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贵州安龙坡脚剖面新苑组位于扬子地台和右江盆地交汇处,为中三叠世台缘斜坡相沉积,在该组中上部发现了牙形石动物群,除少量分枝分子外,都归属于Neogondolella属,建立了4个牙形石带,自下而上分别为:Neogondolella bulgarica、Neogondolella bifurcata、Negondolella constricta、Neogondolella constricta cornuta(未见顶界)带。时代为中三叠世安尼中晚期,其特殊的古地理位置,对系统研究与对比罗平生物群、盘县动物群的古生态环境,以及区域地层对比、地层格架建立,探讨该时期盆地演化提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

云南罗平中三叠世安尼期生物群的发现及其意义   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
本文介绍了云南罗平地区新发现的罗平生物群的产出层位、生物面貌、保存特征、古地理位置及其研究意义。该生物群产于关岭组二段薄层泥晶灰岩中,地层对比和化石鉴定表明其时代为中三叠世安尼期,以鱼类为主,伴生有爬行类、两栖类(?)、棘皮动物、节肢动物(甲壳类、昆虫等)、双壳类、腹足类以及植物化石;化石保存完好,分布广泛,埋藏方式独特。罗平生物群无论在丰度、分异度及化石保存上都极为罕见和独特,对研究埋藏学、古生态学、古地理以及三叠纪海洋生物尤其是海生爬行类都具有极为重要的意义。  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2019,351(5):366-374
This study focuses on the mafic-ultramafic lavas of the Early Carboniferous outcrop in Mangxin, southwestern Yunnan, China. Picrites with 26–32 wt% MgO and a quenched texture are the most significant components of this rock association. This article divides the Mangxin picrites into two types. The mantle potential temperature (Tp) of these picrites is higher than the Tp range of mid-ocean ridges and reaches that of mantle plumes. According to their geochemical characteristics, type-1 picrites probably formed from the melting of the mantle plume head and were contaminated by the ambient depleted mantle, whereas type-2 picrites formed from the melting of mantle plume tails. These plume-related mafic-ultramafic rocks in Mangxin and the ocean island basalt (OIB)-carbonate rock associations in many areas of the Changning–Menglian belt provide significant evidence for the improvement of previous models of the Palaeotethyan oceanic plateau.  相似文献   

南海西南海盆花岗岩的发现及其构造意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在水深约2800m~4000m、地壳厚度大致为8-10km的南海西南海盆,广州海洋地质调查局1:100万海洋区域地质调查在3个测站拖网获得花岗岩和沉积-变质岩样品。经显微构造分析与鉴定,这3个测站的样品分别为细粒黑云母花岗岩、石英变沉积岩和花岗闪长岩。全岩Ar-Ar 和K-Ar同位素年龄测定1yDG测站细粒黑云母花岗岩年龄为109.7 Ma和114.2Ma,离子探针测出其锆石年龄为120Ma,证实该花岗岩石形成于早白垩世晚期,因而极有可能属于华南东部中生代花岗岩带的元素。以往有诸多学者认为南海西南海盆的形成是海底扩张所引起的,地壳性质属于洋壳。花岗岩的发现使西南海盆地壳属洋壳的认识受到严重挑战。  相似文献   

广西金牙金矿是滇黔桂“金三角”区内的一个大型微细粒浸染型矿床.本文通过对大量原生晕样品分析数据处理,总结了矿床地球化学异常特征.认为该矿床以发育Au、As、W、Sb、Pb等元素异常为特征,其中Au-As-W组合代表了主期的成矿成晕作用,是本矿区金矿化的主要指示元素.Au、As、W元素在空间展布上沿倾斜方向往北斜列或含量变化趋势沿走向往北增高,进而提出各矿体的北西段深部具有找矿前景.  相似文献   

