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Featuring 3 000-km-long large and hot orogen, the Mantiqueira Province provides a rare opportunity to study the process of gravitational collapse at mid to deep crustal levels. Distinct but contemporary (~500 Ma) post-collisional intrusions show structures and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) fabrics related to their emplacements, recording different flow patterns. In southern deep-seated intrusions, ellipsoidal-shaped roots with gabbroic-to-hybrid cores surrounded by granitic rocks show concentric patterns of AMS fabrics that cut across the NE-trending regional foliation. In contrast, northern intrusions, exposed as the upper sections of batholith-size bodies of coarse-grained granite emplaced at the shallow to mid-crust, show general NS-trending magnetic fabrics roughly parallel to strike of the orogen and the regional foliation of host rocks. These contrasting magnetic patterns from shallow to deeper crust suggest vertical magma migration from the overthickened orogenic core to be emplaced across its thinner stretched flanks during the gravitational collapse of the orogenic edifice.  相似文献   

Evaluating magnetic lineations (AMS) in deformed rocks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Magnetic lineation in rocks is given by a cluster of the principal axes of maximum susceptibility (Kmax) of the Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) tensor. In deformed rocks, magnetic lineations are generally considered to be the result of either bedding and cleavage intersection or they parallel the tectonic extension direction in high strain zones. Our AMS determinations, based on a variety of samples that were taken from mudstones, slates and schists from the Pyrenees and Appalachians, show that strain is not the only factor controlling the development of magnetic lineation. We find that the development and extent to which the magnetic lineation parallels the tectonic extension direction depends on both the original AMS tensor, which in turn depends on the lithology, and the deformation intensity. Rocks having a weak pre-deformational fabric will develop magnetic lineations that more readily will track the tectonic extension.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地西部狮子沟一带新生代沉积岩磁组构分析结果显示, 岩石磁组构具有磁面理发育、磁线理不发育、磁化率量值椭球呈压扁状的特点; 磁化率各向异性度P值不大, 反映总体构造变形相对较弱。岩石磁组构反映的应力状态总体为以NE向挤压为主, 与轴向NW的背斜构造发育相一致。该区岩石磁组构大多具有原始沉积磁组构特征, 磁面理产状大体上反映沉积岩层的层理, 同时也记录了受NE向挤压作用的痕迹。根据岩石磁组构与地层层理之间的关系分析, 柴西地区两翼不对称的狮子沟背斜具有断展褶皱性质, 其形成与下部的花土沟逆冲断层向南西方向的仰冲有关。   相似文献   

During the ascent, emplacement and post-emplacement deformation of igneous rocks, two or more phases of deformation that overprint each other are often depicted. These overprints, when magnetic minerals are present, are recorded in magnetic fabric. In this contribution, overprints are studied by means of numerical modeling, following several basic scenarios common to igneous rocks. Biotite and amphibole that occur often together in igneous rocks are considered as carriers of the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility. Modeling shows that (1) a constrictional fabric with a low degree of anisotropy as commonly recorded in magmatic rocks may result from a deformation overprint and not necessarily from an extensional/transtensional regime, and (2) that the constrictional AMS fabrics originates from orthogonal superimposition of a deformation event on an AMS fabric inherited from earlier magma emplacement history. Therefore, the interpretation of a constrictional fabric must be performed with caution. Numerical modeling may provide a suitable help in strengthening the interpretation of real magnetic fabric data.  相似文献   

Magnetic fabric and rock-magnetism studies were performed on the four units of the 578 ± 3-Ma-old Piracaia pluton (NW of São Paulo State, southern Brazil). This intrusion is roughly elliptical (~32 km2), composed of (i) coarse-grained monzodiorite (MZD-c), (ii) fine-grained monzodiorite (MZD-f), which is predominant in the pluton, (iii) monzonite heterogeneous (MZN-het), and (iv) quartz syenite (Qz-Sy). Magnetic fabrics were determined by applying both anisotropy of low-field magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and anisotropy of anhysteretic remanent magnetization (AARM). The two fabrics are coaxial. The parallelism between AMS and AARM tensors excludes the presence of a single domain (SD) effect on the AMS fabric of the units. Several rock-magnetism experiments performed in one specimen from each sampled units show that for all of them, the magnetic susceptibility and magnetic fabrics are carried by magnetite grains, which was also observed in the thin sections. Foliations and lineations in the units were successfully determined by applying magnetic methods. Most of the magnetic foliations are steeply dipping or vertical in all units and are roughly parallel to the foliation measured in the field and in the country rocks. In contrast, the magnetic lineations present mostly low plunges for the whole pluton. However, for eight sites, they are steep up to vertical. Thin-section analyses show that rocks from the Piracaia pluton were affected by the regional strain during and after emplacement since magmatic foliation evolves to solid-state fabric in the north of the pluton, indicating that magnetic fabrics in this area of the pluton are related to this strain. Otherwise, the lack of solid-state deformation at outcrop scale and in thin sections precludes deformation in the SW of the pluton. This evidence allows us to interpret the observed magnetic fabrics as primary in origin (magmatic) acquired when the rocks were solidified as a result of magma flow, in which steeply plunging magnetic lineation suggests that a feeder zone could underlie this area.  相似文献   

