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近十年来,国际上已有许多学者从“权力关系”的角度加以研究生产网络的过程,如:Dicken所提出的生产链之概念,及Gereffi的全球商品链,与Henderson et al.提出之全球生产网络……等理论,皆开始重视探讨生产过程中各阶段关键作用者(agent)之间互动的重要性。近今这些不同但核心概念相似的理论,让我们意识到一个问题:到底从权力关系取径的角度,对于生产链接过程或产业聚集的研究,有何重要意义?对于一般讨论产品生产过程的地理研究,又可以多补足哪些观点?本文即从一般常用处理产品生产链接的两个相关理论——价值链与产品周期理论的意涵内容出发,比较其与“权力关系”取径二者之间解释生产链接过程的差异与优劣,并试图了解从“权力关系”观点,对于地理学研究产业之生产过程的重要性与意义,此为本文目的。  相似文献   

目前中学地理教育.尤其是农村中学地理教育的状况究竟如何?本文作者对其所在县进行的调查表明,问题是严重的,困难是大的。特别是初级中学地理教育的情况更应引起我们的关注。我们希望各地从事地理教育的同志、特别是县地理教研员.对本地地理教育状况进行认真调查分析,找出问题.总结经验.并寻求解决问题的办法。地理是中学教育的必修课,对于培养“四有”人才具有重要意义。对加强爱国主义教育.培养学生树立正确的人口观、资源观、环境观,地理学科更有其独特的优势。让我们共同为振兴地理教育而努力。  相似文献   

晚更新世冰期最盛时长江中下游地区的古环境   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
本世纪七十年代初,关于“新的冰期何时来临”的一次国际性学术讨论会,曾惊动过国际新闻界与一些国家的政府部门,为此人们很想了解“冰期时代”的地球环境究竟是什么样子? 自七十年代后期至今,国内外出现了一系列论述距今18000年前后末次冰期盛时地球环境特征的论著。  相似文献   

如何使理论与实践、教学与科研有机结合并相互促进一直是我们地理教师最关心的问题。只教不研,教学固步不前,乏味而无效;只研不教,研究脱离实际,难于被接受和采纳,更得不到推广。地理教学研究如何有效地促进教学,中学地理教师如何结合自己的教学实际,在专业化成长的过程中做到教学科研“一体化”并从教书匠提升到科研型教师,这不仅是目前“园丁工程”教师教育所关注的课题,而且是每一位教师迫切需要解决的困惑。  相似文献   

梁国昭 《热带地理》1999,19(2):154-159
本文提出了南澳旅游开发的三个方面问题:1)港口建设与旅游开发的矛盾如何协调;2)在激烈的市场竞争中如何突出南澳旅游的特色:3)如何开拓珠江三角洲客源市场。本文认为,南澳的港口建设应有主导的功能,适当的规模和合理的布局,与旅游开发相互配合,相互促进;应重视保护海岛的环境,把发展“绿色旅游”作为南澳旅游开发的重要方向:南澳要成为国际旅游目的地,首先就要成为名副其实的省级旅游度假胜地,为此,应加强开拓珠江三角洲的客源市场,从广州和珠江三角洲到南澳旅游的“行游比”偏高的问题,应当认真加以解决。  相似文献   

城市地球馆就是一场视觉梦想的现实版。它以一条故事主线串起,将通过一系列具体生动的展示,让参观者进行反思,意识到城市既是污染的制造者,也是解决者。城市地球馆分为“地球之光”、“危机”、“蓝色星球”、“解决之道”、“我们只有一个地球”五个展区,分别讲述城市的蔓延、生态问题、意识的转变、解决之道以及反思等内容。  相似文献   

香港的小学,没有设立地理科,有关地理的知识和技能是结合在常识科教授的。常识科共有六个学习范畴。包括“健康与生活”“人与环境”“日常生活中的科学与科技”“社会与公民”“国民身份认同与中华化”以及“了解世界与认识信息年代”等,其中“人与环境”“国民身份认同与中华化”和“了解世界与认识信息年代”与地理科目较有密切关系,例如“人与环境”的核心学习元素涉及邻近地区的自然形貌及人形貌对人们生活的影响、保护环境及节省资源的方法、自然环境的转变(例如:山泥倾泻、山火、水灾)对人们的影响及人们如何面对这些转变、地球作为资源的泉源、一些本港及国家的环境问题、促进持续发展的生活方式等。  相似文献   

一、“宇宙与地球”在高中地理课程中的地位与作用 选修模块“宇宙与地球”,目的是要使学生从宏观层面认识地球的宇宙环境,认识地球自身的演化历程和地表形态的特征及成因。因此,本模块在高中地理课程中具有相对的独立性。但是,通过学习“宇宙与地球”,将有助于学生深入了解自然地理环境的形成机制和发展规律,进一步深刻认识人地协调发展,明确人类改造地表形态必须遵循自然客观规律的意义。  相似文献   

