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Sediments from two small lakes distal to the Tromsø–Lyngen moraine at Tromsø, northern Norway, indicate that the area was deglaciated prior to c. 11.7 14C ka BP. The earliest vegetation was dominated by calciphilous and heliophilous pioneer plants on unstable soils; this changed to a vegetation reflecting a dry continental climate until c. 10.7 14Cka BP. A phase (10.7–10.5 14Cka BP) with snow-bed communities was followed by one with a mosaic of plant communities. This was succeeded by Empetrum heaths c. 10.3 14Cka BP, then by an open forest with Betula pubescens after 10.0 14Cka BP. Ice-front oscillations in the Tromsø area are evaluated. The main part of the Younger Dryas glacial readvance, the Tromsø–Lyngen event, probably occurred between 10.7 and 10.3 14Cka BP.  相似文献   

An exhaustive 14C dating programme of molluscs from the Fossvogur sediments in Reykjavik. Iceland is presented. For the first time all the fossiliferous units of the sediments are dated. The results confirm earlier conclusions of a widespread occurrence of marine sediments of Allerød age in Reykjavik. The set of dates from the Fossvogur sediments shows a narrow 14C age distribution (standard deviation of ±235 years) of molluscs from all localities and from successive marine units in vertical sections. The weighted mean conventional 14C age is 11,400 BP. Assuming a reservoir effect of 400 years. this corresponds to a reservoir-corrected age of I1,000 BP. i.e. the Allerød- Younger Dryas transition for the sampled units, These new 14C dates from Fossvogur confirm the need for a revision of the Upper Pleistocene chronology of the Reykjavik region. They also have a bearing on the Late Weichselian record of glacier readvances and sea-level changes in the area. The dates suggest that the marine units in Fossvogur accumulated within a restricted time-span of a few hundred years. The sediments in Fossvogur are of volcaniclastic origin and are extremely lithified, indicating local geothermal activity soon after their deposition. This may explain anomalously high D/L amino acid ratios measured in molluscs from the Fossvogur sediments. δ13C and δ18O results suggest that temperatures may have ranged up to 60°C.  相似文献   

Stable oxygen and carbon isotope data from a lacustrine sequence at Grænge, southeast Denmark, revealed distinct cnvironmental changes related to Late Weichselian climatic development in the region. Comparison of isotopic records obtained from sedimentary carbonates and freshwater molluscs enabled reconstruction of changes in the lacustrine environment. The degree of thermal and chemical stratification of the lake was evaluated and supported by pollen data from an earlier study of the site. During the Allerød interstadial, dimictic and stagnant conditions characterized the lake, whereas the stratification was disturbed during thc Younger Dryas stadial probably as a result of deforestation and increased wind impact. The origin of sedimentary carbonates was examined by mineralogic and morphologic studies. A considerable input of clastics and detrital carbonates, associated with pronounced enrichment of 18O and 13C. wds recorded in the Younger Dryas sediments indicating soil degradation and increased erosion. A climatic warming preceding the Pleis-tocene/Holocene boundary is clearly reflected in the different stable isotope records and in the lithostratigraphy.  相似文献   

Mt. Kroppefjall is situated just south of the Middle Swedish (Younger Dryas) ice-marginal zone. Its abundance of lake basins makes it very suitable for detailed shore displacement studies close to the Younger Dryas ice margin. Altogether 12 lakes at altitudes between 157 and 78 m were studied and all but one situated above the marine limit contained marine sediments. The dating of their isolation from the sea resulted in a shore displacement curve from c. 11,200 to c. 98M)BP. The relative uplift almost ceased between 10,900 and 10,300 BP, which is mainly related to an ice readvance in the Lake Vanern basin. This period of balance between uplift and sea level rise was preceded by a relative uplift rate of 5 m/lW yr and followed by as high rates as 7–8 m/100 yr, possibly caused by a delayed uplift effect and perhaps also a local fall in sea level caused by the rapidly receding ice margin. The time difference between the formation of two delta surfaces at Odskolts Moar is estimated at 60&800 years. Shoreline diagrams along the Swedish west and east coasts, mainly based on a number of shore displacement curves, reveal large anomalies that are believed to have been caused by dammings and drainages of the Baltic basin. The southwards extrapolated shorelines indicate that the bedrock threshold in the Oresund Strait, between Denmark and Sweden, functioned as the outlet threshold for the Baltic Ice Lake during its dammed stages, while the erosion of the Store Balt and Darss Sill straits began at the culmination of the Ancylus transgression and continued during the rapid IS20 m Ancylus regression.  相似文献   