中国西南天山东德橄榄岩出露于天山伊犁-中天山板块和塔里木板块碰撞造山带北缘,普遍经历了复杂多期的含水流体(熔体)交代作用.主要矿物为橄榄石、斜方辉石、尖晶石、角闪石、金云母和单斜辉石,研究发现,橄榄石和斜方辉石与地幔楔橄榄岩中橄榄石和斜方辉石成份相近,原生铬尖晶石具有SSZ环境橄榄岩的特征,次生绿色尖晶石形成于麻粒岩相-角闪相环境.岩相学、矿物转变结构分析和矿物组合及矿物成分变化表明,东德沟橄榄岩记录了复杂的演化历史,先后经历了地幔交代、麻粒岩相-角闪相退变质作用和蛇纹石化等阶段的演化.研究认为东德沟橄榄岩最初可能形成于915~961℃的地幔环境,而发生地幔交代时的温压条件约为770 ~ 900℃,10~18kbar.该橄榄岩全岩较低的TiO2含量和尖晶石中较低TiO2含量,以及矿物组合显示出因俯冲板块脱水而造成的快速冷却特征,表明东德沟橄榄岩极有可能是SSZ环境俯冲板片上地幔楔橄榄岩残片.  相似文献   

中国古生代中期盔甲鱼类及其古地理意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
赵文金 《古地理学报》2005,7(3):305-320
盔甲鱼类是古生代中期化石无颌类的主要类群,其分布主要限于我国境内以及越南北部。至目前为止,在我国已发现并鉴定的盔甲鱼类计有48属68种,其中志留纪14属19种,遍布川、陕、鄂、湘、皖、浙、赣、新等省;泥盆纪35属49种,遍布宁、川、黔、桂、滇等省(区)。本文不仅对含盔甲鱼类的地层进行了详细的对比研究,而且根据盔甲鱼类在中古生代地层中出现的先后顺序,自下而上划分了9个盔甲鱼化石组合与1个盔甲鱼层,并认为这些化石组合和盔甲鱼层之间的演替与当时环境条件的变化及古地理、古构造的变迁密不可分。另外,通过对盔甲鱼类形态学及古生态学的研究,认为盔甲鱼类应是一类行底栖滤食性生活、运动能力不强的类群,其主要生活环境为靠近古陆边缘的海域。由于其迁移扩散能力有限,宽广的陆地以及宽阔的海洋均成为其迁移、扩散的障碍,因此盔甲鱼类具有重要的古生物地理意义。最后,根据盔甲鱼类在我国的地理分布特征,并结合大地构造学及古地磁学方面的资料,对中古生代我国三大主要板块之间的古地理关系进行了初步的探讨性研究,结果表明:古生代中期中国三大板块具有十分密切的古地理关系,它们彼此相接或相邻,并同属于一个鱼类动物地理区系即泛华夏盔甲鱼类区系。  相似文献   

Abstract: Saurichthys dawaziensis sp. nov., from the third member of the Gejiu Formation (Anisian of Middle Triassic) in the vicinity of Luoping, Yunnan Province, is a small to medium- sized saurichthyid fish. It is characterized by the efferent pseudobranchial arteries penetrating on the parasphenoid and the mandible sensory canal with a branch in the angular. The new species is more derived than the Lower Triassic species in having a relatively narrow postorbital region, short preopercular, single ossification of the sclerotic ring, small haemal arches between the pelvic fins and the anal fin without ossified spines, and in the absence of quadratojugal. It is more primitive than the Middle and Upper Triassic Saurichthys in having fringing fulcra and numerous segments in the unpaired fins, and the presence of both prae- and post-zygapophyses in the neural arches. Some anatomic changes related to the vertebral column and unpaired fins of the genus are also discussed.  相似文献   

