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Particulate organic carbon (POC) of 161 water samples collected from 8 depths (surface to 1000 m) at 21 stations was measured. The POC concentrations ranged from 154 to 554 ¼g per litre at the surface and decreased in the upper 300 m water column. At greater depths (> 300 m), POC concentrations increased and were similar (145 to 542 ¼g1?1) to those observed at surface. Deep water POC maximum was embedded within the oxygen minimum layer and was also associated with high phosphate-phosphorus. The POC contents increased, whereas oxygen decreased as the distance away from the shore increased. Phytoplankton biomass was a major source of POC. The observed pattern of POC is discussed with respect to some physicochemical and biological factors.  相似文献   

Bacterial abundance and production, numbers, sizes and concentrations of transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) and total organic carbon (TOC) were measured during the 1996 summer monsoon to understand the relationship between TEP, the most labile particulate organic carbon, and bacteria. While high regional variability in the vertical distribution of TOC was discernible, TEP concentrations were high in surface waters at 18–20°N along 64°E with concentrations well over 25 mg alginic acid equivalents I−1 due to upwelling induced productivity. Their concentrations decreased with depth and were lower between 200 and 500 m. Bacterial concentrations were up to 1.99 × 108 I–1 in the surface waters and decreased by an order of magnitude or more at depths below 500 m. A better relationship has been found between bacterial abundance and concentrations of TEP than between bacteria and TOC, indicating that bacterial metabolism is fueled by availability of TEP in the Arabian Sea. Assuming a carbon assimilation of 33%, bacterial carbon demand (BCD) is estimated to be 1.017 to 4.035 g C m–2 d–1 in the surface waters. The observed TEP concentrations appear to be sufficient in meeting the surface and subsurface BCD in the northern Arabian Sea.  相似文献   

汪进  曲远馨  金章东 《第四纪研究》2021,41(4):1115-1127

河流系统是连接陆地和海洋的纽带,在全球碳循环中起着重要的作用。河流中的颗粒有机碳(POC)主要由来源于土壤和植被的生物有机碳和来源于岩石的化石有机碳组成,POC的侵蚀、搬运、氧化和埋藏对不同时间尺度的碳循环有着重要的意义。本研究统计了我国31条主要河流(包括台湾12条)的POC含量、碳同位素和悬浮物通量等数据,获得生物POC和化石POC的年通量,探讨了我国河流POC来源和通量的控制因素。结果表明,这些河流的POC的来源和通量表现出明显的差异:黄河和长江侵蚀大量的年老生物POC,而台湾河流主要为化石POC;我国河流POC来源与通量主要受控于物理侵蚀、气候、地质地貌和人类活动等因素的影响。这些河流的流域面积占我国国土面积的47%,近10年其生物POC和化石POC的总年通量分别为4.25±0.78Mt C/a和2.04±0.22Mt C/a,各占世界河流通量的2.7+1.3/-0.9%和4.7+6.6/-2.8%,表现出对全球海洋有机碳的一定贡献。过去几十年,我国河流输沙量显著减少,改变了河流有机碳氧化和水库埋藏过程及通量,其过程和通量的进一步监测和研究对理解有机碳侵蚀、输运、氧化和埋藏及其在全球碳循环中的作用至关重要。


许斐  杨守业  展望  李超  钱鹏 《地球化学》2011,40(2):199-208
2008年4月至2009年4月,在南通长江干流每周采集一次表层悬浮物样品,共51个,分析了其粒度、颗粒有机碳(POC)、颗粒氮(PN)含量以及有机碳同位素(δ13Corg)组成,研究了下游干流颗粒有机碳组成的季节性变化特征.悬浮物的平均粒径在一年内变化不明显,而POC和PN含量呈现洪季缓慢减小,枯季增加的趋势;δ13C...  相似文献   

