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Statistical studies of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and coronal holes (CHs) are reviewed. The work summarizes the historical and current results of statistical studies of CMEs and CHs and their parameters that have been obtained by various authors who considered these phenomena as independent manifestations of solar activity, as well as their mutual effect on geomagnetic activity, based on both ground and space observations.  相似文献   

The observed variations of the magnetic properties of sunspots during eruptive events (solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs)) are discussed. Variations of the magnetic field characteristics in the umbra of the sunspots of active regions (ARs) recorded during eruptive events on August 2, 2011, March 9, 2012, April 11, 2013, January 7, 2014, and June 18, 2015, are studied. The behavior of the maximum of the total field strength Bmax, the minimum inclination angle of the field lines to the radial direction from the center of the Sun αmin (i.e., the inclination angle of the axis of the magnetic tube from the sunspot umbra), and values of these parameters Bmean and αmean mean within the umbra are analyzed. The main results of our investigation are discussed by the example of the event on August 2, 2011, but, in general, the observed features of the variation of magnetic field properties in AR sunspots are similar for all of the considered eruptive events. It is shown that, after the flare onset in six AR sunspots on August 2, 2011, the behavior of the specified magnetic field parameters changes in comparison with that observed before the flare onset.  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - In this paper, we study the effect of magnetic clouds on variations in the cosmic ray density recorded by neutron monitors. The statistical patterns and characteristic...  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - In this paper, we search for the relationship between the Vlin linear projection velocity and the Vss velocity in the 3D space of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) recorded...  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - Regularities in the formation of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) associated (Radio Loud, RL CME) and not associated (Radio Quiet, RQ CME) with type II radio bursts (RBIIs)...  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - New approaches to the identification of sources and the onset of stealth coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are discussed based on the stealth CME of July 7, 2012. It is...  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - A model of the eruption of a magnetic flux rope with ends rigidly fixed in the photosphere is analyzed. Long and short flux ropes exhibit different scenarios of...  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - Based on observations in the Hα and extreme ultraviolet lines, as well as in the radio and X-ray wavelengths, we study the eruptive events of September 22 and 24,...  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - A statistical study of long-duration (long-duration event, LDE) flares in the soft X-ray (SXR) range for solar cycles 23 and 24 is carried out. Graphs of the dependence...  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - The relationship between the fractional area of coronal holes and the maximum velocity of the fast solar wind at 1 AU based on AIA/SDO and ACE/SWEPAM observations is...  相似文献   

利用2005-2009年福建GPS基准站资料.解算了各测站20期的季速度场,结合近年福建及其周边大地震,分析了福建地区速度场变化特征.结果表明,2007年南海地震发生时段,福建各测站的速度场发生明显变化,反映了福建地区速度场受菲律宾板块运动的影响.  相似文献   

GMT绘制GPS速度场的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
GMT是一款功能强大、开源的绘图软件。介绍了应用GMT绘制GPS速度场的方法,以及如何实现读入MapInfo格式数据。实践证明,上述方法具有较强的应用价值,适用于多信息的图形表达,能绘制高质量的图形。  相似文献   

本文用几何地震学方法和多台和达图法, 通过数值模拟讨论了水平层状介质的视波速比对真波速比变化的响应特性。 结果表明: ① 视波速比对真波速比变化的响应特性是介质结构及其动态变化、 震源与监测台网的相对位置有关的复杂函数, 显示了地震波的实际传播途径对提取波速比异常信息的明显影响; ② 检测波速比信息的地震震源深度对视波速比的响应特性有重要的影响, 当介质处于异常状态时, 位于震源区下方的地震其携带出异常信息的能力受到较大限制, 其实质应归于地震波传播路径中非异常部分的作用; ③ 视波速比的响应特性主要是对于介质内部真波速比变化的响应, 在其他条件相同的情况下, 如果介质内部波速变化大而波速比变化小, 一般并不会显示高的视波速比响应特性。 根据这些结果笔者认为, 结合研究区具体的介质结构条件, 发展震源精确定位方法, 深入而具体地研究视波速比对真波速比变化的响应特性问题, 是应用视波速比作为预测地震的前兆方法必须面对的基本问题, 也是可靠地识别视波速比异常必须解决的关键问题。  相似文献   

