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Textures of tinguaite dykes cutting the alkaline Khibiny massif in the Kola Peninsula, Russia, are described. They are characterized by a combination of a fractal microfracture network dividing rock into pencil-like cells and of a concentric rhythmical zonation in almost all of them. The latter is formed by interchange of volatile-enriched and volatile-depleted mineral zones. The location of the textures only where dykes contact host khibinites appears to point out the contraction nature of the microfracture network. The cooling time calculated agrees well with this hypothesis. The zonation appears to have arisen through autometamorphic processes with two main competing factors, namely (a) overall cooling of the system and (b) periodic depletion of it in some elements, mainly Na and K. Another mechanism which may be applied to explain the zonation is the known Marangoni Instability effect at the early stage of evolution of the volatile-saturated phonolite melt. Thus, tinguaite textures are caused by nonspecific influences external to the system and may be regarded as an example of self-organization in nature.  相似文献   

从探测原理出发,说明人工源频率电磁测深与瞬变电磁测深的关系密切,这是一个问题的两个方面,可以互相转换。两种探测方法实质是一样的,具有共性;但毕竟从频率域和时间域两个侧面反映问题,又具有各自特性。两种方法的原理所依据的麦克斯韦方程,其正演公式可通过傅立叶变换相互转换;从实际探测所发收的信号特征,场区划分与探测深度等主要方面阐明两种探测方法异同,以加深对探测理论与方法的认识,结合实际择优应用。  相似文献   

Seven pyroxene varieties were identified in nepheline syenites and foidolites of the Khibiny pluton: enstatite, ferrosilite, diopside, hedenbergite, augite, aegirine-augite, and aegirine. Enstatite and augite are typical of alkaline and ultramafic rocks of dike series. Ferrosilite was found in country quartzitic hornfels. Diopside is a rock-forming mineral in alkaline and ultramafic rocks, alkali gabbroids, hornfels in xenoliths of volcanic and sedimentary rocks and foyaite, melteigite-urtite that assimilate them, and certain hydrothermal pegmatite veins. Hedenbergite was noted in hornfels from xenoliths of volcanic and sedimentary rocks and in a hydrothermal pegmatite vein at Mount Eveslogchorr. Aegirine-augite is the predominant pyroxene in all types of nepheline syenites, phonolites and tinguaites, foidolites, alkaline and ultramafic rocks of dike series, fenitized wall rocks surrounding the pluton, and xenoliths of Devonian volcanic and sedimentary rocks. Aegirine is an abundant primary or, more often, secondary mineral in nepheline syenites, foidolites, and hydrothermal pegmatite veins. It occurs as separate crystals, outer zones of diopside and aegirine-augite crystals, and homoaxial pseudomorphs after Na-Ca amphiboles. Microprobe analyses of 265 pyroxenes samples allowed us to distinguish ten principal trends of isomorphic replacement and corresponding typomorphic features of pyroxenes. Compositional variations in clinopyroxenes along the sampled 35-km profile from the margin of the Khibiny pluton to its center confirm the symmetric zoning of the foyaite pluton relative to semicircular faults of the Minor Arc and the Main (Central) Ring marked by Devonian volcanic and sedimentary rocks, foidolites, and related metasomatic rocks (rischorrite, albitite, and aegirinite). Changes in the composition of pyroxenes are explained mainly by the redistribution of elements between coexisting minerals of foyaites in the process of their intense differentiation under the effect of foidolite melts that have intruded into the circular fault zones.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - Three belts of marginal glacial deposits have been found in the southwestern part of the Kola Peninsula. They are consistent with three retreat phases of the Scandinavian...  相似文献   

The structural setting and geochemistry of the Devonian dikes in the Kola Peninsula are considered. The alkaline dikes are controlled by rift- and drift-related structural elements. The first type of structures is exemplified by the Khibiny-Kontozero Fault Zone, which is regarded as a propagation zone of the East Barents Rift. The second type comprises Early Precambrian structural elements reactivated during Devonian drift of the East European Plate. Alkaline dikes occur in the ring structures at the ends of rifts and in the accommodation zones where the polarity of the main fault plane changes. These are the sites of accumulation and abrupt relaxation of tectonic stresses. Despite the significant differences in the petrography and chemistry of alkaline dikes, all of them are enriched in REE, apparently due to the elevated concentrations of these elements in the fluids. The dolerite dikes at the Murmansk Coast are located in the outer zone of the vast, concentrically zoned plateau basalt province with the East Barents Trough as its center. According to geophysical data, basaltic flows are suggested within this trough. The dolerite dikes increase in number in the inland propagation zone of the East Barents Trough extending in the Baltic Shield. The alkaline igneous rocks of the Kola Peninsula were formed under local compression at the periphery of the plateau basalt province.  相似文献   

Kalsilite—a typical mineral of ore-bearing zones of the Khibiny and Lovozero plutons—was formed after low-Si and high-K nepheline in one of three ways: (1) by relatively high-temperature replacement of Na with K; (2) due to orthoclase-kalsilite poikiloblastesis in foidolites and overlapping foyaites; or (3) by replacement of nepheline with zeolite.  相似文献   

