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The analytical planetary solution VSOP2000 determines the planetary perturbations with the help of an iterative method from a solution developed till the third order of the disturbing masses. This solution is from 10 to 100 times more precise than the previous analytical solutions VSOP82 and VSOP87, at the level of some 0.1mas for Mercury, Venus and the Earth and some mas for the other planets over the timespan 1900–2000.With this solution, the relation between the Barycentric Coordinate Time (TCB) and the Geocentric Coordinate Time (TCG) is computed with an accuracy better than 0.1 nanosecond over the interval 1965–2015. We also determined the contribution to the Eulerian angles of the geodetic precession-nutation.  相似文献   

The problem of the chemical evolution of the system of Galactic planetary nebulae, starting with the early stage of development of the Galaxy, is investigated. The radial and vertical gradients of C, N, O, Ne, Ar, Cl, and S abundances are determined for different ages of the precursor stars of the nebulae. A statistically significant age dependence of the gradients is derived.  相似文献   

In this paper, we directly constrain possible spatial variations of the Newtonian gravitational constant G over the range  ≈ 0.01–5 au  in various extrasolar multiplanet systems. Using the third Kepler law, we determine the quantity  ΓXY= G X/ G Y  for each couple of planets X and Y located at different distances from their parent star; deviations of the measured values of Γ from unity would signal variations of G . The obtained results for  η= 1 −Γ  are found to be very compatible with zero within the experimental errors  (η/δη≈ 0.2–0.3)  . We make a comparison with an analogous test previously performed in our Solar system.  相似文献   

本文采用天体力学方法,考虑太阳系九大行星对太阳表面局部区域的摄动力,建立了太阳表面受行星起潮力的数值计算模型.利用此模型,针对历史上发生的100个大太阳耀斑事件,计算各耀斑区耀斑发生前后所受行星起潮力的变化.从耀斑发生的时间分布统计得到:在100个耀斑中,有75个耀斑发生在行星综合起潮力合力极大前后三天内.证明行星摄动对太阳活动有调制作用.最后,本文还对太阳活动起源、活动周期等问题进行了简要的讨论.  相似文献   

Natural systems tend to minimize their energy. Hence an important problem in astrophysics is the parametrization of the ground state. In this context a quantum statistical approach is very useful. The problem of the variational approximation of the density matrix is extended towards a parametrization of the ground state. With an analogy to the semiclassical approach, a classical approach to the variational principle in the parametrization of the ground state is elucidated and its applications are discussed. We find that planetary systems tend to have circular orbits in an effort to attain the ground state. The results of this paper may be useful for the modern problem of detecting planets around bright stars.  相似文献   

许多行星 (如木卫三 ,水星 ,地球 ,木星和土星 )和恒星 (如太阳 )具有内部磁场。对这些磁场的存在和变化的解释对行星科学家和天体物理学家是一个巨大的挑战。本文试图总结行星和恒星的导电流体内部磁流体力学研究的新近发展和困难。一般由热对流驱动的流动通过磁流体力学过程产生并维持在行星和恒星中的磁场。在行星中磁流体力学过程强烈地受到转动 ,磁场和球几何位型的综合影响。其动力学的关键方面涉及科里奥利力和洛伦兹力间的相互作用。在太阳中其流线 ,即处于对流层的薄的剪切流层在太阳的磁流体力学过程中扮演了一个基本的角色 ,并由之产生了 1 1年的太阳黑子周期。本文也给出了一个新的非线性三维太阳发电机模型。  相似文献   

We consider the system of planetary rings with shepherds as a restricted three or four-body problem, neglecting interactions between ring particles. We show that the generic occurrence of rings for the case of rotating short-range potentials can be extended to the case of gravitational potentials. The consecutive collision periodic orbits created by saddle-center bifurcations are of central importance.  相似文献   

Simulations of planetary microlensing at high magnification that were carried out on a cluster computer are presented. It was found that the perturbations owing to two-thirds of all planets occur in the time interval  −0.5 t FWHM,0.5 t FWHM  with respect to the peak of the microlensing light curve, where   t FWHM  is typically ∼14 h. This implies that only this restricted portion of the light curve need be intensively monitored for planets – a very significant practical advantage. Nearly all planetary detections in high-magnification events will not involve caustic crossings. We discuss the issues involved in determining the planetary parameters in high magnification events. Earth-mass planets may be detected with 1-m class telescopes if their projected orbital radii lie within about 1.5–2.5 au. Giant planets are detectable over a much larger region. For multiplanet systems the perturbations caused by individual planets can be separated under certain conditions. The size of the source star needs to be determined independently, but the presence of spots on the source star is likely to be negligible, as is the effect of planetary motion during an event.  相似文献   

