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罗兴章  闵茂中 《地质论评》2001,47(6):658-664
随着世界各国大力发展核电,放射性废料的安全处置已成为当今研究热点和前沿学科。高放废物深地质处置的安全性主要取决于处置库内放射性核素向生物圈的迁移程度。在侵入岩中,放射性核素主要是通过地下水沿岩石孔隙从处置库向生物圈迁移的。为了理解放射性核素在花岗岩体接触带的迁移行为,本文根据两花岗岩体接触带中样品的铀系核素放射性活度比值(^234U/^238U,^230Th/^234U,^226Ra/^230Th,^230Th/^238U),利用 α-反冲(弹射)作用引起的放射性不平衡理论,计算了铀系核素子体^234U,^230Th,^226Ra在后期地下水的作用下在花岗岩体接触带及其裂隙内的迁出率、迁入率、并进行了质量平衡的计算。结果表明,经α-反冲作用进入流体的核素的迁出率要远大于因核素自然衰变的消亡率;裂隙充填物及裂隙能阻滞大量核素的迁移,其沉淀核素来自接触带花岗岩;花岗岩能强烈阻滞核素的迁移,可作为阻止放射性核素从核废料地下处置库向外迁移的有利天然屏障。  相似文献   

We have attempted to develop an expert system to evaluate the favorability of uranium exploration projects using the Data-directed Numerical Method (DdM). We developed the system for the Macintosh personal computer, so as to facilitate the iterative processes of trial and error inherent in the DdM. In a detailed case study, we use the above system to evaluate the favorability of the Alligator Rivers Uranium Field, Northern Territory, Australia. The favorability of the target area is evaluated by considering several exploration parameters related to the geological factors controlling ore formation. The selection of appropriate exploration parameters is important to the success of the method. We then selected 15 model cells to validate each exploration parameter and also to design the exploration model by the application of the chi-square test. The result of the favorability evaluation, as displayed by the developed system, indicates that our designed exploration model is acceptable. By employing the above processes we conclude that the system using the DdM is applicable as an exploration tool and is useful in establishing an exploration model.  相似文献   

The reactive transport modeling of a complicated suite of reactions apparent in the aquifer during the application of N-containing fertilizers is reported. The unconfined sandy aquifer can be subdivided into an oxic zone which contains groundwater with oxygen and nitrate and an anoxic zone characterized by elevated iron and sulfate concentrations in groundwater. Oxygen and nitrate are being reduced by pyrite and organic matter that commonly apparent in the aquifer. The oxidation of pyrite is modeled using the local equilibrium approach, whereas decomposition of organic matter, with the adoption of kinetic approach. The system is buffered by dissolution of aluminum and iron oxides. The modeling process is a two-step procedure. First, the processes are modeled in the one-dimensional (1D) column using PHREEQC code. Subsequently, the calibrated and verified data were copied and used in two-dimensional (2D) PHAST model. Prior to the performance of reactive transport modeling operations with PHAST, a reliable flow model was executed. Finally, predictions are made for the distribution of water chemistry for the year 2008. Model predicts that sulfate derived from the ongoing pyrite oxidation is reduced by the dissolved organic carbon at the higher depth and forms pyrite by the reaction with iron. The results of this study highlight the importance of understanding the interplay between the transport and chemical reactions that occur during the input of nitrate to the aquifer. Reactive transport modeling incorporating the use of a newly developed code PHAST have proved to be a powerful tool for analyzing and quantifying such interactions.  相似文献   

Settling particles were collected from six stations at the Okinawa Trough and the East China Sea continental margin. Activities of U, Th, Pu isotopes and ^210Pb were determined for the particles to elucidate their transport processes. Surface sediment samples were also analyzed for their isotopes. There was a tendency for ^210Pb activities to increase almost linearly with depth from 72 m on the continental shelf edge to 1019 m in the Okinawa Trough. Increasing ^210Pb activities in settling particles with depth on the continental margin may be attributable to enhanced ^210Pb scavenging by particles and removal near the front. There also was a clear tendency for total mass fluxes and the radionuclide fluxes to increase with depth, with an especially large increase near the bottom. The ratio of the observed ^210Pb flux to the ^210Pb deficiency flux in the near-bottom traps ranged between 8.9 and 46. These high values show a strong ^210Pb excess which would be attributable to large advective import to the near-bottom and resuspended particles that have settled through the water column but have not been incorporated into the sediments. High variability of radionuclide fluxes occurred in very short time periods. Activities of ^238U, ^232Th, ^230Th, ^228Th, ^210Pb and ^239Pu+^240Pu in settling particles were significantly higher than those in the underlying surface sediments.  相似文献   

