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Neoliberal restructuring in Morocco has been taking place for over twenty years. Beginning with a decade of structural adjustment, from the early 1980s to the early 1990s, parts of the public sector have been privatized, state services such as health care and education reduced, tariffs lowered and exports heavily promoted. In the dryland agricultural areas, a declensionist colonial environmental narrative has been appropriated to help justify and implement the neoliberal goals of land privatization and the intensification of agricultural production in the name of environmental protection. This paper contributes to areas of growing interest for geographers through an analysis of the underexplored relationship between neoliberalism and environmentalism, in the form of questionable environmental narratives, in Morocco. Land degradation in the dryland agricultural areas of Morocco is commonly blamed on overgrazing by local pastoralists despite existing documentation that suggests instead that ploughing of marginal lands and over-irrigation are the primary drivers of land degradation in the region. The deployment of this colonial environmental narrative of 'native improvidence' has facilitated an expansion of state power over collective rangelands under neoliberalism at the same time that government involvement has decreased in other sectors. The effects of neoliberalism in Morocco have been complex and thus the paper argues that current neoliberal reforms such as the Morocco–US free trade agreement need to be scrutinized carefully to prevent a further exacerbation of poverty as well as to prevent further land degradation in these areas.  相似文献   

在有关养老的老年学和地理学研究中,“就地养老”是一个广泛使用的概念,并一直被认为是解决老龄人口养老需求的有效政策手段。迄今为止,关于就地养老的研究主要关注了很多能够让老年人健康就地(或在家)养老的物质方面的因素,比如住房条件或家庭照护。有些老年学研究者们认识到,就地养老受到居住环境中实体环境和社会、情感因素的共同影响。但我们认为,在养老体验研究中,要更加深入地审视“人”和“地方”之间的复杂关系。特别是,我们主张就地养老成功的因素是地方具有维持良好关系的潜力。提到“地方(place)”一词的时候,人们过分局限于关注老年人身体上接近的地理空间,或是具有实体边界的地方,例如房子或社区。而我们通过回顾现有文献发现,对许多选择就地养老的人来说,更具有意义的是随着时间的推移,他们在不同空间尺度上所建立起来的多元的、网络化的社会和非社会关系。基于这个新的视角,可以更好地理解老年人与地方的多层次的联系,以及从不同尺度和不同类型的人与地方的关系来考察就地养老的意义。  相似文献   


Cross-border cooperation is increasingly practised as a spatial planning strategy in health care. This observation is emphasized in numerous reports on transboundary agreements in European border regions. While the projects hint at an ongoing contestation and reconfiguration of nationally bordered health care pathways, they have rarely been subject to critical geographical inquiry. Departing from contemporary border studies debates, the article addresses this gap by providing a nuanced perspective on the socio-spatial complexity of health care practices across Europe’s internal borders. The author demonstrates this empirically by focusing on a framework for emergency care assistance in the northernmost regions of Scandinavia. He uses a heuristic approach to borderscapes as assemblages, and conceptually argues that the strategic reconfiguration of emergency care provision through cross-border cooperation is not adequately captured by a narrative of dissolving topographically bordered sovereignty (i.e. the commonplace notion of overcoming national boundaries). Based on a qualitative analysis of motives, procedures and hurdles, the author concludes that the attempt to cope with demography and distance in rural northern health care formats a socio-spatial arrangement in its own right, a case-specific geography of emergency care that is characterized by a complex interplay between different sites and their multiple bordering trajectories.  相似文献   

将新疆维吾尔自治区16037个地名作为研究对象,利用ArcGIS10.5核密度的空间平滑分析法和数理统计方法,以多语种地名的视角,分析新疆各语种地名空间分布特征及所蕴含的文化内涵。研究发现:汉族与维吾尔族为农耕民族,因生产方式对地形、坡度的挑剔和水源的依赖等特征,新疆汉语和维吾尔语地名多分布于山前冲积平原,以天山山脉为界,天山北麓汉语地名集中分布,南麓维吾尔语地名分布密集;蒙古族与哈萨克族为游牧民族,因其换季游牧需要广阔草场等特性,蒙古语地名多分布于天山北麓以西的缓坡、低山、高平原地区,总体呈现大分散、小集中的特点。哈萨克语地名集中分布于阿尔泰山、塔尔巴哈台山及伊犁河谷的中山区。总体上,新疆多民族多语种地名的分布特征与地形海拔、坡度等地理环境条件和以此为基础的生产方式关系密切。  相似文献   

