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The present work was carried out in Nalbari district of Assam (India) with an objective to assess the quality of groundwater and to check its suitability for drinking and irrigation purposes. Groundwater samples were collected from 50 different locations during pre- and post-monsoon seasons of 2016. Results of chemical analysis revealed that mean concentration of cations varied in the order Ca2+?>?Na+?>?Mg2+?>?K+, while for anions the order was HCO3 ??>?Cl??>?SO42??>?NO32??>?F? during both pre- and post-monsoon seasons. The suitability of groundwater samples for drinking purpose was assessed by comparing the results of physico-chemical analysis of groundwater with Indian Standards. Further, its suitability for irrigation purpose was assessed by evaluating several parameters like sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), sodium percentage (Na%), magnesium ratio, Kelly’s ratio and residual sodium carbonate (RSC). The SAR values obtained for all the samples were plotted against EC values in the US Salinity Laboratory diagram, and it was revealed that the most of the samples fall under water type C2-S1 indicating medium salinity and low SAR. Further, it was found that the majority of the samples belong to Ca–Mg–HCO3 hydrochemical facies followed by Ca–Mg–Cl–SO4, whereas only a few samples belong to Na–K–HCO3 hydrochemical facies.  相似文献   

The hydrogeochemistry of groundwater in rural parts of Birbhum district, West Bengal, India, has been studied to understand the contaminants and prime processes involved in their enrichment with a focus on F? concentration. The lithological units consist of Quaternary alluviums with underlying Rajmahal basaltic rocks of Middle Jurassic age. Groundwater occurs in the alluviums, weathered residuum and fracture zone of Rajmahal rocks. Studies show elevated concentration of Cl?, SiO2, Fe and F?; excess Cl? is attributed to anthropogenic inputs, SiO2 is ascribed to high degree of weathering of silica rich host rocks, and high Fe is due to the interaction of water with Fe-rich sediments under reducing condition. The F? concentration is found high (>1.20 mg/L) mainly in water from Rajmahal rocks revealing a lithological control on F? enrichment. The weathering of silicates and ion exchange are the leading controlling processes for major ions in groundwater. The F? enrichment is due to the dissolution of F?-bearing minerals and perhaps also through anion exchange (OH? for F?) on clay minerals at high alkaline conditions; precipitation of CaCO3 favours CaF2 dissolution leading to elevated F? concentration. CaHCO3, the dominant water type, contains low F? while NaHCO3 and NaCl types exhibit high F? concentrations. Among the three spatial associations, Cluster-1 and Cluster-2 are CaHCO3 type; Cluster-3 shows NaHCO3 and NaCl waters with low Ca2+ and Mg2+ and high Na+ contents. Cluster-1 and Cluster-2 waters are, in general, drinkable barring the elevated Fe content, while Cluster-3 water is unsafe for drinking due to the high F? concentration.  相似文献   

The concentrations of fluorine in groundwater of North Jordan range from 0.009 to 0.055 mg/l. Other chemical parameters, e.g. pH, EC, TDS, Cl, TH, HCO3, PO4, SO4, NO3, NH4, K, Ca, Mg, and NO3 have been studied and showed higher concentrations in HCO3 and NO3 of 307 and 51 mg/l, respectively. Thermodynamic considerations show that almost all the analyzed samples are undersaturated with respect to calcite and fluorite. This undersaturation is probably due to their low availability in the locations. Fluoride concentration shows a positive relation to pH and HCO3, whereas Cl, Mg, Ca, and Na initially increase and then decrease with increasing fluoride in the water. Saturation indexes of fluorite and calcite are estimated. The chemistry of the groundwater is controlled by the fluorite and calcite solubility. The topography of the area has exerted control on the aerial extent of fluoride concentration.  相似文献   

