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One of the significant environmental aspects of transport and cargo manipulation in ports is air pollution. Coupled with other industrial sources, port traffic and operations can cause exceedances of environmental limit values and thus increase the risk of adverse biological effects including toxicity to humans. The proposed paper will describe the main characteristics of the on-shore high-voltage power supply and will discuss the extent to which the implementation of this technology is justified with respect to environmental protection, development of sustainable transport and the protection of human health. The paper suggests implementing on-shore high-voltage power supply with the aim of securing a sustainable development of world ports and minimizing their harmful effects to the environment, taking into consideration the economic aspects. After analysing the results, this technology provides a wider perspective for its future implementation into Croatian ports. The paper will assess the possible environmental effects of implementing this new technology into Croatian ports.  相似文献   

Freshwater fraction and tidal prism models are simple methods for estimating the turnover time of estuarine water. The freshwater fraction method prominently features flushing by freshwater inflow and has sometimes been criticized because it appears not to include flushing by seawater, but this is accounted for implicitly because the average estuary salinity used in the calculation reflects all the processes that bring seawater into the estuary, including gravitational circulation and tidal processes. The model relies on measurable salinity differences among water masses and so must be used for estuaries with substantial freshwater inflow. Tidal prism models are based on flushing by flood tide inflow and ignore seawater inflow due to gravitational circulation. These models should only be applied to estuaries with weak or nonexistent gravitational circulation, which are generally those with little freshwater inflow. Using a framework that is less ambioguous and more directly applicable to the estimation of turnover times than those used previously, this paper critically examines the application of tidal prism models in well-mixed estuaries with complete tidal exchange, partial ebb return, or incomplete flood mixing and in partially mixed estuaries. Problems with self-consistency in earlier versions of these models also apply to the budgeting procedure used by the LOICZ (Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone) program. Although freshwater fraction and tidal prism models are different approaches to estimating turnover times in systems with very different characteristics, consistent derivation shows that these models have much in common with each other and that they yield equivalent values that can be used to make comparisons across systems.  相似文献   

The cryosphere constitutes an important subset of the hydrosphere.The Himalayan cryosphere is a significant contributor to the hydrological budget of a large river system such as the Ganges.Basic data on the cryosphere in the Himalaya is inadequate and also has large uncertainties.The data on glacial melt component in the Himalayan rivers of India also shows high variability.The Gangotri glacier which constitutes nearly a fifth of the glacierized area of the Bhagirathi basin represents one of the fastest receding,large valley glaciers in the region which has been surveyed and monitored for over sixty years.The availability of measurement over a long period and relatively small glacier-fed basin for the Bhagirathi river provides suitable constraints for the measurement of the glacial melt fraction in a Himalayan river.Pre- and post-monsoon samples reveal a decreasing trend Of depletion of δ~(18)O in the river water from glacier snout(Gaumukh) to the confluence of the Bhagirathi river with the Alaknanda river near Devprayag.Calculations of existing glacial melt fraction(~ 30%at Rishikesh) are not consistent with the reported glacial thinning rates.It is contended that the choice of unsuitable end-members in the three component mixing model causes the overestimation of glacial melt component in the river discharge.Careful selection of end members provides results(~11%at Devprayag) that are consistent with the expected thinning rates.  相似文献   

Grain-displacing hydrate deposits exist at many marine sites, which constitute an important part of methane hydrate resources worldwide. Attributed to the difficulties in acquiring field data and synthesizing experimental samples, the formation and property characterization of grain-displacing hydrate remains less understood and characterized than the pore-filling hydrate in current literature. This study reviews the formation mechanisms of grain-displacing hydrate from the perspective of geolog...  相似文献   

