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Geomorphologists have long debated over whether certain geomorphic types of landscapes may evolve only in certain climatic conditions, with granite terrains often chosen to illustrate such climate–relief relationships. The view deeming inselberg landscapes in particular to be distinctively tropical is difficult to sustain in the light of research demonstrating both the wide global distribution of inselbergs and evident rock control on their origins and development. However, another geomorphic type of granite landscapes has emerged as possibly specific to low latitude terrains, characterized by efficient deep weathering. In the context of the ongoing debate, this paper considers the case of multiconvex topography, consisting of low hills weathered throughout, which is widely distributed in South America, Africa and Southeast Asia but not yet reported from middle or high latitudes. Multiconvex landscapes require that weathering operates efficiently in all topographic settings and that dissection proceeds to maintain relative relief. Hence they tend to be associated with areas subject to moderate uplift. There is little chance for this type of relief to survive major environmental changes towards aridity or cooling because stripping of the weathering mantle will not be compensated by saprolite renewal.  相似文献   

Soil is the largest carbon pool of terrestrial ecosystem, and its carbon content accounts for two thirds of the whole terrestrial ecosystem (Schlesinger, 1990). The soil organic matter (SOM) content and turnover rate exert impacts directly on the terrestrial ecosystem and global carbon cycles. Nitrogen is the main limiting factor constraining the plant growth (Vitousek etal., 1997; Pamela etal., 2002). Changes of the nitrogen content will change the microbial respiration through changing the…  相似文献   

Zhao  Mengyu  Xia  Qinglin  Wu  Lianrong  Liang  Yuqi 《Natural Resources Research》2022,31(4):1867-1887
Natural Resources Research - The success of exploration geochemistry requires identification of multi-element geochemical signatures. It has been revealed that Zhongdian island arc zone is an...  相似文献   

Natural Resources Research - Assigning realistic weights to targeting criteria in order to synthesize various geo-spatial datasets is one of the most important challenging tasks for mineral...  相似文献   

Geographic regions all have some degree of uncertainty, though this is seldom represented on their maps. Uncertainty of the Great Plains boundary is shown here by comparing 50 previously published maps of the region. These maps were found in a variety of sources, from classic 1930s geographic works to current regional studies on the Internet. By examining this diverse collection, a distinction can be seen between those maps using primarily physical criteria to define the region and those using cultural characteristics, or a combination of these two characteristics. This distinction is supported by trends in boundary shape, size, and even the map's date of publication. The Great Plains is shown as a complex region, subject to the interpretations of individual cartographers, and can be better understood by considering all points of view rather than any single boundary line.  相似文献   

Geographic regions all have some degree of uncertainty, though this is seldom represented on their maps. Uncertainty of the Great Plains boundary is shown here by comparing 50 previously published maps of the region. These maps were found in a variety of sources, from classic 1930s geographic works to current regional studies on the Internet. By examining this diverse collection, a distinction can be seen between those maps using primarily physical criteria to define the region and those using cultural characteristics, or a combination of these two characteristics. This distinction is supported by trends in boundary shape, size, and even the map's date of publication. The Great Plains is shown as a complex region, subject to the interpretations of individual cartographers, and can be better understood by considering all points of view rather than any single boundary line.  相似文献   

We examine the various types of mineral waters occurring on the projected specially protected transboundary natural territory “Istoki Amura”, on the Hentei-Dauria neotectonic high. We suggest the pattern of rational utilization of the mineral springs according to the nature conservation status of the terrain (nature reserves, national parks, and public access areas).  相似文献   

