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The metropolitan region of Barcelona is facing change in urban development patterns, sociodemographic structures, and domestic water use and management. In recent years, several drought alerts have been enacted and water restrictions applied, uncovering the fragile equilibrium between the demand and the supply of this resource. We find the literature on determinants of domestic water consumption to be strongly biased toward the effects of economic instruments in the suburban Anglo-American world. Therefore, we widen the scope of determinants by including sociodemographic and territorial variables for the mixed urban model of the metropolitan region of Barcelona. Our results show the relevance of residential land uses for water consumption and can be taken as a guide for developing different urban water policies for different urban forms.  相似文献   

This paper problematises positivist framings of water demand management (WDM) that define the average‐water‐user. Through a situated, case‐study account undertaken in suburban Auckland, we highlight variable social and cultural underpinnings of domestic water use. Activities that are commonly the focus of WDM are shown to be embedded elements of life around which relationships, affects and futures are woven. As a consequence, myopically focusing on the technical–managerial mediation of what are socionatural relations reduces prospects to achieve intended policy outcomes. Reframing WDM as a hydrosocial process provides a basis for water providers to develop more culturally appropriate water management.  相似文献   

For a number of social and cultural reasons, labor force participation rates of Australian women are low. One reason not previously investigated is the problem of geographic accessibility to employment, especially for suburban women. Results from journey-to-work studies show that females either work locally or in the central-city area, whereas males travel to more dispersed locations. Further investigation of female travel patterns from each of fifty-five suburban local government areas shows that the socioeconomic status of an area, together with its job mix, explains much variety in female work travel and suggests that workforce participation rates depend in part on local job availability. The research contributes to an understanding of the nature of occupational and geographical disaggregation of the Melbourne metropolitan labor market.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Pakistan is home to some of the most widely admired examples of civil‐society‐based service‐delivery and advocacy groups. Pakistan has also spawned some much‐maligned nongovernmental actors with violent agendas. This article uses the social capital / civil society conceptual lens to view the modes of (anti)social capital mobilization that contribute to the civil and uncivil spaces of Pakistani society. The case examples of Jamaat‐e‐Islami, an Islamic revivalist organization, and the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan are used to understand the geography of social and antisocial forces in Pakistan. It is argued that the processes that mobilize social capital‐whether positive or perverse‐are multiscalar and that, in the Pakistani context, no compelling cultural or religious reason exists for the ascendance of one type of social capital over the other. Positive social capital can be mobilized to contribute to a more civil social discourse in Pakistan, given the right policy choices.  相似文献   

李春江  张艳  刘志林  柴彦威 《地理科学》2021,41(9):1606-1614
城市扩张和郊区化显著增加居民的通勤时间,减少居民在社区内及周边开展的日常活动,进而可能对居民的社区社会资本产生消极影响。基于2017年北京市26个社区居民的社区融合与活动日志问卷调查数据,通过构建结构方程模型,探讨通勤时间、社区活动对社区社会资本的影响机制。结果发现,控制居民社会经济属性和社区区位后,长时间通勤会减少居民在社区及周边1 000 m范围内开展的活动,并进一步对社区社交网络结构、社会信任和共同价值等社区社会资本的不同维度产生负面影响。此外,社区活动中社交娱乐活动的中介效应显著,而个人和家庭事务活动中介效应不显著。最后,证实了促进职住平衡、减少职住分离的规划政策对于增加居民社区活动及培育社区社会资本的重要意义。  相似文献   