In the high-grade Moldanubian Zone of the European Variscides, numerous bodies of ultramafic rocks occur embedded in granulite. The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility and its low-field variation as well as the anisotropy of magnetic remanence were used to investigate magnetic fabrics of some ultramafic bodies and host granulite. In granulite, the magnetic foliation is roughly parallel to the metamorphic foliation and the magnetic lineation is near the mineral alignment lineation. In ultramafite, the magnetic foliation is relatively scattered spatially, but mostly oriented in a different way than that in granulite. The magnetic lineation is also scattered, but still relatively well defined spatially. Again, its orientation is mostly different than that of granulite. The magnetic fabric in ultramafic rocks is therefore different from that in the host granulite even though both rock types underwent at least partially common structural history. The componental movements forming the granulite fabric, mostly during amphibolite facies retrograde metamorphism, were evidently not intensive enough to strongly overprint the magnetic fabric of ultramafite. The ultramafite is therefore strong enough to maintain its pre-metamorphism fabric even at such high temperatures and pressures that are characteristic of high amphibolite facies retrograde metamorphism.  相似文献   

The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility is a well-known geological proxy in revealing the directional tectonic and sedimentological features of rocks, although it can be ambiguous in situations where these two factors co-occur. This paper demonstrates the usefulness of the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility in determining palaeotransport directions in turbiditic rocks that underwent subsequent thrusting and folding. This study demonstrates that the magnetic lineation is largely unsuitable as a palaeocurrent direction proxy, and suggests that the imbrication of magnetic foliation is better in such cases. Moreover, the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility results were analyzed in reference to a joint and fold study within the framework of the regional structural geology. Magnetic fabric investigations were conducted in the eastern part of the Outer Western Carpathians (south-east Poland). During the study, a total of 191 oriented palaeomagnetic samples were collected from three outcrops (Nasiczne, Dwernik and Hoczew) in the Krosno Beds, Silesian Unit. For the purpose of sedimentological analysis, 121 m of turbidite successions were documented and 126 directional sedimentary structures were measured. The magnetic anisotropy of sandstones revealed typical sedimentary fabrics, often overprinted by variably intense tectonic deformation. Oblate susceptibility ellipsoids from Nasiczne showed tilt coherent with the palaeoflow direction, whereas the rocks from Dwernik and Hoczew contained triaxial magnetic fabric developed during compressional palaeostress. This paper suggests that medium-grained and coarse-grained sandstones, preferably with high mica content, are the most suitable for palaeotransport reconstructions among the studied lithologies.  相似文献   

We resolve the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) axes along fault planes, cores and damage zones in rocks that crop out next to the Dead Sea Transform (DST) plate boundary. We measured 261 samples of mainly diamagnetic dolostones that were collected from 15 stations. To test the possible effect of the iron content on the AMS we analyzed the Fe concentrations of the samples in different rock phases. Dolostones with mean magnetic susceptibility value lower than −4 × 10−6 SI and iron content less than ∼1000 ppm are suitable for diamagnetic AMS-based strain analysis. The dolostones along fault planes display AMS fabrics that significantly deviate from the primary “sedimentary fabric”. The characteristics of these fabrics include well-grouped, sub-horizontal, minimum principal AMS axes (k3) and sub-vertical magnetic foliations commonly defined by maximum and intermediate principal AMS axes (k1 and k2 axes, respectively). These fabrics are distinctive along fault planes located tens of kilometers apart, with strikes ranging between NNW-SSE and NNE-SSW and different senses of motion. The obtained magnetic foliations (k1k2) are sub-parallel (within ∼20°) to the fault planes. Based on rock magnetic and geochemical analyses, we interpret the AMS fabrics as the product of both shape and crystallographic anisotropy of the dolostones. Preferred shape alignment evolves due to mechanical rotation of subordinate particles and rock fragments at the fault core. Preferred crystallographic orientation results from elevated frictional heating (>300 °C) during faulting, which enhances c-axes alignment in the cement-supported dolomite breccia due to crystal-plastic processes. The penetrative deformation within fault zones resulted from the local, fault-related strain field and does not reflect the regional strain field. The analyzed AMS fabrics together with fault-plane kinematics provide valuable information on faulting characteristics in the uppermost crust.  相似文献   

