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Results of simultaneous spectral and photometric monitoring of the Ae Herbig star WW Vul in the neighborhoods of the Ha line and the sodium NaI D resonance doublet are reported. It is shown that the spectral variability of the star is caused mainly by the anisotropic disk wind, whose high velocity component forms in the inner region of the accretion disk. The circumstellar gas in footpoint of the wind shows the variability of the density and velocity, that is in good agreement with the results of modeling of an accretion and outflows around young stars controlled by the stellar and/or disk magnetic field. An analysis of the variability of the parameters of the Ha emission line also showed that the density of the gas in the inner region of the accretion disk varies over a time scale exceeding 10 years. __________ Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 49, No. 2, pp. 171–185 (May 2006).  相似文献   

Most astrophysical accretion disks are likely to be warped.In X-ray binaries,the spin evolution of an accreting neutron star is critically dependent on the interaction between the neutron star magnetic field and the accretion disk.There have been extensive investigations on the accretion torque exerted by a coplanar disk that is magnetically threaded by the magnetic field lines from the neutron stars,but relevant works on warped/tilted accretion disks are still lacking.In this paper we develop a simplified twocomponent model,in which the disk is comprised of an inner coplanar part and an outer,tilted part.Based on standard assumption on the formation and evolution of the toroidal magnetic field component,we derive the dimensionless torque and show that a warped/titled disk is more likely to spin up the neutron star compared with a coplanar disk.We also discuss the possible influence of various initial parameters on the torque.  相似文献   

V. P. Grinin 《Astrophysics》2000,43(4):446-457
A young binary system is considered, having a mass ratio of components M 2/M 1 1, in which the low-velocity part of the stellar wind of the low-mass component (the so-called disk wind) can be partially captured by the gravitation of the primary component. It is shown that a large-scale redistribution of matter and angular momentum between the inner and outer parts of the gas-dust disk surrounding the binary system occurs as a result, with a consequent increase in the rate of accretion onto the primary component. In cases in which the orbital eccentricity of the secondary component is nonzero, modulation of the rate of accretion onto the primary component should be observed with a period equal to the orbital period, while in the case of a highly elongated orbit the mass accretion acquires a pulsed character. Since dust may be present in the disk wind from the secondary component, the capture of stellar wind will result in an increase in the effective geometrical thickness of the gas-dust disk. For this reason, the infrared (IR) emission excesses of such stars (especially in the near-IR range) and their intrinsic polarization can be considerably greater than in the case of a single star surrounded by a circumstellar disk of the same mass, and a periodic component may also be present in their behavior with time. Moreover, because of disruption of the axial symmetry in the dust distribution in the vicinity of the young binary system, the orbital period may also be present in its brightness variations. The role of these effects in the physics of young stars is discussed.  相似文献   

具有不同质量的恒星在耗尽其热核能源后,最终可能会坍缩成为性质完全不同的致密天体,如白矮星、中子星或者黑洞。从20世纪30年代起,黑洞的观测及其证认一直是天体物理学的研究热点之一。首先简要地回顾了恒星级黑洞的形成及其候选天体的研究历史;然后介绍了如何从观测上证认恒星级黑洞:接着详细讨论了恒星级黑洞的质量和自转参数的测量方法;最后介绍恒星级黑洞观测及其证认的最新研究进展,并做出结论:目前已经有充分的证据宣告在部分吸积X射线双星中存在恒星级黑洞。  相似文献   

We consider the problem of dust grain survival in the disk winds from T Tauri and Herbig Ae stars. For our analysis, we have chosen a disk wind model in which the gas component of the wind is heated through ambipolar diffusion to a temperature of ~104 K. We show that the heating of dust grains through their collisions with gas atoms is inefficient compared to their heating by stellar radiation and, hence, the grains survive even in the hot wind component. As a result, the disk wind can be opaque to the ultraviolet and optical stellar radiation and is capable of absorbing an appreciable fraction of it. Calculations show that the fraction of the wind-absorbed radiation for T Tauri stars can be from 20 to 40% of the total stellar luminosity at an accretion rate ? a = 10?8-10?6 M yr?1. This means that the disk winds from T Tauri stars can play the same role as the puffed-up inner rim in current accretion disk models. In Herbig Ae stars, the inner layers of the disk wind (r ≤ 0.5 AU) are dust-free, since the dust in this region sublimates under the effect of stellar radiation. Therefore, the fraction of the radiation absorbed by the disk wind in this case is considerably smaller and can be comparable to the effect from the puffed-up inner rim only at an accretion rate of the order of or higher than 10?6 M yr?1. Since the disk wind is structurally inhomogeneous, its optical depth toward the observer can be variable, which should be reflected in the photometric activity of young stars. For the same reason, moving shadows from gas and dust streams with a spiral-like shape can be observed in high-angular-resolution circumstellar disk images.  相似文献   

