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Surface temperature inhomogeneities in classical T Tauri stars (CTTS) induced by magnetic activity andmass accretion lead to rotationalmodulation of both photometric and spectroscopic parameters of these stars. Using the extended photometric catalogue byGrankin et al., we have derived the periods and amplitudes of the rotational modulation of brightness and color for 31 CTTS; for six of them, the periods have been revealed for the first time. The inclinations of the rotation axis and equatorial rotational velocities of CTTS have been determined. We show that the known periods of brightness variations for some of the CTTS are not the axial rotation periods but are the Keplerian periods near the inner boundary of the dusty disk. We have found that the angular velocity of CTTS with a mass of 0.3?3M ?? in the Taurus-Auriga complex remains constant in the age range 1?C10 Myr. CTTS on radiative evolutionary tracks rotate faster than completely convective CTTS. The specific angular momentum of CTTS depends on the absolute luminosity in the H?? line.  相似文献   

We carry out 2.5D MHD simulations to study the interaction between a dipolar magnetic field of a T Tauri Star, a circumstellar accretion disk, and the halo above the disk. The initial disk is the result of 1D radiation hydrodynamics computations with opacities appropriate for low temperatures. The gas is assumed resistive, and inside the disk accretion is driven by a Shakura–Sunyaev-type eddy viscosity. Magnetocentrifugal forces due to the rotational shear between the star and the Keplerian disk cause the magnetic field to be stretched outwards and part of the field lines are opened. For a solar-mass central star and an accretion rate of 10?8 solar masses per year a field strength of 100 G (measured on the surface of the star) launches a substantial outflow from the inner parts of the disk. For a field strength of 1 kG the inner parts of disk is disrupted. The truncation of the disk turns out to be temporary, but the magnetic field structure remains changed after the disk is rebuilt.  相似文献   

Results of observations of short-term wind variability in the classical T Tauri stars RW Aur and DR Tau are presented. Since the H CaII emission is absorbed by the absorption component of the H∈ line, which arises in the wind at a radial velocity of about ?120 km/s, the ratio of equivalent widths of the H and K emission lines of ionized calcium is used as an indicator of the line-of-sight wind density. Observations showed that the wind densities of RW Aur and DR Tau vary with a characteristic time of 4 to 5 days, i.e., with a period that is somewhat shorter than the period of the axial rotation of these stars. These results are interpreted in the framework of the conical wind model, which predicts cyclic repetitions of accretion and ejection events caused by the interaction of the star’s magnetosphere with the ionized gas at the inner boundary of the accretion disc.  相似文献   

We present measurements of magnetic field strength and geometry on the surfaces of T Tauri stars (TTS) with and without circumstellar disks. We use these measurements to argue that magnetospheric accretion models should not assume that a fixed fraction of the stellar surface contains magnetic field lines that couple with the disk. We predict the fractional area of accretion footpoints, using magnetospheric accretion models and assuming field strength is roughly constant for all TTS. Analysis of Zeeman broadened infrared line profiles shows that individual TTS each have a distribution of surface magnetic field strengths extending up to 6 kG. Averaging over this distribution yields mean magnetic field strengths of 1-3 kG for all TTS, regardless of whether the star is surrounded by a disk. These strong magnetic fields suggest that magnetic pressure dominates gas pressure in TTS photospheres, indicating the need for new model atmospheres. The He I 5876 Å emission line in TTS can be strongly polarized, so that magnetic field lines at the footpoints of accretion have uniform polarity. The circular polarization signal appears to be rotationally modulated, implying that accretion and perhaps the magnetosphere are not axisymmetric. Time series spectropolarimetry is fitted reasonably well by a simple model with one magnetic spot on the surface of a rotating star. On the other hand, spectropolarimetry of photospheric absorption lines rules out a global dipolar field at the stellar surface for at least some TTS.  相似文献   

Using long-term optical, ultraviolet(UV) and X-ray data, we present a study of a classical T Tauri star CV Cha. The V-band light curve obtained from the All Sky Automated Survey(ASAS) shows short as well as long-term variability. The short-term variability could be due to rotational modulation of CV Cha. We derive the rotational period of 3.714 ± 0.001 d for CV Cha. UV light curves obtained from Swift also show the variations. X-ray light curves from XMM-Newton and Swift do not show any significant short as well as long-term variability. However, the light curve from Chandra appears to be variable, which could be due to the emergence of flaring activities. X-ray spectra from all observations are explained well by the single temperature plasma of 0.95 keV with X-ray luminosity of 1030.4erg s-1in the 0.5–7.5 keV energy band. It appears that variability in optical and UV bands could be due to the presence of both hot and cool spots on the surface, while X-ray emission is dominated by magnetic processes.  相似文献   

T Tauri Stars     
P. P. Petrov 《Astrophysics》2003,46(4):506-529
The observable characteristics of young solar-mass stars (T Tauri stars) are reviewed. Modern theoretical concepts and models of these stars are discussed briefly.  相似文献   

We show that the presence of a hot accretion spot on the surface of classical T Tauri stars allows the observed veiling of their photospheric spectrumto be explained not only in the visible but also in the near infrared.  相似文献   

This article reviews the current works on ultra-compact double-degenerate binaries in the presence of magnetic interaction, in particular, unipolar induction. The orbital dynamics and evolution of compact white-dwarf pairs are discussed in detail. Models and predictions of electron cyclotron masers from unipolar-inductor compact binaries and unipolar-inductor white-dwarf planetary systems are presented. Einstein-Laub effects in compact binaries are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

