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Highly siderophile element compositions of lunar impact melt breccias provide a unique record of the asteroid population responsible for large cratering events in the inner Solar System. Melt breccias associated with the 3.89 Ga Serenitatis impact basin resolve at least two separate impact events. KREEP-rich melt breccias representing the Apollo 17 poikilitic suite are enriched in highly siderophile elements (3.6-15.8 ppb Ir) with CI-normalized patterns that are elevated in Re, Ru and Pd relative to Ir and Pt. The restricted range of lithophile element compositions combined with the coherent siderophile element signatures indicate formation of these breccias in a single impact event involving an EH chondrite asteroid, probably as melt sheet deposits from the Serenitatis Basin. One exceptional sample, a split from melt breccia 77035, has a distinctive lithophile element composition and a siderophile element signature more like that of ordinary chondrites, indicating a discrete impact event. The recognition of multiple impact events, and the clear signatures of specific types of meteoritic impactors in the Apollo 17 melt breccias, shows that the lunar crust was not comprehensively reworked by prior impacts from 3.9 to 4.5 Ga, an observation more consistent with a late cataclysm than a smoothly declining accretionary flux. Late accretion of enstatite chondrites during a 3.8-4.0 Ga cataclysm may have contributed to siderophile element heterogeneity on the Earth, but would not have made a significant contribution to the volatile budget of the Earth or oxidation of the terrestrial mantle. Siderophile element patterns of Apollo 17 poikilitic breccias become more fractionated with decreasing concentrations, trending away from known meteorite compositions to higher Re/Ir and Pd/Pt ratios. The compositions of these breccias may be explained by a two-stage impact melting process involving: (1) deep penetration of the Serenitatis impactor into meteorite-free lower crust, followed by (2) incorporation of upper crustal lithologies moderately contaminated by prior meteoritic infall into the melt sheet. Trends to higher Re/Ir with decreasing siderophile element concentrations may indicate an endogenous lunar crustal component, or a non-chondritic late accretionary veneer in the pre-Serenitatis upper crust.  相似文献   

Polymict samples can be used to establish mass-balance constraints regarding the bulk composition of the lunar crust, and to gauge the degree of regional heterogeneity in the composition of the lunar crust. The most ideally polymict type of sample is finely-mixed regolith (lunar soil), or its lithified equivalent, regolith breccia. Fortunately, lunar regolith breccias can occasionally be found at great distances from their points of origin — most of the known lunar meteorites are regolith breccias. We are searching for examples of exotic regolith samples among the Apollo regolith breccia collection. Most of the 21 Apollo regolith breccias analyzed for this study strongly resemble the local soils over which they were collected. Nine regolith breccias from Apollo 16 are surprisingly mature compared to previously-analyzed Apollo 16 regolith breccias, and six of the seven from Apollo 16 Station 5 have lower, more local-soil-like,mg ratios than previously analyzed regolith breccias from this station. Several of the Apollo 14 regolith breccias investigated show significantly highermg, and lower Al, than the local soils.The most interesting sample we have investigated is 14076,1, from a lithology that constitutes roughly half of a 2.0-g pebble. The presence of spherules indicates a regolith derivation for 14076,1, yet its highly aluminous (30 wt.% Al2O3) composition is clearly exotic to the 1.6-km traverse surface over which the Apollo 14 samples were collected. This sample resembles soils from the Descartes (Apollo 16) highlands far more than it does any other polymict sample from the Fra Mauro (Apollo 14) region. The I/sFeO maturity index is extremely low, but this may be a result of thermal annealing. A variety of siderophile elements occur in 14076,1 at typical regolith concentrations. The chemistry of the second most aluminous regolith sample from Apollo 14, 14315, can only be roughly approximated as a mixture of local regolith and 14076,1-like material. However, the low a priori statistical probability for long-distance horizontal transport by impact cratering, along with the relatively high contents of incompatible elements in 14076,1 (despite its high Al content), suggest that this regolith breccia probably originated within a few hundred kilometers of the Appollo 14 site. If so, its compositional resemblance to ferroan anorthosite tends to suggest that the regional crust is, or originally was, far richer in ferroan anorthosite than implied by the meager statistics for pristine rocks from this site. Thus, 14076,1 tends to strengthen the hypothesis that ferroan anorthosite originated as the flotation crust of a global magmasphere.  相似文献   