中国大遗址名录中80%以上的大遗址位于城郊或郊野地区,遗址文物保护与旅游开发不可避免地会影响到大遗址区乡村社会空间。分析大遗址区社会经济发展的规律,是实现大遗址区乡村振兴的关键。论文以秦始皇陵大遗址区为案例地,探寻资本逻辑下大遗址区乡村社会空间生产机制。研究发现:① 资本对最优区位的选择产生大遗址区乡村社会空间分异。由于各村庄的自然环境、交通条件、保护区划的限制条件及其与已开发遗存点距离等因素存在差异,资本的选择性投入产生了大遗址区乡村社会空间分异。② 村庄生产方式调整是大遗址区社会空间演变的内在动力。大遗址区乡村社会空间生产是在文物保护的框架下,由于旅游开发的正外部性促进资本流动影响到村庄生产方式调整,进而影响社会关系转变的过程。③ 政府政策措施对大遗址区资本的引导控制是外部影响因素。大遗址的文物脆弱性决定了展示利用过程中必须保证政府的强干预性,村庄生产方式转变可能产生保护与发展的矛盾,因此需要政府权力的介入,进一步导致了村庄生产方式调整。大遗址区乡村社会空间生产是一个动态演进、螺旋式上升的过程。政府有效管理、市场与村庄社区合理介入才能保障大遗址区乡村合理发展与转型。  相似文献   

陶伟  徐辰 《地理研究》2013,32(6):1143-1154
社会资本具有识别社会结构的功能,这种识别既有助于解释微观现象的差别,又有助于实现微观到宏观的过渡。转型期中国社会资本的研究主要关注经济快速发展中,传统社会资本的冲击解体和现代社会资本的建构过程,研究视点很少放在以旅游为导向的社区空间,对其旅游从业者的群体研究也缺乏关注。本文对平遥单位制解体后下岗职工进入旅游业及塑造相关社会资本网络的过程中,社会资本所发生的变化进行实证研究。重点分析了每个阶段社会资本的状况、运作策略及作用。研究发现社会资本对旅游从业者的形成与发展具有重要作用,社会资本的差异会导致社会差距的进一步拉大。世界文化遗产地平遥古城作为一个典型的案例,为了解社会资本在旅游目的地下岗职工再就业中的作用提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This article examines the formation of social capital—defined as the norms of trust and reciprocity integral to social relations—and the ways in which it may help rural people's organizations gain access to rights and resources. The formation of social capital must be viewed within the context of the symbolic systems, or cultural capital, that imbues social relations with meaning. The concept of social capital provides a valuable conceptual framework for analyzing the multiscale processes of environmental management, rural development, and resource conflicts with which many rural social movements are involved. The role played by social capital is illustrated through a detailed case study of an indigenous political and cultural organization in the Ecuadorian Amazon. The organizational history of a lowland Quichua federation and the successes and problems it has had in managing development projects and achieving political objectives provide insight into the importance of social capital in the development of the region.  相似文献   

王勇  熊惠  李广斌 《地理科学》2021,41(7):1219-1226
引入社会资本理论,从网络、信任和规范3个维度,建构社会资本与名镇保护间的一个分析框架,剖析保护背后的社会资本困境及其内在根源.基于对苏州周庄等3个名镇的实证研究发现:①社会资本主要通过其3个关键要素从组织基础、制度体系、精神动力对名镇保护沟通机制、约束机制与合作机制进行作用;②当前名镇社会资本呈现网络弱化、信任缺失、规...  相似文献   

周素红  何嘉明 《地理科学进展》2017,36(10):1229-1238
本文从健康地理跨学科的视角入手,以广州市典型郊区的102个样本为研究对象,并选择10个城区街道的927个样本作为参照组进行对比研究,重点探讨中国式快速郊区化背景下,郊区居民健身活动时空约束对心理健康状况的影响。通过构建多元线性回归模型,从微观层面探讨居民城市建成环境、健身行为和心理健康之间的相互关系。结果表明:基于WHO-5反映心理健康量表的评分,郊区样本心理健康状况平均分值只有8.411分,远低于城区样本的平均12.788分,郊区居民的心理健康问题需要引起重视。相对于城区居民,郊区居民健身活动受长距离的通勤及不完善的公共交通系统的时空约束更为明显,健身活动频率更低、时间更短、空间上主要集中在住宅附近。这种差异除了受个人经济社会属性、邻里社区融入等因素影响外,还明显受到建成环境因素的影响。研究结论对弥补过度市场化逐利下造成的城市公共性缺失,维护社会空间公平,完善中国式郊区化下的公共服务设施配套体系,改善郊区居民心理健康状况有重要意义,同时也可为郊区规划及公共政策制定提供参考。  相似文献   