Older people are typically characterized as recipients of care who make ever increasing demands on overstretched and underfunded social care services. This article is about older people as givers of care to nonhousehold members. It draws on an in-depth study of volunteering in an English community beset by concentrated poverty and worklessness. Older adults, especially women, make up a significant component of those who give time through volunteering for organizations that provide social welfare services for people in need in that community. Although older adults had diverse ways of thinking about volunteering, they often undertook the effort as an expression of care and support to others.  相似文献   

发达国家政策制定者和执行者正面临着一个重要问题,即如何照护身体衰弱的老年群体,以应对人均寿命延长给社会经济与福利带来的影响。当然寿命延长本身是人类取得的一个巨大成功。然而,预期寿命的增加也引发了老年人口尤其是高龄老人数量的增长,这些高龄老人面临疾病高发和工具性日常生活活动能力(Instrumental Activities of Daily Life, IADLs)下降的情况,而这种能力对保持他们晚年生活的独立和尊严非常重要。与此同时,政策和实践的重心已经从机构养老转为“就地养老”,即支持老年人尽可能长时间地住在自己家里。从概念上讲,这意味着之前由机构提供的服务和照护(care)将改为由家庭来提供,这样脆弱的老年人也可以得到来自家人、朋友和邻居的非正式照护。一方面,这意味着许多老年人能够享受到由家庭照护所带来的亲密感、安全感和情感支持;另一方面,家庭结构的变化,社区的衰落,以及经济紧缩时期保障和福利的大幅削减,造成越来越多的老年人要面对孤独、孤立及风险。于是,老年人的照护者、照护地点和照护方式,及老年人对这些因素的差异化体验,将成为对健康和老龄化研究感兴趣的地理学家越来越关心的问题。本文回顾了地理老年学对非正式照护和家庭研究的最新进展,指出该领域的工作对老年人口照护的多学科探讨具有重要贡献。  相似文献   

In this article, I contribute to our understanding of the plurality of approaches that construct the geographies of health care through an examination of the distribution of health care services for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) in Chiang Mai Province, Thailand. In particular, I focus on the development of a network of support groups for PLWHA in order to examine the differences in the sociospatial organization of these groups, the practices of social actors participating in the groups' activities, and how these activities are mediated through place‐based social relations. The first section of the article analyzes the spatial distribution of PLWHA support groups in relation to the distribution of AIDS cases over two time periods, 1994 and 1997. The second section goes below the surface of the spatial distribution, examining similarities and differences in PLWHA support groups through an analysis of survey data collected on thirty‐five groups in 1997. The final section deepens this examination through an analysis of ethnographic data collected on the outreach efforts of one nongovernmental organization (NGO) and one PLWHA support group with which it worked. Each section offers opportunities for the extension of our understanding of the development of PLWHA support groups, their distribution in relation to the spread of AIDS cases, and their place‐based meanings.  相似文献   

How do ideas of place support the development of racialized identities in times of terror violence? We situate this paper in the “deep” south via the shooting of 9 black churchgoers by a white supremacist. We explore how the community mobilized after the massacre, and in what ways it relied on ideas of place. While many claimed that the community exemplified resilience, we demonstrate a process of re-racialization. We analyzed local media to document place framing. This frame was recirculated in reporting of residents’ expressions about the tragedy. We conducted interviews with community leaders to deepen our understanding. We find that while place played a powerful role in the resilience narrative, the resilience was ultimately one of a city of whiteness. We advance several points: (1) whiteness adapts in times of terror; (2) place is important in the security studies; and (3) place also plays a role in attenuating fear.  相似文献   

张骁鸣  翁佳茗 《地理研究》2019,38(7):1581-1593
从基于现象学路径的地方感研究引入,批判性地借鉴地方芭蕾概念,按照人地之间实际相处的亲疏程度不同,将广州天河体育中心公共休闲空间中的人地关系区分为三类:日常式相处、周期式相处、背景式相处。其中背景式相处的人地关系已经超越了地方芭蕾概念的解释边界,由此引发出如下两个值得进一步探讨的理论命题:第一,“人地整体”或“人地相处”或可取代人文主义地理学研究中用以刻画人地关系本质的“地方整体”概念;第二,目前主流的地方感研究实质上是一种基于心理学的局部的地方感研究,在它之外还应有一种围绕着人地相处的各种实际可能性来展开的整体的地方感研究,以及一种接近于哲学层次的人地关系基础研究。  相似文献   

