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The design, construction and operation of a vault for used nuclear fuel in crystalline rock may be influenced by a number of geochemical factors. During the period when a site is being selected, information is needed regarding the rock type, heterogeneities in its composition and the mineralogy of permeable zones, because these will cause variations in thermal conductivity, strength and radionuclide sorptive properties of the rock. These factors may affect decisions regarding depth of vault construction, tunnel dimensions and spacing of panels and waste containers. During site characterization, borehole drilling from the surface and subsequent hydraulic testing will introduce both chemical and microbiological contaminants that may further influence this decision.During vault construction, the geochemistry of the rock may cause changes to the design and construction methods used. High salinity fluids in the rock matrix could limit the ability of radar surveys to detect fractures in the surrounding rock and may also cause unacceptably high total dissolved solids loadings in water discharged from the facility. The presence of toxic, corrosive or radioactive constituents in inflowing groundwater may require grouting or development of treatment facilities both above and below ground. The use of explosives will cause high organic and nitrate loadings in service water as well as the possible impregnation of these chemicals in the disturbed wall-rock surrounding an excavation. These chemicals may remain despite cleaning efforts and act as nutrients to promote microbial activity in the post-closure phase. In the operational phase, inflow of increasingly saline groundwater may affect predicted container corrosion-rates and buffer and grout stabilities following vault resaturation and increase in temperature. This, in turn, may affect designs for container materials and spacing. Salt accumulations and microbial growths on vault walls may extend into the rock mass and require skimming of wall-rock before closure.This paper describes geochemical influences that might be anticipated in the disposal of nuclear waste with examples from the construction and operation of Canada's Underground Research Laboratory, Manitoba, in a granitic batholith on the Canadian Shield.  相似文献   

Acta Geochimica - In recent times, there had been reported cases of Pb poisoning in Anka gold mining area, Northwest Nigeria. Therefore, this study was carried out to determine the extent of...  相似文献   

Glassy nuclear fallout debris from near-surface nuclear tests is fundamentally reprocessed earth material. A geochemical approach to analysis of glassy fallout is uniquely suited to determine the means of reprocessing and shed light on the mechanisms of fallout formation. An improved understanding of fallout formation is of interest both for its potential to guide post-detonation nuclear forensic investigations and in the context of possible affinities between glassy debris and other glasses generated by high-energy natural events, such as meteorite impacts and lightning strikes. This study presents a large major-element compositional dataset for glasses within aerodynamic fallout from the Trinity nuclear test (“trinitite”) and a geochemically based analysis of the glass compositional trends. Silica-rich and alkali-rich trinitite glasses show compositions and textures consistent with formation through melting of individual mineral grains—quartz and alkali feldspar, respectively—from the test-site sediment. The volumetrically dominant glass phase—called the CaMgFe glass—shows extreme major-element compositional variability. Compositional trends in the CaMgFe glass are most consistent with formation through volatility-controlled condensation from compositionally heterogeneous plasma. Radioactivity occurs only in CaMgFe glass, indicating that co-condensation of evaporated bulk ground material and trace device material was the main mechanism of radioisotope incorporation into trinitite. CaMgFe trinitite glasses overlap compositionally with basalts, rhyolites, fulgurites, tektites, and microtektites but display greater compositional diversity than all of these naturally formed glasses. Indeed, the most refractory CaMgFe glasses compositionally resemble early solar system condensates—specifically, CAIs.  相似文献   

David Simon 《Geoforum》2008,39(2):698-707
While most contributions to this collection focus centrally on political ecology (PE), this paper approaches the work of Piers Blaikie through a somewhat different lens, situating his political ecological contributions within the broader context of his engagement with related themes in development studies. I trace and discuss his work in approximately chronological terms, from the spatial organization of North Indian villages through the political economy of agrarian change and of peripheral capitalist (under-)development in Nepal to political ecology, pathbreaking work on the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Uganda, more general disaster vulnerability and recoverabililty, and a survey of post-structural challenges in development theory. Not only does this approach provide a distinctive view of Blaikie’s evolving concerns over the course of his career and thematic connections between them, but it also reflects my personal experience of his work and its influence. This foundation then enables an exploration of several issues about current directions in, and possible future extensions of, PE which should help to ensure that PE does not, as some critics claim, have only limited remaining shelf-life.  相似文献   