Explorations for the interior structure of the Moon mainly involve three technologies: the early gravitational observations via circumlunar satellites, the moonquake observations during the Apollo period, and the recent high-resolution remote sensing observations. Based on these technologies, we divided the development of the moon’s interior structure into three stages. The first stage is the discovery of high-density anomalous masses (mascons) on the lunar surface with the low-order gravitational field models, which were obtained by observing perturbations of the early lunar orbital satellites. The second stage is the preliminary understanding of the layer structure with the help of moonquake observations during the Apollo period. The third stage is the deep understanding of the structure of the lunar crust, mantle, and core, with the use of high-resolution remote sensing data and the reassessment of moonquake data from the Apollo’s mission. This paper gave detailed introduction and comments on different observation technologies, gathered data, and data processing techniques used at the three stages. In addition, this paper analyzed the current issues in the researches on the Moon’s internal structure and discussed the prospects for future explorations.  相似文献   

在阿波罗月震记录中普遍存在着强烈持久的尾波信号,这样的波形特征无法用均匀分层月球模型解释.一个普遍被接受的解释是月震尾波由月球浅层结构对月震波的散射引起.我们采用基于交错网格的伪谱和有限差分混合方法模拟研究非均匀上月壳对月震波的散射效应,在此基础上解释月震尾波的形成机制,并估计出上月壳速度扰动的强度.我们发现,在均匀分层模型基础上,进一步考虑上月壳中的非均匀结构对月震波的散射效应,能有效地解释月震信号中强烈持久的尾波.我们认为月震尾波可能是由上月壳中的低波速、低衰减和散射这三个因素的共同作用所引起.采用不同的扰动标准差模拟上月壳的非均匀性,并比较模拟波形与真实月震图的相似程度,我们发现上月壳中速度扰动的标准差应该在3%到5%之间,很可能接近于3%.  相似文献   

Lunar Laser Ranging: Glorious Past And A Bright Future   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lunar Laser Ranging (LLR), a part of the NASA Apollo program, has beenon-going for more than 30 years. It provides the grist for a multi-disciplinarydata analysis mill. Results exist for solid Earth sciences, geodesy and geodynamics,solar system ephemerides, terrestrial and celestial reference frames, lunar physics,general relativity and gravitational theory. Combined with other data, it treatsprecession of the Earth's spin axis, lunar induced nutation, polar motion/Earthrotation, Earth orbit obliquity to the ecliptic, intersection of the celestial equatorwith the ecliptic, luni-solar solid body tides, lunar tidal deceleration, lunar physicaland free librations, structure of the moon and energy dissipation in the lunar interior.LLR provides input to lunar surface cartography and surveying, Earth station and lunar retroreflector location and motion, mass of the Earth-moon system, lunar and terrestrial gravity harmonics and Love numbers, relativistic geodesic precession, and the equivalence principle of general relativity. With the passive nature of the reflectors and steady improvement in observing equipment and data analysis, LLR continues to provide state-of-the-art results. Gains are steady as the data-base expands. After more than 30 years, LLR remains the only active Apollo experiment. It is important to recognize examples of efficient and cost effective progress of research. LLR is just such an example.  相似文献   

We report new high-precision laser fluorination three-isotope oxygen data for lunar materials. Terrestrial silicates with a range of δ18O values (− 0.5 to 22.9‰) were analyzed to independently determine the slope of the terrestrial fractionation line (TFL; λ = 0.5259 ± 0.0008; 95% confidence level). This new TFL determination allows direct comparison of lunar oxygen isotope systematics with those of Earth. Values of Δ17O for Apollo 12, 15, and 17 basalts and Luna 24 soil samples average 0.01‰ and are indistinguishable from the TFL. The δ18O values of high- and low-Ti lunar basalts are distinct. Average whole-rock δ18O values for low-Ti lunar basalts from the Apollo 12 (5.72 ± 0.06‰) and Apollo 15 landing sites (5.65 ± 0.12‰) are identical within error and are markedly higher than Apollo 17 high-Ti basalts (5.46 ± 0.11‰). Evolved low-Ti LaPaz mare-basalt meteorite δ18O values (5.67 ± 0.05‰) are in close agreement with more primitive low-Ti Apollo 12 and 15 mare basalts. Modeling of lunar mare-basalt source composition indicates that the high- and low-Ti mare-basalt mantle reservoirs were in oxygen isotope equilibrium and that variations in δ18O do not result from fractional crystallization. Instead, these differences are consistent with mineralogically heterogeneous mantle sources for mare basalts, and with lunar magma ocean differentiation models that result in a thick feldspathic crust, an olivine–pyroxene-rich mantle, and late-stage ilmenite-rich zones that were convectively mixed into deeper portions of the lunar mantle. Higher average δ18O (WR) values of low-Ti basalts compared to terrestrial mid ocean ridge basalts (Δ=0.18‰) suggest a possible oxygen isotopic difference between the terrestrial and lunar mantles. However, calculations of the δ18O of lunar mantle olivine in this study are only 0.05‰ higher than terrestrial mantle olivine. These observations may have important implications for understanding the formation of the Earth–Moon system.  相似文献   

