the emergent universe. The stability of solutions and their physical behaviors are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss the wormhole model with the coupled Fermi field, deduce the corresponding equations and give an analytical solution of them.  相似文献   

In the framework of Darmois-Israel formalism, the general equations describing the motion of thin shell wormhole with a general form of equation of state of a polytropic gas are derived. The mechanical stability analysis of thin shell wormhole with charge in Reissner–Nordstrom (RN) to linearized spherically symmetric perturbation about static equilibrium solution is carried out.  相似文献   

In this paper some wormhole solutions have been presented on the brane which are distinct from the presently available wormhole solution. The matter on the brane is chosen as perfect fluid and all physical variables are functions of the radial co-ordinate r. The solutions are obtained considering the trace of the resulting matter i.e. the Ricci scalar on the brane to be zero.  相似文献   

Time-dependent wormhole solutions are found which evolve on inhomogeneous spherically symmetric space time. By using a constraint on energy-momentum tensor, solutions are derived from Einstein’s equations with cosmological constant.  相似文献   

In this paper I use the Hartle-Hawking method to discuss quantum wormhole with conformal scalar field. I derive the corresponding Wheeler-De Witt equation, calculate the wormhole wave function, which is found to be the product of two harmonic solutions. Analysis of the wave function reveals that the probability density of the wormhole appearing at a = 0 is zero, that the most probable radius of the wormhole base state is the Planck length and that the wormhole is mostly likely to be in a state of small Φ value.  相似文献   

The present work deals with the accretion of two minimally interacting fluids: dark matter and a hypothetical isotropic fluid as the holographic dark energy components onto black hole and wormhole in a spatially homogeneous and anisotropic Bianchi type-V universe. To obtain an exact solution of the Einstein’s field equations, we use the assumption of linearly varying deceleration parameter. Solution describes effectively the actual acceleration and indicates a big rip type future singularity of the universe. We have studied the evolution of the mass of black hole and the wormhole embedded in this anisotropic universe in order to reproduce a stable universe protected against future-time singularity. It is observed that the accretion of these dark components leads to a gradual decrease and increase of black hole and wormhole mass respectively. Finally, we have found that contrary to our previous case (Sarkar in Astrophys. Space. Sci. 341:651, 2014a), the big rip singularity of the universe with a divergent Hubble parameter of this dark energy model may be avoided by a big trip.  相似文献   

The bounce with non-minimal coupling is very interesting topic because in the early time, general relativity is likely to be modified, which can give some valuable effects to the evolution of our universe. In this paper we introduce a string-inspired model for bouncing universe, utilizing the tachyon field as well as contributions from general non-minimal kinetic couplings and curvature. It is shown numerically that the bouncing solution appears in the model whereas the equation of state (EoS) parameter crosses the phantom divider.  相似文献   

Given the present distribution of mass tracing objects in an expanding universe, we develop and test a fast method for recovering their past orbits using the least action principle. In this method, termed FAM for fast action minimization, the orbits are expanded in a set of orthogonal time basis functions satisfying the appropriate boundary conditions at the initial and final times. The conjugate gradient method is applied to locate the extremum of the action in the space of the expansion coefficients of the orbits. The treecode gravity solver routine is used for computing the gravitational field appearing in the action and the potential field appearing in the gradient of the action. The time integration of the Lagrangian is done using Gaussian quadratures. FAM allows us to increase the number of galaxies over previous numerical action principle implementations by more than one order of magnitude. For example, orbits for the 15 000 IRAS PSC z galaxies can be recovered in 12 000 CPU seconds on a 400-MHz DEC-Alpha machine. FAM can recover the present peculiar velocities of particles and the initial fluctuations field. It successfully recovers the flow field down to cluster scales, where deviations of the flow from the Zel'dovich solution are significant. We also show how to recover orbits from the present distribution of objects in redshift space by direct minimization of a modified action, without iterating the solution between real and redshift spaces.  相似文献   

We perform a study to describe motion of charged particles under the influence of electromagnetic and gravitational fields of a slowly rotating wormhole with nonvanishing magnetic moment. We present analytic expression for potentials of electromagnetic field for an axially symmetric slowly rotating magnetized wormholes. While addressing important issues regarding the subject, we compare our results of motion around black holes and wormholes in terms of the ratio of radii of event horizons of a black hole and of the throat of a wormhole. It is shown that both radial and circular motions of test bodies in the vicinity of a magnetized wormhole could give rise to a peculiar observational astrophysical phenomenon.  相似文献   

