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In this study, we use contrasting zircon fission track age signatures of Alpine detritus and detritus derived from the Variscan realm to trace sediment pathways in Central Europe. Our data show that the Molasse Basin was connected with the Rhine Graben Sea during the Mid-Oligocene, thus joining the North Sea to the Paratethys. Within the Rhine Graben Sea, fairly strong south–north directed currents existed, transporting sand-sized Alpine detritus nearly 300 km towards the north. A connection between the Rhône-Bresse Graben and the Rhine Graben and/or the French Molasse Basin and the Swiss Molasse Basin, by contrast, is not supported by the fission track data. This may be explained by the existence of submarine rises that hampered the transport of sand-sized sediment towards the north/northeast.  相似文献   

The lithosphere of the Northern Alpine foreland has undergone a polyphase evolution during which interacting stress-induced intraplate deformation and upper mantle thermal perturbations controlled folding of the thermally weakened lithosphere. In this paper we address relationships among deeper lithospheric processes, neotectonics and surface processes in the Northern Alpine foreland with special emphasis on tectonically induced topography. We focus on lithosphere memory and neotectonics, paying special attention to the thermo-mechanical structure of the Rhine Graben System and adjacent areas of the northern Alpine foreland lithosphere. We discuss implications for mechanisms of large-scale intraplate deformation and links with surface processes and topography evolution.  相似文献   

A large-scale transfer zone subdivides the northern parts of the Upper Rhine Graben into a northern and a southern sub-basin. These sub-basins display the geometry of asymmetric half-grabens with opposing tilt directions. The transfer zone connects the western master fault of the northern half-graben with the eastern master fault of the southern half-graben. In the northern Upper Rhine Graben early syn-rift sedimentation (Late Priabonian to Late Rupelian) was controlled by the tectonically induced subsidence of these half-grabens (autogenetic), as well as by regional third-order sea level variations (allogenetic). Within the graben, lateral changes in subsidence rates (in dip and strike direction of fault blocks) controlled the development of accommodation space and thus, sediment thickness and facies. Furthermore, a low-displacement segment along the western border fault acted as a sediment entry point. Tectonics controlled the distribution of early syn-rift deposits and the palaeogeography of the northern Upper Rhine Graben.  相似文献   

Apatite fission-track analyses along a W–E-orientated transect across northern Corsica indicate an important episode of crustal exhumation in late early Miocene time. Samples taken from the Alpine orogenic wedge, from the adjacent foreland basin and from the crystalline basement complex flooring the basin are completely reset. This implies that a ≥ 2.0–2.3-km-thick crustal section made of thrust sheets and/or autochthonous foreland deposits has been removed by erosion since early Miocene time. A geometric projection of this lost cover towards the west indicates that all of northern Corsica was covered either by Alpine nappes or middle Eocene foreland deposits. Fission-track ages are the same across the main boundary fault system separating the Alpine orogenic wedge and the foreland, indicating the absence of significant differential vertical displacement between upper and lower plates during Neogene unroofing.  相似文献   

Earlier observations on the deformation of rock-forming quartz during Alpine metamorphism that were made by Voll (1976) along a traverse following the Reuss valley (Aar massif, Central Swiss Alps) are still relevant but can be explained in more modern term. Voll found that a few kilometres south of the contact between the Aar massif and its sedimentary cover quartz has partly undergone a combination of dynamic recrystallization and nucleation along grain boundaries and fractures at the expense of the deformed parent grains. Further to the south, increasing grain growth of quartz under nearly static conditions is observed, with polygonal grain shapes typical of annealed microfabrics. Comparable stages of recrystallization could be found in several N–S traverses through the Aar massif so that “points of first occurrence” of newly formed quartz could be connected to define a quartz recrystallization isograd. This isograd extents over 90 km through the northern Aar massif, following a course parallel to the sanidine/microcline isograd but at a distance of 10–15 km further to the north. The evolution of the quartz microfabric is discussed with respect to recent estimates of the T-t path of the Aar massif.  相似文献   