Komatiites of the 3.5-Ga Komati Formation are ultramafic lavas (>23% MgO) erupted in a submarine, lava plain environment. Newly discovered vesicular komatiites have vesicular upper crusts disrupted by synvolcanic structures that are similar to inflation-related structures of modern lava flows. Detailed outcrop maps reveal flows with upper vesicular zones, 2-15 m thick, which were (1) rotated by differential inflation, (2) intruded by dikes from the interior of the flow, (3) extended, forming a flooded graben, and/or (4) entirely engulfed. The largest inflated structure is a tumulus with 20 m of surface relief, which was covered by a compound flow unit of spinifex flow lobes. The lava that inflated and rotated the upper vesicular crust did not vesiculate, but crystallized as a thick spinifex zone with fist-size skeletal olivine. Instead of representing rapidly cooled lava, the spinifex zone cooled slowly beneath an insulating upper crust during inflation. Overpressure of the inflating lava may have inhibited vesiculation. This work describes the oldest vesicular komatiites known, illustrates the first field evidence for inflated structures in komatiite flows, proposes a new factor in the development of spinifex zones, and concludes that the inflation model is useful for understanding the evolution of komatiite submarine flow fields.  相似文献   

Despite its importance to questions of lunar origin, the chemical composition of the Moon is not precisely known. In recent years, however, the isotopic composition of lunar samples has been determined to high precision and found to be indistinguishable from the terrestrial mantle despite widespread isotopic heterogeneity in the Solar System. In the context of the giant-impact hypothesis, this level of isotopic homogeneity can evolve if the proto-lunar disk and post-impact Earth undergo turbulent mixing into a single uniform reservoir while the system is extensively molten and partially vaporized. In the absence of liquid–vapor separation, such a model leads to the lunar inheritance of the chemical composition of the terrestrial magma ocean. Hence, the turbulent mixing model raises the question of how chemical differences arose between the silicate Earth and Moon. Here we explore the consequences of liquid–vapor separation in one of the settings relevant to the lunar composition: the silicate vapor atmosphere of the post-giant-impact Earth. We use a model atmosphere to quantify the extent to which rainout can generate chemical differences by enriching the upper atmosphere in the vapor, and show that plausible parameters can generate the postulated enhancement in the FeO/MgO ratio of the silicate Moon relative to the Earth's mantle. Moreover, we show that liquid–vapor separation also generates measurable mass-dependent isotopic offsets between the silicate Earth and Moon and that precise silicon isotope measurements can be used to constrain the degree of chemical fractionation during this earliest period of lunar history. An approach of this kind has the potential to resolve long-standing questions on the lunar chemical composition.  相似文献   

A summary of experiments and analyses concerning electromagnetic induction in the Moon and other extraterrestrial bodies is presented. Magnetic step-transient measurements made on the lunar dark side show the eddy current response to be the dominant induction mode of the Moon. Analysis of the poloidal field decay of the eddy currents has yielded a range of monotonic conductivity profiles for the lunar interior: the conductivity rises from 3·10?4 mho/m at a depth of 170 km to 10?2 mho/m at 1000 km depth. The static magnetization field induction has been measured and the whole-Moon relative magnetic permeability has been calculated to be μμ0 = 1.01 ± 0.06. The remanent magnetic fields, measured at Apollo landing sites, range from 3 to 327 γ. Simultaneous magnetometer and solar wind spectrometer measurements show that the 38-γ remanent field at the Apollo 12 site is compressed to 54 γ by a solar wind pressure increase of 7·10?8 dyn/cm2. The solar wind confines the induced lunar poloidal field; the field is compressed to the surface on the lunar subsolar side and extends out into a cylindrical cavity on the lunar antisolar side. This solar wind confinement is modeled in the laboratory by a magnetic dipole enclosed in a superconducting lead cylinder; results show that the induced poloidal field geometry is modified in a manner similar to that measured on the Moon. Induction concepts developed for the Moon are extended to estimate the electromagnetic response of other bodies in the solar system.  相似文献   