Atmospheric radiocarbon variations over the Younger Dryas interval, from 13,000 to 11,600 cal yr BP, are of immense scientific interest because they reveal crucial information about the linkages between climate, ocean circulation and the carbon cycle. However, no direct and reliable atmospheric 14C records based on tree rings for the entire Younger Dryas have been available. In this paper, we present (1) high-precision 14C measurements on the extension of absolute tree-ring chronology from 12,400 to 12,560 cal yr BP and (2) high-precision, high-resolution atmospheric 14C record derived from a 617-yr-long tree-ring chronology of Huon pine from Tasmania, Australia, spanning the early Younger Dryas. The new tree-ring 14C records bridge the current gap in European tree-ring radiocarbon chronologies during the early Younger Dryas, linking the floating Lateglacial Pine record to the absolute tree-ring timescale. A continuous and reliable atmospheric 14C record for the past 14,000 cal yr BP including the Younger Dryas is now available. The new records indicate that the abrupt rise in atmospheric Δ14C associated with the Younger Dryas onset occurs at 12,760 cal yr BP, 240 yrs later than that recorded in Cariaco varves, with a smaller magnitude of 40‰ followed by several centennial Δ14C variations of 20–25‰. Comparing the tree-ring Δ14C to marine-derived Δ14C and modelled Δ14C based on ice-core 10Be fluxes, we conclude that changes in ocean circulation were mainly responsible for the Younger Dryas onset, while a combination of changes in ocean circulation and 14C production rate were responsible for atmospheric Δ14C variations for the remainder of the Younger Dryas.  相似文献   

The extent of glaciation in northwestern Alaska, the source of sediment supply to the Chukchi shelf and slope, and the movement of sea ice and icebergs across the shelf during the last glacial maximum (LGM) remain poorly constrained. Here we present geophysical and geological data from the outer Chukchi margin that reveal a regionally extensive, heavily ice-scoured surface ∼ 5-8 m below the modern seafloor. Radiocarbon dating of this discrete event yields age estimates between 10,600 and 11,900 14C yr BP, indicating the discharge event occurred during the Younger Dryas. Based on mineralogy of the ice-rafted debris, the icebergs appear to be sourced from the northwestern Alaskan margin, which places important constraints on the ice extent in northern Alaska during the LGM as well as existing circulation models for the region.  相似文献   

Diatom data from the Skagerrak–Kattegat show that large amounts of meltwater were discharged into the Kattegat–Skagerrak from the Baltic Ice Lake during the Younger Dryas interval. Strong meltwater discharge greatly freshened surface-water salinity in the Kattegat and areas along the Swedish west coast and possibly changed the directions of sea-surface salinity gradients from north–south to east–west or northwest–southeast. It resulted in a markedly stratified water column in salinity in the Kattegat, which complicates the environmental interpretation based on different types of microfossils. The meltwater influence on the large area of the Skagerrak during the Younger Dryas was, however, restricted along the Norwegian coast where it flowed into the Norwegian Sea.  相似文献   

Three-fold subdivision of the Allerød chronozone   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A pollen diagram of a calcareous travertine bed near Kirf (West Germany) shows a tripartition of the Allerød chronozone. In northwestern and central-European diagrams this is not an uncommon phenom-enon. Arguments supporting a deduced climatic oscillation may also be derived from the average ice recession in southern Sweden, the Coleoptera assemblages in northwestern England, the isotope 180/16O curve from the Gerzensee in Switzerland, and the Camp Century Ice Core in Greenland. The included sandy Laachcr See ash may suggest explosive volcanism again to be somehow related to inferred climatic changes.  相似文献   