Detrital zircon U–Pb age distributions derived from samples representing ancient or relatively young large-scale continental drainage networks are commonly taken to reflect the geochronological evolution of the tapped continental area. Here, we present detrital zircon U–Pb ages and associated heavy mineral data from Pleistocene Rhine River Middle Terrace sands and equivalents between the Swiss–German border and Cologne in order to test the commonly assumed Alpine provenance of the material. Samples from eight localities were analyzed for their heavy mineral assemblages. Detrital zircon U–Pb ages were determined by laser ablation inductively coupled mass spectrometry on selected samples from five locations along the Rhine River. The zircon age populations of all samples show a similar distribution, their main peaks being between 300 and 500 Ma. Minor age populations are recognized at 570 and 1,070 Ma. The 300–400 Ma maximum reflects the Variscan basement drained by or recycled into the Rhine River and its tributaries. The 400–500 Ma peak with predominantly Early Silurian ages points to Baltica or to the mid-German crystalline rise as original sources. One distinct peak at c. 570 Ma probably represents input from Cadomian terranes. The Precambrian U–Pb ages are compatible with derivation from sources in Baltica and in northern Gondwana. The heavy mineral populations of Middle Terrace sands and equivalents are characterized to a variable extend by garnet, epidote, and green hornblende. This association is often referred to as the Alpine spectrum and is considered to be indicative of an Alpine provenance. However, hornblende, epidote, and garnet are dominant heavy minerals of collisional orogens in general and may also be derived from Variscan and Caledonian units or from intermittent storage units. A remarkable feature of the detrital zircon age distribution in the Rhine River sediments from the Swiss–German border to Cologne is the absence of ages younger than 200 Ma and in particular of any ages reflecting the Alpine orogeny between c. 100 and 35 Ma. Sediments from rivers draining the equally collisional Himalaya orogen contain detrital zircons as young as 20 Ma. Our results question the assumption that Pleistocene Rhine River sediments were directly derived from the Alps. The lag time between the formation and deposition age of the youngest zircon in the studied Pleistocene Rhine River deposits is 200 Ma. Together with the absence of Alpine zircon ages, this stresses that detrital zircon age data from ancient sedimentary units found in poorly understood tectonic or paleogeographic settings need to be interpreted with great care, one could miss an entire orogenic cycle.  相似文献   

临汾盆地位于华北克拉通汾渭地堑系中南部,是典型的受控于北东-南西向和近东西向正断层的晚新生代断陷盆地。沉积相、古水流和重矿物综合分析表明,盆地中部的柴庄新生界剖面除顶部的风成黄土之外,可以划分为3个岩性段,分别具有不同的物源,反映了不同时期的构造背景。第一岩性段为上新统(5.0~2.6 Ma),冲积扇和风成红黏土沉积,冲积扇碎屑物源为盆地周缘的灰岩等沉积岩类;第二岩性段为更新统下部(2.6~1.0 Ma),三角洲相沉积,沉积物来自盆地南缘中条山北部和东缘太行山西部的太古宇-下元古界的花岗片麻岩和片麻岩、上元古界-古生界的碳酸盐岩、中生界的陆源碎屑岩及少量不同时代的花岗岩;第三段为更新统中上部( < 1.0 Ma),河流相沉积,主要物源为盆地北东缘太行山的花岗岩类、少量沉积岩和变质岩。结合区域应力演化过程认为,距今5.0~2.6 Ma期间,受北西-南东向伸展作用影响,北东-南西向正断层为盆地的主控断层;距今2.6~1.0 Ma时期,主要受到北东-南西伸展应力的影响,近东西向断层开始活动;距今1.0 Ma以来,沉积环境由三角洲和湖泊相转为河流相沉积,指示盆地发育的减弱,可能与后一期伸展应力的减弱有关。上述结果表明,受青藏高原向北东扩展的影响,汾渭地堑系至少经历了中新世晚期-上新世早期(>5 Ma)、2.6 Ma和1.0 Ma等主要构造转换时代。   相似文献   

