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Li Lan 《中国地震研究》2007,21(4):420-427
Presented in this paper are the results of experimental study and analysis of the subsidence characteristics obtained from soil samples with different contents of clay particles though laboratory dynamic triaxial test, Laser particle size analysis, chemical analysis and electronic microscope scanning. By comparison of the obtained data, the following conclusions are drawn out:(1)The stability of the loess varies with different content of clay; (2) The relation between the dynamic shear strength and the clay particles is not monotonous, but parabolic; (3) In the same consolidation ratio, the clayey loess is the weakest subsidence-resistant when the clay particle content is between 16%~17%.  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - The results of ground-based microwave measurements of the stratospheric ozone profiles over Moscow during the cold half-years of 2014–2015 and 2015–2016 are...  相似文献   

Study on fault activity is a fundamental part of earthquake prediction and earthquake relief in big cities.In the active fault exploration in Zhengzhou,the spatial distribution,geological features and activity of the Huayuankou fault,the Shangjie fault and the Xushui fault were determined using the seismic prospecting method.New understanding about the characteristics of the faults was gained.This provides reliable basic data for future earthquake forecast and earthquake relief work in Zhengzhou.In addition,we proposed some ways to identify fault activity through analyzing the characteristics of the activity of a fault and raised an effective method for exploring active faults in big cities and exploring concealed faults in regions covered with thick overburdens.  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - The characteristics of the latitude-longitude distribution of the north–south (NS) asymmetry of the number of sunspots for the period of 1874–2013 are...  相似文献   

The results of processing and analyzing the instrumental observations of the Earth’s magnetic field at the Geophysical Observatory Mikhnevo of the Institute of Geosphere Dynamics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IGD RAS) for 2010–2015 are presented. Quasi-harmonic components with the periods close to the lunar–solar tidal waves are revealed in the spectra of geomagnetic variations over a period of 0.4 to 30 days. The elliptical S1 tidal wave which is detected in the geomagnetic variations has modulations with periods of 1/3, 1/2, and 1 year. The spectra of the geomagnetic variations contain peaks corresponding to the free oscillations of the Earth. The analysis of the time series of the magnetic field for the period of the strong earthquakes in the absence of geomagnetic disturbances revealed the fine structure of the Earth’s fundamental spheroidal mode 0S2, which splits into five singlets. The established features of the spectrum of geomagnetic variations are helping the development of the new method for studying the deep structure of the Earth and the properties of the inner geospheres for estimating the viscosity of the Earth’s outer core and dynamics of the current systems in the outer (liquid) core, as well as for exploring, with the use of empirical data, the general regularities governing the regimes of energy exchange processes in the geospheres.  相似文献   

The decrease in Aral Sea area, which started in the 1960s, caused considerable changes in the hydrological, chemical, and biological structure of sea water. Regular observations of Aral water chemistry ceased in the early 1990s. There were no observations of the concentrations of biogenic element compounds in water (the so-called “first-day analyses”). During expeditions of the Institute of Oceanology, RAS, in September 2012 and October 2013, integrated hydrochemical observations were carried out, including measuring the concentrations of biogenic element compounds, dissolved oxygen, hydrogen sulfide, and carbonate equilibrium components. An objective of this study was to develop methods of hydrochemical studies under high water salinity (mineralization). In addition to the standard hydrochemical complex, water samples were taken to determine total water mineralization and the concentration of dissolved and suspended metal forms. The results of these studies are given.  相似文献   

Water Resources - The data of atmospheric reanalysis NCEP/NCAR over 1948–2017 (R-1) and NCEP/DOE over 1979–2017 (R-2) have been used to show that variations of the Caspian Sea level are...  相似文献   

Using daily distributions of noctilucent cloud fields obtained for 2007–2012 by the AIM satellite, we analyzed temporal changes in the area of the global field of mesospheric noctilucent clouds. These clouds have been shown to be characterized by some common features that can be approximated mathematically by simple functions reflecting the seasonal course of the temperature and humidity regime of the high-latitude mesosphere, allowing a clear physical interpretation. We discuss the specific features of changes in the cloud field area for individual seasons.  相似文献   