Abstract. The Tsukiyoshi uranium deposit in Gifu Prefecture is the largest one in Japan. It is embedded in lower part of the Mizunami Group of Miocene age. Relating to the existence of this uranium deposit, the constituent minerals in sediments were studied by XRD and SEM, using many drilling cores. The most abundant authigenic mineral is smectite. The amount of smectite increases generally from upper to lower horizons, and a highly smectitized zone is situated around the uranium deposit. Smectitization predominated in mafic glassy grains of sediments, which was probably formed in early burial diagenesis. Zeolites including clinoptilolite-heulandite, mordenite, analcime, chabazite and philipsite are secondly abundant authigenic minerals. They seem to have been formed at early to late diagenetic stages. Opaline silica is rather rare. Carbonate minerals, including cal-cite, dolomite, siderite and rhodochrosite are common. They may be formed by diagenesis as well. Gypsum and pyrite occur in upper horizons and lower horizons, respectively. In particular, a highly smectitized zone including pyrite probably played an important role for retarding the migration of uranium and as a result keeping the uranium deposit for past one million years. This smectite-zeolite envelope surrounding the Tsukiyoshi uranium deposit is regarded as a natural analogue of the buffer materials surrounding the high-level radioactive waste repository.  相似文献   

中国煤中的铀、钍和放射性核素   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
中国煤中的铀平均含量为3mg/kg,在某地富铀煤中检测到的最高值达25660mg/kg,其赋存状态主要是与有机质相结合的方式;钍平均含量6 mg/kg,没有发现异常现象.南方一些地区的石煤中含有较多的放射性核素,并且容易在灰渣中富集,综合利用时应加强监控,以避免产生危害.  相似文献   

莺歌海盆地构造演化与强烈沉降机制的分析和模拟   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
孙珍  钟志洪  周蒂 《地球科学》2007,32(3):347-356
莺歌海盆地新生代发生了快速沉降, 盆内充填了最厚达17 km的沉积, 根据模拟实验, 印支地块或之上刚性地块的存在对莺歌海盆地的强烈沉降具有重要的贡献, 可能是造成莺歌海盆地裂陷期强烈沉降的重要原因之一.结合地质分析和物理模拟实验, 莺歌海盆地的演化大致可以分为以下4个主要阶段: 早期(42 Ma以前) 主要受到南海北部陆缘(主要是北部湾盆地) 裂解造成的右旋转换伸展作用的影响, 但影响范围较小, 主要为莺歌海盆地西北部和东部边界.42~21 Ma期间, 主要受控于印支地块左行走滑和顺时针旋转作用的影响, 莺歌海盆地在此期间发育了主体裂陷体系, 东侧受到右旋转换伸展应力场的叠加影响而导致沉降加强; 21~10.4 Ma期间, 受印支地块逐渐减弱直至停止的左行走滑作用的影响, 盆地西北部在21~15.5 Ma期间发生局部反转褶皱, 但盆地整体进入以热沉降为主的时期; 10.4 Ma以后, 盆地受华南地块沿红河断裂右旋走滑作用和5 Ma以后新一期热事件的影响.   相似文献   