Results of observations of short-term wind variability in the classical T Tauri stars RW Aur and DR Tau are presented. Since the H CaII emission is absorbed by the absorption component of the H∈ line, which arises in the wind at a radial velocity of about ?120 km/s, the ratio of equivalent widths of the H and K emission lines of ionized calcium is used as an indicator of the line-of-sight wind density. Observations showed that the wind densities of RW Aur and DR Tau vary with a characteristic time of 4 to 5 days, i.e., with a period that is somewhat shorter than the period of the axial rotation of these stars. These results are interpreted in the framework of the conical wind model, which predicts cyclic repetitions of accretion and ejection events caused by the interaction of the star’s magnetosphere with the ionized gas at the inner boundary of the accretion disc.  相似文献   

We present high angular resolution spectra taken along the jets from L1551 IRS 5 and DG Tau obtained with the Subaru Telescope. The position-velocity diagrams of the [Fe II] λ 1.644 μmemission line revealed remarkably similar characteristics for the two sources, showing two distinct velocity components separated from each other in both velocity and space with the entire emission range blueshifted with respect to the stellar velocity. The high velocity component (HVC) has a velocity of –200 ––300 km s-1 with a narrow line width, while the low velocity component (LVC) is around –100 km s-1 exhibitinig a broad line width. The HVC is located farther away from the origin and is more extended than the LVC. Our results suggest that the HVC is a well-collimated jet originating from the region close to the star, while the LVC is a widely-opened wind accelerated in the region near the inner edge of the accretion disk.  相似文献   

We discuss in this contribution constraints on the origin of mass-loss from young stars brought by recent observations at high angular resolution (0.1″ = 14 AU) of the inner regions of winds from T Tauri stars. Jet widths and collimation scales, the large extent of the velocity profile as well as the detection of rotation signatures agree with predictions from magneto-centrifugal disk wind ejection models. However dynamically cold disk wind solutions predict too large terminal velocities and too low jet densities and ionisation fractions, suggesting that thermal gradients (originating in an accretion heated disk corona for example) may play an important role in accelerating the flow.  相似文献   

Neutron stars in X-ray binary systems are fascinating objects that display a wide range of timing and spectral phenomena in the X-rays. Not only parameters of the neutron stars, like magnetic field strength and spin period evolve in their active binary phase, the neutron stars also affect the binary systems and their immediate surroundings in many ways. Here we discuss some aspects of the interactions of the neutron stars with their environments that are revelaed from their X-ray emission. We discuss some recent developments involving the process of accretion onto high magnetic field neutron stars: accretion stream structure and formation, shape of pulse profile and its changes with accretion torque. Various recent studies of reprocessing of X-rays in the accretion disk surface, vertical structures of the accretion disk and wind of companion star are also discussed here. The X-ray pulsars among the binary neutron stars provide excellent handle to make accurate measurement of the orbital parameters and thus also evolution of the binray orbits that take place over time scale of a fraction of a million years to tens of millions of years. The orbital period evolution of X-ray binaries have shown them to be rather complex systems. Orbital evolution of X-ray binaries can also be carried out from timing of the X-ray eclipses and there have been some surprising results in that direction, including orbital period glitches in two X-ray binaries and possible detection of the most massive circum-binary planet around a Low Mass X-ray Binary.  相似文献   

We discuss the structure of a radiatively-driven wind from a rapidly rotating hot star. When the rotation rate is large, there is a region at low latitudes near the stellar surface where the force of gravity is larger than the radiation pressure. Within this region, the streamlines fall toward the equator, and if the rotation rate is large enough, the fluid collides with the flow from the opposite hemisphere of the star. The shock compression and subsequent cooling produces a dense equatorial disk. This wind-compressed disk forms only if the star is rotating fast enough. The rotation threshold for disk formation is about 70% of the break-up speed for B stars and is much higher for O stars. If theoretical calculations of the terminal speed are correct, then the behavior of the disk formation threshold as a function of spectral type potentially explains the frequency distribution of Be stars. The geometry of the wind-compressed disk agrees quite well with observations of Be stars; however, the disk density is a factor of 100 too small to explain the magnitude of the IR excess, optical polarization, and H emission, if current UV mass-loss rates are correct. However, recent X-ray observations indicate that the mass-loss rates of B stars may be much larger than previously thought.  相似文献   