In the northern part of the Upper Rhine Graben (URG), a high-resolution seismic reflection survey was carried out on the Rhine River over a length of 80 km, and on its tributary Neckar over a length of 25 km. The seismic investigation provides new results to redefine the base of Quaternary fluvial sediments from Oppenheim upstream to the south of Mannheim. The standard Quaternary thickness map of Bartz (1974) was partially revised and completed. Maximum Pleistocene sediment thickness is documented in the area of Mannheim with approximately 225 m. The top of the Pliocene in this area is sub-horizontal and not faulted, and rises downstream continuously towards the fault block of Worms. Intercalated lacustrine pelitic layers play a main role in defining the litho-stratigraphy in this part of the URG. In the north of Worms, Pleistocene sediments are mainly coarse-grained. In the area of Worms, a Pleistocene tectonic phase along N–S striking normal faults with variable displacement along the strike is obvious.  相似文献   

Re-evaluation of the river history, palaeosurface levels and exhumation history in northern Switzerland for the last 10 million years reveals that distinct morphotectonic events about 4.2 and 2.8 million years ago (Ma) caused major reorganisation of river networks and morphosculpture. As a result of the earlier formation of the Swiss Jura, potential relief energy in the piggy-back North Alpine Foreland Basin (NAFB) of northern central Switzerland south of the Jura fold belt was built up after 11–10 Ma. It was suddenly released by river capture at about 4.2 Ma when the Aare-Danube was captured by a tributary of the Rhône-Doubs river system which rooted southeast of the Black forest. This event triggered rapid denudation of weakly consolidated Molasse sediments, in the order of about 1 km, as constrained by apatite fission track data from drillholes in the NAFB. Likely mechanisms of river capture are (a) headward erosion of Rhône-Doubs tributaries, (b) uplift and rapidly increasing erosion of the Swiss Alps after about 5.3 Ma, and (c) gravel aggradation at the eastern termination of the Jura fold belt in the course of eastward and northward tilt of the piggy-back NAFB. A morphotectonic event between 4.2 and 2.5 Ma, probably at about 2.8 Ma, caused a phase of planation, accompanied by local gravel aggradation and temporary storage of Alpine debris. Between 2.8 and 2.5 Ma, the Aare-Rhône river system is cannibalised by the modern Rhine River, the latter later connecting with the Alpine Rhine River.  相似文献   

Research on neotectonics and related seismicity has hitherto been mostly focused on active plate boundaries that are characterized by generally high levels of earthquake activity. Current seismic hazard estimates for intraplate domains are mainly based on probabilistic analyses of historical and instrumental earthquake catalogues. The accuracy of such hazard estimates is limited by the fact that available catalogues are restricted to a few hundred years, which, on geological time scales, is insignificant and not suitable for the assessment of tectonic processes controlling the observed earthquake activity. More reliable hazard prediction requires access to high quality data sets covering a geologically significant time span in order to obtain a better understanding of processes controlling on-going intraplate deformation.The Alpine Orogen and the intraplate sedimentary basins and rifts in its northern foreland are associated with a much higher level of neotectonic activity than hitherto assumed. Seismicity and stress indicator data, combined with geodetic and geomorphologic observations, demonstrate that deformation of the Northern Alpine foreland is still on-going and will continue in the future. This has major implications for the assessment of natural hazards and the environmental degradation potential of this densely populated area. We examine relationships between deeper lithospheric processes, neotectonics and surface processes in the northern Alpine Foreland, and their implications for tectonically induced topography.For the Environmental Tectonics Project (ENTEC), the Upper and Lower Rhine Graben (URG and LRG) and the Vienna Basin (VB) were selected as natural laboratories. The Vienna Basin developed during the middle Miocene as a sinistral pull-apart structure on top of the East Alpine nappe stack, whereas the Upper and Lower Rhine grabens are typical intracontinental rifts. The Upper Rhine Graben opened during its Late Eocene and Oligocene initial rifting phase by nearly orthogonal crustal extension, whereas its Neogene evolution was controlled by oblique extension. Seismic tomography suggests that during extension the mantle-lithosphere was partially decoupled from the upper crust at the level of the lower crust. However, whole lithospheric folding controlled the mid-Miocene to Pliocene uplift of the Vosges–Black Forest Arch, whereas thermal thinning of the mantle–lithosphere above a mantle plume contributed substantially to the past and present uplift of the Rhenish Massif. By contrast, oblique crustal extension, controlling the late Oligocene initial subsidence stage of the Lower Rhine Graben, gave way to orthogonal extension at the transition to the Neogene.The ENTEC Project integrated geological, geophysical, geomorphologic, geodetic and seismological data and developed dynamic models to quantify the societal impact of neotectonics in areas hosting major urban and industrial activity concentrations. The response of Europe's intraplate lithosphere to Late Neogene compressional stresses depends largely on its thermo-mechanical structure, which, in turn, controls vertical motions, topography evolution and related surface processes.  相似文献   