中国西南天山东德沟镁铁-超镁铁岩出露于天山伊犁-中天山板块和塔里木板块之间的碰撞造山带中,岩石类型主要为(方辉)橄榄岩,且普遍经历了含水流体(熔体)的渗透交代作用,含有形态和成分变化复杂的尖晶石,表现为从红褐色到黄褐色、再到深绿色和浅绿色,尖晶石的Cr2O3和FeO的含量依次降低,Al2O3和MgO的含量逐渐增高。研究认为红褐色和黄褐色的铬尖晶是原生矿物,而绿色的镁铝尖晶石为次生矿物。原生铬尖晶石的Cr#为0.41~0.87,Mg#为0.21~0.61,且成分变化大,显示其可能具多期熔融的复杂成因;次生绿色的尖晶石形态不一、成分相对有较大变化,表明其至少形成于两个期次的变质作用或流体交代过程。原生铬尖晶石具有SSZ环境橄榄岩的特征,指示其寄主岩石可能是俯冲上板片地幔楔岛弧环境的橄榄岩残片。  相似文献   

An inter-till organic sediment, probably a paleosol, was found in a ridge in the Setesdal Valley. A radiocarbon date on the fraction soluble in NaOH gave a finite age of 35,850 B.P., which is probably a minimum age as contamination of younger carbon might have occurred. Pollen analysis indicates that the sediment has originated above the tree-limit. Compared with different interglacial and interstadial deposits in Scandinavia, the sediment is interpreted as representing an interstadial period, tentatively named the Vatnedal interstadial, of Early or Middle Weichselian age.  相似文献   

Most of the karstic bauxite deposits in China are enriched in REE, and the REE has commonly been considered to be adsorbed on the surface of clay or diaspore minerals as ion state. However, occurrence of REE minerals in the bauxite deposits has not been reported by far. In the Quyang bauxite deposit from Guangxi province, we find REE minerals. The minerals are parisite and churchite. Parisite is widely distributed in the ooids and matrix, inducing positive Ce anomaly of the ores; whereas, churchite is rare and occurred in the core of ooid. The compositions of the REE minerals show the Eu anomaly can change gently during the weathering, and the Eu anomaly analyses suggest that the REE in the ores are mostly derived from the underlying carbonates. The parisite is formed in an alkaline condition, while churchite in an acidic situation; the co-existence of the two minerals in the ores suggests the Permian environment for bauxite formation is complex with great change of pH value. Moreover, parisite is inferred to be formed earlier than the churchite.  相似文献   

喀斯特石漠化地区土壤Fe组成及其发生学意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤中氧化铁的组成反映了土壤的成土过程和环境条件。通过对西南喀斯特石漠化地区不同石漠化阶段山地自然土壤和农田土壤Fe组成的分析,研究了土壤全铁、游离氧化铁和非晶形氧化铁的分布规律,探讨了喀斯特地区石漠化土壤的发育过程和Fe的指示作用。研究表明:①喀斯特地区土壤表层全铁含量在38.9~53.9g/kg之间,游离氧化铁含量在18.0~26.7g/kg之间,铁游离度在44.1%~73.4%之间,铁活度在7.2%~11.4%之间。②随着石漠化程度的加剧,土壤游离氧化铁和铁游离度呈增加的趋势,而铁活度呈降低的趋势。③在土体分布上,自然土壤剖面随深度的增加,土壤铁游离度和铁活度呈明显降低的趋势,而农田土壤铁游离度呈增加的趋势。④喀斯特地区的土壤是石灰岩溶蚀风化的产物,人为活动干扰下的自然土壤石漠化过程是在水力作用下的表土侵蚀过程,而农田土壤受水分垂直运动的影响,是土壤丢失的过程。  相似文献   

A new jaw from the Middle Triassic (Anisian) Otter Sandstone Formation of Devon confirms the existence of a derived archosaur (avesuchian). Numerous isolated teeth and vertebrae had already suggested the presence of archosaurs in the Otter Sandstone Formation, presumed predators on the fauna of temnospondyls, procolophonids, and rhynchosaurs, but the new fossil is the first to show some diagnostic characters. Other elements in the same block as the jaw, but not necessarily from the same animal, include a possible skull or pelvic bone, a slender long bone, a small tooth (perhaps prolacertiform), and two presumed archosaur dermal scutes. An additional scute is present, as well as the probable distal end of a pubis, perhaps from a large poposauroid archosaur like the Anisian-age Bromsgroveia or Arizonasaurus. The jaw and pubis represent animals of very different sizes, some 0.8 m and 3 m long in estimated body length respectively.  相似文献   