Groundwater samples were collected from Mettur taluk of Salem district, Tamilnadu, India for two different seasons (pre-monsoon and post-monsoon) and analyzed for fluoride ion along with other chemical parameters. The major litho units of the study area are Charnockites, peninsular gneiss, and calc gneiss of meta-sedimentary group. The fluoride concentration ranges from 0.1 to 2.8?mg/L and 0.4 to 4.0?mg/L during pre-monsoon (PRM) and post-monsoon (POM) seasons, respectively. Results showed that collected water samples were contaminated by the presence of fluoride ion. During PRM and POM, 21% and 56% of samples recorded higher fluoride when compared with Indian Drinking Water Standard (1?mg/L) and (9% and 35%) of samples recorded higher fluoride when compared with World Health Organization tolerance limit (1.5?mg/L). The ratio of Na/Ca indicates high sodium content in groundwater enhances the dissolution of fluoride at higher pH. Hydrogeochemical facies indicates water-rock interaction as main source for high fluoride in groundwater. A positive correlation between pH, Mg, and F indicates high alkaline nature of water promotes fluoride leaching from source rocks into ground water. Factor analysis indicates hydro-geochemical processes like weathering, ion exchange, and anthropogenic contributes to groundwater chemistry. The saturation index indicates dissolution and precipitation contributes fluoride dissolution along with mixing.  相似文献   


Progressive developments in industrial and agricultural activities are causing a critical stress on groundwater quality in developing countries. The objective of this paper is to assess and evaluate the contamination level of groundwater caused by leachate in 11 villages of the Gautam Budh Nagar district in Uttar Pradesh, India. We systematically sampled 22 groundwater samples and 13 leachate samples to ascertain the source of pollution on groundwater quality. The standard analytical methods given by the American Public Health Association (APHA) (Standard methods for examination of water and wastewater, 23rd edn. APHA, AWWA, WPCF, Washington, 2017) were used for quantitative estimation of hydrochemical parameters of collected samples. The results of the analysis of groundwater samples indicate that pH values range from 7.31 to 8.97. The mean magnesium concentration in groundwater samples is 58.93 ± 21.44 mg/L. Out of the groundwater samples taken, approximately 41% and 73% of samples analysis results have been found beyond the acceptable limit with respect to the parameters of turbidity and total dissolved solids, respectively, according to the Bureau of Indian Standards (Indian standard specification for drinking water (IS:10500). BIS, Manak Bhawan, New Delhi, 2012) for drinking water. Around 95.4% of groundwater samples and 92.3% of leachate samples have high nitrate concentrations above the standard limit of BIS (45 mg/L), respectively. The Piper plot shows that 50% of the samples belong to the Ca2+–Mg2+–HCO3 type. Ternary and Durov’s diagrams indicate that the mean concentrations of ions are in the order of Na+ > Mg2+ > Ca2+ > K+ (for cations) and HCO3> NO3 > Cl > SO42− > CO32− > F (for anions) in groundwater of the study area. The spatial variation of the hydrochemical parameters shows that groundwater is heavily contaminated with respect to nitrate. Analytical results indicate that the groundwater of villages Achheja, Bisrakh road, Dujana, Badalpur and Sadopur is not suitable for drinking.


Hydrochemical studies were carried out in Mulugu-Venkatapur Mandals of Warangal district, Telangana state, India to find out the causes of high fluorides in groundwater and surface water causing a widespread incidence of fluorosis in local population. The fluoride concentration in groundwater ranges from 0.28 to 5.48 mg/l with a mean of 1.26 mg/l in pre-monsoon and 0.21 to 4.43 mg/l with a mean 1.45 mg/l in post-monsoon. About 32% and 34% of samples in pre and post-monsoon containing fluoride concentrations that exceed the permissible limit. The Modified Piper diagram reflects that, water belong to Ca+2-Mg+2-HCO3 - to Na+-HCO3 - facies. Negative chloroalkali indices in both the seasons prove that ion exchange took place between Na+ & K+ with Ca+2 and Mg+2 in aquatic solution in host rock. Different plots for major ions and molar ratios suggest that weathering of silicate rocks and water-rock interaction is responsible for major ion chemistry of water. High fluoride content in groundwater attributed to continuous water-rock interaction during the process of percolation with fluorite bearing country rocks under arid, low precipitation, and high evaporation conditions. The low calcium content in rocks and soils, and the presence of high content of sodium bicarbonate in soils and waters are important factors favouring high levels of fluoride in waters. The basement rocks provide abundant mineral sources of fluoride in the form of amphibole, biotite, fluorite, mica and apatite.  相似文献   

