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The reuse of waste materials as soil additives could be a welcome development in soil remediation. The mobility of Cd, Pb and As in a contaminated soil was investigated using natural and calcined poultry wastes (eggshell and chicken bone), CaCO3 and CaO at different application rates (0, 1, 3 and 5 %). The chemical composition accompanied with mineralogical composition indicated that CaCO3 and CaO were the major components in natural and calcined eggshells, respectively, while hydroxyapatite (HAP) dominated the natural and calcined chicken bones. The results showed that soil pH tended to increase in response to increasing application rates of all soil additives. The effectiveness of the additives in reducing Cd, Pb and As mobility was assessed by means of chemical extractions with 0.1 N HCl for Cd and Pb or 1 N HCl for As, according to Korean Standard Test (KST) method. Both calcined eggshell and chicken bone were equally effective with CaO or CaCO3 in reducing the concentration of 0.1 N HCl-extractable Cd from 6.17 mg kg?1 to below warning level of 1.5 mg kg?1, especially at the highest application rate. The application of calcined eggshell, CaO and CaCO3 also decreased the concentration of 0.1 N HCl-extractable Pb from 1,012 mg kg?1 to below warning level of 100 mg kg?1. The Pb concentration decreased significantly with an increasing application rate of chicken bone, but remained above warning level even at the highest application rate. On the contrary, natural and calcined chicken bones led to a significant increase in the mobility of As when compared with the control soil. These findings illustrate that calcined eggshell in particular is equally effective as pure chemical additives in stabilizing Cd and Pb in a contaminated agricultural soil. The presence of As in metal-contaminated soils should be taken into consideration when applying phosphate-containing materials as soil additives, because phosphate can compete with arsenate on adsorption sites and result in As mobilization.  相似文献   

Effects of saline water irrigation on soil properties in northwest China   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Due to the lack of freshwater, highly saline groundwater was the main irrigation source in the last few decades in the Minqin Basin, which is in northwest China. The study evaluates the effects of salt accumulation on the soil physical–chemicals properties. Undisturbed and disturbed soil samples were taken from the experiment site, which was irrigated with saline water at a concentration of 0.8, 2 and 5 g L−1 (coded later as C08, C2 and C5). Undisturbed soil samples, at depths of 0–45 and 45–60 cm were taken to determine the water retention curve (WRC). Moreover, in the same place, another set of undisturbed soil samples were taken to determine the porosity and pore-size distribution (PoSD). From the WRC, the water-holding capacity of the soil was estimated. Disturbed soil samples at depths of 0–20, 0–45, 45–60 and 80–100 cm were taken to determine the index of aggregates stability in water (IC). The electrical conductivity of the saturated paste (ECe) was determined at depths of 0–30, 30–60 and 60–90 cm, during the irrigation season on C08, C2 and C5 treatments. The results show that the total porosity and the index of aggregates stability in water decrease with the increasing salinity of irrigation water, and the ECe increases with the increasing salinity of irrigation water especially in the surface soil. The water-holding capacity (WHC) of soil also increases with the increasing salinity of irrigation water.  相似文献   

Arsenic in soil, vegetation and water of a contaminated region   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Arsenic concentrations of surface waters, soils and plants were surveyed in three contaminated villages of Bijar County. Total arsenic in water samples (4.5 to 280 μg/L) was correlated with electrical conductivity, total dissolved solid, total hardness, alkalinity, chloride, sulphate, bicarbonate, calcium and sodium (p<0.001). Total arsenic in the soils ranged from 105.4 to 1500 mg/kg. Some of the soil factors play an important role in soil arsenic content and its bioavailability for organisms. In general, the arsenic concentrations in plants were low, especially in the most common wild species. Among 13 plant species, the highest mean arsenic concentration was found in leaves of Mentha Longifolia (79.4 mg/kg). Arsenic levels in soils and plants were positively correlated, while the ability of the plants to accumulate the element, expressed by their biological accumulation coefficients and arsenic transfer factors, was independent of the soil arsenic concentration. Relationships between the arsenic concentrations in plants, soils and surface water and the environmental aspects of these relationships have been discussed in comparison with literature data. The accumulation of arsenic in environmental samples (soil, sediment, water, plant, etc.) poses a potential risk to human health due to the transfer of this element in aquatic media, their uptake by plants and subsequent introduction into the food chain.  相似文献   