黄河口有机碳的时空输运特征及其影响因素分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
通过2004年4月,2004年9月,2005年9月,2006年4月4个航次,结合2003年8月对河道感潮带的连续同步观测,对低流量下黄河口有机碳的输运特征进行了考察。结果发现:黄河输入至河口的悬浮物中颗粒有机碳(POC)含量约为0.51%,主要以陆源输入为主,几乎不受季节变化影响,由于大量POC含量低的陆源泥沙的稀释作用,浮游植物对总颗粒有机碳的贡献只有在悬浮物含量(TSS)<200mg/L时才能显现出来;黄河口TSS超过455mg/L时,有机碳入海以颗粒有机碳为主;反之,以溶解有机碳为主。黄河口悬浮物在低盐度区沉降作用前后的中值粒径降低,Φ>16μm的悬浮物的沉降作用比Φ<16μm的悬浮物更为剧烈,POC含量随悬浮物粒径的降低而升高,黄河携带的颗粒有机碳80%以上集中在Φ<16μm的TSS中;低流量下,黄河口最大混浊带对POC的过滤效率为65%,混浊带对POC的过滤效应能造成黄河口POC的有效通量被高估;由于受黄河口沉积物向水体解析DOC的影响,在盐度小于10时,DOC几乎不受海水稀释作用的影响,但在盐度大于10的区域DOC与盐度表现出良好的负相关关系,黄河口枯、丰水期淡水端溶解有机碳的有效浓度分别高于实测最高值20%和10%左右,从而造成黄河口DOC有效通量被低估。  相似文献   

李栋  赵敏  刘再华  陈波 《地学前缘》2022,29(3):155-166
河流输送到海洋的溶解无机碳(DIC)和有机碳(OC)受自然和人为双重因素的影响。了解DIC和OC的年龄、来源和转化,有助于掌握全球碳收支和提高现在以及未来自然和人类对河流碳循环影响的估算精度。本研究以普定岩溶水-碳循环试验场泉(地下水)-池(地表水)耦联系统为研究对象,利用双碳同位素(13C- 14C)方法,结合水生植物生长和传统水文地球化学特征,揭示了地下水-地表水系统中DIC和颗粒有机碳(POC)的来源及其转化机制。研究发现:(1)泉-池系统中DIC和POC的Δ14C具有相同的变化趋势,泉水中Δ14C值低于池水中Δ14C值,反映后者可能有“较年轻”的CO2的加入;(2)池水水化学和碳同位素变化由土地利用类型和池中水生植物共同控制;(3)池水中颗粒有机碳(POC)浓度明显高于泉水,且其Δ14C值表现出与沉水植物和DIC的一致性(表观年龄均为3 200900 a),说明池水POC主要源于池中水生植物光合作用利用了碳酸盐风化产生的老碳(DIC),使新形成的有机质在表观年龄上“偏老”;(4)池水水体内源有机碳对水体POC的贡献在75%以上,内源有机碳通量(以C计)在250 t·km-2·a-1至660 t·km-2·a-1之间,相对于其他土地利用类型,草地对应的地表水系统具有最大的内源有机碳占比和通量,指示了沉水植物控制型浅水水体初级生产对有机碳循环的重要作用。综上,我们认为在岩溶区通过土地利用调整来调控水生植物群落对于增加碳汇具有重要潜力。  相似文献   

黄海秋季典型站位沉降颗粒物的垂直通量   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2002年9月,在海州湾外侧(E1站)、黄海冷水团(E2站)和黄、东海毗邻水域(E3站)分别放置沉积物捕获器采集沉降颗粒物,研究其垂直通量.结果显示,E1、E2和E3站底层颗粒物沉降通量分别为215.44 g/(m2·d)、165.51 g/(m2·d)、873.91 g/(m2·d),POC沉降通量分别为3.15 g/(m2·d)、2.22 g/(m2·d)、10.49 g/(m2·d).生源颗粒物是E1站位次表层POC的主要来源.E3站水体底层的大量悬浮颗粒物主要来自沉积物的再悬浮,再悬浮强烈程度及影响深度均高于E1站.通过模型计算出E2站底层颗粒物再悬浮比率平均(±SD)为95.65(±2.14)%,底表沉积物再悬浮通量占总再悬浮通量的百分比(X值)为89.53%,显示秋季底部平流对黄海冷水团区再悬浮通量影响不大,但这种影响在夏季相对较强.E2站POC净沉降通量为192 mg/(m2·d),生源颗粒物是此站位POC通量的主要贡献者.由于温跃层的长期存在,营养盐贫乏,生物生长受到抑制,导致黄海冷水团区秋季POC通量小于夏季.  相似文献   