This paper presents the first hydrogeological model that fully couples transient fluid flow, heat and solute transport associated with the formation of the HYC SEDEX deposit in the McArthur Basin, northern Australia. Numerical results reveal that salinity plays an important role in controlling hydrothermal fluid migration. In particular, it appears that it is the distribution of evaporitic units within a given basin, rather than their absolute abundance, that controls the development of free convection. Relatively saline conditions at the seafloor strengthen the thermally-induced buoyancy force and hence promote free convection of basinal solutions; whereas high salinities at the bottom counteract the thermal function of natural geothermal gradient and suppress the development of convective hydrothermal fluid circulation. In the latter case, higher thermal gradients are required to initiate substantial free convective fluid flow.Numerical experiments also suggest the position of an ore body with respect to its vent system may be controlled by the spatial and temporal salinity distributions in the basin. Vent-distal ore formation, a result of exhalation of brines that are denser than seawater and hence can flow away from the vent region, is promoted by moderate salinity at the seafloor and higher salinity in the aquifer. Vent-proximal ore accumulation, a result of pluming upon exhalation of brines less dense than seawater, is favored by the highest salinity conditions occurring near the level of the seafloor.Editorial Handling: G. Beaudoin  相似文献   

There is a broad correlation between the εNd values for rivers (including both the water and the particulate material it carries) and the age of the source terrain. This paper presents Nd isotope distribution data for soil, soil water, groundwater, and stream water samples gathered in a small catchment in northern Sweden. The results show that the release of Nd and Sm from boreal forests into streams and, eventually, into the oceans is more complicated than previously realized. The weathering of till causes changes in both the Nd isotopic composition and Sm/Nd ratios. Both the Sm/Nd ratio and εNd were higher in strongly weathered soils horizons than in less weathered till, since minerals with high Sm/Nd ratios were, on average, more resistant to weathering than those with low Sm/Nd ratios. In contrast to the situation for the main minerals and the major elements, the weathering of rare earth elements (REE) was not restricted to the E-horizon: the measured REE concentrations continued to increase with depth in the C-horizon. In addition, REE released by weathering in the upper parts of the soil profile were partly secondarily retained at deeper levels. Therefore, the dissolved Nd released by weathering in the upper soil horizons was trapped and did not enter the groundwater directly. Rather, the Nd in the groundwater largely originated from weathering within the groundwater zone. However, this was not the only source of Nd in the stream water. The Nd isotope composition and Sm/Nd ratio were determined by the mixing between of Nd and Sm in the groundwater and REE-carrying organic material washed out of the soil profile. The groundwater close to the stream reaches the upper soil horizons during high discharge events such as snowmelts, and organic matter carrying Nd and Sm is washed out of the soils and thus released into the stream. Therefore, the Nd exported from catchment is derived from both the weathering within the groundwater zone, and the organic matter washed out from the soil. If longer timescales with more advanced weathering stages in the groundwater zone are considered, it cannot be ruled out that there will be a shift towards more radiogenic values in the exported Nd. Recorded shifts in the Nd isotopic composition in the ocean may thus not only reflect changed source regions, but also the weathering history of the same source region.  相似文献   

文中构建了两组构造物理实验,对存在先存被动盐底辟构造的含盐盆地的厚皮挤压构造演化特征进行模拟,研究揭 示了库车坳陷西段秋里塔格构造带新生代盐相关构造演化过程。实验结果表明,同构造沉积速率对库车坳陷西段秋里塔格 构造带博孜-却勒区域(西段) 和秋里塔格-克拉苏区域(东段) 盐相关构造横向分段差异变形具有重要的控制影响作 用。在挤压过程中,博孜-却勒区域慢速同构造沉积使得先存被动盐底辟北翼(拜城凹陷南翼) 向南逆冲到底辟南翼之 上,并促使却勒盐推覆体和米斯坎塔克盐背斜形成;而秋里塔格-克拉苏区域快速同构造沉积使得先存被动盐底辟北翼快 速下沉,而其南翼在挤压应力作用下向北逆冲到底辟北翼(拜城凹陷南翼) 之上,形成南秋里塔格盐背斜。  相似文献   