Bone meal amendments are being considered as a remediation method for metal-contaminated wastes. In various forms (biogenic, geogenic or synthetic), apatite, the principal mineral constituent of bone, has shown promise as an amendment to remediate metal-contaminated soils via the formation of insoluble phosphates of Pb and possibly other metals. The efficacy of commercially available bovine bone meal in this role was investigated in a field trial at Nenthead, Cumbria with a mine waste derived soil contaminated with Zn, Pb and Cd. Two 5 m2 plots were set up; the first as a control and the second, a treatment plot where the soil was thoroughly mixed with bone meal to a depth of 50 cm at a soil to amendment ratio of 25:1 by weight. An array of soil solution samplers (Rhizon SMS) were installed in both plots and the soil pore water was collected and analysed for Ca, Cd, Zn and Pb regularly over a period of 2 a. Concurrently with the field trial, a laboratory trial with 800 mm high and 100 mm wide leaching columns was conducted using identical samplers and with soil from the field site.A substantial release of Zn, Pb, Cd and Ca was observed associated with the bone meal treatment. This release was transient in the case of the leaching columns, and showed seasonal variation in the case of the field trial. It is proposed that this effect resulted from metal complexation with organic acids released during breakdown of the bone meal organic fraction and was facilitated by the relatively high soil pH of 7.6–8.0. Even after this transient release effect had subsided or when incinerated bone meal was substituted in order to eliminate the organic fraction, no detectable decrease in dissolved metals was observed and no P was detected in solution, in contrast with an earlier small column laboratory study. It is concluded that due to the relative insolubility of apatite at above-neutral pH, the rate of supply of phosphate to soil solution was insufficient to result in significant precipitation of metal phosphates and that this may limit the effectiveness of the method to more acidic soils.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1997,12(5):607-623
The aim of this study is to characterize the processes and phases which control migration and retention of rare earth elements (REE) in a heavy metal contaminated soil. In addition to concentration data, we used Pb, Sr and Nd isotopic compositions in order to distinguish between natural and anthropogenic trace metals and to characterize the phases leached away during the sequential extraction procedure.The samples were sequentially extracted in 3 steps with 1 N acetic acid (HAc), 1 N HCl and 1 N HNO3. The Pb isotope data showed that anthropogenic Pb had mainly been retained in the uppermost 10 cm by the organic matter of the topsoil. The87Sr/86Sr ratios of the HAc extracts are almost constant and indicate that soil carbonate is derived from regionally outcropping carbonate-rich sediments. Most HCl and HNO3 extracts have more radiogenic Sr isotopic compositions, but it is unclear whether this reflects a growing influence of anthropogenic or silicate-derived Sr.The depth distribution of the REE is mainly controlled by two different parameters: soil pH for the HAc extractable REE and FeMn oxides for the REE in the HCl and HNO3 extracts. A part of the HNO3 extractable REE was also bound to the organic matter of the topsoil. The REE concentrations in the HAc extractable phase increase with depth and increasing soil pH, which indicates that they are derived from the surface and hence are of anthropogenic origin. This is confirmed by143Nd/144Nd isotope ratios which show a mixing between a natural end-member at the top and an anthropogenic end-member at the base of the profile. We assume that the anthropogenic REE were transported in dissolved form as carbonate complexes and then precipitated during downward migration as soil pH increased.  相似文献   

According to the field experiment in the sodic saline soil region in the Songnen Plain, the dynamics of the soil water and solute affected by the shallow groundwater were explored during the growing season in 2004. The results presented that, influenced by the strongly evaporative demand, the soil water tended to transport to the upper soil layer with salt. The layered soil water balance model (LSWB model) revealed that the ratio of the water exchange between the groundwater and upper layer of the soil was 11.7:1. The groundwater discharge was 53.86 mm, but the groundwater recharge from the upper layer of soil was only 5.04 mm from 11 July to 06 September, which indicated that the groundwater could discharge to upper layer of soil and influence the soil salinization through capillary rise. The observed values of the salt content from July to mid-October presented that the soil solute was more changeable influenced by the climatic condition at 30 cm depth. As the field saturated hydraulic conductivity was low, the salts mainly accumulated in about 50–70 cm depth soil layer and hardly leached into deeper soil layer. Furthermore, the salt content was mainly controlled by the groundwater in the subsoil below 100 cm depth, the salt content decreased with the groundwater level receding. As influenced by the shallow groundwater and freeze-thaw action, further studies should be performed on the mechanism of soil salinization in the sodic saline soil region in the Songnen Plain of China.  相似文献   