We investigate how the formation and evolution of extrasolar planetary systems can be affected by stellar encounters that occur in the crowded conditions of a stellar cluster. Using plausible estimates of cluster evolution, we show how planet formation may be suppressed in globular clusters while planets wider than ≳0.1 au that do form in such environments can be ejected from their stellar system. Less crowded systems such as open clusters have a much reduced effect on any planetary system. Planet formation is unaffected in open clusters and only the wider planetary systems will be disrupted during the cluster's lifetime. The potential for free-floating planets in these environments is also discussed.  相似文献   

张旭东  周济林 《天文学报》2006,47(2):175-185
最近的多普勒观测表明恒星HD 12661周围存在两颗中等偏心率轨道上运行的行星,内行星的最小质量为2.3木星质量,轨道周期为263.6天;外行星的最小质量为1.57木星质量,轨道周期为1444.5天.该系统的稳定性要求两颗行星处在平运动轨道共振.用数值方法研究了该系统形成初期在恒星气体盘作用下的轨道迁移与稳定性,计算了行星在迁移中被平运动共振俘获的概率.发现这两颗行星目前很可能正处在11:2平运动共振边缘,且运动是混沌的,从而澄清了关于系统目前构形的不同说法,并且很可能在系统形成后行星迁移到目前构形时,气体盘几乎消失了.  相似文献   

本文给出了对行星状星云NGC2346核星AGK3—0°695从1981年到1987年这段期间内所做的照相观测结果。从中我们看到该天体自1981年底开始出现的大变幅食光变现象持续数年之后,从1986年开始其光变幅度迅速减小,由85年的Δm~4~m减小到86年的Δm~1~m.1。而且到1987年其光变曲线仅存Δm~0~m.4的不规则亮度起伏,已无明显的周期性光变现象,文中对此现象做了初步分析讨论。  相似文献   

Equations are presented for the computation of tangent maps for use in nearly Keplerian motion, approximated by use of a symplectic leapfrog map. The resulting algorithms constitute more accurate and efficient methods to obtain the Liapunov exponents and the state transition matrix, and can be used to study chaos in planetary motions, as well as in orbit determination procedures from observations. Applications include planetary systems, satellite motions and hierarchical, nearly Keplerian systems in general. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Altogether 86 objects discovered in the period 1991–1994 have been accepted by the author as new PN (Table 1). In Appendices A and B to this table the lists of possible pre-PN as well as of possible post-PN, respectively, are given. Table 2 presents 6 misclassified objects which we suggest removing from CGPN.  相似文献   

Various Fourier expansions of the planetary disturbing function can be computed numerically with the use of numerical Fourier analysis. The task to compute the most general five-dimensional Fourier expansion of disturbing function has become feasible with typical server-class computers quite recently. In such an expansion two anomalies, two arguments of perihelions and two longitudes of the node are independent angular variables, while two semi-major axes, two eccentricities and two inclinations are fixed numerically. The semianalytical expansion of the disturbing function resulting from numerical Fourier analysis theoretically converges for any values of the parameters except for those sets of parameters which allow the bodies to collide. Various aspects of the numerical computation of the Fourier expansion are discussed. Theoretical and practical convergence of the Fourier series is discussed and illustrated. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Altogether 81 objects discovered between 1987 and 1990 have been accepted by the author as new PN (Table 1). In the Appendix to Table 1 we give the list of possible pre-PN. In the list of misclassified PN (Table 2) 86 objects were included. A statistics of the new and misclassified PN since CGPN is presented.  相似文献   

In the first part of this study of PN towards the galactic centre we present the discovery of 24 new planetary nebulae found on the objective-prism spectra in three ESO fields (Table 1 - parameters of the survey, Tables 3 and 4 - new objects). The observations of those objects are listed in Table 5. Besides, we give the classification and the positions of known objects in this area (Table 2).  相似文献   