思政教育是新一轮课程改革的任务,地理学对解决地球人口、资源、环境和发展问题具有重要作用,与日常生活紧密联系,便于开展思政教育。高中人文地理对于培养学生人文素养具有重要引领作用。在思政课改革创新“八个相统一”指引下,本文基于区域认知视角,从全球视野、家国情怀以及小尺度工匠精神入手,提出高中人文地理交通主题融合思政教育的路径、素材与典型案例,以提升地理课堂教学的思政育人成效。  相似文献   

刘书奇 《地理教学》2004,(11):29-30
今年六月五日世界环境日的主题是“海洋存亡,匹夫有责”。海洋是地球生命的摇篮,是地球生态系统最重要的组成部分。本节教学设计,不仅让学生了解知识本身,更重要的是让学生形成开发利用资源与保护资源、保护环境并重的观点,增强海洋意识。通过案例分析,使学生感到教材是“活”的、“动”的、“新”的,写的是他们身边的事;解读世界环境日的中国标识,使得主题突出,视觉强烈,有助于学生的理解,拓展学生的想象空间。  相似文献   

This Commentary reflects on the state of the scholarship on learning for environmental and natural resource policy and governance. How have we been learning about learning? We highlight theoretical and empirical advancements related to learning, as well as areas of divergence between learning theories and frameworks, and underdeveloped knowledge around processes and outcomes. To address these limitations and improve progress in both theory and practice, we offer recommendations for learning scholarship by focusing on how to collectively engage in ‘learning about learning’.  相似文献   

Summary Environmental economists have developed a methodology for eliciting individual preferences by asking respondents to a contingent valuation survey how much they would be willing to pay for specified environmental 'goods'. Contingent valuation generates considerable debate, not least because it is unclear how people arrive at a monetary value or whether the elicited monetary value bears any relation to how individuals actually value the environmental 'good'. In this paper, we present preliminary results from a qualitative study of how respondents construct their responses to a CV survey, to suggest that the methodology does not measure what it purports to measure.  相似文献   

This paper applies a spatial perspective to environmental problems in search for the paths to sustainability, using polluting plant relocation in China as a case study. It examines how environmental improvement in one place may lead to environmental degradation in another place, how geographic concepts such as location, distance, spread and backwash effects, and land use models can help understand such phenomenon, and what the implications are for the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) and development policies. Field research was conducted from 2006 to 2012 in Chinese cities of Beijing, Dalian, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuxi, Hangzhou, and Ningbo. It involved intensive site observations and in-depth interviews with government officials of environmental protection, economic development, and business recruitment, and grassroots environmentalists. The results indicate that environmental improvement in all these cities has led to environmental degradation in their suburbs and rural areas due to relocation of polluting plants. Environmental spread and backwash effects may help explain the severe intra-regional environmental and economic disparities and environmental injustice. The powerful and wealthy may achieve rapid economic growth and environmental recovery at the expenses of the powerless and poor, leading to environmental poverty and sustainability disparities.  相似文献   

"This article presents newly-available migration data from the 1990 U.S. census to assess immigration and internal migration components as they affect state poverty populations. New immigrant waves are heavily focused on only a few 'port-of-entry' states. It is suggested that these immigrants have begun to impact upon internal migration into and out of these 'high immigration states', and have also altered the national system of internal migration patterns. This article addresses three questions: How do the magnitudes of poverty population out-migration from high immigration states compare with those of other states? Is this out-migration selective on particular social and demographic groups? Is immigration a significant determinant of internal migration of the poor population? The results of this analysis are consistent with the view that recent, focused immigration is associated with out-migration among a state's poor longer-term residents."  相似文献   

黄志基  宋澜  高菠阳  姜玲 《地理研究》2022,41(1):229-250
中国经济增长进入高质量发展阶段以后,传统“以地谋发展”的粗放增长模式弊端渐显,不仅造成了资源的过度消耗,也导致环境污染问题日益严峻。城市发展面临经济增长和环境保护的双重压力。“以地谋发展”背景下,地方政府主导的工业用地出让,在保障工业化快速推进的同时,也带来了一系列区域影响和区域效应,但现有文献缺乏深入研究。基于此,本研究利用2015—2019年284个地级及以上城市的面板数据,通过构建计量模型,实证分析了地方政府主导的工业用地出让对城市空气质量可能带来的影响。研究表明:① 城市工业用地出让规模扩张显著降低了城市空气质量,且这一效应存在空间异质性。② 工业用地出让方式对城市空气质量具有差异性影响,地方政府以协议方式出让的工业用地规模越大,城市的空气质量越差。③ 产业选择可能是工业用地出让影响城市环境质量的内在机制,地方政府倾向于通过协议出让的方式将工业用地供给污染密集型产业,从而导致城市空气质量变差。本研究从产业选择机制的角度试图解释地方政府工业用地出让行为影响城市空气质量的内在机理,是对现有文献的拓展和补充,也可为城市生态文明建设提供一定的政策启示。  相似文献   

