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着重分析2012年度面上项目、青年基金项目、地区基金项目及青年科学基金—面上项目连续资助项目的申请与资助情况,2011年度在研及结题项目的进展情况,申请过程及结题报告中暴露的问题;介绍了2011—2012年地理学学科"研究方向"、"关键词"编制及试用情况。  相似文献   

着重分析了2015年面上项目、青年科学基金项目和地区科学基金项目的申请情况,重点关注了申请过程中暴露的问题及"研究方向"和"关键词"的填写情况;同时总结了2014年年底结题项目完成情况,分析提出了2014年度主要学科方向取得的研究进展。  相似文献   

王登红 《地质论评》2014,60(2):6002320-6002320
正2013年10月28日,由计划项目"全国矿产资源潜力评价"计划项目项目办公室组织的工作项目"全国重要矿产和区域成矿规律研究"成果验收会在北京举行。以李廷栋院士、肖序常院士、郑绵平院士、赵文津院士和莫宣学院士及国土资源部总工程师钟自然、中国地质调查局原局长叶天竺、原地矿部直管局副局长黄崇轲等20名业内知名专家组成的专家组对项目最终成果进行了评审。  相似文献   

2013年5月2日-5日,由吉林大学承担的"内蒙古1∶5万宝日根、巴彦哲里木、坤都冷幅区域地质调查"和已完成的"内蒙古1∶5万河源、1355.3高地、基尔果山、毛尧口幅区域地质调查"项目在长春顺利通过了由中国地质调查局东北项目办组织的成果验收。吉林大学地质调查研究院院长张兴洲、总工程师徐学纯、副院长张洪飞及项目组成员参加了会议。专家组在听取项目负责人的工作汇报、提问答疑、室内实际资料检查和数据库分析的基  相似文献   

正由中国石油化工集团公司倡导发起的工程建设项目"标准化设计、标准化采购、模块化建设"(以下简称"三化")工作,近几年在国内石油化工项目建设中发挥了越来越重要的作用。特别是"模块化建设"工作,经过在世界规模最大的煤制烯烃项目——中天合创鄂尔多斯煤炭深加工示范项目建设管理的实践,取得了显著成效,获得了重大进展。模块化建设既是工程建设技术的一种创新,同时又是项目管理方式的一场变革,必将成为未来大型煤化工  相似文献   

正武汉市江夏区"清水入江"投融资、策划(含规划、设计)、建设、运营PPP项目(简称"清水入江"项目),是由社会投融资人在一个行政区域范围内实施全部涉水工程的系统性投资建设运营项目,是湖北省第一批PPP示范项目、国家第三批PPP示范项目。"清水入江"项目是由社会投融资人主导,系统构建的水生态体系,项目策划思维和建设模式较传统做法有诸多创新之处,研究其运作模式及经验教训,对  相似文献   

正3月1日,由住房和城乡建设部、国家发改委联合出台的《房屋建筑和市政基础设施项目工程总承包管理办法》(以下简称《管理办法》)正式施行。《管理办法》明确了工程总承包项目发包、承包的条件和要求,确立了设计和施工"双资质"制度……未来,设计单位如何取得工程设计和施工"双资质"、如何组成联合体更好地承接项目、如何规  相似文献   

1 引言 针对科技项目数据汇交的紧迫需求,为规范"973"计划资源环境领域项目数据汇交管理工作,促进科学研究项目数据的共享,根据<国家重点基础研究发展计划管理办法>、<973计划项目管理办法>、<973计划项目结题验收办法>等有关规定,科技部基础司经一年半的调研、起草文件、征求意见等筹备后,得到了科技部多位部长的批示,要求积极做好资源环境领域数据汇交试点工作,为我国科技计划项目科学数据共享提供经验.  相似文献   

正阿联酋乌姆盖万150MIDG海水淡化项目是全球TOP5海水淡化工程、"2036阿联酋水安全战略"的重要工程,旨在解决作为世界"水资源压力极大"的阿联酋居民饮水问题。项目集海水淡化、蓄水、供水于一体,采用先进的"膜法"海水淡化工艺,建成后日处理海水量能够达到68万吨,每天可提供68.2万吨洁净饮用水。本文分析了该项目土建部分建设重难点及施工质量控制措施,对优化建设方案、控制项目进度及后期管道、设备的顺利安装具有重要意义,可为类似工程提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

正中国五洲工程设计集团有限公司(以下简称"中国五洲")是中国兵器工业集团有限公司的全资子集团,自1986年开始参与我国烟草行业技术改造项目的工程设计、咨询等工作,项目跨越长城内外、大江南北,迄今已遍布全国25个省市,建设投资高达500多亿元。2018年11月28日,中国五洲中标湖北中烟工业有限责任公司(以下简称"湖北中烟")襄阳卷烟厂易地技术改造项目的工程设计。该项目为烟草行业第一个全"细支烟"生产企业,项目初步设计于2019年12月26日获得了国家烟草专卖局的批复,新建总建  相似文献   