Ionising radiation is an energy source capable of generating and altering complex organic matter. A full understanding of the radiolytic formation and evolution of organic matter is essential to appreciate the budget of organic chemicals that exist in cometary and interstellar ices, carbonaceous meteorites, and to understand the results of analyses of irradiated extraterrestrial organic matter, such as that in cometary nuclei. The effects of ionising radiation on a set of 10 naturally occurring, terrestrial organic assemblages have been revealed by pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (Py-GC-MS), carbon isotopic analysis, and stepped combustion-isotope ratio mass spectrometry (SC-IRMS). Progressive radiolytic alteration of biogenic complex-hydrocarbon mixtures induces a decrease in the average size and extent of alkylation of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and an increase in the abundance of oxygen-containing compounds, as indicated by Py-GC-MS, and an enrichment in 13C. These changes are attributed to reactions with free radicals, produced by ionising radiation. In contrast, the progressive radiolytic alteration of bitumens proposed to have derived from the radiolytic polymerisation of methane into an organic solid produces, upon pyrolysis, PAH of increasing average size and degree of alkylation. This, the opposite of the trend observed in the irradiated complex-hydrocarbons mixtures, cannot be explained in terms of the radiolytic alteration of a pre-existing array of complex organic molecules. Instead, it suggests the gradual construction of PAH from smaller molecules, supporting the hypothesis of a methane origin. Radiolytic alteration is also associated with a previously unrecognised increase in the mean combustion temperature of organic matter. This leads to predictions regarding the combustion characteristics of the irradiated organic matter present on cometary nuclei. A full understanding of the relationship between the combustion characteristics of organic polymers, radiation dose and the atomic H/C ratio should lead to the better design and implementation of in situ extraterrestrial sample analysis hardware and aid the interpretation of data from such missions. This study establishes predictable organic chemical responses of organic matter, upon exposure to ionising radiation. Our results support proposals that extraterrestrial PAH may be formed by the cosmic irradiation of simple hydrocarbons in interstellar ices. Our data may also be relevant to analogous material formed in other hydrocarbon-rich environments, such as the surface and atmosphere of Titan and other icy bodies, such as comets, and to the results of in situ analyses of extraterrestrial organic matter.  相似文献   

This study presents the diffuse pollution profile of a coastal watershed with respect to the dominating sector of agriculture including forestry. A rough estimation of the diffuse loads expressed by two major nutrients of nitrogen and phosphorous is realized by calculations based on unit loads obtained from the literature for each land-use activity. The key concern is to rank the different diffuse loads arising from the watershed. The major diffuse nitrogen loads are estimated to arise from agricultural activities with 54 %, followed by livestock breeding that contribute to the nitrogen budget by 11 %. Almost 7 % of the nitrogen loads come from meadows and pasture, and 5 % from forests. In the distribution of diffuse phosphorus loads, it is estimated that 48 % of the loads arise from agricultural activities, and 18 % from livestock breeding. Almost 14 % of the phosphorous loads come from septic tank effluents; however, 13 % of the loads are due to rural run-off. The future loads for 2028 and 2039 are also estimated; 30–40 % decrease is foreseen in the agricultural pollutants and animal manure through the stepwise application of ecological agriculture and livestock breeding. The basic aim of this study is to put forth a practical methodology for estimating diffuse loads in a watershed for the decision-makers and local administrative authorities with especially limited available data. Through such, distribution of various diffuse loads becomes available among the administrative units composing the watershed.  相似文献   