Basic pillow lavas from northeastern Newfoundland are shown to be chemically similar to basaltic komatiites and ocean-floor basalts. New trace element data presented for basaltic komatiites indicate that they were derived from a magma more primitive than that producing ocean-floor basalts. A model for the derivation of basaltic komatiite by extensive partial melting of pyrolitic upper mantle at sites of plate separation is proposed.  相似文献   

月球的全球构造格架初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
长期以来,最初依据月表反照率建立的月陆、月海二分法一直主导着人们对于月球构造格架的基本认识,然而自20世纪末以来的各种月球探测数据均表明,南极艾肯盆地作为月球上最大的撞击盆地不仅占据了月表很大的面积,而且有不同于月陆和月海的性质及演化过程.本文通过综合研究月球典型的地球物理、地球化学以及地形特征,初步确定了月球的全球构造格架是一个既有横向表面延伸又有纵向深部延伸的三元结构,包含三个月球大地构造单元,分别是主要覆盖正面风暴洋及周围月海盆地区域的月海构造域、主要覆盖背面高地的月陆构造域以及位于南极艾肯盆地的南极艾肯盆地构造域.  相似文献   

The existence of Archaean komatiites with eruption temperatures greater than 1650°C requires that the mantle be vertically differentiated by the time of komatiite eruption. If in the unlikely event that undifferentiated mantle had survived primordial planetary differentiation and had been hot enough to deliver 1650°C komatiite, it would have been extensively molten to depths of ~250 km, resulting in rapid, profound, vertical differentiation anyway. During primordial differentiation (or Archaean komatiite petrogenesis) the high density and compressibility of ultrabasic melt allowed storage of a global melt layer beneath a buoyant residue of dunite and/or harzburgite. This refractory cap segregated by extraction of melt both upwards and downwards from the depth at which the density contrast between crystals and liquid vanishes. Eruption of komatiite from the melt layer by corrosion of the cap was the Archaean earth's principal means of dissipating excess heat. This subterranean magma ocean precluded vertical homogenization of the Archaean mantle by convection but effectively absorbed lateral mantle heterogeneities and imposed the relative uniformity of maximum eruption temperature and MgO contents (~32%) seen in primitive Archaean komatiites on all continents.Verification of the postulated density relations of liquids and crystals to 100 kbar becomes a pressing concern in view of the expected consequences these relations may have had.  相似文献   

The concentrations of the rare earth elements (REE), K, Rb, Sr, Ba, U, Zr and Cr for the Luna 20 soil and four different Apollo 16 soils are reported. These trace element abundances imply: (1) that the lunar highlands consist of a mixture of rocks rich in large ion lithophile (LIL) elements and LIL-element impoverished anorthosites; or (2) that the bulk of the aluminum-rich crust did not originate by upward segregation of plagioclase in a primitive liquid shell. The Luna 20 soil is distinguished from the Apollo 16 soil by lower aluminum and LIL element abundances.  相似文献   

We present numerical modeling of SH-wave propagation for the recently proposed whole Moon model and try to improve our understanding of lunar seismic wave propagation. We use a hybrid PSM/FDM method on staggered grids to solve the wave equations and implement the calculation on a parallel PC cluster to improve the computing efficiency. Features of global SH-wave propagation are firstly discussed for a 100-km shallow and 900-km deep moonquakes, respectively. Effects of frequency range and lateral variation of crust thickness are then investigated with various models. Our synthetic waveforms are finally compared with observed Apollo data to show the features of wave propagation that were produced by our model and those not reproduced by our models. Our numerical modeling show that the low-velocity upper crust plays significant role in the development of reverberating wave trains. Increasing frequency enhances the strength and duration of the reverberations. Surface multiples dominate wavefields for shallow event. Core–mantle reflections can be clearly identified for deep event at low frequency. The layered whole Moon model and the low-velocity upper crust produce the reverberating wave trains following each phases consistent with observation. However, more realistic Moon model should be considered in order to explain the strong and slow decay scattering between various phases shown on observation data.  相似文献   

