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青藏高原壳幔形变数值模拟研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨立强  邓军  陈赟 《地学前缘》2006,13(5):360-373
现有数值模拟研究已在很大程度上较合理地给出青藏高原演化运动学和动力学过程的图像。利用连续介质快速拉格朗日分析方法,笔者进行了青藏高原壳幔形变数值模拟研究。据此得到的青藏高原三维壳幔形变特征反映纬向上主碰撞带远、近程效应的差异和经向上地壳物质“逃逸”的存在,印证了青藏高原形成过程中南北双向挤压、而且南部作用大于北部作用的可能应力场特征。青藏高原壳幔形变不仅强烈依赖于随深度变化的岩石力学性质及其距离挤压作用前锋带的远近,而且存在强烈的横向不均一性。同时,强应变(剪切)带的存在对高原岩石圈形变具有重要影响,高原形变过程中地壳尺度的耦合流及壳-幔解耦共存。但是,常规数值模拟研究尚存在很大局限性:(1)物理-力学模型单一;(2)几何模型简单;(3)边界形态与条件理想化;(4)模型内部块体划分粗糙;(5)不连续体介质处理困难。借助具有可处理大形变能力的4-D数值模拟方法,将观测资料与数值模拟相互补充是深入研究青藏高原壳幔形变的关键。  相似文献   

常规频散曲线反演过程中需要不停地改变分层数、层厚度和层速度等参数,实现过程相对繁琐,而采用细化分层法对反演参数进行简化则避免了上述缺点。具体思路为:根据目的层探测深度(如20m)将地下介质分为若干个(20个)厚度为1m的薄层和1个均匀半空间层(共21层),这样在反演中分层数和层厚度均为已知参量,反演过程只需修改速度参数即可,避免了改变分层数和层厚度等参数,显著简化了反演计算过程。正演计算和反演结果均表明:细化分层与实际分层计算出的频散曲线是等效的,细化分层反演结果的总体效果与真实模型非常接近,这说明细化分层方法用于频散曲线反演是切实可行且有效的;将地下介质划分为1m厚的薄层,反演后每层均可得到1个横波速度,能满足反演分辨率的要求;由于实际地下介质的速度是随深度渐变的,细化分层后比按频散曲线拐点分层(每分层的厚度可能是几米或几十米,同一分层内介质的横波速度相等)更接近实际情况。  相似文献   

青藏高原东北缘是青藏高原隆升的前缘地带,其构造变形特征一直是研究的热点。前人在该区域进行过面波成像研究,但不同结果存在较明显的差异,可能与不同成像方法的分辨率有关,此次研究分别使用基于射线的方法和基于程函方程的方法进行了瑞利波相速度成像。笔者对比了20 s、30 s和60 s的成像结果,两种方法的结果表现出相似的速度特征。总体的速度特征与研究区域的主要构造单元分布相吻合,青藏高原东北缘表现出低速异常,鄂尔多斯块体表现出高速异常。在银川河套地堑,基于程函方程的成像在20 s和30 s得到更明显的低速异常,低速异常体的分布与地堑的轮廓吻合更好,说明基于程函方程的方法对数据利用更充分。  相似文献   

<正>The Nadingcuo high-K calc-alkaline rocks mainly composed of trachyte and trachyandesite are the largest outcrop area of volcanic rocks in southern Qiangtang terrane in the Tibetan plateau. However,their exact source and peterogenesis are still debated.~(40)Ar-~(39)Ar and LAM-ICPMS zircon U-Pb isotopic dating confirm that these rocks erupted in Eocene.In addition,the Nadingcuo volcanic rocks are characterized by high Sr/Y content ratios,similar with the adakite derived from partial melting of oceanic crust.They can be further classified as high Mg~#(Mg~#=48-57) and low Mg~# (Mg~#=33-42) subtypes.The Nadingcuo adakitic rocks have relatively low(~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr)_i and highε_(Nd)(t), showing a trend of similarity to the Dongcuo ophiolite present in the Bangong-Nujiang oceanic crust. Simple modeling indicates that the Nadingcuo adakitic rocks are a mix resulting from the basalt of Bangong-Nujiang Ocean with 10%-20%crustal material of Lhasa terrane.On these bases we suggest that the low Mg~# Nadingcuo adakitic rocks are the product of partial melting of remnant oceanic crust with small sediment,and the high Mg~# rocks are the result of reaction between rising melt of remnant oceanic crust with subducted sediment and mantle wedge.Therefore,the origin of Nadingcuo adakitic rocks may be related to intracontinental subduction triggered by collision of India-Asia during Cenozoic.  相似文献   