中国岩溶碳汇通量估算与人工干预增汇途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国是岩溶大国,岩溶作用吸收土壤或大气CO2形成溶解无机碳,并随河流排向海洋,这是陆地碳循环的重要组成部分.中国地质调查局从2009年开始对岩溶碳汇进行探索性调查,基本查明了岩溶碳汇的作用机理、影响因素和计量方法.研究表明:碳酸盐岩溶蚀试片、径流-水化学和回归模型等方法均揭示了中国岩溶碳汇潜力巨大;植被恢复、土壤改良、...  相似文献   

Recent information on some consequences of the acute mid-water oxygen deficiency in the Arabian Sea, especially on carbon-nitrogen cycling, is reviewed. An evaluation of published estimates of water column denitrification rate suggests an overall rate in the vicinity of 30Tg Ny-1, but the extent of benthic contribution remains unknown. A decoupling of denitrification from primary production, unique to the Arabian Sea, is revealed by nitrite, electron transport system (ETS) activity and bacterial production data. Results of both enzymatic and microbiological investigations strongly point to a major role of organic carbon other than that sinking from surface layers in supporting denitrification. Although denitrification is associated with an intermediate nepheloid layer, it seems unlikely that the excess carbon comes with particles re-suspended along the continental margins and transported quasi-horizontally into the ocean interior; instead, the particle maximum may directly reflect a higher bacterial abundance. It is proposed that denitrification may be predominantly fuelled by the dissolved organic matter.  相似文献   

A physical-biological-chemical model (PBCM) is used for investigating the seasonal cycle of air-sea carbon flux and for assessing the effect of the biological processes on seasonal time scale in the Arabian Sea (AS) and Bay of Bengal (BoB), where the surface waters are subjected to contrasting physical conditions. The formulation of PBCM is given in Swathi et al (2000), and evaluation of several ammonium-inhibited nitrate uptake models is given in Sharada et al (2005). The PBCM is here first evaluated against JGOFS data on surface pCO2 in AS, Bay of Bengal Process Studies (BoBPS) data on column integrated primary productivity in BoB, and WOCE Il data on dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and alkalinity (ALK) in the upper 500 meters at 9°N in AS and at 10°N in BoB in September–October. There is good qualitative agreement with local quantitative discrepancies. The net effect of biological processes on air-sea carbon flux on seasonal time scale is determined with an auxiliary computational experiment, called the abiotic run, in which the biological processes are turned off. The difference between the biotic run and abiotic run is interpreted as the net effect of biological processes on the seasonal variability of chemical variables. The net biological effect on air-sea carbon flux is found to be highest in southwest monsoon season in the northwest AS, where strong upwelling drives intense new production. The biological effect is larger in AS than in BoB, as seasonal upwelling and mixing are strong in AS, especially in the northeast, while coastal upwelling and mixing are weak in BoB.  相似文献   

Processes and issues related to the connections between hydrography, plankton, and the flux of organic carbon to great depth are reviewed for the offshore Arabian Sea and compared with observations in similar regimes of other seas. The south-north and west-east gradients and seasonality in the Arabian Sea are emphasized, but generalizations about the area as a whole are shunned. New data include regional differences in seasonality of satellite-observed chlorophyll for two years. The rule for the depth dependence of organic flux is unclear, therefore, this should be the first priority for future investigations. While the data for supply of organic carbon by settling and demand for the depth interval 200–1,000 m in the eastern Arabian Sea are in fair agreement, this is not true for the interval between 300 and 400 m. For advancing the understanding of the generation of flux in the upper layers and the consumption at depth, very much needs to be learned about the biology of the principal species of Zooplankton and nekton. To keep the task manageable, further studies of flux should focus on only one or two subdivisions of the Arabian Sea.  相似文献   