With several detections, the technique of gravitational microlensing has proven useful for studying planets that orbit stars at Galactic distances, and it can even be applied to detect planets in neighbouring galaxies. So far, planet detections by microlensing have been considered to result from a change in the bending of light and the resulting magnification caused by a planet around the foreground lens star. However, in complete analogy to the annual parallax effect caused by the revolution of the Earth around the Sun, the motion of the source star around the common barycentre with an orbiting planet can also lead to observable deviations in microlensing light curves that can provide evidence for the unseen companion. We discuss this effect in some detail and study the prospects of microlensing observations for revealing planets through this alternative detection channel. Given that small distances between lens and source star are favoured, and that the effect becomes nearly independent of the source distance, planets would remain detectable even if their host star is located outside the Milky Way with a sufficiently good photometry (exceeding present-day technology) being possible. From synthetic light curves arising from a Monte Carlo simulation, we find that the chances for such detections are not overwhelming and appear practically limited to the most massive planets (at least with current observational set-ups), but they are large enough for leaving the possibility that one or the other signal has already been observed. However, it may remain undetermined whether the planet actually orbits the source star or rather the lens star, which leaves us with an ambiguity not only with respect to its location, but also to its properties.  相似文献   

We consider orbital resonances in multiplanet systems. These are expected to arise during or just after formation in a gaseous disc. Disc–planet interaction naturally produces orbital migration and circularization through the action of tidal torques which in turn may lead to an orbital resonance. The mass and angular momentum content of the disc is likely to be comparable to that in the planets so that it is essential to fully incorporate the disc in the analysis.We study the orbital evolution of two planets locked in 2:1 commensurability through migration tidally induced by the disc using both analytic methods and numerical hydrodynamic simulations. The planets are assumed to orbit in an inner cavity containing at most only a small amount of disc material. Results are found to be sensitive to initial surface density profile, planet masses and disc parameters. The evolution may range between attaining and subsequently maintaining a resonance lock with two angles librating to divergent migration with no commensurability formed. In the former case eccentricities increase monotonically with time while the system undergoes inward migration. If the migration is halted by loss of the disc leaving the planets in a final configuration, there is likely to be a low probability of seeing resonant planets at small radii as well as a sensitive dependence on past history.We have also considered a multiplanet system in secular apsidal resonance. We consider the system as being in just one secular normal mode and include the effects of a gaseous disc. It is suggested that a normal mode may be selected by adding in some weak dissipative process in the disc and that it may remain, involving only the planets, when the disc is slowly removed.  相似文献   

The JPL planetary and lunar ephemerides – DE200/LE200, DE403/LE403, DE405/LE405 and the planetary and lunar ephemerides, EPM87, EPM98, and EPM2000, constructed in the Institute of Applied Astronomy of RAS are described. Common properties and differences of the various ephemerides are given. Graphical comparisons of the DE ephemerides with each other and with the EPM ephemerides are presented. A fairly good agreement of planetary orbits is between DE403, DE405 and EPM98, EPM2000, respectively, over the interval of 120 years (1886–2006) covered by EPM98 and EPM2000. Some differences are explained by a slight disagreement in representing the orbits of Ceres, Pallas, and Vesta as they affect the planets. The accurate radar observations of planets and spacecraft make it possible not only to improve the orbital elements of planets but to determine a broad set of astronomical constants as well: km/AU, parameters of Mars rotation including its precessional rate, the masses of Jupiter, Ceres, Pallas, and Vesta, relativistic parameters of the PPN formalism, the variability of the gravitational constant G. These have been obtained in the fitting process of the DE405 and EPM2000 ephemerides to observational data, including nearly 80000 American and Russian radar observations of planets (1961–1997), ranging and doppler to the Viking and Pathfinder landers, and other miscellaneous measurements from various sources and spacecraft.  相似文献   

There is evidence for the existence of massive planets at orbital radii of several hundred au from their parent stars where the time-scale for planet formation by core accretion is longer than the disc lifetime. These planets could have formed close to their star and then migrated outwards. We consider how the transfer of angular momentum by viscous disc interactions from a massive inner planet could cause significant outward migration of a smaller outer planet. We find that it is in principle possible for planets to migrate to large radii. We note, however, a number of effects which may render the process somewhat problematic.  相似文献   

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