Arsenic derived from mining activity may contaminate water, soil and plant ecosystems resulting in human health and ecotoxicological risks. In this study, exposure assessment of arsenic (As) in soil, spoil, pondwater and plants collected from the areas contaminated by mine tailings and spoils in and around the La Parrilla mine, Caceres province, Spain, was carried out using AAS method. Water solubility, bioavailability and soil–plant transfer coefficients of As and phytoremediation potential of plants were determined. Arsenic concentrations varied from 148 to 2,540 mg/kg in soils of site 1 and from 610 to 1,285 mg/kg in site 2 exceeding the guideline limit for agricultural soil (50 mg/kg). Arsenic concentrations in pond waters varied from 8.8 to 101.4 μg/l. High concentrations of water-soluble As in the soils that ranged from 0.10 to 4.71 mg/kg in site 1 and from 0.46 to 4.75 mg/kg in site 2 exceeded the maximum permitted level of water-soluble As (0.04 mg/kg) in agricultural soils. Arsenic concentrations varied from 0.8 to 149.5 mg/kg dry wt in the plants of site 1 and from 2.0 to 10.0 mg/kg in the plants of site 2. Arsenic concentrations in plants increased in the approximate order: Retama sphaerocarpa < Pteridium aquilinum < Erica australis < Juncus effusus < Phalaris caerulescens < Spergula arvensis in site 1. The soil–plant transfer coefficients for As ranged from 0.001 to 0.21 in site 1 and from 0.004 to 0.016 in site 2. The bioconcentration factor based on water-soluble As of soil varied from 3.2 to 593.9 in the plants of site 1 whereas it varied from 2.1 to 20.7 in the plants of site 2. To our knowledge, this is the first study in Europe to report that the fern species P. aquilinum accumulates extremely low contents of As in its fronds despite high As levels in the soils. Therefore, the S. arvensis, P. caerulescens and J. effusus plant species grown in this area might be used to partly remove the bioavailable toxic As for the purpose of minimization of mining impacts until hypothetical hyperaccumulating and/or transgenic plants could be transplanted for the phytoremediation of As contaminated soils.  相似文献   

基于近期获得的水文地球化学分析数据,应用指示克立格法开展了淮河流域平原区高铁、锰地下水环境健康风险评估,并分析了高铁、锰地下水的形成原因。结果表明:铁、锰是影响研究区地下水质量的主要化学组分,铁、锰在地下水中的空间分布上表现出明显的变异性。铁、锰超标概率峰值具有相似的空间分布格局,铁、锰高风险地区呈岛状分布,深层地下水的环境健康风险明显降低。含铁浅层地下水高风险地区面积为1 257.15 km2,面积占比0.07%;含铁深层地下水高风险地区面积为476.93 km2,面积占比0.03%。含锰浅层地下水高风险地区面积为35 883.16 km2,面积占比19.19%;含锰深层地下水高风险地区面积为1 269.30 km2,面积占比0.07%。淮河流域高铁锰地下水是原生成因,铁、锰离子主要来源于含水层中含铁、锰矿物的还原性溶解。高铁锰地下水的风险评价结果,可为区域供水区划提供指导。  相似文献   

Summary Data on the performance of operating mines in rock salt and potash from United States and British sources is reviewed. A design validation scheme for nuclear waste repositories is proposed, based on back analysis of the response of operating evaporite mines.  相似文献   

我国核燃料循环产业面临的挑战和机遇   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文设计了一个到2050年我国核电发展的参考情景,分析了国内外核燃料循环产业的各个环节的规模和状况,阐述了我国核燃料循环产业面临的挑战和机遇.  相似文献   

A hierarchy of models is being developed to represent the changes in climate that could occur in the next 10,000 years at proposed nuclear waste repository sites in the U.S. Three levels of modeling of the global aspects of climate change are included. At the broadest level a multitude of theoretical representations are being considered, most based upon the Milankovitch theory. A set of at least 150 situations will be examined, and those of concern for site stability will be screened for more thorough analysis at the next level of detail. The screening criteria include estimation of the probability of the event; the level of probability which must be considered (0.0001) requires use of the most detailed paleoclimatic records available. Uncertainty in the results will be evaluated by comparison of model reconstructions to the paleoclimatic record and by Monte Carlo analyses.This paper was presented at Emerging Concept, MGUS-87 Conference, Redwood City, California, 13–15 April 1987.  相似文献   