Data-driven GIScience shows a growing interest in making spatial information from large text data. In this paper, we quantify and thus evaluate the relation between text frequency and properties of the outer-text, geographic setting by comparing text frequencies of mountain names to the respective geomorphometric characteristics. We focus on some 2000 unique mountain names that appear some 50,000 times in a large compilation of texts on Swiss alpine history. The results on the full data set suggest only a weak relation: only 5–10% of the variation in the text frequency being explained by the respective geomorphometric characteristics. However, an analysis of multiple scales allows us to identify a Simpson’s Paradox. What appears to be ‘noise’ in the analysis of all mountains in the whole of Switzerland shows significant local signals. Small spatial extents, found all over Switzerland, can show considerably strong correlations between text frequency and spatial prominence, with up to 90% of the total variation explained. We argue that our findings have practical implications for data-driven GIScience. Retrieving meaningful spatial information from text might only be possible if the spatial scale of analysis reflects the spatial scale described in the input text documents.  相似文献   

Protected areas are essential for conserving biodiversity, and these lands have traditionally been set aside for this purpose alone. However, the increasing global demand for agricultural and forestry commodities creates conflict and tradeoffs between dedicating land for conservation versus food production. Efforts to set aside new lands for biodiversity conservation are compromised by the globally rising demand, creating trade-offs between lands dedicated to conservation versus food production. Ecosystem services are the benefits that humans obtain from ecosystems. Recent studies suggest that protected areas provide social and economic benefits that can be used to build political support and raise funds for conservation. We analyzed the capability of current protected area networks in the semi-arid region of Spain to provide intermediate regulating services (habitat preservation for threatened species, climate regulation, erosion control and water flow maintenance) to support the final provisioning service of cultivated crops to support local communities. We found that existing networks of protected lands supply considerable quantities of ecosystem services, in particular carbon stocks and groundwater recharge. Our results demonstrate that the integration of systematic analyses of ecosystem services gaps in protected area planning could contribute substantially to safeguarding ecosystem services and biodiversity jointly. However, our study also reveals substantial differences in intermediate ecosystem services supplied by different of protected areas networks, with category VI areas (Natura-2000 sites) generally showing the highest potential for ecosystem services supply. This demonstrates the important role of Natura-2000 sites for preserving regulating services in the European semi-arid region.  相似文献   

Many elements are known to affect the decision-making procedures that underlie time–space activity patterns. Yet, knowledge regarding the relations between these elements is lacking. In this article, a hierarchical structure of external and cognitive time–space behavioral influences is proposed based on the results of a field experiment. The experiment relied on an in situ sampling of stated and overt behaviors of visitors to a touristic site in northern Israel, using questionnaires and Global Positioning System loggers. Two experimental treatments were simultaneously applied during sampling, dividing the sample into four groups: Each participant received on entry one of two maps, designed according to different cartographical–cognitive approaches; new activity stations were placed during half of the sampling days, meaning that each participant was exposed to one of two possible spatial layouts. The behavioral patterns recorded expose each treatment's distinct behavioral effect along with its relative weight within the decision-making process, thus pointing toward a hierarchical structure.  相似文献   

Fire has been historically infrequent in the Mojave Desert, and its increased prevalence caused by the invasion of non-native annual grasses is a major concern for land managers there. The most dramatic changes have occurred in middle elevation shrublands dominated by creosotebush (Larrea tridentata), Joshua tree (Yucca brevifolia), and/or blackbrush (Coleogyne ramossissima), where most of the fires occurred between 1980 and 2004. This zone is more susceptible than other areas of the Mojave Desert to increased fire size following years of high rainfall. Increases in fire size are likely related to the flush of non-native annual grasses, Bromus rubens in particular, that produces continuous fuelbeds following years of high rainfall. This dynamic also has occurred to some degree at lower elevations, but the background cover of native perennial fuels there is already very low, muting the effects of the ephemeral fuels. At elevations above the middle elevation shrublands, fire size does not vary with rainfall, indicating that native woody fuels dictate fire regimes. These results suggest that an invasive plant/fire regime cycle is currently establishing in the middle and possibly the low elevation shrublands of the Mojave Desert, but not at higher elevations.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(4):353-359
In a network society, the increasing fragmentation of individual activity and travel patterns has a major impact on visitors' use of places and spaces throughout the day. The aim of this study is to determine the main dimensions underlying diurnal weekday variations in visitor populations in Dutch municipalities, and to identify the salient spatial and transportation-related features of these municipalities that contribute to the dimensions of these temporary populations. Using the 1998 Netherlands National Travel Survey for six representative one-hour time periods, we performed an exploratory factor analysis to capture the underlying dimensions. The solution comprised one dimension referring to participation in activities, two dimensions related to the size of the territory in which visitor populations operate combined with the use of different transport modes, one dimension expressing the direction in which interlocal movement occurs, and three dimensions capturing different life-cycle stages within the visitor population.  相似文献   