We develop a numerical solver for the integral–differential equations, which describe the radiative transfer of photon distribution in the frequency space with resonant scattering of Lyα photons by hydrogen gas in the early universe. The time-dependent solutions of this equation is crucial to the estimation of the effect of the Wouthuysen–Field (WF) coupling in relation to the 21 cm emission and absorption at the epoch of reionization. However, the time-dependent solutions of this equation have not yet been well performed. The resonant scattering leads to the photon distribution in the frequency space to be piecewise smooth containing sharp changes. The weighted essentially nonoscillatory (WENO) scheme is suitable to handle this problem, as this algorithm has been found to be highly stable and robust for solving Boltzmann equation. We test this numerical solver by (1) the analytic solutions of the evolution of the photon distribution in rest background; (2) the analytic solution in expanding background, but without resonant scattering; (3) the formation of local Boltzmann distribution around the resonant frequency with the temperature to be the same as that of atom for recoil. We find that the evolution of the photon distribution due to resonant scattering with and without recoil generally undergoes three phases. First, the profile of the photon distribution is similar to the initial one. Second, an extremely flat plateau (without recoil) or local Boltzmann distribution (with recoil) form around the resonant frequency, and the width and height of the flat plateau or local Boltzmann distribution increase with time. Finally, the distribution around the resonant frequency is saturated when the photons from the source is balanced by the redshift of the expansion. This result indicates that the onset of the W–F coupling should not be determined by the third phase, but by the time scale of the second phase. We found that the time scale of the W–F coupling is equal to about a few hundreds of the mean free flight time of photons with resonant frequency, and it basically is independent of the Sobolev parameter if this parameter is much less than 1.  相似文献   

The dynamics of an ensemble of particles emanating from a common point with a distribution of velocities is modeled as a continuum of particles described by a phase space distribution function. A general solution for the distribution function and the associated spatial density function is obtained for a general dynamical system. The special cases of linear dynamical systems and slow dispersion from a circular orbit are treated in detail. A transcendental equation is derived, the roots of which determine the time since initial dispersion from knowledge of the spatial density function at later times.  相似文献   

In this paper, we employ cut and paste scheme to construct thin-shell wormhole of a charged black string with f(R) terms. We consider f(R) model as an exotic matter source at wormhole throat. The stability of the respective solutions are analyzed under radial perturbations in the context of R+δR 2 model. It is concluded that both stable as well as unstable solutions do exist for different values of δ. In the limit δ→0, all our results reduce to general relativity.  相似文献   

In this work, we study static spherically symmetric wormhole solutions in f(R) gravity. We explore wormhole solutions for anisotropic and isotropic fluids as well as barotropic equation of state with radial pressure. The behavior of weak and null energy conditions is investigated in each case. It is found that these energy conditions are violated for both the anisotropic and isotropic case but are satisfied for barotropic fluids in particular regions. This confirms the existence of wormholes obeying the energy conditions in these regions.  相似文献   

We provide a new matter source that supplies fuel to construct wormhole spacetime. The exact wormhole solutions are found in the model having, besides real matter, an anisotropic dark energy. We have shown that the exotic matters that are the necessary ingredients for wormhole physics violate null and weak energy conditions but obey strong energy condition marginally. Though the wormhole comprises of exotic matters yet the effective mass remains positive. We have calculated the effective mass of the wormhole up to 8 km from the throat (assuming throat radius as 4 km) as 1.3559M . Some physical features are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

In this letter, we have considered a flat FRW universe. Instead of considering only one candidate for the dark energy, we have considered the interaction between phantom field and modified Chaplygin gas. It has been shown that the potential of the phantom field increases from a lower value with evolution of the universe. It has been observed that the field has an increasing tendency and the potential has also an increasing tendency with passage of cosmic time. In the evolution of the universe the crossing of w=−1 has been realized by this interacting model.  相似文献   

In order to derive the stellar population of a galaxy or a star cluster, it is a common practice to fit its spectrum by a combination of spectra extracted from a data base (e.g. a library of stellar spectra). If the data to be fitted are equivalent widths, the combination is a non-linear one and the problem of finding the 'best' combination of stars that fits the data becomes complex. It is probably because of this complexity that the mathematical aspects of the problem did not receive a satisfying treatment; the question of the uniqueness of the solution , for example, was left in uncertainty. In this paper we complete the solution of the problem by considering the underdetermined case where there are fewer equivalent widths to fit than stars in the data base (the overdetermined case was treated previously). The underdetermined case is interesting to consider because it leaves space for the addition of supplementary astrophysical constraints. In fact, it is shown in this paper that when a solution exists it is generally not unique. There are infinitely many solutions, all of them contained within a convex polyhedron in the solutions vector space. The vertices of this polyhedron are extremal solutions of the stellar population synthesis. If no exact solution exists, an approximate solution can be found using the method described for the overdetermined case. Also provided is an algorithm able to solve the problem numerically; in particular all the vertices of the polyhedron are found.  相似文献   

In this paper, we use Visser’s cut and paste approach to construct thin-shell wormholes from charged black string. The dynamics of thin-shell wormholes is analyzed by taking Van der Waals quintessence fluid at the wormhole throat. We investigate the stability of these constructed thin-shell wormholes under linear perturbations preserving the cylindrical symmetry and also study the effects of charge on its stability. It turns out that there exist both unstable and stable wormhole solutions depending on different parameters involved in the equation of state.  相似文献   

对一实验数据组进行线性多重回归,如果数据的涨落服从泊松概率分布,常用方法不能给出准确的解。一般地,是假设各泊松分布的形状近似于高斯分布,给出近似解。因此,也存在着人所共知的拟合曲线下的面积亏损问题。本文从最大或然法出发,不加任何假设,严格推导了求解泊松分布线性多重回归的一种方法。按这一方法,“面积亏损”问题在计算精度范围内也得到彻底解决。  相似文献   

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