A base line study involving analysis of groundwater samples from the Jhansi district were carried out to determine the major and trace element chemistry and to assess the hydrogeochemical processes and water quality for domestic and irrigation uses. Study results show that groundwater is mildly acidic to alkaline in nature and HCO3 ?, Cl?, Ca2+, Na+ and Mg2+ are the major contributing ions for the dissolved loads. The data plotted on the Gibbs and Piper diagrams reveal that the groundwater chemistry is mainly controlled by rock weathering with secondary contribution from anthropogenic sources. In a majority of the groundwater samples, alkaline earth metals exceed alkalies and weak acid dominate over strong acids. Ca–Mg–HCO3 is the dominant hydrogeochemical facies in the majority of the groundwater samples. The computed saturation indices demonstrate that groundwater is oversaturated with respect to dolomite and calcite. Kaolinite is the possible mineral that is in equilibrium with the water, implying that the groundwater chemistry favors kaolinite formation. A comparison of groundwater quality parameters in relation to specified limits for drinking water shows that the concentrations of TDS, F?, NO3 ?, total hardness and Fe are exceeding the desirable limits in many water samples. Quality assessment for irrigation uses reveal that the groundwater is of good to suitable category. Higher salinity and residual sodium carbonate values at some sites restrict the suitability of groundwater and need an adequate drainage and water management plan for the area.  相似文献   

Most of the arid and semi-arid zones of the Indian subcontinent experience serious health problems due to high concentration of fluoride in drinking water. The Vellore District of Tamil Nadu suffers from high concentration of fluoride in water. However, most of the past studies in this region focused on tannery-related pollution and not on fluoride contamination. The present study attempts to identify the factors influencing the origin and spatial distribution of fluoride in the district. From the observed hydrochemical results of 68 well samples in the context of water level, well depth and hydrochemical parameters, F? concentration showed increasing trend in the presence of Na+ and HCO3 ?. This is due to the alkaline nature of groundwater that favors the dissolution of F?-rich minerals. The occurrence of high fluoride in Na–HCO3 type of water confirmed this hypothesis. However, Ca2+ showed an insignificant correlation with F?. The high Na/Ca ratio (>1) in 73 % of the samples and the result of Na/Na+Cl plot suggest the occurrence of cation exchange in the study area. The major source of F? was identified as products of the weathering and the dissolution of fluorites, amphiboles and micas present in the geological formations in the study area. The positive relationship between NO3 ? and F? in few wells located in agricultural fields suggest possible source of F? from the application of fertilizers. More than 25 % of the samples had higher values of fluoride than the permissible limit of drinking water according to Indian standards. Spatial distribution of fluoride showed a higher concentration in the southwest part of the study area, namely, Thirupathur and Vaniyambadi. This study shows that contamination was high in certain parts of Vellore District and the quality of water must be maintained by resorting to appropriate treatment and management strategies.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to evaluate the water quality of Kottur block, Thiruvarur district, Tamilnadu. Groundwater samples from hand pumps and tube wells of 16 stations were analyzed during postmonsoon and premonsoon (2008) with the help of standard methods of APHA (1995). Dominance of cations are in the following order Na>Ca>K>Mg and Cl>SO4>HCO3>NO3 by anions in both the seasons. The analytical results shows higher concentration of total dissolved solids, electrical conductivity, sodium, chloride, and sulfate which indicate signs of deterioration but values of pH, calcium, magnesium, and nitrate are within permissible limit as per World Health Organization standards. From the Piper trilinear diagram, it is observed that the majority of groundwater samples are Na-Cl and Ca-Mg-SO4 facies clearly indicates seawater incursion. In Wilcox diagram, most of the samples fall in low to very high sodium hazard and low to very high salinity hazard indicates moderately suitable for agricultural activities. Kelly’s ratio and magnesium ratio indicates most of the samples fall in suitable for irrigation purpose.  相似文献   