The relationship between the stable isotopic and chemical composition of precipitation and groundwater was studied in the Nuaimeh area of the Ajloun Highlands in Jordan. The isotopic composition values of precipitation and groundwater are almost identical. The spatial variation of stable isotopes in precipitation is mainly due to the effect of seasonal temperature, altitude and amount. The groundwater reveals identical variation in isotopic composition to the precipitation due to direct recharge and the karstic nature of the outcropping Turonian aquifer. Tritium levels in wells are high and their content is similar to the weighted mean value of tritium content in precipitation, indicating local recharge and low residence time. The 14C activity in the tritiated groundwater is found to be about half of the 14C activity of precipitation in the region. A geochemical evolution through dissolution of carbonate by water–carbonate rock interactions reduced the atmospheric 14C activity from 114 to 61 pmc in the groundwater. A 14C of around 61 pmc and 7.6 TU values are considered the initial concentration for the recharge in the shallow carbonate aquifer in the Yarmouk Basin. The large fluctuation of water level in observation wells during the rainy season indicates the sensitivity and direct response of the aquifer to the recharge. The chemical composition of the groundwater (Ca2+–HCO3) gives emphasis to the short duration of water–rock interaction and indicates dissolution of the carbonate aquifer. The elevated concentrations of Cl and NO3 in groundwater are attributed to anthropogenic sources.
Resumen Fue estudiada la relación entre la composición isotópica estable y la composición química, tanto de la precipitación como del agua subterránea, en el área de Nuaimeh en las montañas de Ajloun, en Jordania. Los valores de la composición isotópica de la precipitación y del agua subterránea son casi idénticos. La variación espacial de los isótopos estables en la precipitación, es debida principalmente al efecto de la temperatura estacional, a la altura y a la cantidad. El agua subterránea muestra una variación idéntica a la precipitación en cuanto a la composición isotópica, debido a la recarga directa y a la naturaleza cársica del acuífero Turoniano aflorante. Los niveles de tritio en los pozos son altos y su contenido es similar al valor medio ponderado del contenido de tritio en la precipitación, indicando una recarga local y un tiempo de residencia corto. Se ha encontrado que la actividad de 14C en el agua subterránea tritiada, es alrededor de la mitad de la actividad del 14C en la precipitación para la región. La evolución geoquímica ocurrida a partir de la disolución del carbonato, por las interacciones roca carbonatada–agua, redujeron la actividad atmosférica del 14C desde 114 en porcentaje de carbono moderno (pcm) hasta 61 pcm en el agua subterránea. Los valores del 14C cercanos a 61 pcm y de 7.6 unidades de tritio, se han considerado como las concentraciones originales para la recarga en el acuífero carbonatado somero de la Cuenca de Yarmouk. Una gran fluctuación en el nivel de agua de los pozos de observación, durante la estación lluviosa, indica la sensibilidad y la respuesta directa del acuífero frente a la recarga. La composición química del agua subterránea (Ca2+–HCO3), enfatiza en la corta duración de la interacción de agua–roca, e indica disolución del acuífero carbonatado. La concentración elevada de Cl y NO3 en el agua subterránea, se atribuye a fuentes antropogénicas.

Résumé Dans la région montagneuse dAjloun de Jordanie on a étudié la relation entre la composition chimique et isotopique des précipitations et des eaux souterraines. La composition isotopique est presque identique dans précipitations et les eaux souterraines. La variation spatiale de la teneur en isotopes stables dans les précipitations est déterminée en principal par les variations saisonnière de la température, laltitude ainsi que par la quantité des précipitations. A cause de la recharge directe et de la nature karstique des affleurements de laquifère dage touronienne, les eaux souterraines présentent la même composition isotopique que les précipitations. La teneur en 3H mesurée dans les forages présente des valeurs élevées, proches de la valeur moyenne des précipitations, ce quindique une recharge locale et un temps court de résidence. On a déterminé pour lactivité de 14C une valeur proche de la moitié trouvée dans les précipitations. Lévolution géochimique par dissolution des carbonates pendant linteraction entre leau et les roche a diminué lactivité du 14C, de la valeur de 114 pcm en atmosphère à 61 pcm dans les eaux souterraines. Dans laquifère calcaire de surface de bassin Yarmouk, on a considéré comme de concentrations initiales, les valeurs de 61 pcm pour 14C et 7.2 UT pour 3H. Les grandes fluctuations des niveaux des eaux souterraines observées dans les forages pendant les saisons pluvieux montrent la sensibilité ainsi que la réponse directe de laquifère au recharge. La composition chimique des eaux souterraines (Ca2+–HCO3) montre de plus le temps court de linteraction entre leau et la roche, en indiquant aussi la dissolution de laquifère calcaire. Les taux élevées de la concentration en Cl et NO3 dans les eaux souterraines ont été attribuées aux sources humaines.