Macuda  Jan  Baran  Paweł  Wagner  Marian 《Natural Resources Research》2020,29(6):3841-3856
Natural Resources Research - Catastrophic cases of methane explosion during exploratory drilling within the Be?chatów ortholignite deposit have led to testing for methane in other Polish...  相似文献   

A very large literature has explored the intensity of urban residential segregation using the index of dissimilarity. Several recent studies have undertaken such analyses at multiple spatial scales, invariably reaching the conclusion that the finer grained the spatial scale, the greater the segregation. Such findings, however, overstate the intensity of segregation at finer spatial scales because they fail to take into account an argument made by Duncan et al. some sixty years ago that indexes derived from fine-scale analyses must necessarily incorporate those from coarser scales, with the consequence that finer scale segregation is invariably overestimated. Moreover, most studies ignore stochastic variation that results in upward bias in the estimates of segregation. This article demonstrates the importance of a recently developed multilevel modeling procedure that identifies the “true” intensity of segregation at every level in a spatial hierarchy net of its intensity at other levels and also net of stochastic variation This is illustrated by both a simulated data set and an empirical study of an English city, with the latter raising important substantive issues regarding the interpretation of segregation patterns and the processes underlying them. Key Words: dissimilarity, multilevel modeling, scale, segregation.  相似文献   

Although ferns are able to colonize dry regions through specific adaptations, they are suggested to be rare in arid environments. By comparing recent observations in the South-Saharan Mountains with existing data from the whole Sahara, we re-evaluated the distribution of the understudied Saharan fern diversity. Observations in the Aïr Mountains (Niger) from 2003 to 2006 identified six ferns species, among which three were new records for the Aïr and for Niger. A total of 17 species are currently known from the Sahara. The desiccation tolerant Actiniopteris radiata and Cheilanthes coriacea were located in habitats with abiotic refuges providing shade, whereas the drought avoiding Ophioglossum polyphyllum was found in a sandy highland plain. All were growing in isolated populations at elevations above 1600 m. These results, combined with data from the Hoggar and the Tibesti mountains, indicate that ferns are more frequent than initially thought in arid environments thanks to efficient dispersal, elevation refuges, physiological adaptations, and the presence of local abiotic refuges. The three newly recorded species most likely radiated from the Ethiopian highlands. Their deep isolation, their rarity, and their successful adaptation to drought suggest that their conservation status might be particularly high.  相似文献   

The analysis of rainfall as an environmental factor that influences landscape dynamics is an important and ongoing topic of discussion. This discussion can be centred on the discovery of impacts caused by the increase or decrease in rainfall frequency and intensity. From this perspective, this study sought to analyse the rainfall variability in the Iguaçu River basin, located in the State of Paraná, southern Brazil. The main objective was focused on the temporal-spatial rainfall distribution in the study area and its interaction with landscape dynamics (different land uses). Precipitation data for the period 1988−2018 were obtained from the ‘Águas Paraná’ Institute. To calculate the Concentration Index−CI values of the study area, data analysis was performed using the ‘R’ software with Climatol and Precindicon subroutines of the software, and analysis of Landsat 8 satellite images through ArcGIS. The results indicated that there was a well-defined spatial variability in the study area, as the CIs defined higher rainfall concentrations upstream from the river basin and lower rainfall concentrations downstream—implying that these processes may be strongly associated with land use.  相似文献   

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