High fluoride in groundwater has been reported from many parts of India. However, a systematic study is required to understand the behaviour of fluoride in natural water in terms of local hydrogeological setting, climatic conditions and agricultural practices. Present study is an attempt to assess hydrogeochemistry of groundwater in Ajmer district in Rajasthan to understand the fluoride abundance in groundwater and to deduce the chemical parameters responsible for the dissolution activity of fluoride. Ajmer district falls in the semi-arid tract of central Rajasthan and is geologically occupied by Precambrian rocks (granites, pegmatites, gneisses, schists etc) where groundwater occurs under unconfined condition. A total of 153 well-water samples, representing an area of 8481 km2 (further subdivided into eight blocks), were collected and chemically analyzed. The results of chemical analyses (pre-monsoon 2004) show fluoride abundance in the range of 0.12 to 16.9 mg/l with 66% of the samples in excess of permissible limit of 1.5 mg/l. Presence of fluoride bearing minerals in the host rock, the chemical properties like decomposition, dissociation and dissolution and their interaction with water is considered to be the main cause for fluoride in groundwater. Chemical weathering under arid to semi-arid conditions with relatively high alkalinity favours high concentration of fluoride in groundwater. Dental and skeletal fluorosis are prevalent in the study area which can be related to the usage of high fluoride groundwater for drinking. The suggested remedial measures to reduce fluoride pollution in groundwater include dilution by blending, artificial recharge, efficient irrigation practices and well construction.  相似文献   

The problem of arsenic (As) poisoning in the upper deltaic plain of the Ganga-Bhagirathi river system in the Bengal Basin of West Bengal, India is an alarming issue. Four blocks (Kaliachak-1, 2, 3 and English Bazar) of Malda district, West Bengal were critically studied. Geomorphologically, the area exhibits three terraces: the present Youngest terrace (T0-terrace), the Older Shaugaon Surface (T1-terrace) and the Oldest Baikunthapur Surface (T2-terrace). On the basis of numerous measurements, including As-content, pH, DO, specific conductivity and salinity, it was observed that maximum As-content beyond the permissible limit (0.05 mg/L, Indian standard) occurs within a depth range of 10–30 m with a non-linear distribution pattern. Variance test also found that a block effect was highly significant in an As-distribution pattern. Mean arsenic level of Kaliachak block-1 is 0.2253 mg/L, followed by Kaliachak-2 with arsenic level 0.1923, Kaliachak-3 with arsenic level 0.1755 and English Bazar with arsenic level 0.1324. The arsenious belt lies mainly within the Older terrace (T1). The very recent flood plain deposits of silvery white, fine sands lying very close to the Ganga River margin do not contain significant amounts of As. Elevated As-concentration in the ground water was observed in alluvial sands, grayish white to brownish in color and occurring away from the Ganga margin. The Oldest terrace (T2) further away from the Ganga margin (e.g. English Bazar) and Barind surface contains less arsenic. Barind surface acts as a hard capping with ferruginous sands and lateritic concretions-chocolate, mottled and purple brown in color-occurring northeast of the studied area. Arsenic content of ground water in the same locality within a radius of ∼ 20 m varies within wide limits. Thus, it poses problem to delineate its distribution pattern. Such a patchy occurrence possibly could not be explained satisfactorily solely by geomorphology. Chemical analysis of aquifer clay samples of the cores shows a maximum Ascontent of up to 3 mg/kg, whereas the bulk samples (sandclay mixture) of the cores contain a maximum of 17 mg/kg As-value. Therefore, it is not always true that clay contains elevated As-value.  相似文献   

Fluoride (F) contamination study had been carried out to see its allocation in Kurmapalli watershed, Nalgonda district, Andhra Pradesh, India. The study area is located about 60 km SE of Hyderabad city. The groundwater is the main source of water for their living. The groundwater in villages and its surrounding are affected by fluoride contamination and consequently the majority of the people living in these villages has health hazards and is facing fluorosis. The purpose of this study is to identify the wells with high F, raise awareness in people, study the water chemistry, and also find out the source of F in groundwater. A total of 32 groundwater samples were collected from different wells in both shallow aquifers and deeper fractures zones during October 2004. The chemical analysis of groundwater has been done. Fluoride values vary from 0.7 to 19.0 mg/l. It is noted that the maximum value (19.0 mg/l) is one of the highest values found in groundwater in India and 78% of the total samples show F concentrations that exceeds the permissible limit value (1.5 mg/l). The highest value of F is found at Madanapur bore well which is located at central part of the watershed. The F value of this bore well was monitored from October 2004 to October 2006. During this period the F concentration varies from 17.8 to 21.0 mg/l with mean 19.3 mg/l. There is no correlation of F with chemical parameters except calcium. The Ca has shown inverse proportional with F. Water–rock interaction studies were also carried out to understand the behavior of F in groundwater at prominent F affected areas. Rock samples were collected and analyzed, and found their enrichment of F. The anthropogenic possibility of F is almost negligible. The rocks of this area are enriched in F from 460 to 1,706 mg/kg. It is indicated that the rock–water interaction is the main source of F in groundwater. The highest values of F are found in middle part of the region and are related to the occurrence of fluoride rich rocks and their chemical kinetic behavior with groundwater.  相似文献   