Geochemical reconnaissance survey of Wadi Umm Khariga in the southern part of the Eastern Desert of Egypt was carried out in an area of 30 Km2. The results of 79 stream sediment samples analyzed for Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mn, Ni, Pb, Rb, Ti, and Zn after hot extraction with aqua regia were treated with simple and multivariate statistical methods. Titanium, Cu, Co, Ni, and Cr show lognormal distribution, whereas the other elements are normally distributed. The correlation between Fe and Mn and most of the analyzed elements suggest coprecipitation process that could be significant in controlling the distribution of these elements. Regression analysis was effective in correcting the effects of Fe and Mn by calculating the residuals. R-mode factor analysis produced a four-factor model, which accounts for 79.1% of the total variance in the data. Factor 1 (rCr, rCo, Ni) scores are correlated spatially with the area underlain by the serpentinites, metarhyolites, and metadacites. Factor 2 (rLi, rZn, rTi, Rb, K) scores are correlated with the metarhyolites, metadacites, and metapyroclastics. Factor 3 (Cu, rTi, Pb) scores characterize the metabasalts, meta-andesites, metarhyolites, and metadacites, thus reflecting the parent rocks as dominant influencing factors. Factor 4 (Mn, Fe) scores reflect the secondary environment effects. Discriminant analysis delineated an anomalous area for Co, Ni, Cr, Cu, Ti, Mn, Pb, and Li with probable occurrence of economic mineral deposits.  相似文献   

Sulfate reduction and sulfur-iron geochemistry were studied in 5-6 m deep gravity cores of Holocene mud from Aarhus Bay (Denmark). A goal was to understand whether sulfate is generated by re-oxidation of sulfide throughout the sulfate and methane zones, which might explain the abundance of active sulfate reducers deep below the main sulfate zone. Sulfate penetrated down to 130 cm where methane started to build up and where the concentration of free sulfide peaked at 5.5 mM. Below this sulfate-methane transition, sulfide diffused downwards to a sulfidization front at 520 cm depth, below which dissolved iron, Fe2+, accumulated in the pore water. Sulfate reduction rates measured by 35S-tracer incubations in the sulfate zone were high due to high concentrations of reactive organic matter. Within the sulfate-methane transition, sulfate reduction was distinctly stimulated by the anaerobic oxidation of methane. In the methane zone below, sulfate remained at positive “background” concentrations of <0.5 mM down to the sulfidization front. Sulfate reduction decreased steeply to rates which at 300-500 cm depth were 0.2-1 pmol SO42− cm−3 d−1, i.e., 4-5 orders of magnitude lower than rates measured near the sediment surface. The turn-over time of sulfate increased from 3 years at 12 cm depth to 100-1000 years down in the methane zone. Sulfate reduction in the methane zone accounted for only 0.1% of sulfate reduction in the entire sediment column and was apparently limited by the low pore water concentration of sulfate and the low availability of organic substrates. Amendment of the sediment with both sulfate and organic substrates immediately caused a 10- to 40-fold higher, “potential sulfate reduction” which showed that a physiologically intact community of sulfate reducing bacteria was present. The “background” sulfate concentration appears to be generated from the reaction of downwards diffusing sulfide with deeply buried Fe(III) species, such as poorly-reactive iron oxides or iron bound in reactive silicates. The oxidation of sulfide to sulfate in the sulfidic sediment may involve the formation of elemental sulfur and thiosulfate and their further disproportionation to sulfide and sulfate. The net reaction of sulfide and Fe(III) to form pyrite requires an additional oxidant, irrespective of the formation of sulfate. This could be CO2 which is reduced with H2 to methane. The methane subsequently diffuses upwards to become re-oxidized at the sulfate-methane transition and thereby removes excess reducing power and enables the formation of excess sulfate. We show here how the combination of these well-established sulfur-iron-carbon reactions may lead to the deep formation of sulfate and drive a cryptic sulfur cycle. The iron-rich post-glacial sediments underlying Holocene marine mud stimulate the strong sub-surface sulfide reoxidation observed in Aarhus Bay and are a result of the glacial to interglacial history of the Baltic Sea area. Yet, processes similar to the ones described here probably occur widespread in marine sediments, in particular along the ocean margins.  相似文献   

