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The Aarhus code is the result of a long development, starting in 1974, and still ongoing. A novel feature is the integration of the computation of adiabatic oscillations for specified models as part of the code. It offers substantial flexibility in terms of microphysics and has been carefully tested for the computation of solar models. However, considerable development is still required in the treatment of nuclear reactions, diffusion and convective mixing.  相似文献   

Based on previous works of OPAL, we construct a series of opacity tables for various metallicities Z=0, 0.000 01, 0.000 03, 0.000 1, 0.000 3, 0.001, 0.004, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.08 and 0.1. These tables can be easily used in Eggleton's stellar evolution code in place of the old tables without changing the code. The OPAL tables are used for log10(T/K) > 3.95 and Alexander's for log10(T/K) < 3.95. At log10(T/K) = 3.95, the two groups' data fit well for all hydrogen mass fractions. Conductive opacities are included by reciprocal addition according to the formulae of Yakovlev and Urpin. A comparison of 1 and 5 M models constructed with the older OPAL tables of Iglesias and Rogers shows that the new opacities have most effect in the late stages of evolution, the extension of the blue loop during helium burning for intermediate-mass and massive stars.  相似文献   

Based on previous works of OPAL, we construct a series of opacity tables for various metallicities Z=0, 0.000 01, 0.000 03, 0.000 1, 0.000 3, 0.001, 0.004, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.08 and 0.1. These tables can be easily used in Eggleton's stellar evolution code in place of the old tables without changing the code. The OPAL tables are used for log10(T/K) > 3.95 and Alexander's for log10(T/K) < 3.95. At log10(T/K) = 3.95, the two groups' data fit well for all hydrogen mass fractions. Conductive opacities are included by reciprocal addition according to the formulae of Yakovlev and Urpin. A comparison of 1 and 5 M models constructed with the older OPAL tables of Iglesias and Rogers shows that the new opacities have most effect in the late stages of evolution, the extension of the blue loop during helium burning for intermediate-mass and massive stars.  相似文献   

Using Eggleton's code, we systematically show the differences in stellar evolution between the results based on the scaled-solar mixture and the α-enhanced metal mixture. As input, the OPAL high temperature opacities are used for log (T/K)>4.00, and the new Wichita State low temperature opacities, for log (T/K)≤4.00. Our calculations cover star masses ranging from 0.25 to 80.0 M⊙, spaced at Δlog M=0.10 or 0.05. The values of metallicities Z are 0.0001, 0.0003, 0.001, 0.004, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08 and 0.10. For a given Z, the initial hydrogen mass fraction is given by X=0.76-3.0Z. We show that α-enhancement can raise the stellar effective temperature and luminosity, and reduce the evolutionary age. Compared with some previous work, the effects of α-enhancement are more obviously demonstrated in our calculations.  相似文献   

A project of a spectroscopic survey of Galactic structure and evolution with a Large sky Area Multi-Object fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) is presented. The spectroscopic survey consists of two observational modes for various targets in our Galaxy. One is a major survey of the Milky Way aimed at a systematic study of the stellar abundance and Galactic chemical evolution through low resolution (R=1000-2000) spectroscopy. Another is a follow-up observation with medium resolution (R = 10000) spectrographs aimed at detailed studies of the selected stars with different chemical composition, kinematics and dynamics.  相似文献   

In the framework of the CoRoT-ESTA, we present the Toulouse–Geneva Evolution Code (TGEC) at its present stage.  相似文献   

The observational data permit us to establish clear statistical correlations between different parameters of stellar flare activity and the characteristics of quiet stars. These relations are:
  1. between energies and frequencies of flares on stars of different luminosities;
  2. between total radiation energies of flares and quiet stars both in X-ray and Balmer emission lines;
  3. between flare decay rates just after the maxima and flare luminosities at maxima.