This paper takes a new approach to investigating people who age in place. It provides an explanation for why people age in a place that can be useful in government and corporate planning. Our research investigates the principal factors that drive the decision of a rising number of older Australians to age in place. Many older people wish to age in place rather than move in with their children or be institutionalised. They wish to continue to be active in their local communities and maintain their existing social ties. The concept of ageing in place covers two distinct groups: those who are able to stay in their current dwellings and age in home and those who move house but remain in their local community and age in neighbourhood. Age-friendly home modification is a response to ageing in home, whereas the provision of institutional healthcare and the provision of age-suitable housing to facilitate downsizing are associated with ageing in neighbourhood. Using Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) survey data, this research examines the mobility decisions of older Australians and identifies the major determinants of a decision to age in place. This research argues for a better understanding of ageing in place, differentiating between those ageing in home and those ageing in neighbourhood.  相似文献   

This article recounts how a group of Muslim internally displaced persons from the Northern Province of Sri Lanka arrived and settled in the North-Western Province of the island. The account is placed in the context of local integration, as one of the so-called durable solutions for refugees and displaced people. It is argued that it is useful to study integration and segregation as related processes. The main focus of the article concerns the development of resettlement villages for displaced people and how this has made it necessary for local people to reconstruct and redefine their places. One particular confrontation that took place between local Sinhalese people and displaced Muslims is discussed, to show how the negotiation of place may become violent. The article concludes by arguing that, in order for the process of local integration to succeed, active participation by all groups involved in the local integration process is a prerequisite.  相似文献   

The Australian Census of Population and Housing is a census of people not places. However, where people live and work can be of major relevance in our search for explaining and understanding their behaviour. This paper argues that the place dimension in the Australian census has not been exploited very effectively in this respect. Three dimensions of the issue are addressed. Firstly, the spatial units commonly used for analysis of census data often are not appropriate to the problem being investigated. The spatial units in the Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC) used for census data rarely represent meaningful social, economic and environmental regions. Secondly, the use of a simple urban/rural dichotomy is criticised as being a very blunt instrument to differentiate settlement types. Thirdly, the relationship between people and place in the census is discussed. While for the most part the census relates people to a single location—their place of usual residence—this is only one of the places with which people regularly interact. It is suggested that there is a need to adopt practices in the census which allow a range of population geographies to be defined. In conclusion it is argued that innovation in the Australian census, especially with the introduction of meshblocks and contemporary methodology and technology in Geographical Information Systems, makes it possible to analyse spatially referenced data in ways that can address these three issues.  相似文献   

蔡晓梅  朱竑 《地理研究》2019,38(7):1557-1565
随着西方学界“日常生活”的兴起与转向,“回归生活世界”与生活本体论成为人文地理学研究的新视角。新时代背景下,中国社会主要矛盾的转化催生地理学人地关系的转变,由静止的、同质的人地关系转变为动态的、异质的人地互动关系,“人”与“地”被赋予日常生活的内涵与外延,“闲暇处才是生活”。在追求美好生活的新时代,地理学需要回答日常生活地理以及休闲具有哪些地理特征,不同主体如何通过日常生活及休闲展演人与地、人与人、人与自我的动态关系,从而建构不同空间尺度的生活实践与地方意义等问题。本专栏主要探讨日常生活及休闲中所展演的主体能动性、空间异质性以及人地互动的复杂性,涉及城市居民的生活休闲与主观幸福感、城市公共空间活力评价以及休闲方式、日常生活中的地方情感与定居意愿等内容,以期尝试用中国本土的实证来回应西方日常生活地理学的研究。期待未来的相关研究能够更加关注边缘群体的日常生活及其休闲,能够弥补城乡休闲中“乡”尺度的不足,能够全面系统地阐述日常生活与休闲在时间演变过程中的变化规律及其机制。专栏旨在推动中国情境的日常生活地理学的理论建构,在实践上以期为新时代美好生活的具体践行贡献地理智慧。  相似文献   