入海河口中河水与海水的混合是海洋学中一个重要的界面过程,两者混合尺度和混合速率关系到河流携带物质的扩散范围和归宿,采用天然示踪剂224Ra和226Ra计算河水与海水的混合速率。2010年8月28日,采集了闽江河口区地下水样20个、河水样13个、河水与海水的混合水样12个,分别测量了每个水样的盐度、224Ra活度和226Ra活度。结果表明:地下水中224Ra、226Ra活度普遍高于河水;所有水体中的224Ra活度普遍都高于226Ra活度;河水遇到海水后,224Ra活度出现较大幅度的增加,而226Ra活度的增加并不明显。基于224Ra与226Ra半衰期的差异,在只有河水与海水发生涡流混合的情况下,计算获得河水与海水的混合速率为140.2~142.5 m/h。  相似文献   

Elements and natural radionuclides in the contact zone of two granites with different ages would migrate from one to the other because of the difference in their chemical contents and later water-rock interactions. This migration could serve as an analogue for the near-field process of radwastes in a high-level radwaste deep geological disposal repository.In the contact between the Indosinian granite (whole-rock Rb-Sr isochron age at 214@3 Ma) and Hercynian granite (zircon U-Pb isochron age at 296@31 Ma) located in Ziyuan County, Guangxi, the O and Pb isotope characteristics and the activity ratios of 234U/238U, 230Th/238U, 230Th/234U and 226Ra/230Th show that, based on the whole-rock chemical contents, both of the two granites have maintained a relatively open chemical system in their evolution processes. However, as there is no obvious open fault, the migration of major elements, trace elements and natural U-series nu-clides takes place within only 1-2 m in the contact zone, and water-rock interaction  相似文献   

The Ordos Basin is well-known for the coexistence of oil, natural gas, coal and uranium. However, there has been little research to discuss the genetic relationship between them. In this paper, a case study of the Zaohuohao area in Dongsheng, Inner Mongolia, China, is conducted to investigate the genetic relationship between the natural gas and the uranium accumulation. Fluid inclusion data from the uranium-bearing sandstone samples indicate that the fluid inclusions formed in a gas-water transition zone. Using the homogeneous temperatures of aqueous inclusions coeval with hydrocarbon-bearing inclusions, combined with the buried history and paleo-temperature data, the gas-water transition zone reached the area at about 110 Ma. On the basis of this, the contents of Uranium (U) and Total Organic Carbon (TOC) of the samples were analyzed, and there was no obvious relation between them. With regard to the available data from both publications and this study, it is found that the U mineralization has a spatiotemporal accordance with the gas-water dispersal zone. Thus, it is believed that the natural gas in the gas-water zone is an effective reducer to the U-bearing ground water abundant in oxygen, which is the main factor to U accumulation. This result can be used as the reference to the U mines predicting and prospecting.  相似文献   

The asymptotic behavior of the solute velocity and dispersivity for a system of parallel fractures with matrix diffusion is made using numerical modeling and theoretical analyses. The study is limited to linearly sorbing solutes with a constant continuous source boundary condition. Expressions are provided for solute velocity and effective dispersivity in terms of fracture porosity during asymptotic stage using spatial moment analyses. The importance of matrix porosity and fracture porosity on solute velocity as well as the relationship governing effective dispersivity and fracture porosity is discussed for both non-reactive and linearly sorbing solutes. By using a dimensionless effective dispersivity parameter it is shown that the relationship between the fracture porosity and dimensionless effective dispersivity is linear for non-reactive solutes. It is also shown that this holds true for the linearly sorbing solutes with the same proportionality constant.  相似文献   

The rate of sandstone weathering in the semi-arid climate of the Hunter Valley, New South Wales, Australia has been estimated from observations of gravestone weathering in the area. The gravestone data points to two distinct stages in the weathering process. The first stage covering the first century of exposure is characterised by a relatively low recession rate of 0.5 mm/100 years. This is followed by a second stage in which the rate of weathering increases sharply to ca 2.5 mm/100 years. The non-linear nature of the weathering trends over time suggests that during the first century of exposure, structural changes took place within the sandstone material, which lay the foundation for accelerated weathering after further exposure. Laboratory trials were also conducted to identify the effectiveness of different weathering processes in the decay of sandstone in this region. Of the four processes examined, only the freeze–thaw cycle produced a significant degree of mass loss and is therefore most likely a strong contributor to the weathering of sandstone in this region.  相似文献   