The magnetic lineation observed in “undeformed” sedimentary units has been interpreted either as an indication of paleoflow direction, or as a result of tectonic overprint which progressively modifies the original sedimentary fabric related to compactional processes. Distinguishing between the two processes is not always easy. In fact, most studies of the Anistropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) of “undeformed” sequences have been carried out in fine-grained sediments from foredeep sequences, which are characterized by sedimentary flow directions which are almost parallel to the main deformation structures, like thrust faults and folds. In the Alborz Mts., the Upper Triassic–Lower Jurassic Shemshak Group was deposited in a foreland to molassic basin of the Eo-Cimmerian orogen and now outcrops in several folds which are oriented parallel to the curved chain. Paleoflow directions are generally oblique to the main tectonic structures, being directed SSW to SSE and showing negligible changes in their orientation along the Alborz Mountains. We have, therefore, the opportunity to distinguish between tectonic- or sedimentary-related origins of the magnetic lineation. The AMS results show that magnetic lineations of the Shemshak Group are oriented almost parallel to the main fold axes and thrust structures, which follow the Alborz Mts. curved trend, suggesting that magnetic lineation is of tectonic origin in fine to medium grained, mostly massive sandstones, and confirming that AMS is a valuable tool to study deformation processes in sedimentary rocks.  相似文献   

Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) analysis has been carried out in the thermometamorphic aureole surrounding the Late Miocene Monte Capanne pluton (Elba Island, Central Italy). The identification and separation of the main carriers of the magnetic susceptibility by low-temperature and high-field AMS measurements demonstrate that a correct knowledge of the magnetic fabric is needed in order to use AMS for tectonic interpretations. Magnetic fabric data, combined with structural data from the aureole, and their comparison with data from the pluton itself, were used to constraint the mode of pluton emplacement. Results document an intimate linkage between the magmatic flow pattern and the syn-metamorphic fabrics acquired during pluton emplacement in the host rocks. The magnetic/structural fabric in the aureole rocks is dominated by flattening deformation and no systematic relationship with any regional tectonic feature is observed. These results suggest that local processes induced by magma ascent in the upper crust might have played a primary role in space generation for pluton emplacement in the Tuscan Magmatic Province, suggesting a revaluation of the modes of pluton emplacement during the post-orogenic evolution of the northern Apennine system as a whole.  相似文献   

The 616 ± 3 Ma (Ediacaran) Egersund doleritic dike swarm cuts across the Rogaland anorthosite province and its granulitic country rocks, in SW Norway. The structure of eight out of eleven main dikes of the swarm was investigated using the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) technique. Thermomagnetic data and values of the bulk magnetic susceptibility reveal a magnetic mineralogy dominated by Ti-poor titanomagnetite. Magnetic fabric and global petrofabric are coaxial, except in sites strongly affected by hydrothermal alteration, as demonstrated through image analysis. Asymmetrical dispositions of the magnetic foliation and lineation support the existence of a syn-emplacement, sinistral strike-slip shearing resolved on dike walls. Such asymmetrical fabrics are attributed to a transtension tectonic regime, in a context of oblique extension during the continental rifting phase which preceded the opening of the Iapetus Ocean along the SW margin (present-day orientation) of Baltica.  相似文献   

