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有害赤潮对浮游动物摄食的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈洋  颜天  周名江 《海洋科学》2005,29(12):81-87
藻华是指水体中藻类大量繁殖的一种现象,有时这种浮游植物的爆发性增殖会造成海洋生物死亡,生态环境恶化,通过藻毒素污染海洋产品,从而对人类健康甚至生命构成威胁,国际科技界目前称这类藻华(赤潮)为有害藻华(harmful algal blooms HABs),也称有害赤潮。近年来,有害赤潮爆发的频率和规模都在逐渐增加,造成的危害越来越大,赤潮现象有在全球蔓延的趋势。赤潮对海洋生态系统造成的影响越来越受到关注,世界各国也相应展开了研究。  相似文献   

海洋中赤潮藻类与浮游动物的相互作用   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
蒲新明  孙松 《海洋科学》2002,26(11):14-17
浮游动物作为浮游植物的摄食者和调控者 ,它们之间形成复杂的、多样性的相互作用关系。这种相互作用的形式不仅影响着海洋中生物群落的动态变化和演替 ,而且在很大程度上影响着海洋环境的变化。由于藻类与浮游动物之间相互关系的多样性和可变性 ,在不同的种类之间不同的条件下往往表现出不同的相互作用形式 ,使两者之间的关系难以琢磨。随着近海赤潮事件的频繁发生 ,认识赤潮生物对海洋生物群落的影响的需求愈来愈强烈。本文试图以相互作用的多样性为出发点 ,对赤潮藻类与浮游动物之间的关系做出较为清晰的阐述。1赤潮藻类对浮游动物的作用…  相似文献   

浮游植物不仅在食物链中充当贡献者,也在生物地球化学循环过程中扮演着重要角色,然而一些种类在某些条件下暴发性增殖或聚集,形成有害藻华,对人类健康和生态系统构成威胁。赤潮异弯藻是形成有害藻华的典型物种,其藻华发生时会造成养殖鱼类大面积死亡,给水产养殖业造成巨大损失。近年来,随着全球气候变暖、水体富营养化程度日趋严重,有害藻华发生的规模和频次总体呈增加趋势,且相关研究表明气候变暖和二氧化碳水平升高均能刺激赤潮异弯藻的生长。本文主要从赤潮异弯藻物种鉴定、基础生物学研究、生态学研究等几个方面综述了该物种的研究进展,并对其未来研究方向进行了相关展望,以期为赤潮异弯藻的藻华形成机制研究、藻华防治等工作提供参考。  相似文献   

传统的赤潮藻鉴定主要依赖经验丰富的藻类专家依据种的生物形态学特征在显微镜下通过人工目视判读、分类,该方法存在专业水平高、分类人员断层、耗时费力等问题。基于赤潮藻类细胞生物形态学分类特征,通过对藻类细胞3种细节特征(有无角毛、横纵沟、尖顶刺)进行有效的自动提取和描述,提出了显微图像自动分类识别的思想。设计三级两类分类器,建立树状判别体系,将大样本集有效划分为小样本集,构建赤潮藻显微图像自动诊断识别系统,结果表明:多级分类器的设计思想减少了训练时间,提高了识别准确率。  相似文献   

刘淑雅  陈楠生 《海洋科学》2021,45(4):170-188
胶州湾是我国的一个典型近海海湾,也是近海生态系统的缩影.历史上胶州湾海域赤潮频发,因此也是研究赤潮暴发机制(包括赤潮物种组成、时空动态变化及对环境因子响应)的理想实验场所.迄今,几代科学家对胶州湾浮游植物和赤潮物种开展了长期而系统的调查研究,获得了大量的研究成果.为了系统跟踪胶州湾海域浮游植物群落组成,尤其是赤潮物种的...  相似文献   

