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帕默尔旱度模式在绵阳干旱研究中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文引用帕默尔旱度模式建模思路和建模方法,对其中可能蒸散量计算方法进行修正,采用国际通用的彭曼-蒙蒂斯公式,利用绵阳1954~2007年的气象资料和部分年份的土壤湿度观测资料,建立绵阳的帕默尔旱度模式,并将实际旱情与计算的帕默尔干旱指数进行了对比验证,帕默尔旱度模式能较好地反映实际旱情。  相似文献   

基于改进失水模式和增加建模站点的Palmer旱度模式   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
根据1965年Palmer旱度模式的思路,在1986年修正版及2003年修正版的基础上,为了使Palmer旱度模式更适用于我国北方干旱、半干旱地区,通过改进2003年修正的Palmer旱度模式在建模时表层失水模式的假设以及增加建模站点个数两个方面对Palmer旱度模式进行进一步修正。将计算的Palmer指数值与2003年计算的Palmer指数值及一些文献记载的实际旱涝灾情相对照进行验证,结果表明:新修正的Palmer旱度模式能更好地评估旱涝情况,扩大其在我国干旱地区的适用性。  相似文献   

黄土高原西北部地区的旱度模式   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
黄妙芬 《气象》1991,17(1):23-28
本文应用帕尔默旱度模式的基本原理,选取平凉等11个站点的资料,建立了适用于黄土高原西北部地区的修正的帕尔默旱度模式。并用此模式分析了本区的干旱特征。结果表明,此模式是分析本区干旱的一个良好工具。  相似文献   

帕默尔旱度模式的修正   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
本文阐述了帕默尔干旱指标的原理、优点及其计算方法。根据其思路,我们用济南和郑州两站的资料对帕默尔模式进行了修正,建立了我国的气象旱度模式,并利用此模式计算了我国140个站点(1951年1月~1980年12月)的帕默尔指数值。我们发现计算的帕默尔指数值与一些文献记载的旱情和实际调查的旱情是较一致的。这表明,修正的帕默尔气象旱度模式能够用于我国。  相似文献   

渭北旱塬地区旱度指数模式及应用结果分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
针对渭北旱塬地工区干旱特点,运用修正的帕尔默干旱指数方法,建立了渭北旱塬度指数模式,并利用该模式对咸阳市的淳化、永寿县进行了干旱分析和评价预测,取得了满意结果,为干旱研究提供了一个科学可行的方法。  相似文献   

甘肃黄土高原帕尔默旱度模式的修订   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
干旱是甘肃黄土高原雨养农业区最主要的气象灾害,干旱的发生包含许多复杂过程和条件,因而研究一个考虑因子较为全面的干旱指标较为困难。本文在美国帕尔默旱度模式和中国修正的帕尔默旱度模式的基础上,根据本区特点,从建模资料站点、可能蒸散计算、土壤田间持水量和径流计算等几个方面进行了修正,并利用甘肃黄土高原12个站点的资料,建立了适用于本区的旱度模式,以期为本区的干旱研究提供一种有效的工具。  相似文献   

徐卫红 《四川气象》2004,24(4):14-15
干旱是植物生长关键期内土壤有效水份供应不足的现象。眉山市为农业大市,以水稻生产为主,同时又是多种优质水果商品生产基地,因而夏旱的发生对本市的农业经济会造成极大的危害。本文着重分析夏旱这种气象灾害的气候规律和特点,并建立了长期预报模式,以此提高决策服务为目的。  相似文献   

王春林  郭晶 《广东气象》2008,30(1):F0003
根据土壤水份平衡原理,采用逐日气象资料建立逐日土壤水份模拟模型。模型为2层模型,假定上层土壤最大有效含水量为30mm,下层土壤最大有效含水量为250mm,逐日土壤水份计算包括补水和失水过程。1)补水过程:降水量优先补充上层土壤,达到其最大有效含水量后,多余降水补充下层土壤,下层土壤达到其最大有效含水量后,多余水份产生径流;2)失水过程:实际蒸散是可能蒸散和土壤干湿程度的函数,可能蒸散采用世界粮农组织(FAO)推荐的Penman—Monteith修正公式计算。在上层土壤中蒸散以可能速率发生,直到耗尽所有卜层土壤水份,不足部分从下层土壤中散失,下层土壤实际供水量取决于前一日末的下层土壤有效含水量。  相似文献   