The Ardara pluton as part of the Donegal batholith was intruded into Neoproterozoic metasediments and metadolerites at mid-crustal levels. The emplacement mechanism of the Ardara granite is very controversial, and mechanisms ranging from diapirism, ballooning and stoping followed by nested diapirism have been proposed. Magnetic fabrics, rock fabrics and K/Ar dating of micas are used here to constrain the emplacement history. The compositional zoning of the Ardara pluton is clearly reflected in the different bulk magnetic susceptibilities between the outer quartz monzodiorite and the central granodiorite, whereas the intervening tonalite is of intermediate nature. The magnetic carriers are characterized by the anisotropy of the magnetic susceptibility (AMS), thermomagnetic measurements and through high field analyses (HFA). The separation of the ferrimagnetic and paramagnetic contributions revealed that biotite and magnetite control the AMS in the quartz monzodiorite. Both minerals are oriented in such a way that their summed contribution is constructive and originates from the shape fabric of magnetite and the texture of biotite. Biotite is responsible mainly for the AMS in the tonalite and granodiorite. The magnetic foliation can be directly related to the macroscopic foliation and also to the D4 structures in the country rocks. The foliation is consistent with the geometry of the roughly circular shape and has a mostly steep to vertical dip. Towards the central granodiorite the magnetic foliation dies out, although plagioclase texture measurements indicate a weak magmatic shape fabric. With the exception of the tail, the Kmax axes (magnetic lineation) vary from steeply to gently plunging. The so-called lineation factor is approximately 1.01 and therefore points to a less significant axial symmetry. These observations coincide with strain estimates on mafic enclaves that show a very consistent pattern of K ∼0 flattening strain. Texture analyses of biotite and quartz additionally support the observations made by the strain analyses and the magnetic fabric data. Microstructural investigations give evidence that the fabrics are associated with the emplacement over a range of temperatures from truly magmatic to high-temperature solid-state conditions. The age of the intrusion is still under discussion, but a new cooling age was determined by K/Ar dating of biotite at 403.7±8 Ma corresponding to a temperature range between 450 and 300°C. For a mylonite along the southern contact between the Ardara pluton and the country rock a K/Ar muscovite age of 378.8±7 Ma indicates a minimum age for the shear zone when the Ardara pluton must have already been cooled down below 350±50°C. Received: 28 January 1999 / Accepted: 28 December 1999  相似文献   

龙门山飞仙关断层传播褶皱磁组构特征及构造意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
沿龙门山南段冲断前锋带飞仙关断层传播褶铍剖面钻取了270个磁组构定向岩芯样品,对其进行了磁性矿物与磁组构分析。通过等温剩磁和三轴热退磁实验确定了样品中的主要载磁矿物为赤铁矿。磁组构测试结果显示27个采样点的磁组构为中间组构与构造组构两种类型。通过对各点磁组构特征及各项磁组构参数进行详细分析,再结合断层传播褶皱运动学模型,得出断层传播褶皱形成过程中岩石应变及磁组构演化:断层扩展前的平行层缩短作用把原始的沉积组构改造成为中问组构;在断层扩展过程中,两翼地层的旋转抬升产生的简单剪切作用对地层磁化率各向异性产生影响,使得校正的磁化率各向异性度Pj值局部升高,以及在剪切变形强烈的区域形成构造磁组构。  相似文献   

The Espinho Branco anatexite, located within a transcurrent, high-temperature shear zone in NE Brazil, was the subject of a comprehensive petrostructural study (Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility – AMS, Anisotropy of Anhysteretic Remanence – AAR, Electron Backscatter Diffraction – EBSD) to evaluate the compatibility of different fabrics with the kinematics of melt deformation. Magnetite dominates susceptibilities larger than 1 mSI and biotite displays [001] lattice directions consistent with AMS k3 axes. In contrast, migmatites with a susceptibility lower than 0.5 mSI and no visible mesoscopic foliation provide crystallographic fabrics distinct from AMS and AAR. However, AAR remains consistent with the regional strain field. These results suggest that the correlation of field, AMS and crystallographic fabrics is not always straightforward despite the relatively simple organisation of the magnetic fabric in the anatexite. We conclude that AMS recorded the final stages of the strain field in the migmatite irrespective of its complex mesoscale structures and contrasting crystallographic fabrics.  相似文献   