影响赤潮的化学因素研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赤潮是海洋中某些微藻、细菌或原生动物爆发性增殖引起的生态异常现象。近年来,赤潮发生频率不断升高、范围不断扩大、有毒有害赤潮不断增加,已成为严重的世界性海洋环境灾害。其中,有害赤潮不仅恶化海洋生态环境、破坏海洋渔业资源和生产、严重影响滨海旅游业,而且还会危害人类健康。赤潮产生的原因与机理非常复杂,其发生和发展的外因是合适的水文、气象、物理、化学和生物等条件。  相似文献   

The biomass and size fraction of phytoplankton in terms of chlorophyll a(Chl a) was measured during four cruises conducted in April, July, October 2013 and January 2014 in mariculture area, the Sanggou Bay, China.Results show that total Chl a levels in the surface seawater of the Sanggou Bay generally range from 0.10 to 20.46μg/L, with an average value of 2.13 μg/L. Nano-phytoplankton was the most important size-fraction and accounted for about 65.1% of total Chl a. In order to evaluate the importance of the "protozoan trophic link" for energy transfer from the microbial loop to filter-feeding feeders, Zhikong scallop Chlamys farreri was then offered a natural planktonic community as potential prey. Results show that scallops obtained carbon source from natural plankton with the rate of 11 033.05 μg/(g·d). Protists(nanoflagellates and ciliates) were the dominant source of carbon retained by scallop(48.78%). The microbial loop provided 58.45% of the carbon source for farmed scallops. These results indicate that the microbial loop represent a valuable trophic resource in mariculture system of the Sanggou Bay.  相似文献   

异养性海洋鞭毛虫摄食生态学研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
异养的海洋鞭毛虫由食细菌者、植食性动物、碎屑取食者、营渗透营养者[1~4]构成,个体大小一般为2~200μm,但<2μm和>200μm的也已有发现,在绝大多数海区,其密度为102~105个/mL[4,5]。异养鞭毛虫是海洋生态系统中浮游生物群落的重要成员,同时又是海洋微食物环的重要环节之一[6,7  相似文献   

浙江舟山群岛邻近海域微,小型浮游植物与赤潮生物研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
报道了舟山群岛邻近海域未发生赤潮与发生赤潮时的微、小型浮游植物组成、数量分布、赤潮生物种类与环境的关系。舟山群岛邻近海域共有浮游植物 1 69种 ,其中赤潮生物为 59种。赤潮发生时比未发生赤潮时水域的浮游植物密度高 1 0~ 1 0 0个 /dm3,浮游植物密度与硅酸盐、硝酸盐浓度成负相关 ,与溶解氧和透明度成正相关。平均浮游植物密度 :春季表层水样为4.5× 1 0 4 个 /dm3,底层水样为 5.2× 1 0 3个 /dm3,网样为 2 .7× 1 0 5个 /m3;秋季网样为 3.7× 1 0 6个 /m3。表层水样的赤潮生物优势种 :春季为微型的三鳍原甲藻 ,平均细胞密度为 3.3× 1 0 5个/dm3,占总细胞密度的 77.2 % ;秋季为微型的中肋骨条藻 ,平均密度为 2 .7× 1 0 3个 /dm3,占总细胞密度的 72 .2 %。三鳍原甲藻、海洋原甲藻、夜光藻等为浙江舟山群岛邻近海域常见的有害赤潮生物。  相似文献   