In Korea, soils adjacent to abandoned mines are commonly contaminated by heavy metals present in mine tailings. Further, the disposal of oyster shell waste by oyster farm industries has been associated with serious environmental problems. In this study, we attempted to remediate cadmium (Cd)- and lead (Pb)-contaminated soils typical of those commonly found adjacent to abandoned mines using oyster shell waste as a soil stabilizer. Natural oyster shell powder (NOSP) and calcined oyster shell powder (COSP) were applied as soil amendments to immobilize Cd and Pb. The primary components of NOSP and COSP are calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and calcium oxide (CaO), respectively. X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence and scanning electron microscope analyses conducted in this study revealed that the calcination of NOSP at 770°C converted the less reactive CaCO3 to the more reactive CaO. The calcination process also decreased the sodium content in COSP, indicating that it was advantageous to use COSP as a liming material in agricultural soil. After 30 days of incubation, we found that the 0.1 N HCl-extractable Cd and Pb contents in soil decreased significantly as a result of an increase in the soil pH and the formation of metal hydroxides. COSP was more effective in immobilizing Cd and Pb in the contaminated soil than NOSP. Overall, the results of this study suggest that oyster shell waste can be recycled into an effective soil ameliorant.  相似文献   

冻融季节苏打盐渍土的水盐变化规律   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
通过野外定位观测和室内分析,探讨了冻融季节的微域尺度(32 m长的横剖面)苏打盐渍土的水分和盐分的变化规律.结果表明:冻结期大量地下水迁移并储存在盐化草甸土的冻层中,同时地下水位埋深迅速从1.2 m下降到2.5 m以下;苏打盐化草甸土冻结层的含水率明显增加,其中30~40 cm土层的含水率变化最明显(从冻结前的20%增加到50%).苏打碱土冻层的含水率增量不明显,但盐分显著增加,其中白盖苏打碱土表层的盐分增量幅度达80%.盐分变化主要表现为苏打盐渍土表层HCO3-、CO32-、SO42-以及Na+的增加,大量盐分表聚使消融期土壤的盐渍化程度不断加重.  相似文献   

不同冻结方式下盐渍土水盐重分布规律的试验研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
邴慧  何平 《岩土力学》2011,32(8):2307-2312
土体的冻融历史在土体的冻胀预报和评估的作用不可忽略,不同的冻结方式将影响土体中的水盐重分布及干密度的变化差异。选择土样底端温度相同情况下的单向冻结、正弦波曲线冻融循环和负温循环冻结3种冻结作用模式,对青藏高原铁路沿线红色粉质黏土进行了试验研究,分析了3种冻结模式下土体的冻胀量的变化、水分和盐分的重分布状况以及土体干密度的变化规律,试验结果表明单向冻结过程由于冰的自净作用,阻止了盐分的迁移;土体周期冻融循环后变形具有不可累加性,盐分在随水分发生对流迁移的同时会发生由浓度梯度诱导的扩散迁移;在冻融作用下,土体的压密变形是客观存在的,即体现了冻融对该试验条件下土体结构的强化作用  相似文献   

Soil aggregation is one of the key properties affecting the productivity of soils and the environmental side effects of agricultural soils. In this study, we aimed to identify whether biochar could be used to improve aggregate stability. A 2-year field experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of biochar application (0, 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 30 and 40 t ha?1) on aggregate characteristics of upland red soil under a rapeseed–sweet potato rotation in subtropical China. Percentage of aggregate destruction (PAD0.25), mean weight diameter (MWD), geometric mean diameter (GMD) and fractal characteristics of soil aggregates were measured using both wet and dry sieving methods. Results showed that applying biochar significantly decreased the percentage of aggregate destruction and soil fractal dimension and increased the MWD and GMD. The optimal amelioration was observed when biochar was applied at a rate of 40 t ha?1. The decline of the fractal dimension of dry aggregates was 2–9 times as much as that of water-stable aggregates in the 0–15 soil layer and 1–4 times in the 15–30 cm soil layer. These results suggested that biochar could improve the resistance of aggregates to stresses and provide scientific strategies for the agricultural production.  相似文献   

为了研究促根剂与水分胁迫诱导小麦根伸长及其降低小麦对异质土壤中Cd吸收转运的影响,本研究制备了不同浓度Cd污染土壤,利用根箱法设置了3种不同土层(0~6 cm、7~12 cm及13~18 cm)下的Cd污染异质土壤,研究了3种添加比例(0.1%、0.2%和0.4%)下促根剂与3种水分胁迫诱导(60%、50%和40% MWHC)下小麦根伸长对降低小麦Cd吸收、转运的影响。结果表明:不同促根剂与水分胁迫诱导处理可以明显促进小麦根系生长,表现为小麦根系总长与根表面积的显著增加,其中促根剂促使下层(13~18 cm)土壤中小麦根系总长增加了63.2%~205.9%,水分胁迫诱导增加了69.1%~91.2%。不同促根剂处理可以不同程度增加小麦分蘖数,从而增加了小麦籽粒生物量(小麦籽粒生物量增加5.6%~50.3%);与对照相比,除了40% MWHC水分处理(WS3)外,不同促根剂与水分胁迫处理可以显著降低(P<0.05)Cd污染异质土壤中小麦茎叶与籽粒中Cd的浓度,降低范围分别为24.0%~41.5%和23.0%~42.7%,其中以添加0.4%促根剂处理效果最佳,不同处理对降低小麦籽粒Cd含量效果顺序为RA3≈RA2>WS2≈RA1≈WS1>WS3。基于上述结果,RA2和WS2在Cd异质污染农田修复中具有较大的应用价值。  相似文献   