In this paper, a new vertical broadband seismometer is designed, simulated, and evaluated. The proposed seismometer has a bandwidth from 40 s to 50 Hz and sensitivity to ground velocity of 1500 V’/m/s. The mechanical suspension used in the proposed design is a mass-leaf spring rotational pendulum. The displacement of the seismic mass is sensed by a laser interferometer and then forwarded to an electronic force feedback system which feeds a linear actuator to keep the mass almost fixed in its position. The current needed to fix the mass in its position is an indication of the ground acceleration. The performance of the simulated seismometer is evaluated by applying a data record of two actual earthquakes to the simulated model and comparing its response to the earthquakes with that of a real seismometer (Trillium-40) having the same bandwidth and sensitivity. The proposed seismometer has performed within 0.4 % residual variance for the local event and 0.03 % residual variance for the regional one compared to Trillium-40.  相似文献   

[STBZ][ZW(*][HT6H]〓收稿日期:;修回日期:. *基金项目:[HT6SS][ZK(]国家重点基础研究发展计划项目“青藏高原形成对全球变化的响应与适应对策”(编号:2005CB422001);中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目“青藏高原内陆俯冲与造山作用”(编号:KZCX3 SW 143)资助.[ZK)] [HT6H]〓作者简介:[HT6SS](1983 ),男,海南儋州人,硕士研究生,主要从事地震波传播理论研究.[WT6HZ]E mail:[WT6BZ]youliangsu@yahoo.com.cn[ZW)] [HT4F][HT5K]()[JZ)] [HT5H][GK2] 摘〓要:[HT5K]为开展高喜马拉雅地区地质构造—气候反馈作用的研究,中国科学院青藏高原研究所于2004年开始在珠峰地区建立了综合观测研究站,并于2004年下半年开始相继开展了大气边界层(含辐射和土壤观测)、大气湍流和辐射系统、风温廓线、无线电探空系统、沙尘暴观测、冰川变化等大气科学观测研究、地表过程的环境研究和地球动力学研究。为了解珠峰站下方的地质构造,于2005年8月在综合观测研究站布设了宽频带地震仪(记录器为Reftek130,摆为STS2),并于2006年5月取得首批数据。利用宽频带地震仪提供的三分量地震波形记录,应用转换函数及快速模拟退火算法对珠峰站下的地壳横波速度结构进行了反演。反演结果表明,珠峰站的莫霍(Moho)面深度在70 km,地壳结构复杂,尤其在中上地壳,明显呈高低速互层结构,反映了板块边界处构造活动、物质交换活跃,表明这些地区还未达到均衡。为高喜马拉雅地区地质构造—气候反馈作用的研究提供地球物理依据。  相似文献   

We delineate shallow structures of the Mozumi–Sukenobu fault, central Japan, using fault zone waves generated by near-surface explosions and detected by a seismometer array. Two explosive sources, S1 and S2, were placed at a distance of about 2 km from the array, and the other two, S3 and S4, were at a distance of about 4 km. Fault zone head waves and fault zone trapped waves following direct P wave arrivals were clearly identified in the seismograms recorded by a linear seismometer array deployed across the fault in a research tunnel at a depth of 300 m. Synthetic waveforms generated by a 3-D finite-difference (3-D FD) method were compared with observed fault zone waves up to 25 Hz. The best fitting model indicates a 200-m-wide low-velocity zone extending at least to shot site S1 located 2 km east of the seismic array with a 20% decrease in the P wave velocity relative to the wall rock. The width of the low-velocity zone is consistent with the fault zone defined by direct geological observation in the research tunnel. However, the low-velocity zone should disappear just to the east of the site S1 to explain the observed fault zone waves for shot S3 and S4 located 4 km east of the seismometer array. Yet the observation and the simulation show notable trapped wave excitation even though shots S3 and S4 are outside the fault zone. These results indicate that (1) the effective waveguide for seismic waves along the fault does not exist east of source site S1 although the surface traces of the fault are observed in this region, and (2) considerable trapped waves can be excited by sources well outside the fault zone. These results highlight the along-strike variability in fault zone structure.  相似文献   