陕西汉南三花石群和西乡群的时代仍存很大争议。在陕西西乡地区三花石群白勉峡组灰色、灰黑色砂板岩中发现较丰富并具有时代特征的陆生植物孢子(spores)22属40余种。其化石组合大致可与中国华南、西南和西秦岭中泥盆世孢子带比较。亦可以与欧洲、北美老红砂岩大陆及其邻区中泥盆世早期孢子带比较,时代为中泥盆世,并可能为中泥盆世早期,大致相当于西欧中泥盆世早期艾菲尔期。  相似文献   

Genus Ranikothalia Caudri is described for the first time from the Upper Palaeocene sediments of Middle Andaman Island. Three species R. sidensis, R. cf. nuttalli, R. cf. tobleri along with one species of Discocyclina are described here. The occurrence of Ranikothalia has great implication in understanding the stratigraphy of the island and in deciphering the palaeogeography of the area. This point to the extension of the Ranikot Sea at least up to Middle Andaman.  相似文献   

思茅盆地目前是中国唯一的含古代固体钾盐矿床的沉积盆地,其钾盐形成时代、物源特征、海侵方向等多年来一直存在争议。本文依据海相硬石膏的形成条件、存在形式、同位素分馏机理,重点分析了盆地内MZK-3井蒸发岩硫同位素的地球化学特征。结果表明:①岩盐中的硬石膏在蒸发盆地析岩盐阶段即可形成,单独成层的硬石膏是由原始沉积的石膏经历了沉积埋藏升温进而脱水而成;②岩盐中硬石膏的硫同位素值具有"双峰"特征,分别为14‰~16‰和8‰~10‰或6‰~8‰,这体现了硫酸盐的双重来源——原始海水中的硫酸盐和陆源淡水输入的硫酸盐或火山活动提供的硫源;③硬石膏层的硫同位素在区域上具有对比性,结合~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr值的特征,认为其代表了海相的沉积环境;④硬石膏层的硫同位素值平面上由南向北降低,可能反映了在此方向陆源淡水或火山活动对蒸发岩盆地的影响逐渐增强,进而说明这可能也是海侵的方向。可见对硬石膏硫同位素的研究,不仅在沉积学上能揭示物源、沉积环境、海侵方向等信息,更能对研究区钾盐矿床勘查提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

四棵树凹陷位于准噶尔盆地南缘西段乌苏市境内,蕴含丰富的油气和煤炭资源.由于匮乏化石证据,制约四棵树凹陷侏罗纪地层的地质时代的确定.对西山窑组沉积环境和孢粉分析研究,恢复重建了其古环境,探讨了本区中西山窑时期的植被演替及环境演变.西山窑组岩性以泥质细砂岩、浅灰绿色泥岩、粉砂岩、泥岩为主.通过对孢粉化石分析研究,建立了Cy...  相似文献   

龙塘金矿位于右江再生地槽西大明山隆起与钦州残余地槽十万大山断陷的交界地带,受NE或NNE向次级断裂和碳酸盐岩与火山熔岩的接触带联合控制,矿床产于断裂带靠近火山熔岩一侧的风化带中,硅化及褐铁矿化显著。该区金矿不属典型的“红土型”,属断裂破碎带蚀变火山岩型。矿石主要由含褐铁矿的氧化矿石(所谓的红土型金矿)组成,氧化深度大于80m,矿床规模达中型以上。断裂、下三叠统北泗组火山岩及不同时代的碳酸盐岩为区域主要控矿要素,三者共存时,断裂接触部位的硅化、黄铁矿化(褐铁矿化)和绿泥石化是含Au矿体或矿化体存在的标志。  相似文献   

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