Water Resources - The results of our study show that the natural waters in the southwestern part of the Crimean Peninsula are characterized by a wide range of chemical and isotopic composition. The...  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth - Abstract—The analysis of the local earthquake catalog revealed fine features in the behavior of seasonal components of induced seismicity in the...  相似文献   

The 1997–1998 El Niño was the strongest in known history. However, its effects on rainfall in different parts of the globe were not all as expected (floods were expected in some regions and droughts in others). The characteristics of this El Niño, and the expected and observed precipitation effects are described; the reasons for the expectations not coming true in some regions are discussed. This paper attempts to review the important scientific issues involved in El Niño phenomena for the general reader.  相似文献   

Dong Di 《中国地震研究》2006,20(4):435-448
According to the epicenter distance and the site classification, the 404 groups of earthquake recordings of the main shock of the Chi-Chi, Taiwan China earthquake in 1999 are catalogued. Based on these data, we analyze the statistical features of duration, PGA, envelopes and the response spectra ratio of the horizontal and vertical components of the acceleration recordings. The results of these analyses show that the effect of site classification on the acceleration of various components is obvious; furthermore, fault direction also has certain effects on the characteristics of the horizontal components of ground motion. The detailed research results are as follows: ( 1 ) the duration of the horizontal components of acceleration records increases with the softening of the site; (2) the direction of fault slip has some effects on PGA's attenuation features; (3) the average envelopes of acceleration records at different distances and site dames are basically single peak functions of time and the envelopes of horizontal and vertical components of ground motion are obviously different; (4) with the same epicenter distance, EW/NS response spectrum ratios tend to approximate 1.0 as the site becomes softer and the period shorter. V/H response spectrum ratios in short periods (〈 0. 1s) increase with the softening of site, however, V/H ratios within the long-period range ( 〉 characteristic period) decrease with the softening of the site, and the decrease of V/EW ratio speeds up relatively.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Existingresearchresultsindicatethattherearecloserelationsbetweenundergroundfluidandseismicactivity,especiallyintheshort termanomaliesofearthquakes.Anomalyinthefluidisobvious andthequantityislarge.Duringearthquakepreparation,thedrivingforcemec…  相似文献   

Data of network and expedition measurements and information about water management arrangements were used to study in detail the peculiarities of along-channel and long-term variations in the major characteristics of suspended sediment runoff in the lower reach and the delta of the Kuban River. For characteristics periods, the annual volumes of actual and estimated sediment runoff and the contribution of economic activity in its variations are evaluated and possible changes in sediment runoff characteristics in the XXI century are forecasted. The specific features, values, and causes of sediment runoff transformation in Kuban delta in the past and the present are analyzed; sediment balance in the delta is calculated.  相似文献   

Menshutkin  V. V.  Filatov  N. N. 《Water Resources》2020,47(3):506-515
Water Resources - A cognitive model of optimal control of an ecological–socioeconomic system water body–watershed for the case of the White Sea (Beloe more) and its watershed...  相似文献   

An attempt is made to couple the one dimensional COBEL-ISBA (Code de Brouillard à l’échelle Locale-Interactions Soil Biosphere Atmosphere) model with the WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting)–ARW (Advanced Research WRF) numerical weather prediction model to study a fog event that formed on 20 January 2008 over Thessaloniki Airport, Greece. It is the first time that the coupling of COBEL and WRF models is achieved and applied to a fog event over an airport. At first, the performance of the integrated WRF–COBEL system is investigated, by validating it against the available surface observations. The temperature and humidity vertical profiles were used for initializing the model. The performance of WRF–COBEL is considered successful, since it realistically simulated the fog onset and dissipation better than the WRF alone. The COBEL’s sensitivity to initial conditions such as temperature and specific humidity perturbations was also tested. It is found that a small increase of temperature (~1°C) counteracts fog development and results in less fog density. On the other hand, a small decrease of temperature results in much denser fog formation. It is concluded that the integrated model approach for aviation applications can be useful to study fog impact on local traffic and aviation.  相似文献   