Noyes  Chandler  Kim  Jihyun  Person  Mark  Ma  Lin  Ferguson  Grant  McIntosh  Jennifer C. 《Hydrogeology Journal》2021,29(5):1905-1923
Hydrogeology Journal - This study investigates hydraulic connectivity of a stacked aquifer system in the Lisbon Valley of southeastern Utah (USA), within the Paradox Basin, where numerous faults...  相似文献   

The Xiangquan Thallium-only deposit in Hexian, east China is a newly found near-surface and unmined shallow-seated thallium deposit. The 250t Tl deposit is hosted in Lower Ordovician Lunshan Group as lenticular and confined by northeast F1, F2 faults. The metallic minerals are dominated by pyrite, more than 95% Tl occurs in pyrite as tiny individual grains or as ‘‘invisible thallium”. Tl and other trace elements pollution in ecosystems such as soils, surface and ground waters and water sediments, plants and crops, and animal and human beings in Xiangquan near the Tl ore deposit have been investigated and evaluated. Results show that Tl as well as As and Sb in ecosystems in Xiangquan around the deposit have enriched, they came from Tl-pyrite in the ore bodies and in the parent rocks of weathered soils on top of the ore bodies and went into the nearby ecosystems through weathering, leaching and dissolving. In 2 km2 around the Xiaolongwang Mountain where the Tl ore deposit seated, soils, vegetables, crops have been polluted or heavily polluted by Tl, As and Sb. Farmlands near the ore body are not fit to grow vegetables and crops. Thermal Spring water in Xiangquan town and pond water close to the Tl deposit are not potable. Tl also enriches in human hair and urinate of villagers who live close to the Tl deposit. Even through the Tl-only deposit has put clear environmental impacts on the local environment and ecosystems around it, no serious consequences of Tl pollution have so far taken place due to unmining of the Tl deposit as well as the screen effect of the silicficious breccia cap on top of it. All this work adds new knowledge to understand Tl behavior in unmined Tl deposit, and also benefit to the local environmental protection and the future mineral resources exploration.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the results of a light hydrocarbon gas (LHG) lithogeochemical survey carried out at Shannonbridge in central Ireland. Two methods of LHG extraction (dry grinding and sample solution in EDTA) are compared with a heat extraction method developed by Carter (1981). The results show that due to a more complete breakdown of the sample, LHG contents of up to an order of magnitude greater are released by grinding and sample solution, with no apparent decrease in precision. As a result, a potential problem related to the generation of additional gases by the thermal breakdown of organic matter during heating, can be avoided.Similar LHG component distribution patterns are produced by dry grinding and EDTA extraction suggesting that both methods could be useful alternatives to the heating technique. This is strengthened by the identification of a possible target zone in Shannonbridge based on the distribution of samples depleted in methane and enriched in butyl gases, C4 (butane plus butene plus their associated isomers). However, this empirical interpretation was not supported by the results of heating. Furthermore, subsequent exploration failed to establish the presence of a significant mineral occurrence at Shannonbridge. Evidently, the LHG patterns were either misinterpreted or they reflect hydrocarbon sources which are not related to mineralisation.Further evaluation of the data showed that LHG component distributions are significantly influenced by variations in lithology. Once this effect was reduced, it became apparent that the patterns are principally controlled by regional faulting. Since fault structures would be permeable to hydrocarbon gases formed from a variety of processes (such as maturation of organic matter in the host limestones), no relationship with buried mineralisation is necessary to explain the patterns observed.By using the Shannonbridge data as an example, this paper attempts to emphasise the equivocal nature of data collected using prospecting methods of this type. The aim is not to refute innovative and quality research already carried out in this field because the association of hydrocarbon gases with mineralisation is too frequent to be simply classified as coincidental. However, anomalous levels of LHG can be attributed to other processes which, in many cases, are too easily overlooked.  相似文献   

松权衡  王淑霞  于城 《吉林地质》2001,20(2):47-52,82
本文主要从目前农业发展形势,农业现在的耕作方式,可耕土地的利用状况,粉煤灰在农业上的应用试验及粉煤灰的物理化学性质等方面加以分析,提出在我省西部地区利用粉煤灰进行土壤改良的可行性分析。  相似文献   

牛晓春  杜忠潮 《地下水》2012,(3):173-176
旅游业日益成为各国各地区重点扶持的战略产业,旅游环境竞争力的研究是旅游竞争力研究的重要方面。本文构建了旅游环境竞争力评价指标体系,借助SPSS17.0统计软件,运用因子分析法和聚类分析法,定量评价了西北五省区旅游环境竞争力,并依据评价结果提出了提升区域旅游环境竞争力和加强区域旅游合作的措施及建议。  相似文献   