The Aar Massif forms part of the polycyclic basement of the External Crystalline Massifs in central Switzerland. Strong heterogeneous Alpine deformation produced a network of broad, anastomosing shear zones, with deformation strongly localized in mylonitic domains. This study investigates the combined effects of high‐strain deformation and synkinematic metamorphism on magnetic fabric evolution in Tertiary shear zones of the Aar granite and Grimsel granodiorite. In transects across several mesoscale shear zones with large strain gradients, magnetic fabric orientations are in excellent agreement with principal strain orientations determined from outcrop fabrics and strain markers. However, the magnitude and shape of the magnetic anisotropy do not change systematically with increasing finite strain, likely as a result of recrystallization and metamorphism. The overall pattern of steeply dipping fabrics is consistent with the main shortening stage of regional Alpine kinematics, while some mylonite structures reflect a local component of dextral shearing.  相似文献   

新疆东天山斑岩型铜矿带及其大地构造格局   总被引:74,自引:6,他引:74       下载免费PDF全文
新疆哈密南部发现的土屋、延东大型斑岩铜(钼)矿床,构成了东天山斑岩铜矿带。其中成矿的斜长花岗斑岩同位素年龄为369~356 Ma(Rb-Sr等时线法和单颗粒锆石U-Pb法),辉钼矿的同位素年龄为320 Ma(Re-Os等时线法),蚀变岩的同位素年龄为341~310Ma,含矿围岩由粗面质玄武岩到粗安岩,可能属于泥盆纪(416Ma,Sm-Nd法;>356 Ma、390 Ma、440 Ma,单颗粒锆石U-Pb法)。矿床成因归属为岛弧火山—深成作用产物。斑岩铜矿带的南部为著名的康古尔塔格金矿带,再往南为星星峡银矿带。这些造山带矿床组合由北而南构成斑岩型铜(钽)矿带→韧性剪切带型和浅成热液型金矿带→浅成热液型(构造蚀变带型)钼矿带,显示了构造岩浆是由北而南下插的,岩浆侵位时间北老南新,花岗质岩浆源区的部分熔融深度由北而南加深。反映壳幔演化的东天山构造岩浆作用从370 Ma到240 Ma、从北部的哈尔里克和康古尔塔格到南部的中天山,似乎存在一个连续的花岗质岩浆演化带,丝毫看不到深部作用过程由于古生代东天山数度拉张沦为海槽而被中断的迹象。基于以上主要证据,本文综合讨论了东天山斑岩型铜矿、韧性剪切带型金矿和构造蚀变带型银矿的形成机制及其大地构造格局,建立了东天山造山带的成矿模型,为今后找矿开辟了新方向。  相似文献   

The Upper Rhine Graben (URG) is characterized by a thickness of up to 500 m of unconsolidated Quaternary sediments, providing excellent records of the Rhine river system and its responses to tectonic and climatic changes. The most complete Quaternary sequence of fluvial and limnic-fluvial deposits is found in the Heidelberg Basin, due to its long-term subsidence since the mid-Eocene. The aim of this study is to provide a chronological framework using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of aeolian and fluvial sands derived from the upper 33 m of a sediment core, which was drilled into the Heidelberg Basin infill close to the village of Viernheim, Germany. The OSL ages demonstrate that the dated fluvial sediments were deposited during the last glacial period (Weichselian) and that there were at least three aggradation periods during this episode. The coversands that cap the sequence were emplaced during the early Holocene.  相似文献   