Analysis of fault outcrops and trench sections indicates fault displacements of 0.2m - 6.0 m on the bottom paleosol layer of the Epipleistocene with the maximum rate of 0.047 mm/a and an average displacement of 1.1 meters. The activity appears as fissures on the fault surface in the late Epipleistocene and there is no obvious displacement. The fault activity is weak and the most active segment is the Bailuyuan segment.  相似文献   

The variations in the total electron content (TEC), obtained from the data of 11 ground-based GPS stations in the region (5°S–80°N; 110–160°E) in the period August 2–15, 2006, have been analyzed in order to search for possible ionospheric manifestations of the SAOMAI powerful typhoon (August 5–11, 2006) near the south-eastern coast of China. The global TEC maps (GIM) have also been used. In the region of the typhoon action during the magnetic storm of August 7, 2006, an intensification of the TEC variations in the evening local time within the 32–128 min periods range was detected. However, this effect was most probably caused by the dynamics of the irregular structure of the equatorial anomaly and by the disturbed geomagnetic situation (Kp ~ 3–6, Dst varied from ?74 to ?153 nT). The analysis of the diurnal variations in the absolute values of TEC and TEC variations with periods of 2–25 min did not reveal a substantial increase in the intensity and changes in the spectrum of the TEC variations in the period of typhoon action as compared to the adjacent days. Thus, we failed to detect ionospheric disturbances unambiguously related to the SAOMAI typhoon.  相似文献   

A network of stations for subsoil radon monitoring is in operation at the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky geodynamic testing area and is aimed at detection of strong earthquake precursors. At all stations, measurements are carried out using gas-discharge counters located at different depths within aeration zones of soft sediments. The volume activity of radon (VA Rn) is monitored at the most equipped station Paratunka (PRT) at three measurement sites located across the regional fault. The radon flux density (RFD) is measured from the surface. The article reviews responses in the dynamics of VA Rn and RFD from the surface at the PRT station prior to the Kamchatka earthquakes with magnitudes М W > 5 that occurred over the period of 2011–2016. The revealed RFD seasonal cycle is likely related to the seasonal variations in air temperature. The postseismic effect caused by the strongest deep Okhotsk earthquake (May 24, 2013, М W = 8.3) is detected in the RFD data. The behavior of VA Rn dynamics during time periods of the strong earthquakes is different. The results confirm the existing opinion on the formation of narrowly localized zones of Rn runoff to the atmosphere owing to both vertical and horizontal irregularities in the top layer of soil, which can react differently to changes in the geoenvironment stress–strain. On the basis of the real-time radon monitoring data, the authors have issued partially successful short-term prediction for several earthquakes. The results of this work confirm the opinion of many researchers that radon monitoring can be used in the short-term prediction of strong earthquakes.  相似文献   

Fifty-one magnetic storms occurred during the last solar half-cycle of transition from the epoch minimum to the epoch maximum are considered. Ionospheric (foF2) and magnetic (X component) data from Sodankyla observatory, Finland, were used for the analysis, as well as values of the ΣKp indices of magnetic activity. The dependence of variations in the critical frequency foF2 was studied before, during, and after each storm. It has been revealed that a major effect (ME) takes place for all of the storms analyzed. It consists in the following: the first maximum in foF2 values occurs several days before the onset of the active phase of a storm, then foF2 attains its minimum during the active phase, and the second maximum occurred after the active phase. Five principals, the most frequent types of variation in foF2 during a storm, have been revealed. However, special cases (30%) in which an ME exists but shifts rightward several days along the time axis are observable. Ionospheric “memory” (inertia) from 8–9 h to 2 days has been revealed. It has been ascertained that the occurrence of the first ME maximum can be considered a magnetic storm precursor. Such a precursor potentially can be used for forecasting the beginning of magnetic storm development, which is important for space weather problems.  相似文献   

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