钴是高温合金、电池材料、防腐材料、磁性材料等重要原料,广泛应用于航空航天、电子电器、机械制造、汽车、化工农业、陶瓷等领域,在国民经济和社会发展中具有特殊的意义。特别是从移动电子设备,到新能源汽车的动力电池,再到电网储能,钴作为锂电池正极材料——钴酸锂的重要组成,都是不可或缺。因此,钴被世界上众多国家列为21世纪重要的关键战略资源(Gulley et al., 2018)。现今我国是世界上最大的钴资源进口国(95%依靠进口)和消费国(US Geological Survey, 2018),而且钴资源紧缺,保障程度低(蒋少涌等,2019;许德如等,2019)。因此,在复杂的国际政治和经济形势下,摸清我国钴资源的家底,增强我国钴矿资源供应保障程度,对我国国民经济发展和国家安全保障具有重要的战略意义。我国钴矿床类型多样,包括岩浆铜镍硫化物型、红土风化型、沉积砂岩型、热液型(如沉积喷流型、矽卡岩型、斑岩型、IOCG型等)(王辉等,2019;许德如等,2019;卢宜冠等,2020)。然而,与世界上钴矿资源相比,我国钴矿规模小、品位低,大部分钴矿为伴生矿,钴多作为副产品回收利用,主要伴生铜、镍金属产出,其次伴生铜铁矿床。其中,矽卡岩型矿床是我国伴生钴矿的一种重要类型,富钴矽卡岩矿床主要发育在东昆仑地区、长江中下游和冈底斯地区。目前,关键金属元素在自然界的矿物和岩石中赋存状态研究已广泛开展,但在矿山尾矿中的赋存状态和可回收利用性研究则相对薄弱。基于山东省新一轮找矿突破战略行动及鲁西地区矽卡岩型铁矿尾矿综合利用程度低等背景,为有效发挥尾矿二次资源的作用,摸清尾矿中伴生的矿产资源的可利用性,本次选取山东省莱芜垂阳铁矿床开展了尾矿中伴生矿产资源的综合利用评价工作,大致查明垂阳铁矿尾矿中可利用伴生资源类型、赋存状态及推荐选矿工艺。通过铁矿尾矿中伴生矿产资源综合利用评价工作,对提高山东矽卡岩型铁矿床中矿产资源综合利用水平,提升战略性矿产资源安全保障能力,助力山东省新一轮找矿突破战略行动具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Energy related industrial development, municipal waste treatment processes and some natural sources, contribute to B (being present) in the environment in elevated concentrations. Boron forms numerous aqueous ion pairs and complexes, some of which would not normally exist in significant concentrations under typical baseline environmental conditions. A complete understanding of the aqueous chemistry of B depends on an accurate evaluation of the thermodynamic data for these species.Equilibrium constants for 29 inorganic complexes, ion pairs, and polyanions of B have been critically evaluated. Apparent equilibrium constants have been extrapolated to zero ionic strength, and the selected thermodynamic values are tabulated. Gibbs free energies of formation for the aqueous species have been computed; these are presented with entropy and enthalpy values where available  相似文献   

为了探究溶丘洼地土壤空间异质性及其影响因素,本文以驻马哨溶丘洼地为研究对象,利用经典统计学和地统计学的方法,从不同土地利用、坡度、坡向、土壤深度分析土壤容重、水分及有机质的空间异质性。结果表明:(1)土壤有机质为强变异,变异系数为0.71,容重和水分变异系数分别为0.15、0.11,属中等变异,土壤容重和水分呈极显著负相关,和有机质呈显著负相关,相关系数分别为-0.609、-0.581;(2)块基比介于0.78~0.97,随机部分引起的空间变异程度较大,空间自相关较小,且模型拟合较好。(3)耕地土壤有机质、水分含量最低,容重最大,而灌木土壤反之;(4)北坡土壤容重高于南坡,变异系数小于南坡;而土壤水分、有机质低于南坡,变异系数高于南坡。从不同坡位、坡向的比较中,皆体现了土地利用对土壤空间异质性的影响。在土地利用作为主要因素的影响下,驻马哨洼地土壤水分、容重、有机质由随机部分引起的空间变异增加,空间自相关减小。   相似文献   