Research on Amazonian communities has focussed more often on rural‐urban linkages than on links among rural communities. This is unsurprising, given the low density of population, limited intercommunity commerce, and importance of direct city‐market relations. Social relations among rural communities are also important in shaping rural livelihoods and lifeways. We report on the findings of a large‐scale census of communities in the Napo River basin in northeastern Peru (n=174). Data were gathered on intervillage crop seed acquisition and cooperative labor sharing as two key inputs in agriculture, and on intervillage soccer matches, which are integral to rural social life. We analyze the socio‐spatial networks of each practice, paying attention to settlement patterns, community ethnicity, and differential access to the uplands. We find that seeds and labor flow along soccer network lines. Rural social networks appear to be structured strongly by ethnicity (homophily) and reflect important complementarities between upland and lowland communities (weak ties).  相似文献   

The insertion of Philippine agriculture and fisheries into global value chains has not contributed significantly to rural poverty reduction, in contrast to several other Southeast Asian countries. While there are pockets of downstream export successes, upstream actors face persistent precarious conditions. This comparative investigation of the relationships between value chains and rural development fills a gap in the literature on the Philippines. An analysis of four important products affecting at least 3 million households illustrates the need to focus more on upstream value‐chain governance and pro‐poor rural development interventions. This article shows that the integration of livelihoods and value‐chain analyses has the advantage of fleshing out upstream challenges that are relevant for agri/aquabusiness performance, socio‐spatial policies, and refinements of rural development theories. It is unlikely that horizontal coordination/social capital as well as associated upgrading efforts will be effective without a stronger emphasis on vertical coordination and human‐capital formation.  相似文献   

综合采用质性和定量方法,从社会阶层、物质环境和消费方式等层面研究佛山岭南天地的旅游绅士化现象,并分析原住民在绅士化过程中的情感特征。结果发现,物质环境改造加速了地方社会阶层的更替,原住民大多被游客、中产阶级和房产投资者所替代,空间利用方式呈现出高度商业化特征。旅游绅士化虽有力地推动了地方的环境改造和经济发展,却衍生出阶层更替、社会排斥和空间隔离等副产品,使传统的本地化生活空间转变为“资本空间”与“消费空间”。城市历史街区改造不同于一般城市更新,街区更新应以地方性为落脚点,尊重原住民的情感与历史记忆,不应简单通过商业化手段推进历史街区更新。  相似文献   

Questions of justice have been raised in recent years when contending with the social costs of urban sprawl. But this field of inquiry suffers from the difficulty of translating the abstract notion of justice into measurable spatial indices. The aim of this paper is to empirically measure the liberal notion of justice in the metropolitan region of Tel Aviv by adopting Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of three forms of capital. Under this theory, the formation of economic, cultural, and social capital in the individual’s living environment determines the person’s exposure to different sets of life-chances (i.e., capabilities), thus influencing equality of opportunity (i.e., social justice) in space. The analysis reveals that suburban inhabitants benefit from a larger accumulation of the three forms of capital than do urban inhabitants. Accumulation of these capitals has a positive effect on exposure to life-chances, thus enhancing spatial segregation between cities and suburbs.  相似文献   

The spatial locations of food retailers are considered to be an influential aspect of population consumption patterns. Such contextual relationships are often related to socio‐economic deprivation, with disparities in accessibility having important implications. This study used Geographic Information Systems and an Enhanced Two‐Step Floating Catchment Area model of spatial accessibility to further understand such relationships within urban areas of New Zealand. Findings, while mixed, indicate that there is generally increased accessibility to all food retailers in highly deprived areas. Understanding these socio–spatial relationships in local environments has important implications for policy initiatives, health outcomes and sustainable development.  相似文献   