Inorganic arsenic (As) pesticides have been widely used for decades in many countries. However, insufficient data are available on the chemical speciation of inorganic arsenicals in tropical paddy soils. Inorganic As-containing pesticides were used in tropical countries, a few decades ago, however, their fate have not been studied. Hence, the objective of this study was to determine fractionation of inorganic arsenicals and to assess As lability with/without fertilizer application using a static incubation experiment. Eight soils from wet and dry regions of Sri Lanka were amended with 1,000 mg/kg arsenate for this purpose. The FT-IR and XRF results suggested that soils in the wet region were rich in Fe/Al-oxides. Paddy soils in the dry zone showed high As lability. These low-humic gley soils have low Fe/Al oxyhydroxide and alkaline pH. In contrast, the wet zone had soils with higher As retention capacity, high amounts of Fe/Al oxyhydroxide, and acidic pH. Arsenic lability increased considerably 30 days after fertilizer application. Overall, As lability was mainly influenced by soil mineralogical and chemical properties, i.e., Fe/Al oxyhydroxide, pH, organic matter, and fertilizer application.  相似文献   

Disturbances have the potential to reduce soil water and nutrient retention capacity by decreasing soil organic matter (SOM), which is particularly true for sandy soils characterized by an inherent low capacity to retain nutrients and water. To restore degraded areas, several works have shown positive effects of organic matter inputs on soil properties and plant growth. Despite these promising results, it is still unclear how organic matter inputs and plant growth modify the balance between soil nutrient and water supply. The objectives of the present work were (1) to evaluate the effects of biosolids compost and municipal compost addition on plant available water (PAW), soil moisture and soil temperature in a burned sandy soil of NW Patagonia (Argentina), and (2) to relate PAW and soil moisture with bulk density, soil organic carbon, nutrient availability (inorganic and potential mineralized nitrogen (N), extractable phosphorous) and aboveground phytomass. An experiment with excised vegetation and watering was also conducted. Compost application increased SOM, but it was insufficient to increase PAW. The increase in potential mineralized N in the amended soils indicated that during moist periods (and adequate temperatures), N uptake was increased, enhancing plant growth. As a consequence, higher plant water consumption in amended treatments resulted in lower soil moisture than in non-amended plots during the vegetative growth period that coincides with decreasing precipitation. Results indicate that a relatively high dose of compost (40 Mg ha?1) applied to a sandy soil, contributed to increase nutrient availability and consequently, aboveground phytomass and water consumption.  相似文献   

Increased application of road salt for winter maintenance has resulted in increased concentration of deicer constituents in the environment. The runoffs from the deicing operation have a deteriorating effect on water quality. The existence of salt super saturated Urmia lake and easy access to it, causes Urmia municipality to over use the super saturated water of this lake and salt (NaCl) during winter for snow melting, freezing prevention and traffic load facilitation. The aim of this study was investigation of surface and groundwater contaminations in consequence of salt (NaCl) and saline water usage in Urmia city and its surroundings. Studying the chloride ion concentration as a tracer in runoff result snowmelts during winter shows that its amount is differential with respect to time and place sampling. Results indicate that runoff result of snowmelts effected groundwater, soil and plant growth. The contamination of groundwater in study area by road salt and saline water is a slow process and directly related to the amount of road salt and saline water applied.  相似文献   

干密度和含水率对稻草加筋土强度与变形的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以防腐处理后的稻草加筋滨海盐渍土,完成了三种干密度和三种含水率的稻草加筋土的抗压实验和三轴UU压缩实验。结果表明:干密度较大时,加筋土的抗压强度和抗剪强度较高,达到峰值强度的应变较大,即抗变形能力较强;随含水率的增加,加筋土的强度降低,抗变形能力减弱;加筋稻草增强了土的抗变形能力,提高了土的粘聚力,但对内摩擦角的影响很小;在最优含水率和最大干密度下,加筋效果最优。  相似文献   

Ying  Zi  Cui  Yu-Jun  Benahmed  Nadia  Duc  Myriam 《Acta Geotechnica》2022,17(1):319-326
Acta Geotechnica - This study aims at investigating the lime treatment effect on the changes in microstructure and water retention property of compacted saline soil, with consideration of the...  相似文献   

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