以前国内重力勘探教科书中,关于2.0 km以远地壳质量重力校正值的计算仅限于2.0~166.7 km圆形环带以内,并且采用的是直角坐标系内成立的计算公式。近年,中国地质调查局推出直角坐标系公式和球坐标系公式一起应用的重力校正值计算程序,但校正值计算涉及范围仍然局限于2.0~166.7 km圆形环带内。笔者曾推导出球壳型六面体重力场△g(zi)公式和其他与重力校正计算相关的公式,现用这些公式开展纯球坐标系内地壳质量的重力校正值高精度计算及其数值特征研究。取得的成果是:1全球陆地和海洋表面、尺度约40 km正方形网格上,169km以远地壳全部质量重力校正值计算;2中国陆地2'×2'网格上,169 km以远地壳全部质量重力校正值计算;3西藏雅江大转弯3°×2°小区地表、尺度约0.556 km正方形网格上,169 km以远地壳全部质量重力校正值计算。通过对上述全球和局部地区169 km以远地壳质量的重力校正值分布特征分析,得到如下结论:1全球重力校正值的最大值、最小值和平均值分别为106.990×10-5m/s2(87.877°E,32.271°N),-41.146×10-5m/s2(166.122°E,28.327°N)和-16.439×10-5m/s2,其数值分布特征与全球高程/海深分布特征基本一致。2在局部地区,169~1 272 km大环带的地壳质量的陆地地形校正值分布特征与该区高程分布特征基本一致。这说明,在地形高程差异大的地区,重力校正值中存在与地形高程正相关的高频成分,与以前众多专家的认识大不相同。实际上,该高频成分是由计算区本身相邻计算点之间存在较大的高程差值引起的。3无论局部地区及其周围陆高或海深变化多么大,1 272 km以远地壳质量的重力校正值均近似为数值很小的常数,可以不计算。4当局部地区及其周围高程或海深变化均很平缓时,169 km以远地壳全部质量的重力校正值也近似为常数,也可以不计算。此成果对于完善地壳质量重力校正值高精度计算有重要意义。  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1999,14(5):635-653
Fully radioactive and non-radioactive Savannah River Laboratory (SRL) borosilicate glasses were reacted with water under static conditions at glass surface area to leachant volume (S/V) ratios of 340 m−1, 2000 m−1, and 20 000 m−1 for times varying from several days to several years at 90°C. A radioactive SRL 200 glass was also reacted under intermittent flow conditions at 90°C. Colloidal and suspended glass alteration particles present in the leachates of these tests were examined with analytical transmission electron microscopy (AEM). The major colloidal phase identified in all tests was partially crystalline dioctahedral smectite clay. At 20 000 m−1, the clay colloids flocculate and sediment, becoming attached to available surfaces when the ionic strength reached a value of about 0.3–0.5 mol·kg−1. Clay colloids remained stable in the solution for the duration of the experiment in tests conducted at S/V values of 2000 m−1 and 340 m−1. Calcite, dolomite, and transition metal oxide particles were more common in the intermittent flow tests but were also found in the static tests. Layered, Mn-bearing minerals, birnessite and asbolane, were found exclusively in the intermittent flow tests. Weeksite and a U-Ti phase were found exclusively in the static tests. Partially crystalline rare earth-bearing calcium phosphate colloids, structurally related to rhabdophane, were found in both types of tests. These particles exhibited a negative Ce anomaly. The affinity of phosphate for Pu was investigated through geochemical modeling. The results from this study and others were used to form a picture of colloidal development in the leachate from waste glass testing.  相似文献   