The East Tianshan is a remote Gobi area located in eastern Xinjiang, northwestern China. In the past several years, a number of gold, porphyry copper, and Fe(-Cu) and Cu-Ag-Pb-Zn skarn deposits have been discovered there and are attracting exploration interest.The East Tianshan is located between the Junggar block to the north and early Paleozoic terranes of the Middle Tianshan to the south. It is part of a Hercynian orogen with three distinct E-W-trending tectonic belts: the Devonian-Early Carboniferous Tousuquan-Dananhu island arc on the north and the Carboniferous Aqishan -Yamansu rift basin to the south, which are separated by rocks of the Kanggurtag shear zone. The porphyry deposits, dated at 322 Ma, are related to the late evolutionary stages of a subduction-related oceanic or continental margin arc. In contrast, the skarn, gold, and magmatic Ni-Cu deposits are associated with post-colli-sional tectonics at ca. 290-270 Ma. These Late Carboniferous - Early Permian deposits are associated with large-scale emplacement and eruption of magmas possibly caused by lithosphere delamination and rifting within the East Tianshan.  相似文献   

In order to study the ongoing tectonic deformation in the Rhine Graben area, we reconstruct the local crustal velocity and the strain rate field from GPS array solutions. Following the aim of this work, we compile the velocities of permanent GPS stations belonging to various networks (EUREF, AGNES, REGAL and RGP) in central western Europe. Moreover, the strain rate field is displayed in terms of principal axes and values, while the normal and the shear components of the strain tensor are calculated perpendicular and parallel to the strike of major faults. The results are compared with the fault plane solutions of earthquakes, which have occurred in this area. A broad-scale kinematic deformation model across the Rhine Graben is provided on the basis of tectonics and velocity results of the GPS permanent stations. The area of study is divided into four rigid blocks, between which there might be relative motions. The velocity and the strain rate fields are reconstructed along their borders, by estimating a uniform rotation for each block. The tectonic behaviour is well represented by the four-block model in the Rhine Graben area, while a more detailed model will be needed for a better reconstruction of the strain field in the Alpine region.
Magdala TesauroEmail:

The Adula Nappe in the Central Alps is a mixture of various pre-Mesozoic continental basement rocks, metabasics, ultrabasics, and Mesozoic cover rocks, which were pervasively deformed during Alpine orogeny. Metabasics, ultrabasics, and locally garnet–mica schists preserve eclogite-facies assemblages while the bulk of the nappe lacks such evidence. We provide garnet major-element data, Lu profiles, and Lu–Hf garnet geochronology from eclogites sampled along a north–south traverse. A southward increasing Alpine overprint over pre-Alpine garnets is observed throughout the nappe. Garnets in a sample from the northern Adula Nappe display a single growth cycle and yield a Variscan age of 323.8 ± 6.9 Ma. In contrast, a sample from Alpe Arami in the southernmost part contains unzoned garnets that fully equilibrated to Alpine high-pressure (HP) metamorphic conditions with temperatures exceeding 800 °C. We suggest that the respective Eocene Lu–Hf age of 34.1 ± 2.8 Ma is affected by partial re-equilibration after the Alpine pressure peak. A third sample from the central part of the nappe contains separable Alpine and Variscan garnet populations. The Alpine population yields a maximum age of 38.8 ± 4.3 Ma in line with a previously published garnet maximum age from the central nappe of 37.1 ± 0.9 Ma. The Adula Nappe represents a coherent basement unit, which preserves a continuous Alpine high-pressure metamorphic gradient. It was subducted as a whole in a single, short-lived event in the upper Eocene. Controversial HP ages and conditions in the Adula Nappe may result from partly preserved Variscan assemblages in Alpine metamorphic rocks.  相似文献   

The Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary, defined using pollen analysis, has been recorded in sections at the Belchatów outcrop, Kleszczów Graben, central Poland. The boundary is located at the top of the green clay subunit of the Tertiary Clayey-sandy unit. A pollen flora of Reuverian C type, dominated by pine, 10–20% of ‘Reuverian elements’ and scarce thermophilous Tertiary trees, was found directly below this subunit. Cold stage floras of Praetiglian type were, in turn, recorded in the ?ekińsko Formation, lying directly on the green clays. The Pliocene—Pleistocene transition at Belchatów demonstrates the characteristic features of this boundary in western Europe, that is, the disappearance of Tertiary thermophilous tree pollen taxa, followed by a cooling to open-forest or forest-steppe conditions. Both pollen analysis and geological data suggest continuous sedimentation at least from the Upper Pliocene to the Prae-Tiglian, with no change of sediment sources and no marked hiatuses. The fluvial deposits of the Praetiglian ?ekińsko Formation, although Pleistocene in age, mark a final period in the Tertiary evolution of the Kleszczów Graben. Later, there is a hiatus to the deposition of the first glacigenic sediments in the region possibly of Elsterian age.  相似文献   

The Late Cenozoic basins in the Weihe–Shanxi Graben, North China Craton are delineated by northeast-striking faults. The faults have, since a long time, been related to the progressive uplift and northeastward expansion of the Tibetan Plateau. To show the relation between the basins and faults, two Pliocene–Pleistocene stratigraphic sections(Chengqiang and Hongyanangou) in the southern part of the Nihewan Basin at the northernmost parts of the graben are studied herein. Based on the sedimentary sequences and facies, the sections are divided into three evolutionary stages, such as alluvial fan-eolian red clay, fan delta, and fluvial, with boundaries at ~2.8 and ~1.8 Ma. Paleocurrent indicators, the composition of coarse clastics, heavy minerals, and the geochemistry of moderate–fine clastics are used to establish the temporal and spatial variations in the source areas. Based on features from the middlenorthern basin, we infer that the Nihewan Basin comprises an old NE–SW elongate geotectogene and a young NW–SE elongate subgeotectogene. The main geotectogene in the mid-north is a half-graben bounded by northeast-striking and northwest-dipping normal faults(e.g., Liulengshan Fault). This group of faults was mainly affected by the Pliocene(before ~2.8–2.6 Ma) NW–SE extension and controlled the deposition of sediments. In contrast, the subgeotectogene in the south was affected by northwest-striking normal faults(e.g., Huliuhe Fault) that were controlled by the subsequent weak NE–SW extension in the Pleistocene. The remarkable change in the sedimentary facies and provenance since ~1.8 Ma is possibly a signal of either weak or strong NE–SW extension. This result implies that the main tectonic transition ages of ~2.8–2.6 Ma and ~1.8 Ma in the Weihe–Shanxi Graben are affected by the Tibetan Plateau in Pliocene–Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Eocene to Early Oligocene syn-rift deposits of the southern Upper Rhine Graben (URG) accumulated in restricted environments. Sedimentation was controlled by local clastic supply from the graben flanks, as well as by strong intra-basinal variations in accommodation space due to differential tectonic subsidence, that in turn led to pronounced lateral variations in depositional environment. Three large-scale cycles of intensified evaporite sedimentation were interrupted by temporary changes towards brackish or freshwater conditions. They form three major base level cycles that can be traced throughout the basin, each of them representing a stratigraphic sub-unit. A relatively constant amount of horizontal extension (ΔL) in the range of 4–5 km has been estimated for the URG from numerous cross-sections. The width of the rift (L f ), however, varies between 35 and more than 60 km, resulting in a variable crustal stretching factor between the bounding masterfaults. Apart from block tilting, tectonic subsidence was, therefore, largely controlled by changes in the initial rift width (L 0). The along-strike variations of the graben width are responsible for the development of a deep, trough-like evaporite basin (Potash Basin) in the narrowest part of the southern URG, adjacent to shallow areas in the wider parts of the rift such as the Colmar Swell in the north and the Rhine Bresse Transfer Zone that delimits the URG to the south. Under a constant amount of extension, the along-strike variation in rift width is the principal factor controlling depo-centre development in extensional basins.  相似文献   

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