气候变暖对多年冻土区土壤有机碳库的影响   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
马蔷  金会军 《冰川冻土》2020,42(1):91-103
多年冻土区存储了大量土壤有机碳。气候变暖、 多年冻土退化导致其长期封存的有机碳逐渐或快速释放, 进入大气圈或水系统, 改变原有多年冻土区碳循环, 并可能显著加速气候变暖。通过综述气候变暖对多年冻土区碳库的影响研究进展, 主要包括多年冻土碳库储量、 降解机理及变化预测, 研究表明: 北半球多年冻土区的碳储量巨大, 但不确定性很高, 尤其是海底多年冻土和水合物碳库储量的评估; 多年冻土碳库对气候变暖的响应速度受土壤水热特性、 土壤有机质C/N比、 有机碳含量和微生物群落特征等多种环境因素的控制或影响; 目前, 关于北半球多年冻土碳库对气候变暖响应模拟结果说明, 多年冻土退化短期内不会导致经济和生产方面的灾难性后果。但是, 无论是针对多年冻土碳库评估, 还是多年冻土有机碳库对气候变暖的响应模拟研究结果, 都有较大的不确定性。未来多年冻土碳库变化的模拟和预测研究应更多考虑多年冻土快速退化和多年冻土区水合物分解, 如中小尺度热喀斯特的生态环境和碳的源汇效应。准确的多年冻土区有机碳排放模拟可为未来多年冻土碳与气候反馈的预估提供重要支持。  相似文献   

Particulate fluxes of aluminium, iron, magnesium and titanium were measured using six time-series sediment traps deployed in the eastern, central and western Arabian Sea. Annual Al fluxes at shallow and deep trap depths were 0.47 and 0.46 g m-2 in the western Arabian Sea, and 0.33 and 0.47 g m-2 in the eastern Arabian Sea. There is a difference of about 0.9–1.8 g m-2y-1 in the lithogenic fluxes determined analytically (residue remaining after leaching out all biogenic particles) and estimated from the Al fluxes in the western Arabian Sea. This arises due to higher fluxes of Mg (as dolomite) in the western Arabian Sea (6–11 times higher than the eastern Arabian Sea). The estimated dolomite fluxes at the western Arabian Sea site range from 0.9 to 1.35gm-2y-1. Fe fluxes in the Arabian Sea were less than that of the reported atmospheric fluxes without any evidence for the presence of labile fraction/excess of Fe in the settling particles. More than 75% of Al, Fe, Ti and Mg fluxes occurred during the southwest (SW) monsoon in the western Arabian Sea. In the eastern Arabian Sea, peak Al, Fe, Mg and Ti fluxes were recorded during both the northeast (NE) and SW monsoons. During the SW monsoon, there exists a time lag of around one month between the increases in lithogenic and dolomite fluxes. Total lithogenic fluxes increase when the southern branch of dust bearing northwesterlies is dragged by the SW monsoon winds to the trap locations. However, the dolomite fluxes increase only when the northern branch of the northwesterlies (which carries a huge amount of dolomite accounting 60% of the total dust load) is dragged, from further north, by SW monsoon winds. The potential for the use of Mg/Fe ratio as a paleo-monsoonal proxy is examined.  相似文献   

This paper deals with dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and organic carbon (DOC) in pore waters from a 150 m deep hole drilled through the carbonate barrier reef of Tahiti and its underlying basalt basement. Alkalinity-pH measurements were used to calculate the DIC species concentration, and DOC was analysed according to the high temperature catalytic oxidation technique. Salinity was used as a conservative tracer to help identify water origin and mixing within the hole. Water mixing, calcium carbonate dissolution and mineralization of organic carbon combined to form three distinct groups of pore water. In the deeper basalt layers, pore water with alkalinity of 1.4 meq kg–1 pH of 7.6 and p(CO2) of 1.2 mAtm was undersaturated with respect to both aragonite and calcite. In the intermediate carbonate layer, pore water with alkalinity of more than 2.0 meq kg–1, pH of 7.70 and p(CO2) of 1.4 mAtm was supersaturated with respect to both aragonite and calcite. The transition zone between those two groups extended between 80 and 100 m depth. The shift from aragonite undersaturation to supersaturation was mainly attributed to the mixing of undersaturated pore waters from the basalt basement with supersaturated pore waters from the overlaying limestone. In the top of the reef, inputs from a brackish water lens further increased p(CO2) up to 5.6 times the atmospheric P(CO2).  相似文献   