This paper examines a new method for evaluating the stability of rock blocks on slopes using a remotely positioned Laser Doppler Vibrometer (LDV). A series of experiments using physical models were conducted to evaluate the validity of this new method. Based on the experimental studies, the applicability of LDV was examined by comparing results with a conventional seismometer measurement. To examine the quantitative correlations between vibration properties and the stability of a rock block, the effects on the vibration properties of the size of the rock block, the initial block position, the slope incline, and the type of ground surface were studied. The experimental results showed that LDV measurements agreed with conventional seismometer measurements. There was also a good correlation between vibration properties and rock-block stability. On the other hand, it was found that for a boulder on tightly compacted ground, the application of block stability assessment by tonometry was difficult when measuring microtremors or sloppy vibration due to nearby vehicle traffic. Furthermore, numerical analysis of the slope model was carried out to examine the validity of the model experiment and application of the suggested technique. The results of the analysis demonstrated that the suggested technique was effective for application to stability monitoring of a block and evaluation of the effect of stability measures.  相似文献   

Earthquake swarm activity at Comrie, Perthshire was particularly marked in the period 1839–1846. It served as a focus for early scientific interest in earthquakes in the UK, chiefly under the aegis of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. The work done included both macroseismic and instrumental investigations, and saw the first use of the inverted pendulum in seismology, as well as the first seismometer network anywhere in the world.  相似文献   

The effect of spalling and other transfer functions is considered on the amplitude spectra and waveforms of telese mis short periodP wave seismograms generated due to Longshot. Milrow and Cannikin underground nuclear explosions. Source models of Haskell and Seggern were used for computingP wave seismograms from these events. Step-by-step variations of the amplitude spectra and waveforms ofP wave signal as is propagates from source to various seismometer array stations show that the source function, the source crust transfer function, the mantle transfer function and the spalling function are the most important factors that influence shaping of spectra and waveforms ofP seismograms. Comparison of computed and observedP wave seismograms at various seismometer array stations for Longshot explosion shows that computed seismograms do reproduce many of the features of observed seismograms. The results also support the conclusion that overburdenP wave velocity inferred from observed seismograms is less as compared to its value obtained from on-site measurements.  相似文献   

Four years of recording global earthquakes using a broadband seismometer located at the Ekati diamond mine revealed variations with earthquake azimuth in the arrival of SKS phases. These variations can be modeled assuming two distinct layers of anisotropy in the lithosphere. The lower layer probably lies in the mantle, and the anisotropy aligns with both North American plate motion and the strike of mantle structures identified by previous conductivity and geochemical analyses, at ˜N50°E. The upper layer is hypothesized to result from regional structures in the uppermost mantle and the crust; these trends are distinct from the mantle trends.  相似文献   

海洋深部地震勘探技术   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从国内外海洋油气资源的勘探开发来看 ,海洋 (中 )深部地震勘探技术是海洋探测和油气勘探的一种支柱技术 ,也是获取海洋环境、资源、能源、权益信息的重要技术手段。由于海洋地质构造的复杂性 ,海洋 (中 )深部地震勘探技术具有其自身的特殊性 ,主要表现在数据采集和数据处理两个方面。文中阐述了海上中深层单分量地震勘探数据采集和处理方面的若干关键技术。数据采集包含 :震源特性、电缆质量、高分辨率大动态范围的 2 4位数字地震仪、合理的观测系统、设计参数选择和仪器接收记录因素的选择。数据处理中有 :静校正、吸收补偿、压制多次波等干扰、多次折射波的消除和偏移等。文中列举的若干重点技术 ,特别是在采集处理方面的相关问题也是国际上研究的重点和难点。发展海上中深部地震勘探技术 ,可以提高我国海上油气资源勘探和地质调查的整体水平 ,增加国际上的竞争实力  相似文献   

本文利用远震极性分析和概率密度函数统计法对国家深部探测专项Sino Probe"青藏高原东北缘宽频带地震台阵"40个台站的远震记录波形和背景噪声进行了评估和影响因素分析。结果表明:(1)该台阵对远震有较好的记录和识别能力,且单台定位结果较好;(2)被检测台站背景噪声达到或接近同类地区固定台站的噪声水平标准,观测数据品质较高;(3)根据实际观测资料计算的各台站概率密度函数PDF分析结果建议,在青藏高原东北缘黄土层较厚地区开展宽频带流动观测,应首选基岩台基以保证三分量观测效果,在不得已选择非基岩台基情况下,应深埋地震计以达到最大程度降噪。  相似文献   

Before the introduction in 1977 of new procedures for calculating the local magnitudes of New Zealand earthquakes, these were calculated using a derivative of Richter's method for Southern California. There are systematic differences between the magnitudes calculated by the two methods which are functions of position, magnitude and the types of seismometer recording the event. Usually the difference is small, though, for large earthquakes in particular, it can be close to unity.Differences of order unity are often observed between mB values reported by the ISC and both sets of local magnitudes. There appears to be no relationship between the local magnitudes, which now allow for the nature of wave propagation below New Zealand, and those reported by the ISC.  相似文献   

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