The progressive deformation recorded in the magnetic fabric of sedimentary rocks was studied in the SE Rhenohercynian Zone (RHZ), eastern margin of the Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic. Almost 800 oriented samples of the Lower Carboniferous mudstones and graywackes were collected from the SSE part of the Czech RHZ, so-called the Drahany Upland. The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) is predominantly controlled by the preferred orientation of paramagnetic phyllosilicates, mainly iron-bearing chlorites. A regional distribution of the magnetic fabric within the Drahany Upland revealed an increasing deformation from the SSE to the NNW. In the SE, the magnetic fabric is bedding-parallel with magnetic lineation scattered in the bedding plane or trending N–S to NNE–SSW. Further to the NW, the magnetic foliation rotates from the bedding-parallel orientation to the orientation parallel to the evolving cleavage. This rotation is accompanied by a decrease of the anisotropy degree and the prolate nature of the anisotropy ellipsoids. The magnetic lineation is parallel to the strike of the bedding, bedding/cleavage intersection, pencil structure or the fold axes on a regional scale. In the NW part of the Drahany Upland, the magnetic foliation becomes parallel to the cleavage accompanied by an increase of the anisotropy degree and the oblate nature of the anisotropy ellipsoids. The increasing trend of deformation corresponds to the SSE–NNW increase in the degree of anchimetamorphism; both trends being oblique to the main lithostratigraphic formations as typically observed in the sedimentary rocks of the accretionary wedges. The SSE–NNW increase in deformation and anchimetamorphism continues to the Nízký Jeseník Mts., representing the northern part of the same accretionary wedge. The kinematics of deformation could not be unambiguously assessed. The observed magnetic fabric may reflect either lateral shortening or horizontal simple shear or a combination of both mechanisms. Regarding the subduction process, it seems that the sedimentary sequences of the Drahany Upland were subducted, partly offscraped and accreted frontally or partly underplated as opposed to the Nízký Jeseník Mts. where some return flow must have occurred.  相似文献   

Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) represents a valuable proxy able to detect subtle strain effects in very weakly deformed sediments. In compressive tectonic settings, the magnetic lineation is commonly parallel to fold axes, thrust faults, and local bedding strike, while in extensional regimes, it is perpendicular to normal faults and parallel to bedding dip directions. The Altotiberina Fault (ATF) in the northern Apennines (Italy) is a Plio-Quaternary NNW–SSE low-angle normal fault; the sedimentary basin (Tiber basin) at its hanging-wall is infilled with a syn-tectonic, sandy-clayey continental succession. We measured the AMS of apparently undeformed sandy clays sampled at 12 sites within the Tiber basin. The anisotropy parameters suggest that a primary sedimentary fabric has been overprinted by an incipient tectonic fabric. The magnetic lineation is well developed at all sites, and at the sites from the western sector of the basin it is oriented sub-perpendicular to the trend of the ATF, suggesting that it may be related to extensional strain. Conversely, the magnetic lineation of the sites from the eastern sector has a prevailing N–S direction. The occurrence of triaxial to prolate AMS ellipsoids and sub-horizontal magnetic lineations suggests that a maximum horizontal shortening along an E–W direction occurred at these sites. The presence of compressive AMS features at the hanging-wall of the ATF can be explained by the presence of gently N–S-trending local folds (hardly visible in the field) formed by either passive accommodation above an undulated fault plane, or rollover mechanism along antithetic faults. The long-lasting debate on the extensional versus compressive Plio-Quaternary tectonics of the Apennines orogenic belt should now be revised taking into account the importance of compressive structures related to local effects.  相似文献   


The Yao Shan complex, a massif near the southern segment of the Ailao Shan–Red River (ASRR) shear zone, bears important information on the structural framework of the massif and the kinematics of ductile shearing along the ASRR shear zone. In this contribution, structural, microstructural, quartz c-axis fabric, magnetic fabric, and geochronologic data are used to determine the structural framework of the Yao Shan massif and its tectonic implications for the ASRR shear zone. The Yao Shan complex is characterized by an overall linear A-type antiform that contains a core of high-grade metamorphic rocks with Palaeoproterozoic to Mesozoic protoliths and a mantle of Permo-Triassic low-grade rocks. Both the high-grade metamorphic core and low-grade Permo-Triassic rocks have experienced progressive ductile shearing. Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) results from 17 samples collected along the Xinjie–Pingbian section across the complex show that magnetic lineation (Kmax) and foliation (KmaxKint) are generally subparallel to the corresponding structural elements in the sheared rocks. The shape parameter E values of the magnetic ellipsoids are indicative of dominantly oblate and plane strain, but vary with protolith type and degree of strain among the various rock types. In agreement with the field and microstructural observations, the corrected degree of anisotropy (Pj) values reflect high shear strain in the core rocks and relatively low shear strain in the low-grade strata. A kinematic analysis based on structural and magnetic fabric data shows that both left- and right-lateral shear occurred during the deformation of the Yao Shan complex. Therefore, instead of being an element of the ASRR shear zone, the Yao Shan complex constitutes a crustal-scale inharmonic A-type fold with a fold axis parallel to the stretching lineation. Geochronologic data reveal that the folding occurred coevally with ductile shearing of the middle to lower crust between ca. 30 and 21 Ma.  相似文献   