We present optical photometric and spectroscopic studies of ROSAT X-ray stellar sources in the Rosette Nebula star-forming region. The brightest X-ray sources are either massive stars or active T Tauri stars associated with the open cluster NGC 2244, or are foreground stars. Some of the spectra of the young stars newly identified in the region are presented.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONIn the previous paper (on et al. 1999, hereafter Paper I), we investigated the wavelength-dependence of four colltribution functions (CFs) derived from dmerent formal solutions andreferring to different emergellt quantities in the unpolarized case. Because one cannot generallyassign a single formation region to the whole line band in a real stellar atmosphere, e.g., the solaratmosphere, instead, the line formation region can be defined as the layers deviating farthestfrom t…  相似文献   

We use simple energetic arguments to estimate the contribution of massive X-ray binaries and supernova remnants to the cosmic X-ray background (XRB) at energies in excess of 2 keV. Recent surveys have shown that active galactic nuclei (AGN) probably account for most of the hard XRB ( E >2 keV), but there have been many suggestions that star-forming galaxies could emerge at fainter fluxes and perhaps account for a significant fraction of the soft and hard X-ray energy density. Assuming that the formation rate of massive X-ray binaries (MXRBs) traces the global star-formation rate, we find that their integrated contribution to the hard XRB can be estimated and is shown to be small (at less than the 1 per cent level). Similarly, the integrated flux of supernovae (SN) is also shown to be insignificant, or at most comparable to MXRBs. AGN therefore remain the most viable candidates for producing the hard XRB, unless additional processes can be shown to dominate the global hard X-ray emission in distant starburst galaxies.  相似文献   

Taking the 13-point smoothed monthly sunspot number, Ri, and the deviation of the 13 associated monthly sunspot numbers from the smoothed one, D_i, as a number-pair describing the global level of sunspot activity, the evolution of the level is statistically studied for the period from the month which is just 48 months before the minimum to the minimum in the descending phase, using the observed data of Solar Cycles 10 to 22. Our results show (1) for 46 months (94%) of the studied 49 months it is found that for a given month, the distribution of the 13 pairs which come from the 13 solar cycles on a log Ri-D_i plane may be fitted by a straight line with a correlation coefficient larger than the critical one at confidence level α= 5%, and for 36 months (73%) the fitting is even better, for α= 1%;(2) time variations of these two parameters and their correlations in the studied period can be described respectively by functions of time, whose main trends may be expressed by a linear or simple curvilinear function; (3) the evolutionary path of the level of sunspot activity may be represented by a logarithmic function as log R_i=0.704 In D_i-0.291.  相似文献   

Ayres  Thomas R. 《Solar physics》2000,193(1-2):273-297
The solar–stellar connection bridges the daytime and nighttime communities; an essential link between the singular, but detailed, views of our Sun, and the broad, but coarse, glimpses of the distant stars. One area in particular – magnetic activity – has profited greatly from the two way traffic in ideas. In that spirit, I present an evolutionary context for coronal activity, focusing on the very different circumstances of low-mass main-sequence stars like the Sun, compared with more massive stars. The former are active mainly very early in their lives, whereas the latter become coronal only near the end of theirs, during the brief incursion into the cool half of the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram as yellow, then red, giants. I describe tools at the disposal of the stellar astronomer; especially spectroscopy in the ultraviolet and X-ray bands where coronae leave their most obvious imprints. I compare HST STIS spectra of solar-type dwarfs – Dor (F7 V), an active coronal source, and Cen A (G2 V), near twin of the Sun – to the SOHO SUMER UV solar atlas. I also compare the STIS line profiles of the active coronal dwarf to the corresponding features in the mixed activity hybrid chromosphere bright giant TrA (K2 II) and the archetype non-coronal red giant Arcturus ( Boo; K2 III). The latter shows dramatic evidence for a cool absorber in its outer atmosphere that is extinguishing the hot lines (like Siiv 1393 and Nv 1238) below about 1500 Å; the corona of the red giant seems to lie beneath its extended chromosphere, rather than outside as in the Sun. I present an early taste of the moderate resolution spectra we can expect from the recently launched Chandra X-ray Observatory (CXO), and contemporaneous STIS high resolution UV measurements of the CXO calibration star Capella ( Aur; G8 III + G1 III). Last, I describe preliminary results from a May 1999 observing campaign involving SOHO SUMER, TRACE, and the Kitt Peak Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (IRIS). The purpose was to explore the dynamics of the quiet solar atmosphere through the key magnetic transition zone that separates the kinetically dominated deep photosphere from the magnetically dominated coronal regime. Linking spatially and temporally resolved solar phenomena to properties of the average line shapes (widths, asymmetries, intensity ratios, and Doppler shifts) is a crucial step in carrying physical insights from the solar setting to the realm of the distant stars.  相似文献   