We present differential photometry of the cataclysmic variable star SW Sextantis. A time series analysis was performed in search of superhumps in the accretion disk of this star, which is the prototype of a class of cataclysmic variables, the SW Sex stars. We find no superhumps, which shows that the presence of superhumps is not a defining feature of the SW Sex stars.  相似文献   

We consider a passage of the stars through the accretion disk near the supermassive black hole in the nuclei of active galaxies and quasars. When a star penetrates the disk, a hydrodynamical track is formed behind it. The boundary of the track is a cylindric shock-wave. The region of the track is optically thick with respect to the true absorption. The transfer of the energy dissipated by the passage of the star with a radius ≈1012 cm (the typical dimensions of a star in a galactic nucleus) across the disk provided by the radiative heat conduction. Each star passage through the intermediate region of the disk results in the appearance of a bright spot on its surface. The energy emitted by the spots lies inside the frequency range from visible to UV, exceeding the disk luminosity due to accretion in the range considered.  相似文献   

We derive here a relatively simple expression for the total wind mass loss rates in QSOs within the accretion disk wind scenario. We show that the simple expression derived here for QSO disk wind mass loss rate is in a very good agreement with the more “exact” values obtained through significantly more complex and detailed numerically intensive 2.5D time-dependent simulations. Additionally we show that for typical QSO parameters, the disk itself will be emitting mostly in the UV/optical spectrum, in turn implying that the X-ray emission from QSOs likely is produced through some physical mechanism acting at radii smaller than the inner disk radius (for a standard accretion disk, half of the initially gravitational potential energy of the accreting disk mass is emitted directly by the disk, while the other half “falls” closer towards the black hole than the inner disk radius). We also show that for typical QSO parameters, the disk itself is dominated by continuum radiation pressure (rather than thermal pressure), resulting in a “flat disk” (except for the innermost disk regions).  相似文献   

Summary. Soft X–ray Transients (SXRTs) have long been suspected to contain old, weakly magnetic neutron stars that have been spun up by accretion torques. After reviewing their observational properties, we analyse the different regimes that likely characterise the neutron stars in these systems across the very large range of mass inflow rates, from the peak of the outbursts to the quiescent emission. While it is clear that close to the outburst maxima accretion onto the neutron star surface takes place, as the mass inflow rate decreases, accretion might stop at the magnetospheric boundary because of the centrifugal barrier provided by the neutron star. For low enough mass inflow rates (and sufficiently short rotation periods), the radio pulsar mechanism might turn on and sweep the inflowing matter away. The origin of the quiescent emission, observed in a number of SXRTs at a level of , plays a crucial role in constraining the neutron star magnetic field and spin period. Accretion onto the neutron star surface is an unlikely mechanism for the quiescent emission of SXRTs, as it requires very low magnetic fields and/or long spin periods. Thermal radiation from a cooling neutron star surface in between the outbursts can be ruled out as the only cause of the quiescent emission. We find that accretion onto the neutron star magnetosphere and shock emission powered by an enshrouded radio pulsar provide far more plausible models. In the latter case the range of allowed neutron star spin periods and magnetic fields is consistent with the values recently inferred from the properties of kHz quasi-periodic oscillation in low mass X–ray binaries. If quiescent SXRTs contain enshrouded radio pulsars, they provide a missing link between X–ray binaries and millisecond pulsars. Received 4 November 1997; Accepted 15 April 1998  相似文献   

Stellar magnetic fields govern key aspects of the evolution of a young star, from controlling accretion to regulating the angular momentum evolution of the system. Spectro‐polarimetric studies of T Tauri stars have revealed a surprising range of magnetic field topologies. Meanwhile multi‐wavelength campaigns have probed T Tauri star systems from stellar photosphere to inner disk, allowing us to study magnetospheric accretion in unprecedented detail. We review recent results and discuss their implications for understanding the evolution of young stars (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