Pasanen, A., Lunkka, J. P. & Putkinen, N. 2009: Reconstruction of the White Sea Basin during the late Younger Dryas. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2009.00128.x. ISSN 0300‐9483 The Weichselian Scandinavian Ice Sheet (SIS) in the White Sea Basin retreated from its maximum position to the Kalevala end moraine between 17 000 and 11 500 years ago. Even though the deglaciation history is relatively well known, the palaeoenvironments in front of the ice sheet are still poorly understood and partly controversial. In the present paper, we use geomorphological, sedimentological and ground‐penetrating radar survey methods to study glaciofluvial plains and shorelines at the Kalevala end moraine. These data are used to define the shoreline gradient for the area and to numerically reconstruct the palaeotopography and the area and volume of the water body in the White Sea Basin during the late Younger Dryas 11 500 years ago. The results indicate that at three sites glaciofluvial plains represent Gilbert deltas deposited to the same water level next to the ice margin. Using the shoreline gradient of 0.42 m/km, it is shown that the water body in the White Sea Basin was extensive and relatively deep, inundating large, currently onshore, areas on the western side of the White Sea and the Arkhangelsk area to the east. The ice margin terminated in the White Sea, which was connected to the Barents Sea via the Gorlo Strait and separated from the Baltic drainage basin to the south.  相似文献   

The late Wisconsin deglaciation of the Fraser Lowland is reconstructed by integrating surficial mapping, stratigraphic, palynological, oceanographic (from previous studies), radiocarbon, and shaded digital topographic data. Moraines associated with glacier fluctuations along the southwestern margin of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet are recognized for the first time and their chronology is established from 70 radiocarbon dates secured by morphologic and stratigraphic evidence. Following emergence of the lowland at c. 11.6 14 C kyr BP, three periods of glacier readvance occurred 11.6-11.4 and 10.9-10.2 14 C kyr BP during the Sumas interval. The spatial and temporal relationships of Sumas Drift indicate four recognizable phases, which unifies and extends the surficial geology across the U.S.-Canadian border.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(17-18):2128-2151
After the first emergence following deglaciation, relative sea level rose by 10 m in western Norway and culminated late in the Younger Dryas (YD). The relative sea-level history, reconstructed by dating deposits in isolation basins, shows a sea-level low-stand between ∼13 640 and 13 080 cal yr BP, a 10 m sea-level rise between ∼13 080 and 11 790 cal yr BP and a sea-level high-stand between ∼11 790 and 11 550 cal yr BP. Shortly after the YD/Holocene boundary, sea level fell abruptly by ∼37 m. The shorelines formed during the sea-level low-stand in the mid-Allerød and during the sea-level high-stand in the YD have almost parallel tilts with a gradient of ∼1.3 m km−1, indicating that hardly any isostatic movement has taken place during this period of sea-level rise. We conclude that the transgression was caused by the major re-advance of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet that took place in western Norway during the Lateglacial. The extra ice load halted the isostatic uplift and elevated the geoid due to the increased gravitational attraction on the sea. Our results show that the crust responded to the increased load well before the YD (starting ∼12 900 cal yr BP), with a sea-level low-stand at 13 640 cal yr BP and the subsequent YD transgression starting at 13 080 cal yr BP. Thus, we conclude that the so-called YD ice-sheet advance in western Norway started during the Allerød, possibly more than 600 years before the Allerød/YD transition.  相似文献   

Radiocarbon dated lacustrine sequences in Perú show that the chronology of glaciation during the late glacial in the tropical Andes was significantly out-of-phase with the record of climate change in the North Atlantic region. Fluvial incision of glacial-lake deposits in the Cordillera Blanca, central Perú, has exposed a glacial outwash gravel; radiocarbon dates from peat stratigraphically bounding the gravel imply that a glacier advance culminated between 11,280 and 10,990 14C yr B.P.; rapid ice recession followed. Similarly, in southern Perú, ice readvanced between 11,500 and 10,900 14C yr B.P. as shown by a basal radiocarbon date of 10,870 14C yr B.P. from a lake within 1 km of the Quelccaya Ice Cap. By 10,900 14C yr B.P. the ice front had retreated to nearly within its modern limits. Thus, glaciers in central and southern Perú advanced and retreated in near lockstep with one another. The Younger Dryas in the Peruvian Andes was apparently marked by retreating ice fronts in spite of the cool conditions that are inferred from the ∂18O record of Sajama ice. This retreat was apparently driven by reduced precipitation, which is consistent with interpretations of other paleoclimatic indicators from the region and which may have been a nonlinear response to steadily decreasing summer insolation.  相似文献   