Sagardari union is facing groundwater crisis because of contaminations from agriculture and urban sewage, which bring a considerable change in water quality. In view of this, hydro-chemical analyses were undertaken on 35 groundwater samples and the following hydro-geochemical parameters, pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), total hardness (TH), electrical conductivity (EC), cations and anions, were analyzed. From the analytical results, it is found that pH value was lower than WHO drinking water standard and the middle-downstream portions of the investigation region show higher EC. The piper plot indicates that the groundwater in Sagardari falls in the categories of NaClHCO3 hydro-chemical facies. Higher TH in groundwater was detected, but still in an acceptable range. In addition, salinity and arsenic ratio are higher and moderately higher, respectively. The spatial distribution of Groundwater Quality Index (GWQI) was determined by geo-statistical modelling of Sagardari union. The study provides information and supports the administration which to make better groundwater utilization and quality control in the Sagardari union.  相似文献   

The maintenance of waterways generates large amounts of dredged sediments, which are deposited on adjacent land surfaces. These sediments are often rich in metal contaminants and present a risk to the local environment. Understanding how the metals are immobilized at the molecular level is critical for formulating effective metal containment strategies such as phytoremediation. In the present work, the mineralogical transformations of Zn-containing phases induced by two graminaceous plants (Agrostis tenuis and Festuca rubra) in a contaminated sediment ([Zn] = 4700 mg kg−1, [P2O5] = 7000 mg kg−1, pH = 7.8), untreated or amended with hydroxylapatite (AP) or Thomas basic slag (TS), were investigated after two yr of pot experiment by scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy-dispersive spectrometry (SEM-EDS), synchrotron-based X-ray microfluorescence (μ-SXRF), and powder and laterally resolved extended X-ray absorption fine structure (μ-EXAFS) spectroscopy. The number and nature of Zn species were evaluated by principal component (PCA) and least-squares fitting (LSF) analysis of the entire set of μ-EXAFS spectra, which included up to 32 individual spectra from regions of interest varying in chemical composition. Seven Zn species were identified at the micrometer scale: sphalerite, gahnite, franklinite, Zn-containing ferrihydrite and phosphate, (Zn-Al)-hydrotalcite, and Zn-substituted kerolite-like trioctahedral phyllosilicate. Bulk fractions of each species were quantified by LSF of the powder EXAFS spectra to linear combinations of the identified Zn species spectra.In the untreated and unvegetated sediment, Zn was distributed as ∼50% (mole ratio of total Zn) sphalerite, ∼40% Zn-ferrihydrite, and ∼10 to 20% (Zn-Al)-hydrotalcite plus Zn-phyllosilicate. In unvegetated but amended sediments (AP and TS), ZnS and Zn-ferrihydrite each decreased by 10 to 20% and were replaced by Zn-phosphate (∼30∼40%). In the presence of plants, ZnS was almost completely dissolved, and the released Zn bound to phosphate (∼40-60%) and to Zn phyllosilicate plus (Zn,Al)-hydrotalcite (∼20-40%). Neither the plant species nor the coaddition of mineral amendment affected the Zn speciation in the vegetated sediment. The sediment pore waters were supersaturated with respect to Zn-containing trioctahedral phyllosilicate, near saturation with respect to Zn-phosphate, and strongly undersaturated with respect to (Zn,Al)-hydrotalcite. Therefore, the formation of (Zn,Al)-hydrotalcite in slightly alkaline conditions ought to result from heterogeneous precipitation on mineral surface.  相似文献   

Ombretta Romice 《GeoJournal》2000,51(4):311-319
Involving community groups in the design processes concerning their city or neighbourhood, can play a role in creating responsive environments and achieving a high level of satisfaction for communities.Interaction between clients and professionals is essential to encourage the resolution of disputes at the design stage rather than once actions have been taken, since their different roles and expertise could enrich the process of interaction.This study supports the idea of a form of participation based on research in environmental experience. Visual literacy is trained, and a combination of environmental assessment techniques and informative activities are linked to encourage community groups and professionals to work together on the generation and development of observational and analytical skills.The aim is to generate a structure for the involvement of local communities in urban renewal actions as an informed, organised and effective activity and then, to apply this approach in praxis.  相似文献   

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