文章以耕地为对照,分析不同石漠化治理措施(花椒林和次生林)对土壤0~20 cm土层有机碳(SOC)、颗粒有机碳(POC)、矿物结合有机碳(MOC)和团聚体有机碳的影响,探讨POC、MOC与SOC、团聚体有机碳的关系。结果表明:与耕地相比,花椒林和次生林均不同程度提高SOC、POC、MOC和团聚体有机碳含量。0~10 cm土层次生林SOC含量和各粒径团聚体有机碳含量均显著高于耕地和花椒林,在10~20 cm土层无显著差异;0~20 cm土层花椒林和次生林土壤POC含量显著高于耕地,MOC无显著差异。POC/SOC范围为20.38%~45.27%,花椒林和次生林显著高于耕地。相反,MOC/SOC为耕地显著高于花椒林和次生林 。退耕为花椒林和次生林后,SOC含量的增加主要以POC含量增加为主。次生林和花椒林>2 mm粒径对SOC贡献率显著高于耕地,但0.25~2 mm粒径、0.053~0.25 mm粒径和 < 0.053 mm粒径对SOC贡献率显著低于耕地。其相关分析表明:POC、MOC与SOC、团聚体有机碳的关系均呈正相关,表现为次生林 > 花椒林 > 耕地。退耕恢复为花椒林和次生林后,SOC、POC和MOC增加量与团聚体有机碳增加量显著相关,其以次生林的相关性较强。石漠化治理措施改变SOC物理组分及其组成以及它们之间的关系,从而促进有机碳的积累。  相似文献   

岩溶山区土地利用方式对土壤活性有机碳及其分布的影响   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
对重庆中梁山不同土地利用方式下的0~50cm土壤活性有机碳含量和分布进行研究。结果表明:不同利用方式土壤有机碳(SOC)含量大小顺序为:竹林>菜地>草地>林地>园地>弃耕地,且均表现为0~20cm层大于20~50cm层;土壤溶解性有机碳(DOC)含量平均值大小顺序为:林地>竹林>弃耕地>草地>园地>菜地,土壤溶解性有机碳占土壤有机碳的比例随土层深度增加而增加;土壤易氧化有机碳(EOC)含量及其剖面分布与土壤有机碳含量变化相一致,相关分析表明,两者的相关性达到极显著水平(R=0.852,P<0.0001),对土壤有机碳变化反应敏感。   相似文献   

乌裕尔河流域颗粒有机碳的来源:碳同位素证据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以2008、2009年所采集的乌裕尔河9个点位水体中的悬浮物为研究对象,对丰、枯水期颗粒有机碳(POC)含量、碳同位素组成(^13C、^14C)及表观年龄进行了系统测试与分析,以期探讨河流中颗粒有机碳来源与流域土壤侵蚀的关系。研究结果表明,该河流中颗粒有机碳(POC)主要来源于未受玉米残体及根系输入影响的深层土壤,且土...  相似文献   

对南海表层沉积物与沉降颗粒物有机碳的δ13C进行了对比研究,从古环境再造方面探讨了陆源和海源对南海表层沉积物的贡献。南海表层沉积物有机碳的δ13C比沉降颗粒物中有机碳的δ13C偏重表明,Suess效应对南海现代过程的影响不可忽视,两者的δ13C差值反映了Suess效应对南海现代过程的影响程度。利用两者的δ13C差值,对现代陆源和海源有机碳的δ13C进行修正后,计算得到,在南海陆架周围表层沉积物的有机碳中,陆源的比例为48%,海源的比例为52%;在远离陆架的表层沉积物的有机碳中,陆源的比例为14%,海源的比例为86%。  相似文献   

本研究采集了武汉市城区2018年3月至2019年2月的大气总沉降及湿沉降样品,使用苯多羧酸法测定溶解态黑碳含量,并结合气象条件分析溶解态黑碳沉降通量季节变化特征及其影响因素。结果表明,总沉降中溶解态黑碳月浓度范围为0.12~0.83 mg/L,均值为0.40 mg/L,湿沉降溶解态黑碳浓度范围为0.04~0.18 mg/L,均值为0.10 mg/L;溶解态黑碳总沉降和湿沉降年通量分别为269 mg·m-2·a-1和65 mg·m-2·a-1。溶解态黑碳总沉降通量季节变化为春季>冬季>夏季>秋季,湿沉降通量季节变化为冬季>春季>夏季>秋季。溶解态黑碳湿沉降通量主要受降雨量影响,而总沉降通量除受降雨量影响外还受风速、风向和空气质量等因素的共同影响。  相似文献   

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