Public policies of social mixing have been enacted as the reversal of what segregation and concentrated poverty are presumed to have produced: intensified social problems (i.e., “neighborhood effects”). In addition, the pervasive discourses of diversity have provided more support for the idea of social mixing. Studies on planned and unplanned diverse neighborhoods have shown how certain diverse patterns can emerge and endure over time. Yet these studies have failed to explain how such demographic diversity becomes integration. In this article, I draw on a multidimensional perspective of socio-spatial integration to present a qualitative case study of the Cabrini Green/Near North area in Chicago—a neighborhood with a long history of segregation and recent socially engineered diversity. The case shows how contentious this new coexistence has been, and how segregation has been shifting its mechanisms of enforcement from housing to other spheres of life. I conclude with reflections on four dimensions of socio-spatial integration, and on the troubling policy and theoretical implications of the “social mix” paradigm.  相似文献   

In rural Burkina Faso, intensification has been an uneven process that has resulted in social costs, particularly in the form of uneven distribution of assets and disparate environmental trade-offs. This study examines the effects of wealth status on agricultural practice and soil fertility, arguing that differences in the practices of wealthier and poorer farmers lead to differential social and environmental outcomes. Two concerns are highlighted. First is the role of poverty in environmental degradation. Much of the debate about the role of wealth and poverty in environmental outcomes in developing countries has pinpointed poverty as the main causal explanation. Using studies of agricultural practices and soil fertility from several villages in southwestern Burkina Faso, this paper will counter this dominant view by showing that wealthier farmers farm much larger areas, have fewer trees in their fields, and use higher levels of animal traction which, in turn, has led to lower levels of soil fertility. A second concern is that while poorer farmers may have agricultural practices that minimize environmental degradation, their exclusion from key institutions that provide access to resources has serious livelihood consequences and potentials for increasing socioeconomic differentiation. The agricultural practices of wealthier farmers, while not optimal environmentally, result in higher levels of household wealth. A paradox emerges that while poorer farmers are conserving environmental resources, they are doing so at the expense of economic development and well-being.  相似文献   

Hilda E Kurtz 《Area》2005,37(1):79-88
The United States environmental justice movement has grown in the last 20 years from tactical cooperation between civil rights and environmental activists on hazardous waste issues into a broad-based movement for social change. As dozens of organizations invest resources in an environmental justice agenda, it is important to examine how such organizations portray their stance toward the goals of the larger movement in order to better understand tensions within the movement between social justice and environmental protection, diversity and commonality, and localized and broader movement agendas. This paper explores what contemporary environmental justice imagery tells us about this social movement through a critical discourse analysis of environmental justice organizations' logos. The conceptual approach used here links a tradition of critical discourse analysis of textual materials with elements of a critical visual methodology. The paper examines how the social grievance of environmental injustice is constructed in relation to the social and natural world, and considers what these images tell us about the identities, relationships and modes of authority that constitute the contemporary environmental justice movement.  相似文献   

可持续生计框架是辩证思考贫困的影响因素及其形成过程的理论总结,有助于对精准扶贫进行规范化和系统化的研究。本文以可持续生计框架为蓝本,构建基于可持续生计的精准扶贫分析框架,并从影响农户生计的内因和外因视角,讨论精准扶贫的多维贫困识别指数(MPII)的基本构成。以四川省凉山州作为案例区域,建立具有本土特色的MPII指标体系;识别出420户贫困户,其中80.48%(338户)的建档立卡户与识别结果重叠;与建档立卡农户相比,所识别贫困农户在各单个维度和综合维度都几乎处于更劣势的水平,识别效果更加精准。根据贫困原因的相似性,可将贫困农户划分为人力资本贫困型、基础型资本贫困型、社会资本贫困型、多维资本贫困型、生计环境恶劣型等五种类型,并针对不同的贫困类型提出相应的帮扶措施。  相似文献   

El Hatillo is a rural community in the Sébaco valley in Nicaragua, which suffers from an eroding resource base, high levels of poverty and malnutrition, and a high susceptibility to hazards. Structural adjustment policies have been devastating for small and subsistence farmers and have increased the level of economic, social and environmental marginalisation in rural Nicaragua. This paper explores initiatives to promote sustainable development in Nicaragua in the context of structural adjustment and environmental degradation. Drawing on qualitative research conducted in El Hatillo, it outlines the ways in which women in this community are attempting to address the multiple challenges of rural poverty and environmental risk and considers the potential of these strategies for gender equality.  相似文献   

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