地磁场是地球的基本物理属性,由基本磁场、地壳磁场、变化磁场和感应磁场四部分组成.其中基本磁场起源于地球内部,是地磁场的主要成分,它的变化极为缓慢,称为地磁场的长期变化,研究它的变化及起源,一直是地球动力学的重要内容之一.  相似文献   

数字化遥测台网与模拟台网记录的地震波形特征比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为对数字化遥测地震台网记录波形的特征有一准确的认识,对山东、山西数字化遥测地震台网与模拟台网的地震波形特征进行了比较。对同一台址的最大地动位移、振幅比以及波形的初动在清晰程度上作了比较,并对前者作了量化分析。初步结果显示,有91%的地震地动位移差在50%以内,地动位移符合程度较高,有93%的振幅比差在±0.5以内,即震级偏差落在±0.5级以内,波形特征很接近;对同一台址的同一地震,数字记录的地震波形较模拟记录的地震波形在高频段更清晰。  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to an analysis of brightness temperatures of the polar and low-latitude coronal holes on the Sun in the cm-wave range during periods of minimum solar activity. Data from observations of the polar coronal hole received by the RATAN-600 radio telescope during the solar eclipse of March 29, 2006, and low-latitude observations of coronal holes and quiet Sun received earlier with the RATAN-600 and BPR radio telescopes in the period of minimum solar activity have been used in the paper. The obtained good agreement between the brightness temperatures of cm-wave emission of the polar coronal hole above the North Pole of the Sun and of the low-latitude coronal holes against the background of the quiet Sun reveals the identity of the temperature properties of large coronal holes, irrespective of the mode of their arrangement and location on the Sun during the periods of minimum solar activity.  相似文献   

Based on data collected from a temporal seismic network, and in addition to the data from some nearby permanent stations, we investigate the velocity structure and seismicity in the Rongchang gas field, where significant injection-induced seismicity has been identified. First, we use receiver functions from distant earthquakes to invert detailed 1-D velocity structures beneath typical stations. Then, we use the double-difference hypocenter location method to re-locate earthquakes of the 2010 ML5.1 earthquake sequence that occurred in the region. The re-located hypocenters show that the 2010 ML5.1 earthquake sequence was distributed in a small area surrounding major injection wells and clustered mostly along pre-existing faults. Major earthquakes show a focal depth less than 5km with a dominant depth of ~2km, a depth of major reservoirs and injection wells. We thus conclude that the 2010 ML 5.1 earthquake sequence might have been induced by the deep well injection of unwanted water at a depth ~3km in the Rongchang gas field.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the response features of AR (apparent ratio of seismic wave velocities to the changes of TR (true ratio of wave velocities) in the horizontal layered model by mathematical modeling. The results show that: (1) the response features of AR are associated with the parameters of the structure and its dynamic changes, and the relative position between the hypocenters and the monitoring networks, showing complicated patterns strongly related to the concrete paths of propagation of seismic waves from the source to the receiver in the observatories of the network; (2) the depth of the seismic source would have important influence on the response features of AR, especially the capacity to carry the anomalous information in the condition of the earth media, being in the anomalous state would be greater for those earthquakes which occur inside the anomalous layers than those underneath the anomalous layers; (3) the response features of AR are clearly related to the changes of TR (true ratio of wave velocities) instead of changes of wave velocities themselves, i.e. the response could be small as the changes in TR is small even in the case of large changes in the wave velocities. It is suggested that more attention must be paid to all these features in combination with detailed investigation of the velocity structure of the earth media in the study region and best fitting of precise hypocenter locations when one wants to obtain the reliable precursors from the changes in AR.  相似文献   

粤闽赣交界区波速比特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据多台和达法,利用广东、福建、江西三省数字地震观测记录对粤闽赣交界区及邻区波速比特征进行研究,获取了具有参考价值的结果:粤闽赣交界地区沿海一侧明显比内陆地区波速比要高;约在北纬24°,东经114°处,处走向北东方向上是波速变化比较明显的分界线,该分界线可能是由于地下两侧的岩石岩性不同造成的,或与该地区介质物理性质和化学性质存在变异关有,也可能与此地区地震应力场变化有一定关系。  相似文献   

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