The occurrence of dental/skeletal fluorosis among the people in the study area provided the motivation to assess the distribution, severity and impact of fluoride contamination in groundwater of Bankura district at Simlapal block, West Bengal, India. To meet the desired objective, groundwater samples were collected from different locations of Laxmisagar, Machatora and Kusumkanali regions of Simlapal block at different depths of tube wells in both pre- and post-monsoon seasons. Geochemical results reveal that the groundwaters are mostly moderate- to hard-water type. Of total groundwater samples, 37% are situated mainly in relatively higher elevated region containing fluoride above 1.5 mg/L, indicating that host aquifers are severely affected by fluoride contamination. Machatora region is highly affected by fluoride contamination with maximum elevated concentration of 12.2 mg/L. Several symptoms of fluorosis among the different age-groups of people in Laxmisagar and Machatora areas are indicating consumption of fluoridated water for prolonged period. The groundwater samples were mainly Na–Ca–HCO3 type and rock dominance indicating the dissolution of minerals taking place. Ion exchange between OH? ion and F? ion present in fluoride-bearing mineral is the most dominant mechanism of fluoride leaching. High concentration of Na+ and HCO3 ? increases the alkalinity of the water, providing a favorable condition for fluoride to leach into groundwater from its host rocks and minerals.  相似文献   

Thirumanimuttar sub-basin is of particular importance in the study of groundwater quality due to the release of effluents from industries, agricultural, sewage and urban runoff, brining considerable change in water quality. An investigation was carried out by collecting a total of 194 groundwater samples for two seasons to decipher hydrogeochemistry and groundwater quality for determining its suitability for agricultural purposes. The water is neutral to alkaline in nature with pH ranging from 6.78 to 9.22 with an average of 7.37. Higher electrical conductivity (EC) was noted in NW and mid-downstream parts of the study area. Higher NO 3 ? was observed during post-monsoon (POM) due to the action of leaching and anthropogenic process. The piper plot reveals the dominance of Na+?CCl? and Na+?CHCO 3 ? , mixed Ca2+?CNa+?CHCO 3 ? , mixed Ca2+?CMg2+?CHCO 3 ? and Ca2+?CSO 4 ? types of hydrogeochemical facies. Higher total hardness in the groundwater is due to the effect of dyeing and bleaching industries discharging effluents affects the quality of water. Residual Sodium Carbonate value indicates 56% of the samples are not suitable for irrigation purposes in both seasons. Higher sodium percentage is noted during PRM indicating the dominance of ion exchange and weathering. Higher sodium adsorption ratio was observed during POM indicating the effect of leaching and dissolution of salts into the aquifer matrix. USSL plot indicates 15% of samples record high salinity to medium sodicity. The Permeability Index indicates water is moderate to good for irrigation purposes. In general, groundwater in the study area is influenced by both natural and anthropogenic activities.  相似文献   

