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裂隙性介质因其复杂的结构和可观的藏储量一直是资源勘查领域的重点研究对象。基于Hudson裂隙理论对裂隙介质中不同裂隙参数(数密度、角度、纵横比)下变化井径的井场响应进行数值模拟,得到如下结果:在裂隙数密度较小的情况下,纵波、横波以及斯通利波幅度对井径变化响应较敏感;在裂隙角度较大的情况下,斯通利波幅度对井径变化响应较敏感;在裂隙角度较小的情况下,横波幅度对井径变化响应较敏感;在裂隙纵横比较小的情况下,纵波、横波以及斯通利波幅度对井径变化响应较敏感;在频率-波数二维谱中,随着井径的增大,波动激发强度峰值所在的频率带以及波动的首次激发频率都向低频区域移动。由此认为:弹性波在裂隙性介质中传播时在受井径变化的影响下产生规律性响应,应用Hudson裂隙理论模拟裂隙介质的井场响应可以系统地分析裂隙参数和井径变化对声波传播规律的影响,进而指导实地裂隙储层声波测井勘探工作。  相似文献   

中巴公路沿线溜石坡   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

新疆阿合奇县旅游资源丰富,民族文化独特,开发潜力较大。利用SWOT分析法,分析了该区托什干河谷风光、千年古树、吉鲁苏温泉地质景观、历史古迹等自然资源旅游优势和玛纳斯文化、猎鹰文化、库母兹文化、民族节日、民族美食等人文资源优势。阿合奇县存在经济欠发达、旅游产业未形成、旅游宣传力度不够等资源劣势。旅游面临政策优势、政策引导、西部大开发等机遇,行业竞争激烈、旅游品牌还未形成等挑战。从旅游开发理念、旅游营销策划、人才培养等方面提出了对策建议,为该地区发展旅游提供理论支持。  相似文献   

生物炭对土壤理化性质影响的研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Biochar is an organic material with high carbon content, most aromatic structure and great stability resulting from high temperature thermal conversion (usually < 700 ℃) of organic materials under the completely or in part anoxic condition. Due to its stable chemical properties, biochar has received widely attention as a strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, biochar shows great potential in soil improvement and environmental pollution remediation, and provides a comprehensive solution for the global climate change, food crisis and ecological pollution remediation. Biochar is a carbon rich material, in association with porous characteristics and high surface area which are favorable to accumulating soil moisture, to increasing the porosity, to reducing density and bulk density, and to promoting the formation of soil aggregation. All the above soil physical improvement can provide a good environment for the growth of plants. Furthermore, biochar is an ideal acidic soil amendment which can improve the pH of acidic soil. It contains nutrient element which can be directly released into soil, and its surface charge and functional groups are conducive to soil nutrient retention, such as the reduced leaching of NH+4 and NO-3, PO3-4, therefore improve the efficiency of nutrient elements. However, the effect of biochar amendments highly influenced by raw materials and pyrolysis conditions is of inconsistent and sometimes even contrast results can be concluded. In this paper, we summarize the current status and knowledge gaps about the effect of biochar amendments on soil physical and chemical properties and some suggestions are also strengthened. Finally, some possible negative impacts of biochar application and research suggestions are discussed in order to better use of biochar in agriculture.  相似文献   

As a connection region between North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans, the Nordic Sea plays a critical role in global climate system. In the Nordic Seas, surface water converts into intermediate water and deep water after cooling and other effects. These waters transport southward, and enter into North Atlantic as a form of overflow, therefore, they are the main source of the North Atlantic Deep Water(NADW), which play a key role in global ocean conveyor. The causes and processes of the deep water formation in the Nordic Seas are still uncertain. Based on a review of current and historical research results of the deep water in the Nordic Seas, the most important process for deep water formation convection is addressed. Factors and physical processes that may have impact on deep water formation are summarized. The transport of deep water in the Nordic Seas is summed up. Multi year variation of the deep water is described with the aim of giving some instructions and research directions to the readers.  相似文献   

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