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The 1982 model for the formation of Hulse–Taylor binary radio pulsar PSR B1913+16 is described, which since has become the ‘standard model’ for the formation of the double neutron stars, confirmed by the 2003 discovery of the double pulsar system PSR J0737-3039AB. A brief overview is given of the present status of our knowledge of the double neutron stars, of which 15 systems are presently known. The binary-recycling model for the formation of millisecond pulsars is described, as put forward independently by Alpar et al. (1982), Radhakrishnan & Srinivasan (1982) and Fabian et al. (1983). This now is the ‘standard model’ for the formation of these objects, confirmed by the discovery in 1998 of the accreting millisecond X-ray pulsars. It is noticed that the formation process of close double black holes has analogies to that of close double neutron stars, extended to binaries with larger initial component masses, although there are also considerable differences in the physics of the binary evolution at these larger masses.  相似文献   

We discuss the structure and relativistic kinematics that develop in three spatial dimensions when a moderately hot, supersonic jet propagates into a denser background medium and encounters resistance from an oblique magnetic field. Our simulations incorporate relativistic MHD in a four-dimensional spacetime and clearly show that (a) relatively weak, oblique fields (at 1/16 of the equipartition value) have only a negligible influence on the propagating jet and they are passively pushed away by the relativistically moving head; (b) oblique fields in equipartition with the ambient plasma provide more resistance and cause bending at the jet head, but the magnitude of this deflection and the associated backflow are small compared to those identified by previous studies. The new results are understood as follows: Relativistic simulations have consistently shown that these jets are effectively heavy and so they do not suffer substantial momentum losses and are not decelerated as efficiently as their nonrelativistic counterparts. In addition, the ambient magnetic field, however strong, can be pushed aside with relative ease by the beam, provided that the degrees of freedom associated with all three spatial dimensions are followed self-consistently during the simulations. The effect is analogous to pushing Japanese “noren” or vertical Venetian blinds out of the way while the slats are allowed to bend and twist in 3-D space. Applied to relativistic extragalactic jets from blazars, the new results are encouraging since superluminal outflows exhibit bending near their sources and their environments are profoundly magnetized – but observations do not provide support for irregular kinematics such as large-scale vortical motions and pronounced reverse flows near the points of origin.  相似文献   

We present the results of the estimates of the power transported on sub-pc scales in jets associated with radio loud quasars and discuss the implications on their composition.  相似文献   

Cosmic gamma ray bursts (GRB) are assumed to occur at cosmological distances, and to accompany collisions of compact objects. In this case, the burst intensity recorded at the Earth can help determine the total energy of the burst in the source, and to infer the mass of the source. If the mass exceeds 5M, it can be assumed that one of the sources is a black hole.  相似文献   

The propagation of light highly relativistic jets carrying a toroidal magnetic field is studied numerically. The results show that jets with high Poynting flux develop the conspicuous nose cones discovered earlier in simulations of classical magnetized jets. The size of the nose cone is significantly reduced in kinetic energy-dominated jets, which develop extensive cocoons. The magnetic field nevertheless plays a significant role in the jet–cocoon dynamics by allowing self-confined flows. The results are explained in terms of the properties of perpendicular magnetohydrodynamic shocks.  相似文献   

A non-linear equation is found that describes helical equilibrium of relativistic force-free flows. Linear stability of the axisymmetrical jet with respect to helical perturbations is investigated. The growth rate of the kink instability is found.  相似文献   

A magnetohydrodynamic model is constructed for a cylindrical jet embedded in an external uniform magnetic field. It is shown that, as in the force-free case, the total electric current within the jet can be zero. The particle energetics and the magnetic-field structure are determined in a self-consistent way; all jet parameters depend markedly on the physical conditions in the external medium. In particular, we show that a region with subsonic flow can exist in the central jet regions. In real relativistic jets, most of the energy is transferred by the electromagnetic field only at a sufficiently large magnetization parameter σ>106. We also show that, in general, the well-known solution with a central core B Z =B 0/(1+?2/? c 2 ) cannot be realized in the presence of an external medium.  相似文献   

In this paper, we review the results from numerical simulations that investigate the evolution of molecular cores into stars and brown dwarfs. We begin by discussing the four main processes involved in this evolution, fragmentation, accretion, interactions with discs, and stellar dynamical interactions. We then discuss large-scale calculations in which all of these processes are model simultaneously. Finally, we review results that have been obtained from past magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) calculations of fragmentation and look towards future MHD calculations.  相似文献   