This article reviews the current works on ultra-compact double-degenerate binaries in the presence of magnetic interaction, in particular, unipolar induction. The orbital dynamics and evolution of compact white-dwarf pairs are discussed in detail. Models and predictions of electron cyclotron masers from unipolar-inductor compact binaries and unipolar-inductor white-dwarf planetary systems are presented. Einstein-Laub effects in compact binaries are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy》2007,12(6):441-445
The discovery of optical jets immersed in the strong UV radiation field of the Rosette Nebula sheds new light on, but meanwhile poses challenges to, the study of externally irradiated jets. The jet systems in the Rosette are found to have a high state of ionization and show unique features. In this paper, we investigate the evolutionary status of the jet-driving sources for young solar-like stars. To our surprise, these jet sources indicate unexpected near infrared properties with no excess emission. They are bathed in harsh external UV radiation such that evaporation leads to a fast dissipation of their circumstellar material. This could represent a transient phase of evolution of young solar-like stars between classical and weak lined T Tauri stars. Naked T Tauri stars formed in this way have indistinguishable evolutionary ages from those of classical T Tauri stars resulting from the same episode of star formation. However, it would be hard for such sources to be identified if they are not driving an irradiated jet in a photoionized medium.  相似文献   

A T Tauri Star Database was set up with the purpose of designing a user-friendly, graphical database which would provide a quick look into the properties of T Tauri stars. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The number of confirmed and suspected close T Tauri binaries (period days) is increasing. We discuss some systems with enhanced emission line activity and periodic line profile changes. Non-axisymmetric flows of plasma in the region between the circumbinary disk and the stars can be generated through the influence of the secondary component. Such enhanced activity is found around binaries with eccentric as well as circular orbits. We discuss our observations of the T Tauri stars RW Aurigae A and RU Lupi, which may host very close brown dwarf companions. Model simulations indicate that non-axisymmetric flows are generated around close binaries with circumbinary disks, also in systems with circular orbits.  相似文献   

Basic ideas concerning the nature of young T Tauri stars (TTS) are briefly outlined and some examples of spectral investigations of those stars are considered. The photometric and spectral variability of TTS is believed to be due to circumstellar extinction, magnetic activity, and accretion of matter from the circumstellar disk onto the stellar surface. In the 1990s, a series of high resolution spectra of several TTS were obtained using the SOFIN echelle spectrograph with the Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT). In particular, the emission lines in the spectra of the star RW Aur A were shown to be rotationally modulated with a period of 2.7 days, which was interpreted in terms of the magnetospheric accretion model with an inclined magnetic rotator. The spectra of TTS obtained using the UVES spectrograph with the VLT demonstrated that the effect of veiling the photospheric spectrum, usually attributed to accretion, was largely due to chromospheric extinction. The accretion is suggested to be a complementary heating source in chromospheres of TTS.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the rotation of T Tauri stars. It summarizes the results of a complete bibliographical survey of all photometric and spectroscopic data available in connection with rotation studies of these stars. It is shown that T Tauri stars are slow rotators. More than half of the stars in the sample have been found to have v sin i < 25 km/s. Furthermore, the histogram for the photometric periods of rotation is clearly bimodal, with a peak at approximately 3 days and another at around 8 days. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The problem of determining the masses and ages of T Tauri star(TTS) using their evolutionary status is discussed. We test four pre-main sequence evolutionary models using well determined observational parameters of 12 binary TTSs and two binary red dwarfs. It is shown that the masses derived using the tracks of all models are in good agreement with the masses obtained from the observations of TTSs with masses M 0.7 M_⊙(mean error ε ~ 10%). Low-mass stars with M ≤ 0.7 M_⊙have significantly greater mean error: ε ~ 50% for the tracks of Bressan et al. and Chen et al., and ε ~ 30% for the other tracks. The isochrones of all tested evolutionary models diverge for stars with masses M ≤ 0.7 M_⊙. The difference increases with the mass decrease and can reach 10% of KelvinHelmholtz time for stars with mass M = 0.2 M_⊙. The ages of most of the considered TTSs are smaller than the Kelvin-Helmholtz time. This confirms their evolutionary status of being pre-main sequence stars.  相似文献   

Using LTE calculations of the structure of T Tauri stellar atmospheres heated by radiation from an accretion shock (Dodin and Lamzin 2012), we have calculated the spectrum of the hot spot emerging on the stellar surface by taking into account non-LTE effects for He I, He II, Ca I, and Ca II. Assuming the pre-shock gas density N 0 and velocity V 0 to be the same at all points of the accretion stream cross section, we have calculated the spectrum of the star+circular spot system at various N 0, V 0, and parameters characterizing the star and the spot. Using nine stars as an example, we show that the theoretical optical spectra reproduce well the observed veiling of photospheric absorption lines as well as the profiles and intensities of the so-called narrow components of He II and Ca I emission lines with an appropriate choice of parameters. The accreted gas density in all of the investigated stars except DK Tau has been found to be N 0 > 1012 cm?3. We have managed to choose the parameters for eight stars at a calcium abundance in the accreted gas ξ Ca equal to the solar one, but we have been able to achieve agreement between the calculations and observations for TW Hya only by assuming ξ Ca to be approximately a factor of 3 lower than the solar one. The estimated parameters do not depend on interstellar extinction, because they have been determined from the spectra normalized to the continuum level. The calculated intensity of Ca II lines has turned out to be lower than the observed one, but this contradiction can be eliminated by assuming that, in addition to the accreted gas with a high density N 0, a more rarefied gas also falls onto the star. The theoretical equivalent widths and relative intensities of the subordinate He I lines disagree significantly with the observations. This is apparently because non-LTE effects should be taken into account when calculating the structure of the upper layers of the hot spot, the accuracy of the cross sections for collisional processes from upper levels is insufficient, and the spot inhomogeneity should probably be taken into account.  相似文献   

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