胶州湾是我国一个典型的近海海湾,也是近海生态系统的缩影。历史上胶州湾海域赤潮频发,因此也是研究赤潮暴发机制(包括赤潮物种组成、时空动态变化及对环境因子响应)的理想实验场所。迄今,几代科学家对胶州湾浮游植物和赤潮物种开展了长期而系统的调查研究,获得了大量的研究成果。为了系统跟踪胶州湾海域浮游植物群落组成,尤其是赤潮物种的组成变化,解读基于分子标记的宏条形码分析结果,本文对近84年间(1936年-2019年)胶州湾海域涉及浮游植物调研的54个调查数据进行了系统的统计和比较分析。文献共报道了549种浮游植物,包括硅藻326种、甲藻164种、绿藻21种、金藻9种、隐藻9种、淡色藻6种、定鞭藻5种、蓝藻3种、黄藻3种、下睫虫2种、裸藻1种和针胞藻1种。其中只有不到一半(40.29%)的浮游植物的全长18S rDNA序列得到解析,表明分子标记数据库需要继续完善,促进宏条形码分析的有效应用。胶州湾海域的优势浮游植物随时间发生了较大变化,但是甲藻与硅藻数目的比例没有显著的变化。统计表明,胶州湾共鉴定到153种赤潮物种,包括硅藻79种、甲藻67种、定鞭藻2种、金藻2种、淡色藻1种、黄藻1种和针胞藻1种。胶州湾海域典型的优势赤潮物种包括中肋骨条藻、短角弯角藻、旋链角毛藻、加氏星杆藻、日本星杆藻、星脐圆筛藻和尖刺拟菱形藻。本文通过系统综述胶州湾浮游植物和赤潮物种的生物多样性,为利用宏条形码和宏基因组等方法跟踪研究胶州湾和其他海域的浮游植物和赤潮物种的演化奠定了基础。  相似文献   

吊舱推进器与船体间相互影响研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王亮  王磊 《海洋工程》2009,27(3):131-135
吊舱推进器是近年来发展起来的一种新型船舶推进装置.针对吊舱推进器与船体之间影响的成因、干扰形式和研究方法进行了阐述,总结了吊舱推进器与船体之间相互影响的理论研究和模型试验方面取得的成果.最后提出该领域的主要研究方向,作为进一步研究的参考.  相似文献   

赤潮综合集成预警系统的设计与开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对赤潮灾害日益严重的情况,文中提出了赤潮综合集成预警系统设计方案与实现流程。该系统包括预测预警信息系统、预测预警决策系统以及预测预警应急系统三部分。该预警系统的建立,将可以有效的预测赤潮的发生从而降低赤潮造成的损失。  相似文献   

Virtually every coastal country in the world is affected by harmful algal blooms (HABs, commonly called “red tides”). These phenomena are caused by blooms of microscopic algae. Some of these algae are toxic, and can lead to illness and death in humans, fish, seabirds, marine mammals, and other oceanic life, typically as a result of the transfer of toxins through the food web. Sometimes the direct release of toxic compounds can be lethal to marine animals. Non-toxic HABs cause damage to ecosystems, fisheries resources, and recreational facilities, often due to the sheer biomass of the accumulated algae. The term “HAB” also applies to non-toxic blooms of macroalgae (seaweeds), which can cause major ecological impacts such as the displacement of indigenous species, habitat alteration and oxygen depletion in bottom waters.Globally, the nature of the HAB problem has changed considerably over the last several decades. The number of toxic blooms, the resulting economic losses, the types of resources affected, and the number of toxins and toxic species have all increased dramatically. Some of this expansion has been attributed to storms, currents and other natural phenomena, but human activities are also frequently implicated. Humans have contributed by transporting toxic species in ballast water, and by adding massive and increasing quantities of industrial, agricultural and sewage effluents to coastal waters. In many urbanized coastal regions, these inputs have altered the size and composition of the nutrient pool which has, in turn, created a more favorable nutrient environment for certain HAB species. The steady expansion in the use of fertilizers for agricultural production represents a large and worrisome source of nutrients in coastal waters that promote some HABs.The diversity in HAB species and their impacts presents a significant challenge to those responsible for the management of coastal resources. Furthermore, HABs are complex oceanographic phenomena that require multidisciplinary study ranging from molecular and cell biology to large-scale field surveys, numerical modelling, and remote sensing from space. Our understanding of these phenomena is increasing dramatically, and with this understanding comes technologies and management tools that can reduce HAB incidence and impact. Here I summarize the global HAB problem, its trends and causes, and new technologies and approaches to monitoring, control and management, highlighting molecular probes for cell detection, rapid and sensitive toxin assays, remote sensing detection and tracking of blooms, bloom control and mitigation strategies, and the use of large-scale physical/biological models to analyze past blooms and forecast future ones.  相似文献   