影响测定田间持水量的因素及其订正   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在对田间持水量的概念进行理论讨论的基础上,分析了影响土壤水分入渗、再分布及内排水的因素与影响机理,确定了影响田间持水量测定的若干要素。应用理论与经验相结合的方法订正了黑龙江省部分县站田间持水量的数值,针对实际情况提出了测定田间持水量的若干建议。  相似文献   

保证田间持水量测定值质量的技术方法浅谈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1引言 田间持水量是在地下水位较低(毛管水不与地下水相连)的情况下,土壤所能保持的毛管悬着水的最大量,是植物有效水分的上限和衡量土壤保水性能的重要指标,是土壤干旱指标的重要组成部分,也是确定农田灌溉量的重要参数。因青海省农牧气台站的田间持水量测定是采用田间小区灌水法获得,  相似文献   


The National Drought Model (NDM) is an amalgamation of the atmospheric component of the original Palmer Drought and Versatile Soil Moisture Budget (VSMB) models. The NDM uses locally derived coefficients from the station or gridded climate data to calculate a calibration factor for comparing locations in time and space. A modular approach is used to model major processes such as evapotranspiration, biometeorological time, snowmelt, and the cascading of soil moisture down to the root zone. The modular approach allows modifications to be made to specific sections without making structural changes to the entire model or the data inputs. The NDM is an operational tool, integrating data from the climate, soil, and plant sciences to monitor agroclimatic risks such as drought and excess moisture. In this paper, the capacity of the NDM to monitor extreme agroclimatic risks, such as drought and flooding of agricultural soils, was assessed. Using the Palmer Drought Severity Index component of the NDM, the mapping of the spatial extent and severity of the 2001 and 2002 droughts across Canada and the excess moisture conditions on the Canadian Prairies in 2010 agreed with other assessments. The validation study of soil moisture at two Alberta locations (Lethbridge and Beaverlodge) showed that the VSMB tracked the soil moisture flux in the root zone successfully in response to changing environmental conditions. The VSMB explained about 70 and 60% of the variance in observed soil moisture at the two respective locations.  相似文献   

From 1988 to 1992 the north-central plains of North America had a drought that was followed by a wet period that continues to the present (1997). Data on the hydrology of the Cottonwood Lake area (CWLA) collected for nearly 10 years before, and during, the recent dry and wet periods indicate that some prairie pothole wetlands served only a recharge function under all climate conditions. Transpiration from groundwater around the perimeter of groundwater discharge wetlands drew water from the wetlands by the end of summer, even during very wet years.Long-term records of a climate index (Palmer Drought Severity Index), stream discharge (Pembina River), and lake level (Devils Lake) were used to put the 17-year CWLA record into a longer term perspective. In addition, proxy records of climate determined from fossils in the sediments of Devils Lake were also used. These data indicate that the drought of 1988-92 may have been the second worst of the 20th century, but that droughts of that magnitude, and worse, were common during the past 500 years. In contrast, the present wet period may be the wettest it has been during the past 130 years, or possibly the past 500 years.  相似文献   