India’s surface water and groundwater distribution is temporally variable due to the monsoon. Agriculture is one of the dominant economic sectors in India. Groundwater quality is regularly assessed to determine usability for drinking and irrigation. In this study, World Health Organization and Bureau of Indian Standards guidelines were used to determine suitability of groundwater near artificial recharge structures (ARS) with a focus on the structures´ impact on groundwater quality. Groundwater resources were evaluated for irrigation suitability using electrical conductivity (EC), sodium adsorption ratio, the US Salinity Laboratory diagram, sodium concentration, Wilcox’s diagram, Kelly’s index, and Doneen’s permeability index. EC and major ions were tested in recharge areas at different distances from the ARS. The construction of ARS at optimal distances along major streams has improved groundwater quantity and quality in the sub-basin. Before construction of ARS, fluoride concentrations were higher; after construction, fluoride was reduced in most locations. Water stored in the check dam and groundwater in the wells closer to the structure were suitable for both drinking and irrigation purposes. Impact of ARS on nearby groundwater quality was observed at Pallipatti, Mulayanur, Venkadasamuthram, Pudupatti, Poyyappatti, Harur1, and Sekkampatti. More distant sites included Pappiredipatti, Nambiyappati, Menasi, Harur, Todampatti, and Adikarapatti. Data demonstrated improved groundwater quality in the area of the ARS. Through recharge, the non-potable fluoride in the region is reduced to the permissible limit for human consumption.  相似文献   

Excess fluoride in groundwater affects the human health and results in dental and skeletal fluorosis. Higher concentration of fluoride was noted in hard rock terrain of the south India, in the Krishnagiri district of Tamilnadu. The region has a complex geology ranging from ultra basic to acid igneous rocks, charnockite and gneissic rocks. Thirty-four groundwater samples were collected from this study area and analysed for major cations and anions along with fluoride. The order of dominance of cations is Na+?>?Mg2+?>?Ca2+?>?K+ and the anions in the following order HCO3 ??>?Cl??>?NO3 ??>?SO4 2?. It is found that nearly 58 % of the samples have more fluoride ranging from 1 to 3 mg/L. It is also noted that high fluoride waters correspond to magnesium water types. This is due to the release of fluoride from the magnesium-bearing minerals like, biotite, hornblende, etc., or weathering of apatite/hydroxyapatites found in charnockites.  相似文献   

Geochemical processes that take place in the aquifer have played a major role in spatial and temporal variations of groundwater quality. This study was carried out with an objective of identifying the hydrogeochemical processes that controls the groundwater quality in a weathered hard rock aquifer in a part of Nalgonda district, Andhra Pradesh, India. Groundwater samples were collected from 45 wells once every 2 months from March 2008 to September 2009. Chemical parameters of groundwater such as groundwater level, EC and pH were measured insitu. The major ion concentrations such as Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, Cl, and SO4 2− were analyzed using ion chromatograph. CO3 and HCO3 concentration was determined by acid–base titration. The abundance of major cation concentration in groundwater is as Na+ > Ca2+ > Mg2+ > K+ while that of anions is HCO3  > SO4 2− > Cl > CO3 . Ca–HCO3, Na–Cl, Ca–Na–HCO3 and Ca–Mg–Cl are the dominant groundwater types in this area. Relation between temporal variation in groundwater level and saturation index of minerals reveals the evaporation process. The ion-exchange process controls the concentration of ions such as calcium, magnesium and sodium. The ionic ratio of Ca/Mg explains the contribution of calcite and dolomite to groundwater. In general, the geochemical processes and temporal variation of groundwater in this area are influenced by evaporation processes, ion exchange and dissolution of minerals.  相似文献   

The present study centers on the investigation of surface water quality with the aid of quality indices and explores the application of a multi-objective decision-making method (TOPSIS) in arranging decisions for policy makers on the basis of overall ranking of the sampling locations. A case study has been performed on the Manas River, Assam (India). Water Quality Index (WQI) involving physico-chemical parameters, and heavy metal pollution index (HPI) and contamination index (CI) involving heavy metal influences were employed for water quality assessment. WQI graded two sampling locations “very poor” and all other locations “poor”. HPIs of all the locations were below the critical value of 100, but the CI depicted that two locations were “moderately contaminated”. Risk assessment to human health was done using hazard quotient and hazard index. Cluster analysis (CA) demonstrated site similarity by grouping the relatively more polluted and less polluted (LP) sites into two major clusters. However, there surfaced difficulty in discerning the overall water quality, as all the three quality indices included different parameters and contradicted each other. A multi-objective decision-making tool, TOPSIS was therefore employed for ranking the locations on the basis of their relative pollution levels. The novelty of the study reflects in the identification of the relatively more or relatively less polluted sites within the same cluster in CA by the application of TOPSIS. The study justifies the effectiveness of TOPSIS method in prioritizing decisions in complex scenarios for policy makers.  相似文献   