王宗秀 《地球学报》1995,16(2):165-176
通过交换不同的边界条件来进行构造物理模拟,重塑及研究岩石圈中各种构造现象发生及发展的过程与机制,并与自然界中存在的构造现象进行对比,是构造物理模拟所具有的独特优越性。实验以俯冲带楔体中及其底部逆冲断层形成过程中的几何学、运动学的研究为主题,以底部摩擦强度(俯冲片与传送带间的摩擦)及插入厚度的变化为边界条件进行的。实验证实了俯冲带中楔体底部及其下部俯冲片中存在的构造底侵作用;底部不同的摩擦强度与不同的插入厚度对楔体前缘、内部及底部逆冲构造的形成演化及其组合形式有如下影响:(1)楔体前缘逆冲断层系之间的间距随底部摩擦强度增强而加大;(2)当底部摩擦强度大时,楔体前缘逆冲叠瓦扇构造表现出一种前导主叠瓦扇(Leadingnimbricatefan),反之则显示尾(Trailing)叠瓦扇组合特点;(3)插入厚度对楔体内部的反向逆冲构造的形成及演化具明显的影响。  相似文献   

合理布局抽水井和回灌井是地下水源热泵系统长期有效运行的关键因素。以郑州市郑东新区为例,利用HST3D软件建立水热运移数值模型,优化设计地下水源热泵系统抽灌水井布局,预测地下水源热泵系统长期运行后对含水层的水热影响。结果表明:介质比热容及渗透率分别对含水层温度及水位影响显著,是较敏感的参数。方案3(3个回灌井垂直天然流向分布且位于抽水井下游)为最佳布井方式。抽灌量900,1 200,1 500及2 000m3/d所对应的合理布井间距分别为50,65,70及75m。相应布井方案的水源热泵系统运行20a,对含水层温度场的影响仅限于200m×200m的范围,抽水井温度变化小于1℃。  相似文献   

A numerical groundwater flow and mass transport model was developed to predict the extent of impact from methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) release on a down-gradient drinking water well field. An MTBE incident in Pascoag, Rhode Island, was used as a case study and the plume’s past and future development was simulated using scenario analysis. The numerical code used was GeoSys/Rockflow, which permits a coupled flow and transport simulation as one object, thus alleviating the need for simulating the MTBE fate with separate flow and transport codes. The numerical model was built on available hydrogeological and chemical data as well as on GIS information of the site. By comparing the simulated results with observed field data, it was found that the model could provide reliable results even when the simulated aquifer was simplified to a two-dimensional flow and transport domain. Finally, the calibrated model was used for exploring a location that may be suitable for a new well field. Despite the model limitations associated with uncertainties of data and simplifying assumptions, numerical modeling of this MTBE contaminated site proved a useful tool and provided guidance for future municipal well field operation strategies and aquifer remediation alternatives.  相似文献   

走滑断层的走滑量研究是构造分析过程中的关键,本文运用走滑断裂拉张叠置部位的构造物理模拟方法作为走滑量求取的手段,利用与自然界吻合程度较好的脆性-塑性双层模型对走滑拉张叠置部位进行模拟,发现叠置区主要发育与主边界断层呈80°~90°的横向断层(T断层)和呈顺时针45°的斜向断层(R剪切)两种类型的次级断层。通过改变实验中走滑断裂的叠置长度、横向间隔距离以及走滑量,计算不同实验中横向断层与斜向断层数量的比例并对实测数据进行拟合,结果显示:(1)叠置长度以及走滑量的增加或者横向间隔距离的减小,都会导致横向断层与斜向断层数量比的增加;(2)每组实验中的上述四个实测变量之间存在着特定的对数关系,通过对自然界中的走滑断裂拉张叠置区进行同比例缩小的构造物理模拟实验,获得四者之间的函数关系,从而可以确定走滑量。将构造物理模拟计算走滑量方法应用于渤海海域辽东湾地区郯庐断裂带,得到其新构造运动以来约发生了2.1 km的右旋走滑活动。  相似文献   

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