There is strong evidence for the existence of black holes (BHs) in some X-ray binaries and in most galactic nuclei based on different types of measurement,but black holes have not been definitely identified for the lack of very firm observational evidence up to now. Because direct evidence for BHs should come from determination of strong gravitational redshift, we expect an object can fall into the region near the BH horizon where radiation can be detected. Therefore the object must be a compact star such as a neutron star (NS), and intense astrophysical processes will release highly energetic radiation that is transient and fast-varying.These characteristics may point to the observed gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). Recent observations of iron lines suggest that afterglows of GRBs show properties similar to those observed in active galactic nuclei (AGNs), implying that the GRBs may originate from intense events related to black holes. A model for GRBs and afterglows is proposed here to obtain the range of gravitational redshifts (Zg) of GRBs with known cosmological redshifts. Here, we provide a new method that, with a search for high-energy emission lines (X- or γ-rays) in GRBs, one can determine the gravitational redshift. We expect Zg to be 0.5 or even larger, so we can rule out the possibility of other compact objects such as NSs, and identify the central progenitors of GRBs as black holes.  相似文献   

The galactic black hole binary systems give an observational template showing how the accretion flow changes as a function of increasing mass accretion rate, or L/LEdd. These data can be synthesised with theoretical models of the accretion flow to give a coherent picture of accretion in strong gravity, in which the major hard-soft spectral transition is triggered by a change in the nature and geometry of the inner accretion flow from a hot, optically thin plasma to a cool, optically thick accretion disc. However, a straightforward application of these models to AGN gives clear discrepancies in overall spectral shape. Either the underlying accretion model is wrong, despite its success in describing the Galactic systems and/or there is additional physics which breaks the simple scaling from stellar to supermassive black holes.  相似文献   

Small, quiescent black holes can be considered as candidates for the missing dark matter of the universe, and as the core energy source of ball lightning. By means of gravitational tunneling, unidirectional radiation is emitted from black holes in a process much attenuated from that of Hawking radiation, P, which has proven elusive to detect. Gravitational tunneling emission is similar to electric field emission of electrons from a metal in that a second body is involved which lowers the barrier and gives the barrier a finite rather than infinite width. Hawking deals with a single isolated black hole. The radiated power here is P ∝ e-2Δγ P, where e-2Δγ is the transmission probability. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We consider effects on an (ultra)relativistic jet and its ambient medium caused by high-energy cosmic rays accelerated at the jet side boundary. As illustrated by simple models, during the acceleration process a flat cosmic ray distribution can be created, with gyro-radii for the highest particle energies reaching scales comparable to the jet radius or energy density comparable to the pressure of the ambient medium . In the case of efficient radiative losses, a high-energy bump in the spectrum can dominate the cosmic ray pressure. In extreme cases, the cosmic rays are able to push the ambient medium off, providing a 'cosmic ray cocoon' separating the jet from the surrounding medium. The considered cosmic rays provide an additional jet braking force and lead to a number of consequences for the jet structure and its radiative output. In particular, the dynamic and acceleration time-scales involved are in the range observed in variable active galactic nuclei.  相似文献   

We discuss the afterglow emission from a relativistic jet that is initially in the radiative regime, in which the accelerated electrons are fast-cooling. We note that such a 'semiradiative' jet decelerates faster than an adiabatic jet does. We also take into account the effect of strong inverse-Compton scattering on the cooling frequency in the synchrotron component and therefore on the light-curve decay index. We find that there are two kinds of light-curve break for the jet effect. The first is an 'adiabatic break', if the electrons become slow-cooling before the jet enters a spreading phase, and the second is a 'radiative break', which appears in the contrary case. We then show how a relativistic jet evolves dynamically and derive the overall temporal synchrotron emission in both cases, focusing on the change in the light-curve decay index around the break time. Finally, in view of our results, we rule out two cases for relativistic jets which do not account for the observed light-curve breaks in a few afterglows : (i) an adiabatic jet with strong Compton cooling  ( Y >1)  and with the cooling frequency ν c locating in the observed energy range; (ii) a radiative jet with a significant fraction of total energy occupied by electrons  ( ε e ∼1)  .  相似文献   

A case is made that in encounters with the earth's atmosphere, astrophysical little black holes (LBH) can manifest themselves as the core energy source of ball lightning (BL). Relating the LBH incidence rate on earth to BL occurrence has the potential of shedding light on the distribution of LBH in the universe, and their velocities relative to the earth. Most BL features can be explained by a testable LBH model. Analyses are presented to support this model. LBH produce complex and many-faceted interactions in air directly and via their exhaust, resulting in excitation, ionization, and light due to processes such as gravitational tidal force, bremsstrahlung, pair production and annihilation, orbital electron near-capture by interaction with a charged LBH. Gravitational tidal force interaction of LBH with polarization and atmospheric atoms can result in an enhanced cross-section for polarization and ionization. An estimate for the power radiated by BL ∼ Watts is in agreement with observation. An upper limit is found for the largest masses that can produce ionization and polarization excitation. It is shown that the effects of LBH high power exhaust radiation are consistent with observations. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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