In this paper, perturbations of an accretion disk by a star orbiting around a black hole are studied. We report on a numerical experiment, which has been carried out by using a parallel-machine code originally developed by Dönmez (2004). An initially steady state accretion disk near a non-rotating (Schwarzschild) black hole interacts with a “star”, modeled as an initially circular region of increased density. Part of the disk is affected by the interaction. In some cases, a gap develops and shock wave propagates through the disk. We follow the evolution for order of one dynamical period and we show how the non-axisymetric density perturbation further evolves and moves downwards where the material of the disk and the star become eventually accreted onto the central body. When the star perturbs the steady state accretion disk, the disk around the black hole is destroyed by the effect of perturbation. The perturbed accretion disk creates a shock wave during the evolution and it loses angular momentum when the gas hits on the shock waves. Colliding gas with the shock wave is the one of the basic mechanism of emitting the X-rays in the accretion disk. The series of supernovae occurring in the inner disk could entirely destroy the disk in that region which leaves a more massive black hole behind, at the center of galaxies.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of the distortion of the photospheric spectrum for a young star as its light is scattered in the inner accretion disk in the dust grain evaporation region. In T Tauri stars, this region is at a distance of the order of several stellar radii and is involved in the large-scale motions of matter with velocities of ~100 km s?1 or higher. The light scattering in such a medium causes the frequency of the scattered radiation to be shifted due to the Doppler effect. We analyze the influence of this effect on the absorption line profiles in the spectra of T Tauri stars using classical results of the theory of radiative transfer. We consider two models of a scattering medium: (i) a homogeneous cylindrical surface and (ii) a cylindrical surface with an azimuth-dependent height (such conditions take place during the accretion of matter onto a star with an oblique magnetic dipole). We show that in the first case, the scattering of the photospheric radiation causes the absorption lines to broaden. If the motion of the circumstellar matter in the dust evaporation region is characterized by two velocity components, then the line profile of the scattered radiation is asymmetric, with the pattern of the asymmetry depending on the direction of the radial velocity. In the second case, the scattered radiation can cause periodic shifts of the absorption line centroid, which can be perceived by an observer as periodic radial-velocity variations in the star. We suggest that precisely this effect is responsible for the low-amplitude radial-velocity variations with periods close to the stellar rotation periods that have recently been found in some of the T Tauri stars.  相似文献   

Cataclysmic Variables (CVs) are close binary systems where mass is transferred from a red dwarf star to a white dwarf star via an accretion disk. The flickering is observed as stochastic variations in the emitted radiation both in the continuum and in the emission line profiles.The main goal of our simulations is to compare synthetic Doppler maps with observed ones, aiming to constrain the flickering properties and wind parameters.A code was developed which generates synthetic emission line profiles of a geometrically thin and optically thick accretion disk. The simulation allows us to include flares in a particular disk region. The emission line flares may be integrated over arbitrary ‘`exposure’' times, producing the synthetic line profiles. Flickering Doppler maps are created using such synthetic time series. The presence of a wind inside the Roche lobe was also implemented. Radiative transfer effects in the lines where taken into account in order to reproduce the single peaked line profiles frequently seen in nova-like CVs.  相似文献   

Compact remnants – stellar mass black holes and neutron stars formed in the inner few parsec of galactic centres are predicted to sink into the central parsec due to dynamical friction on low-mass stars, forming a high concentration cusp. Same physical region may also contain very high-density molecular clouds and accretion discs that are needed to fuel supermassive black hole (SMBH) activity. Here we estimate gas capture rates on to the cusp of stellar remnants, and the resulting X-ray luminosity, as a function of the accretion disc mass. At low disc masses, most compact objects are too dim to be observable, whereas in the high disc case most of them are accreting at their Eddington rates. We find that for low accretion disc masses, compact remnant cusps may be more luminous than the central SMBHs. This 'diffuse' emission may be of importance for local moderately bright active galactic nuclei (AGNs), especially low-luminosity AGNs. We also briefly discuss how this expected emission can be used to put constraints on the black hole cusp near our Galactic Centre.  相似文献   

The Herbig Ae/Be stars are intermediate mass pre‐main sequence stars that bridge the gap between the low mass T Tauri stars and the Massive Young Stellar Objects. In this mass range, the acting star forming mechanism switches from magnetically controlled accretion to an as yet unknown mechanism, but which is likely to be direct disk accretion onto the star. We observed a large sample of Herbig Ae/Be stars with X‐shooter to address this issue from a multi‐wavelength perspective. It is the largest such study to date, not only because of the number of objects involved, but also because of the large wavelength coverage from the blue to the near‐infrared. This allows many accretion diagnostics to be studied simultaneously. By correlating the various properties with mass, temperature and age, we aim to determine where and whether the magnetically controlled mass accretion mechanism halts and the proposed direct disk accretion takes over. Here, we will give an overview of the background, present some observations and discuss our initial results. We will introduce a new accretion diagnostic for the research of Herbig Ae/Be stars, the HeI 1.083 μm line (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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