The equations of state for degenerate electron and neutron gases are studied in the presence of magnetic fields. After including quantum effects in the investigation of the structural properties of these systems, it is found that some hypermagnetized stars can be unstable according to the criterion of stability of pressures. Highly magnetized white dwarfs should collapse producing a supernova type Ia, while superstrong magnetized neutron stars cannot stand their own magnetic field and must implode, too. A comparison of our results with a set of the available observational data of some compact stars is also presented, and the agreement between this theory and observations is verified.  相似文献   

The remnants of two gamma-ray bursts, GRB 030329 and GRB 041227, have been resolved by Very Long Baseline Interferometry observations. The radio counterparts were observed to expand with time. These observations provide an important way to test the dynamics of the standard fireball model. We show that the observed size evolution of these two events cannot be explained by a simple jet model, rather, it can be satisfactorily explained by the two-component jet model. It strongly hints that gamma-ray burst ejecta may have complicated structures.  相似文献   

We use two methods of constructing the initial mass distribution, the traditional way and Monte Carlo simulation, to obtain integrated U - B, B - V, V-R and V-I colours and absorption-line indices denned by the Lick Observatory image dissector scanner (referred to as Lick/IDS), for instantaneous burst solarmetallicity single stellar populations with ages in the range 1-15 Gyr. We find that the evolutionary curves of all colours obtained by the traditional method are smoother than those by Monte Carlo simulation, that the U - B and B - V colours obtained by the two methods agree with one another, while the V - R and V - I colours by the traditional method are bluer than those by Monte Carlo simulation. A comparison of the Lick/IDS absorption-line indices shows that the variations in all the indices by the traditional method are smoother than that for the Monte Carlo simulation, and that all the indices except for TiO1 and TiO2 are consistent with those for the Monte Carlo simulation.  相似文献   

We present new empirical fitting functions describing the behaviour of the discontinuity at λ4000 Å in terms of the stellar atmospheric parameters: effective temperature, metallicity and surface gravity. These calibrations can be easily incorporated into stellar population models, providing, for the first time, accurate predictions of the break amplitud for, relatively old, composite systems. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The thermal evolution of the Geminid meteor stream and the Phaethon–Geminid stream Complex (PGC) are summarized. Sodium contents of Geminid meteor streams are altered thermally, perhaps during orbital motion in interplanetary space due to the short perihelion distance of the orbit (q ~ 0.14 AU). However, the temperature of meteoroids is less than the sublimation temperature of Na in alkali silicates, suggesting that the parent body 3200 Phaethon itself might have suffered from the thermal processing. On the other hand, a breakup event on PGC parent is suggested by the existence of dynamically associated asteroids (Phaethon, 2005 UD and 1999 YC) sharing pristine features (C, B types). A possible mechanism behind the breakup is the sublimation of ice inside the PGC parent due to its thermal evolution. It is tempting to guess that the PGC parent might be evolved dynamically from the outer part of the main asteroid belt where the residence of ice-rich asteroids (main belt comets) into current PGC-like orbit.  相似文献   

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