孙九霞  周一 《地理研究》2015,34(12):2381-2394
文化地理学者对“地方”这一理论视角主观性意义的强调,使得“地方认同”等呈现人与地方情感联系的概念被重新审视。在当今中国申遗热的背景下,当地人的地方认同在各方力量对遗产归属与表述的争夺中重塑,如果将这种重塑放在多尺度的分析框架下,就可以发现地方认同不仅仅局限于某一特定封闭的地点,在本土、全国以及跨国空间中呈现不同的表述。开平碉楼与村落作为广东首个世界文化遗产,并且是中国唯一以华侨文化为主题的世界文化遗产,是研究遗产生产对地方认同变迁影响的典型案例。结合文献分析、观察法与访谈法等,阐述遗产旅游发展背景下当地居民的地方认同变迁,分析开平作为“碉乡”的具体内涵。研究发现:遗产申报和维护使碉楼被硬性确立为地方的象征,具有高度符号化的特点;“碉乡”形象在居民地方认同中的展开并不完整;“碉乡”在历史延续中存在着多重割裂;“碉乡”的空间边界既明确又封闭。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(4):376-394
As scholarship in a variety of disciplines acknowledges the power of symbolic systems to shape human conception, geographical research has increasingly scrutinized popular culture texts as repositories of spatial understanding. The newspaper particularly repays such study because it is tied functionally and symbolically to conceptions of place and describes characteristic inflections of the narrative of city life. Strategies in news narrative typically mediate between the newspaper's economic self-interest in regional development and the journalistic ideal of public service. A rhetorical analysis of stories announcing a redevelopment project demonstrates how conventions of journalistic representation can work subtly to present, yet subordinate, critical views of urban redevelopment.  相似文献   

杜芳娟  陈晓亮  朱竑 《地理科学》2011,31(12):1512-1517
在文化转向思潮的引领下,新文化地理学从注重结果向注重过程转移,更强调地理事象所发生的空间过程及其内化在特殊地域系统中的社会关系。在这一过程中,景观的符号象征意义和表征作用得到重新解读。以民族文化为旅游吸引物的发展背景下,通过对贵州世居民族仡佬族官方祭祖活动的参与式观察和相关群体的深度访谈,发现民族精英为将务川树立为仡佬族族群的中心,重构了"九天天主"及其祭祖仪式和场所,地方意义由此发生了改变‘,小塘石笋’由自然景观变为仡佬族族群的文化中心景观。"仡佬之源"的地方中心性空间策略虽扩大了仡佬族的知名度,提升了地方影响力,但祭祀活动却呈现出精英的"台上"认同与民众"台下"认同的对立。这一分歧的根本原因是当地仡佬族模糊的身份记忆以及仡佬族作为散居族群的文化多元性所致。在仡佬族祭祖的文化实践中,精英通过各种社会关系和权力影响和重构了地方身份认同,而地方的民族身份认同又影响地方意义的重构。文章指出,没有民众的"自下而上"支持,悬置于族群之上的官方主导的文化重构实践具有很大的脆弱性。研究对完善地方感研究中主体性缺失及地方与认同研究中身份认同研究不足具有重要的理论意义。  相似文献   

This paper examines a particular type of imperial literature, the writing of the plantation in mid-nineteenth century Ceylon. These writings, by and for the male planting community, were written to recruit, instruct and entertain, and drew upon discourses of tropicality and moral masculinity. But discourses are constrained by the material conditions under which they are put into practice. Consequently, writings about a place such as highland Ceylon recognised the divergence of this place from the archetypal tropics. Accounts, nevertheless, remained within the conceptual grid that Livingstone (1991) has termed the "morality of climate." These texts were also pervaded by the discourse of moral masculinity. More particularly, the narrative structure of these writings was inflected by the masculinist adventure novel, which was cross-cut by concerns of race, class, religion and nationality. The tropical highlands were represented as an adversary that presented a moral test of the planters' manhood, race and class.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(2):208-227
Theories of place have yet to be developed to explore societal responses to terrorism in the post-9/11 city. Urban geographers have shown the relevance of place for understanding the way people live in cities, including conceptualizations of the way people perceive those places. Geographers working on environmental risk have also conceptualized perception, but only in regard to hazard perception. They have not focused on the city itself as a hazard site, nor have they studied how the contours of place affect hazard perception. Joining urban geography and risk-hazards scholarship, this study argues for a terrorism-place nexus that links terrorism hazard perception to urban place. Using survey and interview data collected from 79 financial service executives in New York City, it will be shown that terrorism has created a place-based ontological dissonance among financial executives, and we speculate about the implications for the city should these workers restore ontological order by moving away their establishments.  相似文献   

In the last several decades, garbage strikes have taken place around the world. In this article, I examine the case of garbage strikes in Oaxaca, Mexico, a rapidly growing city. Here, garbage, which is normally considered a hazard, is revealed also to be an effective political tool for people demanding “rights to the city.” Processes of modernization that have produced an expectation of cleanliness in modern cities have, at the same time, relied on production and consumption patterns that create more and more garbage. It is this inherent contradiction that provides a space for marginalized people to use garbage as a political tool.  相似文献   

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