The Sopcheozero chromite deposit is hosted in dunite of the Monchegorsk layered intrusion as a sheetlike body of disseminated ore with a chromite grade varying from 20 to 60%. The total PGM content in the ore attains 0.5–0.8 g/t. The composition of host rocks varies from plagioclase peridotite to dunite, but PGM were found only in chromite-bearing dunite. PGM inclusions were detected in the interstices of chromite and olivine grains and within grains themselves. The data obtained confirm the known tendency toward variation in PGM composition with increasing sulfur and light PGE contents in the residual magmatic melt. The first particles of refractory Ir, Os, and Ru intermetallides appeared at the final stage of olivine crystallization, whereas laurite (Ru,Os,Ir)S2 and pentlandite (Fe,Ni)9S8 were formed at the final stage of chromite crystallization, when the sulfur concentration in the residual melt became sufficient.  相似文献   

The rocks of the Khibiny pluton contain 25 amphibole varieties, including edenite, fluoredenite, kaersutite, pargasite, ferropargasite, hastingsite, magnesiohastingsite, katophorite, ferrikatophorite, magnesiokatophorite, magnesioferrikatophorite, magnesioferrifluorkatophorite, ferrimagnesiotaramite, ferrorichterite, potassium ferrorichterite, richterite, potassium richterite, potassium fluorrichterite, arfvedsonite, potassium arfvedsonite, magnesioarfvedsonite, magnesioriebeckite, ferriferronyboite, ferrinyboite, and ferroeckermannite. The composition of rock-forming amphiboles changes symmetrically relative to the Central Ring of the pluton; i.e., amphiboles enriched in K, Ca, Mg, and Si are typical of foyaite near and within the Central Ring. The Fe and Mn contents in amphiboles increase in the direction from marginal part of the pluton to its center. Foyaite of the marginal zone contains ferroeckermannite, richterite, arfvedsonite, and ferrorichterite; edenite is typical of foyaite and hornfels of the Minor Arc. Between the Minor Arc and the Central Ring, foyaite contains ferroeckermannite, arfvedsonite, and richterite; amphiboles in rischorrite, foidolite and hornfels of the Central Ring are (potassium) arfvedsonite, (potassium) richterite, magnesiokatophorite, magnesioarfvedsonite, ferroeckermannite, and ferriferronyboite; amphiboles in foyaite within the Central Ring, in the central part of the pluton, are arfvedsonite, magnesioarfvedsonite, ferriferronyboite, katophorite, and richterite. It is suggested that such zoning formed due to the alteration of foyaite by a foidolite melt intruded into the Main (Central) Ring Fault.  相似文献   

The detailed study of the mineral composition of the nepheline syenite pegmatite from the Saharjok Intrusion has resulted in the finding of behoite and mimetite, a mineral species identified in the Kola region for the first time. The pegmatite body at the contact between nepheline syenite and essexite is unusual in textural and structural features and combination of mineral assemblages including unique beryllium mineralization. Behoite Be(OH)2 is an extremely rare beryllium mineral. It occurs as powderlike aggregates in the leaching cavities between euhedral pyroxene crystals. Behoite was identified by comparison of X-ray powder diffraction data of the studied mineral phase and behoite from the Be-bearing tuff in the type locality of this mineral (Utah, United States). Mimetite was found in the same pegmatite of the Saharjok intrusion. It forms unusual parallel-fibrous aggregates with individual fibers as long as ∼1 mm and only ∼1 μm across. X-ray powder diffraction data and the chemical composition characterize the mineral as hexagonal phase Pb5[AsO4]3Cl. Both behoite and mimetite are the products of late hydrothermal alteration of primary minerals (meliphanite, galena, arsenopyrite, and loellingite). The secondary phases freely crystallized in the cavities remaining after the leached nepheline.  相似文献   

Jinshanjiangite (acicular crystals up to 2 mm in length) and bafertisite (lamellar crystals up to 3 × 4 mm in size) have been found in alkali granite pegmatite of the Gremyakha-Vyrmes Complex, Kola Peninsula. Albite, microcline, quartz, arfvedsonite, zircon, and apatite are associated minerals. The dimensions of a monoclinic unit cell of jinshanjiangite and bafertisite are: a = 10.72(2), b=13.80(2), c = 20.94(6) Å, β = 97.0(5)° and a = 10.654(6), b = 13.724(6), c = 10.863(8) Å, β = 94.47(8)°, respectively. The typical compositions (electron microprobe data) of jinshanjiangite and bafertisite are: (Na0.57Ca0.44)Σ1.01(Ba0.57K0.44)Σ1.01 (Fe3.53Mn0.30Mg0.04Zn0.01)Σ3.88(Ti1.97Nb0.06Zr0.01)Σ2.04(Si3.97Al0.03O14)O2.00(OH2.25F0.73O0.02)Σ3.00 and (Ba1.98Na0.04K0.03)Σ2.05(Fe3.43Mn0.37Mg0.03)Σ3.83(Ti2.02Nb0.03)Σ2.05 (Si3.92Al0.08O14)(O1.84OH0.16)Σ2.00(OH2.39F1.61)Σ3.00, respectively. The minerals studied are the Fe-richest members of the bafertisite structural family.  相似文献   