李玉芳  潘萌  顾涛  佟玲  宋淑玲 《岩矿测试》2020,39(4):578-586
多环芳烃(PAHs)是一类普遍存在于水圈、生物圈、岩石圈和大气圈的持久性有机污染物,并在各种环境介质中交换、迁移,从而影响人体健康。以母乳为介质,评价哺乳期女性和婴幼儿PAHs暴露风险具有重要意义。早期研究表明,北京母乳中PAHs浓度在全球范围内处于较高水平。本文项目组在2012—2016年间,连续采集北京地区30位哺乳期女性6个月母乳,并检测其中PAHs浓度,旨在掌握该地区母乳中PAHs残留水平、婴幼儿的暴露量,以及哺乳期母体和婴幼儿暴露风险的变化趋势与特征。通过对30位女性分娩后连续6个月内180个母乳中15种PAHs的监测,采用气相色谱-质谱法(GC-MS)测定其含量,初步研究结果表明:①15种PAHs都有检出,其中检出浓度和检出率高的单体化合物包括菲、芴、苊烯、蒽、苊和荧蒽。母乳样品中Σ_(15)PAHs的浓度均值为348μg/kg脂质,与2005年该地区的报道值相比有下降趋势。②15种PAHs和7种高致癌活性PAHs的苯并[a]芘的等效致癌活性(BaP_(eq))浓度分别为8.53μg/kg脂质和7.89μg/kg脂质,婴幼儿每日暴露估算值分别为1.51μg/day/kg b.w.和0.19μg/day/kg b.w.,均比2005年有所下降,但高于捷克、美国、土耳其等国家婴幼儿在母乳喂养期的暴露量,低于我国兰州等重工业城市最新暴露量研究结果。③整个哺乳期,母乳中PAHs的总浓度没有明显下降趋势,但冬季可能由于采暖增加了大气中PAHs的排放,使得母乳样品中15种PAHs总浓度明显高于夏季、秋季和春季。SPSS双变量相关分析结果表明,母乳中15种PAHs的总浓度与母体年龄、身体质量指数和母乳脂肪含量不存在相关性。未来工作中需要更加充足的样品分析数据进一步证实以上研究结果。  相似文献   

Zhang  Liangliang  Zhang  Zhao  Chen  Yi  Wei  Xing  Song  Xiao 《Natural Hazards》2018,91(3):1257-1272

Driven by increasing demand for food and industrial consumption, world’s maize supply is under stress. Besides, the extreme temperature events are now exposing more threat to maize yield with ongoing climate change. Thus, a comprehensive analysis on maize exposure (exposure is defined as the cultivated area which is exposed to extreme temperature stress), vulnerability (here it means how much yield losses with each temperature increase/decrease at a national scale), and adaptation to extreme temperature is essential to better understand the effects on global maize production, especially in major production countries. It was found that warming trends during the growing season have extensively dominated the main maize-growing areas across the globe. And along with this mean temperature trend was the increasing heat stress and decreasing cold stress among most regions. Moreover, from 1981 to 2011, maize yield losses caused by heat stress in China, India, and the USA were 1.13, 0.64 and 1.12% per decade, respectively, while Mexico has been experiencing a reduction of yield loss due to decreased cold stress of 0.53% per decade. Furthermore, during the period of 2021–2051, the extreme heat stress would increase substantially, while the low temperature was estimated to drop slightly during the growing seasons. Such pattern had also been found over the key reproductive stage of maize. Accordingly, through the sensitivity test of two adaption measures, improved high-temperature-tolerant varieties and changing maize calendar earlier could both mitigate extreme meteorological stress on maize, while the former method would be the most effective way to do so. Our study could provide a paradigm for other crops and other countries in the world to analyze their exposure and vulnerability to the temperature stress and make corresponding adaptation measures.