The Upper Garonne Basin included the largest glacial system in the Pyrenees during the last glacial cycle. Within the long-term glacial retreat during Termination-1 (T-1), glacier fluctuations left geomorphic evidence in the area. However, the chronology of T-1 glacial oscillations on the northern slopes of the Central Pyrenees is still poorly constrained. Here, we introduce new geomorphological observations and a 12-sample dataset of 10Be cosmic-ray exposure ages from the Ruda Valley. This U-shaped valley, surrounded by peaks exceeding 2800 m a.s.l., includes a sequence of moraines and polished surfaces that enabled a reconstruction of the chronology of the last deglaciation. Following the maximum ice extent, warmer conditions prevailing at ~15–14 ka, during the Bølling–Allerød (B–A) Interstadial, favoured glacial retreat in the Ruda Valley. Within the B–A, glaciers experienced two phases of advance/stillstand with moraine formation at 13.5 and 13.0 ka. During the early Younger Dryas (YD), glacial retreat exposed the highest surfaces of the Saboredo Cirque (~2300–2350 m) at 12.7 ka. Small glaciers persisted only inside the highest cirques (~2470 m), such as in Sendrosa Cirque, with moraines stabilising at 12.6 ka. The results of this work present the most complete chronology for Pyrenean glacial oscillations from the B–A to the YD.  相似文献   

A clay varve chronology has been established for the Late Weichselian ice recession east of Mt. Billingen in Västergötland, Sweden. In this area the Middle-Swedish end moraine zone was built up as a consequence of cold climate during the Younger Dryas stadial. A change-over from rapid to slow retreat as a result of climatic deterioration at the Alleröd/Younger Dryas transition cannot be traced with certainty in the varve sequences, but it seems to have taken place just before 11,600 varve years BP. The following deglaciation was very slow for about 700 years — within the Middle-Swedish end moraine zone the annual ice-front retreat was only c . 10 m on average. A considerable time-lag is to be expected between the Younger Dryas climatic event and this period of slow retreat. The 700 years of slow retreat were succeeded by 200 years of more rapid recession, about 50–75 m annually, and then by a mainly rapid and uncomplicated retreat of the ice-front by 100–200 m/year or more, characterizing the next 1500 years of deglaciation in south and central Sweden. The change from about 50–75 m to 100–200 m of annual ice-front retreat may reflect the Younger Dryas/Preboreal transition. Clay-stratigraph-ically defined, the transition is dated at c . 10,740 varve years BP, with an error of +100 to -250 years. In the countings of ice layers in Greenland ice cores (GRIP and GISP-2) the end of the Younger Dryas climatic event is 800–900 years older. However, a climatic amelioration after the cold part of the Younger Dryas and in early Preboreal should rapidly be reflected by for example chemical components and dust in Greenland ice cores, and by increasing δ13C content in tree rings. On the other hand, the start of a rapid retreat of the inland ice margin can be delayed by several centuries. This can explain at least a part of the discrepancy between the time-scales.  相似文献   

This paper considers the impact of the Younger Dryas on the prehistoric inhabitants of Pont d'Ambon, a site in the Dordogne region of southwestern France, through an examination of the zooarchaeological remains from this site. An investigation of patch choice indicates that patch choice evenness declines during the Younger Dryas due to increasing local dominance of the grassland patch. Analyses of demographic composition, cutmark frequency, and marrow processing in the wild European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) assemblage suggest intensified rabbit use during this period. This study thus supports the hypothesis that changing climate had significant impacts on the prehistoric inhabitants of Pont d'Ambon. However, the traditional climate hypothesis—that changing climate negatively impacted the availability of larger fauna, forcing a switch to smaller, lower-ranked prey items—is not supported here. The inhabitants of Pont d'Ambon seem to have adapted to changing climate by efficiently exploiting the new species available to them, and possibly, during the Younger Dryas, by intensifying their use of one of these new species, the European rabbit.  相似文献   

We propose that prior to the Younger Dryas period, the Arctic Ocean supported extremely thick multi-year fast ice overlain by superimposed ice and firn. We re-introduce the historical term paleocrystic ice to describe this. The ice was independent of continental (glacier) ice and formed a massive floating body trapped within the almost closed Arctic Basin, when sea-level was lower during the last glacial maximum. As sea-level rose and the Barents Sea Shelf became deglaciated, the volume of warm Atlantic water entering the Arctic Ocean increased, as did the corresponding egress, driving the paleocrystic ice towards Fram Strait. New evidence shows that Bering Strait was resubmerged around the same time, providing further dynamical forcing of the ice as the Transpolar Drift became established. Additional freshwater entered the Arctic Basin from Siberia and North America, from proglacial lakes and meltwater derived from the Laurentide Ice Sheet. Collectively, these forces drove large volumes of thick paleocrystic ice and relatively fresh water from the Arctic Ocean into the Greenland Sea, shutting down deepwater formation and creating conditions conducive for extensive sea-ice to form and persist as far south as 60°N. We propose that the forcing responsible for the Younger Dryas cold episode was thus the result of extremely thick sea-ice being driven from the Arctic Ocean, dampening or shutting off the thermohaline circulation, as sea-level rose and Atlantic and Pacific waters entered the Arctic Basin. This hypothesis focuses attention on the potential role of Arctic sea-ice in causing the Younger Dryas episode, but does not preclude other factors that may also have played a role.  相似文献   