A hydrogeochemical investigation was conducted in a coastal region of Cuddalore district to identify the influence of saltwater intrusion and suitability of groundwater for domestic and agricultural purposes. The geology of the study area comprises of sandstone, clay, alluvium, and laterite soils of Tertiary and Quaternary age. A total of 18 groundwater samples were analyzed for 14 different water quality parameters and the result indicates higher concentrations of ions like Cl (3,509 mg/l), Na (3,123 mg/l), and HCO3 (998 mg/l) when compared with WHO, BIS, and ISI standards. A positive correlation (r 2?=?0.82) was observed between Na and Cl, indicating its sources from salt water intrusion. Three factors were extracted with a total variance of 64% which indicates the sources of salinization, cation exchange, and anthropogenic impact to the groundwater. The Piper trilinear diagram indicates both Na–Cl and mixed Na–HCO3–Cl-type, indicating that groundwater was strongly affected by anthropogenic activities. The plot of (Ca?+?Mg)/(K?+?Na) indicates evidences of cation exchange and salt water intrusion. The (Ca–0.33*HCO3)/ SO4 plot indicates salt water intrusion for elevated SO4 levels rather than gypsum dissolution. The spatial distribution of total dissolved solid indicates the saline water encroachment along the SW part of the study area. As per sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), 50% of the samples with <10 SAR are suitable for irrigation and >10 SAR indicates that water is unsuitable for irrigation purposes. The residual sodium carbonate classification indicates that 50% of the samples fall in safe and 50% of the samples fall in bad zones and prolonged usage of this water will affect the crop yield. The Chloro Alkaline Index of water indicates disequilibrium due to a higher ratio of Cl?>?Na–K, indicating the influence of salt water intrusion. The Permeability Index of the groundwater indicates that the groundwater from the study area is moderate to good for irrigation purposes.  相似文献   

Hydrogeochemical investigations, which are significant for the assessment of water quality, have been carried out to study the sources of dissolved ions in groundwaters of some rural areas of Guntur district, Andhra Pradesh, India. Groundwaters in the area are mostly brackish. High contents of SiO2, and Na+ and Cl- ions in groundwater, in comparison with those of seawater, suggests a meteoric origin of groundwater. The high concentration of SiO2 and various geochemical signatures reflect the weathering of minerals. However, the Na++K+ vs Cl- ratio suggests weathering, has occurred only to some extent. The chemistry of groundwater favours the formation of clay minerals (montmorillonite, illite and chlorite), because of evapotranspiration. The positive saturation index of CaCO3 and the high signatures of Ma2+:Ca2+ and Na+:Ca2+ reveals the occurrence of evaporation. The evaporation enhances the concentration of ions (which occurred originally in the water) in the soils during summer. The very high % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+- % feaaeaart1ev0aaatCvAUfKttLearuavTnhis1MBaeXatLxBI9gBae % bbnrfifHhDYfgasaacH8srps0lbbf9q8WrFfeuY-Hhbbf9v8qqaqFr % 0xc9pk0xbba9q8WqFfea0-yr0RYxir-Jbba9q8aq0-yq-He9q8qqQ8 % frFve9Fve9Ff0dmeaabaqaciGacaGaaeqabaqabeaadaaakeaacqqG % tbWucqqGpbWtdaqhaaWcbaGaeeinaqdabaGaeeOmaiJaeeyla0caaa % aa!2EC5! SO42 - {\rm SO}_{\rm 4}^{{\rm 2 - }} and Cl- contents in some groundwaters and the occurrence of kankar (CaCO3) in the area suggest a long history of evaporation. Greater ionic concentration in the groundwaters of post-monsoon compared with pre-monsoon indicates the increasing addition of leachates into the groundwater from the soils in the monsoon and anthropogenic activities, which leads to a deteriorating quality of groundwater. According to the Gibbs' diagrams, rock weathering, to some extent, and evaporation are the dominant phenomena responsible for the higher ionic concentrations found in groundwater. Measures that benefit sustainable management of groundwater quality are suggested in this study.  相似文献   

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