Several long-range seismic profiles were carried out in Russia with Peaceful Nuclear Explosions (PNE). The data from 25 PNEs recorded along these profiles were used to compile a 3-D upper mantle velocity model for the central part of the Northern Eurasia. 2-D crust and upper mantle models were also constructed for all profiles using a common methodology for wavefield interpretation. Five basic boundaries were traced over the study area: N1 boundary (velocity level, V = 8.35 km/s; depth interval, D = 60–130 km), N2 (V = 8.4 km/s; D = 100–140 km), L (V = 8.5 km/s; D = 180–240 km) and H (V = 8.6 km/s; D = 300–330 km) and structural maps were compiled for each boundary. Together these boundaries describe a 3-D upper mantle model for northern Eurasia. A map characterised the velocity distribution in the uppermost mantle down to a depth of 60 km is also presented. Mostly horizontal inhomogeneity is observed in the uppermost mantle, and the velocities range from the average 8.0–8.1 km/s to 8.3–8.4 km/s in some blocks of the Siberian Craton. At a depth of 100–200 km, the local high velocity blocks disappear and only three large anomalies are observed: lower velocities in West Siberia and higher velocities in the East-European platform and in the central part of the Siberian Craton. In contrast, the depths to the H boundary are greater beneath the craton and lower beneath in the West Siberian Platform. A correlation between tectonics, geophysical fields and crustal structure is observed. In general, the old and cold cratons have higher velocities in the mantle than the young platforms with higher heat flows.Structural peculiarities of the upper mantle are difficult to describe in form of classical lithosphere–asthenosphere system. The asthenosphere cannot be traced from the seismic data; in contrary the lithosphere is suggested to be rheologically stratified. All the lithospheric boundaries are not simple discontinuities, they are heterogeneous (thin layering) zones which generate multiphase reflections. Many of them may be a result of fluids concentrated at some critical PT conditions which produce rheologically weak zones. The most visible rheological variations are observed at depths of around 100 and 250 km.  相似文献   

昆仑山垭口地区"望昆冰期"冰碛宇宙成因核素10Be测年   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
昆仑山垭口地区是东昆仑山现代冰川作用中心之一,在第四纪冰期间冰期旋回中保留了多套较为完整的冰川沉积.位于垭口盆地西侧山脊上的望昆冰碛,是本区已知最老的冰川沉积.应用宇宙成因核素10Be暴露年龄方法对望昆冰碛进行年代测定,5个样品中有4个介于(56.9±5.6)~(38.2±3.5)ka BP之间,相当于MIS3阶段,明显年轻于前人所测ESR和古地磁年代,且与地貌系列不符.这一结果不能代表望昆冰碛的实际年代,而应为所测漂砾后期暴露的年代,反映了MIS3阶段昆仑山垭口地区曾遭受过强烈地表剥蚀过程.望昆冰碛10Be暴露年龄显著地年轻,表明应用宇宙核素暴露年代测定冰碛物形成时代具有复杂性,应充分考虑后期剥蚀等地表过程,并应使用其他测年方法进行相互验证.  相似文献   

In the years between 1946 and 1958, Bikini Atoll was the site of a series of nuclear device tests which led to the contamination of the calcium-carbonate tests of organisms, including those of corals. Alpha emitters and other radio-nuclides concentrated in these tests. The purpose of our study was to determine where in these test-alpha-emitters concentrated.Petrography of ultra thin sections, in conjunction with solid state alpha-track detectors, shows that it is possible to assign the alpha activity to different parts of the fabric within a coral. The application of this technique to a coral,Favites virens, from the lagoon of Bikini Atoll showed that the theca, septa and dissepiments of the coral skeleton contain very low concentrations of alpha emitters. By contrast, high concentration of alpha emitters occur in damaged parts of the coral. Some of these damaged areas contain cryptocrystalline calcium carbonate, different organisms (algae and/or bryozoan-like tests) and skeletal debris. High concentrations of alpha emitters are associated with the cryptocrystalline calcium carbonate (up to 3000 pCi/g), the skeletal debris (up to 550 pCi/g), bryozoan-like material, and algae (up to 700 pCi/g).

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