In an effort to analyse the complex Younger Dryas event in central Scandinavia a finite-element method solution of the continuity equation has been used to describe the glaciological processes involved. In order to make the model compatible with the geologic evidence, it is suggested that the ice sheet was drained by a 'Baltic Ice Stream'. The Ice Stream was steered by differences in basal conditions. We also conclude that the climatic event responsible for the Younger Dryas stillstand was probably short (< 500 years), and that different regions of the ice sheet responded in different ways. During a simulated termination it was shown that there was broad agreement about the marginal positions in Sweden and Finland if it was assumed that there was a general sliding zone for elevations below 100 m. with an enhanced sliding zone through the centre of the Baltic and the Gulf of Bothnia. A stillstand near the position of the Younger Dryas moraines is attained with a climatic equilibrium line altitude (ELA) depression of 600 m for a period of 500 years. Agreement of simulated behaviour with observed behaviour is less consistent for the more maritime areas of western Sweden and western Norway.  相似文献   

To investigate land–sea interactions during deglaciation, we compared proxies for continental (pollen percentages and accumulation rates) and marine conditions (dinoflagellate cyst percentages and alkenone-derived sea surface temperatures). The proxies were from published data from an AMS-radiocarbon-dated sedimentary record of core GeoB 1023-5 encompassing the past 21,000 years. The site is located at ca. 2000 m water depth just north of the Walvis Ridge and in the vicinity of the Cunene River mouth. We infer that the parallelism between increasing sea surface temperatures and a southward shift of the savanna occurred only during the earliest part of the deglaciation. After the Antarctic Cold Reversal, southeast Atlantic sea surface temperatures no longer influenced the vegetation development in the Kalahari. Stronger trade winds during the Antarctic Cold Reversal and the Younger Dryas period probably caused increased upwelling off the coast of Angola. A southward shift of the Atlantic anti-cyclone could have resulted in both stronger trade winds and reduced impact of the Westerlies on the climate of southwestern Africa.  相似文献   


新仙女木(Younger Dryas,简称YD)事件是发生在末次冰消期升温过程中北半球的一次急剧降温事件。文章基于福建西部仙云洞石笋(编号:XYⅣ-14)9个高精度230Th年龄和233个氧同位素分析,建立了12.68~11.25 ka B.P.时段平均分辨率达7 a的东亚夏季风强度的演变序列。该石笋氧同位素记录最为显著的特征是在11.89~11.51 ka B.P.时δ18O在380±95 a内偏负约1.3‰,指示了YD事件缓慢的结束过程。与基于年层时标的我国北方苦栗树洞、南京葫芦洞和神农架青天洞石笋记录对比发现,仙云洞记录的YD结束过程的时间(380±95 a)明显比苦栗树洞、葫芦洞和青天洞记录(38 a、10 a和11 a)长300多年。仙云洞石笋所记录的YD事件缓慢结束的特征与低纬菲律宾Palawan洞穴石笋记录十分相似。分析结果表明,受热带西太平洋海气耦合的影响,低纬水文循环过程的变化比高纬的气候突变要缓慢的多。


The outermost moraines in front of the Scottbreen glacier in Spitsbergen date from c . AD 1900. These moraines rest on top of a marine shoreline radiocarbon-dated to about 11 200 14C yr BP and demonstrate that the AD-1900 moraines show the maximum glacier extent since late Allerød time. This means that Scottbreen was smaller during the Younger Dryas than at AD 1900, in contrast with glaciers on mainland western Europe, which were all much larger during the Younger Dryas. The explanation is probably starvation of precipitation on western Spitsbergen during the Younger Dryas. In contrast, ice sheets and glaciers in Spitsbergen reacted more or less in concert with glaciers in western Europe, during the global Last Glacial Maximum and the Little Ice Age.  相似文献   

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