江西赣中新余铁矿是我国重要的铁矿类型之一,产于震旦纪火山-沉积浅变质岩系硅铁建造中。铁矿体普遍呈现"红绸带"式形态,前人认为是多期次褶皱叠加的结果。本文通过野外调查,在整个铁矿区发现,区域透入性的拉伸线理、A型褶曲十分发育,局部地段甚至出现鞘褶皱;系统测量表明,区域拉伸线理、A型褶皱的脊线走向稳定在295°~320°之间,倾角一般小于25°。推测赣中铁矿经历了强烈的塑性流变,"红绸带"式铁矿体是塑性流变,而非多期褶皱叠加变形的结果;整个铁矿区的原始形态应是一个鼻端向南封闭的巨形鞘褶皱,但变形期后不均匀的构造抬升和剥蚀,导致了不同铁矿区现今地表出露了原始形态的不同部位。结合褶皱构造对铁成矿物质的控制作用和矿区的地层出露状态分析,认为大陂-陂头、寨口-太平山-良山一带皆处于鞘褶皱的前缘部位,具有寻找富大厚矿体的找矿前景,松山-杨家桥处于鞘褶皱的西翼,平剖面上都发育小型鞘褶皱和红绸带式重叠矿体,因而也具有良好的找矿前景。  相似文献   

Magnetic fabrics from rocks with multiple mineral-preferred orientations may have anisotropy ellipsoids whose shape and orientation arise from the addition of two or more component fabrics. Our numerical models and experiments demonstrate that such composite magnetic fabrics do not directly reflect the shapes and/or orientations of the individual mineral fabrics and we provide criteria for the recognition and interpretation of composite fabrics in natural rocks. These criteria include:

1. (1) the orientation of the maximum susceptibility axis is located at the intersection of two planar fabrics, and

2. (2) the shape of the susceptibility ellipsoid changes from oblate to prolate and the degree of anisotropy decreases, as the relative intensity of two planar component fabrics becomes equal and as the angle between the planar fabrics increases.

Composite magnetic fabrics are observed in the shales and slates of the Martinsburg Formation, Lehigh Gap, Pennsylvania. Modeling of the AMS (anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility) and ARMA (anhysteretic remanent magnetization anisotropy) behavior constrains the relative degree of anisotropy of the bedding-parallel and cleavage-parallel fabrics. In particular, ARMA model results allow a good estimate of magnetite fabric strength.

We conclude that, in the presence of composite magnetic fabrics, quantitative measures of finite strain in deformed rocks are limited by the ability to accurately determine the degree of anisotropy and relative susceptibility of each component fabric. Such determinations require knowledge of the mineral(s) that are responsible for the measured magnetic fabric and their behavior during deformation.  相似文献   

Microstructural and magnetic investigations (anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility, AMS) on sections across basement–cover interfaces (BCI) revealed a complex evolution in the crystalline basement rocks beneath and in the basal units of the Caledonian fold-and-thrust belt: (1) Pre-Caledonian mylonitic fabrics in basement granite relate to steep shear zones. (2) Palaeoweathering formed smectite and illite at the expense of feldspar and mica. Secondary Fe-bearing clay minerals and the intensity of the chemical weathering control the bulk susceptibility. Changing susceptibility and AMS relate to a (time) sequence from primary magnetite to secondary paramagnetic clay to pyrite and ferrimagnetic pyrrhotite. (3) Burial compaction with BCI-parallel fabrics. (4) Caledonian cleavage, overprinted by décollement zones with S–C–C′ fabrics. Décollement cataclasis overprinted pre-existing magnetic fabrics and produced horizontal magnetic lineations and subhorizontal foliations defined by the S–C–C′ fabrics. Clay mineral enrichment, together with subsequent, BCI-parallel compaction fabrics, decreased the shear strength in the basement rocks beneath the BCI. Detachments initiated at such low-strength zones and produced allochthonous units with their footwall within crystalline basement rocks, an observation of general importance for orogenic fold-and-thrust belts.  相似文献   

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