在2010年,美国图桑的矿物宝石化石展销会上出现了一种新的玉石品种,其产自俄罗斯科拉半岛的铬云母玉。利用偏光显微镜、X射线粉末衍射仪、激光诱导离解光谱仪、红外光谱仪等测试方法对俄罗斯科拉半岛铬云母玉样品进行了分析与研究,初步确定其矿物组成、结构特征及宝石学性质。结果表明,该铬云母玉的主要矿物组成为铬云母、石英、长石,并含有少量的蓝晶石、十字石、高岭石、黄铁矿等;具有不等粒变晶结构和片麻状构造。与东陵石(即含铬云母的石英岩)的矿物组成和宝石学特征对比后,提出以铬云母的质量分数20%作为铬云母玉与东陵石的分类界限,其相应的宝石学和物理性质也可以对二者加以区分。  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1999,14(6):787-805
Water samples were taken from 120 lakes spread over the western half of the Kola Peninsula, NW Russia. The samples were analysed for 37 elements, pH and electrical conductivity. Lake water chemistry appears in most cases to be dominated by a Ca/Na–HCO3 signature, characteristic of natural carbonate/silicate weathering. Input of elements from marine derived salts and from the Ni industry (roasting plant at Zapoljarnij, smelter at Nikel and smelter/refinery at Monchegorsk) emissions are restricted to limited regions. Considering that 3 of the world's largest point source emitters of SO2 are located within the area, the median lake water pH is surprisingly close to neutral (6.6, range 4.2–7.4). Indeed some of the apparently SO4 contaminated lakes nearest to the smelters yield the highest pH values. Changes in climate and vegetation from north to south within the survey area probably have an influence on element concentrations and pH as observed in the lake waters. Proton displacement by sea salt cation input provides an explanation of low pH lakes in coastal areas.  相似文献   

Eleven native minerals and intermetallic alloys were identified in rocks of the banded iron formation (BIF) in the Kola Peninsula: copper, silver, gold, electrum, auricupride, cuproauride, tetraauricupride, bismuth, sulfur, tellurium, and graphite. Graphite is a common mineral of sulfide-bearing BIF and gneiss. Sulfur occurs in supergene-altered sulfide-bearing BIFs together with Fe- and Ca-sulfates. Gold of low fineness (electrum) in association with electrum, acanthite, auricupride, volynskite, hessite, cervelleite, pavonite, petzite, and bismuth is related to the areas of hydrothermally altered skarnoids with greenalite, chamosite, aegirine, and Na-Ca amphibole. Redeposited gold of high fineness associated with auricupride, hessite, silver, electrum, kostovite, cuproauride, tetraauricupride, and sperrylite occurs in low-temperature zonal hydrothermal segregations hosted in aluminous gneiss and which formed under the effect of alkalized, highly siliceous solutions at the regressive stage of BIF metamorphism.  相似文献   

A structural-geochemical study has been conducted on the dikes of presumably Devonian mafic rocks confined to a small graben filled in with Riphean sedimentary rocks hosted by Early Precambrian granite-gneiss of the Murmansk block. It has been demonstrated that the dolerite dikes of this region can be considered as manifestations of trap magmatism whose products fill in the foundation of the East Barents riftogenic downfold. In turn, manifestations of alkaline and kimberlite rocks of the White Sea region are confined to the peripheral portion of the trap magnetism area. Zircons from dolerite transecting Late Riphean sediments examined in two laboratories have a concordant age of 2.74–2.72 Ba, while zircons from a similar dike located in granite-gneiss of the basement are characterized by an age range of 2700–155 Ma, and the concordant age based on 4 points is 790 Ma. All these factors indicate that the age determinations of the mafic rocks are ambiguous, particularly in the zone of transition from the center of the trap province to its periphery, where alkaline magmatism is observed.  相似文献   

Five minerals of the corundum group have been identified in the Khibiny pluton with certainty. Corundum proper and karelianite occur only in hornfels after volcanic and sedimentary rocks. Xenoliths of hornfels mark the ring faults that bound foidalite within the field of foyaite. Hematite occurs in hydrothermally altered nepheline syenite and crosscutting hydrothermal veins related to the ring faults. Minerals of the ilmenite-pyrophanite series are present in all rocks of the pluton, including veins. Accessory ilmenite in foyaite varies from the manganese variety and pyrophanite in the inner and outer parts of the pluton to manganese-free ilmenite in zone of the Main Ring Fault. In xenoliths of volcanic rocks and alkaline ultramafic rocks, ilmenite is enriched in magnesium. The zoning in distribution of the above-mentioned minerals and the character of variation in their compositions from margins of the pluton to its center are consistent with the petrochemical zoning formed as a result of foyaite alteration of near ring faults.  相似文献   

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