Surface and satellite observations of lunar crustal magnetization and the remanent magnetization of the lunar samples returned by the Apollo missions of 1969–72 provide evidence for past magnetic fields on the Moon. During the more than twenty years in which research has been carried out there has been controversy concerning the origin of the field, with two possible processes of major interest. Dynamo generation of the field in a molten, electrically-conducting core is consistent with most of the observations, but encounters theoretical difficulties associated with the deduced magnitude of the ancient field and lack of positive evidence for a lunar core. The most likely alternative process is the generation of a transient magnetic field during meteorite impacts followed by thermoremanent or shock magnetization of debris and adjacent crust. This paper reviews the evidence and compares the observations with characteristics of lunar magnetism expected as a result of each of the two possible processes. It is concluded that the evidence very strongly favours the past existence of a dynamo-generated lunar magnetic field, with impact magnetization playing a minor role.  相似文献   

Pristine samples from the lunar highlands potentially offer important information bearing on the nature of early crustal development on all the terrestrial planets. One apparently unique sample of this group of lunar crustal rocks, the feldspathic lherzolite 67667, was studied utilizing the Sm-Nd radiometric system in an attempt to define its age and the implications of that age for the evolution of the lunar highlands. Data for 67667 precisely define an isochron corresponding to an age of 4.18±0.07 AE. The observed lack of disturbance of the Sm-Nd system of this sample may suggest that this time marks its crystallization at shallow depth in the lunar crust. However, the possibility that this age, as well as those of other highland rocks, indicate the time of their impact-induced excavation from regions deep enough in the lunar crust to allow subsolidus isotopic equilibrium to be produced or maintained between their constituent minerals is also considered. Taken together, bulk rock Sm-Nd data for four “high-Mg” rocks, including 67667, indicate that the chemical characteristics of all their source materials were established 4.33±0.08 AE ago and were intimately associated with the parent materials of KREEP. This finding provides more support for the concept of a large-scale differentiation episode early in lunar history. The possible roles of the crystallization of a global magma ocean, endogenous igneous activity, and of planetesimal impact, in producing the observed geochemical and chronological aspects of lunar highland rocks are discussed.  相似文献   

Eight of eleven Apollo 16 rake-sample anorthosites are very similar to each other, to hand-specimen Apollo 16 anorthosites, and to Apollo 15 anorthosites. They have feldspar An96.6, both high- and low-Ca pyroxene with a restricted range of (low-magnesium) composition, minor olivine (~ Fo60), traces of ilmenite and chromite, and originally coarse-grained, but now cataclastic texture. Such ferroan anorthosite is evidently a coherent, distinctive and widespread lunar rock type of cumulate origin which may not necessarily be very closely related genetically to other highland rock types.  相似文献   

Passive seismic techniques have revolutionarised seismology,leading for example to increased resolution in surface wave tomography,to the possibility to monitor changes in the propagation medium,and to many new processing strategies in seismic exploration.Here we review applications of the new techniques to a very particular dataset,namely data from the Apollo 17 lunar network.The special conditions of the lunar noise environment are investigated,illustrating the interplay between the properties of the noise and the ability to reconstruct Green's functions.With a dispersion analysis of reconstructed Rayleigh waves new information about the shallow shear velocity structure of the Moon are obtained.Passive image interferometry is used to study the effect of temperature changes in the subsurface on the seismic velocities providing direct observation of a dynamic process in the lunar environment.These applications highlight the potential of passive techniques for terrestrial and planetary seismology.  相似文献   

The metal in seven Type III carbonaceous chondrites has been measured for concentrations of Ni, Co and Cr. Cobalt in kamacite is 3.2 to 5.5 times greater than in taenite on composite grains containing both phases. No correlation was found between the metal compositions and sub-type classification. Ni and Co contents of kamacite from several of the Type III's studied fall outside of the range for these elements in bulk meteoritic metal and are relevant to the assignment of a meteoritic vs a non-meteoritic origin for lunar metal particles in the fines and breccias.  相似文献   

It is proved that if a spherical shell is magnetized in the direction of and proportional to a magnetic field of origin internal to the shell and the magnetizing field later disappears, no magnetic field exists external to the shell. Similarly if a spherical shell is magnetized parallel to and proportional to a magnetic field of external origin and this magnetizing field later disappears, the magnetic field internal to the shell is zero. These theorems are true only if these ideal conditions are met, but are applicable to the interpretation of the natural remanent magnetization of the lunar crust. It is shown that the present absence of a magnetic dipole field of the Moon supports the hypothesis that the magnetizing field was of internal origin but does not distinguish whether this was due to a dynamo in the lunar core or to a primaeval magnetization of its interior. Local magnetic fields around the Moon are interpreted as arising from the departure from sphericity of the shell and large craters.  相似文献   

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