在全球气候变暖的背景下,持续的干旱事件将对生态系统和人类社会产生不利影响。尽管存在多源卫星遥感资料及多种干旱指数,然而区域和全球尺度干旱事件的监测仍具有挑战。采用TRMM(Tropical RainfallMeasuring Mission)数据量化降水异常、MODIS(Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer)归一化植被指数(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index,NDVI)和陆表温度(Land Surface Temperature,LST)数据表征植被生长异常,构建了一种兼顾降水异常和植被生长状况异常的多传感器陆表干旱严重程度指数(Multi-sensorsDrought Severity Index,MDSI)。结果表明:MDSI 能够准确检测准全球范围(50°S~50°N,0°~180°~0°)的气象干旱事件,如亚马逊流域2005 和2010 年干旱、中国川渝地区2006 年干旱、中国云南2010 年干旱、非洲东部2011 年干旱、2012 年美国中部干旱等;MDSI 与PDSI(Palmer Drought Severity Index)呈现出大致相同的干湿空间格局,并且MDSI 有助于湿润地区干旱程度的检测。  相似文献   

Flash drought is a rapidly intensifying drought with abnormally high temperature, which has greatly threatened crop yields and water supply, and aroused wide public concern in a warming climate. However, the preferable hydrometeorological conditions for flash drought and its association with conventional drought at longer time scales remain unclear. Here, we investigate two types of flash drought over China: one is high-temperature driven (Type I), while the other is water-deficit driven (Type II). Results show that the frequencies of the two types of flash drought averaged over China during the growing season are comparable. Type I flash drought tends to occur over southern China, where moisture supply is sufficient, while Type II is more likely to occur over semi-arid regions such as northern China. Both types of flash drought increase significantly (p0.01) during 1979-2010, with a doubled rise in Type I as compared with Type II. Composite analysis shows that high temperature quickly increases evapotranspiration (ET) and reduces soil moisture from two pentads before the onset of Type I flash drought. In contrast, there are larger soil moisture deficits two pentads before the onset of Type II flash drought, leading to a decrease in ET and increase in temperature. For flash drought associated with seasonal drought, there is a greater likelihood of occurrence during the onset and recovery phases of seasonal drought, suggesting perfect conditions for flash drought during transition periods. This study provides a basis for the early warning of flash drought by connecting multiscale drought phenomena.  相似文献   

从农业需水量评价我国的干旱状况   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
利用全国160个站点1951~1990年40年的月平均温度和降水量资料,计算了历年逐月(季、年)的农业需水量、湿润指数和积分湿度指标,并对我国农业水分满足程度和四季干旱情况进行了分析。  相似文献   

In this study, the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) was used to analyze the average and extreme dry/wet states of Asia and North America from 1953 to 2003. The results indicate that the two continents underwent drying trends during this period. Compared with North America, Asia showed more severe drought trends. However, more significant and regular seasonal variation for drought was found in North America. The driest regions in Asia were located in the northern region of China, Mongolia, and eastern mid-Siberian plateau. Most regions in central North America were relatively wetter than other regions. The northern and southwestern regions of North America, as well as the Atlantic and Pacific coastal areas, experienced the most drought during this period. A sharp increase of the drought area and the number of extreme drought events took place from 1997 to 2003 in both Asia and North America. Severe drought events were more likely to occur during the summer on both continents. Asia had the most extreme drought events during July, but North America reached its highest drought frequency from June to September. In Asia, a persistent increasing trend of extreme drought emerged throughout the studied period. However, a more complex evolution of drought emerged in North America: a decreasing trend appeared before the mid-1960s and an increasing trend appeared after the late 1970s. A relatively steady dry/wet status was observed between the mid-1960s and the late 1970s. The role of exceptional, extreme drought events with respect to the La Nin?a event was considered during 1997–2003.  相似文献   

主要从与内蒙古东南部地区(指赤峰市和通辽市)夏季旱涝关系密切的西太平洋副高、亚洲地区环流和蒙古冷涡三个主要的天气系统入手,分析旱涝年的环流差异。结果表明:⑴夏季蒙古冷涡偏多、副热带高压偏强和北半球盛行经向环流,是造成夏季降水偏多的主要环流形势;⑵冬季北半球极涡纬度和亚洲地区的环流指数对夏季环流形势有一定的指示意义;二者相互动态地影响了夏季旱涝,据此建立夏季旱涝预测模型。经过1995—2008年14年的实际应用,趋势准确率为85.7%。  相似文献   

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