福建地区地壳上地幔S波速度结构与泊松比   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
        利用在福建地区布置的 12 个宽频带数字地震流动台站和 8 个固定台站记录的远震 P 波波形数据进行接收函数计算, 运用H-k 搜索叠加方法得到了研究区的平均地壳厚度H 与波速比k(=VP/VS),并运用接收函数反演方法得到了 0~80 km 范 围内的地壳和上地幔 S 波速度结构。H-k 叠加结果表明,福建地区地壳厚度在 28.4~32.8 km 范围内,从内陆到沿海变薄, 从南到北变厚;沿着 NW-SE 方向,泊松比分布有分带特征,沿海地区泊松比高于内陆地区;同时表明,该地区地壳可分 为上、中、下地壳,地壳结构横向差异较明显,多个台站下方可发现壳内低速层,沿海地区上地幔顶部平均速度相对低, 可能暗示了深部存在热异常区域。  相似文献   

准确预测储层的等效孔隙纵横比对页岩储层岩石物理建模及横波速度预测具有重要意义。为分析页岩储层孔隙纵横比及预测横波速度,提出了基于岩石物理模型的页岩孔隙纵横比反演及横波速度预测方法。本文首先通过岩石物理模型建立岩石的纵、横波速度与孔隙纵横比、孔隙度和矿物组分等参数之间的定量关系,寻找最佳孔隙纵横比;然后通过使理论预测与实际测量的纵波速度之间误差达到最小的方式反演孔隙纵横比,并以此为约束预测横波速度。实际测井数据反演结果表明,龙马溪组页岩地层的孔隙纵横比稳定,而围岩的孔隙纵横比变化范围较大;说明与围岩相比,页岩的孔隙结构更为稳定。同时,预测得到的页岩横波速度与实测横波速度的误差较小,另外对于缺少矿物组分资料的页岩层段,用平均矿物组分预测得到的横波速度误差仍较小;说明与矿物组分相比,龙马溪组页岩的纵、横波速度对孔隙纵横比参数更敏感。综上所述,利用该方法可预测到较为准确的等效孔隙纵横比和横波速度。  相似文献   

基于WRF驱动的CLM模型对青藏高原地区陆面过程模拟研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
NCAR-CLM是目前国际上发展较为完善的陆面过程模型.鉴于大多数研究利用气象站点的数据驱动CLM模型, 尝试将WRF气候模型的模拟结果作为驱动CLM的面上强迫场数据来对青藏高原陆面能量特征进行模拟研究.对WRF气候模型模拟的输出结果与青藏高原气象站观测数据进行比较分析表明, WRF模拟输出的气温和向下短波辐射数值与观测值的相关系数大于0.92(p >0.05), 气压和比湿的R2在0.80以上(p >0.05), 降雨和风速的模拟性能不稳定, 但WRF模拟输出的强迫场也可以作为CLM模型的驱动数据. CLM模拟的地表温度、 感热和潜热通量与青藏高原气象站观测的地表温度以及涡度通量数据验证分析表明, 虽然CLM对地表温度的模拟在合理范围内, 但模拟与观测值还是有较大偏差, 潜热和感热之间的相关系数分别为0.87和0.68(p >0.05), 表明CLM的模拟结果在单点上是可靠的.据此, 在此模拟结果基础上分析了青藏高原地区的陆面能量时空分布特征.  相似文献   