文中综述了生态系统管理的概念以及原则,并在此基础上提出了基于生态系统管理的赤潮灾害综合防治策略。  相似文献   

The interaction between mechanically generated regular waves and wind waves is experimentally investigated in a wind-wave tunnel. It is shown that the growth process of regular waves is divided into the four distinct stages as follows: (1) almost independent coexistence of wind waves and regular waves, (2) attenuation of wind waves with simultaneous growth of regular waves, (3) rapid growth of regular waves after disappearance of wind waves, and (4) transition of regular waves to wind waves after the wave breaking. At the second stage there is an apparent relation between the attenuation of wind waves and the growth of regular waves. This fact suggests that there is some strong nonlinear interactions which transfers energy effectively from wind waves to regular waves.  相似文献   

We present a numerical study on the hydrodynamic performance of undulation NACA0012 foil in the near wake of D-section cylinder. Computations are conducted using unsteady incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with a moving adaptive mesh based on laminar flow. Investigations are focused on the effect of distance ratio between foil tip and centre of cylinder (L/D≤2.0) on the thrust/drag performance of foil and cylinder at various foil undulation frequency (St). We found that, foil thrust coefficient (Ct) increases considerably with the appearance of cylinder and an optimal distance exists at which Ct reaches maxima. The maximum increment is about eleven times that of its counterpart of single foil, which is obtained at St=0.23 and L/D=0.5. Our results for the cylinder drag coefficient (Cd) observed the existence of optimal parametric map, combined with various gap ratios and foil frequencies. With these parameters, insertion of an undulation foil can significantly lead to the drag reduction indicating that undulating foil could work efficiently as a passive vortex control device for cylinder drag reduction.  相似文献   

在多风机风电场中,通过主动调节上游风机的偏航角度,抑制上游风机尾流对下游风机的影响,减少风力机机组之间的尾流相互干扰,以达到提高整个风电场效率的目的。采用基于开源平台Open FOAM自主开发的FOWT-UALM-SJTU求解器中风电场求解模块ALMWindFarmFoam,将致动线模型与CFD方法相结合,利用大涡模拟(LES)计算研究当上游风机处于不同偏航角度时,两风机之间的复杂尾流干扰效应。对比分析偏航角度改变时,上下游风机气动功率的输出特性,尾流速度变化以及风机的尾涡结构。数值模拟结果表明:在上下游风机沿流向方向距离保持不变的情况下,随着上游风机偏航角度的变化,上下游风机的尾流干扰现象以及下游风机的入流条件会发生明显改变,并会对下游风机的气动功率输出以及两风机风电场的整体流场产生显著影响。  相似文献   

We investigated the interaction between mesoscale eddies and the Kuroshio Current east of Taiwan, China, using a fine-resolution regional general circulation mo...  相似文献   

The Princeton ocean model is employed to study the energy balance of a fast-moving anticyclonic eddy (AE) during eddy-mean flow interaction. The AE is initialized with an axisymmetric Gaussian-type temperature profile and is placed to the east of the Philippine Islands. An energy analysis suggests that the advection term, pressure work and friction term play dominant roles in the initial eddy decay. During the strong interaction stage, barotropic instability (BTI) becomes the main force for the eddy kinetic energy (EKE) production, with the largest positive BTI in the interaction zone, which means that the eddy always obtains kinetic energy from the Kuroshio during this stage. Most of the EKE dissipation, the large conversion from the eddy available potential energy to the EKE and that from the mean kinetic energy to the EKE all occur at the upper layer during the strong interaction stage. When the AE interacts with the mean flow on the eastern side of the Kuroshio, whether the AE gains kinetic energy from the Kuroshio or loses kinetic energy to the Kuroshio is mainly determined by its shape in the interaction zone.  相似文献   

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