We use the Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Australia, 2005–2006, to examine the housing tenure experience of skilled immigrants to Australia 6 and 18 months after arrival for relationships with ethnic capital (cultural background), visa category streams, aspects of human capital, demographics, social capital and discrimination. Homeownership experience is used to indicate integration into Australia's dominantly middle-class society. Multinomial regression analysis identifies visa entry category as the most important independent group of variables accounting for immigrants' short-term dwelling tenure, followed by aspects of human capital, family status, and the importance of ethnic capital for immigrants of both English-speaking and non-English-speaking backgrounds, and discrimination.  相似文献   

赵臣  陈扬乐  张凯  申文灿 《地理科学》2020,40(12):2064-2072
以旅游消费移民的代表性群体——季节性旅游移民为对象,构建季节性旅游移民社会融合对主观幸福感影响的概念模型,并提出相关假设;以典型的旅居城市三亚为案例地,运用结构方程模型对假设进行验证。研究表明:季节性旅游移民的文化融合对主观幸福感的影响较小,仅对正面情绪有显著的正向影响;而心理融合和身份融合均正向显著作用于主观幸福感的生活满意和正面情绪2个维度,且对负面情绪有显著抑制作用。基于实证分析,从文化融合、身份融合、心理融合等层面提出季节性旅游移民主观幸福感的提升策略。  相似文献   

For exploring vegetarian eating in contemporary Guangzhou, this article employs the concept of ‘ethical eating’ and the framework of ethical consumption as outlined by Clive Barnett and his coauthors to examine food practices in a vegetarian restaurant through two dimensions: the restaurant dimension and the consumer dimension (2005b). Drawing on the ethnographic observations and interviews on food practices in a vegetarian restaurant conducted by Refreshing Vegetarian Food (Yixin Su Shi), in Guangzhou, the capital city of Guangdong province, this article argues that, on the one hand, the restaurant can provide an ethical environment for vegetarian eating and connects ethics and human bodies encountered through eating experiences. On the other hand, the restaurant is reshaped as an ethical food space through the performance of consumers' social identities and “self‐other” relations.  相似文献   

梁馨文  曾国军 《热带地理》2021,41(6):1236-1245
文章反思了当代消费现实,将品牌原产地文化与在地消费文化作为品牌资产前置因素创建结构方程模型,对已有的跨地方餐饮品牌重塑模型进行了验证和拓展,进一步探讨不同的文化因素对于品牌重塑的影响作用机制。研究发现:品牌资产的持续提升促成了品牌跨地方的重塑过程。原产地形象对品牌知名度、品牌忠诚度和感知质量具有直接、显著的正向影响。在地消费文化只影响品牌知名度,对感知质量和品牌忠诚度没有直接的影响作用,但是在地消费文化可以通过品牌知名度作用于感知质量,影响品牌忠诚度,而后决定购买意愿。跨地方品牌重塑的案例实践说明当代饮食消费主义的务实性回归。虽然原产地形象的光环效应仍然存在,但是良好的品牌质量感知成为顾客品牌忠诚度和购买意愿的另一重要影响因素。  相似文献   

山东半岛城市群发展模式仿真研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
艾华  张广海  李雪 《地理科学》2006,26(2):144-150
改革开放以来,山东半岛各城市迅速发展,极大推动了全省国民经济的发展,但与此同时,经济、环境与社会效益之间的矛盾也日趋激化。在分析该区主要人地关系问题的基础上,探讨生态环境与经济发展之间的相互关系,利用系统动力学模型进行多方案动态仿真模拟,进而利用协调发展度模型对各方案环境与经济协调发展程度进行定量评判,得出相对较优的发展方案,为该区协调发展提供战略决策依据。  相似文献   

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