The special seismic tectonic environment and frequent seismicity in the southeastern margin of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau show that this area is an ideal location to study the present tectonic movement and background of strong earthquakes in mainland China and to predict future strong earthquake risk zones. Studies of the structural environment and physical characteristics of the deep structure in this area are helpful to explore deep dynamic effects and deformation field characteristics, to strengthen our understanding of the roles of anisotropy and tectonic deformation and to study the deep tectonic background of the seismic origin of the block's interior. In this paper, the three-dimensional(3D) P-wave velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle under the southeastern margin of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau is obtained via observational data from 224 permanent seismic stations in the regional digital seismic network of Yunnan and Sichuan Provinces and from 356 mobile China seismic arrays in the southern section of the north–south seismic belt using a joint inversion method of the regional earthquake and teleseismic data. The results indicate that the spatial distribution of the P-wave velocity anomalies in the shallow upper crust is closely related to the surface geological structure, terrain and lithology. Baoxing and Kangding, with their basic volcanic rocks and volcanic clastic rocks, present obvious high-velocity anomalies. The Chengdu Basin shows low-velocity anomalies associated with the Quaternary sediments. The Xichang Mesozoic Basin and the Butuo Basin are characterised by lowvelocity anomalies related to very thick sedimentary layers. The upper and middle crust beneath the Chuan–Dian and Songpan–Ganzi Blocks has apparent lateral heterogeneities, including low-velocity zones of different sizes. There is a large range of low-velocity layers in the Songpan–Ganzi Block and the sub–block northwest of Sichuan Province, showing that the middle and lower crust is relatively weak. The Sichuan Basin, which is located in the western margin of the Yangtze platform, shows high-velocity characteristics. The results also reveal that there are continuous low-velocity layer distributions in the middle and lower crust of the Daliangshan Block and that the distribution direction of the low-velocity anomaly is nearly SN, which is consistent with the trend of the Daliangshan fault. The existence of the low-velocity layer in the crust also provides a deep source for the deep dynamic deformation and seismic activity of the Daliangshan Block and its boundary faults. The results of the 3D P-wave velocity structure show that an anomalous distribution of high-density, strong-magnetic and high-wave velocity exists inside the crust in the Panxi region. This is likely related to late Paleozoic mantle plume activity that led to a large number of mafic and ultra-mafic intrusions into the crust. In the crustal doming process, the massive intrusion of mantle-derived material enhanced the mechanical strength of the crustal medium. The P-wave velocity structure also revealed that the upper mantle contains a low-velocity layer at a depth of 80–120 km in the Panxi region. The existence of deep faults in the Panxi region, which provide conditions for transporting mantle thermal material into the crust, is the deep tectonic background forthe area's strong earthquake activity.  相似文献   

青藏高原积雪深度和雪水当量的被动微波遥感反演   总被引:30,自引:13,他引:30  
车涛  李新  高峰 《冰川冻土》2004,26(3):363-368
利用1993年1月份的SSM/I亮度温度数据反演了青藏高原的雪水当量,首先使用被动微波SSM/I数据19和37GHz的水平极化数据来反演雪深,根据积雪时间的函数来计算实时的雪密度,由雪的深度和密度计算出雪水当量.最后,利用SSM/I数据的19和37GHz的垂直极化亮度温度梯度对计算出的雪水当量进行回归分析,得到了利用SSM/I数据直接反演雪水当量的算法.  相似文献   

吉林省西部地表蒸散与土地利用/覆盖变化关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地表蒸散作为地表水分平衡和能量平衡的重要组成部分,是土地利用/覆盖变化的一个关键驱动因素。地表蒸散量的大小影响土地利用变化过程;反过来,土地覆盖类型又控制地表蒸散量的大小。为了弄清它们之间的相互作用关系,揭示地表蒸散在生态环境变迁中的作用,基于地表能量平衡理论,计算了研究区1986、1996和2000年的蒸散量,并与对应年份的不同土地类型数据进行了叠加分析。结果表明,从1986年到2000年,研究区草地、沙地和盐碱地的蒸散量都在变大,其中以沙地蒸散量增长最快,草地次之,盐碱地增长最小,为土地类型向盐碱地和沙地转化提供了有利条件,在一定程度上说明了地表蒸散加剧了研究区生态环境恶化。  相似文献   

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